•local* * * * * * * * A Rev. K. K, Grimm, of Wilson, wa* here thl* weak to vliit friend.. Mr* Ora Pearson has returned to Dtian after visiting her mother in Wsndsll. Xltie* Fannie and Myitlc Hsrucr, of Wilson, are here to visit their cousin, Mrs. McD. Holliday. Mr. and Mr*. Bob Swain h»vo re turned from a visit to relatives in Plymouth. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Phillips have returned from a visit to relatives In Dillon and Latta, 9 C. George T. Noel and hi* daughter returnrd thU week fiom a hrlef visit , to relative# in Selma. Rev. Ben Oden, former patitor of the Christian Church here, was in town this week to visit friends. Mr. Oden ia now located in 8t. Stephens. 3. 0. Howard Tilghman, of Norfolk, was here this week to visit his broth er, Granville M. TUghman. D. L. Ennis has rcputchascd the grocery business which he sold a year ago to William* Brothers near Duke and will continue the business at '.hr present stand. Villa Iva Pearson hns return cl to Sdanton after spending several days here with her mother, Mrs. Emily Pcaraon. Miss Ls-la Cunningham, of Colum bia, S. C. la here as a guest in thr home of Mr. and Mrs. William Thompson. Paul Newberry returned this week to Fishburnc Military Institute. Vu. after spending several days hrr,. with H* rJawbe**' Mr' *n'1 ”” William tt'llli.m II kf_I__ ».. L.._ turned to hi* duties Id ’the Bank uf Cerro Gordo after vititing hi» pn rent* here during the holidays. W. U. Fauccttc, rcgtau-r of deed* of Harnett county, we* in town to day. Mlw Mabel l.yneh ha* returned to Carolina Chrietian College after spending the bolidaya here with her parents, Mr. and Mr*. P. H. Lynch. Miaac* Minnie and Maigorct Tav. lor, after visiting their parent*. Me. and Mrs. R G. Taylor, have return ed to their studio' at Oxford Col lege. Mr. and Mrs. Harper Holtlduy and their little daughter* have returned from a viidt to Mrs Holliday’* par enta, Mr. and Mr*. !>.' S. Spain, in Greenville. Felix McKay, Duke’* new postmas ter wa* In town yesterday with hi* ton, who was on hie way to Da vidaon College after having spent th< holiday* with hi* parents at Duke. Mr. and Mrs D L. Hioolt* and littla daughter Helen Mae have re turned from Robersonvillc and Rich mond, Va., where they *p*nt the hol idays. Captain G. A. Tllghman left this 4W* nm opnnn>, ArkkiiwM*. where he will speed sever*! week*. He I* expected to return during the latter part of February to prepare for reouraplion of operations at hU lumbar plant hare March 1. . - Israel Washington Barefoot, the fdntal J linear, ha* eon* hack to the farm. Ha has movad all of hia farm machinery over to the old George Warren place and can be found out there most anytime following the plough. Mia* Selma Perkins, of Wend'It, is hare to succeed Mia* William* who taught in the-fourth grade of Dunn •choola before the Christmas holidays. Just before the holidays Mia* Will iams presented her resignation with the explanation that she had mon-ini before coming to Dunn to teach, de ciding to keep it secret until Christ mas. R. M. Wurtcn, who has been con ducting a grocery business in part nership with Mr. Strickland, ha* pur chased hia partn*r> interest and mov ed the stock to hia new store in Sooth Railroad Avenue. The new atrv-e ad joins the garage building erected by Smith ft Prince and i* on the old Masacngill lot Mr. Warren invite* the patronage of his friend* and will gladly deliver all good* bonght J. Walter Tumagc and Judge John C. Clifford have returned from Ra leigh, where they aided Oti* P. Shell in beating two opposing candidate* for Mur ofcce of engrossing clerk of * the House of Representative*. Mr. Shall was elected for hia fourth cor., aecutivr term by a vote of 48 to -to, in spite of tho fact that one of hi* opponents was Ellis Gardner, a popu lar former member of the House of Boprcsentat've*. Dunn will have no ice famine this year, George T. Noel, head of the Dunn Ice and Fuel Company, prom ises. Since last season Mr. Noel has completed entaigemcnta and improne mante that ware so badly delayed by transportation conditions and w'll b RDIfl W Mil rl DUt IW1CP »* OTUCn ICf it the plant did in former years. He also announces that prices will he re duced when the demand Increase* thir spring. "Uncle” Jimmy Drineoll, the droll Irishman who has made hi* home in Central Hotel for the pact several months, left this morning for Mount Airy. Ho la a stone cutter and was employes) by the Jonaa establishment here while In Dunn. Despite hi* sev enty-odd yean ho la still a vigorous young man aad can hold his woa In moat any argument. He 1* a loveable —though loquecieos—aid diwlo and we hate to see htm leave. But he promises to return when condition! gut better. Mr. aad Mr* D. U Brook* have as their roost for several days Mrs. Prank Croxton, of Robe 1 ion wills' i Mr. and Mr*. 0. A. McDonald, ol Hampton, Vn.j Miaa Helan Craflon of Robenonvill*. Mr. R. W. Davis of Graeneboro, Mrs Croflon and Mrs. McDonald art steteri of Mrs Brooks. Mr. Davis la a brother. Mlm Revs Jemlgan haa returned from Washington. 1>. C.. where Mw visited her Meter, Mlm Gladys Jernt ■un__ Preacher John J. Langston, minis tar of the Christian Church, eam< around this morning to tell ua horn moan wa are and ask us to tall yol that he la preparing for • big meet In* around to hit ehureh next San day aaamlng and another that night Ha ha* a good aarmon prepared foi the atom tag aarriee It la entitled "Spiritual Send In the Nature World.” He wants all at you to he* It. At night ha will not primeh, bo •Can a fine musical program. Aft* * , tfclr pros»am aital i.n of tfce. rhurA will f.i.for n jhccUbM H .• request* every- member tU* eg# jrrcp.illiei to be p.vi-riu for tfcfi meet ly*. ... I A uic-etlng of th* director* of thr X'h.smhec of Comm-.lee railed for l-.inghl in the »s tin* • f (he .r;-mn! 1*■ lion. Srrrdi.y liMilir will preaaat hl» aopwl to |hv fum.cnl condition of the chamber of commerce and of the nock Bcccnrplithcd during the y««> hr hm burn iu jocretgry. A full K.-hbcnbip meeting will be tv • an»«i tonight by the directors. A report of the activities and accora ii'ebmrnts made .luring the yeiir will tt made to the member*. They pro l Vibly will be cm1 Ic'd to meet next | ...emUjr nigh;. Although is* in i-'t i* somewhat ; r< Hoard by the lir.e'vst manlreeud In | -Jgcam Wand >** clever socr.lied pay j-.!ilcaJ stunt/, the Uinncha Plckerl ftnclc Company very creditably pre sented iinii- villeruiniug drums* at the Mrtvnpolitan th!i week. There are some it ally good actor* In thr per sonnel of the company and it la car I .in that Uumi has not noon anything we.il worth thr price (barged a the offering* praavhlcil so far. Th-. company trll complete Its vngugo uicnt* hrit. with Hat-mluy night** pec f.-imani-r. A matinee will be given Saturday afternoon. -fee/—1 ' egiL i ■—w— 1 GODWIN NEWS I C. tV. Spell spent Monday It I Dune shopp'-ig. ; Miu Sadia Afarkhum left Thurtd*) for Wr.de where she Is teaching. '»■ U Graham has rvlumad tc I’lcaMiit Hill afUr spending the ho)/ day* with his patents, Mr. and Mrs, R*'« Graham. Mr*. W. M. Pope continues quite wck, her many friends hope for hei a aneedy recovery. . 1Ilw Amv Graham ha* retamed tc N. C. C. W. after spending the holi day* with her parent* Mr. and Mr*. D*p Graham. Mr*. Mary Vlek and Mi*a Johnnii McLean spent Tucrdayaflemoon in Fayetteville. MUs Ituby Turner left Tuesday for Mora McDonald College afu*r spend ing the holidays with be patent*, Mr. and Mrs. II. McIntyre. Mr. and Mrs George MrGoogsi and children of 8t. Paul’s spent Sun day In Godwin with Mr. and Mr*. E. McIntyre. Mia* Elolac Connelly hit* returned :o her home after spending the holi day* In Charlotte with friend*. J. W. Driver nf Dunn was a visi tor in Godwin Monday. fir. J. W. Mclwtan spent Tuesdjv in Fayetteville. Mrs. I). L. Pridgen, Jr., has return id to her home at Fayetteville alter ■.pending the holidays with her moth c- Mr* Mary Vick. K. C. Egerton mu called to thy bedside of hi* brother. Waldo. nt llcuttonvilki. CThn (, , ' iticolly |U. GODDARD - JACKSON <)>>» of the mc« beautiful end lm |*r.'r*»»p wadding* of the aeaaun wax xclr-mniard her* Thursday evening, December 80, nt the Fli*t Probvtcr run church, whan Mi«* Corinn* jnck •ou became the brid* of Mi. June* E'liaon Goddard. Rev. A. K. McQueen, pngtor, officiated, the ling eeivico be In? uaed. Given and whit* waa the color *• heme and U»a altar of thr rhurcb ’■r-j beantifuUy decorated irith palm*, fr r'in, loeg leaf pine aed ivy, while a soft light war given by the many -bydial cacdV* which bu.’iwd oo ..her aide. While the wedding auerta were aa xcr'Mlng ;he following muxical pn> ar/m wur given: O.gan Solo— Cupld’n Garden, by ■dry. J. t.loyil Wade. Vocal Solo—Love'* Old Sweet Sour, by Mr. C. C. W»--rcn Violin Solo—KMiller'* largo, hy ”r._ Robert Jo-dan. Vucnl Solo —Jo»t You. by Mix* • IT^ Til '' —- TIT" i fiT [Flora McQjeen. 11k Uih'-rs then entered to the I at'■ink ni the brioal chorus from Lo hvngrfn. They were Jte*»,... isom !>«▼«, Cioven Flixcll. tiny Hook* ami Jit me* Kirby. Tlie Urine’* only *(t< idunt was MU< Umc-uai'l Clifford. who wok a charming ur\»v»n ot bronze !n«e over 'burnt orange georgette, with a bronze and silver lace hat to match. [She carried pink Xit'.urnry The ring b*»n r, little blaster 51 «y ICTi Tllphnin, wi»iif a wbitr .t&Hn .nft and carried the ring in the bran ot a lily. The brtilv wg» given in marring* by her father, Mr. It. 34. PcarralL She war snusually pr.ttv m s brrom. j lng travelling suit of duik blue peer bloom cloth with Scotch Mole jjlm mlngv. '1 he bride'* bouit'act «t_. «•? bride’* toh-* and orchid* *h»wrred w«th lilies of the valley. ^ The groom wa« nllr'd.u by hi' best man, Mr. David 31. Pearsall. ; Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mr*. Goddard motoird to Raleigh, from where thev left for a Aon trip, nftcr which they will make Adi home in Dunn. Both ilie bride and the groom have taunt - i ii — fru~.jj who w>h. \h*tm morfa h*p»;. sir. un! Stiv. Pr« *cU CilttrUioad m -iiiL'.;. . „ <»o>iaird J«oliM.n hn d&l I* 1y und a It* a uibrr ftwnd* at *** l"'rl'>TM»UH II Hill •; rtcrU^e at Ut*!, w edrwaar rrer.le* “ Avl.jienu etvrc tei.._ tif t cr,Joyed by ell who I (fit Lrl m deliver that order aii sere y u the trouble of carrying it. We strive to make oer deltisry Mere ice aa eearly perfect at pemible and »• U a pleasure lo sead yovAl purchas es to you. ^•wr Irtplione orders are yivm eu r prompt atteetioo aad you earn he assured ef their delivery aftKoit de lay. Wall ter Jones SPECIAL IVacho, wen 50 ecnU, now. ...___..._2Sc Toroatoci, were 28 ceaU, now____..lie Cora, war 25 cent*, now.......___......Me Mcal, wa» 05 tenta per peck. now........._Me You Are —INVITED To visit our new Garage at the comer of Cumberland Street and Railroad Avenues—acros* from the post office— into whi^fi we have just moved. We are equipped td do the best of work at prices that will please you. We have a good line of p^rfs, accessories and tires. \ ' fi < t 12 LET US FlxjuP THE OLD BOAT i Martin & Broughton Dunn, North Carolina .Victrolas and Vic - tor Records i i * We have a large stock of new Victrolas - finished in the prettiest woods and deign ed to mulch ullyktyles of furniture. With them we have the newest records made b ; the Victor Company’s most noted eirjgers uie lot of heavy work-shoes, worth up to Vt.UU a pair, now'_$1.M One lot of Mens Shoes, worth up to $8.50 new . -----.$4.95 I One lot of Men s shoes, formerly priced $10 °?e jte?alsA0,# Cy*°^ •**>«■. formerly priced $13.50, now ... $7 95 Every Boys Suit in the House at Exactly “Half Price Nov is the time to buy your boy’s clothing, hi the windows and see the garments OnDisplay. Then come in and Lotus Show you. The Goldstein Co. Dunn’s Best Store i I ; < __ ——————————pg»^——!