ONLY ONE BALLOT TO ACQUIT CLARA HAMON OF MURDER Jury Roturns Verdict of “Not Guilty” After Being Out Only 40 Miuutea MEMBERS OF THE HAMON FAMILY NOT IN COURT Woman Charged With Murder Of Joke Hamota, Republi can Politician and Million aire Oil Mont Receives Ver dict With Tears In Eyes But Says She U Very Happy. Ardmore, Okla., March 17.—Clara Smith 11 amen today was arouitUd of a charge of having murdered Jake L. Hamsa, Republican National commit teeman and millionaire railroad and oil promoter. The jury was given the case at 4 :80 P- m. sad returned hi the courtroom 40 minutes later. B. F. C. I.subrldge 73 years old foreman, said oaly one ballot was taken. a secret one, con firmed by a rising rule. Clara Hamoa obtained tire infor mation felly teven minutes before the verdict was rendered in upon court and sat. surrounded by mem ber*, of Her family, half sailed, bail sfr-id to believe the cods >f assur ance that were bent toward her. When Judge Thoms* Vt. Champion mounted the bench and received an normative response to his question: “Gentlemen, have you reached a ver dict?" her eyes followed the motion*! of Ibo hallff a* he received the ver dict from Ur. Laughridgv and hand dad It to the clerk to read. Clara H •non |Mpwi audibly in the. »'inu tuunrowm, aroopiMii forward ia her Mat. only to b* Mimed from behind by her younger brother “Jimmie," •queened violently end kiaaed. Tear* came to bar aye* and the other mamhan of her family cried | with her aa the crowed to the • land ing Jo rare and haltingly thanked them for thoir verdict. “1 am the happiest woman in tha ■world," Ac mid. She need a accrat passage from tha court room to etcape the crowd* which threatened to overwhelm her with ceogratultUon*. .Tonight bar plane foe tha future ——jiMZm incomplete, aha and llwha «d her aanaaal of aix attorney* mid. She ia eenjiderixg a number of buxine** proposition*, according to Walter Scott, of Fort Worth, Tex am, on* of bar counsel, but what -the shall do in tha immediate fatora la undertermin *d. Her father, J. L Smith, li aerioualy in at El Pa to, Texet, and it waa maid ■he might return there to be with him in the last day* of what it termed an fllceaa which may prove fatal. Nona of the member* of the fam ily of Jake L, Hamun waa in the court ream whan the jury retimed iu ver dict. Mr*. Ham Ion. tha widow, and her lh-year-old eon, Jake L, Jr. left when tha enaa warn placed m the jury** hand*. Hr* Haanon at that time was lo tear* Hr* Hcmoa attended all Misionr of tha trial, except two, rlad In deep mourning and Bitting directly oppo site Clarn Brnmon, SO inches away. Not onea during tha entire trial which began a week ago today, did . the two women appear Ut become eanaeieus of each other except on tha day* they testified when each other regarded tha ether closely. Tbftlght at of the Woman'* Minion ary Union of North Carolina, and .auxiliary to the Baptlft 8tat* eon i voatioa, which will convene at tka Pint Dmllg charch ai tkio city from March ft to tl, haa baon received by tho local committee from Mr* Wool ay N. Jon**, yrceidoait of tho union, of Raleigh. Tho local Baptiat lad!** are making OMb—Man preparation* for the ap proaching Morion and aro hard at work providing homo* for the (0t or more delegatee who arc expected to attend fro— all aeetieaj of tho Mato. GeaetdaraMy over 400 name* hare already boon received- Interior Im provomaaU aro oloo being mode at tho church when tho convention will hold forth and the onttr* city la walt tng to woieonto tho vialtora. While the convention proper win not —on oath Toeaday evening, there w— bo o conference of tho axecattve committee and tho eortouo rupovln tend oat* at the T. H. C. A., that af ternoon at 4 o'clock, after which Mm B M Flack, prominent in tho local mlaalenary union work, will W how toao to thooo who attended tMa eon forcnoa at a dinner at the "YP. Other confer cocoa, which trill bo hold at tho church Mho the throe day* iaaal»n aro i Wtdaeoday, I a. m.; Toon* Wo man'* ouaillarlea, Tharaday, 8 a. *. DlelMoa mooting!, Wedueodav, 4 p. aa. i Cowunlttoo manting*. Wodncaday laa. Tho executive committee and raporlntondonta win hoM a hmal tow •ion Friday morning at 140 a. m. • i ■ i*—aaaaw—am America'* foreign relation* at* chiefly poor relation*.—Weahtngto* ANTI DUMPING ACT FIRST ON PROGRAM FOR NEW CONGRESS President Harding Finds Him self “In Complete Accord*' With Boss Penrose DECISION UNANIMOUS AS FORDNEY AGREES ALSO Special Taa On stroed To Manufacturers I •i|n Goods Cost of To Be On Wathlnglon, MsrPtt 16.—A pprovel wmi given by President Hording to day U> the propose! to make anti dumping and American valuation of impart* mmurn the flrrt feral leg ialnUon to be enacted at the special aerrlon of Congreee t i’H to meet April 11. The President, mooting with chair man, Pennine and Fordney of the Senate finance eomniiUee and the House way* and meant committee respectively agreed to the decisions reached at yeeterday'r cenircncr of Republican member* of the two com mittee* and Secretaiy of the Troon ury Mellon and It wa* indicated he nromlecd U> throw hi* influence be hind the two measure* definitely de cided on. The qa etion of whether priority should be giver laiiff revision legis lation or internal tax revision xorxr ure* wai (till undecided Senator Pen row and Representative Fordney »aid after their call on the President. Mr. Harding di*eu**cd the matter with incni, invy »niu, ana in view of in ability of Republican members of the two committed (o reach an unani mous agreement on the question Indi cated that he desired to consider the matter further before arriving at a recommendation. Herding "is Complete Accord" Other members of the two commit tees. the chairman said, probably will be called into conference with the President with the idea of reaching nn agreement arrepubU if possible to all. The two chairman stated that they expected to hold another confer ence with the President soon probab ly before the end of tho present week. . Jr ^Hititft ptwr-Ktord fHtb TJir afMMHlM reached at yesterday’s conference that the anti-dumping ami the Amer ican valuation of imports legislation bo rushed through as soon as possible after Congress convenes, the two chairmen said. Chairman Fordney, whom committees will have charge of the drafting end reporting of the legislation, said tho two measures probably would he combined in one bill, which He said, would, be ready for consideration by'the House as soon as It convenes. Anti-dumping legislation as pro posed at yesterday's conference Would be designed through a special tax to relieve American manufactur ers from competition with impoits selling below the eost of American products. Highway Commission Ready To Start Work On Roads of State Chairman Pag* Says Over Thousand Miles Will Be Undertaken This Year When the State Highway Commis sion mens April 1 for the induction of nevan new members, Chairman Frank Pag* will lay bafora thorn com plete plans for tha oiganisetion of the State maintenance department aulh ecited under the Dvughton-Connor Bowi# bill, a comp ete survey of the MO* mile* of road embraced In the State system, sad complete engineer plans for the comd ruatlon of appro ximately 10 per cent W that mileage under contract or ia reldinsii for die laH intr sut enaleael* Hardly mi the tnV dr^^ the new road neutn enacted by tJr General Auiebly which adjournal a weak age before Chairman Poft bad tan aartios of engineer* la tblBeld mak ing the rarroy of the 8\tn ayatem of rondo preliminary to tdkjnK them oror by the Obmnneaien. flb work i* eregroiolng at tha rate of about 2SO mile* per day and It la exported that it will b* fatly completed when tho initial foooion of the Commiaaion I* called. Werli ea I.83T Mle* by Sweater ta readinem to be lot at any time ■»* project* aggregating 1*0 mile*, and anrroyo bar* been completed for 34* mile* additional. The detail of •Aon work neceeaary to get the latter in rondlnoao ta be oabaoitted lo eoa I tractor* 1* bo tug dan* rapidly, and before tho beginning of aammoi, Mr. Pag* expert* U bar* under ecnteact and under oenatrnetton n total of 237 mile* of road*, and aereral hun dred drauoand dollar* worth ef brid ges. The total laclndo* 733 mile* of read now a odor contract ar ander ceeatraotion. * Under the now road act, the new eemmloaloa ig te be called log ether hy tho Coromer net later than April 1, gad Ih* additional mom ben aath erloed laatalled la odbe* Afterward the Ceaamisoten will meet at the call of the ehatrUiaa. Mr. Pag* expert* ta b* randy te My before Mm eewmle *k>* tall detail* of tho proooat Mata* of the wath, and pinna for tte #u poaxlen and rotrtinnnnco. The enO far the aacaUnp ha* art yrt bean Med by the Oaxemor, hot H I* rnpeetod te bo forthcoming wMhln Mm a out few day*. • Dunn Ba—ballkt* A mu red Of Grounds For Coming Season Gold stain Obligato* Fair Amo elation Ta Pro par* Fiold or Local Toqgara lUsnball of • superior cUm I* u eurvd U Dunn through * meeting ot cnthesiart* in the room* of the Ch*m bei of Commerce Vcdiwtla/ night. I* this meeting Bill* Goldstein, bu nnem manager of the Harnett Caun i? Agricultural Pair aasoelatian, a greed that th^^aaeeclatlon should equip the and accept ten per eeni of the gate receipts as iu compenMtlaa. Dunn haa much promising ma'.oiUI far Ue coming season. At least Ueen tf five prosper thro player* have of fered their semes* for the season. Of course many of theee will be laid oa the *haif. bat the major part of them will be usod. Among those who arr sole to play are H. J. Weinges, wbo for several seasons was a first string pitcher for the Augusta team of the Sally League, Bam Ki-rrcil, matinger of tk* Durham Hoeicry Hills Company, William Jackson, El lioon Goddard, and several other youngsters who huvo performed nice ly on the local lot in past seasons, Wcingw and Perrell, coach and captain respectively of the local turn, arc expected to pitch most of this •cason's games Wcirge* is in better form than be haa been for several season* and la confident that h* can har! at least on* game a week. 8am is just rounding out as a pitcher and ha* convinced the local follows that he has tho goods. Another pitcher i.c a fellow named Pace who is expected to arrive here this wrvk to follow hi* tradr as a carpenter. He it said to be a big. muscular follow who can pilch every day if it ia necessary. • A/unii iiuovi arc nop,ng to become aamt In the league recently formed at Payctteville with Pe-ktcn, Lamb.Hon, Fayetteville, Camp Bragg and another town an the other units. It is underwood that no players are to be hired by either team. With this understanding Dunn is confident that it can place a team in the fold that will be a strong contandor for the chempioMhip. Local fans are not asked to con. tribute any money at nil toward the support of the team. All that ia asked of them la to rive their moral support. The team will do the real. Preacher Olive Will Mount Airy Church Dutm Pastor Will Give Up Work Here Fir at Of Next Week Eugene l. Oiivr, pa.dor of the Firat Huptbt Church, will prvmeb his last sermon to Dunn folk on Surday, March 27. On April 1 he will move to Mount Airy in answer to a Call ex tended tn him more than a month ago. Dunn is a real and big loner through his decision to accept the Mount Airy cat). No minietpr of re cent years has done more to advance the cause of kia doctrine Hum he in the two years be has labored among the people of the surrounding dis trict. Mr. Olive made hir decision several days ago, when the call was first made upon him. Subsequently the deacon* and the members of bis churcti endeavored to prrauade him to remain here. Thinking that he could do a better and greater work among the people of Mount Airy, however, he tamed a drwf ear to the tmportan ingi of loeal folk. Ha determined to accept the call. Dunn regrets exceedingly that Rev. Olive has decided to leave, but H at the same time extends ita beat wishes for a to eat success in hla new ftWd. tor consideration at tha forthcoming mooting it the adoption of a system for the maintenance of the road* ta ken over by tSo Slate. Mr. P»r» b at work on eeveral proposals, but be:, not ret determined which of them will bast servo tha purpose in view. The details of oigaaiaation win be held In abeyance until after tha full cussed thorn fully. A maintenance un der th* direction of tho Chairman. Complete mapping of tho system of road* is nogyjyuncMa by the en gineering sUlf^rTIf commiaoion. The State ia being covered by Conn ties, nod a scan rate map made ef each county. These will to kept on record In tho office of the commis sion. and copies forwarded la tho Board of Comm Iasi oners in each coun ty to bo posted for pabllc laepeetien. ta aceordamce with the proviaen* of tho net, to enable the people of tho counties to flip petition* for changes la the routine ef the roads, if they are dissatlaflad with the ren ting of the cemmiamoa engineer. Chh4iti«M M I lb letter Bom I building ean be dene new •fder very much more favorable con ditions and circumstances, Mr. Pago declared jests* 4s j The cast ef a standard width aanerata road has fatten from Mt.OAO to MOjffM par mile, materials are cheaper sad mare ptanttful, and there la aa abundant sapphr af labor ta ha had. Every t vottahla resource that eaa aenasml rally he need will ha salted into ser vice for hard surface eeastrnrttea Acting under lha auMWrB? ran fen-ed ia aa act af tha tlaaeral A* samMy, Mr. Pago srin srithhi tha treat frw digrs begin the addition af thrvs Martas ta the fftate Warehouse build •«g •• Bast Morgan straat ta ha atod rvchmlvely to the renew saloa far heaMag Ha adsntaietmttva staff Th< quartern ta lha CamawrsiaT Bank baHMag, already evnuwaisd, am much tea small ta aaamanadatc (hi addftlaaal forte necessary by the n GERMANY MUST fET BILLION MARKS BY NEXT WEDNESDAY Allied Reparations Demands Fulfill OUffgadsM TWENTY BILLIONS BE PAID BY MAY. Central Reserve Bank oPUnit ed States Included Asjiae ef Depositaries For fendii Germany Given UtAlpril First To Submit ProM|| As To Balaoce of konfl' Ooriin, Mareh IS.—In to the lejpuc of Natiooi t BHfUt lion of (X unities ihr ibeinUH^N»r« m.ut claims that the uiiJliBBdoci •n .lie treaty aifectinR thf^^Huion are paiutfroyh catbleon o^^^pndix tun u> pa It eittht and iha^BSdim, wtiona of article til2 and^HH 4m Ihe.e, it is dtclarcd, do r^^Bkt of any Utah occupations of BE soil beyond the territory tve^^Bk tie lUlir.o and the if ndschoads^B* i he tlerman itOTcrnasBBdfttbsr rentemta taat Inert has he^^B in fringement 01 partitions tiont j jvL'fy.n(t the in f^’^.the economic nar ctions, and levy ajia utiiiu^^^k in irixjictiott to the rcr^^^^^B by tfu i.riusn, artd^^^^^H»x ". iimt lit* art. jroph^^^^HL,of the appendix to the ir^^^^VdSa ia regy^^^^^Ku^a raed.uliun pi ocred ihr irrt.h. ■ in..,t>vBa!HHgO; . t<_ Jnderiaacn be BROOKS NEW Says "The Genera! crouj provl school!. "it previded- I eat to Imtmm tkM teacher* and nrwB prove theses* rves la, have for tea around |9,0o< _ lion and a half l available thi* "The (lea* eleo for an ox Mad ana 000 to bu expended nrit.on over all a^B nor m«l schools, h ch schools, ei^Hstary vch 'oli and Jtpat'enant* ofBducs tins over which the State B any coatrol, and p.ovidcd for iHUiont aaaistanta to give batter augmwtaioa over the negro schools. ''It prorldod also for a DiBkm of fublicatine to bava cfcaigaBd all BpMirati’jaa in the deoarW^B and to super vuw the Jdr.buU^Bo a> ta **oaoml*« in publication. "It yrorided also for a DMU* of Physical Eduction, having Ha di rector nnd .each arsUtanU B may bo fMiooeary to give dirccttoa U this sow phaiw of odneation that la ao gieatly needed in the Stats and ta jrravido for betloy euyerviaias af » "W t»wiru VI IrQinHfl, |R •rw on today, orgaataoil according la law than* drparlAaata a# fallow*: . Dlrliian of Teacher Traaiog, with Mr. A T. Allan aa director and Mra. T. B Johnatei, Mia* haaan Fnl rtarn and MIa Ug|tic Parrott aa n parrtMTM. Mr. Allan, haaidaa dmectiaa the ollrc, will ra-uga.atc with tM Dopartmcnu of Kdoeatieo In tha eOt tawa* and will anprrviaa tha profao aiannl wort In thi- normal wkoala an dar tha rented af tha Bute Board ol Banco Uoa The throw aggtggt will hero charge of tha county aamaiai •whoala and profrmianal aayarrMe* of tha taachar* In Mrrleo. 1 The mrlaioa af CertlflraUoa of Toachnm, with Mr A. A At own aa director. The office forra for thli fiv'afon wiB ha tha a« aa thai proeidrd for thw Btato Board of X* am. aan and forth ate Conductor* wHI awa oddtUoggl aailataad, Mira Fratmti Iaow, who waa elorted hy tho Boar! of ftitnaatlaa “A Tho DWWIan of Negro (data tton. with Mr. M. C. Noa»hold m di war lor. TSia drpa.tmwnt wHI add la tor »arh aaaiatoats aa may be aoeci Ary to giro cloaer tagarrlotan a tha negro aehdola of the Mate, aa< h aoear. a hatter aepandUnm of fh panatoa of tha Commdaiaa't work flu ha tiding will ho completed wKhk M r of the |HBatluea, st the Church of St JpMwlaihe Wilderness, on the Hcn ■ersonvUle highway. They will make la Asheville. Edgnrtoo Aad StriekUad Also ^AeeocUtod la Big New’ Enter* riss ■ i^g* Martin, .-.utcimobile mechanic ft:^^aarag» operator os: raordlnarv iV another coupe this week which he and hit associates become directors with Henry John son of the biggest garage in • the South. Through it the City Garage and the Johnson Motor Company be come one and the mate under the Ks name of the City Garagu. The Johnson Motor Company garage ling become* the *cens of th* concern’* operations, me** Martin ■ little wbflo ago was heed mechanic for the Psrrish-Driver Company operating a service station for the Overland car* and a lira* of truck*. A few month* ago he and hi* friend Broughton pnrchssed tho ser vice station and did a good btuine**. A little later he bought oat Brough ton and took Harvey Striektand, rblef aurcheniean for the Z. V. Snipes gar age. end'Emrestt Edgerton into part aerahip. That was about a month or so ago. Wednesday merniag Mow and hi* now associates convinced Henrv Johnson that the heat thing he could do^woeld be to throw In his lot with This Henry decided to do. The re lulLm that the whole ban eh 1* around there making things hum. Henry aad Emmett hare charge of the eserutbre depart meat and Mem aad Harvey her* charge of tbg mechanical dopart mewt. They have reduced prices on | repair* to a minimum aad nr* een ivine-id that th*y can *a*a meaty for |sll »*UrmohIlinj in town whoa It comm to repair*. Through an uf this Mom, who was >uat a good mechanic a fsrw months r become* the big bom af an* at tmoortaat garages in ths South. With him are admitted three •f the krst m*n of ths Dunu District If together they do aat make a big mcc*«* of the garage husiaoss there it »e oppertanlty la the huataeee for anybody. TIi* Dm basketball Warn met a '!lWfk ta * "W *»*f with Sr Croak Madia* yiatarlay af tcmava, labia* the abort ead of the IK-te-lt Mere. The tint half ended whh Dana Icadln*. I t* t, bit the* ward enable to rope with the deter mined *rf»nri»» of the Weal taeaare la the second half. Thu local* refae ^ to be foorded. at at the Mate Ume beta* ettanr with oppertaaitleo of frtod the eWHora. For Dana Mmtir IT preoed to bo the aaroet point win ner, her la* three held jroale W hit •rrdH. Harm Welloaa. forward, and Herman Write** *aard, Stride boa ere for the Bule’a Creek tea*, each merle* tire eafetlea State’* appropriation to three eehonl*. "4. The DMaien of Fehltcattem. with Mr. W. I. PKuaen aa dir eater. ■ Thetatfetamb in tbie dhrWea will be •elected later, "I. The DWIeWa of IhpilMl *da ; cation, Karla* oaa director and need led netetente win be er*aat*ed le tter. >1 "The State Board of Baaadnom • will eaatlaac an«U April lev whoa the DivUtefi of Teacher TrainW* pad i It* Deieie* of Cert if tea tie* of Taw RAILWAY WORKERS D E TO REJECT E REDUCTIONS RipnnaUdv* Of Fnilojraa Will Carry Fight To Rail road Labor Board LITTLE DANGER OF ANY CESSATION OF WORK Portion of Work ere MlJe Cloar By A moat of Uoakillod Now York Coo Oral ai RofiuaJ To Cooaidor porod Wag. Cat*. New York. March IS.—Bailroad worker* la the laM have decided W reject all proposal* *{ wage redac tion* and carry their fight to the railroad labor board, If the cata are pat tot* affect. leweaeatathra* of the weehara who have been bolding conference* hare, it wm* definitely leaned tonight have decided upon thii count, taking the ticeition that the present wage standard most ho maintained and eco nomic condition* will not permit nay reduction. Him is little dsoftr of law oto •ation of work aboeld the railroad* pet the reduction* in tore*, anion offlcialf an id, aa the employ** will ap peal to the railroad labor board at Chicago and ahid* by ita doeUiea. The railroad amaagomcata. It ia un derstood, will alao obey the hoard** edict. Tho position of the workers was officially made dear today, when rop retoatauvsa of the anskillcd man no tjfad tho management of tho Now York Caatsal koTlrood that they flat ty refuted to roaaider proposed wage cats or from 17 1-2 to 21 per coat "as wo had Lhasa employes today are not raeeiviag suMcisat income to maintain their families properly." Representatives of th« skill sd workers of tho New York Centra! with tho exception of thoac ia tho “Big Four" brotherhoods, it was learned have also daeidad to reject proposed wage rats. Altogether ap proxtmatoly 70.0M employes of So Central Lines have derided to oppov say rod action. , . Jfhr recrimag proposals far wager redactions for unohtfiod labor gag •Sartlra April W, from th* jik«u? Lackawanna and West ere railroad, labor representatives ia conference boro, it was learned practically deci ded to reject the offer. They will suite their Baal answer at another conference called for March 23. Un ion leaden declared tonight that If the Now York Centra) put the pro posed decreases into effect April 1, without first getting permission from tfao labor board, it would be o viola tion of the transportation set Rni'l rosd officials said that board wo old lx roqnested immediately to author iso the reductions. And If Borgdoll had gone over when thr others did, bo might have been homo by now,—Richmond Newr Leeder. Legion Carnival b Coming To Dunn For One Week Stay One of the largest events ever bold In the stats of North Corollas will bo bald In tbs City of Dona, next week. Six big days and Bights, sac soldier of New York has contracted the events os representative of south ern exposition shows sad American Legion making this the homo of ail ex-soldiers aad sailors that wore ia the World War. Tho legion la stak ing a drfva far funds for a building to bo known os the American Leglom Post of Duos to help all world 'wM veterans sad ex-service men—e Wry soldier aad sailor Aeuld Join Aha most wonderful organisation, aadlsay day week of March 21 to March The American Legion far tho IRt Jw Tuitions of soMlors aad oaflJra, ■wf u* fv um wra onc« OT)rt, bat bar* in Duna. Tba South:.a Ei pomltion Show* will fa mi ah all ottrac tlan* for Um bif event. They v* tba citakot aad aaa of tb* larfe* or» nnixatioiui traveling oa th* road to day. they hav* two of tbo bMt ridiitf dartCM Monty can bay: be aa aviator, tab* a ride way uaiiigh la th* Bif Grant Eli Farri* Wheel, ale* don’t fonrvt tbo earry-aaall, raarry-fe round, then U« Bur Bixl* Min«tr»l •how with change of Proarm la every alfbt, than comm tb* *k*w bMutlfn) CeJifomi*. frontier day*, aad alee Um Mf firm*, aid* rhowi *f living freak* vender*, ctraaf* pro pi i and curia *IUr* from all part* of tb* world. The# tb* kbww railed the “TTmun Fly Clrl” and afa’Vhe bl* atkleUa ahow where they hold (he Bif WreeV Haf aad Bouinf match, meeUagu all comer*. there are eoveral ether ihow* W atiMoroa* to Meatiea Sealdea (ha band aaacerta and fra* art*, *l*o aov eral (tend* where you can win a kerw »l* deU, a bar *f candy or a pillow Up e* well •* a nuoAer *f other thkf* far 19 ernt* If you *r* thiiuty yoa can buy eoft drink* aad if hum ftp »»d Mho a bif bat bach you can fW • “hot daf" ovary thing arraafad U Maka thia event a *a«nm. oven dollar ipoat wfll help th* bey*. Her* I* the praoria: •uaday 4 p. aa.. Mar«b 19th South on Ex* MltIon Show, wU play a aa orod concert wtfh tb* Mf brae* ml fonaed hmwteaa Oaaeort Baad M • o • \ MOTON DECLARES SOCIAL EQUALITY IS ANOEOT MYTH HwA Of -V-ftt IwHhH SpMb For Clooar U» DELIVERS ADDRESS TO. AUDITORIUM MEETING la Roloi*b Oa Toor of State Uador AaapAcM Of State Boaad of Kdarottea, b lW Mated To An—My Of Throo Tboomad by Jooopl— l New# and Oboerar. “Social equality a a Mgroao dona wan* H, yon plo don't want H and what earthly rcaroa a there for koa—f tfeU an cient fallacy hero te brerd IQ will botwoen an/’ declared Dr. Hobart He len, p reddest of TtOpti IneUteto .peaking laat night before on audi anca of S.ouo wtjJtoe and biaeka la the City Aadlteitem. “What wo nagrooe wut and What you whtta people mot !• — Hty of Juottee, equality of opportunity for mutual oympathy aad —teal aOh enco la the eolation of a proklns that If neither our problem nor yew prob lem, bat our problem. Social equality ie of no conoequchee to either of go, and too long It hoe boos wad to ifc podo the ootobliakment of hnoHAy (V.nATHin Ut mm U " “Simple, straightforward wed Mr neat A hi* appeal, A* Nam Nadar jpalw^wjMNAUia hour after Secretary af th* Nary Joecphoa Dao 1*1*. Ha tald tha nagraaa what th* whit* paapl* are thinking about (bate aa a race aad at iadisaduala, ha told th* white paapl* N th* aadiaaaa what Aa aagroaa are thinking af tharn^ a race and aa iadlvidaalb, aad qpoa la to pat their intoraata taglAli to tw ead that pr*j*idk* aad aaegiciM stay hr eliminated from Aa ralatloaa of th* white* aad black*. Pmoat at th* oanfanaM war* former Goeemor and Nr*. T. W. Bickett, Joatmku Dante!* aad Mr*. Daniel*. Dr. Wallace C. Kiddlck, pre* kdaat af State Colltga. Mr*. H H. Griffin, and other rrpraaonUUr* white eiUtena, Berry O'luiuy aad oth er* of the Negroes Other c oaf area eee will be Ae outgrowth of last night'* ■osaion. if Dr. Morton'* anggaatNaa are followad. All participants of tha conference eat on A* atage at tha Auditorium daring the addraaa. Two third* of th* audience thaa waited for A* apaaker waa black. Tha w*et drear circle waa fOlad with white people, among team many laadai* la Nat* aad city official circle*. Student* of two Negro educational inetituWon* occupied aactiona af Aa dr*** circle. Moateat numbers by Ac Shaw Dal rerxity glee elab aad orchestra, th* ' St. Auruatia* Choral dub, aad A* Negro National Anthem by A* spdi ene c, preceded th# sddreca. Mayor Kldridg* prodded. Ha wel comed A* audience to Aa Auditori um and A* speaker to the city, and prasoatad Jorcphu* Daniel*, who ia tarn presented Dr. Meton. Mr. Dani el* felicitated both races upon A* fact that daring th* long tad hlatory of rac* trouble* la A* South, whoa Acre bad been aha oat dally atoito* ia Ae paper* of racial atrlfa, non* of Aem had carried th* Raleigh Ate Una. High trihat* waa paid to the nag roes foe their loyalty. Tha former Nary Secretory related Ae iaataaeo Of German aadaorora to atir op A* negroes of tho South agalnat Aa whit** at th* beginIng of tha war. to whiek ha had rmUod, srhen A* ait nation waa y sweated to Waa, that It waa idle to toaddor it far tha na rrow war* aa loyal Americana a* there war* la tha caoatry. T# Dr. Mo tom k* paid a high parwaal tribute, rtanlading th* audicae# that b* had been aclected by A* Prwidant, aad commissioned a major ia A* Ameri can Army and Mat ta Trane* far special arnica with tka argro troop* Two Stnithfald Banks DackU To ConsoBdats Cltiaewo mmd Tr > Car Ini lint ml tlM.aoa Srciihfeld. March it—At a >ohrl mecttnc here yeeterdoy at tha atack holder! af tha CitiMaa National haak and the National Treat C—yany, It waa daeldtd to canaolidata thaaa «oY parnUaaa with • Mp|taJ of ftfO.OOO and a paid la capital ad |lN,Mt. la Yap aa lalaad ar a atata of ariadt —Wall Street Journal. ^Monday March ft., wbl bo Mataaia ordrr and Lodioi Aaxillary Dey. March Mth wW ha MerthanU' Day aad LadiW AexDtary firiday March Mth.. aril ha tha Lore I Older af Maaaabey. ^wtotrday March Mth., aril he Chfldrea-r Dey aa wel aa rrary day. • •