>V* •; .....”... . • DUN • i_ , • Volume VU Dunn North COWAN THRILLS BUSINESSMEN "... IN FINE SPEECH 4 _ • WUsnJmgtom Mm Imprmmd By CWnW of Commrc. ’ - . »_■ AM corQ f PICTURES BIG THINGS ‘ ' FOR.DUNN’S FUTURE Soy* Orfuiutioo Big Factor U Program of Liao Cotncnu witlor Rlddla and GolcUtaio . Toll of Work—Local Spoak ; or. RomdoaooMt. ‘ . Declaring that Dana was eae of > the bast towns of North Carolina 1 and that the record made by its Chamber of Commerce during the first year of its existence was a cre ■ It to the men who formed it, Jan H. Cowan, of Wilmington, enthused n body at the town's business men in one of tbs bast m—*bss over deliv ered bon In tbs rooms of the Cham ber Themfiny night. Mr. Cowan, him •elf n lommirtlsl secretary end one of the leading factors In the resuo »f the progressive gUt in wmKgtea, was boa at the invite with PiwHist Goldstein aod tbo ' board of directors, desired tbet jfowMd it f b * ‘ • ty-Biri van in ana b a raw hlinc UUU TlUac* in th* wild*™***. Sine i that tim* ha had men H «row by ltapa and bound* aatll now It could truthfully lay K wtaaia MtoryriM and rigor that hthod Mart that litii# rfllago that J«dir> Clifford found an.to mad to bnnantaf what It la today. Otars* K. Grantham and McD. HalHday mad* thort taftt whllo KM dto la th* ral* af haad waltor pro KiX.'SZXt.lSSSLiZ STMasISgs^ haart of Daaa'* hatlatat dhtrtojlo si s&sz*rar£'~ii ss trsmjs! jars ssssxrr-.ar’ ST*?: I Dona ffotrtt eaoM not tBatod. Tar to* that Daaa I* “to •«*»■ ‘ ^It^waaTVnat tomtlaf tad It I maaat a tot to Daaa- ft It a ptty i that retry bo data am la towa wat I ^^Njbtot Ma eo-bporatir* t Mr. A. J. Coopar Dias Thursday A% Hospital Mr. A. J. Coopar, 71-year-old, prominent farmer of Banp.on eoun W, father of Dr. Q. M. Cooper of the Stats Board of Health, died last night at *30 at Rex hospital where he had been for some time aad where ho was operated on last Wedneaday Mr. Coopor was a beloved eHJten of Cllatoa and was for a long time one of the leading farmers of Sampson county. Ho was a consistent member of the Presbyterian church of Clin ton for 60 years and was the last charter member of the Clinton Lodge of Odd Fellow*. He took great ia torest la the Orphans asylum at Goldsboro. Ha leaves his widow, Mrs. Elsa Caspar; ess daughter, Mrs B L Fttamrald, Gretna, Va.; four eons, T. N. Caspar, Chatham. Va.; Q. B. Cooper, Kinston, Lieutenant Com mander O. F. Cooper, U. 8. and Dr. Q- M. Coopor of the State Board of Health at Raleigh. He leaves two brothjrs: Jeff Cooper, of Clinton, aad D. J. Cooper, of Balrmbarr. The funeral services will be bold from the residence at Clinton either Saturday morning or 8uaday.—/To day's News and Observer. SENATOR SIMMONS JOINS UNIVERSAL CONDEMNATION OF BUTLER FOR CABINET JOB Now Bare, No*. 26.—la reply to “ taqalry ~f»oae the Wilmington Star an to what ho thought of tha •ndoreamaatof Marion Batter for a cabinet petition by certain name crate af the State, Senator F. M. SLmmone aont the following aoewer: Your, telegram requeiUmg my view* with moped to eedoraemeet of Bai lor hp certain Democrat* for Secre tary of Agricaltare la Harding1* cab loot motived thla Morning. In reply I heartily loin la tha w*0-nlgh uni venal coademnation and Indignation af tha Dmnocrnta of tha State over thl* ham mating and etvltifying ac tioo of a few prominent member* of their pactj.9t Booster &auDMi thinks that it Is exceedingly ditgrectfoi that any Demoerata ehoold endovee the eandi & at Batter for that or any other MRS. TERENCE MACSWIMEY WILL VISIT ASHEVILLE Aihrvilte, Nov. 16.—Madame. Mar Era* MaeJBwingy, tieter at the lata rd Mayor of Cork, htegram Cram her beo _ _ , left Tknre day to vWt yon with new*." Madam* Margaret maScwmay la a sitter at th* college of 8t- Genevieve ef the IB:_Ail TAREORO MERCHANTS TO HAVE A PAT-UP WEEK Tarboro, Now. 25.—At • meeting of ths, Mere heats' Association It was definitely decided to bar* a “pay-up wuak" from December 1 tepecember 10. A number of tba merchant* will be famished with coape ns la deno minations of oa* dollar. Every tin* a dollar is paid oa account a oouppa will be given, on which will appear the name of the merchant giving the coupon. The name of the evstamor is pkead on the beck end deposited la a boot A* the end of ‘par-up wash’ a public meeting will bo Mia In the courthouse end all of th* coupons placed together and a disinterested party win draw. The easterners' whose same appears mo* tlsooa oa tba book ad th* cunpou will got the Ant pries. Thar* will be four cash prints f—in-the same manner. rteejr of Mousy Arrive* Now York. Nov. 26.—Arrival her* today of 66,060,000 worth of gold on the steamship Olympic, part of whleh was consigned to J. P. Morgan and Company, for th* account of th* British government, was regarded In financial quarters as ths beginning of another extensive movement of th* motel to th* United States. Public utility plants produced el ectricity U the oaaouat of 20,114, 000,000 kSsrwdtt-houiB during 1b* first eight mouth* of th* present year. Thirty-eight par abut of this was pro duced by water power. MUTUAL PLEDGE OF HT ~ ,_> MADE Prnaidwnt Porraa, of Panama •nil Prmidomt-Eloct Hard ranama City, Panama, Nev. 18—A pledge of enduring brotherhood and co-operation between Panama aad the United State* wae pros o a need here tonight by President Portae of the Panaman Republic and Warren G. Harding, Preoldent-elect of the United Sutea J^oaklag at a banquet given by hi. In honor of Mr. Soni? Porrno declared It waa the wish of iho Fhn-Amenean notion* that the United State* should continue a* “the fi ,t*r,.of our American continent th* nl t,r •*•** cxopM* j *®*y follow in tiic paths of liberty and independence.*' In reply Mr. Harding voiced warm reeiDroealian at tku-«- - friendship and declared that It wa* ona of hi* fondest hopes to see the Americans _ Nerth, CeAtral and couth,—united In the purpose of Ht lag peacefully and la co-operation. As in all other ciehtnftf of cow Ualo# dnriag his vacation trip here "• Hardin* Budn it cloar that ho *»ke only as a privet* citiaen. H* carefully chose hi* words aad hi* ••raosA dsmoanor, howover, warn ta ken by hie aadltors ae plainly idXea Ul« '•••deop realisation of tha to sponalbilltlet that will b* inavitahla la raiding Pan-American ralatloao in thaeoming four yean Tha American official* of tha Can al Bone and most of them in high au thority in the Psnaman republic were present at the banquet which wa* in the nature of a love feast to earnout th* comity between th* astlou oper ating th* great Isthmian water-way aad the nation whom 'territory tt After the banquet Hr. Harding held n public recaption In th* Union Club, where the dinner was held, and shook hand* with hundreds of rana maat. Though ha made no reference to hie speech at the banquet to ape etflc diplomatic policies, the Praal dont-elact had before him at he toohe Retailed information gathered during his visit her* an asaily ■<*> jeats affecting th* c*««,i mnasge ment aad relation* with Panama. Washington, Nor. ti. — me Elms Britton, private secretary to the Secretary of the Navy, was laat night elected president of the North Carolina Bociaty at the annual busi ness stenting preceding the ball at KtsacWs Capt Tarry A. Lyon, brother of Congressman-elect Hearer Lyon, of EayetiwvUle, was olaetad as a vteo praaldect of tha society, and Kogans r. Hartley, chief clerk la tha depart ment of tha canout, was re-slsctod secretary and treasurer foe another year. The society is in a healthy condition. Angus W. McLean, of Lombertaa, who has been president for the past year, declined to serve as president again afad Mr. Britton was tha ananl mous choice ef the Tar Heels to suc ceed him. lUDCKCRUT merchant sentenced to chair Asheville, Nor. 26.—That attor ney* far tba dtfeaae win task to hare Governor Blekatt commute the death ten to nee imposed thla morndn* in Reporter coort by Judge B. F. Long, of Rtateevtlle, whoa the jury rettara td a verdict of guilty in the Am da F*». 1“ tho coat of J. T. Harris, Ridgecrest Merchant, far kffltog E. W. M onnleh af Tuscaloosa, Ala., ra ti rad capitalist, )a tba information learned here tonight Thla It ia Warn ed, will be bitterly opposed by tba prosecution. The Harris trial, started ttorane ber 11 end east* to an and this morn ing. Just two weak, lator when the lory marched into tba tontiinn at 10 o'clock sod returned a verdict af rnardar la Mrt tori degree. Judge Long at once sentenced tba defend* eat to die In the electric chair at 7 a. m. Friday, Jaaaary *0. The de fendant gave notice af appeal to tba Supreme Coot The trial staged tba greatest legal ‘ idr conducted he tht* W. Brown aa prt , J. E. Swain, acting suusieer. owing to the fact that So licitor Pritchard ia a nephew af tba prisoner, and Judge Freak Carter, Jadgo Thomaa A. Jonea and McKin ley Pritchard far the defense. This Is m!4 to b« Utc drat than la 1« yoarr that a white man baa bean ssnUnaed to die by a Buncombe county eeort. ANOTHER UNIT ARRIVES AT RIO ARTILLERY CAMP Fayattevtll*, Nov. I*.—Thu tearth unit «f «h* Fifth FUM Artiltory W roach Camp Brass hara jroo terday from tamo Dl*. A opodai train hrmtebt M Battery B. of th* r*ctm*nt ltekh wtU raplaca th* 10th aaaltth ft*M artlRwy roglmndr M th* ramp. Th* battery carrte* a roo ter of thro* o®««r* and 14» *•» Th* battery tommandar la To*. Llout. C. B. Hisen. Th* loadftmrtoro company of *# Fifth RoghathL th* (apply eoatyaay aad Battery A bar* alrrady Mitvod at th* ramp. Battefy C. win teach h«a tomorrow from th* N*w aJraay camp aad Battery D a faw day* la tar. Thar* wtU ho aa tr**p* eomln* In *a Satarday, a* th* th* oaldteri wfo b* baited far «m day by th. ********** « glvtos Day at Caate DU. • • | I * *. y * BRITISH EMBLEM . STARTS RIOT IN N.Y M Sympathisers Start Trou hie Whan Flag Appaar. Onr Union Cl oh Now York. Nor. SS.—The aroai qniet obaerreaee of Thanksgiving day hare waa violently interrupted abortiy after boob today whan crowds who had attended a high requiem maaa hi mamory of Terrace Mae Soioey, former load mayor or Cork, rioted at the eight of Britleh flag dec*rating the facade of the Union all* acroea Fifth avenue from Be Patrick'! cathedral. After a flght, participated In by hundred! «f lrlah •yrapalhiscn, In the coarse of which plate glare win dows of the dob were Mattered by ■iaeUaa bortad by mierbere of the mat, aider was rest or ad When a cor don ot tOO police itself erosnd the beleaeared building Tbe anion jack, which waa the cases of the eeeeeiti though take* down et the tint demand of the crowds end Beatty rani sard. still wee drop ir the sidewalk with the eab af Franc* aad the United when the frame ended. Whan the clamor of the Ant nub mm tka offtndUr banner was at it# heifbt tb* BL Bov. Michael f. LavdW rector of it. Patrick*, dad in Ua ministerial robsa, naked oet of tka chare b and pUjfcd *“ vato with Um leaders ta oa«H tka disturbance. After mseated and motorevcla po lice had dlwroaod tb* aamehiac for ces a mrqr af •aiaM of battle re vealed casualties Including a doaen ar mors Mtahtfr iajaied who had baae atterttlTlbla* brick bate. AH wiadowa aa tbs lower floor of tka deb had beea mm died. Before tha* befiaataa of tka Use Bertaoj mast, tka attendance at which EsSHf^jESsA.'ti moved. IV club sBMMriad “» oiled, bet Wtor. on I*struct1.oni frees deb officials, tka flaff was reaUesl. ^S*S3riHs * “ -i r r A. T. Lw Pbmn Away At Winston "JL. T. H. U Ami_ Urn Id the rtrty-flrrt year of hla life St Wiantos-Sslea THuroday mare ling. Friday Ma body arrtred ben aeeom paniad by bit only aan, Robert, and waa cprried to the heme af hie broth er, George Moore Lae. where a dtrt funeral terHce will ba conducted Saturday men tan. Rev. George W. Lee, of WtaJton-Salrm, will continue the a* nr lee at Greenwood cemetery, whan Interment will be mid* be*ui* the grove of Mr. Leo’e Ant wife at 1# o’clock. "A. T” oi be wm familiarly known to every person in the community fifteen year* in, waa a pioneer buai aaoa man af Dunn. Ha ante rod the baatnaai life af Dana aa a mlaaman Aar Mr. Uanefaard, who conducted a store wham George William Butler market now stands Later ha par chased the corner on which iaUaa M. Leo’s store itmnde and entered bualaesa for himaatf. He wae aignelly aneoamful. "A. T’e~ comer waa known for mile* ■ round and it wae not until quite recently that the cor ner eeaeed to be known by that name Mr. Lot waa aa eccentric c he rue Ur, but vii noutttf^ of koon bust H ZZJVnfVZZ. of the leading buaiaaas man af hi* day here. Ha wae twice married. Mia ascend wife .arrive* ham. Ha ia alto .arrived by four brother* and thro# Maters They are George Moara, Jeoph. T. N., and John Lea. Mm. Martha Coata Mm. Farmhaa Fewier and Mrs Winnie Tart. Mr. Lee had been ia bad health far aavaml month* and waa under treat ment at Memorial Hospital. Wiaeton Balam, mart af that time. Ha had made hi* hams with Ma eon far ear "rMi*Hohart Lee ia hem vHhJjrt hatband. They will (atom to Wto FOND wetting t million dollaes in bonus checks Deem It, Nov. It—Boom chocks •yyreyatiny More than I7,S90.S00 for employee of tho Ford Motor Com pany are bow belay written aad their IMtteatioa win Mart Janaary let. Mat. aeeotdlay to aaaooncemoat tbit Mr. Ford aba aaneSoe!/ a forth eoaity oatra throe per cent Ha month* **dia« December Slct, *a Fort lswfMtesit carttflaau* held by Fort'sold. I* an «ddtti«.nfoto* ywor Mtood Hz per e*»t- He added that S per eent had beta peld SI. hut bH JTa total of Uper rtnt ea the cer tificate* for IN** _ . Mr. Fort’s H»t*toQ«t wrt wm tMsncs? to eorreet whot he •aid wm an. *miU*M report of to* tteeayby *. g. tfanele, dlroetor ol tho Ford KdocatieMl department bo fore Jodyo Aleehok*. la Chleayo yea tortUy to tho effect that tho reeeai Fort ear o employe! ^ _ &o2& ) plant ted 't J?3k real rtauhad la tka trial af eO wkkk alto la .applied abaadaatly la aaa> liana af Fladda wbara pkenkata rock dapaatu art bake ~*—*iart H«bor recovery ia da'aaad for tka « (wmt taaavary while tba bad pnrioae rw eooary waa owly kJpbtly above Id pn cant, tba department declared. r“,u^]2rytair,^riw,^f Milan Leeile and Vbgtafa Lm Benton -nd lloadorr High school basket kaB trams engaged tat their eecead game Here Tuesday afternoon the malt being a score of 12 te 14 In favor of the Beaten Ha Mrs. W. T. Martin Ml yesterday for the Traskate' I aiotW which is to bo heid la dstaorlHs. Nev. 14-17. j She la a rasas bar of the meeotive j committee. After the misting, Mr* Martin will ranatn far a few daye visiting relations end friends. ' ars.'SSts; hit it stsittoa Mr. J. D.r 1AM bat a Anal statement from him fM ImUo|. The frianda of Rev. S. M. H«U, bath in and ant af bit church era vary ■neh gratified over the newt that ba and Mve. Hall are ta reaula In Banton far another year. Daring tha year they bare bean ban theykava ■fda no tabors of staaneh frianda who woaid have bans sained la tan Savant af ear yoina people at tended tba play "Clabfctoy a I» band,’* which waa ytvan at faar Oaks Monday rrtulnr. Mash art ad tha play waaapplanaed freely. and to was attendad by an ayyrvcUtiaa aadtonea. Tba Ml# goarfaSa Made i p*«t Wt, ad M. Mbs Wort), baddaa being aa anaflant nuak teacher, r-mi tba art of Making a Undent*, recital, at often Manotonotu, entirely latent lag. Tba goallty of bar week b rtawn by tba yirfnyg—a af bar ygb ta ba af tha Tba Baa w01 gtva a _ __ slsrafs^rjMS ■ K iMiollo to to • mn to ; lightful art_ I Grant Britain to tout fa hagtn cm ''•earth work In India ta drtanafaw tha feadbiUty af pyadneta^pewar BK B I HH— II I I' ■ B fl B 1 . ! SHAi NEILS' CONWmON TO BE HEU> W BAVAMMAH Boronr*h, (k, Mar. f« g i SSsr.t^SSJSH Onrrotao* from Twm, Wik, im S&SH'wKlS eonrroatiaa in lm H ho MU li May am Mdr ho tha maa la to ha a waaMag hi I marrow of all tha dote ■who farther plana. (MM uvmo WAGE Dt MEW TOME MOB FAMILY Mow Toth. Mar. SL—A Uotac 3**» a family of flow la Maw laaaaaa. mESS."1' ^