nffi DUNN DISPATCH i ■' >——-,--HUJ MMfMM THE ORPHANS 0*1 THAWUCIVINC DAT attfal cKm l* which prac MwBy *wy pereon ia the 8tate may MttMpnhe with little meaaeealaneo ”‘yy.«t * fcy te the tapport of "" child ren And the ThaakatMnc eraaea ia *period during taeltaod people °* Carolina mar show their appreciatiaa of the aerttariou eer 1 twonty-ona chfld-cinnf Ui i _ —- --' — -aa — “ vaaef *7" • amaaee te eoeiety and ohjeeu of acorn on tkc faeo of tho earth. .That tho promt waade of thooe aoaiea will continn* to receive pro »er eata and attention there ia little r—°VU M»reaa the alight aet con e,r«- Bat there are literally thoo l»*l*td boy* aad lirb oat on ?• “d In the by-way* of **7 **•*• wko ««Mt bo admitted S" “a* Dome* became thera b na room for them! It U this fto*« children that the people of tha State Mould interest thrmsehrs* ■ *• »ho eaheat of eoatrihatlag the JSJ'H'I » toy at Theakaghrlng. *e that the mnnagemeat ef the homes ■My he provided with fond- to war rant reasonable expansion. .. f*t it not bo said of North Caro Halaaa that they neglected. at any care and protection of halo. ’«■ Mtt«« chOdrm, right at their own 4o°n- U should be bona in mind that oar eharrtably inclined eitlxrus. both women, really constitute • grtat corporation, organised for **• C?5f»a <* relbvlng |he,4i*trese o4. Burying Use dead, caring for tha wWow and aducatiag the orphan. Ev. M«»bar is an sqsxl shareholder •M all members are directors, with tote same powers. Its dividends are • not recorded la dollars and cents, ha* ye set aside as treasury stock, which b hold la the hearts and attec a beneficiaries. The larger ■ 1 »he dividends, ths greater will ba tha rowwd fag duty wall performed. In “he. race between the child and the dailar tha interest* of tha child Mould "“f easily la ear bumaaitic*. la »»' OUiekii to* and this Jury, cxc-pt In one °*> «I1 the ent* *tvI t1*** tW* W** eo: to press. The one exception »u |r. “ the case of Coa-Mo.tlmer Co. vs .7•, *- CoaU, when his Honor asked that the Jury box be fitted at no ex J5J** *■ the icounty. At once almost the entire Harnett County Bar made a nith to the box and It as a peculiar sight to soc Judge John C. Clifford, bla partner and Harnett's next rep. reeentative in the General Asacmbty N. A. Townsend. Chas. Bom Ncin Bahnon. Chnrtio Gey, Deputy Clerk L- M. Chaffin and Miss Carrie Speight *•«*» stenographer, betides the oth enh ia tbe box trying to look Jury _ T*lto *“• »01. Psrhape. always Mand oat as tbe first can* la North Carotins which had a woman m Ml on the Jury which tried It. As might be expected from a Jury of this com plexion, the plaintiff was given all ho *sked for. Mr. B L. Codwln. *it?I£*3r ta.r. u“ realised *•*,** would not do to make a speech to hia Jury because there was grave danger that one member of the jury at least could not refrain from mak ing a reply of groaur length, thereby acting on any manner except as a Juror should act. Neediest to say, this Juror was from Dunn, and own* the "Oputation of discoursing longer and more loquaciously thah apy other person iu the court—e habit which adds much to hia ever increasing popularity Tbe following emt wer% ditposasi < of i Cannadv A Tilghman Vs. Carriv Hodgca. Agreed to pay one-half the costa each and call It even. In tha cam of Simon Cameron n Henry Davie et al, the plaintiff was non-suited for failure to appear and prosecute hie suit All things having been unlembly «rtUed and compromised in full, the cnee of F. R. Rose va. J. W. Mia was dismissed The caaa of J. J. Lane vs. James McCreary et a], was dismissed. Mr*. A. V. Coats won out in hor suit against the Durham Notion Co. Johnson Paint Co., was given a Judgment of $18 ard interest against W. F. Dawson. C. 3. Stanton et ale. were ‘In win ners in the eaea of J. H. Hellene* A Co . against them. The Bank of Cape Fear was given a Judgment for *lf2.M wita interest ifainit J. T. Ldt. _Tke court begai on the case of Burkhorn Land A Timber Co. va Maty B. McDonald Wednesday morn ing and It Is expected to consume the balance of the week.—Harnett Coun ty Nows. Thr American Faim Bureau Fed eration will moot In Indianapolis, Dc eamber «. 7, 8, for tbe purpose of formulating a national agricultural poliey. TO WHOM or MAY CONCERN This Is to nqtify t^-jmblie that I have given my \ son/Vadoa Bison Matthews, his fh-MlCm, and wUl not be rMponslble fo/ any of his debts nr other obliges was from this date. He left my honAfof his om free will and accord, several weeks ago. All gJJJgns^me^akenoUc^rK^cW^ "■ • - in — im mm Tbe.\Wi)m^D’f Tonic U “iVx* h pitMully and the reMdfc were ImmedU T V Me." Ms Mr*. Oregory. BMi •jl H*° •**- A 5^ My tS^f1*** u Ud ■Hi strong.•*m>jell-thank ij _*y_ God eu ores more hale JE V* «nd heart), can walk |M DiUea, do aif week, aV"* 5* though** years old, leel BT like a new person. All I n b“-- owe tk CsMui." For r y ®«»y year* Cardal has I J been found helpful la building op ibe system jf 1 . * whin nut tfswu by dit c‘ *J order* pbcuiiarto women. rij Take $ Cardui V a'w'-irwfrwflfe ■—h—-—■hm—* _ m NOTICE The Tax Books are Now in My Hands. State and County Taxes Are Already Past Due and Pay ment of Same is Expected. \ • “ 1 Wm,b€/!:1^^jowtng Plac«* on dates mentioned for yourjtaxes. Please meet me"- *** . at the most convenient place and get your receipt: TW.d.yJ«ev»h«r Creak at Ca»bro, 9 a. m. to 12 noon. J^nwday November IS, Stewart. Crwk BuanUv.l, 2 to 4 p. m. !!’ •* N- A. Morris*, 10 to 12 noon. * Nl■vmkir It, Barbocue at Burnioo Tbomaa, 1 to 4 p. ru. Sataeday Nov. 20, Upper Little River at Benton McNeill’. 9 a. m. to 1 p. Ktarday Noe. SO, Upper Little River ak D. M. McLean’. Store 2 to 4 pm M«jay Nor. 12, Buckkom at Mre. R. T. Spance’, Store, 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. ^ic*Wi Cr*ek at Kip lii|, 2 to 4 p. m. ******y N#Te“k« *3. Black River at Ancier, 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. . Tneeday Noryber lS. NeilT. Creak at PUan.t Union, 2 p. m. to 4 P. ». Wednmday NovemUr 24, Grove at CoaU, 9 a. n,. to 3 p m. P Saturday November 27, Avereaboro at Dunn. 9 a. m. to 3 p m. Saturday Hovmuber 27. Duke at Duka, 5 p. m. to 7 p. m. I We Are Not Running a Sale on the Big Advertised Form, but Prices are as Low Here as you Will Find Any where Entire Stock of Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes at a Reduction of From 20 to 50 Per Cent. ; I COME TO SEE ME BEFORE YOU BUY ! ! 3H x . ■ • i—