District Mwticos Mset In Sanford ErwU ??**•■ «-o«plo*o Now Hfii far Dv4 !«. MHXesl loci My will Mils nit "**^,5* 8“#»r< Thumday. Dm c«mW 1* at II a-lock aTi Tho ■tooting wall adjoun. at 1 p. m. for dinner, which will bi ftnitiwi hy Uf. ^*nfor* doctor*. Soy*ml papan follow* pr*oo°t*d at tho awt^u r£itZm.T br P- W. Holt- StAjoct u» nomncod, Doha. Dr. T. H. W**t—. .bdomiaal Pain. XeyeuoviUo. w. K. 0. Averin Sequel* to I» fluenia, Codar Crook. _,Dr' **• Btrort-Unort of Corns Glendon. Dr. R. W. Will —Roport of Cajea, Racford. HU frioad* will b,- p]< and to leant that Arthur Wllhon. v ho recently un derwent an opornt for appendici tis U able to leave '.he ‘toip.tai. Hr. Wllbon has been • g'.a.-M on the D. nnd S. pomonger t e r vtween her* and Durham for a t 'mbir of yuan, and expect* to bo *Vr to go oo hi* run again January 1. Doapito tho depro* . .1 It; torn con dition* which nr* *w< ri ng the coun try, six now dwelll../ boom* have £Te,"UJ. k««1~"»J«tod by tho Er win Co«on Hill company bore on the south *id* of town. N.A. Erkin, 8r., of Dor ham, spent Saturday here on buMcee*. v Mrs *• A. Lea, of Durham, u vi*. itiag her brother. Dr. W. P. Holt. fMMWMMMIMHHl m_ Fine Progress On Rirer Projects FarattevUU Dslsgatioa BsSarne From WuUi<|l.. With Em emsrsgiag Report Fayetteville, Dec. It.—a ratifying progress in sdvancemeEt of North Carolina waterways was reported by O. C. Tries, president of tbs Fayette stUa ehamher of commerce, and B. H. Bach Ingham. representative of the city, M their return from Washing ton .oj*" they attended the Na «*»»1 Blmreaod Harbors Congress, and eonf erred arith the North Carol liM Senators and llonea members in faxtheraoee of the Cape Fear river caniilxation and the Beaufort watsr *’**'■ Portion with the Wtl miacton deli^tion. IaiBtdUUij on Arriving in Wash Jn*ton Messrs. Triee and Buckingham went into conference with the WU mington representative* and promis ed to exert all their effort* for the Beaufort waterway, realising the Ifxeat benefit to he derived by Pay vtteville from thi* far reaching pro J**t. Beth Senator Simmons and Sen ator Overman pledged therateivr* to do all In their power to give Fayette ville what is needed here in the way of river development, while Cengraee nten Godwin promised to introduce immediately a bill for another sur vey and an appropriation for the third lock in the river. C. F. Winges, who was here last fall aad spring buying cotton on the local market, returned last wsek and will again buy on thi* market Professional Cards ********** • ¥ * D*. A. C. TEBEAU ¥ ¥ Oo loop elk ¥ * ' office Of Dr. Sendeiford -f * _ , EayatleviUe, N. C * * Write In literature concern- O * lag Osteopathy * * * * THOS. N. THAXTON * * Eaflaeer a ad Sereeyer V * Maps her Aatncia Aeeoeia. ¥ * ti.n mi Engineer. * * Boa 3M * * Duai. — North Carolina * Truaaei all itrtea for tale by HOOD S GRANTHAM TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Tliij le to notify the public that I have given my eon, Vadon Eicon Matthew*, hie freedom, end will not be roaponaibie for any of hi* debu or other obligation* from thin date Hr loft my home of hia own free will and accord, eeveral week. ago. All persons may take notice and act ac cordingly. II. It MATTHEW R, 1 Dunn, Ks, l. MMMMWSMWMw ’-’vr Oak* Merchant Take* Hi* Own Life Inability <• Stlbh Dib ml Cn di tar. Held Far Four Oek», Doc Ui>1 ter. prom inant yon up mei chant of thw city, committed aulcide thin af t. moon at 4 »(lock. Baaiacac wor r cc arc held rvepoaaihle far the -lard, fia did aa cxtorui*# time burnt etc and It la andcratoad that hia creditor* here been crcrwdiae him. Aa be waa anable to collect from the faraeere become of the law plica* ha could not meet hia oblinUaaa. The body wac found by Mr*. Lae eitcr who had no Intiaaatiaa of her huaband'e perpoa* until aha hoard the reealrcr ehot, win which ha end ed hia life. He had pone oat an the vetMMMteviMMmw bunk porch, iprud a rug and lain d -vn on H. Hr abut Mnaielf la tha mouth, the ball ranging upward into the brain Ul.'. Laaxilor waa a aoa «r W. L. L> J.tarr, a wall-to-do and prominent c iiwi. the family being one of the Mott rvspected In JohnWon county. k.». Laaahrr la a daugbur of J. C. Kraut, alao a well known and eateosa td citUen. There are trvrrel —n children. The funeral will ba held Tucaday afternoon at 1 o'clock. * SUDAN'S CEUMON1AL « By Caaa Trmvte Onea more the Sudan deck Is danc ed, and trembling novice* will ba reaicd to rraliac, much to their nar row, that they have never known rank horror aa Jhe bhrinere have depicted Will be very aoon Inflicted. Thla awful tenure will taka place la New Bern, mmmmmmwwmmn N. C„ in (kit cut. Tk* swewtv-ninth aril) bo the date on which they'll have this cruel fete. Th'.t it a mmubmu «nd a call Mai oat everywhere to all. Woo be unto that word bom who sends In word be cannot comet Everything Is fixed up fine for those who re mi to take the HL.tne. The novice bunco, so Noble* tell, oro dated for a latte of h—Theri’il be carts, when Satan cell*, to take them down to Pluto'* Ht.il*. Th-y vr!ll look sa pale a* rauaunir and have fierce pain* down ii< their turn mice when they've done the thing* to dc before that blaody day ’.a through. Theyhl think they re living lu an ag< whore wholesale murdei Is the rage. They'll all feel like the Cy that r>w ,ato a Jar of Xoyal Glae. Tv. pasted Ike hatching age, also sc**- it crawling stage, and no*, hr George. I'm filled with rage to find I'm in the MUCIL AGE!” Yau vi.~, toatetlni.g Is la stoiv mammmmmimmm ~l III ■— —a— which teg-va Mtar hod Still, lu no ua to W m apod times, tao, have ham __ , _ ThcraTl ba girls there, mab rrmsil inf, luAchdont. lUDMrt. iokdd dancing. YeaTJ ha£Tte bait tea of your Ufa—bat wbaa yaa m hmk east :hzaa. Hla wtfa teak hla ogee her I>p and mid, "Yaa paar aahaaat* td chap! Pat yoar arms atumd aa ale# hag ate tight and Ida aa awtae!" Jobs loskad op, blinked hla < ta.d with aar might as waU WTTE WILL His wife i and then_,_ Throw yoar traebtoa all. : aad come SB dowa, bon, aa tet day. The Sadaa Tropic’s ftaad ap dm I Hay Hmvtm help tbaa wha tea tba MIMMWMHMMMta !j Metropolitan Sat, Dec. 18 l| THEATRE •*. DUNN One Night — 8:15 COMING DIRECT FROM NORFOLK AND RICHMOND. THE BIGGEST LAUGH HIT IN YEARS — SELWYN AND COM PAN’S SENSATIONAL SUCCESS— “TEA FOR THREE” J i By Rot Cooper Megrue, author or — “It Pays to Advertise,” etc. | With BERT LEIGH and a great Broadway cast, including MILLI | CENT HANLEY j WHAT THE NORFOLK VIRGINIAN PILOT SAID ON DEC. 10, ! ! . -1920:-- . Teit For Three,’ Clever Comedy 'Tn fat Three,** with Dm