e ****,**#» ¥ L O C A L * J. E. Wtiliama. cashier of tb« An* pier Bunk A Tryat Co , was here thi» morning on busin#**. A few of the Dana neoyl, are at tending the big circus fn Fayetteville today. There will be a meei.ng of the Wo man’* Club next Friday afternoon, in the Chamber of Commerce room*, at 3 Jil o'clock. A full attendance b urg ed Ernest Fettiway of Kduccombe county, after ipendtng several day' ’ here with hie uncle, B. S. Shaw, re turned home Saturday. ‘‘Mull and Jelf »k the Races'' will be the attraction at tht Opera House in Itunn tonight. The advance sjsle of teal* i9 eneooragmu and a capa city house is expected to Kln;l ^e chaiaeterx made famous by Bud Full er. 8heriff Turlington will be in Dunn Saturday, October *3, for the pui' pone of collecting your 1920 $t»U and county taxes- Hw liuadquurtei j will be at The Commcrieal H,nlvi from 9 to 5 o’clock. afternoon from Greenville, S. c„ where he attended « ousin**, mg of the International Typographi es! Union. He went as delegate from thv Rocky Mount local. I. T U., 0f which he i» a member. F. Skhan of Fayottcville hat moved to Dunn and catahUsbcd a frutt *nd «andy store in the building on Rai(. read avenue, recently vacated by the Craig Bokr-iy. The big State Fair opens in Raleigh today. Many people from Puna and Harnett county will attend, but it |( hardly probable that they will belter exhibits or better races than were seen at the Harnett County Fair here la«t week. The ciowd may be larger, bat the Fair arill not be better. Walter & Gurley Auction Co., will offer for sale at auction tomorrow. October VO, a lot of Dunn property. Money may be a little rfirce at thii lime, but thoae who want to make a t»fo Investment in real ertate in the be«t town In North Carolina should rot let this op|ionun>iy pas unnoticed. The rale of the Buck £mith farm near Puke, which was sold at auction .Monday by the Atlantic Coast Realty Company, was not confirmed. The farm waa bid off at about |37,I)0<J, but thu price wax not tjuite what the owner thought it ought to be TTiere were ti number of Didders for the property. The funeral aeiviccs over the re mains of MDa Pauline Blaylock, who died Monday p. m., at lb” home of [her parent* ^ust north of Dunn, af ter n lingering illneia, will be con 'tu.-twl t.imoi.ow (Wednesday) af ts moot: at the rrcc Will Baptist church, by Rev. J. L. Davis, pastor of ‘br, des’caaed. The service will be at 3 o clock. Mr*. P. T. Maascngiil has been ill for several day* at her home on South Wilson Avenue. MU* Jessie Holliday of Pcact In ,'.«itutr. Raleigh, is spending several day* h--/v with her parents, Mr. and Mis. McD. Holliday. The new town pump, which ha* been under construction for th* pant several month*. !a about completed and "dl soon be turned over l*> the authorities. The flow of water was struct 44i feel deep, after drilling Ihiough wveral feet of rock. A twen ty-four hour ten showed there was plenty of water to be had ut this depth and it is hardly urobablc the excavation will be farced any deeper. Senator |,ee R. Overman and Mra. |Maithull Williams will eddrea* the | cetera of Murnett county in the audl ■_miutsi in Duke, Friday night, Oclo b." 22, at 7:30 o’clock. They will dwcu.s the political iaauee that arc confront'tig the voters of thu county todav. Both are able and brilliant speaker* and the public shuuld hear them, whether you agree with their political view* or noL -i num 'rr oi gmncr* in uunn ana vicinity have received IrltnrK this Vink from some anonymous person stating that if they did not clow their gins they would bo subjected to much damage and grout lots. So far at The Dispatch has been Informed but little mention Is being paid to the threat by the gimtnrs. Guards have been placed at some of the gins during the nVglit. but no trouble is anticipated, it it hardly probable that an organi caller, nf nny proportion* could be formed in this vicinity and the an onymous letters arc' evidently the •ork nf en individual or a very small P*’ty of men. F urther notices are not •xpacU-d. . There are only four more day* be •t”B the time for regiatering will sa P''«. The books positively, clow neat Saturday and if your name is not on •he books iiitlng will be out nf the T-iestion so far at you are concerned, '•o to your torktrar this week and ss 'uro yrearsall' that your name ie prop rr'r registered. A number of women have already registered and Iheir names are being placed on the books steadily. Aa tbsre nT9 only four naoi* days lo do this tnooc who hav«- m t*-d ahould *do ao w.thoul further delay. All ahould re CtaUT «r.*i then they will Have plenty or turn- to deride whether they want to vote and who they want to vote for. Il.iv.nir your name placed on the icjritti»tiun Kook doca not obligate vou in any way to vote on rloction ,***■_ L Geo h. Cannady returned Monday night from a business trip to Oxford. Bom: To Mr. and Mr*. Harper Hol liday, thia morning, twin girla. Born: To Mr. and Mm. Jeaae Wil ton, Monday night October 18th a boy. K. E. Godwin of Raleigh, U her* this week visiting friend*. There wae a decided tendency op ward in the cotton market today. The price closed eeveral point* higher and many are yf the opinion that tfco bot tom hog bean rear bud. An advance of ’ . Iv pcr b*I* in cotton would put a dirfeicnt phase on the business life of the community. A leport ha* reached Dunn that v? regda'car In Johnsonviltc town »bip, in the western part of the coun ty, wai threatened by n bunch of ne rioca last Smu.day when h« refused '.o allow them to have their namel placed on the registration books. The Sheriff was notified immediately and in a short tlmo eeveral deputies were on the spot to furnish protection in ■:ae« of an uptiaing. Several negroes wore in the party and for a while it <cctncd thnt something serious might happen. No further trouble has boon reported thi* week. ■Jrinigons uirajfr ana a«mc« Station hu opened for busiatu iis die new gnroire building recently er ected on Float Broad street. Mr. 1). H. teinigan. the proprietor, la getting together an export corps of race hen ex and is preparing to give hi* cus tomer* the best of re-vice. He will carry a line of automobile accessor ies. and will do battery and general epalr work. He box the agency for thr Jordon eat and will maintain a xeivlcc station for the purchoaer.. According to Prof. J. t. Dosed, au lici intendent of Shady Grove High school, the Sampson county school la making wonderful progress. A large lumber of student, are present, but the new dormitory recently complet ed furnlsho* ample apace to Inko core of oil who core to attend "All pupils pniwed for high school work can at tend thl* school fire." lays Prof. Dowd, "and being an accredited chool can outer any of tho Stale col leges without examination upon com plctiau of the work here." Shady Grove is cosily one of thr beat county school* in Sampson, and continuer to mprnve and grow. ******* V * BUSINESS LOCAL * ******* » LOST—A LIGHT GREEN COAT with dark atripe, with belt and b'ack buckle on it Loci on public road between Dunn and Willie Dixon'* home on laat Monday. Kin der re turn to M. L. Wood, at Duke baiber ahon, or to thi* office and receive $2.S0 *o!d piece a* reward. 19 2t pd. THE BIGGEST. STRONCEST LINE of ahoc* In Harnett County, llaa -wll, Jobnaon Co., Duka, N. C. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER and «taoo«rophcr dealrea poaitlon in Dunn January 1st Addreac Dis patch, Dunn. N. C. for futther in formation. 19 4t pd. STOCK FOR SALE.—OUR OCTO fcer ^recirtered hampahirce year old sow*, cholera fnimuna. with pediarue. IS5.00 Wakaflald cahbaae plant*, raady to rhip Nov ember let Wiat'i Hampahire and Farm and Plant Co., Route 8, Uox 98, Dunn. N. C. in 2t pd | EVER BILIOUS? jj Charleston, Miss.—Mrs. R. V. Heins, o( this place, II II) says: “I have never had to use very much medicine, (I ■ because If I telt headache, dizziness, or colds, bad taste ■ BJ in the mouth, which comes from torpid liver, I would 71 H take a dose or more of Black-Draught, and it would if H straighten me out and makmme feel as good as nswar* •- IL Ui We nave used In ouf family far yean , . u " THKDFORD’S " black-draught I and M certainly Is the best liver medicine I ever saw. ■ It has not only saved me money, it hu helped keep my 71 system tn shape, »nd has never weakened me as so If many physics do. I recommend U to my friends and am glad to do ao£ Btocfc-Draugbt Is the old, reliable liver (j| medicine which you have doubtless heard 'touch about H When you *1.1 over, stomach not right, bad (| £?«*■ •» I Always Insist on the Genuine! jj * * r v. - —A-«o period we are gtvtnffKW «na customer*, with each1Vacuum Cup Tire bought at our store, one “Ton Tested” Tube cf corresponding she. Buy NOWI gave money by antidpeting your Spring and ' *unn‘*r tire «id tube need*. . X*""***c«sT«M* Tim ... MeeMta. ^ . MWIMa l Cj(4t (BudyttOXoM, helps you get your New Kdisoo. Stop In and tell us the puticului of your ' ■ case. It bnngj • for immediate en- 4 joyment. But it i doesn’t require im roediate^paymem. Out (Budget Ota* capitalizes thrift and ayatematic expendi ture. Let us .bow bow it stretches your income to cover 7Uur Editors We can prove to you that it’s better buai TMR BARNES I AND ' HOLLIDAY COMPANY (g,°~’ N C f i • • ■ v 20 PERCENT DISCOUNT ON ALL PRICES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, LADIES’ COATS, DRESSES, COAT SUITS, SWEATERS AND ALL WOOLENS. PERCALES, GINGHAMS AND DOMESTIC COTTONS. MEN’S CLOTHING AND PANTS. ALL SILK HOSERY. 15 PER CENT REDUCTION ON ALL SHOES, MEN’S V/OMEN’SAND CHILDRENS. « . \ 4 ** - ' YT,fl The above named items include everything, nothing excluded. These prices apply to merchandise in stock. New goods coming in at low prces will not bear these discounts. This is celan stock, absolutely without strings. It is simply our desire to meet the discount in prices that * sweeping the country. We will continue to do so. and if necessary mark down 50 per cent. 75 per cent or further. WE HAVE IN THE HOUSE A BETTER LINE OF LADiES' DRESSES AND SUITS | THAN YOU WILL FIND. AT LOWER PRICES. WE AISO HAVE FUR COATS UP I TO $250.00. ALL OF THESE BEAR THE 20 PER CLi\ t REDUCTION. [ Hassell-Johnson I_'_Duke, N. C. I MULE FOUND—a'd^^^ORSE male with whit* now, p— taken up ■t my home in Dunn! Owner cell LOST—ONE WHITE MALE COU lie about 8 month* old. bsvfi mim ing since last Ss today Ha ia per fectly white all over except few email vellow spots on wu 810.00 reward will be paid to person re luming h:m to me- R- L. Godwin, Dunn. N. C. IL FOE SALE — HOME COMFORT rar.ge. B.»n used only g months and p:actical1y good aa new. If interested see or write to me. A T. Dixon, Dunn, Ne. I- It 4t pd. | ——--»-~~ - NOTICE — PEOPLE DESIRING boweas should let their wanta be to tha man who eon bay a moI bargain for yo*. Eoo Goo. L. Cannody, the tool "tote mao. Dun. N. C. NOTICE TO PROP EE fT OWNERS s-ll you have property |o eeil, why not M the high dollar mol ortaU man. Gay. L- Caaaady. FOR SALE.—TWO NEW FORD SE dnno for tale. Can be so«n at my garage- Immediate delivery. J. W. Thornton. IT if. FOR SALE.—ONE RUILDtNG LOT, 140 a 180 foot, wall located hi *o •identia! part of town- Two block* from graded school W. Apply at The Dispatch oMco. 10-tf. LOST—SMALL SILVER MESH bag. containing two 00* dollar bills and several pieces of »Uvor money, at Pair Grounds Tbcnday night. Will give liberal reward tor Ra re turn to LH(patch Ofleh, Duo, N. C. 15 St pd. IOOO FARM FOR SALE—LOCA tad three-quarters iafl» of Bate’* Creek, coatainlng 2*-»crs» and 4 room dwelling end Outbuildings For price see er write to A. D. Stewart, LiUlngton, B- 1, Box 7S. S 2t pd. ■ARM AND TIMBER LAND FOE sale—( offer fer sale an easy terns several farms located Dear Dunn, Angier, Foquay Springs Holly Sp.iuft*, ApvX, Fayetteville end ftmithltsld. These fsrma range in sin from 6* to POO Setae. Prices from $80 to $250 par acre. AH this property la well located, most of It being on highways. Good buildings oa it For further Infor mation see er write to WllHa Fops, p»»". w. c._ $V5: 4ARNETT COUNTY CROWN AB russl Eye. Hseech. Johnson Co. Duke. N. C. tUTO MOBILE! — J RAVE THE agency fer the Ornnt 0, nutomebUe and can make Immediate delivery of any modal. Can ha seen and de monstrated eg any Usee. Fries »M»» Will sell for rash er trade for real estate See R0Jf Interest ed. Willie Pope, Dsns, N. C. 24 if. - ", s IS PEE CENT REDUCTION ON 1 ■adits’ Fine Shoes, m*aaa remark able Bargains. Hamell, lehneen Ce., Dake, N. a DRESS CINCH AMS SS« K| YARD. H—U, Job— Co, Duke, W. C. bssls, 1 nrTer’Hr^ftnFsbTe^Ybs* lately guaranteed. Ha—U. John son Co:, Doka, N. C. HAWLEY A CRAVEN, COATRAC ton of wood, brick, content work, plastering end painting, will do your work prompt and satisfactory. Write or sea, W. R. Hswioy, Ysl eon, N. C. 3L KOR SALE.—MILCH OOW GIVING 3 trslions of milk per day. Calf two month,. old. Can be seen at ay home. See me if Interested. Willie Pope. Dunn, N. C. 6 *t FOR SALE—PINE FARM LOCAT »d on highway between Coats aad Denson, containing 1SS acres, M acres cleared aad In goad state of cultivation. Two good teaaat houses, and out buildings. Pine or chard aad timber. Price for quick sale lioo par acre, 1-4 cash, bal ance la t. 2 and 3 years. See WU _>*• Pope, Dunn, N. C. 34 tf. JOOO FARM FOR SALE.—CON tains 33-ncres, 6-room dwelling aad oatbuilding*. One-half mile ef Buie’s Creek. For uric** eddrem bo* No. 4, Buie'* Creek, N. C. ^2^ pd. fAAfMMWMMMMMlAAM ft —TAXES!"’ Your State and County are now due and the books are in my hands for collection. For the convenience of the public I will be in Dunn, at the Commercial Bank, from 9 to 5 o’clock, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23rd. Please call at the bank during these hours and settle. The Best Time To Pay Is Now !! W. H. TURLINGTON SHERIFF OF HARNETT COUNTY GIN YOUR COTTON AT The big gin in Dunn Jr • | Good work and quick aervicc always mean money saved. Only the properly equipped plant, operated with experienced labor, can do it. Farmers, you have seen the market decline one-half cent and more while you welted for your turn at the gin. You have sold cotton for 5 cants below market price because of poor ginning. Our gin, the most modernly equipped plant in existence, la run by ■killed operators and no customer of our worries about his goods or his time. We do the best and the quickest ginning it Is possible to bo bed. We want to gin your ootton sad we guarantee our service to you. We are always at the top In seed prices and exchanging 7 per cent bright cotton seed meal. i : WE STORE BALED COTTON ! ' f ' 3 " ' General Utility Company j DUI4N, - - NORTH CAROLINA

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