„ MONDAY , •‘Tv.,®*'* in ML« Bell* Romo”— i*° Vlrtaou. Husband*"—Fox Sun •bine Comedy In two reel*. „ v TUESDAY Knid in ‘Haunted Bedroom' —Trip to Mar* Mutt nod Jeff Car Won and late it Path* News. WEDNESDAY Owen Moore In “Poor Simp"—also . *••»* Dodger*" Vltagraph Comedy “ two reel*. Special Matinee Wed lor the children. Admiaaion 11 cent*. Mrs. W. C. Brad*her, who had been visiting Mrs. 1. M. Ream*, left WrH. oeeday for her home in Durham. Herbert Stalling* was here this week *n rout* from Wilmington to Fayetteville, where be ha* located George Grantham, Jr„ '< here from Bingham'* school at Asheville to spend the holiday* with hi* par ents Joseph WUjon, Ji„ arrived horn* from Bingham’* rchool today to r*td the holiday* with hi* uncle, H. Ballanr*. Mias Elisabeth Thompson i* here from Salem College to spend Christ mas with her parents, Mr and Ura i 1. W. Thompson. Mlm Lowney Olive will arrive to / night from Meredith College, Ra leigh, to tpond Christm** with ht-r brothers and sister*. Mrs. Henry O. Shell, of Wilming ton, ie here with her little daughter to w>md Christmas with her husb and's parents, Mr. and Mr*. OtU P. Shell Jonn t. wuson, or lisinewuir, u*. srrlrsd today to be with his sister, Mrs. Carrie Wilson Pridgen, who coctasurs quite iU at the honor of hsr sister, Mrs. A. L. Newberiy 1. W. Gainey, of Stediunn, was • business visitor to Dunn this week. Ha was employed here as a elerk in the postoftee fur oevrral month, a bout two years ago. Since that Urn's b* has hean farming nee- Str-admon Members of the Baptist Baruia Class era requested to attend a meet ing at the church immediately fol lowing the regular session next Sun day morning. Important busint-es is to coma before the class for diopov R*v. C. R. Cody, ractur of St. Ste phens Episcopal church at Duke, will -w. preach in the Preabyterian Churrh at * e clock next 8unday and again at the same boor on the Fourth Sun day. The latter engagement will be kla Christmas service. A cordial in vitation is extended everybody to attend these service*. GOOD ARD-JACK. SON Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Pearsall announce the approaching maniage of their daughter Mias Corinna Cathvr.nB Jackson to Mr. Jamas Ellison Goddard oo Thursday afternoon -•Sa Dersmlm the thirtieth at aix oclock • *‘ii‘ p—kutm J Dund. NBPJ LI RUM ■ — MRS. T. L. RIDDLE ENTERTAINS Tuesday afternoon Mr,. T. I- Rid dle entertained at a ‘‘Farewell” party In honor of Mrs. J. G Peek, who left best day to make her future borne at Greenville. The (Ihrir.ma, - Idea was carried out in decoration* , of holly, mistletoe and red randies. Each gnest brought her sawing and spent an boar discusang Christmas and other topics of ths day. Then Frances Riddle entered, ret rying a large mahogany tray filled with Christmas packages and stop ping In front of Mix Peck1, said this little versa: Mrs. Pack dear, Yoa may think its queer, 1 Wr’r* are all assembled heir To w!*h you happiness and cheer Every month, day and year. In three dainty paeksy*« you'll Ami . CifU you can (ay ‘are mine'. From your frterds who love you beat. ) From the noith. eoutli cc it and wen. ii Upon openlr? the pack»y<» the I trustt of honor found they contained little tokens of love from every one . invited to be present. Misers Emily Grantham and Fran ces served tomsto bouillon with sal tlnes, and fruit salad with cocoanul eake and fruit cake, then little Baby Ksid Riddle served salted peanuts in a little bask*', trimmed with holly. ******* * * BUSINESS LOCAL * ******* lFO*® COUPE FOR SALE—NEW. I and all the fixinV itfi * iv ,,ur,n» n. c. i REMEMBER J. u HATCHER COM. pcte» with *h<- lowest price tf I wanted- -so hands to clean I Bp land; 5 nun to ditch; 1 pood sa -penlerr and 3 goml tensnti for ik-l. J. G. Layton, Dunn. 2t p. PENALTY OF I PER cent will b* added op Jununty 1st on all taxes (‘ay now and save cosL II. “• Pnye, Town Tax Collector, tf. PENALTY OF I PER CENT WILL be added on January lot on all taxes Pay nuw and save cost. U. S. Page, Town Tax Collet-tor. If. AUTOMOBILES — I HAVE THE ayency for the Grant 6, automobile and ran make immediate delivery of any modal. Cap be seen and de monstrated at any time. Price V!,8‘J6. Will sell for cash or trade • o- teal estate Bee me if intcreat cd, Willie Pop*. Ibinn. N C. 24 tf WOOD FOR SALE—I HAVE A LOT of nice wood fur w*c. Oak and pine. Can make immediate deliv ery. Sec A. C. Barnes. 14 4t pd. FI. men 14 41 pd. J MMs^nmsam^awai^^SMi ■ " 1 ■ — i ■ -cm PENALTY ok l HI.' CELT WILL b« added on «.’! •»'• ■ f itt on all t*x«» t'uy r.cy act' jrv. c»n. U i. Pstfe. VeWTt Tax Collrotot. If KOR SALE —ON LONC T’JiS. OR will tr.Hr fa. .cal rv|- ora am* Oarftra 1 1-i i« I Ui track. E. V. Guinry. IV tf, KOR SALE Cli SLA?.— ! AlJ , YPI wriur*«. one flat .berry Rroi. it Cowell. .. 2« tf. SEVERAL SLCONj :-*ANO CARS (liffutT.1 nvjue. in ; . nu I'orvi'Iicn, include* iui-tj ?o«.e-. y. 1! ,.;j on 'ong time or trade fov *; n.lnolt »l*>ck. E. V. Guiuey. IV If. SELLING LNTIUS AVS'TS OF <ira» ami ■..crMtiti u; ivlneal priori!. on ocrount ol hi.linr to move Jrnj.-ry lit. 11. C.g noy ,1F tf. LADIES AiTri'.l'le/.. — HAVE you. *k *1 ,;r: oi.lio'r ..nil; ... box pieatr.l nr »vjj »'• • .eljru id pr..ir.‘>>.'i». . • i. Mail work tu •. jj C. I. m y NOTICE_I HAVE AL ’ •' ‘ » ' n"tl’Mi* ji’r :i ujvl- r • % , r. hex/ cnvhar. ihit- i i.* ». k»... .. ».?K iiiil/i:. Am Hi •.* ... <| ,c i .-•V.ixk and cry **. . •» » . > vj«1 ion. and *•&!<> tJi* |, ,,4 n»* wl. Jfwhu W. 1) .1, ',;it \ FARM AND ZiW. .. ,vJn FC. •«»*•—{ “*'■« :.T5i «wr:l In L • .. ,j , tu^, Aubk-i-. ** .c,*i. v i,.. .. hp.J.iir , A|.i ar.! •Sm itiiicld. Uav.f f uvRjf* «*• from So to ;«r» *.• x. f rom ♦•in to 52 VF p, ■ m v. F i Lilt property ix »r| If . • «.,■ 't being on hightii:;* Go;n •w.Wrnst on it. lor liuli.i i.ifoc mx'-ion *c» or w: It. In A .1.(0 l*ann. N. C. 2 Ilf FOR SALE—TWO FCF-> . LCCK5 can mukr immrdlat'.- .1 • b.v MIC at Oil CO » b'fiil V.V «i r.||%* <%l then*. J. Vf. ISHinvtr . tf ; Allow ur to ostond oar boat wUbti far a eery Merry Ckrii't^u: ar£ the I do*iro for jroar baaltb end boppinoM dviritj tho comky yco«\ i W# Loro a »ior« full of Cbrulaoi g oedio that will mob# poor , 4l»noor m i«cce««. j ® J,r y°ur yulo-tWo frocorjr neeeacitki todey. I Walter Josie^ SPECIAL Fearhw<, were 60 ccnu, noV.-.-.i__...... ...ZZi TnmaioeJ. were 25 cent*, now_...- lie Coin, wan 26 c*»U, now...------- .. *_|g,, Ural, was 66 cunt* per peck, now__ — ............_......40c « i i OUR . Are Cut to S All Over i _ < l We arp making no specially advertised sale, though it is easy to see, if you examine our goods, that nobody sells at lower prices. We have no special leaders but prices apply to entire line throughout the store. If you pay more than we ask it is your fault. $65.00. $70.00 and $85.00 Coats, Suite and Dresses are $32.50, $35.00 arid $42.50. All others, none excepted, are half price. j A handsomer or better line of Coat Suits, Dresses and Cloaks cannot be found than in | our Store. Consists of Ladies’ Plush Coats, Wool and Silk Dresses, in all the new ma terials, Coat Suits and Coats. . l-S'>/, & RjiS i . Men s Shoes $ 1 1.50, $ 14.25 and $ 1 5.25 are marked $7.65' $9.50 and $10.00. grade Zeigler Shoes, $12.50. $ 13.50 and $15.00 are marked $8.75. $5.90 and$9.00. Best grade of Dress Ginghams 17 l-2c. Best Percales 25c. One-third off on all Men’s Suits. One fourth off on all Hosiery, Men’s, Women’s, and Children’s. | Ladies Hate, entire Jine, nice ones, good pa ttems too, just one half price. You cannot buy better grade of goods for your money than at the prices we are offering. s Hassell-Johnson Co. Duke, N. C. LEGAL «Rfim dSAP n^^^^^^Rrc’iriitrilor •hi < Laic DrsugHon, i ccs-cd, l*t* ^^Htuu County, °or.h Cnrollna, ^^Hs to notify nil '. o is haring cl^B against the sa il* or said riscea^Hto present them > the undersign e^Kt Dunn, N. C„ A o- bc-fore ths Bth, day of De r.iher 1921, or ^B notice will bo Ivudi.d in bar of Bir recursly. AD -rterti Indebted jSaaid estate will •lease make ,aaBt payment. h-aitquAxlTOUTH, Administrator of LAURETTA DRAUOHON. This 17th day of December, 1920. CLARENCE J. SMITH, Attorney, iec 17 24 31 Jan 7 14 21. NOTICE OF LAND SALE L nder, and by virtue of the pow -r contained in • certain Deco of •’list from T. V. Stewart aad C. E ewnrv, to the undersigned which r.id Deed of Trust M registered n Book No. 117. and Page .44. Register af Deeds of Her mit County, North Carolina, ws will Ter for sals to the highest bidder, ur cash, at the Court House door in laim-il County, North Carolina, on ..nuary 4. 1921 at It o’clock noon, ■i* following dsoeriVed property. Described as follows: 11-A1, Beginning at a stake in J •!. Link’s line not far from J. E ..ink’s housa and not far from a pln< nap, and runs as sAid Link's lln< iu« Kast (old Cafl N. 87 E> 771 imins to on iron pipe in mid lin< nd in the road, now Lillie Tavlor’ timer; thence as her lias das Non] C.ni chains to an Iron stake in J. A iottbews* line, another of said U1H 'aylor’s corners; thence as Matthews me due West (old call S. 87 W.] 1.28 chains to a stake, the origins •c.iiorj thence as the original lin 3. 1 1-8 (old call & I L) IE* bains to the beginning, eontalniai nirlocn and throe-tenths acre (17.8.1 11 1); Beginning at a stake an imintuta T. H. James’ corner, an 'tns as his line aad past his come No th 8* 11. with the Wash Jonas in<| :i4 chains to a Make and pointers 'tonus* corner: tlwnco as another « '•unis’ lines North 14 West t chain to a large pine an the East of tb Hiring Branch; .•tones' comer hence as hta other Itae N. 71 'E 11 27 chains to a stake and pointers li the edge of the swamp of Thornton’ Crook, in Puu’s line; thence at hi lino South 88 West cmasinf Bk creek 88 chains to a stake aad point ctj» Pate’s corner la a ,hedgerow, th dividing comer witb'the 88 acre tract I Hence as said dividing line South 2 V/net II ckalas to tee beginning, roe tniring 29 acres, mare or Mat. B•ginning at a Make, T. V. Stow art and B. P. Parrtnh’s earner, an -una North 2 East 1.82 ehaias to < • take in Jeha W. Williams' lias thence as hit line 8. 87 I t East 28 ft chair.* to a stake aad pointers thence South 82 Wasd 3.78 chains t * Make B. P. Langdoa’i cornel thence as hie aad •tewurt's eon* .hence as hit line Merth II Wert 7.1 chains to the hastening. centainia Ira nnd flva sights (10 8-8) acre ' more ar lees. Beglning at a slake, Langdea’t eo ; nrr in T. I». Stewart** line, aad nil .as Langdoa'a line •■ 1. Wet* 8.4 ' chain* tv a stake at Mate Sim* thenro as said Strert North 84 W» 10 14 chains to a Make at the Eva all Barbour eemer; thanes ao ths lin* f/ JHRETrrsKnnpfr SBrri*i'iJ,n,: th*ne« u hi* Jin* N. 1. E**t 8.78 chain. toT. D. Stewart* lUi.; Ui.net a. hi* Sooth 86 E. 888 ehaintto *te*ka, hiieoramr, thaoe* hi. othtr lioo-N. 88 tha'ba (Inning, containing eight and thro#. 't*1** (■ •-<) acre*, more or leu. Beginning al a (take io Street, leading^ from the Stewart Hotel 1. Cieek. and ran* at taid Straet 8. 82, Ea>t 210 feet to a (take. Kir ***** s. ■■■■ I ■ T^wnmnsfdSEflG!!?! th«»e* u mU Btoaat WNt M fait to lUBigjg Ttato a* Sal. Jwiiy «. lttl. Talma Cask. BENSON LOAN A LN8URANCZ COMPANY, TBU8TEE. 1*^MMMMMVI The GOLDSTEIN Co. ^ Announces Additional Reductions ! In All Department* ; - Of i ; Its Big Store i11 I 1 r i 11 These Reductions will \ be in force until Christ- I ; ' mas Eve and afford the public unequalled op portunities for money I saving. t } ■ i1 p ,8 i< | 'j ! GOLDSTEIN’S • DUNN'S BEST . STORE ' -li £ * I , ; : j.

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