♦ * * * * e * » 4 •LOCAL* Rnfua Gardner is here to visit hti father, R. Gardner, ar.d his brother George W. Gardner. Otle P. Shell ha* been appointed list taker for town taxes and will e.tab Hah his headquarters in the city clerks ofllce for the month of May. Mr*. Long, of Idlliegton, ha. re turned home after .pending some time her. with her daiigh.cr. Mrs J. C. Goodwin. P. A. I*e, Re. John J. lumgvLon, Dr. John A. Jernigun, Eugene Lee and Marsh Morrow, who attended the Scottish Kite Reunion ‘n Wilmington this week, have returned borne. Rev. John D. Freemen, of Spring. Bold, Ky., will preach In the First Baptist church next Sunday murnini: ana evening. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Stewart, of I.illlngton, have b»>-n visiting Mrs. Stewart’* parents, Mr. and ila J. E. Crockett, for several dayv Engi m?rr Berryman of the Charles C. Wclaon Company. Columbia, wa* here thU week to confer with th* M'hool board relative to thv count'ac tion of the prt>p<>v*»d additional >choo) buildinff here. Cnmmoneemont exerciser «t Uuie* Creek Academy will begin Saturday, May 7 and continue through Thurv day. May 12. Kev. Joel S. Snyder, of Fayetteville, will preach thr com raencemcnt sermon Sunday, May 11. R N Sim% of Italvigh, will deliver the commencement addicts Thursday. The Woman's Club will hold Its first annual baby show some time next month. A silver loving rup will he awarded the baby who is voted the prettiest. Babies Im,tween the ages of etx month! and three years a-e eligi tile fori entrance. The entrance Ire will be fifty centa. I*ar»nis who de aire to enter the contest should com municate with Mrs. II. 0. rrimrosr. The evening subject for Rev. John J. Langston's aortnon at the Christian ehurvh Sunday will b» the "CVarlt eided Man." In the morning ho will preach on “Mother in Tricon.” The partor coidially invites evo-ybody to attend the two services snd the Son day school. A special musical pregram Is arranged for each ijeivicc. Chlcora Chapter, United Duu),liters of the Confederacy, will hold its ic gular monthly meeting in the r>or.< of th» Chareiber of Commerce ,u.v Wednesday. Ihia will be .he Itwt meeting before the holding of IHco ration Day exrrrise» at Chkarii Cem etery on May 10. The daughters wi'l arrange foi the entertainment uf Col. Albert Cox. who is to delieer the ad dress at Chieons. and other del ills of observance in this morn ns. B. Y. P. U. Program, May 2, 1921 . Davotlonal Masting—“Willi Jasus On tho Mountain." Scripture reading—Luke 9:2H3ti —Perry Godwin. Introduction—Leader. Talk—“What the Transfiguration Meant to Jesus"—Myr-i Olive Talk—"What tha Transfiguration Meant to the Disciples—Rachel Lee. Talk—“A Now Conception"—-h^s^ ^Talf--“The RareWlfTBiM^MWi the Abiding Ones"—8*m Ferrell Piailb Solo—Ovolia Britt.' “What the Transfiguration Meant to tin"—d. ecu tied by Ida Mir Pitt man and Janie lpock. Duet—Julia Howard Rearae and Bailie Naylor. $100 REWARD (100 reward for rupture and con viction of robberr. who on night of April ZKth entered and Carried ft cm store of Hasoell-Johncon Go. Duke, N. C-. Silks, Shins, Blue and Colored Silk Dresses; Bilk and Cotton Under .‘hirta; Cotton, Voil and Georgette Walets, and Silk Underwear. Loss valued at $500 to $1,000. Wire all In formation to HanHclI-Johnson Co., Duke. N. C. Why Mr. N. Wiadaar (R. I.) Put Up with Roto fat Yam “TW» one I use mmm m pshaa. which mY MM see fee wet dig. >■ pat ap a«b ms ■am a UMd ms m Mm V» hasp. IttwUy “*--- rV-Ij--*■*-■ Ram OrUudkavtMiadl Mn.lk.tk.PUt fcUsadamtaataodhs BARNES A HOLLIDAY COMPANY FOR COMMISSIONER Subject to the action of the second primary to b< held Monday to deter mine who ia to be with the Democrat ic nominee-for the oflire of commis sioner from the second ward, I hereby announce my-clf a candidate for that nomination. I thank those of my friends who so heartily supported me in the first primary and earnestly request them to continue Ihrir ef forts through the forthcoming con tent. P. A. LEE. FOR COMMISSIONER 1 hereby announce my candidacy Pot the office of commissioner from the second ward subject to tbe ac tion of the forthcoming primary to decide who U to be the Democratic candidate nominee in that ward. L. A. TART. FOR COMMISSIONER , At the request of many friends and subject to the action and will of the citizens of the town of Dunn, I here by announce my candidacy for com missioner from the fourth ward, and if I am elected to said office 1 assure the citisena of tho town of Dunn that I shall endoavoT to render the best and moot efficient service possible . 1 am running on the citisem ticket and am not subject to th« oc tion of any party. Dated this the 27, af April INI. J. M. LEE. FOR COMMISSIONER I h»rc*y announco mjriclf a* a can dMatc far comaiiaaioticr prow thi third ward on a cititcns ticket one •elicit vote* from tfe* eitiaon who fa oar a more ecoaamlc and conform tire administration of th« affairs v the town of Dunn. N. 8. GREEN, ■ARNES * HOLLIDAY COMFAIT V JERSEY MILK COW FOR SALE— ■with young ctlf, »!«> i s-ollm* milk pvr d«>- Aoyoiu? « idling good cow ter J. !•;, tin.kr A i:pd. YOU MAY CHALLENGE BAltD ; time,, Mr. Kaiinci. it .You do biui j neu witb the Yellow IVaai Store. We are daily giving in ecctungi lor your product- twenty per c. ul more of our goo tie :Vi« yeti ccciv • ed of the lame Vlad in tarh t.,ae fo your piodnre «: th-.- lira- old ?.t.-or Bill cn*. Incjti* upuiotht* r.-oflfl. Wfcr.* 1 ! mot.- do you atkV tViih OUR cue-, tamer* there i> ii.i elicit th ug at high curt of living R C. Ynylor i Company. A Giant Traa Ha* Fallen A iciont iuta fnllr.i. The t.afay-! •uc, ihi tit !li «t tree ir. the Calavcr-; Of Grove, 300 fro! high, with * diti oiltr of 80 feel ui .If beje, hu yielded vo ihi.- wind, and lt«*s* on the * ground. This tree w§« one of ihe itoquiua*. thOfC loWi-ririK trdwudd? oft California. I'd win Markham ha« d— > wr*M them thus: “They nir th^ 1 Titanr of our foteats r-*, !hc* Tltana! of Ihv forott) of «b~ world. Tar se- 1 quota* f.r* Uic oldcel liv :ig »hlr.g.< on the (Hobo, liu* survivor* of .i wi.jv*.. mivsil family or race of Irvvs which flourished barb in ‘V#. M w m** l{;.» | before the Age of In-. I#»ii ‘.h.*y J> I perUhcd In the Giach.] Ac , exeunt tx frw «n u sheltered ration in the* southern belt of Cftlifoiahi. *»i tree hid been hatred down. Thar* monarch.* of the- \ood‘ /‘t«ru!d be carefully guarded, from coamse rial raldi ns well n* oihorri.ir I— ■'*-" ******* * * BUSINESS LOCAL * ******* * IN THE CAME T OK COURSE WE atv, and wa are idling good chock ed homc-pun al T l-2c, good brown ri c-ss a* you will find at the Yellow Front StoreT R. Q. Taylor Co. U ST WEN KETTLE RENDERED iv. i ayior Company. FOR SALE — A FORD SEDAN, practically new. S«r me at or.ee tor it liM'xatn. Ca ! Barefoot, Dunn, N. C. April 29 U. FOB SALE — MODERN l-ROOM hou-a on fl. Magnolia Avenue. 2 cars lot/, ('ml! phone 263. LIST YOUR TAXES—I WILL BE nt city hall during Month? of May m li/I your town taxer. Ode K. Shell. PAIGE SPEEDSTER—SEVEN PAS-' acngcr, la Sue condition, pood tire*. Tor tala to quick purr hater at a bargain or for negotiable pa par. No betur car Than thu can be found ia Dorm. It hat pond treat ment and the beat of attention aineu it earn* from the factory. Re painting will ntaka it look an good aa the bc.t—which It really ia. Sc* Raymond Gt'ney if you want the Bargain. Apr 2$ 2t UU 1'1 1 FOR RENT—ONE a-BOOM NEW k*u»e, all mot'cm oovan'enect. Near tcdoel bull Urf—un hljrhvay. S«« 1M Culler. Du.ul Development Cotjjauy._> All«. REPLACEMENT COILS FOR ALL ci.fa at Gainer'* Ga.n^e. Fat SALE—CGI TON SEED MEAL iMB net it iiotl: .»* cheap fai ea-t. Geo*** V. Peps. ■ a It tf buahtl, 25c pack deihrarad to pear k«»c. Ground at OM ODa* mill fro» kart native con. Freeh every Saturday. D. B. Lae, Boat# > box M. Daan, W. C.All tf. iwAl LUGS. WKDOE4 AMD NUTS far all eare at Oahtey'e Oataga. sivual mm cau or vaju oat taodcLi la firat (lav candlliaa for canli or on Ian* time. Caiacy'a 0>TW ASK YOUR CROCKS FOR IIodfM RECLXANED REAL If hs hasn't It, eoasa to the Bill. John W. Hod*e«. 4 . tf FLOWERS.—SWEET PEAS, CAR nations and nwi Plaits: Chry xnthrnami, Astar and others .Spe cial attention giveti to fleers] de v“r*- C V- Smith Held. >1 C. 26 4t pd. * PR. L. T BUCHANAN, JR.* * & Y- l*TBctlce Limited T» * •T Hay Freer, Braochi- ♦ * tie Bad TuBermlaaia * V \'’,milrnl Ruiljine AA V RALEIGH. — N. G. * V HOURS BY APPOINTMENT * * ONLY * STATE COLLEGE uf AGRICULTURE and ENGINEERING SLMMEA SF.S5ION l June I 4t'.» (o July 27ih fn H fir KrKifl il«aii.U:ry ami ''fu-p^ctlv# Tcaohcr*. C-ourrct for i ollopr Iir>uaiicc A..0 ColVg# CiUiupue upon application. Aj», ly for R' tor* *t**.c•. at Ocp to , p: ; - ' TUST get a bag of Occo-nee-chee Sell J Rising Flour and show your family • I y°u can make the lightest, tenderest biscuits, waffles and hot cakes they ever ate. ' All the magic of good baking is in "■ Iliwse tti UfflWS ur Ofeo-nee-cfieeFlour Add water or milk and shortening to the flour and your batter is resdy for the griddle or oven. No baking pow- * der, salt, or soda need be measured. They’re mixed with the flour in ex actly the right proportions to give per fect results. And they cost you less l than when bought separately. E You certainly should put Occo-nee- I chee Flour on your next grocery order | j because it makes baking success sure I and easy. You'll know the genuine by I the Indian Head on the sack. JVariaM it Ik, b,tt cfpr gmmJ pimin Mmtr. I AUSTIN-HEATON COMPANY I Durham, N. C. I OCCO-NEE-CHEE I Self-Rising Flour I Tskm the Gums out of Baking and Saves :you Money I I 1 A SPECIALS i Pealed Evaporated Peaches, was 15c now____25* Evaporated Apples, was 2Ac, now ..._____its Sliced Pineapple, war. Me, now ........__ tg* Colder) Age Macaroni, was 12 12c now_....... .7He Canned Salmon, won 26c, new .. _.........._.ITUs Largo ean, Royal Ann Cherries, was Me, bow __..._............ .Ms Table Peaches, was 50c, now ___.............._He Puro Johnston Coonty Honey, la plot Jars. We also sell KLDt—the Pow dered Milk Now It the time t« plant roar early pm pnlrh. We hawi the early, ilx-wetkt - kind in stock. 20-rents per oaart while they last ... . . . n | Walter Jones r phone no ar , Majestic , • I? Best in the World • i l REDUCED 1 from $148.00 \ 10 $118.50 • !l • • Upg • . : . . * * j Set of Aluminum or Majestic Ware With Each Range !! ... '• V ' Biggest Bargains Ever Offered in This Section ... • . _ GET YOURS while the stock lasts. II. , • ’ . < - ;; i * < r < \ * _• • 1 * 1 1 —-Place your idle and active funds in this bank where they will do their part toward bringing conditions back to nor mal. < . ' i * if it This Bank is here for your convenience and safety »nd for the good of the community. Such institutions are the bulwark of safety in times such as those through which we have just passed. They are here to help you anj our community. 1 You will do well to use our hank and it* service. ; ; ! I ; | THIS BANK SPECIALIZES IN PROTECTION 1 ' . '! > !! - i i I 11 v \ \ \m