IB DUNN DISPATCH GaUferd Cseaty Ku Jost mM •a arvctica tkroovk -vkkk It to to ■ iasaa tt.OM.OOO la boods far tka TWe la ratkar a larva raw In klv far Haraatt to wkitslt Bat it ao • aura to aa tkat wt ra yfe: ka akla to •"» a koad law* •( at laaot katf a auBioa far tka am parpen, tinea Haraatt is at toast ar. fa :vtk aa weal thy as ia GaBfacd. Tkaaa art, of cou -» a lot of folk who will ay at « i .oliak: tkat Haraatt laaaat tfciak o' .nA a thiay. Bat it caa ka daaa. r:t! .■*» la tha tins. nal, hewer ai. v: xu andsr toke a UtUa wittier...y rawpalya tkroovk vkkk tka aowardym voter wO! ka toorht tka inniHy far sack a tblav and whs tied aat of tka Idea —km ia tka knia of poUtkal wav vntwpa—tkat ka k “»oTtvexin* Us fat ora’* wkaa ke rotas far boada. •war end aWr» that K aaada Nat HOag that wfll five employment to «ha thnaaaniir that wOl ha throws oat of work with the continuance at prca «at conditions. Individually wa are aUe te borrow practically nothing ead we hare little of valne to mlL Paring the meat eight months we are gaiag te And Wadding mighty hard aalaae we de eomathiag te bring mo ney to the eeeaty. Collectively—ea a rnmmaaity—wa can borrow all the amaoy wa want. Coanty and munici pal bonds ere at a r~iwlam now. A hatf-mtllloa for made, fifty thousand far a new school building, another fifty thousand far morn paw lag, sesse more far power plant Im provement*. coupled with whatever private baUding that will follow the •••Mag at costs in baQdiag oper ations. will da wsndsrc toward re “■ amenity. This Is a good time to -ovTiSirit’s; *••** f*reed to quit their tasks when their nrndecte ere needed. , net only by impoverished ■nape hot else by AmericeaaT Truly. It is a strange spectacle when pro ***^oa jaaaca •»• people need the r-_?vss Dwiocnt | v - _ Jim ted ntm tend tte Ctuaterlaad to'tte mote when tte MMr compaay wa tewoiteH to MM tho arotf in from tte taar, Mead* tad w*U-wi«h uvU •* interacted latere* col leetora. offered protection of a re BMnUoo ef tteT^CvteSoS^^tdt •*d oodov ht* title of receiver, to mDod aroend to tte ToiioM o«cee ftetet Mate ood Jamb to loon •tet ho waa to “receive.’* ?»— elom imreettoatba at tte Mb aoactea b Novtkfolk, Mr. Bor •oU up tte cooccra can yet te te*d« to function. By *-—rTno cool nd eoBected—ttet'a vhotth* Cm teriaaf did, collected—«U eaa te amde to bring forth J«l«l oa a paying Thle la ted red good save to people Srssft-S" st^srSS MM nd patent tte Coaatertead tea teoa.o flippyilataaiat eo far. Emooom lompa on oU right, hat tte •0 la vary rapenal re; a ad ngaillii are ■a aiaeey A fra oat Ut hy ■rcaahtaa. hat ltel, too, la ^*#11“ oat at asarhi i • I i ttegaadVttepNMte ia'^MamTaad UBtettea to portfcoter. We'll he tteahral for trtet wa receive fraaa |M aa receiver. -Maraett Caaaty Hava. . **HOU> ON UKl'CMM BtATM* (Maaaftetarar'a Record.) WdNIl.h o letter to tteMnauf ae^ torar'a Retard pobtehad b thU la mo. Mb advice la good. It te tend aa tte foot that tte araatd aataoBy aaeda oR tte aottoa raodo that eaa |w in ES SHMSl Ng tehr a o foMtac nytet,^tet tejtoa^to jtea Tlrie^b trae ef^eMry I ^ .r 1 / / f I—■ — -- J V IN AMD ABOUT 0 V V —-... | y ftovtval at am ago aid akin gam* — hroaghl to light last week whoa ••aaral aegra cttlsaaa ewglilitd to pell** department that they had Man takaa In by a body of negro operator* who** home la In kinaton. It a anid that erven) colored man “T* *“ M naar Dana have boon •jbAdd at nMullal nai through the laotmmoetality of tha old “loet" »waa” KktM. Tha method la: Ftm gjt r»w anchor, become friendly, ftad* the pane containing billi of large drnomlnatioa. offer to aplit the Of course tha anther baa to furnish aoaao chonge—usually •*•«* **■ P*™*"- ▼*»«» he fhada htmaelf trimmed goad end plentifully. TW mooU negrooa have been working la thU neighborhood for sec ond weeks, it U believed. About half a doree victhna have complained to tb« police deportment. Their total •JH? V* 10 bare been about MOO. On* at the alleged iwfhdleri l» in th« crib her* Two other*' ere belierad to bo locked up la Kinaton. Chief Page will re to Kinaton. to [morrow to bring them to Dunn. Time* young men of Beaaon In vaded Dunn Saturday night to "make a race bone oat of Chief Page”—to «** their exact language. They, how ever, mad* the mlitak* of boaattaf of their Intentioa before attempting to put Into effect. The bo*at waa made la the cafe. The chief hap pened to he fitting next to the young ■ter who voiced the intention. The whole bunch wei aligbtiy inebriated. There were, three additional lodger* in the city jail Saturday night. It coat them about twenty bonea each to get out Sunday. ana ius gang Bavi Again •tatted on the war path against mon key rum and gambling. For a time there wea an apparent cessation of thalr activities along this line. The result was that some of tho follows overdid the thing. In consequence the police blotter Is again assuming tho proportions it did in the more pros perous times of earlier la the year. and the hanks will fores a redaction of acreage by one-half, prices will rapidly be adjusted to a higher level end the suiplus'stock of cotton will be cleaned up, to the great advantage of tho South, assuring profitable pri ces for yean to come. Lot the South hold its cotton, re duce its acreage, raise all its own food-stuff s, put all surplus labor to build lag highways and making muni cipal improvements, to the cleaning up of farms and putting them in bet ter shape, and then out of this de dremion in eettea It will win a vic tory of permanent independence and Prosperity. Dob's Review New Toth, Dec. IP.—Dun's Satur day said: The sign* of betterment in business if outnumbered by the unsatisfactory fcatena, an becoming more distinct A change is aeon in certain primary textile branches, wbese the movement is freer, and some bqyera in the leath er Dude an thawing -renewed Inter eat. Whether the tndlcatiens of Im iff" iii.r-t - *-fT*-i WMWWyW Tfrmp CoBTaw ssfaisr-A'asattWM all quartan simultaneously. TV economic readjustment has beea tr ngular, having gone farther in wan directions than la others, and thi process of recuperation will probably bo rrmdual and chocked. That a solic testa for recovery crista it a con vie tlen strengthened by the week’s croc estimates, disclosing unusually abun dant hafvest, and the powerful bank tag resources and bettor transports tioa facilities an inaportaat construe M*aerJ?2r.,?'r**Wy b“k |7|39lslM|431. .VVVVATVVVVV l * ¥ , * REALTY TRANSFERS ¥ [VVVVVVVVVV The following tnirfin of real rr ■ *•** **•** Faaa recorded ia the office | of RapleUr af Deed* Faucette dur iiIf tie past weak: I Mare Jana Fnqu.y to Leon Me Uod Puquay, one lot la Coats, for 1100. M. fi. Holder to Flora A. Holder, { • 1-t acre* la UppV Little River , towuihls, fit. * babe lie MeAuley to John McLean, aad others, 140 acre* in Barbecue consideration of Ut« and affaetba. Chaa Roe. and wife to A. F. Ken SO aerta jo Lilliocton town* «ad other eonildcratloik. . f. Parrlek to J. H. Parrieh. M 4«rea ia Crave townahip, far love and affection B. P. Parrish to J. p. ParrIA. 55 affection^™*'" tolrn*,p’ f#r bva and | a P. Parrbh to Minnie M. Crimer, SJ 1-1 seres la Grove township, for levs aad affection. B. F. Parrish to Ava V. Stewart. 12 Mras to Grave township, for love aad affection. Leans] Holland to A L Overby. Mastoa ta Blaek River township, ttf • P. Parriah ta W. H. Parrish, *1 acres-In Grove township, for love aad affaetton Dosha* Stewart to the Beard of Bdaeatie*. one sere to Black River tewtohip, MOO. Tkaddeaa Lee to Katie Lae. let to Dunn, 11,000 „A G. Johasen and others to Alba Matthews. 21 aerct In Noils Creek *••»*»», JMd The fellewlM tresafer. ef real •Mato have been recorded ta the ef Boa of Ratbtor of Deed. Paacstle dmrla* the asst weak: Gee. L. Gennady and ethers to N. * Batter aad ethers. • Iota In Dana, I * N. A. Butler aad ether* to Bar Jktta E. Butler, 1 tats to Doan, for *• A. Metaneb to Paneen Coae ■nrabl Baak af Biasn, tl.M acrae to Avarasbara township, |17,»42. Una Man* to M. ft. Lea aad Baida eta, I tote ta Avarashave teat ■toTflM sad athar natodssuUs*. . Beaaas Nstoon to O. C Childress. I toasts of shoot M acres to Jeba •MvOto township, $11 aad athar aaa M. 0 raptor to UHa Orap seres to Grave tawaship, far Hn*n)i Paasstto to Chaa. Bbh, 1 at to LMlacton, I1.MP aad athar REASON ENOUGH FOB OPTU Ml EM „ ,Wb*tkrr •» »<* lt begins Immedia tely after tbe llrst of January, there U every reason to believe that this country Is due to have a long series —Art to 10 ynrt, at ImK—of aeueeaa of preepertty aa steady and to and as we have ever known. It can not begin, it is true, until wa ere back en a stable basis; but once that la reached, nothing can prevent it. It would be foolish to look for a recurrence el the feverish condition* of war Hot*. In fact, aueh condition* would be highly undesirable, for they are invariably followed by a reaction. ,We are gulag through such a period of reaction right now,, end the only wonder is that it is to mild. Severe aa condition* are at present, lh.ro have been few bankrupted*—abund ant evidence that tbe United Slate* has adopted and followed e fiscal policy that, whatever ita minor de lect*, it sound at the core. We have come down a great part of the way .from the peak of war prices with a minimum of calamities. It is en achievement upon which wc .hall look back with pride and tnucmcit e 'few year* heuce. But the comforting element in the situation is the fact that there la a moral certainty that such business concerns a* can weather the present comparatively mild blow will soon have plain sailing before them. Wo (hall have a repetition on e greater real* of tbs “ora of good feeling" that followed 1819, and for exactly the same rsaten—Europe is again 'Stripped bare of the necessities of - civilized life, and America is tho I greatest available aeurce of supply. I We have not quite a monopoly, not | even as much monopoly as we had of i tho munitions business, and there fore we shall not be able to set quite onr own prices. Rut we shall find a ready market for anything we have f" ■-**■■■ -1- i i=ggssg=ag— .o s*’l at a reasonable price to. aj, woJ run, yei-s l? com;. flncu th ng. i e.-ul j out ci, th;.< «'!1 Ik. a al! pribab I'ty, so g.iat -h-ugo ir • ricw either up o.4 b I 'll tend tew ri i da f> - *.c i 1 hamt, and strikej w!| b; tine u t . « bankrupted-. \ Tlx- r'.tvialcn thet^f-irt. fnrni-hr "aion fu 'are optimum It 'a th wnrat ponesble time for wild specula Ion, to be ear*. It is o prospect hat affords no greetco infort for the aan whose ambiUonlls to get rich Ir 10 minutes; bat sijih spirits have over bees the cans -*f the commer cial world. But the man who aspect* to be In basin*** not only next week bat next year and the year after that, the nun who is looking for no more than a reasonable profit, and who much prefer* assurance of reasonable safety to 90 per cent dividends, the man. la short, who it doing business, not gambling, finds In outlook morn promising than it hap been for a long while. To paraphrase Mr. Wilson's sentiment, the conaMVatlve man finds it better to suffer temporary embar rassment in a bustscaj that sooner I or later is bound to succeed, than to run up bugs profiU in an enterprise ] that sooner or later ti bound to crash 1 Sharply aa American business is pinched at present. It is aa certain aa anything human sear la that good time; are just ahead, and every' day ic bringing them clontr. The tendency '■* steadily in the direction of sound conditions and lasting prosperity; and that, ire submit, la reams enough for optimism.—-Creeaaboro News. D. Y. Cooper. Sr., prominent bank er. textile manufacturer and business man, died suddenly at hia home In Henderson Monday. He was 74 years old, having been bom April Zl, 1447, in Grenville county. !' ~I ; Candies and Fruits v j = — - for — ■ — Christmas ' 1 / ' ’ 'II i bee our pretty baskets ot assorted Fruits and 1 1 boxes of Fine Candies, prepared for the I ' Christmas Trade. i FINE BON BON3 MALAGA GRAPES ASSORTED CANDY ORANGES CHOCOLATES TANGERINES GRAPE FRUIT I CIGARS LEMONS • CIGARETTES APPLES k ALL KINDS OF NUTS PEARS ' ’ Let Us Prepare A Special Box Or Basket for M i You—We Will Deliver It. Phone 268—F. G. SHKAN—Dunn, N. C. ] . —Railroad Avenue B YOUR HEALTH GRADUALLY " s t tomwtmi Experims of s Texas Lady Wko Dedans That if Man WaoMB Knew AW Car'd Tkey WoaU Bo Sponi Msck Sir 1mm aid Worry. Nsvneota, Texas.—Mr*. W. M. Pedes, ol tide piace,rdetes the following interest lag eccotuu ot bow sbe recovered her ■irengto, having realized that the was adualjr toeing her health: "Health la the greatest thing hi the world, aad when you ltd hat gradually sopping away (root you, you certainly tit up and take notice. Tbnt Is «w I did sown flam ago when I found myself in a vary nervous, run-down condition ol health. I was so fired and toft so Utdcae I could hardly go at aO. “I was Jot ao account tor work. I would gel a hnchet o( water and would kelao weak I would have to set itddwn before I tot Ike I coaid lift* to the shelf, la this condition. Of courts, to do even «y housework was a task almost im possible to accomplish. •*lwas. . nervous and easily upset ' - .1 i l 1 1 H' _ .Hi 11 couldn't real well * fright aad wm . .. i]u*lifebae. ui beard of Chid* and alter leading I dodded I had aotae female trouble that waepupagawdowa. lea* lor Card* “laaveryehortwtdeaferl beaut the Cardid Hama Treatment laawaalm provenye* and it waaa’t toag until I war homo wort. {'Later 1 took a b*dao< Cart* aa a toaie. I can recommend Card* m* afed ly do ao, lor I! am women kaaST* would am a grc* da* ot worry aad akkneea.” <*er women who have fc^Tcant* helpM *ould eoaviace you Sad II b worth try**. Ad dngpafe aed it —lb 'ThL> year, for the first time in the :‘.:ory of the sealons of the Hesrsl Ji territorial legislature, every mrm >■’ • was able to understand English, abling them to dispense with the —n eta*. ‘ Palmyra III and, 1,0 Du mtlvl aouth of Honolulu, haj no moaquitoea, no •corpluna, no centipede*, and haa plcn ty of fiah In the aurroundlng water, ihouaaDda of bird*, luxuriant Y»tr» lation and a tool climate. A plant growing la U« State of Mihoacan, Mexico, affects the human ( organism in such a manner that tha subject Is mads temporarily Insane from breathing tha perfume. I WATCH and CLOCK REPAIRING _ m ' We have just insii.uted a repair depart ment for watches and clocks and have em ployed an expert to direct the work. The Department iu equipped with the beat and latest machinery, and we will ap- / predate your patronage. We will carry a first class stock of jew elry, clocks and cut glass in this department. I BUTLER BROS. Dunn. N. C. - I _ % * , f PRESENTS , For Everybody With the coming of Christmas your thoughts are turning to presents for your relatives and friends; but you are also remembering that this is a season for economy. That is where we come in and we have the things most suitable for this year’s Christmas presents, marked down to figures that make it economy to buy. You Must Give A Useful Present This Year % . Here Are Some Suggestions FOR HIM FOR HER Neck Ties Gloves Shirts Dresses Shoes Shoes - Gloves Handkerchiefs it Coats fl09* Suits * Furnishings „ Hose and Over Coats hundreds of other things that will be appropriate and acceptable. Come in and look them over, s J. W. Draughon Dunn, M C. * * Useful Christmas Gifts ! I You Can Find Them Here ! IK Chai« Gun. II Rocker. ' Rifle. II Couche. Bicycbe II Ru«» Velocipede. . II Silver Ware Tool. II , .. . Stove. Knives Range. Fork. . Hardware II Spoon. ^ . Musical Instrument, and Community Plate Furniture Thousands of other things to Select from. Make it some thing worthy of yourself. LET IT GE A USEFUL THING. I I * ' • i Barnes & Holliday Company Dunn and Coate, N. C.