. Way Teak Cwn >wfaa “•* York. Dec. It).—11a amre * published crs a yield of ! I a'ere was wad trsia anastatic a. ’ a apart af appeals MtUy seat UqSdatio. _ : DecemStr contracts aft la 14.M aiskla* new lav rraaad far tha aaaaca a* that Ma sty, wkila Aa prise at ■Mdlln* aau tan ia the Dallas Baikal was —had daara to 1S.M, ar tha lava at pasta Itav aa tar sAcinlty rapertfd. lattr deliveries. however, did aa* sad "inn ud Whereas, Brother Patterson de parted this life on the 6th daV of December, 1828. Now tharefeee. Be It Resolved: 1- That ia the death of Brother 1 Patterson the Coats Baptist church has sustained a severs loss; that the town of Coats and community there abouts has last ita best and most progressive cittaen and his family a devoted and Christian husband and father. S. That a copy of these rooolu tiona be presented to his family, a copy furaiahad the Biblical Recorder and County papers, and a copy w»cad opoa the church record. Done by order of the Coats Bap tist Church, this the 18th day of De cember. 1820. MRS. T. D. STEWART, MISS MATTIE BAIN. U L. LEVINSON, Committee Each day the new* front Russia de als* the new* of the day before; but | at least it can bo boiled down to ten j lines instead of-wasting a column of it. LEGAL ADVERTISING notice of land sale under MORTGAGE North Carolina—-Harnett Ceaaty._ By virtue «f the power of tale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed and delivered by Taylor Runes to hi. Q. Lee, dated the 1st day of December, 1918, and rcco*I Pd in Book No, 116, page 341 in the ofhec of the Register of Deeds of Harnett County, and default having been made ia the payment of the bends thereby secured, the following described tract ef lend will be sold at public auction to tl|c highest bid dei for cash at the courthouse doer in Lilllngton, N. C., Harnett County on Friday, December 31st, 1920 at 12 o'clock noon: All of that tract of land, lying and being In Harnett County, North Car olina, described in deed to Haywood Sanders consisting of thirty-Avs (361 acres more or leas, adjoining the land* ef D. Turlington. J. B. Parker, and others, end described according to survey of W. P. Byrd, as fol lows: Bcginriag at D. Turlington’s corner ia Juniper, and runs thencs I South 80 East 26 chains to a stake; thence Nogth 28 West 14.76 chains ! to a poplar ia the Juuipcr; thence .along the run to the beginning at D. Turlington's earner in Juniper. Place of tala: The Courthouse door in L llingtov *• C., Barnett County. Time of Mia: Friday, December ol, 1930, SR 12 o'clock noon Torms of sale: Cash. ' M. C. LEE, Mortgagee. This 26 dsur of Nov. 1920. Nov 80 Dec 7 14 21 28. 1 NOTICRsdMpMINISTRATION Havingbu^^A^ as administrator ot llrT^ecli^^^Hfcr-Dadl'y. deesas rd, late s^Hft County, ibis li to give nofl^H^l], persona indebted to said estate to make immediate 1 payment of the mme. Auy per > son holding any claim against said i estate will present the same to the I undersigned administrator within twelve moabhi from the date of thil notice or it^RU be pleaded in bar ol recovery. * Thin- 26, day of November, 1920 . H S. HOLLOWAY, Administrator ! Cardenas, N. C. Route 1 I; Franklin T. Dupree, Atty. [ Nov. 30 Doc. 7 14 21 28 Jan. 4. jj^-L NOTICE OF LAND SALE UNDER MORTGAGE Under and by virtue of the power r mle contained ia a mortgage deed Jjtrd the 19th day of May 1919, du ’•» executed by Sarah Kaircloth to D. C. Luca* and wife, Phoebe Lucas, securing a note of even date. Said mortgage It recorded In the office of Regiltfr of Deeds of Harnett County is book 11A page ST 4 which | said note and mortgage deed, was | for value received duly transferred and assigned by B. C. Luca* and wife, |Phoebe Lotas, to Stewart Turlington, i which said transfer is recorded in 1 book 19S page S49 in tht office of | Register of Deeds of Harnett, coun *" ' 'f~'" ty, default having br«» mad - in the I payment of the indebtodnex thereby •rrurrd. ihc ucd*'.ig»(sl tranafeiiMi will on Monday. Sfth duv of Janaary, 1921, at 12 o'clock M. it the Court Hounr door in LIU.melon, N. C., »«U for co»h to the high*>t bidder the following denciibed teal citato Ly ing and being In Harnett County, State of North Carolina, Avcraabo'o Townth'.p. i Lot No. It in the division of the | William Luca." ri vition. beginning at ; a atake near the tram road, the cor ner of lot Xo. 2. and rune a" the di viding line of thir lot, North 12 W. abu'ut 26 chainr to another comer, comer of lot No. 2 in the Sorrell Una; thence S. 62 1-2 W. about 19 chain! to a atake tooth of the tram road; thence 3. it £. 4.SO chain* to a dead pine In a branch; thence N. 87 E. 6 chalet to a ttake corner on the hill; thence 8. 84 £. 18 chain* to * corner Kaat of Man Hall** mi dcnce; (.hence N. 66 E. 1.60 chain* to the beginning containing 88 *cr*e more or lea* Time of mile: Monday Janaary?4fh 1881, at 12 o'clock M. Place of tale: Court Heuc Door. Harnett County, Lilllngton, hL C. Tnrnu of *alc; Oath. Th r the 17th day of December, 1020. B. C. LUCAS. ’ , PHOEBE LUCAS. Mortgage**. stewakt tcrunqton; Trantferee. gt J8 4 11 18. , | ATTENTION! i When You Do Your Christmas Shopping Do not Fail to Look our Line of BATH ROOM Accessories Over. We have the prettiest and most complete stock ever brought to Dunn. Something Individual as well as Useful for Every member of the Family, See our line at 118 South Railroad Street Ami be Cgowngsl., „ KANOY & LEE C cntrators for Sanitary Plumbing NOTICE! I t To Tax-payers THIS IS THE LAST CALL FOR TAXES BEFORE THE PENALTY APPLIES. WATCH THE DATE ON WHICH I WILL BE IN YOUR TOWNSHIP, AND MEET ME PROMPTLY I WILL BE AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES ON THE . DATES NAMED Thursday, Dec. 16, Anderson Creek_10 am to 12 m Thursday, Dec. 16, Stew'ts Crk., Bunnlevel.. I to 3 pm Friday, Dec. 17, Johnson ville-10 am to 12 m Friday, Dec. 17, Barbecue--1 pm to 3 pm Saturday. Dec. 18, Upper Little River_9 am to 12m Saturday. Dec. 18, U. iL. R., D. M. McLean’s, I to 3 pm Monday, Dec. 20, Buckhom, Spence Str.. 10 am to I pm Monday, Dec. 20, Hectors Ck., Kipling..2 pm to 4 pm Tuesday, Dec. 21, Black River, Angier_10 a mto 1 pm Tuesday, Dec. 21, Neills Ck., Buies Ck. _ .2 pm to 4 pm Wednesday, Dec. 22. Grove. Coats_10 am to 2 pm Thursday, Dec. 23, Duke.. 5 pm to 8 pm Friday, Dec. 24, Averasboro, Dunn_10 am to 4 pm J. W. Me ART AN * - • £i < ■ , . SANTA CLAUS Make I I ■ -- ■■ - -- ■■=“ Christmas IS ON HIS WAY ! ! Merry | , ^ Out of the North with a joyous Sound Santa has started, Southward bound; ' r ^ Treasurers piled high in his well-worn sleigh. Making glad hearts lor the Christmas Day. - I TOILET REQUISITES FOR THE MEN Our store is brimming over with just these sort of things. You can make no mistake in a selection here. We’ll help you to make one that we know will be to his liking. CANDIES — PURE, FRESH DELICIOUS Christmas Candy is as much a • part of the festive occasion as the Christinas Tree. I iere you will find a big assort ment of regular and Novelty box es, bon bon baskets, delicious, wholesome candies for the little ones. TOYS FOR THE LI1 nagrtJLKMfl"— See ur splendid assortment of - things to make glad the hearts of ■ the little folks. ' OUR HOLIDAY ASSORTMENT... Of CIGARS, TOBACCO, ETC. is sure to answer your every need. We handle the best brands and can fill your Christmas orders promptly and to your entire satis faction. CHRISTMAS STATIONERY— TO HER LIKING— Our artistic selection of Station ery offers a sensible suggestion for an always acceptable gift. Stationery that is correct, digni fied and fashionable. Also a nice assortment of;! WILSON & LEE Druggists Dunn, N. C. Gifts That Endure! Make It a Hardware Christmas Consider Stoves, Heaters, Ranges and Labor Saving Devices that make the work of the home less tiresome to the women. Could you give a more acceptable gift. Look at our furniture, our Talking Machines, our Rugs, Carpets and other things. 1 Don’t you think they are much better as Gifts than useless things. —TOYLAN » I ' * * i • • ♦. » We have, too a large collection of all those t hinga that your boy and your girl are sure Santa Claus will bring them this year. Come and look them over. .1 • | Butler Brothers ^ \ • ■ i » l f ■“