THE DUNN Volume VIII. , Dunn, North Carotin^ SUM SPOTS CAUSE INTERRUPTION OF ALL TELEGRAPHING Interruptions To ι Expected to Pu· Away Within 48 He NAVAL OBSERVATORY GETS UNE ON TROUBLE Frtunt Spot Eatimatod To Bo Sodm 94.000 Mil·. LonS and 21,000 Mile· Wid·; Pr^ ν alone· At Thia Tim· Moot UniMal ι Visible To Nakod Er· With Aid of Clau. Waihlagtoa. May 15.—-Interrupt ion ·( tclifn^ic communicatioa by elactrfeai interference·, if dur U> ϋ>· ■nwiiN of o«b on the ian as Ml forth in the Brashaar theory, will pui away withU 4· hours in the belief of official· at the naval observatory Were. Tlx praaeat (pot or group of «pot» •a the face of Uie «un, estimated by naval dbaervatory official· aa >4,000 Mil·· lone and >1,000 lailea wide, wai naareet the earth last nigtst, and to day thro orb rotation of tk· ran wan movinc away fro at the aolar meridi aa. Naval dbaervatory official· aaid today that, I m vine out of considera tion tbe decreasing effect of the spot· en electrical currant· on tbe earth through tbe oaoad bratkioc up of the •pot·, the regular rotation of the aun oa its axi· would within a few day· carry tha spots so far from the earth aa to aiake their iaflicnce negligible. Tbe theory that tha Aurora Bore aba, ar Neither· Lights, which aeads "earth carrent·** through telegfeph wir··, interrupting coaaoaicaUon. results from aaa spots advanced by Dr. Jaba A. Bradsbaar, late Pitts burgh astroaonscr. Tbe theory bai a ever been definiuly accepted but the fact that iprts oa tha sua aaaally ara aecoaqpeaied by clectrical dla tuAaacu baa reeuitei In abaost gen eral acceptances of tb· theory. · Tbe spots now praaant on tbe (Λ •f tha saa. which war· visible to the aaked eye today with the a*a of aaaoll Counties Which Have Cut Valuations Given A Chance To Repent Coalm·· Wan» Civ·· All The Cowiw Op»ei Iwlly Ta RacvaaMsv By W. T. Bo< in Gratmbore Ntwi. Raleigh, II·; 16.— RevalaMion v*c»irad a jolt today «t the mottlm of the state equalization board and revaluations already reported to the taken on horirontul reduction* and 30 day* will pat· before action I* Kate board. The nexvtoeri *»ho bad tipped off the pagan* from the mutt sanctified »pcU In the holy place», are not dis mayed by the bud goes·»». Ordinary ι talks do not pretend to know what U going to be dene with the coaspie jously decent and csaraprcoua piece of tan legislation which the revalua tion act was designed tu be. The chronicler who I» not a next-toer ha· had to ose hi· noodle. And it has been a· difltcuit to comprehend ho»· any a La te organisation can repudiate revaluation which «it so handiornely ratified by the 1020 vote, as it ia to understand why prohibition nn't pro hibiting the prohibitionists. Bat the board did not art today and those who have barn gaeaajng and telling other* to cues» that re valuation will be junkea, bave a right to (ucb SO day· more. Ν eve rte» losa, the mighty kickers who used their coppcrtocd loo Lai va on the gen eral assewfbly have gone lu work and work, even a» love, cares all things Only 44 counties in the stale asked for any relief at all. Some of Utea· desired only 10 per cent and ona wont to CO per ccnt redaction in farm lands. And undoubtedly some of these counties arc ashamed of what they have done. Cartaiet has asked to reconsider and in the letter which Commissioner A. D. Watts today aands tu the register» of deeds In the 100 coantlse there is a suggestion that "others mar wish to** reconsider their coarse. The colonel is giving all a chance to repent. Aa UaratHnfal Fight. Witk. the swing sway from th« radical add indefensible cuts in caan ty values attempted by enemica of revaluation there It no gueaaing how naar to standing pat the equalisation board may be. There are county of ficials in the state nmtt now who say that the valu·» aa of May, 191·, are not high enough. The very fact that over half the counties asked for sa relief at all shows that they were eenactoue of «eiyiifia. from taxa tion long la years -and in favoritism,. state the values «en lut. iofty Mt Mat of the voting population has km mm pted by ■ lArjf· household allowance and it η recalled new that the raskeat anti-revaluationlsta were thoac who asked the amendment of the law vberAy the state return to tho 125 exemption In lieu ef 1300. Th· thine that hat balked the repu diation of revaluation so lone u the fchoola. Nobody haa arisen to ex plain bow a county which COU iu real ratal* down half can meet rU school or its institutional neoda. Hor· isontal reduction* might reduce tax ai On realty, but they would not raiaa revenue nccessary to run. And tha attorney general lose baa held that Uie a ta te must maintain the alx months school term. Whenever tha individual counties undertake'to (et aix months of ecbool without paying far it, the Mala will buck. And If anybody get* frightened and starts any trouble, he will hare to push It to its logical conclusion and amend the state constatation by repealing the aix months achool amendment. And about that time th· cloven hoof of tha kicker will bo exposed and he will be no more. That is exactly the trouble with thil repudiation of re valuation. Ono mutt déclaré honest valuations wrong and mendacity the wear. That's what it had been un til the year 1919. WUI Mut Fini Tusiday Hereafter the board of equalisa tion will mtet the flrst Tuesday in each month and diseuaa its work. Meanwhile the board awaita county action and leaves open a» questions another month. It would appear that Grand Old Man Rufe Doughlon eras guessing about right when he ■«nailed that little would be done to hurt revaluation. The «tat· i· re penting and the Jane job of WetU, Lae and Xanniag will be easier than It would ha το been today. THE LOW COST OF ADVERTISING SPACE Tew adrertldng men know that ad· v*rti*)nc epaco In newspaper· U by far lk« economical way to reach the coanatr. It U a fact and the only reaaon tkat advertising was ιrver crea ted wae becauee win «ad «hreiwd bu ■iaoM Bien learned that they, could bay whit· tpacc in publication* at a minimum coct aad became of th· meeMgv they would put into tkat •pace they could make a profit on the trantactlen and make the advertising a real Inveetnent In production of jalei and goodwill. In the·· day· ef high coat of white paper and printing the advertiaer ceald sot print a full-par· advertise ment and buy the white paper at the email co«t that the η ewe paper chargea him far the complet» page delivered into the home by iarttaUeo That la to eay, the reader* of thle new «payer bay a paper became they want to read It and beeame they know they η more far their money at 2 or •otf than eaythlng clee Ihey could hay at that price. That I* what makoe the advertiefag μ valuable to the ad vertiser. prodded they hare the right meeeajro, the right Illustration and the ngfct mnrhendltlng plan back af the • dvcrûilr.i Newspaper advertising I* by far the ™o«t eeonomicil method to reach the consumer.—WlDlim H. RaaMa, nres Ideat William H. Rankin Advertietng A#eney, la Mewp^tiJim. COMMISSIONERS MAY CHOOSE NEW OFFICERS TODAY Mtar Applicub For Job* Held By Hum, Nipper And P»n NO OPPOSITION "it) PARKER AND BIZZELL Board M«abn Give No Inti mation of What Actio· TWy Will Take ia Police D^wl· ment—Vue·'· Oftc· Mar Be Abolished—Mayor Wade III. With doaena of anellcanta (at the T*rioui poaition* lo M filled by tk« Uoeid of Town Commia*lon*r* that body will meet is apocial M—ton thi* •fteinoon or tomorrow to paa* open tb· merit* of the varlout applicant* and fill two poaietion* ία tho police department, one ia the (trret clean ing department aad en· ia the light and water drperunint There i* no doubt that Lawrence II. BUaell will aueeeod hlmaelf a· head of the light and wator depart ment. H. Alley Parker already baa been reappointed aa town clerk. There ara many applicant·, however, 1 for the Job* of Street Superintendent Ι H ant and Policemen Page and Nipper. The eommlaaionari have net intima ted what actioa they will take in that matter, hot it ia definitely known that the member* are dhrided ia their opin ion* aa to the ndviaabiUty of coatiae I log the preaent paraoanel of the dc peitraent In office. Theae matter* were te bave tone before tha board in a meeting laat nigtiL Mayor J. Uoyd Wade, how ever, waa ill and coald not attend the m rating He waa Me to be ia hia office today and elated that be probably vraM call a meeting thi* afternoon or tomorrow. The acbaol commencement exercise* would in terfere with a mooting ia City Hall tonight and it la not believed ad* 1m ble to hold one at that time. Many of the appltcaeta for tb* of fice of Chief of Police bave viaKod Dana dace laat Friday. They bave «tait from loverai pert* of the etate. All. It ia Mid, have fanUbod he x*c cmo'· ZLdftii ο η ·. htM hj Ura CUef Vawe'wilLie ·. boliahed In th· coaxing meeting. Hi k" been paid * eelary ef f 126 a month ud divide· his time Ut*m the fir· and polka department». Farmer In Johnston Has New Sales Plan Brief* kale Of CetMe Ta Τ··· Aad HU Wife Literal)? Aq« tioai l| Of Smitlifield, May 11.—Yesterday tile 12 Masonic lodge* af JokMtoi county participated ta tbe layinc of the corser atone of the new 1500,000 court house In the course of erection here. Masons from other than Jehn· ■ton county lodge* were preaant *ak ing a total of «(boat 250. Orand Hu tar J. Bailey Owen*, of Headeraon. waa pr-rtent and took a prominent part in the exercise*, W. D. A*era, of thU cltr, waa made paid marshal and led the long line of Meson· to the court hoaoe. Part Grand Madar Henry A. Grady of Clintoa, waa expected to be the orator of the occasion, bet failing in attendance. Re*. C. Κ Procter, Mo tor of Central Methodist church, m leigh, rose to the oeaaaion and made an appropriate Impromptu apeech. Λ MncH dinner waa served to the Mason* and their families in a local wareheoae. Memorial exercises observed bare yesterday which tbe Maseas attended In a body. Tbe Holt-Sanders chapter of the U. D. C. bad the matter in chares, leading the way to tbe ceme tery where tbe grave* of Confed erate soldiers, who were killed la the —>»■ ν· mMiKiii·, wer· «mnua with flower· and Confederate flaga. R·*. H. W. Banc oft, naatar of the BnptUt church, effareJ a beaattfal prayer, and the aerricc «ma concluded by the ainging of patriotic aoaga. A aoaptuona dinner wna aerred to Con federate veterana preaeat on tkla oe culoa. The nuaaber grow· eraellnr each year, there bain* only about It or M her· yeaterday. The Houaa known aa tke aid Aboil borne, bat accepted by Mr. and Mr» W. H. Allabrooh waa destroyed by Are early Tueoday naorniag. The origin of the Are ta uaknanrn, bat the fact that tba building waa aaaong the oldeet hi the town lead» ta a aappo aitlon that rata eaaaod the fire. Mf. and Mn. A flab rook ware awakened by the flaaaea which were Ho rat lac through the top of the door af their roona. Practically all of the hoaaa far nlahlaga ware burned. Tha loaa waa partially eo*»r«d by Inmeraaee. Aa autbeaUee atory came to tight hare today which apaaa a new field, in tkla aortic a at leant, to the endeav en of woman. Mr. and Mm. U V. l^ngdon, af Elevatioa tewnahla, were here today with a bale af cotton far •ale. Tk»y wore drtrire a fraction» mole, ae Mr. Latwdoa kat hla a eat oa the hale of eottaa while hla good lady got bid· aa the eattoa. It waa atrict mlddllbg eotton and her tint offer waa 1· 1-8. F oar buyer· made price·. At 11:1· two dropfrtd eat. Bhe kept going back and forth be tween the other two, getting her bid rained fhre pointa aaah Uaaa aatil (he cleeod with one flras at It eeata eve*. Apparently It 1· banoaaftla to food grary In a hotel. 1 After a ana haa aeade a repetition ι hew the mewiortea of hia friand· an rrfraahedt 4th. H. J. W« Dsns BâMbaUl •ter ta tk· of Ui« pitching Lmiu. Wen lion H»r AMritM tu to win (ιve ι winning ·— will ρ JO*p of tk· ι Qwl Clab, 1 of tt« Dtatrtet » tk· «lag tin mtUt k«W ractaf, ι tax alio ■IS MO I Om calabra •f the rf»jr, r*· emit ta Dm. I Cottoo On! M/MO Debit tha laeal ι 100 îtsrsrffi market, ieatfaml 10,000 Mm »a 1 Up to Juu badea had to·; la normal yaai crop ia aiiki January. The thia jiu wKne li AmS , had the ι la the firat ' than β thou T«dajr Ik* balm. Much ef tha < la badljr dama lean a flrth of ι becanaa of ita hale havinc in a wat «pot avança prie» and Uionaanda loat fc* the fa Tadar*» waa li ea offorad padad Aa fart aa cotton they an to last jrear'a takln* U« and ara facli iaUc aiada, wll aea thai . Few of the of Dtn, Γ cotton aen thoufh, ara lea· (tapie prod oca · era da prove prodtoble. •aa than 1,000 way to Dann. cally tha entire *ha middle of taro aaoatha of Jteia aetlrttr. bet • local yard har ef mid aaaaon. ml* month mora »aia aald hare, abort 1000 ι λwi|h to tow· flanaatlr at hajTto be picked due to tha td to atond haa broarht tha to · mfnlmam •llan kati bean thia of the cotton """» tha procaeda . of them are philoeeehieaMy ι with « that naxt year " feet Mai». ■ who fire oaat re redwood their JTÎ.JÏR ai and haya to Loettôa that wfll UsUn, compared »nd *0,397 of II Cette» OH hand •uimlnc MUblWimc bal·· *t lint ·η4 I eomptrad with IX MM4t of Un Un i· Pn"J* *·«μ·1 HOUSEKEEPERS' WEEK WILL BE HELD MAY 26-28 Special Demonstration· Plu· •Mit By Mb· Maria· Swab County Agent MILLINERY AND DRESS MAKING IS FEATURED Mr.. WwUy I. Tl'imiMB umd Mi·· Elizabeth CaiMy T· Auiil (a Teaching Wo How To Display· ο f Good*mi "Housekeeper*' Week" «id be •teged bere Tknnday. Friday and iatoirdar. May id. tl, and tl, by Hi·* Marian Swain, county kwe de monairation ipit, under the joint aire* and the Woman'» Clnb. Deaa onstratioai in etiluierT, rtwa ■«» un and firelen cooking and drem Making will be featured, and «Metal dUpiayi of bouechold convenience· will be Made la all hardware aad fur aitaro it ore*. Special electric power demonUartion» will be made in tba «tor* of ibe Madaon-Draper Ceapaay. A tentative program of «eiill feature* bai J α it bean complétai by M4ee Swain and Secretary Ύ. L. Bid die, ef the Chamber of Commaree. It it aa fellow·: PrefN· ef Feeler» Tkaradey—10-JS o'clock a. m~ Millinery Demonftratien by Mn. Wesley B. Thempaen. Tfcareday-—t-Mt o'clock a m.— Demonstration Angel Pood Cake in ï ire leu Cooker by Him Elizabeth Gaiaey, Home Demonstration Ageat, Caidberlsnd County. Friday—10-11 o'clock ·■ m.—MO· linen Demonstration by Mf*. WeaJey B. Thompson. Friday—W o'clock p. m.—Cook iag «f Meat# in Steam Pi ewere Cooker by Mia· Marten Swaia, Beau Demonstration Agent, Harnett Cenn Demonatratlon Agent. tj. Saterday—10-11 o'clock a m. Mak ing of Paper DnetTtm, Special d Up lay of he* renfonce· at all of the , -, ■■ ■ for roar taspeetion. Deaaon »wlfi be at Bacaa· * HetH I Ml I lilt 111 tore· of the weak «01 be the mririig of the paper 4mm fern. The depart ment of ajricaltarc. through I ta weekly newt letter. says of tU· pre MSBI For rears the thing that bothered women in making their ewm d react wae the difficulty encountered ia getting the garment properly fitted. They bed to lake mm en·'· word for it usually, or if they west te a dress maker they wert Aligcd to have et*· •ml try-on·, and this took (Imp that should he*· been need fer ether thing·. Then rame "Betty." The hisse de monstration agents sent out hy the Slate agricultural colleges, ia eoop • ration with the United Statoe de partment of agriculture, introduced Betty to thousands of farm botes*, and also to other thooeaads ia towns and cities. Betty is a dress form Made of strips of cuanned paper tape mold ed on the fgure over a tigbt-lltting under»ert. This home-made form is, oatarally, sa exact repUea of the figure. Pepaiar Frem Start The idea war instantly popular. Every Stat· ia the Union aew has Beetles by the hundred*, aad Ike re ports received by the department of agriculture »how they hare not only saved money for the owners hat they hare caused womon aad girU to see themselves ae others see them, to itraighton up. to stand with the aheul ders«batk, to avoid the staoehy attl· ings. "Well,- exriatmZd's large fat woman in a group, that's the ftist time 1 rrer snw ay back ae H really Is." In Msrrhaac County, N. IL. ttl Settle· were made last year by fans wsassa directed by home-demo a Stea tlen agents. The actual coet of these forms was |5»9.β0. The womea of HOlAere County, Ν. H., made 4M Betttee ia 1M0. Regard]aes of hew the family en the fans amy be rft· ntcd financially, it is frequently iee poesiblo to Meure satisfactory ready made elethiag. sad much of the fam ily sewing moat be dene at hems. Se ery woman knows this represents much of this work ie doae by their faithful partners. Motel ArMuaatle 'Hew. then, Johnny," nid tin taa ther, "if year father gare yea ntn «•■ta «ad year mother gava jeu rii a»4 your ancle rave jmm fear mot·, ■what «««Id yea haref" I Johaay wrinkled mp Ma hn>»< and waat into the eileoee fat the •pace ef iwtnl minute*. • "Com·, com»," «aid the tMtkm hw MUmthr. "Seraijr yea caa eolre a «iiaqpta little problem like that." "It aint a aimpte prtfclea» a* all," replied the key. *Λ (w't wk· ip at) mind whether I'd have an Ice-tw aoda m «a Μ Am βοτΙοβ."—Mem To Ht tan. Net That KM ·* A IM An old dame at a raltwaj autioii liked · perter where aha eeoU K*t her ticket. The Ml pointed ii U\e direction of the ticket o«ee. Tea caa get It Mmn," ha laid threwfh the pigoan-hale.^ "Oat «war with ywa, idiot Γ · *< exclaimed "How «ta I gat tkraagl that tittle hole Y I alat aa pigaaal" kXAVfeflAdha ttaal ΠΟβΗΟΙ rVPu A kaainee· traaaactiaa ia aat a m aatil hnU buyer a ad " fcy M. Putar A Am For Aid Of Membership ft· Rtrinl AMmt for Um eperatlee of hie coogiegaUe· ta tha forthcoming miM Mitlau to to· lit ia DMae ffvreat Methodiet Zfto Nf*l *ll* (Mt ÎMiliy. I*r. J. H. Buffalo·. Paeter, ha* hiwi<>< the foUowiag letter to aacfc tartar i I to ulag thie toothed of n««^ I a aaraoMl atia|« to each ef aar urch toawfcan aa4 to Mk 1er year whole-hearted a» ·|ΐι«»ι·, pnjxra and qnpalky (or ayeelf end mt Pé rirai aarrtooa. 1. WW yoa be lore to be ] each aarviaa J eat aa far M MtoUtt X. WIU ras be ia eeraeoTprayer for tha epeaker aad for the word preachedΤ ». WtU] 4. WtUrmm aaarch year ova heart aa to whathar rn are la a »eod t*. latioaahip «Μι (MT He· toach to* thaa thii au yea afford to do «a a mmSm of oar Do we naad a mal rvviral—oar caarcb—eur tawaT The· aba* »c delay to mlriii It mad to every way gnaailM the waff far Mr Lerdl I I ehall leak far yea aad axpaat at leaat thii aiach latcrect eu yoar part. ΟI tha bardes aeato of " J®?!?· t·. the help ef the Lard ι If eel I m _ srjïïv"' **" -*■ Tm (By Kerry BdUford to LaaUe*· Weakly.) I (bared ay aaat to tt with a Middle-Watt BM thro la w el the laigat. — taring Q raw to Michigan I have fceew» hlto a bag Una aad r up lit l'~ greatly, for he ha* aaaaafllM y thiags to hie fleWl aad heeda •cope.OoMl^tmd to tfa· right aad wreag blade of itojlcy Of Mi •f the eoadact of Ha affairai ie dialeyel. . "To giv* M taataaoa. Om lut «Mk ay wife «ad I au • netftboria* cKy lor Manor Arrir iac Uto at the botcl a» »ui forced · table with a yoaag eouplo already well alçw with tMr -I «ai rather tired aad did net fool liko tafldac. f r Tlfi rti lhmai> ly «adiiatood ay alienee, arm· skat alto. Nataially 1 (Nil aa* koto haar ia* tbo eoavnatioi Wt«o« the oth er oovpte. profreea. BarNt had ι u* é«jp »I aood go ao farther lata the aar-j autre thiol itatwili of thie yeaag au, bat ho nidi a aaa bor ia the mom toaoc. I fathered from his eonrenatioa that ho wmt tapliy ed la oar parehaaiac depertaect. "laqomeo wUeh 1 atado tho foi lewlay aorula* broaelrt faith the fact that ha hae Beea » oer perch» ο ίο* depart· oat far am thaa a year, aad had hoea advaacod ia aalaiy three "lareeUcatioa proved to aa that ho wae ia tho habit of derldta* tfce ο» aaitattoa whieh M treated hia with an the geaereeity hia dMttty deaaad ed, aad we lot bia co. The fact 1 he awda alaatafaaaaata la re*en _ tho bartaia eoaeiaeed aa ha waa at heart dioioymL There la M rooa ta ι iatidii for aea with treaty taagaia' Aa eld aad AÉbbfly dteaaodaaa ta <<» of a Chiaaga kuk faMblâi for TiVImto'i aki kun* mp" SMUM#d Um talltr, Ki tM m·'· ty— fluil ha Mit Mi a (rant «f u(« aai Un tfca lia· haat Makteg · iaaadt. Pwaart» miaataa lartar tha taller «ma M lato tha mAIn'· «Am aai toU hla wlihu wouli ha n^ilrtd a· Umu thaa the «ad «f tha «««Il TV. cU fallow te tha Atnr clathaa IwnmW ta ha Mm Mai of ana of tha laïaaat te·» m nagaalii te Mm Miite-Vaat — aa argaaiaattea dut kayt all of ita «haaklag anaaatt la that Uuik. Ha M te M make a iiaaaft aai f aa a |ima>l aa AfMr Ma ilaaaurtaaaa tiaafamt hr tha talltr, ha hai ma M tha aaah Wr, u4 aat aaly Mfaaai M hava hla iiîmmI aaaaaat te tha haak, hat had klatai atea that hU iiay»; Might wltMTa» Ma balaata. Tha aaah lar wu fartai M Hi Ma haak af aa Tha |li*Mi| agaat af a tetya aehMahtee hewa liin< M tek oriar a· h ailt lag M h· Ha «aat fa» mm rtaal aalaa lac M a»H tha ariar ka I _Tha t*a bm nail»* ta • far Maaa tbaa, ka tha r*Rhai«( agaat «aa buy. illy aaa haaaaa impatxHrt, a ai •i tha yoaaf laiy te «katp af oMm vkat tha i««M «m maaat htet «iKM wbaa ha hai rdS_sTafï SCHOOL CLOSING I ■EXERCISES TO END WEDNESDAY N1CHT Ttte •f P«r FW OMu — Dr. . Oar Celer», OU ObU —4 BWk— Ootfwim. ■on* to U. Oui Vc .it. VtMMwr—Lala Ajrcock. CIam Bmm—-Clflun Tta Omr M, pe? "— |b* «μκΙ·Μ iSrV* #S"syrarv : of «βΙμΪμι r du». W SJ |τ£7 far la M fal·· Tka amι * How ..F. to iUk» Cromarti· , of Mm for Mr*. L«vu· StoyWms CUfort. AMrb, Or. B. C. Brook·. AU Throock tha NleMr—WoUk Air. , Hick Bekool Ckornt. Pr—«·>·ΙΙ«Μ of OiploauM and Car· rOUt CLU· BALL LEAGUE BYFOUBOAKB IMM, aatiraty * ao kind alaywn at ι Ko Ma*· detail· of tka h»»· kow worfcW oat, kit i t b Be ·!|ΐ»Ι·ιΙΙΐί au ka are 35» 1, or UAl BSTATS TV» full»· I·· tanhn «C ml ·· tart» her· hmem niirM la Ik» «*o» of i^hur H Dmu Ttantt· taiag *ηΓΤ .Qwfcrta al «IfcUI. ». nffllM, It aciw I» A*»r«*o<9 fvr ■. P. Dur·· u4 wif» U Fmmî· iwte. 4lTl mm ta il»ek »'*·*. 1er» mm effieti··. T. M. K«Zar and vif» to W. 1%. Kick, I mtu la Mm. |100 «24 A. W. , »*tu. S Ms I· Di τ*' . 4 l-l A. W. WUHmm U >. Τ. Βrr4. a Ma ta CmU, MOO. . *· ■* Tim nrriirtM U tfca imm «m: ι^μμμΜΜνγ! mÎU lu» mu "**. ******* ΰ*·«Γ!ί'ΛΛ1ΒΛ^Ϊ M Τη »M «f Ik» iMMt mém m wt iwpn* *> imI ι «a «I» «m la ψψψη μιμΑ» Mm, iMtkw» MKT «MiTbwtf Mm H4 MmS. ttta, *m Aott ou and a haft to M* kn aid. The loUoermg day the )hi/luglaah» iWved tlx apota to b« nek ichtttd, the giHoui vapor» of wkiek a*7 aro composed rr»«mhllng • cyclonic (torn on the earth, Dr. Fttm aold. Yeiterday'· photograph, taken about aoon. «howed th» «pot· te bo aaa» the aolar meridian. Naval ODaervatory oftcial» «aid that preeence of rack a large rroop of VOU at tkii trm· waa noM unuiual, teaaaiaofc a» tke prevalence of the •poti bot·· Γα «a elevor. year cycle and tk· apex of prevalence occurred •boat four year» at·. TO ADVANCE BIG BUM FOU EXPORTING COTTON Waiklngton, May 14—Approval %f ad rase m of 12,000,000 to aatl«t in β· nancing cotton (nom val announc ed today by th· War Finance Corner htioe. Advancement of tl,600,000 a· gain* cotton actually ax ported ha» already been Made, (be aanoance •«I «ϋ One approval ama for an advaac· of fl,000,000 1· connection with the •hlpmeot of ecftton to foraign porta far warafcoealn* and di attribution. The cotton will go forward to Liv erpool, Havre, Genoa, Rrtatn and Eobe. Japan. Th· ottier application approved wai aJao for an advance of 11,000,000 to flnance tke exportation •f cotton from American Interior pointa and American port* ander contract* for shipment* from October ta December. The corporation alao announced thai it ha» iaaued a circular outlining the requirement· of tke corporation la connection with applleaUoae far advance» to American exporter· and American bank*, banker· and trart companion, for N* purpox of *mIM lag la th· exportation of domaatk NEVM-VAIL FARM OWNEU WILL 5TAKT DEVELOPING The following extract· from a Ut ter from tko Grmnvtlla Real lata to Λ . Tnut Co., owaera of tb· Nmr7>l1 farea ia WuUra Harnett, will ant with Interacted approval by proiw· Ire fir··· «ko know tke value of land la tkJa eoaaty: — "Aa jrou know, wHh aaaoclatee, wo kre new the owaon of the Never Fail Fane, formerly the Harpa fan·, leea W at Ptaoviaw. cetapriaioc · total aiioato of 6^00 arrr* We hold tha keeeeat poaeftla appreciation of land» la tkta put of tka atate and kallavo that tha opportonttlca for all line* of famine ara mater la tAla ·βο tton of tko Ml· than {a any otfcar part wo knew of. Wo have foeoaed oar attenttoa of lata eepoetaDr apon tko *oa«k orchard pi-opeahioa. feel lac that Baraott laeda offer tko tamo, M aot better, apportanitlaa for thie profitable baeiaeaa aa lfooro coanty law. Wo eteaerolp kopa tka* Har nett will oeenpy a «madatand aaat oa tho atato road ooamioalon map, acd fat kar aha re af tho patt lm to ko «ado la good roada over Iho Buta. "Wo are mw plaanWic ta expand and develop oar holdUfa and wfth that and la vi^ wa are vary daair one of koaoele* · ego au. tad arhk all λΦ mn Mf\ m Λ umiIa WE y WW Life'»^a^jood deal like April—at

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