• ♦♦*#**** ♦local* 0——-—--o • White Way Theatre Program e 0-----0 THURSDAY “Pirate Gold" Sple©de 8—"Flre aide Brew, Meek Bennett Comedy In two rsale—alao “Belle and Belle” one reel Star remedy. Friday “Milestones”—Its A Uoldwyn— Boub Pollard ia “Money to Bum”, oaa reel Comedy and latest Pathe Re view. Matinee Friday afternoon. SATURDAY Naaamovta In “The Brat”—Bpi tede 11 “Hidden Danger*"—Latest Path* News. Mr*. U. 9. Page I* visiting rela tlvee la LaGrange iama Butler and Meivin Hodges are la Raleigh today. Norwood Pope is here from Wake Forest College to vielt hi* parent*. Mr. aad Mr*. James Hampton, of Richmond are here to visit relatives. Murdock Dowd and Boh Warren spent Sunday lo Bensnn with friends. Mack Wilson, of Oak Ridge, is here to spend Christmas with hit parents. Louis F. Adley, of Philadelphia, Is here ta spend the Christmas holidays with his mother. Mlaa Clara Pope 1s homo from Lauidburg College to spend the holi day* with relatives. Mlaa Ruth Westbrook Ls home from Oxford College to visit her mother, Mrs. Lillian Vinson. Girard Wilson, of the Univeiaity. arrived Sondiy to visit his parents, Mr. aad Mr*. J. F. Wilson. Mlaa Floraaca Cooper has retorn ed lorn* to spaad Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. S Cooper. Mias Margaret and Minnie Taylor are home from school, to visit thsir • parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Taylor. Mm George T. Noel has returned frees en extended trip to Baltimore, Washington and other cities In the North. Dr. Paul A. Stewart left Baturday for the Wastern part of the Slate, where ho will spend the holidays with reletivs*. Geerjte L. Ca/inady will leave thia week for Oxford to mend Chnatmas with relatives. lev. Father Watkins, of the local Catholic Church, haa returned from • vielt to Beaton. New York and other Northern cities. A ■Meting of thuse interested in Christmas charities Is called by Sec retary Biddle for Wednesday night. Mean tine persons who know of worthy persons who need aid err re quested to communicate with-him. Furuons McQueen and Olive are working hard on the community chorus idea and will anon call a re hearsal of locol talent foi the en tertainment to be given In the Mr tropalttan Theatre on the night of December SO. Lesris Donning, who has been tour ing America for the last aavcral The Chamber of Commerce has erected road signs pointing the way to Kaleigh and to Benson at the fork •f Fairground Rood near the home of Judge X. L. Godwin. This ia a great convenience to motorists who are not familiar with the route. Earl Westbrook and John C. Clif ford. representing tbs local graded schools, attended the basket ball con ference jn Fayetteville Saturday. They have arranged games with Park ton, Fayetteville, RmltWUld end Camp Bragg for the present season Because its scenery failed to ar rive on time tbs Tea for Throe Com psusy, scheduled to appear here Sat urday night, cancelled its engage ment. The company continued on iti way southward and will **»* Dunn another date when it starts North a Mra J. X. Butler entertained the members of the -Missionary Sociotv of Divine Street Methodist Church With n luncheon in the basement of the chunk Monday afternoon Thr thirty-six member* werePtewnt to mtjoy her hospitality. This was s ^Christmas present to tho society from Mrs. Butler. a .s to 1L ^ J Via she local potle* thli weak while lr> attempt to travel to hio station vlj the locomotive Under roaU. He ii in th* local crib awaiting the ««* bf abaat $10. If this doe* not imvi oooa ba will be east to th* rood* anc bo forced to itaod a trial by conn Mf11-1 when he return* to hit ship A large part of th* snbocrihar* t the local Ulepbone exchange awoki t* tad thematlve* ulephonelce* ye* Urday. Manager Nobles had diacoa tinned service to all who had not pel' Saturday* Thl* 1* . rulo he will fol law strictly In fatur* Ha Is net per mltted to continue aorvlee if duel art not p#W by th* twenUeth of oacl There are several sailor* and *ol dlan on the county read. ,t thl. time Their crime* l* thatlbox hadn't ml AcUnt money to get them u thoi •hip. a.d camp* after pending a fn day* with th* horn* folk. Mom o thorn are likeable young I would not b* a bad Idea for the con ■realty U earry a little choorto then ou Christmas Day. A good Cbriatma dinner Woald do thorn a world o good. otl* P. Shell, who ha* baea oagag ad la special work for the eenrua bv raou ef the Federal governme* through th* eastom countie* ef th State, completed hi* work last we* and has returned bouse. He h*s rt reived letters commending hie wor from officials ef tha bureau. Net month ho win leave for Raleigh t prees hi* candidacy far the office c eagreesieg elertof U>*houp* ef r»i rateeUUve* l« which ho he* eerv* for mveral teem*. STRAYED*— TBMt HOO*, ON white, two black. About oaa yos aid. Took up at my home on tool f. Owner ten got them by soda me at one*. M. 8. Raynor, Den: It PRMALTY OF » PER CENT W1L be added ** January lit on ■ taaea Pay bow and says com. 1 «t* F*fy, Tow* Tax Collector. I NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS OF FIRST NATIONAL RANK The regular annual meeting of th* shareholders of th* ttretNational Bank of Dunn. N. C.. will be held to the oSlct* of the said bsnk In th* city of Dunn, N. C., on the third Tuesday in Jan., It being January 18, 1981, at 10:3tl o’clock, for th* purpose of electing a board of director* to •ere* for the ensuing year and for | acting on such other matters as shall .be brought before the meeting at that time. , We hope to have a full representa tion cither In person or by proxy. H B. TAYLOR Cashier. Experiment* conducted in the rA search laboratories of the army aig I nal corps prove that a number of meixages may be sent over submar ine cable* simultaneously through the u»c of aHesnhling current PENALTY Oh 1 PER CENT WILL be added on January 1*t on all taxes Fay nnw and save cost. U. 8 Page, Town Tax Collector, tf. HOBGOOD WADE >Iiu Anne Wade, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Martin Wade, of Dunn, and J«m«* Raymon Hobgood, of Louts bars, were married m the home of the kride'e rioter. Mm. James Hamp ton. Vernon Apartments, Htuart Ave nue, Richmond, Saturday afternoon. Rev. Dr. Buckholla, of the Westmin ster Presbyterian church, officiated. The bride wore a suit of brown, with bat and glove* to match and car ried a bouquet of bride** race and orchids. After the ceremony Mr. and Mr*. Hampton gave a dinner party at the Jefferson hotel. The htidt i> one of Dunn'c moat charming young women and has a bojt of frienda ncre. Mr. Hobgood ia a traveling salesman attarhed to the force of the R. J. Reynolds Company. Hie headquarter* baa been In Rich mond for aoveral months, lie and his b.lde will make their home in Richmond. Mr. and Mr*. Hobgood will spend the Christmas holidays here with Mir. Hobgood'* parents. 0ospital1s near ITS COMPLETION "Central Harnett Hospital" ia to be the name of Lillington's new in stitution for the relief of the sick. The hospital u almost completed. Dra. J. W. Halford and N C. Riddle, the founder*, are rapidly making pre parations to open doors for the re ception of palicnU. Painters, plumb eis, etc., arc on the edge of the fla shing touches, furniture and <1* turr-s are being placed, and already the institution Is taking an that inett in* look which characterise# soak' place* Meat people, of course, do not think of a hospital a* beta* inviting, bat there'! the drawing card. Thar*' U a certain air of comfort which ro omer** the patient on first entering —a fooling of confidence that Tere will 1 lie* whom aim I might din.” | An operating room ha* been fitted up with tba moat modem equipment and annex for atari Using work. Thb department will bo up-to-date In. •ear* rasped, and patients may have 'the boat iuiweena to bo secured for any cate. On. Halford and Kiddle will not limit the capacity of the In stitution to their own individual 1 skill, but wlU Invite the beet rurxical •hill to be found and will consult pa tient* in that raspect- Meat people are peculiar when it comes to a question as to who shall "carve" thspe. This question will bo answered by the pa tient's own wishes. The hospital will bo aodemly equipped snd comfortably furnished throughout. A Heating plant will ho installi.il, hat and cold water running in the bniidlng, with electricity surd other modern convenience* added. A ward has been fitted up in the rear for colored patients. The institution will fill a losgfolt need Cor this immediate section. In that it will not now he necessary for patient* to take chances on a long and fatiguing Journey to another city - -avoiding a long trip will in a great many instances cava a life.--^Harnett County Newt. Professional Cards Baaaa*Baaa * * * DILA..C TEBEAU * ▼ flitioyssk 4 B Office of Dr. Bindtrford B B FeyeCleeille, N. C. B B Write far literature concern- B in* Osteopathy »»»*»«»♦»» B BBBBBBB B B B THOS N. THAXTOM B B Engineer and Sarroyar V B Member American Aeeacia- B B lion of Engineers B B Box SM « * Dm, — North Carolina B * B * ******* b * B LJ. BEST B B Attorney at Law B B Special attention to Collae- B B Hoar end Conveyancing. B B Dunn, N. C. B B Office over J. W. Jordan's B B Jewelry Star* B Allow ui to ox land nr boot wlabas for o vary Marry Cbriatmoa and tba aaroort daairo for your baoltb ood bayyiooo during «ko coming yaor. Wo bora a atara foil of Cbriatmoa gaadlaa that will aaaha your CWietmae dinner a saocasa. Order yaor yole-tida grocery nacaaaittaa today. Walter Jones SPECIAL Prachea, were SO eer\l», now---...._;-S8a Tomatoes, were 26 cent*, now-------... I be Corn, »u 23 cents, now..........................__^_L._IBc , Meal, eras 6G cant* per peck, now__40a !j... ; Victrolas and Vic tor Records We have a large stock of new Victrolas —finished in the prettiest woods and design ed to match all styles of furniture. With therri we have the newest records [ ; made by the Victor Company’s most noted ; | singers and musicians. ! ] The Victor machine is without a super ior. It has few eqi^ls. [;; All the fine points of talking machines * :; manufacture have been built into this mach ! ' >ne which'has stood the test service through [:; t1 •' vcr;r3 since such machines became a part »: i < r the music world. ■ < i J We will be glad to demonstrate' these machines and these records to you. 5 COME AND HEAR THEM • : • I Butler Brothers OUR PRICES - * Are Cut to the Quick AD >ver the Store i • We are making no specially advertised sale, though it is easy to see, if you examine our goods, that nobody sells at lower prices. We have no special leaders but prices apply to entire line throughout the store. If you pay more than we ask it is your fault. $65.00, $70.00 and $85.00 Coats, Suits and Dresses are $32.50, $35.00 and $42£0. All others, none excepted, are half price. A handsomer or better line of Coat Suita, Dresses and Cloaks cannot be found than in our Store. Consists of Ladies' Plush Coats. Wool and Silk Dresses, in all the new ma terials, Coat Suits,and Coats. Men’s Shoes $11.50, $14.25 and $15.25 are marked $7.65, $9.50 and $10.00. Ladies’ high grade Zeigler Shoes, $ 12.50, $I3.50 and $15.00 are marked $8.75, $8.90 m nnd$9.00. Best grade of Dress Ginghams 17 l-2c. Best Percales 25c. One-third off on all Men’s Suits. One fourth off on all Hosiery, Men’s, Women’s, and Children’s. Ladies Hats, entire line, nice ones, good pa ttems too, just one half price. You canzlot buy better grade of goods for your money than at the prices we are offering. Hassell-Johnson Co. Duke, N. C. . ; . of any modal. Cam ha Mm monatr«ted at any that. Price 11,895. Will aaU for cub or trad* for real aetata. Boo mm V interact ed. Willie Pop*. Dwwn. If. C. 24 tf. — _ ■■ « WOOD FOB a ALB—t J4AVE A LOT of aica wood for ala Oak mad pin*. Cao make immediate deliv ery See A. C. Borneo - 14 4t pd. baraaa. 14 4t pd. PENALTY OF l.PEB CENT WILL be pdded on January let on all taxco Pay now aad eaee corL U. S. Pace. Town Tax Collector, tf. FOB SALE.—ON LONG TIM* OB will trad# far rami aetata, one new -GCrford 1 1-4 to 1 1-2 tea track. E. V. Gainey. 1> tt. FOB SALE CHEAP—TWO TYPE* writer a on* flat deMk. Newberry BTai. A Cow ail. Damn. 2* tf. FOB SALE—TWO POBD TBUCKS. can make Immediate delivery. Sea me at a ace if yarn want oao of three. J. W. Thornton. SS tf. PENALTY OF 1 PER CENT WILL ba added on Jannary let on al taxce Pay now aad mee coed. u. •dU .Page, Town Tnx Collector, tf. SELLING ENTIRE STOCK OP tirot ul MMMoriw at rodaeod P*1***. •“ account of barlac to “«"• Jaaaaty tot. K V. CtoTacy. »» "•> - _- •-, t . UOin ATTENTION. — HAVE totrt accordion, knife or bos pleatod or ro-ploatod. Work rotara "*d promptly. Prieo 11.10. Rail work to 1. >. Loo, FaysttevilW. N. C IS St pd. fMMMRRSMWRMk tEVESAL SECOND HAND CASE. I different make* la mad condition, Incladlnc Ford*. Win aeil an *•' -aft ^ftrlnOkAii MAwf’XDOD TO MT MlUtas plant an dear tke water task, a new enakor,. packer aad deaa * inc ootf A Aa now prepared to ekaek aad croak aad dean pear corn and wake tke kaet of takle ^meaL^John^W^h^^^une^tr rAM* Am wd»—f ol (•ratal ft Auitr, -|£L from |K tUa fn» •f k bai batiiHfa P—. M. The < OLDSTQN Co. Announces Additional Reductions In All Department* Of . Its Big Store FORD COUPE FOR SALE—MEW, •elf Harter and all tha Asia's— G. M Tilghaaan, Dm, N. C. tf IS IT. f _ REMEMBERS. L HATCHER COM pates with the lowMt prie*. tf WANTED—SS HANDS TO CUAJ op land; S men to ditch; 4 goad carpenter* and S*good taannU fai 1M1.J. 0. Layton, Dunn. St p TOR SALE—1M BUSHELS M long etaplo cotton (nod, also IN bushel* of Waanantahor* taprove. cotton mod. Anyone wfahug k hoy either, aoe m at ones. N. T Altman, Godwin, K. C. «t pd PENALTY OF i.fER CENT WIU ho ad4od on January Id aa al tana Pay now aad save cod. U 8. Page, Town Tan Collector tf FOR BALE—FINE PAEM LOCAT •d on highway between Canto aw Benton, containing Itt aeraa, k acres cleared and In goad (tale o: cultivation. . Two and tenaa beams, aad oat buildings. Fins or chard aad tfcnbab. Prise for gnid sale 110* nr sere, 1-4 ca*h. bn aaca la 1,1 and S yearn Id H Ua Pop* Dm, K 0. «4 tf The Japanese wslnnt effort poed * hi II tie* for land owner* ah* are ml ; lac to plaat aat true* fee diode « other purpose I, any sasstolld* th< ; Halted States Department of Agrl I culture. H Is nearly aa bard aa th. ’ black era last and la by aa means aa , common la Nerthara aad lastan > States, where tt U Ifdliltr »jF* | prtate far farm and daor-ynrd **•*>■ i lag. Por the present, seedling tom t will have to he rolled gpon aim ! entirely, aa vary low budded or graft (4 tr**» are availably. 4 1 9 ‘ ■•'•4 L These Reductions will be in force until Christ mas Eve and afford the I public unequalled op portunities for money saving. . ;i' ' . .. ... _^ ^ ^ ^ _ GOLDSTEIN’S i DUNN’S - BEST . STORE i