THED Volume VIII. ' Dunn, 32ND YEAR CLOSES AT BOB'S CREEK Seraaty Youbj Paopl· Cr»d· Mala; R. N. Sibum Deliver· C«win»ciini»l Ad4r«M By H. C. Heater, In New» and Oberrrer Bai·'· Creek, Hey It.—Bote'· Creak Acidai today rounded out tU thlrty-eacond year ander the raid •ace of the R«r. Juiei Archibald Caapbill, B. A_, Harnett'· forenoat teacher and cIUmo, by sending oat •Treaty joui men end women to bo tta their battle· of life «1th the ad vantage of high echool trainίη(, ■trengtheeed by a keen appreciation of the principle· of ChaiAlan educa Μ A great eroerd gathered la Ute ban-fike Trnnila· 'TdbernacU'" for the (foal d»y of the commeaceeient •sereiaea, which *»· featured by the addraae by ftabert N. Stain·, teacher of the Stoma Baraea Claaa and lead in* Benbar cri the Salelgb bar. the preaeatatlen of dtyleataa te the (ra ti oate· and the vwudlnc of Bed ai· and certlfieeUa te theae who diatin C«iahed theaasehrea in different »tu dle·, during the peat aeeslon. Inciadrd anonf tboee attending were many anlqSe°laâùta tJotTJfL?*7? w|1*» £U«low tralTiV^.0. ,_1·*Γηί»« aad tit· ^Indld m oh* achieved by en InotltvUoa wttboot the Boat node m buildinga ·**' >»t ap-to-date con vealeneea; ihiBuaatratod the himI· ■mi and alacerfty el purp«M of Ρτβ fantr Campbell aad hi* co-work «τ» ud tk· «or· than aU hnadred cirta ud boya who aid· op th· atadeat body during tho acbool year jut clo·- , td. It w*j a notable fact that aeons th· gradaataa war· fifty-«lx who had oea^ilalid eourac· ia Sunday Bchool lywy and aararal who have dvd to taking full train - lac 'far life earrice aa aaislatara of tk· Cea»el. ΜΤ·Ιι·τ···Ι#Μ The Mf wooden atructure, faah iocad aloag tho linea af a typical barn aad baUt aixteea y «an ago aa tom poraiy 'qaartere for the academy akn fee deatroyed the achoal build lap than «tandis*, aarvad aa th· aa UfaclUB far tho exereUe», it baiac waiwUi kaewn to all friand* of Mrti dreek aa the **Tahniiaule." Aether Prefaaoiii Campbell called for or der aad Bad· the croard dag tba feat atanaa of "Aaiwiee." It wu wall doa· ktt tho sHoeipal pot 0>· atofari ltow|> ta· Tataa again with atill bat tar raaoHa. The In. M. T. Darla, of Γββτ Oaha, offered tho opening pray er, aad then the etodentf mag th· μβ4«Μ7 Mac. "Booetlag B. C. A." hofiaao. Ci ia,l iD da—nianatod hla «anaaal ability aa a aiacer, Ua rolee jlaçiag rat dbera Usa ehoraa la atrong aad aallow toaaa a· he ted ia the rea tition of the eoag. The children Mac ertth a vim that waa Inaalrlnr. th· liteau? «taking tta rwfuri | Al wratorlcal. eoatoot- participated tabrrix rraac en, %hc ihowtd the IWHI of dlllaant trais! ne, wu tta Mad f«Mur«. Spurgeon Brigham, ·( lAim County, «poke on ^Clttaen <MV"i C—pUa Saa Holt, of John·*» Coenty, on "Tta Modem Youth"; CJoon Walton kidm, of Xohneton C«—tar. on "Tta Prosont Criai· in Jn««»w Dmoomi"| Ovon Uuon Moxmant, of Oohribw C*n Ckmn P?««tan Hiutaw, of KaWMi μ «η· Mana«« of 1··Ιιι1Ι«ιΐ· EofefcSo Xarl WUMford, of Cumber land, en "Amoritanl— " Tta hhw mM tta orato·*· modal U StabbU Carl Will Word, «ko rot two το too to on· for Hli*iw. fntervpened wm, a male program, Mia· Myrtle Plnnell| ef Warn· Coanty, mMif God ard'· "Val··," H.nry T. M«Duffi«, of Bob—on. McDonroU · "To a Water Lily," and Mia· VihM Pattonon, of laanatt, plajtnc -To Bprtmg," by fl«l«ai Tke *«*. C. c. Wheeler, of tien ion, Introduced Mr. SIbbl ltr. flmW 9*& ·. klfk trfbote to tke maker aa • lnl«r «boot tmW, and told kia >yiw 1m ni ι *MT*rt of Mr. ■pmam' totekiiw. Mr. SbaaM bitn °" ""1 °f * Beadey I ipoki to «fera· kiiM ·ν, iaeMtd to I ke woald Mr rm.MO a Month •m ter Ua, would 700 Uk« Kt took « kn4 Mtaii7 tf Ik· on· ta. -** al%i?rtss tor a nto troaa tke βοπ-coIIm* aAt «·· kaad wwt ap. If a aiaa tftwnd tkMi MM» aratlKltar »·«[■*»· take· It but weald keto igared la tslwt. Woald jroaT Uf· tare «an*. Ike «rang· n yaar fw BS." VXlt JltUTS fat atokt pan titae—fear, to the kl«· m*ol and tour to mBLT, SSb 2&r8r us Arm fM.M· af kU aantof Satr^r toto IBMM t rf; -woA for 1500 a toaaOiT ft PW Hm m ITT Ml* *f Ika ato Weill It m na to far MM · *oalkT Raw au; HHSFHSSîM *·· tewto·· |9· W· |VI· llffl n «•Viaadpto tkad roe de not Life Tenner Eccmpea From The Priecm Farm *»'««· Umrj·, Sand Fran Elee trU Chair by G·». Bult.ll, Still At Lu(· U«l NigKt Raleigh, May 11.—Marcos Ed ward* life termer who vu saved from the electric chair by Governor Blck *hom l>a bad beea tome Urae M pa ra ted and was convicted of murder ont riehv His vu a clemency casa bot. Governor Blckett stipulated thai ha was not to spply for a pardon. Bis rood record had prepared his friends for an sppeal to Governor Morrison, Edwards having served two yean. He eicapad while assisting in the preparation of breakfast Edward* Is a man of Uttle Intelligence and hie recapture Is almost certain. privilege for you to receive training ta this environment. "Every edecation Is fourfold, sad Involves the building ap of the mind and the body, acquaintance with Ood and training for service for human ity."» U»n_ inor sailer killed his wife from Mr. Simon «mphailird Christian education. " Wkere do the koyi tnd girls go from here Fifty-two to Wake Fomt, 11 to Mirtihli and a dosen Χ Chapel Hill. Do those at Cl»a<>«l 11111 get a Christian «location or not? I awed 100 stadsnts of a certain Institution aot Ion* ago if they got « Christian «datation, and they aaid they didn't. «Every boy and girl In the But· la entitled to a Christian education. We have too loan neatect ed this opportunity, and we ought to Ml to it that Christian men açd wo men teach in the nen-denominational Institution* and In the public schools. I» the high school at Daiham every pa^D that itadlM in Sunday school* each year for the four years get» an additional unit la the high pekoe! coarse. I heard Prof··tor Campbell ■ay Bui·'· Creek Acadamy lead· ev ery school la th« Stat* and in the South, which mean· th· world, in the nuadber of pupils who ha*· completed the Sunday school normal stody. Fit· tj iix are prepared to go ont and teach In the Be κ day schools." Mr. Sirnms then urged the young people to meet the ima·· of life glad ly, cheerfully and wfth a smile. The speaker lauded the Old North tymim M the hast place on earth In which to lhra. and advised the ι Κ " - ' Medal· As· Awarded Prof. Campbell ai^coanted the fal lowing awards of medals: Philologiac Roc:··.τ debaters' medal. F. H. Malone of Robe so a county; Ptlloloilaa im provement modal, H. D. McCormick, of Virginia; Eutrophian Society de biter*' medal, D. D. King, of Mary land; Eutrophian improvement medal. D. Massey Johnston; Astro BocietT improvement medal. Miss Laura Beth Oaylor, of Duplin: Sappho 8oeiaty improvement medal. Mise Lésai e Hociyrott; the Dr. Henry B. Day mo dal for lanroTSaent in piano, Miss Neil] Cheek, of Chatham ; $10 gold award for beat all-roand student, A. L Aytock ; 910 gold award for bfat all-round stndcnt among tha girls. Miss Mills·· Andrew*, of Orange county; $20 gold prise awarded by Chapal Hill students for the bast stu dent la langusgts, T. H. Bile·, of Al bemarle; Astro Society reciter's me dal, Miss Hilda Morris, of Nash coun ty, who was adjudged the beat reciter in tha recitation contest batween the Astro and Sappho socle tie·; declaim er"s medal, H. E. Poiw.ll, of Saa^aon, who w - -· ■ - - · i« «h» who was adjudged tha beat declaimer *a #Aei»Mi - Il ima s a ii . tt»a Buthrophlan and Pklloleglen wo etotta·; Wwiait»· ncWi medal, woo by Miaa Lillian atrtekkwd. The exarelaaa ware eoncladad this afternoon and tonight by Mnlar claw day (cttim and « play, "Breeay Point," by the young lad I·· af the 8odeiy. Dlptaai te the the axareiaaa this afternoon, the claaa bain* commoted at the folio win*: Liât al CndaatM Gradua tea la literary department— Hurt B. Anderaoa, Martin; Mallata Mala Andrew*, Ο ran ra; Bather B. At kinaon, Pander; Τ. H. BUa·, Stanly; B. f. Booa, Da via; Joe L. Baratta, Johnatoa; 8puxgeor Brlgb*m, Roba aon ; Marguerite 3. Cala, Harnatt; Cora L. Cemaon, Orange; Baeale Council, Cumfoorlandt Oladya 0. Ovrr rta, Harnatt; David R. Ferrell, Har natt; Laara B. Gaylor, Duplin ; Joyce W. Ooorfa, B. C.| Bthel P. Harmon. ; Raubaa O. Bart. Oranvfllei ■area, S. C.; Gertie O. Hlrk, ; Claraaae p. HInabaw, Wake; sa Harnatt ; ^jbibbvv r, πιι···*«. nuoi Daniel 6. King, Maryland; Owen L. Montent, Oelwiba·; Valma Patter •on, Harnett; Bealaaala P. Pea roe, Jouutea; Gladyi Phillip*, Robaaon; Claude O. Porter, Vlrghda; Barry I. Powell, Rata neon; Maaon Η. ΡοΠτ, Virginia; Beby Boyland, Wake; lUb •rt R. Smith, Toraytk; Bona M. kaithdkk, Beaafort; Rdbert 0. Tonmaead, Robaaaa; Morphv t. Townaaad. Robaaon; Lanora Tnpci, Chatkam; Ahaoad P. Weatbrooic. HaraaM: Rdbart Wllktn·, Daplla; Robbl* fc Williford Cunvb*rta>wf Ibgllit taatlliaietjn eertHlcatee— Α(η·ι P. Collier, Harnatt; S. Brace Ortmiav, Rat ma; C. 8. Holt, Joko atoni Ualay B. PravatU, Robaaon; Glean W. Deader*, Johnaon; Clara Wini.MI, Currttnek. MuaJe eertlfleate—Velaaa Patter •on, Harnett Gradaate· af bnilnaie department —-H. B. Anderaoa, Martial RoWt Brantley, Caharra·; Rally L Cox, OahaJTUi; Rally L. Cox, Jl Bbna Davit, Biehiaoad; /ulhu P. Davl·, Moor*: Buata F. Daa tat, Moor·; Saw Wad H. -Downing, CaaAirtaad; Oraan Flower», Jabn •tea; Aaaie Maa Gopton, PranVha ; Urty ■· Haakatt, Chowaa; Bdgar ssrwtf'iai'as 'Devastated France b Still A Sad Waste roty-rw· BUIt·. Fr .. Far The IU<«utncUn Of AkH JmUw DMBcuMm of roccnstruetoon work in Frsnoa in to great that U «31 be Buy jwtfi before the task cm· b« completed, according to the annul («port of Mit A. M. Dike, eomnla do cw for the American committee for drraatalad Franco, who telli of the work In the department of the Aian*. She ertimatei that the order' taking in that department will require more than J8,000,000^00 francs, compared to the pre-war value of er ase,048,000 franc*. "Of thia mm of 21,000,000,000 frmci required for the reconstruc tion of the Aisne department, the restoration of eemes, bsi'dirgi and field· représenta 15,500,000,000 franca — more than half of the to tal mm," she wrote. MTSw«e figure* «peik eloqaentjy of the load ander which φτ unhappy popalat'on la llv ln*· e "The French goVcrnmeat, unaided, has advanced for her reconstruction up to January, ItSI, ΙΙ,ΜΟ,ΟΟΟ,ΟΟΟ fraact. Approximately 14,000, OMr 000 of Oil· na was advanced for agricultural and industrial rettora Uoa; mindinc of road·, railways, tel egraph· and canal system· sbaorbed 4,000.000,000; the qntaa of alloca tion against starvation ahd to Beet the emergency need of her popula tion, another 1,600,000,000. Trans port of bailtltaf materials, cletkiag, food, etc., 1.000,000,000. It netarally follows that, perforce, definite re construction of property was reduc ed to · aslnimam—represented by · percentage of t.S per cent., which explain· the wretched «octal condi "In 1911, the French paid ι little lua than 6,000,000,000 of taxe·; far 1920 they will have to pay 22,100, 000,000 (repreaentlrf taaea to tx paid to the Hate). to which mutt he added 5.000,000,000 to be paid to local adminiitratioc (departmental had municipal admiaiatratio^X Would It be pëakle to demand more of the people at thi* moment? No. The majority of tasparera ara held in the vicioua circle of the political yd economic —ifc of Fwn. A minority of war prafHoers ara owad enormeoa mi by the data. Tax»· Uoa 1» beinr riforeuely impoaed, ta the deraatated aoua aa waH. ·.'£ "The hare·* " *— " Vy ten of thai today tfo ton ami film 1*4 m bewilderment of , their atrenea n_ roandlnr·. "Why la her construction ao «lowΤ Ilia ainewe are laddar la Daeeaa· ber, 1020. the French gevernmeat put certain flgui-ea into the hand· of the commlaaloB of reparatlem. Tim are l»tereetln«; they refer on ly to direct war Iomi suffered by the people—they do flot Include loaa ea in railroad· or merchant marina, nor do *·? include loaii nflyw by the itate (foreet, road·, publie property) ; they do not Include loaeea m Almce-Lorraine, the ooloaiea or expendituree of admlniatratlon. At the valuation of >014 tha total ram il 13,441,100,000 fraaea and at the valuation af reconstruction pricea of 1920 they total 140,228,825,000. mond: Maude Kelanla, Richmond ; Lola McMiUian. Robe·on: Vernon D. Makepeace, Lee: Paul R. Perry, Cho waa; Marv H. Pipkin, Hkrnett; Eliaa beth A. Richard·, Franklin; Vehna O. Roffon. Stanly; Maale A. flnowden, Currituck j Wadaworth D. Speneer, G ran villa; Wade StaocjL Wake; Grace Williams, Franklin; Edward L. Winfrey, Guilford. Mad Mf " The academy duriaar tha put m* •ion had student· from •ixty-ain eeuatiea of the flute and from Ave State·, and alio fear atudaata from Caha and oae from China. Darin* the ·· *»de»U were bapUud by Wof. CapipfceU, who 1. also active Κ** of four Baptist ehurchea in »· #*stl«W, At Bale'* Creak, AnfJer, Γλ·Ι· ·η<4 Αηρ4η· Daa.A Ο— _t pieaeha* to tk« (tad··!· twice · month. Tfc· principal left thia efter Boon far Chattanooga, whare he will attend the nailnai of ut lostfctn Β apt! it convention. The Bdabrn of tk· faculty of tke acadamjr follow: The Rer J. K. Campbell, principal: B. P. Mtnk b.iAa, a Mutant principal: Mia· Bt to Oldham, lady principal; Mra. W. JC Phlllipa, Latin and Prenchi Mlae Una Ballard, deaaatie aeienee; L M. Wallace, ni—m||| department; Mra. Alia' Anderaon. expremieni Mlaa Ball· Cannady, art; Hi· Beaale CiaiMI, prtaelpal ' muaie depart meet: Ml· Plots Canaady, maate; Brr. Β. M. Shacklette, Greek and Bo gliah; Mix Mattia Newton, 0. P. Pat toraon, Mra. J. A. BroaAonl, A. L Aycoek and Mlaa Donnle Heneytott. The alamni AeeotlaUea, of which P. Hontor Creech, of Now York, la pre aidant, held tta annual banqaet to Among the alamni attend tax the •arrtcee were > M. H.,M»Lood,_ef Ra lelgh; Bey. C. C Wheeler, of Bonaan: P. Hontor Craaeh. of Mow Yortt, aao the Hot. Β. K. Chlhtraaa, of Raleigh. Om Utw la Heaee» "There la one editor ta hearf** Bow be got there la not ao»t!val{ known, hut la conjectured he paiwi hlaeelf off fat · »ln <tor and dreo pet In anMtpertodly. When the dndga wa· diacevtred Ihey eearched the raalma a( felicity all. their ienfU and breadth fat · lawyer to draw φψ Πμ a»oeeeary ye pert far eJeetU·, hot they coeùdan lnd «re. ae af euuiaa, the editor hold· -ho fon."--Ix«ha»#p. umnber «J fr faj triad ob A. R. auditor fee tba maSL W. IL,' • —ϋ of M oftba NatUé5!j :5.v' :Jrîrcv eatfe·. out pranl tel Tk« „ nrach attention, in» the the w·*·. It Ιι _ complet· dU SoBtk. M/ t» (aspect I ■ pieces at bard-| t*· eftbe M pet «· 4a tbel VIOUBIT' STOUf Mae oc, wind and i_ lad by nb ι i<t M*r. \ kl Ctor B1LT 11.—A Thtlaat ma, Haoaau· w»t mtiW down la ail di te Mthutt the Al Q H«Wiillt enk tour ef caddies : η aero arma bally lajared. - VEST 3." ■X. ontfin, Dortxl. «fftk _ aftendonl t*ae «l the r. Osai ban tka rime Atlanta t. Mae the Castrai of < Ax CmM·, · •m and FTorM elooAorat proa On tha aonWi CaetwJ et < thrr>u*h t*« 7«a [down, bat t**ia COLORED PEOPLE AID FOR SCHOOL Pin Folloartac era _ by tht colored ptopW ralatlv· to Um ianrormaot of ιirhoot faeUM·· (·* eolorW cklldrta: " Maetlar of colored dtiaoai at School Oradod School Building, aû*. m«r ». int. Wkoraaa. tk· Diapatck la it* ®f May M. report· that at a raaaat aioatiaf of tk· Board of Traitia· of Dual Ctty ackoal, la eonferac* with Prof. Κ/Ο. Howie Id, director of td oeaUoa la oar atato. It «11 piaioood wtote (Udna aad oaa for od bo (MM to tho 1 od voter· of Um diotriet at aa Tk· ealorod batldloc to bo the board at a coat of •a tbo rtta booht aoaa Dm an to of 91 AO·. H wS eo* apprtudafaulr »4·,600. ta baOd. about oaa half to bo farnlihod fraai pabU· faada aad Iki radiai to bo •applied frooi private la eider that UMbovd^* ** *** la ocaer that Um board Mar know oar attitude toward tkU area! aadartak la* Bo it iMlrtd: Oat la ftoâ of what baa, aad b bafe* for tka prapor cdacatioa aad trala la* af tho jroath of oar p»opla by tko ■•mpwat of ackool· of oar aitp, county Aad ifrifo, that w· eaâeleos» Ir tmitwr tkmm our ihcan for tbalr latenat ja aa, aad baaUy GERMAN REPLY IN HANDS OF ALLIES Unconditionally T«w UHDmhUIlhÎlM Of J »nli( aad Mr. LM Otatgt isunadiataly liliimliU tea to all Um (mnmaHa eoa Tau ml Tk· to* ο(tk· rayly.'aa dalhwad to tk· Prteo Hiatal2, Waa M fO "Mr. Pria· ■M* wttk la*taatiiaa Jut nmItW I Γικ!!^'»'^<!>!ί>!ί*»'3ϊΐ R.lehaU* u4 wftk rWirwii to tka raaoiutloni of Um AUM fewaa, of May i/lMl, In the mm of tka Gar " to Mm tka fol· lawiaar: "rte Omu itntMuat la tally raaoWad dm, to carry oat wltkavt to daflnad by tka tnlaaioa." "laaa·! to aae·* wd carry oat without raaarra or Midltloi Um n· araMaaa la nn*t af tkoaa ofcllga tioai a»—by tka raaitola— comtoise! era. "AM, to can ι ait ilftut ra aarr· or May tka aawtia af ■» tory, aaral aa4 aavtai dlaanaaaaant notihad to tka OarjaM Bonrwat by tie.ABM il···· la tkalr aato oa January «·. IM1, tkaaa ovar4aa to W «hvUM at a oca aad tka maaia d«r by tka yuwrftrf M*. Toartk, to aarry oat aitkaat ra ■arra ar dalay tka trial af war oW· aal· aad to iianta tka otkar aafal flUad yovtioaa af tk· tnab rafarrad la tk« flMt paragraph *f tk· a·*· o? tka AUM p^nwuti af May I. "I Mk tka aDtod {mn Utak. tir'fuwd Oaaria/la a+ria# tk· tor»» of the n*ty to tka 0wanna, Mn. Joe D. Beaai aad little ι to», Malti· LDHaa, at ftak MattaawU Mr. aad D. L. Broaka. Mn Baaai la ι at My. GIVES OUTLINE OF TRIPARTTTE FLAN mt tka ralltraada vt aot (ntkitn »UUoa mm Ht {« Um fW tkat lu author, Qlaoa B. _ pnwnM to m »adl«nc· of people M tk« City Aadttoriwa U* Vit Mlllll capital.which 'mUn Waiter Clar*,ef ikt Μ"Λ Carolina l^f ι Co art, «ha hvaUid hiai aa tka aatkar at m mm daelaratiaa of l»d»aa<aiiim· and a wMo that at tka Η tka Aoctuacat thataaS^Sa^ra^? UUMhr M tka* «Ο ko mad· ira. To «4*Α·+#λ*ΙΙθΒ aa ■ Mm m tka - NOTES ON HOKE DEMONSTRATION

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