■> Volume VIII y DUNN OBSERVES MEMORIAL BAY AT BATTLE SITE Colonel Albert Cox Deliver* Annual Address At Chi core Cemetery IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY AT LITTLE GRAVE YARD Hundreds Attend Exorcises Under Trees Whicli Shade: Dying Moments of Fifty Seven who Fell At A»»*-ii. boro Skirmish — Scene Of * Peace And Beauty. Beneath the trees whose folia;' shaded the dying moments of the fif ty seven South Csmtinn eidvnrvmen who fell in the opening tkirmio of the last stand of the CV.n.'.iitmr . Durn Tuesday afternoon observed Memorial Pay beride the gruvea Into: which thasc lads »ei<’ laid to rest by th« good women, ehild'rn and old men of Smithtown and Aw a*V>ote. It was an impresrive and » thrill In . fJtiasusene l^nleaal A ll-.ste‘ I I ton of one of the Confederacy*• I most beloved general* nr,;l Km" t' the leader of a regiment i ’ ISe Old! Hickory D.r.iion which hr ole ihr Bindenburg Lire in lh« WorV War, delivered the annual e.ddrt.*s. Coir, aonga of tha ragged Immortal* whoj followed Ure Southern Cron:- through a thousand battler were auay by me combined ehoire of tho churches of Dunn. Appropriate reeling* «r render**! by Miasct Kathleen Holland and Perkina. A deep or.d solemn pray er of thankfulneu for the price!*. heritage bequeathed to the South by the men in gray war made by Rev. 1 J. H. Buffalos, na*tor of D.v.ne I Street Methodint Church. Little Chicora Cernetery. wherein | irwt the Confederate* who foil ia the battle of Averasboro and which eon j tain* the first monument erected in ; memory of man who fell In the War Between tho 8tat*a,.. presented a [ tho Confederacy and the United Stater. Flower* were thrown In nro funion about the little »qur-c. Wo raon who were among the children who aided in burying these ooyt. hop ed to do the decorating. Hnndred* la Attendant* When T. I*. Riddle, »eeretnry of the Durtn Chonjbrr of Commi-rci, matter of ceremnnieu for this occas ion, mounted tho e’.and to r.ignal tho lime for begioaing the ceiemoole*. hundred, of men and women had ga-l thered around the grove to lake p.nt. Here end there were grim old Cel-1 shoulder* bent. Those had shared with ! the dead the glories of war. Jesid' them were women bent in years. These had shaicd the hnrdahipe. Nuai ban of young stalwart fellows who' had unted of war in the recent con flict were alio there. Through the fields on every vide of the grove plowman were turn, r:: the fresh earth that once w«* wak*d in the blood ot Federul and C'o.sfi.'d* eratc. Through the moij jVj sau eyrd cows grazed peacefully -r. Uto . sunshine. Ietlle birds twitter'd m llr. 1 trees. Children fr.)li;!.ej upwi the gras,. It waa hard to helievy tha; the •pot had drank deep of humm blood spilled in battle. Mr. Riddle and Mr*. McD. llolliday president of Chicnra Chapter. Unit'd Daughter* of the Confederacy, usher ed Colonei Cox to the atand that has stood In the midst of this peace its! scene since the first observance id | Memorial Day at Ohicora. Lteutmun. James Best, a World War veteran and Dunn's youngest lawyer, introduced Colonel Cox to hie audience. Tbi Colonel was greeted with heart warming applause and he immrdlute ly warmed to hie subject. Me pa d high tribute to the men of the Con federacy and waa proud to have been associated with the ions in tha late war. Harnett’s Soldiers B-ave "Some of the braveat -oklion vhr. fought In the World War,” Colonel Cox declared, “(UH from Harnr.it county. They are worthy eon* of no ble fathers, and 1 am proud to hnvo been privileged to fight with them.” /S.I.- .f a-»___# .a. action of the people of H*rnell who had dedicated thl» little cemetery to the dead of war. Such men anrl wo men could not have unworthy font and daughter*, he said. In concluding hi* addveu Colonel Cox declared '.ha*, men have a* solemn a duly in poacn ne they have In war—a* g>eat nr op. portunity for eorviee to, their na tion. That I* •obedience to the le v. He plead for a more serious ullitnde of Inc public mind toward the law— especially prohibition. If the majority any* a thing shall be prohibited, the majority rule*, end it la the duty of every eltiavn to uphold the majority and the agent* it appoint* to carry out its wlihcs, he declared. Chicora Cemetery, with all it* peace and beauty, hi one of the mcit pathetic war cemrteriee ef America. There are nine graven, each marked with a stone upon which i* engravrU only the number of men who rett there—eave one. T1*at one la lb# grave of Ueotcnant-Colonel ft. De Tra villa. Colonel DeTrerillr wa. wounded In the little hnttle and loft upon the field. He died la he aweesowl heme at the Smith's rtortly afterward* and , ’ f #£•> • /*r I'/cf. • C -A C .i. * ^ ,."v A#?.* 'j . .1 War v *.uMr . » i. I vice# fc.* Vif. •• ^cfth i*Cv-i:" !.'■ c#*c!otJ. r«l . belli •. * .... Vy «,! J f • .'• pri..cl;ul i * . . ; u'l .ol :V.- •< J - J'.m v ’t*“ . . * ‘ . 1 i» / V *“fet cav wo. •;c ’ *.■ .• • .-. • ... :i y^J- tv.?i *' undent of o'.j :t‘ ton, srho s.: •*. C5w 'l h!. *«.-.£ - . o y.. '* h • • » ; L.. e. Hi.* >. .• C Crater. t*. *•■-.. : c^t x. .a. t'\ .. I.-* £:f 1; 1 «»? =.i *'uy *• • ' •> nr t!. Curr.o i. .•xai.xJ.*- v . Gft*oh i’j. k of a*'- !.| :v <**f Vf • 1. . . .... / • • ?.rj Ah A- * JKinl ..... . ; •: wr 'r&ni !;•..• ’•? r.p.c r •• • f v'j '!v* ;• * * . - •»* tad tc *.h- * i*1 V’(.. *V <| . • i ‘ fcr ,li- • ■ 3. r ’ < . ; .1 t.\ ttT'.rlieu JSJ. • ; ... r.vfr v - ,.. . o il .• t '• cad :U-. ’ •.■« j !tlini-.:i '• > . . ..i •. » 11 <*v. • a. *.r . >fp.r;fc Ci.; ‘rt. . . ' fcr me *c;.r:, ,*r l :. I *.• . fruit *a atr'•. t c State ai r. I. . .r._. - . : dur’.;: I ,3 >. •• . • ". -. i*: tv . .' 111). • il.t i-.irir. f. • . it : . .. : . - 3,- . .. . ...xu led y d i ><, fun.-.t vice.*. Hit carter u* a tcacheaiUBinooccU m .Uv» wi of Her. r.a-':x f. .. . • '..Tie... of Halifax '■Civ. s re •—v. l-..r. ' ti r tV'isV f.tu l'.' . i. •.. . • .?,? » l/'3r> I-. .. ■. •• ... *. K. IK ' .• ■ . a!,«l c.wuiit *: l. • . .■ in tl. u V. »* *• I * liitl O.^aer :o • «J i haei w.i {.•<' ;c. « l'-:-. i» itltulo fr:r<i ir:Jl :CV». I'";.' !«•:(! i .t .u li : i .adroit. of th- v;n S : u ■ drcii hi •■cm,; ■•>'.* erjui .r cr T>0 >... Aero t“t m Ine tt-i'.imcv* of 1" c. .' : “V • • Wt.r) o.;e o* tii.- . il>■ J ' i" "' teacher.-: ha vv< opl'-c-.' ..•!• r > >•••;.. ; over W.o'n, *fivr • • >••’. »?rmcnl» r.-> U'.r • .. .• in F-K< !fw- ■ i • .... riorj,* h;\ '. • .• - . V'1, t. :x’’- r v>':-l r“ ; • » 1 .1 I.r) .<[ Gr-.a:- :o stj i :.. f.i-i: V'-i rvntwfl v.hrir it - -it •irV; ;i»l -f 1?iR*9tM K!*:H V'us: ir.-.-o t' to The will'll • • i-s*-1». ?*:r. con'inuiKi la i; f>»; tt itii 1 >-■*, vris -.i •hi- nr b eie nil. .l"r. Grab no v.m jj e« Tcwl (JV c'plisaiior. i.ii.' t iii." • .«’* bud irb-l r.-/i •*> hi lntf!;.(ro. t.'.r: •- •. ... ' 5*:.-. he i.'jld fi'i.J • <•'. . . ’ - • • ► He jjp.vt > on ogtiiii i; V : .it .*■ . •’>1*3 Vini: n r.. :. • . ; . s. rt lovhed if ti:. . ; . • .l.iiiii ill *>e»t £>.. t. ■ d > o5* i o in i. s»„s Vi nwr r>. . rt •/. r»ty and ijf .* »• -, t*. lor V.-.l ai.d ihr > I'ill'.y 0; ,4* .1 .i • n. re re ly proi hed (i.rl. Tn p-.-Tinii»..*l power ci ir-it >r.:b-je l. >';{» :..><! of 1’ii.baji h'. f-.-yli . -i X rt ti-7 Ho elrj -j»er!!y i.: J■■■?•' «i deifcc lo le •}».. Ua'o .- .. ' hobby bn; p-,r..- «•{ ‘..-r r.;'lr.*'>'‘.w ** •{ i>'OV/Ctl lit V f}.- V pi’ yt-l i!k> Ir.tei rst «» 1 Ml. .Jr . ci I'M.'.-/' if. ITw' T'ts a b ..i -it ...i. dpi. ir.i tiouril "fi p.op- r. b '. 1 * or.- >:'r ibcjgti be hail t-H»•;vjv -v.bj. Mi acorie of luni'F. The home !••■<■ of t'.ij >rV.oi nr • on»<iua1ad. Tb« fan «>r woe either «*\ur to sabcol or ttm.-h! ... M •*. OmheiA ««« 'Vt. a mm aiWI.il hr’nmolS!i( UI1 :> •«:;» e - ofRCtie i“d cf.'C.i.11 ht>i.ro't<rj>tr Tb* obond<i >t.< of t'onil veiif ci-o'ii it. wholc’rntt f'inii which shn ;U»c<<1 os her l<*hv vil’. <?v< t as ~tT.\r rJb'Wl by b’jr.•’ >'.*,• of •>T" .can f*c ’b !isr oVr.n ft' <1 till •. I’wt.'rt it b'V :>.cra:‘ ! f - •• '* ' ••• 1 p1i*d > »#■# fu • eh* V.t b: .• «> t! 'i''*on anoihor i«*> b jri:J bi !)' <:• » Yin !riDKi of hj oiler It! , olx Ken *•'-< .novor let-mod. ! Tbr. or.o«i vhc i’e I. Ch- ftr« r.'o vrtle- I*'. J A .«;• uni to protect the "s' '•.*t !»'■ 4 if’1 i» m i fit ru :i 3 o .V. Hh ■ r-i»n They hold 0'il n.’.t foV.P : pared to flsht at Z • I'h who < 'Jr. W-. 'a * I ! flji Irum ririor f^v'lv; '. • ’ t. bond of FtSr C«~ '*.«.* . ' hi! Ihnlf i‘ V.! /, Y' *fP y«iiev <ol! b*fo»i Ib-'-r vr».< oiloncod. , I ! ! i of Jim Reelm Hankeri i ; v Ejtoci! of Stayer So Sloiy Sr.ya "‘ ■ V DOINGS IN SMITH - -c. AVfliACTS VI31TORS i _______ -*• • * A.r-~ Tbeia Who Claim ‘ •l-«u 'D’l Convened With - •* ** C-.-.tdes ICnocLiirg On V‘> 5.ft Aid Doing Other Re ! - J r SkJti/r—Little Girl U ^ l through Ju* peaceful • •>!' pl-.tit Lh.le River In Iht 1• c' M To;*ic LlniTi n a.n * • fr > 0 it Avrrvbon , ■ • <'.if.llnj UiuUiih* oni< ! e .i • <iir-';i») ii *.’.c c » . r.m;tli. n arurdr *c l*J Jtv plac.« u •* • *<* :. *>• • *e*. only doM h#. »-* <*■. ti.i end «1» the othc* • .t- u:!/ Mi'buied lo dociztn . >j.* \ world,* hut )ia yeinnlli ' 7* to Ur. and Mr*. *** «• J .•r.f**': *<u.e of neighbo » *' '.e!«t roxj.er •* • »•' *• S:JV UU(S \ • <; • *.*» *tov«4 loK by tbr /*•: ; .rjt lc^;n hi* c sK> ; /*, tK*ii>*er. J,c con 'Ir.rd hi. t • ' : ■ o lil < cL* o » •. 1 cell* j .. J •. * yt%il *.: yy * V. Ice nil ! » (itr u.i>h n'tcjrtva -d, *&. ./,-y. ihr yhert bkrjcfcft I j talk. ; * *1 '* U*IJ by «;.c •v.u' >*'Mi '.i* *o Jr» :*.7 it. H n; y*n« tyro Jim Rfrcrc*. e h*lf <* . » >«red t/cj.- the Un of h'.t ^ pt.nd .. ijen. Nothing **'*oo *<es* of h ’n tinro. |he • *t * o'.> !.-onti.«r the Srrth borer * '* r*4* **•.**€»• d!nr to his ntid'cAec, to •*** * ,fc *pVit of Jim Reeves, And **- • •** * • C» :.th)U« re-idorc*- . *•'* • ‘-fcrih Aiitu b> murderer is pun Tv;, hundred yerdr from the Smith homo io on old wood pile. It li+s to tho ncrUnves; of .the bom*. The chest nr offort to find the min's bonci f In thi- hallway of the -Smith hom* a la^2*. darh bro.va *pot. Mr*. . •:th b-jlWvo this ty be the bbod of •». t>S* ha>j »hn cannot cleanse} f. i .to:Ic.'i lhai the f.hl j. n«rtr| • m’- •• hV r.rBi sse ur.:rd ontil a lit - j Jau-thUr or Mr. a'd lira. Smith I I.'.,'-. :*■*• ‘ t’- Darim; the pn.t week i tnoa;i>ic. cf visitor* have pone to! • '*<• in lh» fearful hop* th*' • Utcy I'Jiht a lncei th* m *n > f rsta 1 i.c. -i.t* ila'.n in have head the “f'a' u. r,: ’ a -BT they heard '-'7 "« d* LOKittv from no /• apxcs however., that tbir r j.*i»>.-abk- only when *thr little tepL - > 'I'-n. Tturth does oo: claim '• •<• o ipliUoaHette medium and rh . . i-t rfJi'.ns cf Utlnps psychical, lit" jo.. a |ili’ i i'itln country plrT ’ 'f V-> r?vi-r rvs-tl lit* name of Sir >1 <tr Je '!•: v >” fact. she knows no late* ■■ ! the tlevYer affair and ia no* •nnvrtoas if any port the may o'ay In inn licence* ,h»t ut* attracting *6 to ,TV;* to cc*' futaer's home. tutu-day ntfht whtn r Intro mint. or cf vlr'lors were there, tno little Jt’rl wrt- to excited the could not sloop. It e-u* rci.-p~»tcd that * purse be m«dr vto itidure her to nllrrapt lo sleep e.tc slept, but the fthat did not up U:«, e/bt-n the child slept nat u illy, the '.piril ;a raid to hiivc dr lt.nl hu v.ae not interested ir. tierey r '.it .i1;1. not wllotv himself lo . - :?-J*:lc a rh V. 1! J IntcT-ited t••••/ in hctvir.f: trio m-n who killed 0 a jiU .1 el Mid. :io the -.tot 7 peer. T. }; >• bc^.t I'aitr.l rureses y to .faro tpurd* arosud th.' Smith homo to krep via Iters I.tm the place. - — ■ 0 3 WOMAN'S CLUB NOTES 0 O-1-jC V/hrt is more lovely than a sweet lilaffy bsby looking like a rote bed, ! rras’llnK 1 kr a powder pu.T. dreaded f |-J> In i*t duietlcat clothe* and on it* | ttvl ji hrricrT The people of Dunn reirsr la have tar chance aoon ncj i bum-h of the wee tot* for .-6n5.-*'.m», somewhere (date *ad place -rn; ret di-trimlncd) dating the month of yay the Woman's Club will hoM ill* ft? it baby show. 1 There will be two eontaat* hated 'rn bo.ia'y and popularity. Th* bahy ij.t.td to bo tho most b'fciuiful by Ikwe judge?, noa-rc*ldentfl of Dunn, «».1 tecvlva aa a ptlte a photograph !of it* own self made be Mr* ! Woolen, tie Ktsluy boot jilinloKry •.•her; in the pnputer't.y contest th« .‘■*■•’7 vi ee’vi »r ;'no iiriato.-.t nnmber o< Vc uk will bo ariantrit a rilre lov iox cup. One may r-tt A ua many \ule« r« hi wmIh-k tot h'a favorite baby at live coot' per vole. Any hftby, between the ayes of iihrce month* and three yuorc, may ’ he entered, lh» fee for entry briny cent'.' The niRiafc- hat bre.V tea red ia the hand* of Mr*. S. O. Priaarofo. Mnthora arc u>r«d to cal! o '• t Uioahone or kco Mm. Priraroat, 1 ••'ho will bo clad to rvyieter the ehll • dron. :-e*<- all he prraont at the ehow to "lew soma of the fim> and hanky, dainty and rwoct futare manhood t. d vumti.Kued of Dunn. Yoo'll bo nierlKd wbvn yoo m then en mum. CROMAR IN WOM ESSAY Tell* How To Beautiful And T, Raymond Croats r., was the winner of flrat prinethe eaaay coated by the Womai dub to in duce school boys and , to suggest methodi of town heal tion/Thc piize was five dollara gold. There were aevtnal 1 UatanU, all of them writing exet t oe.ays ar.d inadiig hejpful gag. Ray mr.id'a eaaay follow I; X* It Is a fact, wtiiehfgrim reality fon.ee even the moat aigont of Dunn's admirers to admit, Uutt there are many spots erven in tha heart of the town, that give to visitors a disagree- - able impression of youg Iowa. In its wry center thore Is m entire block which Is barren of agytbisg that is beautiful. Our hack long, vacant lots and alleys are overgrown with woods and kept chocked ay with garbage nnii refuse. The Atlantic Coast Line Depot, for both freight, and passen ger trade, Is placed right in the midst of the busiest auction of Dunn, and the trucks are often filled with ca t a every description, tgg crossings arv blocked, and, as a r«.c]L tbs general public is inconvunieBepg: Uut, for every ill th«o is some rc-. medy, and ws propose to find too re-1 medy which is bust suited to this case, i Dunn is in need of g civic organi zation which will have as its parpozc ibe beautifying- of tMa. town. There U net a citizen of DudU who will not _>L.. Sk. lamz. L. _ « w.« .tail but hardly eat, if W* were called upon, could tell what Mould be done or where to begin. Wo need an o( ranltation which can U#c the load in : fCii inattera. to forsp^omc plan of action for those who are anxious to or thr work done, bet-do not Vow now to do it. There la nothing hol ier than such an orgnnlsa-on to lend .1 the undertaking. At a suggestion »e ^11 state that there is much room tor knproTtmort n the -.evidential section of the town, he safest way to begte-aueh a gan rral clran-up piogrami is to bog n at our own front door. Nalhi.ig help* the looks of a homo mors than a rieau lawn, well trimmed uses, and clean slloywsy* around th*- yard. Mnny of us would bo surprised to jrv the difference which, a few bow woik would make iu tho appearance of our hones • „• is the mam facto,-In tha derclopmeol if any comrour.itp. In tha ditelios In town, we hare not >nly an unpleasant sight, but a dan ger to the health agd safety of the lillscns. By uamg cuvets, we could iliminata the-ditch, and, in so doing, not only ralao tho standards of health 9 id safety, but also improve the whs of the place. Wo hare, or most of ns have, had 10 wait tor trains In other townl, and re cpoke of that town us a "dcadone." ■re aid col stop tv think that our* is iust as bad. If not worse. A person »ho comer here on business for Just t few boars, does not huv« any place .o rats tbs time between trains. The itarion Is not attractive, freight trains pvo' at all hours, in tael there is r.o sttmetire spat anywhere around him. I C/e should huve a depot where there I a no freight handled, m union pas- i -rnrer depot, in the op-town section i and have a freighv depot in the adze! o1 town. We would, then, be able I to make (he depot end it* surround- j Inge a pleasant place. Ibo bare spot opposite the depot, ImowB ai Lucknow, should be eon verted into a park for those who have not the timo to visit other pleree in town. The traveling aean who hac to n wait around the depot, would then ’ju able to pass hie I'snu mere pleas antly, and would carry away with him a more favoiab'.t Impression of cur town. Aside from this, wo should Have a park in the edge of town. Several site* have bran offered, and nothing; remains to be done but to put the place in order. Duaa, at present has no public places fee recreation. The things maul, needed to Baku Matin a beautiful town are: clean,’ rxat homes, clean streets and side-1 walks, proper rare of vaeaut lota and public buildings, alleyc, a onion de-. pel up town, with the freight depot on the edge of town, and an up-town and suburban park. When wo get busy enough to se cure there things .then we will have I ho problem of pre*“rly maintaining them. U should be the duty of every cif.ren of Dunn to Coupersrte with the executive organisation in keeping • ho town beautified. Evsry man ean keep his boms aad the place tur lounding bin bualaeaa looking right, while the town cun keep the ptfblic property clean aad In 'a respectable eonditiea. If we follow this plan, I am ‘.her onrhlv convinced that wo would have n more beautiful Dunn. nti|* aiimoj i smw«ne»isnt Exr-clees by ths primary and In U-rmediats gvsdco «tfl hh held Thurs day night. May It Friday, May It, the contents will tabs alar#. Tha ad drsn win bs dsliramd an tha saasa day at 11.00 A. M„ hr Bar. L T. New ton, now of WbltuvOlo. V. C. Ur. Newton is a fonaor student of th« atadomy. Friday night, tha Mgh school grades will glee the play "The Laughing Cut*. If you are a Vouch and can l laugh, cent# and Idarn how. If you can laugh, you should learn to laugh more. A trout la Id store for thoea who see this yUy ” • f . R. L GODWIN TO BECOME BRIDE OF DIGS TAYLOR Woman leaa Wadding Schedul ed At KetsopalHin Wed* netday Night ELLIS GOLDSTEIN IN ROLE OF ERIDE'S MOTHER Coatuma of i'opulat* Matron Designed By Noted Parisian Moditte, Me Jemoiaelle Spa* gettie—M*yur Wade Will i Give Girl Away. Postmaster Lee Officiating iv. iniiter. With lhat not unbeautiful Robert L. Godwin es the Hunh’nj b id« and the diqu'.rutlvo A/ionii Dick Taylor a* the bi-ide jrroom the WcmanJcu Wed* bo offc.cd in Metropolian rbra‘.r» tonwirow — Wednesday— JMifht indor thi* uurpicM of Cbicora Chapter, L'nibU n.tu*>rUr* of the CnnfideMCy. for thr benefit of the ^oth Carr.lna Rdueatfonal Fund. Pottniaru r Pupi^e T t-ec. in the ro'e ’• a-i'iy Sunday, wiu be the uQlcat.og minister. Mayor f.lryd Wade will fill the lots ft th* hnde’t father and «rl3 ‘•eleo,, tba yoawr woman away. Ellis Gold *fin, an the fourth M s. Nat Good wta, .« on tho program as the bride’s Bother For this occasion a special , by Jfndemoieell* Vcr ntrelllc idp.-ipaott), of Farce, will b* r/orn by Mra. Gcojwin. It Is richly k.ocid d velvet and la" a to table a Jornmant to the stalely beauty of the popu vr matron. Me. Goodwin, too, w:U be gloriously clothed for this oc •u iioa. take part are .. -Ealper Holliday o. lionor—Julia Marlowe—Dill _ C ifto.i Rfn* Pooler—Little Dolly Dimples -. . ‘V. C. Karo/ Black X.ammy-_ H. M. Pittman .:_ . Dr. Butler UttJe 2.other.Holey 0. I.ve 5®'1*'’ .Boo War.;* J (CpUiM Girls. .Sam Ferrell, Craven Patel! . ■ BRIDES’ MAIDS AA*m,.L. U. Blascll rhoda BA.. P. A. Let -onjtance Telmsdge_t V. UUia Buiko —_X 7. ■ a ' '• O_, ' Mary Garden.L R. William* , Carrie Nation (old Bs:d)..Or. Bain 3*ratdine Farrar .. L W. Strickland I'Ulien O'sh.Rnlob Warren knoa Pavlowa-- R. R. Koona Schtonan-Ueinlc ... John C. Phillip* Sima Gluck --Bill Nrsdierry, Jr. * ettm.cn 1 ......... R. f.. Donning 3aUi Curei ..J. S. Parthing Msnraenie Clark ..Ellison Goddard Mary Garden ...... Carper Wanen Party From Clinton Visits Pineland School ludga Bond, Monitors of Sampson . Comty Bor. Officials and Others Art EiUrUlac4 Clinton, May 8.—Judge Willi** M. Ilond, of Eacntnn holdi g the May term of Scmpson Superior court, and itcncrallv re yarded at ore of the ab le* and fairort Juiflte» thnt evar ple aded bore, in company with the mr-m bura of the Samp*m- county har, the county officer* and a few other invi ted yu«a», motored to Pinctand School tar Girls, located in the beau tiful little village at Ralemburg, the model community of 8aoup*on coun ty, It rai)<* from Clinton, on Tues day evening May 8, whrro a high date entertJ'nmcnt w* staged for the visitor*, confiding of music, both vo cal, and instrumental, and several reading* from ths young ladies, and dotieiom punch In sufficient quantity for the visitors and the entire school. Judge Bond delighted ths large au dience with a most eloquent and in structive address. His sublet eras “Character Building," and the influ ence our live* reflect while we live and ia after year*. This wa* a mas terful effort, and was highly appre ciated by the faculty and the 140 beautiful young girl* attending the school. This is a private school for girls only, owned by Rev. and Mrs. Tv. J. Jones, and Is the recipient of no funds except from tuition and such sunu> ss It* friends and woll-sriskers may donate. The girls are carried through the common school coarse* and all the educational branches preparatory U> entering college. The commence ment exorcism will talcs place May >7. Hon. Isaac M. Machine, of Elisa beth City, will deliver the annual ad dress. This Is s great Institution of learning and great Credit is due Its promoters aad ruStainer*. Lucknow uausrc nt Dunn wee dedi rated to public uec i quarter of a century ago. The railroad cannot now properly claim owner <htp. Th»r» p. talk of making it into a park with a community hour* In tha cantor. The (toed of North Co.-j’ina torn It a email pork or brother piece in Uie cantor of tha towna.—Newt and Ob Kaimcrr who rodner thalr cotton crop arc finding rcbrtltuto monoy crop*. Mi. Bon Towr: end, of Harnett, la producing watoimeiont on a hug* teal* and Nr. Towr.tcml and Mr. Gao. Canady kart planted forty aoro* in ailrua. Tbit ia the taw? Mr. Towatend who introduced long tlaplo cotton Into Hainrlt county. rhlt fear ho h:~i cut down hi- crop, bi:l will come unto 'Ho own again la a few year*.—Newt and Obtorrtr. o ¥ Gtoro.li.1 j Accept* Al‘i-d ¥ Ulbaavia By A Voto Of ¥ aai V> ITS La Rtoici.la* ¥ Berlin, M: y J 0.—Csrmany ¥ hss accepted he Allied eltJna ¥ tern. Tbe Reichstag tonight by ¥ a vote of 121 to 171, yielded to ¥ the final demand* of tbe AllUd 5 STM1 tz ffs.vs: * of Vcniillti "to to* cafneit," ¥ of Ow nation to do *o. ¥ Dr. Whth, the Centrist Iced ¥ #r, finally succeeded In farm hag ¥ a coalition cabinet coapoaed of ¥ Centrists, Majority Socialists ¥ and Democrats, which confront" ¥ »d by grave necessity, speedily ¥ decided that acceptance of lb* ¥ ultimatum wu tbe only conrae. ¥ In meking this announce- ¥ ¥ meul to the Reichstag, the new ¥ ¥ chancellor asked for an lame- ¥ ¥ diet* derision by that body, and ¥ ¥ in the voting which followed, ¥ ¥ the government me eoetalned. ¥ ¥ Thu total ram which Ger ¥ many U called upon to pay Is ¥ 0,760,000,000 pounds; dltanm ¥ ament must be carried out by ¥ Germany in accordance with the ¥ ¥ provisions of the treaty and the ¥ ¥ triad of war criminals mast be ¥ ¥ put into effect. Numerous other ¥! ¥ important term*. In which Gcr ¥ many has 6sun in default, will ¥ be enforced. ¥ ¥. . ¥ Pythian* Plan Baa Time Here Thursday Kufc Kry awl Other TUatgt Te Ft« twre District MtotUg Of Order Grand lodge officials of North d*r »llna Knighu *f Pythias aal scores >f other members of the order arc tipectcd here Thursday to attend the Haute* tOiHt.njf to bo hold with the O.-a! I nige. fc i ntor B SL McCr.'s; >f Homlerron, Grand Chancell >r of Hwyriur '*11 he among the i.si'or*. An rlaboittn program of entertain sent is being arranged by dlls Gold stein, chairman, E. T. Lao, Frank I Oraughon, 11. 8. Freeman, Jaaaa> Heat and G. L. Cannady, who con 5ri,« the entertainment committee, rhia program Includes a big flab fry it lUiedei Por.d at 5 o’clock In the tFUmoon. After the fiffi fry the eam W.PIII rotura to Dunn and begin st 7:30 o’clock to Initiate Waive eaa Ldales into the mystariaa of Pythian* S^oVockTn he afternoon whom the lodge rooms vttl bo opened Cor reception of the visitors and for tho inveotigation of implications JINGLE SET OF STANDARDS FOR WORLD TRADE IN COTTON A strong effort to socare the adop tion of a aingle set of standards for he world trade in American cotton nil be mad* at the World Cotton .ontc-runc* which wil] be held In Liv erpool and Manchester, K n gland, lua# 13 to 2*. Two ragrosontatlve* if tha United States Department of tfriculurv, Mr. Cheater Morrill, Aw1 lists nt Chief of the Boreas of Mar kets, and Mr. William B. Meadows, bead of the cotton division of that bureau, will attend th* ssssioas of tho conference. Mr. Meadows will address ihe meeting on tho subject of "Uni versal Standard* for Americas Cot ton.” It it thought by officials of the de partment that both the present time >nd th* place of meeting are propi tious for accomplishing the end in view, because tha entire cotton in dustry, from grower to manufaettfr ir, will bo teprsaontod; all phase* of cotton marketing will he dlacuaecd, and suggestions made for improve ments in marketing. Tha dominance »f the Liverpool Cotton Exchange in iha cotton trade la looked upon a* an other important factor to he consult 'd in the estsMishjneirt of world-wide Undards for cotton. Tho exact me thod by which tho standards will bo dstoraninad upon, it is sold, can not now bo forecast, but any action la ke*. so far as the United States is concerned, win be subject to the ap P'eval of the Secretary of Agricul ture. Mr. MorriQ and Mr. Meadows ox. poet to loavs this country about Juno 1, soiling ftom Now York. Tbit year’* meeting wUI be tho second ono bold by the World Cotton Conference, the Arst having token place at Now Or leans, La., In October, ISIS. FOR BRIDE TO BE On* of th* moat oajoyable among tha sortos of port;so and showers which hare been given In honor of Mis* Brownie Essell whoso marring* to Mr. William McKay Poor mil into take place May lbth was a surprise Kiurnrn anowsr jr.vre at roe Boat af Mrs -Annie Voting on Thursday night May the 5th. Altar thr ahowar of eifU conilating of avary kind of rooking utenaila, sH of wfcirh worn aluminum hod noon beelawed apon the bride tied, paneh wma aarvrd by Mini Meta Horpor and Jan la C. laoek. Theta prcicnt w«ro: Mltoaa Brow nit Eta* I), Janie Jnekton, Ida Mae Pittman, Mata Harper, Mary Whriy hurtt, Agnoe XII it, Mary Glody* Judd, Fran era O'Danie), Helen Stswart, El freda Carter, Mattie Idt Them a a Mande Tatbeelllc. Lottie Lae Jeoet, Rilnabeth Whitaker, and Janie I perk, Mardumaa W. R. Brandon and A. P. WetNarook, Mctora Ralph Eeont, Ma r.ea Martin, N. C. MelHagaworih, Durham Taylor, Ralph Parker. Cra. ven Eaarll. for. W. it Turlington J W. Wilson, Bill CUfton, wTEtio, Pearsall, and Caspar farm. I , v l: ’• - * NEW BOARD CUTS SALARIES OF MEN ONOTY PAY ROLL Cbrit U The Oaly Official Te CHIEF OF POLICE WILL GET ONLY $175 A MONTH hipcdatwdwb of Water Aad Ught Aad Street Chaaiaf Dopartmeat Lace $5$ Each —Office of Paid Fire Chief May Be AheUched. No Ay f jn^menU Made. A tentative program through which the salariat of practical? 'all mumiel pal oeipJoiraca except that of City Qadc H. Alley Parker tea cut froae 1* to 20 pfr ccfit «u left Bight do ddrd upon by the Board of CoataUa «onare elected ia laet week** aicctiaa h»ra- According to thU program the ofieem and other exnployaaa win re ceive aa lari re a* follow*: Superintendent of the light aad we Superintendent of street el ••nine depsrtancnt. $1M. •gJ?Uci?aa ,or ** “ilfct 4«ty. $100 cmck. Chief of pollco, $176. The euperintendent of the Ugh* rad water department, day and sight pollea and tha eopertnlendcnt af tha flreot tie an lag department are at «5 • month by this sehedalr. Thr Chief of police ij cat $30. consideration wae ghrea the eeore or more af applications far thr oOeat of chief of police and superin tendent of the street cleaning depart ment In last night’s meeting. The poi'tfon held by Kre Chief Vance stay be abolished by thr near board. The matter ia etUi andor ad vitement and will he determined is n meeting of the board to ho held soon. TUe poeitJon has paid $1M a month, the chief dividing hi* time with the paliee department. Ae eooa a* tha mew board perfect ed it* organiaatiOB last night it want into exeeaciva eeadon. What its i ben did after the deers were open the pablie may forever I- j- Stephen..— Fleet To _ A newer to **Tte Ladders” Froh lorn at Uafamreity of M. C Chapel Hill, Kay 16—Mathematical ■» ““ K«i»ra»7 oi n«ru Carolina have takaa • lot of interest in two problem < in mathematics ro coattar i ub mined to Dr. Archibald Henderson, head of the Department of Mathematics, by the SouthenTEn rjneering Corporation of Charlotte. This corporation offered two priaaa to tha atadoata who firat sehrod tho problem*. The first problem was called "Tha Farmer's I'rabtamT It read* aa fol lowV, A Ti“Nr* *»’ is tern miles from A. *»d *r## miles from a village ‘C’ A farmer living at ‘P* on* aaile from B’ find, that ho ia tho same distance doc south from 'A* that he Is duo west of ‘C*. What is the distance *FA’ t" Accompanying this problem tha *n gineermg corporation aont a drawing showing the situation of tha village*. Dr. Henderson saya, however, that ae cordiw to tha term* of tha pawhlam a different drawing could ha — lfc*S r5i lV aoadltione joat a* wall. W. V. Parker, of Monroe, who woikad the problem, submitting two annwan to fit the different situation* one ajmwo- being l.MI, and the eth er being 2.021. , TV ‘•t*"'1 problem, known as “The Ladder*/' read as follow*: 'Thm*«n Iran a 40 too tladder and a 00 foot ladder aero** a street to buildings on opposite sides so that the ladders in tfl-sect 16 foot from the ground. Mow wide in tho stroctT” *• *• JBtepbonmn. of Angler, was Uie first studeat to work this nnd lem. his new being at.fO. *•* dvaroetry and nlgdbra were used in sowing the problems and Dr. Henderson any* that clean, straight mathematics was smplayad In tho eo lation. No abort ent or trial and-error system was used hi either. A nuseber of other student* submitted solutions and tha quality of tha work in all the effect* Dr. Henderson saya, waa IAVKIU SAVE *»MU throughout the eeantry bald mara than $1*0,000.*00 worth of Gueurnmont Saving* Saenritiaa, ae eorrflng to a recent autamaat inaned hy the treaanry difartaoaL The taut amount Inverted ia Thrift sad War Saving* Stamp* and tr»«» »ry Saviag* Certificate* hat paa«ad the Mille*-dollar mark, of whteh rum 1440.010,4(0.00 ha* he*n rrtired. Four eerie* of Oovernmaat Saviag* ISecarttlen h»vt keen laoaad, the Arm betn, in lf>l«. Nearly ono-hilf of Uo Satdnp Securttie* have baaa retired About ono-foarth of the total amount* Inverted te 1019 md 1090 haro been radoomed. ■•t Ut* year the redawMUa* a mount to only *out |ltt,o6o eat of xxrs.xi&'srjssrjz 00 rafaltr inveatmanla. »

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