TH i . Volume VII Dunn, A. R. C. ROLL CALL STARTS MONDAY Strwuwui Effort* Will B« M*d* To Idctmm Mem* burship SYSTEMATIC CANVASS OF CITY WILL BE MADE RmuIU of Roll Coll Campaign Will Bo U*od To Carry On Eltonir* Peace Tint# Pro* gram of Rod Croae; Jarri* Chapter Issue* Plea To All Cilia aa a. Tba Fourth Rad Croaa Roll Can Campaign will begin Monday morn ing, when active canvass far mem bership in city and county will start Th* campaign will be under th* di rect supervision ef Caspar C. War ren, who has been named as chair man by Gee. K. Grantham, chainssn of Jarvia Chapter. He will be assist ed by a number of th* best workers in the eity. a list of whom appears below. The results of th* Roll Call cam paign will b* usad to carry on the extensive peace-time program of the Red Croae, which includes service to the army, navy, public heuhh hos pitals. assisting disabled soldiers In gaining vocational education, and a continuance ef the affective Home Service Work. Recreational and Jo nior Red Cross activities are also be lot ftrtipcd. The Jarvis Chapter has Issued the following plea: "The Fourth Rull Call la upon us and the next week will show how much we feel th* need ef this uneel fuh organisation There has been and •till is room for criticism, hut to trv to picture this World War without the Red Cross end the mistakes seem pretty insignificant. You all respond ed with a will to the call of the Red Cross for service do ring the heat of battle and now that the same great organisation wishes to pss its knowl edge la the Add of prevention, and asks your help, are you intelligent enough os to its plans to decide what yon want to dof Take a little time to And out what the Red Crom is do ing end what It plans to do. Remcrn • her If every one decide* to withdrew bis rapport there will be no Amerl eon Red Cross, a condition not to be considered when you think what the lesUerehlp of the Rad Cress of this United mates meant to Europe and the world la the war jest past. latarnabonal eon distress In time of war and disaster, and reeking to prevent diaaster in timea of peace. Prevention is the groat woad now and we may use our Red Cross for this work if we will. “In all countries the Rad Croat dsals with tho mass af the people and so has every opportunity of touching the heart of tne people- Think what that may mean for a better appre ciation of the ways, customs and re ligions of tha different nations. We esn not hope to be of help without understanding. The World War was for tho pnroots of making us think Internationally, and If wo fall back late the old carelessness, an idea that ws can live In any nation today, with out ao doing tha sacrifices of the dead and tha suffering of the living will hove been in vain. “There are three things we ean do with our Rod Cross: we ean kill it we can support It in an half-hearted way. or we eon, by our loyal and un derstanding oa-operetion ‘ with those who are striving so hard to raalixc the vision ootaineo uirouics in# war, make It a force for mutual under standing, one nation with another, such as the world ha* never known We cannot have a Red Crura worth the name with only helf-heartod sap port. therefore make the Red Croaa years la deed and spirit, so that It may become e unifying power la this great land ef oure.'r Rail Call OMeare The roll Cell effleen are given be low: Chairman—Casper C- Warren. A sail taut Chairman—Mis* Gladys Warrea, of the graded school faculty. First Ward—Mn. E. M. Jeffrey*. * Captain. Mrs T. V. Smith, Mr*. Eocene Draper, Mr*. George T. Noel, Mrs. H. 8. Freeman, Mrs. Cha*. High emith. Second Ward—Mre. MeD. Holll <UlliSaTulwrt Taylor. Mr*. W. D. Holland, Mia. E. L Cook, Mr*. H. A. Parker, Clata Naylor. Third Ward—Mrs. Jams* Bast, C*Cri* W. H. Willisana. Mrs. B. t. Denning, Mia. O. M. Tilghman, Mrs Marvin wmi. jum vonnna JMiawn. Fourth Ward—Mn. J. E. Batiar, tin. William Thom peon. Mm. Jan 8. Farthing, Mr*. Umk BUmbmtm. Mr*. Eagan* Parker, Mr* H. O. Mat t°Mim OladT* Warren, chairman, wifi have ctarn «f the Junior Red Cram department. POUR 8UGHTI.Y INJURE!) WHEN ENGINE OVERTURN I Fayetteville, Nov. eon* war* ellghUj • “5 horned and *a* of the AtlanUr Coa« Uao'e bigg eat freight cogl"** “Jh led whan on* of two meomotlvee running light, and the inched to them, overtnrned *•* j* ° Godwin tkla morning. The wreak o* eorrad at »:*0 o'clock and traffl*®’ tha northbound track wraa kloc**1 for eta or eight heart th*r»«*» train* ranalag north oeing the toatk bound track hotweon Godwin aw Dans. t MANY TAR HEELS TO SEE BIG GAME To Ron Special Train* To Tfcank*g i ving Affair At Charlottesville Chapel Hill, Nov. 17.—Head Coach Puller of the Carolina football team, gave his Aral atring men a complete ruat following the Davidson game aad would not ev en let the men who play ed In the game come on the Arid Mon day afternoon. A rain atorm Tues day prevented a regular workout as Fuller did not care to take chance* with his men In the slippery Arid. The rcruh team, however, has jump ed into it* preparation for the Vir ginia gam* and had a long session Monday with Coach Hite who, with Yank Tandy, saw the Virgiala-Van dorbilt gaunt Saturday. Hit* is teaching the Virginia plays to the scrub*. All Ui* varsity men came out uf the Davidson game in good shape. Lowe, who played the whole game despite serious Injuries will bent-Al especially by the rest and several other former injured men notably, Tenney and Spaugh ought to come a ronnd to hotter condition* Ono val uable substitute, Crayton, an end, will be lost to the team by the schol arship reports which have just com* out from registrar's aide*. Indication* pile up that Tar Heels all over the Stats will again take op their former annual pilgrimage to Virginia on Thanksgiving Day. Spe cial train* and special cars on regu lar trains will carry a host of alumni to whom Thanksgiving Dey means only the Carolina-Virginia game. On* special train will start from Chapel Hill carry the hundreds of student* who arc going to back the taam. Another will start from Char lotte, picking up paasengers at Con cord, Salisbury, Lexington Thomas ville. High Point and G.r**ni4>oro. Special deeping can will be one re lad (rum Raleigh, Durham and poinU east, and mayba a rpecial trail Part ing from GuldAoro. Many other town* have obtained special cars, • mong them Newton, Rocky Mount and Winston Salem. Federal Expenditure* Again Show Decrease Fsfrsditarw During Oeteber Pall 11,230^00.000 Under Sep tember Total Washington. Nov. 17. — Govern mental expenditure* for October fell 9* nearly . *1.2*0,000,000 a* com pared with OeptmMbav, according to the monthly statement Issued tonight by the Trsesory. D liberum rets lor vid"H into ordinary diabuiacmenta of $4,226,497,372. compared with 6496. 776.651 in September and payment* on Che public debt amounting to $267,946,288 as againat $1,447,316. 873 far Beptomher. Interest In the public debt amount ing to 1114^74,(14 wee the Urgent of the ordinary expenditure! for the month. The m of $246.4*4,600 for (ho redemption of certificate! of ln dsbtednca* wa* the largest item of the payment* of the pablic debt. GENERAL DECLINE IN THE COST OF LIVING Washington, Nov. 17 —Price »tad les given out by the Department of Labor today showed maned declines In October in practically ell iUme en tering Into the cast of living except house furnishings. Clothing’ '*• wa* said, had dropped IS par cent below figure compiled to present 1919 coeti end farm product* 21 per cent In some lines October price! were ■till above uinsc oi o year ap, all were quoted ae below September, 1920. figure*. ThlalSdox Agora of prieea for Uw month wia placed at 22a, again it 242 in Beptembar, aad 223 In October, Itl». _ Mexican Recognition Will Be Withheld No Corporation* or lodividaal. To Deliver Recognition. Soy* 0»cl*l. Washington, Nov. 17.—Rccorul tlon of the new government in co by the United Staten will be with held, It waa Mid today at the 8tat*a Department, until Mexico haa aaade clear the affect to be given to ar ticle 27 of tbo Mexican constitution relating to property In Mexico.' Strong praaauro for speedy recog nition la being brought to boar on the department by acme buataem aad other interest!, bat a high official sta ted emphatically today that no eor orntion. no group of eorporatlone and na group or Individuals was going to italiwa* Anadffffn FMffflglltlOB tO WcH* tee. It waa nude clear that the United State* waa not demanding u a pre liminary to recognition the repeal •( Article 27. but it waa etatad that if the operation of law* enacted onder that aaction were mad# retroactive the American government could not aeeord recognition. The United State*. ofBeint* agplaln •d, ia actuated by a dcaire to protect American Intern** la the Seathem republic and ia It* atady of the whole aituatlen ha* Invited and revived , from American corporation* and In dividual* having Interact* In Mnleo •tat*menu a* to the condition* there and die prcacat appllcatlea of M*« icaa lawn ! FOB SALK.—TMBBB SHAMS OF Semlnolo Pbeaphate Co., atoefc, at 1100 per ahare: Oped atock but I need the money. W. K. Mania hum, Kipling, rf C. tS St PRODUCTION OF NEW ENGLAND MILLS CUT Majority of Milk Haw* Adopt ad Working 3cbadvla of 3 And 4 Day* a Waak _ s Boston, Not. 17.—Curtailment ol I production, which began noma ■Booths ago la Naw England textile industries employing 800,000 opera | lives, now has reached a point wfcsti the total output la leas than oar-half that of ona year ago, according to an ti male* made from a canvass today of tho great mill eenteri. In noma In stances the curtailment runs as high as (0 per cent A few mills have shut down entirely. The majority have p dopted a working schedule of three •r four day. a week. Mills that cods Untie in operation on full time will fttiL ,r*w* »r» exceptional. Thus far, only Isolated announew rarnta of wage reductions have ay! peered and thou have been for tha mn«t part in small mills whore oft oratlve* have been presented thf Choice of a ten par cent wage cut si a shut down, the manufacturers com tend that they had found ilmisaalias unable to continue business ua4s» the former wage expenses. In only one of the big textile a> now operating, that of the lewriaf Manufacturing Company in Uiwdl, known as the largest hosiery plant in the world, baa there boos a wag* cat The mill recently resumed PIT duction. after a shut down with 4 wage reduction of from twenty *» thiity-lhres per cenL Protests have been voiced by a section of the •» ployes and a union has been formed there, bat the mill's operation *o • short time schedule has not been interrupted. INFLATED LAND VALUES ADD TO SOCIAL UNREST Speculation and ncklm inflation of land valors hat been much In drnco during tha last year ** WJ| und unless this movement Is cheeked .1 will result In conditions which aro highly detrimental, not only I* “• farming Interests of tho country, hot oor entire economic *traetur*. Ir form lands are permitted to attain' at speculative market prices in ex cess of their actual value, based upj oa use and productivity, it beeomem relatively impossible for tha landlaml fanner to acquire a farm of his awnJ Furthermore, to the extant that rent* era purchase farms at price* which! aro disproportionate to- their aetUXl value, such purchasin' art. ahaoal certain to result In o'larg* par Wfl ago of foraeloaures. It ia pethMfl noodles* to point out that IwscmSIE **, Involving, as they do, the iMaX *11 or' a temmui of tho a^J strength to forces that era inimical to tho orderly progress of society.— Secretary of Agriculture. E. T. Mere dith. FURTHER DECREASE IN COST OF LIVING Washington, Noe. 18.—A decrease of three per cent ia retail food prices 'ft October throughout the United States was noted in statistics on the cost of 22 articlas of food, made pub lie today by tbs Department of La bor. Greater decree*/* war* in price* of sugar, 24 nor cant, and potatoes. 1b per cent. The price of egg* in creased 14 par cent. The average family expenditure for tha 22 article* of food decreased in all of tho 61 eitlem from which monthly prices were tabulated ex cept Houston, Texas, where there ms an Increase of approximately five tenth* of ore par cent. x»aFATED FOR DRAFT DODGING IN 1917 Loa Angel**, Cal.. Now. lU-U*li Daniel Giroux, aon of Joarph U Gi rona. millionaire mining operator of Go* Angelee. 1* under arreat her# oday on a charge of hawing attemp ted to evade the •elective draft In 1017. _ ,. , , _ Federal oOcer* *ald the informa tion on which the charge waa baaed :ame from the man’* half brother. George L. Qiroax. He waa Indicted lam Jane. Girona, who dented the charge of attempted draft oration, aaid ha did not become of age until September. 1918, and entered the aervloe shortly afterward*. He era* relcaard on 9600 bail, provided by bis father. Fi rrrriON DAY BRINGS TRIPLET OF GIRLS TO BARN WELLS IN HENDERSON Aahcville, Now. 18^—Election day brought to the home of Mr. aad Mr*. J. Frank Barnwell, Edenvflle towm ihip, Henderson county, triplet*, \nrwm do unci nr o*oy iins. i nvy been namod Edith, Ethel and Elisa beth. Tka arrival ef tha trlalela, mahoo a total af aeeeateen children for tha Ban<well* Mr. Barnwell la lixty year* of age and hia wife la (arty- All tha children are Hvlag aad they are aald to be among the health teat to he found aay where In Hen derson county, ill addition to being .luted far tbair good look*. TOURISTS FROM GOTHAM »m cD NEAR HENDERSON Header eon, Nee. If.—A Mr. Santa Mew Tork, touvtng to Florida will hlawtfa, waa accldeatolly killed Wed needay on the read hatweeo Haadar •on and Oxford. Mr. Bentl’e ante mobile engine became "tailed aad would not Mart except by rrmokim and ha failed to throw hla geare tab neutral before «ranking. Tha eei rammed him efor* ha waa aMa to go etft ef the way and reaalted In hln being badly ernahed and hla neel broken. Hla body waa token h Charge by a local undertaker and pre pared for ahlpmant to Mew Yorl where kla family reetde. ERS • * ' ■order Of White U city fti lynci thi» moru la an W. r. Wig by th« mob ‘ j three m> iaatcad of ■hbfoR non. The d ahoL ac , back to and a rola tbc promin killed by a tho mob Coffee eotin OCtrie ligbta 'clock this they wore mob that •pirltad tha door and ■ty found obllo ho* 1 highway. *a« com ia aald to *r tho ae dth Pearl* -fM killed, before the ' ’‘Boocy" Harper Minaio. mad with a negro did tho lynch tied waa ga®**, morning •t U)» roe if I waiting in at that time, MUI «M1 benefit if it ectod by the ' Mr. Cottomdlf«wnr I Whet have yoo done, and v^at am yoo doing now to aid the organization in eecnring > Urong and healthy membership in your county? If it feQe, upon whom will yon plan* the fault? if It eoc reede, how much credit can yoo claim? _ Mr. Mercha*! Whet hare you don* In trying to a* the work la yonr town? Hew maay hoar* her# yen given to the eaO*#? What credit can you claim if i|/®e yonr monoy draw ere with jin** coin* of gold «d ntirn you «rly wtth enough to *• Poor last dapv feli of comfort, #••** and prosperity? Will hletory *e®»d you aa ooo who had a part ■!#• economic hang*? Mr. BankM What art are yon taking In ttSajoamnlc program to the life of tS Sonth. Will JO* al low poor vaoM* hocomc inadoqo.te your cnetoaet# *®d art bar* a P»rt in this rtfoni! Mr“PmJm#“*l Man! *•**•»** have to, thee* “hr y«an been »»d*r paid for that *»bU eerrlc* you hare rendered, whl *** yoa doing in Uil. Hout of opp* B'lly to Mag about a condition 0 [ MO enable /on to be adeqaauty a (Penerted fee roar work? Will r betattofiedtowitaeoa the breaking Ola new dayJJ»d not be numbered “oaf tboee who had a pa*t In helj * W bring It to pnml Men of the "«*b! Tbe battle for independence Will wa,w*° unlela erary I • will do bia part la *. «.bt- +b^*der. In «Mt «£*■ gle for frendf* cannot wo» alone. i«n the rank?* mediately! Prt ea your lighting £*b*« and May in the exclaim, ‘•Tb# •n»H not knee tb>» crop of cotta«^»Ul they pa{ •* e®** of production,!*®* » profitr— A. w. Serein, SeetatifcTreemirtar. M. C. Di vinioa of Am^**n Cotton Arnoeia x-v • • • •» • j . J BAPTISTS DO THINGS THEN ADJOURN Evmthr* CoouaittM to Swfecl N«*t CoQVMtioo City—Pay rum Killed Asheville, Nov. IB. — Without reaching any mountain bright! of on thusiacm. and vet with a record of having accomplished largo things la the denomination work, the Baptist state convention concluded Its work Wednesday night and adjourned to moot a year hence id some point to be chosen by the rneentivo commit tee. Pi lor to adjournment the conven tion voted by a largo majority against the proposal to put the convention on the pay plan. This leaves It to tha executive committee to find a meet ing place tor tho convention on the Harvard plan. Tho convention adop ted the report concerning tho propos ed Baptist foundation and authoris ed tho organisation of a e»-operative body to be known as tho North Caro lina Baptist foundation to receive and hold in traat all gifts to tho work of the Baptist denomination. Last night without premonition or announcement Bev. L. M. Mercer, of Wilson, president of the board of mis sions, asked far a fa w min alas and In troduced W. O. Bid dick, of A Seville, a member of the board, who la turn presented Bev. Dr. Waiter N. John son, retiring corresponding secretary with a handsome coast of atlvar, the rift of several bundled as embers of the convention. Dr. Johnson was hard ly abls to express in words his appre ciation. The convention stood dur ing tho presentation. North Carolina Baptists are keen ly interested in tha Thsmaavflla or phsnagc and the report made by the board of trustees gives the follow ing condsnaed statement of affairs. Numb#.- of children at Thoamwille 140, at Kennedy home 81. total Iff. owiurvn received nra .iwrmier 16, 1$B5, 2.010. Daily cost for sap port of sash child 66 cents. Monthly cost per child 618.42. Annual cost per child $107.14. Daily coat for sup port of 627 children 6600-66. Paras products as sits and consumed. 60, 467.96. Dairy products mods and consumed |21,646.60. Milk. 47,611 Ballons at 40 coats. 616,012.60. Num ber of applications for yaur 447. Number received 60. Profit from Kennedy horn* farm, $6,066.61. Pro fit from printing o®es, $7,610.01. Improvements >20,451.76. General repairs $16,822.63. Rev. Dr. R. T. Vann, correspond lag secretary of the board of educe tmn, presented the annual rap sit of miss-oner be rt quest sd to inspect ail building* at once: third, that Miy dm licit in the total mcucas be borne by each institution in proportion to tbc Ktitl amounts tr anted; fourth, that fiir-proof buildings be erected in the future; fifth, that the convention em ploy a convention auditor who shall audit books of schools and colleges whan ordered by the board of educa tion at one time at its option each year; sixth, that the board of educa tion consider the advisability of em ploying a consulting architect and consulting beating engineer to whom nil plana for buildings and heating plants shall be submitted for appro ve! ; seventh, that the board work «*, with the aid of experts, a poliey for o,.i school* and cellegea. eighth, that uniform records for finances re quired; ninth, that ths board up ->Mnt a committee to report on more nciHv uniform Awl*1 ?ir school* tad mllom; Uroth, tntt Uf.l_V^aaO mm*< fit aee^lrtt 6<kM to mtki application for antrasea in to tk« Southern Aaaoctotioa of Col lege# at Un aarUeat poaaiWo mom ent. The hoard reported that the recommendation, one two and nbae had already been carried eat and that lu-eon end 10 were In protean of ac complishment. The convention todor ted the recommendation* heartily. State miaaioae we* th« leading aub ject before tho convention at the morning anior Th* hoard of dona haa ITS miaatonarwe employed end theac men eerr* 879 eharchei and their report* for the year ahew: Convertio**, 4,879; baptiam*, }r 953: reenlved by letter, SIS. and b*^ tal Sunday ecbool enrollment. 14,447. Average Sunday aeboal attend***#. 11.60S; mlaHoi atndy claim*. ISPj men lo m lad on itwdr c lames, PM) h oarer of wnrthiy handing. 21 hen*** of worship built, 1»S churches organi sed, *0; delegate# attending deaom inatlonal "meting., Mftoral conference*, $•) rttry bmm- 1 bar canotM, 1M; •*«•«», ''•***’• 1 for *Uto m'mion*, $18,177.78; for foreign raimioni. 114,118.18; for born* miuion*, $11,117.47 for ed» cal,on. $4,5*8.38; for ftanday eeheol mlwlona, $4*8.78; for mHileteee’ne Mof, $941.1*; for orphanage, $1*. 741.9*; for bocpiUlt, $49“*l; eeu*b cm Deptf® **»*«iblr, *49 S3; ether tS^SS’SJSi. vf, wss poiifipr rrconuamdetlen* aju by Ik* board of mi-ioM «• adopted* first, eotportogs. wo tW»» •hoold bo mod* mors scoriy aelf-wap^ porting To thl* and Sit it bo mors dotoly bJMtajjA with tbo Monday *ehool board. Wo idoo think that tbo oolportogo bo too plod op whotoeer pojeible with our enlletment work oceood, that tbo board of ml**ton* praoi tbo mors of developing ekprehee at well u plating them; tbo*. the board be atom raged 'by the eoaveatloa to aid ebarebaa to ! pome wherever practicable from o eerier time to half tiaao, and free* 1 h.if time to fall tia. preaching; third, that mobile toheol oapoaaa Co « reduced and acoootn vd fourth, that m ww n» practicable the heard of mlmlon be inetructed to hare * ma ful aad .horoaah aorvoy at tha ralv rtooa Ufa af North Car.Vlna, coonty I ay county, and tawnahtp by towiufcip ’and that our ctetr minion patter bo fat mala tad In tha Ught af tha faaU af tha parruy. BANK RESOURCES ‘ SHOW A DECREASE 4 —-——! 9 i* WidiutN, Not. 17_-Beeeams •"*Unl'J ^ tMr 886,480,000 on September 0. • re daction of *311,237,000 n■firm with June 30, hot ea iaereaae of *270,014 over September 12 1*10, according to the repoit of the last hank call summarised tonirht by Comptroller*. Deposit* totaled *10,7*1 .**0.000. the comptroller said, a reduction of *48*.*88.000 compaiod with the lone call and an increase of *70, *49,000 over September of last year. Loans and discounts increased by *1*,002,000 as compared with Jane. Between Jane and September there was an act sal net increase in deposits in all the national banks out ride nf New York of M2,e*7,000. but a reduction in the deposits of the New York bonk* of *4*0.1 *>,000. Between September 1*1* oad Sep tember of this year, however, the in crease in loans and discounts ex ceeded the increase In deposita by ,»1.2*».*»1,0*0. I States shewing the largest inrraaae is deposit* since Jasa in coentey bsaka were: peansyteaaia, OdOhOfO. '>00: New York. (23.066.000s New Jersey, *14,000,000; Wert Virginia *1S,000.000; Okie. *11,M>0,00*, and California, *10,000,000. while those hewing reductions in deposits were Connecticut and Minnetot*. St.OOV.* '•00 each; Oklahoma nod Texas, *»,. 000,000 each and Iowa, (*,000.090. Reserve cities whose nations! banka showed ths largest increases la tepoeite rincr the Jens nail were Pittsburgh. *24.000.000; Kansas dtp $8,000,000; Ciocienati. M.000,600 and Loalrville and Minneapolis. **< >00,000, while cities shewing the ter. feat reductions were New York, <4*0.000.000; Boston, 127.000.000; tea Francisco, *l«.00n,000; Philadel phia, *14,000.000; Detroit. New Or leans end Dallas, *4,000,000 sock No Expulsions W31 Be Made At Trinity 'JahaanU* Waatlat Also C**Mi Much llaaaata U Opes Cotton, Says Ksvita. Trinity College, Nov. 17.—Mo ex -mls'.ons will come u • reach of aU> danU absenting themaeH-ca from :)aa*ca hen on Armistice Day, accor ding to annooneement mode todOV-l ton, to the faculty, dent body. With the receipt of them state-1 menu by tha authorities, it was de cided that only the raUagz decided1 spun for all who cot clausa Mould tToct the signer* who had apparently been ringleader*. Thom ruling* as in pounced yesterday are: That ns student who a bean ted himself from (leases on Armistise Day shall Incur uy absrnces daring the remainder «f the ten* when be Is physically able to be en class, that all fresh men most pom four.nfths of ’ Chair work this term or withdraw from their c lassos; that upper els semen mast pass bve course* this term. The action of the college authoriti es with refoteneo to the ringleaders is expected’ to dose the incident which started when students oa the day preceding Armistice Day staged * demonstration, giving yells for a bo!dl4av, and followed it by aa agree merit to cut classes when no announ cement was made with reference to a ftMiMy. Million Dollar Fire At \ Warsaw Lumber Plant) Properly Only Partially laenred * ' Or if la I* Uadalif laad Sad Croaa Warlura Making He ■ da ray Wareaw, Nor. IB.-—A Br« of con 'Iderabl* magnitude oceorrcd at Bow ton Sunday morning about B o’clock when the Turnbull lumber plant war destroyed, the low amounting to nnarly $1,000,000 tad the property •aly partially eevorad by Ineurance. Tbo origin of tb# dr* ao far has bom uadetrrmlaod. The night watchman, Mr. Andaman, ia attempting to ea ter the building ia order to eeoad the i whittle waa driven bach by tbo I flamer, hi* face being badly burned by the heat. The plant waa the prop erty of A. 0 Turnbull, and baa boon , In operation for a aumbori of yarn*, giving employment to a largo number of operative*, many of whom *r* now thrown oat of work. It U under stood that the min will ho rebuilt at early a* porolbl*. A eondderubl* a mount of lumber waa doeUrayod, though much that waa In the yard Ixxal worker* ia the fourth Bod Croat rail call caaepaign have done eoneidrrable work placing post era, *e Meltiag member* and talking *t up. generally. They are meeting with fairly need eueeoa*, a number of meumenblp* bavlag been eocurod Bread Prteaa Deep % St Paul. Minn., Ney. ia—Detail bread price* in Bt- Paul dropped one eent ou pound leave* and two caeca on pound and a half loavee today. MUST HOLD ON TO OLD.TME VIRTUES OF COMMON SENSE PririiiHi ilial Hudiag UrpM Toopto Ta Ham* Abiding Fnitfc hi JUpwMfa [LEAVES NEW ORLEANS FO« THE CANAL ZONE aSsiS! CNr. ,*•» Noe. 1*.—Saber ***■**■§ mad am abiding faith in the '•paUlc daring tho eritiaol period of *** recoaUrnctiaa wore asked of the American people today hr ftooi. doat oioct Harding, In an address do k*rm- /** •* "riled for ^thMfwmfc'o vacation voyage to the k.SST!.™i'T’“ disappointments av declared, nut coom ao tho af tOimaU 0? the world conflict, hot ho rrvdirtad confidently that oil of “t-ra •oald pace away agnla If the people ’My “kept thrir head*” aad bold fast to the old-time virtues of thrift, hen tuy and eommon eeaae. Making hia .'oeoad fermal speech dace his eloc twn. Mr. Harding spoke in otndiod lorme end with a quiet enraootnom Nhtashf a full realisation af the id unfaltering faith. "A confident - yyy***. won hr -cnrwIT.fe--*^ rr'rro#* ^ • fme 2* ^/.r^bTh.^^: "J* ‘-hat In holding for tho aev order sere mast ho so acceptance of trcngo cure-all* and fancy tlmelo* i-_S* WJ!* ddNcred at a I «cfaaon of tho Mow Oriocaa Atm <*«*» cf °««*reo. the cental fa .if the campaign already had been ; .Ojupytem.i'’^ - ' - ScuttiT - •-:r^y-.!RCv;!.-/».i Following the luncheon, Mr. Hard ee *«a the gnat at 'an informal re ' option hold at the Elk* Berne, where w war pre rented with a gold watch, he gift of tho local lodge. HU "little aUT prom Had Um committee of Elko lcvelopod into a lt-miauU addnm mfore a crowd of oorcral thoacand fathered ta front of the borne. He drained the value of fotani tie*, aiMrtlng that without them there would be vaatly moa trouble ad worry In goeeramcaU and among the people in general. Start* On Voyage Hie President-elect wmi in Mow Ou Imm about five hour*. Be arrived honly before U o'clock ia the morning from Point I label, Texja, ♦here Sc apont the Brat weak of hi* vacation, and went aboard hi* dam *T> tho United Fruit liner FarUmtoa, Aordy after 1p.m. Sara afterward the Pai-Umina darted a the leer flSIP vwa a— a *■/ P<x»»WHty that the veaoel would teach at a Mexican port os her * *«Vy« to aa iarHa vhea tha ■>».—n. comJaTV^Uijfi. *d ;ha Praaident-Hect tEat* aueh a •toP would earry tha Parinina thiaa jay* out of hor couroc. She already '**<< delayed her laiBa* Me day to •alt for the Presidential party, and «a the carried a number of rawular pacfenuora. Mr. Bardins would nut 'Pprovo a further ehanfe is piaa*. Betide* Mr*. Hardies ond hi* tce rrtajy. Goorse B. Chriatian, dr., tha PVt-'idoat-eiect U teeemptaltd by a number of penonal frituda, imelad ®* Senator Rato, of Mrdnh. pad PteUnuhuyaon, of Naw Jeraay. Tha Pjrty win retmaia in tha Carnal Zone 2*oo*«tod wUJ land in ralawa "■r ■» "'"•u. *«, m Dwmkw «. HENDERSON KMTOmci CLERK CHARGED WITH THEFT IIMm' Handenep, Not. It.—L. V. Own d’rpv.Alr.t clerk in Uif H«n<Wnn pott-oScp, >u arretted la*l ni(*t by P«*t offic* hup retort, and tinned with rohblne reflate red packet** af non than *18.000. On* $1,00* Ub arty Band and caak to the amoaat of 117,009 wu found ooaeaatod In an txM tli* carried aa Gratae* aato ■•Mla, aceerdlnc to the authoritiaa. Suspicion focused upon Gracia urban WtlHwi Ihrlny expenditure* moun ted to Snoroa for In ceeoaa ef kU snh •T. *u IIS* per month, oe coidtn* U iaopeetora who mod# the to ibe Federal Reaerr. £*£ ET | town to a Richmond beak wore both Irntwin* from the pmedic> bare on . Xeremoer I. Grarm whe has a **• ’.and one child, aad wba 1 forced here from 1 months ayo, woe 1 early today and daUcared aotkorWea.

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