IHE DUNN DISPATCH ruauamo im*. tuuoay AMD WUPHY. •JrtTtS? J* H« C-, tmdte 'the aet at KaMh a. im. CAUYUtC fHtti It ia a flaa thiag that Panes He Qoaae haa itarta*. tM. Ulaa of car *li*t cheer to t': t naaukf threagh tha iaatrua ■ allty tha ha ■“ *o«ce in nag. lie aad tha err aaJaatioa that ia tola* Vaildad around the Ida* dooarra tha hen vy eo^para tion of all people. will do a g™** food and affc.d r.sad. whola *•**• antartalaaaat '.o a people oh on cotartaianant U ao a’.vnyg helpful. Thia ia aot aa for charity in the ordinary nr,, of tha word. It ia aa agency tfat.r h which the organiser* hap* to L_cr •** •f the** who an depri: . p.-d at the aana tha* aatertein iiv. who seek aans* talks by men who bar* the eon- ] ideate of thair hearers, lateraatlng renoiata, soags w chorus and an thorn things which the Doan Cheer ecu will Include ia their programs can accomplish wonders in keeping ap the morale of oar folk. Aad Panes McQueen and Us fol low (bearers hart started oat with the ekerning of the community as their prime job The Dispatch hopes for them the highest degree ef roc eees and promises them all the sup port It can muster. Welcome the Dunn Cheer era; may they lire long aad prosper. BY LEGISLATION It will be well not to place too high » hope In the relief attempted by the national Congrwe ia this hoar of the nation's dlstna. Prosperity hy legislation caa be only a temperary prosperity, delaying the depression that is boaad to follow aa over pro duction on a glutted market Foe fear years ore have enjoyed aa abnormal wealth which all of as knew could net last With eyes wide opea we nadertook thy hasard of trade, knowing full well that if price redactions did not hit as now they were awaiting only mother moment whoa the Mow weald ho just ns hard and deadly. Being aa agricultural community sad inexperienced in the 1 handling et large tarns of money, the i of paaopariti waat to our heads • j Meantime, wa had not prepared agalnatnhe coming of tha day whaa condition* nut com* to nonaai Nop ■•ky caught oa unawares, with big rtocba. much farm product* produced *• kigb-prieed land with high-priced labor aad material*. Big Industrial •oncinu, schooled in htstniii py^. F^od for this condition. They are weaUorlng tho storm without aorta mj lorn. whUa w«, with Bttla and, are. appealing to Congraa* to pull u* out of a hole Into which w* tumbled la broad daylight Co*|rti« may relieve tho situation temporarily, but tha boat thing we aaa do 1* to realise that wo have beam a lot at damphool*. swallow ear lots** and “carry on." *_Du"n. *lhl>o1’ clo*e today for a ChriaUaaa vacation. Nearly WO boys and girls and twenty mem* bar* of the faculty art thus set at liberty to enjoy the good things of «J»o marry Chrlstmastid*. On Tuaiday January tha schools wUl reopca. Meantime most of the faculty win ?**•** for homes in other town* to Joio with their ki unpeople In the cel ebration. The Dispatch trusts that each will have a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. The children, of -course, will ro buu& with 04 and help os to lay indc I the burden* or hardtime* for tho time being and make merry. They will b«.augmented by those of Dunn's young people who are away from bom* m other school*. Together their happy laughter will drive dull rare away aad toko us back to the time when we looked forward with such fond aapectation to the coming of the littl* gentleman of the grey beard aad coaid hear the glad jan *'? h*» t>ock. Grove: J. W. Sorrell. J. A. Par . A. Johnson. J. A. Willlama, H. M. riah, C. U Badey, W. H. PoUard. C. f " = ' --"" I f. Burnett. John»onvill«: E. M. ltaika. LUlington: N. R. Andaman, K. K. Morgan. Neilla Creak; W. ?. Upchurch. 1 Stawarti Creak: Jaaper 8. By^d. 1 I - PRESENTS For Everybody With the coming of Christmas your thoughts are turning to presents for your relatives and friends; but you are also remembering that this is a season for economy. That is where we come in and we have the things most suitable for ithis year’s Christmas presents, marked down to figures that make it economy to buy. You Must Give A Useful Present This Year Here Are Some Suggestions FOR HIM FOR HER Neck Ties Gloves , Shirts Dresses Shoes Shoes doves • Handkerchiefs u Coats s^ts Furnishings 2“,u_ How and Over Coats hundreds of other things that wilh be appropriate and acceptable. Come in and look them over. ! | Candies and Fruits 1 ' -": for - Christmas See our pretty baskets of assorted Fruits and i boxes of Fine Candies, prepared for the { Christmas Trade. | FINE BON SONS - MALAGA GRAPES ASSORTED CANDY ORANGES CHOCOLATES TANGERINES I Stt,, LEMONS™^ CIGARETTES APPLES » S' ALL KINDS OF NUTS PRAM M i Let LI8 Prepare A Special Box Or Ba^B^ for ] You—We Will Deliver It. fl Phone 268—F. G; SHKAN—Dui«i C. . , _ —Railroad Avenue—] IJ. W. Draughon Dunn, N. C. .'» -y. i ! r • , f-tV’2#/jS. .... .. • • *W-vK * ?.:* •. . ■ •* •. ■ ✓ |&>i.v.- . . YOU CAN FIND THEM HERE ■ CH*i" Knive# Rifl- ' % Ranges Rocket# a Fork# BicycUe Hardware CmarfMI Spoon# Velocipedes MiuicaUrntruinenU and Ru** Community Plate Took Furniture Silver Ware Gun. ' Stove. . a * . * * ^ * I Thousands of other things to Select from. Make it something worthy of yourself. Let It be a useful thing. 4 * % The Barnes & Holliday Company Dunn and Coats, N. C.