THE DUNN »Ί Volume VIII. Dunn. North FRANKLIN Κ. LAKE FORMER SECRETARY OF INTERIOR, DIES Diee SuddeaJy A. Ruult Of H*wt Attack m Hoapital at Roc better, Mow. REMAINS CARRIED TO CHICAGO LAST NIGHT Mwiuw From FortSer Presi des* Wileoo Prooidoot Herd is* and Soon· of Other* |U mM by Bmand Family; Wa· I oading F |ur« ia Lifo Of Nation. Rochester, Minn., May IS.—The body of Franklin Κ. Lan·, former IwnbIT «( the Interior under the Wilson administration, who died here teday, wa» taken to Chicago tonight, accompanied by George W. Lone, his brstber, Mn. Franklin Κ. Lane, and Mia. Franklin Κ Lane, Jr. Mr. Lane dlad saddenly after «η attack of dliim. Panerai aarriees will be held in Chi cago, where his body will he cremated after a private fanerai, one of Mr. Laaa*s last requests. M—|n from President Hard lair, Wood row Wilson, scores of govern meat eOciels and persona) friends ware received by Mrs. Lane during the day. 'nddssllsi Timber It was often said of Franklin K. Lane that M ha had been born In the United States is stead of Canada, he maaM bare been presidential timber. Altar serving seem years in Preai daat Wilson's Cabinet as Secretary of the Interior, he resigned hit 12, OftO a year poet in expansive Wash laftea early fa 1M0 'la Jaatlce to his family," to beeeme vice-praeident and legal adviser of the Mexican patroi eam companies eon tie lied by Edward L- Dchensy. Bern near CharioUetown, Prince B««ard Jataskd, July 16, 1M4. the sea of a Oaaadlaa doctor wha rssaov ad te Califoraia daria* the boy's i»lM, ysuf lane was educated aaHairWIaa ' of Norlk Vk· iMiisi ooUegc he «m n|ir ed la xraipH work, becoming par) •m *na editor of the Two·*, Wuk, Daily Now*. In 1MI he *u admitted to tie bar of California •ai from lift until 1W2 served ai corporation counsel ·( San Francisco, la the lattar year ha vaa the Demo cratic candidate far Coventor of Cali fornia, hut «sa not elected. He re ceived the party vote of the Stau hfUatori in -IMS for Unttod State· Senator. Appointed a member of the late rata t« Commerce Commieaior by President BoomvoM la 1»0S. later be earning chairman. Mr. Laae wu aerv iag la that capacity when he vu ' Secretary of the Interior. Daring his service of the Inter state Coanmerce Commiaaioa ho earn ed the réputation of being a progrea* Jva. His deciiiona in the railway cas es wen said to have been almoet ia variably pleasing to men of advanced idea·. He favored for year* a Nation al Corporation Commission similar to tka Interstate Commerce Conunlaslon, with pwarer to ragolarte nil faasineea aarterprieea engaged in intaratate is—man a aa the most affective for Mat evils. Be alao advocated a com mWen form of government for Alas ka. Ha waa elected a member of the International Railway I. organised in 1910 at the raniwaj in mm, Bwltaerland. la 1·1· Mr. Lane beaded tl>« Am erica Mentes al a joint conference artth RiikCowaiaiemn from Mexl aa, aa a remit of which a protocol era» lined at Atlantic City and Unit ed StMea troop· were withdrawn from that eoantry. Wtaa the United State· entered the war U 1917, Secretary Laae in a mdber of pdMie «p«acho« oatiiited the eeaiiliy'· furpoeee h4 urged bu dim Men ta «how "aacrtfleea a· worthy aa theee ef the men on their way te the trenchea." In η ose row addraaau in behalf ef the Liberty laaa» he declared the defeat of the United State* wu "anthfaUblo" and that the government wv determined ta aee war foofht to a flaieh. When |··ι came He derieed plan· for the impi»jm»irt ef returning troope, arc ed Cencrtee te federalise the Ameri cadaMan ef the foreign-bern. eidrd In the racoaalraatten of France. and ether war-tern «alio—, and advoca ted Immediate peeoeg· ef a bill to ftre farm to Midi en. He wu alae e*U*· la the Ooaaefl far Hattonal De * ι aad the Anerlean Red Creaa. NelUay* la (Ml Pteatlfal •*«•*•57 «omerwhere in the werld wiU celebrate a holiday ef eae »*.? -^," '1 h.°* ** «Wy., ·*» metre of Maaaya, daring the yeer ef INI. Bra* tMe mall aaWber of world wide week in* day· will be re dta^d by adry^. te Other d.y. ef aid IB ea Hand art. Menem, there wtll he further ah· "me from toil fee reUftooe and faetirala net iec»çai»od aa hot rat or baaka. bat will be pertlcipe by * Tarkey la the —«pla* ef betl . _ /mWk only Ore bell· >a the eeoatry awat thrifty ef Outlaw Indian· Not Afraid of Uncle Sam Fi»d K| N.T.] Bailoea WmU Near M*o«e FMterjr Aad To Cat It Up Cockna·, Ont. M»; It.—Somr wonderful canoes appeared mysleri euiijr recently In the Jidci bar ro glon They w»m constructed not of Birch-bark, bat of a Strang* materia) the north and never Man. Aa light and «wife aa «wallow* on tha win*, they akbnmed lb· water. Mooae Fac tory Indian* marveled. Had the great •pint come from the happy huating ground· to teach hii red children new medicine? The big ballooa that carried three of Unci· Sam'a naval aviator* Into the wildernea* *everal month· ago ha* aince lain collapaed on the apot where H descended. Official· of Mooae Fac tory. one of th· aarllaat posts iitab lnhod on American «bora* by tie Hudaon'a Bay company, bad gtven order* to all tha Indian· who own al legiance to th* ancient far company, to l*ave the great gas bag undiatam ed. Theac order* have been atrictly MMNK A band of ootlaw Indiana, wboie home village » SO miles northwest of Mooae Factory, found the balloon. Old Iladaea'a Bay company'* order meant nothing to them. As for Uncle 8am, th*y had novcr heard of him. But they knew good canoc material when they Jaw It and straightway with their bunting knives they sliced great blanket piece· from the sides of Ut» fallen monster and from tb« mag ic fafcric fashioned canoc* that rod* the waves like a thistledown. The air had given the northland their most marvelous craft. • The Indians who wrtckcd Unci· Sam's gas bag are known a* pluto crats of th* wildenteas. While on a recent visit, the chief of the oetlaws was asked if he were not afraid at getting into trouble for cutting op a balloon belonging to the great repub lic across th* border. With a shrug, he drew from bis pocket a roll of mo ney that would have made a rent bog lesions. He waa ready to deal with Uncle Ram as one man with another. "Huw much cost for big ba*?" he asked indifferently. "Me bey the tam thing now and pay spot cash." Individual Coat· Of New Project· Given I irt. le El hi· R~d Will Cast $MO. 000— It Will B. ef Bit.mi..^ 11^—Contracts and The (Ml,000 will fee apportioned M follow·: Chapel Hill to Durham. 1168,000; concrete construction ; distance four and three-tentha miles. Sanford to Moor· Une, four and one-hall m Me*, $16.580; gr*vH con traction. Trey to Moor· county lin·,, II mllea, $48,500; gravel. Carthage to county line, eight aud thr*e t«nthi nilea $36,000; jrav eL , Marion concretc road and bridge between Yancey and Mitchell count' i«», coding $12,000. Sparto to Eitin, Ιό and nine-tenth· ailaa in addition to other section a], ready let. |2M,000; bituminous con etractioa, W E. Graham, of Sallabury gets thla an dthc Carthage to Lee county stretch. Rutherford to Chimney Rock, gra vel road, costing $66,000 Geer and Wfleon getting contract. Cherokee, Andrew· aad Toclctoo, eight allé· $84,000; «hale surface. Roe· Brother·, contractor· Sylva to Baton «even aad half mile·, gravel Wright and Nave eon tractor·; cost $13)1,000. Ten aile» Macon, Franklin, and Bryeon City, road gravel centtruetiea, $137,000. FALCON HOLINESS SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT Sermon 7:30 P- «■ SZonday, May 23. Baall Boy·' and Girl·' contrM a K)0 Ψ- m. Pro (ram by Falcon Otfkuiit De partment 7:So p. a. Taoidiy. May 2«. Sermon 11 Λ0 a. m.—R». J. β. King. Declamation Content 3:00 p. m. Primary a«t Intarmedlart* Depart-1 monta 7 AO p. m Wednesday, May 35. Sornon 11:00 a. m.—JUv. J. H. | Kta«. Road my ConUot (Ladiea') 3:00 p. at. Program by Muaic Department 7:30 p. a. Thursday, May 16. βοπΒοη I1M a. a. — *«. J. H. "Xnd Coneort 3:00 p. a. Miationary Play. Drtiaa: Faith of Abraham 7:30 p. a. BIG STILL CAPTUBBD BY OFFICER IN CUMBEBLAND Fayetfcerllle. May 19.—Om of Λ· blaraat linarl* haula mado by Cirarv feorlaod wmih In racent Toon waa pulM off by Dwrlil Ν. H. McOeachy and tbroo deputlaa when they cap tured a lOO-fallo* liquor itill of pure «ορροτ wftk mda of fata wood, eridently constructed for the manufacture of fin* whlriMV, «oar Bo anil Dooa lake, a half aallo from the Caap Bract road. Three a on broke and ran when the ofctri ap proached tie «till. Several ahote were wad after them and one of the aan lea perd hit· the branch on which the *MT waa loeatod la order t» m apt. TVe eap of the «till waa found float ing la the branch. Two hundred and fifty (allona of boor, a buaHel and a half of awll, and a la/fa number of hottlea fmK Jar», bmiieu and hop ware am Mineral Water Claimed Responsible For Wreck Three Mm Ujared Ι. A—M—I kUi. •dtTkllVU SpilUd Was W.ter. WW Fr.« ClmM Sprtage. Shelby. May J·.-—It hi htnstd here Mar that several γ ο une mes from Rock Hill, 8. C. who were seti I oa»ljr injured several day· ago in an automobile accident near Torkvllle, ,8. C., war· an their way bon» from Cleveland Spring». A quantity of liquid was epiiled est of the wracked ear, which turned ov •r, end the young SMS maintain that thia was mineral water from the ia m«u« apringe which they war* carry ing home with them. Howtvtr, it il understood that officer· hi Gaston coanty ire placing little credence la thia ÉÉM According to a rtste ment from a Oattoa coanty motorcy cle policesoan, h« attempted to arrret them for speeding aad when he pass ed around the car the driver attempt ed to rua ever him. It is claimed that they were running at a high rata of speed when the accident occurred a few minute* after they had luceeee fufly escaped arrest by the Gaston officer. Tn* motorcycle policeman claims that he. does not bel lev a water from the eprings naar 8he8>y Is re sponsible for the accident. 8ld Friedhero, Joe Karwliaeon, and H. C. Gcigcr were each aerioualy In jured in the accident. The three young men are declared to be promi nent la the social life of Bock Hill. DUKE NEWS ITEM Daks, May 1?—-Saturday, hut, marked Uis anno»! Spriag Opening of the Erwia Park at this place. No thing waa left undone to make the day a decided aoeeese in every re spect Practically all wark waa eat a aide for the day. aad variou* kiads of amusements ware Indulged is. Hot only did the practical hefottat of Duke, tarn oat for the oeceslea, but many of the eltiaans of other towns and the surrouading parla of the county were here to partiaipate in the day s festivities. Ne little credit IS due to the soldier boy·, sfcoat SI In number, from Camp Bragg, who camc over and took part la the wri ο as athletic cwbU. The exercises of the day began at 9 J·, with field day Stoats, including 100-yard and 10 yard dashes; shot put; Javelin threwj running bread Jem; mm Lieut. Balmer at Camp Brae, the klgfcaat inter of potnta. lt; Co lon Bsfhnna ef Duke, second wWa 14 j^obtii aad Ueka aad 1 _ _ third Vlaoe with. IS BSS^SK^hT^S^pZSedÎn en tlM local diamond *thia aee «01. took place, In tk· Mitj afternoon, between the Duke toun end tke Aerial team et Camp Bragg. Tt* boy» from Camp Bragg u» over wîtk the fol expectation «f winning the rame, but tke flnal «tore ■■ν* Do lté »n «Mit te two' vietery. Both tuai played apiendid balL and up until tke third lanb* when Dak· made Are mm it looked u if It weald be "nip aad tack" between tke two Uu»i The feature· of the game were the rapevfe p.tcbiag by Whittiag ton, aad a spactaeuiar catch by KaUy at the teeond bate lo tke ninth inning, who reached out after a hot liner pall ed it down with >ne hand and threw to <pccnil for a djab> Thie happen ed at a lime when a bit Wirntd bar· coan'ad iann, and wou j have result ed la a more even aeon between tke two teanu. Immediately foWewiag the baU same, tke new aeriamiae pool in tke Park, waa opened. Ia tnite of tke cool weather qaHe a nrnmr ef peo ple took a plunge. Many improvement· have been ad ded to tke Erwtn Park tki· taaao*, notably among which ia tka eemple tlon of the mew Cafeteria aad aoda fountain. Nothing In tke paat h ara, hai added κ much to tka *0<la! lift aad coaTtnience of tke people ef Doke, aa that faralaked by tke Cafe teria The budding la a two-«Ury rtructara, wHh a anter ef ream· on the opper fleer; dining room, kitchen, fountain, and retraatiec roe·, ea the lower floor; every aectlea of which U handsomely faraMbed and woald do credit to aae fHv In thii SUU. α to located In the naUMiten corncr of tk· Brwia Park, on the cen tral highway Raleigh and Payetterille. The dinner νγτμ la tk· Μ» Cafe teria, frp β Λ0 to 7 o'clock, te wiroi of peepU. «ι among tW lad bat by no aMiiw the hut of tha day1· rretrta. W. B. Coffey af Sutearlfta, I* proprietor, and had aeotylklat la roadlaoaa te take eara af tka lui· crowd that partook of tka rayait Tka opening of tka playground, which we* ached al»d for 7 o'clock, au faatorad by a Ihnola danca by a numbar af little girla, after whki tka gataa war· opeaed and Um ground· turned orar te tha vlaitore. Tka Erwta Coacart bead, which I· roneaded to ba ona among tha kaal banda in thia aactloa «f thia State, furaiahed nana throughout tha day aad tha excellent rendition of varie tu eelectloa· waa the redpieat of maaj complimenta. The aaaaaeaeata of the day ended by a free moving picture ahow ia tki Daka lyeeuaa. New York Baa. . There are ao amy aitraoaaa tedai that tt la hard ta belteea that than waa a-time whan than waa afcne. Tat, before 1M( A. D.. aa cMllaai reentry could boaat af a faaaale •«ter' Ther· waa M law again* h, bat M wa· cenaidered · dhgnce lor a wo men te appear en tka etee», aad f» ■te'e parte, Ilk· la tka Ckineae theatri of today, ware Ukea by bey· or μ ..?f"_Oelaaaa» Wake the 1m la ΙβΜ. She appeared la "The Mega el w ka» aa waa m ao great tkat aoeraa af J follewad her ezai arts1-* ο TO lUawy te Pl«jr J *7 CLAIMS AND! Set Ε. HiIIm ι >»! cm·; wsaè'J 8. On »!«·« ti 1 ln*tf-d tiled to received ■ ot Uan«y hi* ι etrreler « fitr, Mr. fei ■n Mr. ■t lb· tHM u4 the circuler, 4M lifud to tt. TW ear**i ud CoL fit N*. Mm. lor Li· 4tr 1 jCtMlma, Gri· Vr. r.Si tlto nlffat ·■ eMentelty h· ι tS· rdltoiiaJ New» Mit JoepwA«ad" Carolina u«T«i pMty la the the mUm : · —alM. Mr. pnblicaa·' ud pot th· — the tabla ud _ «M from "A" ate Basai Ara Mr. . troable ta 1 "1 fawned Lhmey." eaid . in faror ifVii thU in the h .W*·' "1 --- which h appointa as t. ara entirely ■ ai their actio·, •errla# the boat I .bat ara ta faet bla «Uaeerrlce." ' Wtun aiècad card* oa ι local ettum tha protect ■te teat hii ara doiflr it ι te tha affect re >ot wieely ί et thai* race. ÎSCif f Viaiirni the «ad by the Ro te wfcteh the eloee «f the | waa fconeat ι ISUS 1 ta U wm* an pufclirftr Wn «*· \ by Cet 1. If. : "OlaJnii Federal Prohibition Force Cut Two-Third· ■«■Uni— Friday Fee*. Wil h R» *»■■< M MO M·· I ewimani r«JUw ibCit Mar lL-fitoil pi* hlbitien fore·· will be reduced Mr· than two-third· for · period of 4· ÛJ1 bcHnttirrx Friday, >irmi of lack at fandj with which la pay th«a>. Ia BMktac «ht» aaaaann—» today OmmIuIobw Kihht an it «M ob riouj that the gorernaaent could a at (mwd ta a rigid •aforran*nt of tha dry lew* with a itaff aa depicted, bat that ha «rat hopeful that there wo aid be little incroaee la illegal teaftc. Anti-Saloon leagae oOclale wan not ao optiiaietic. Ways· B. Wbeei •r, gaaaral caujoel far tha league, de clared that "a large lacreaae la Ufa» laaeieitaM eu to be axpectod to fal low a redaction of the federal enforce «•ant areata f roe 1, 200 to MM. CoaaaUaatoaar Kraaaar aaid that ef the MO mea who would mult ia Ma fate· after Friday only lit ware « taal enforces act eScen, tha etha bates afce clerk· whoaa ι atartli. waa naccaaaary to keep together tha organ iiatloa. H· aaia that ia FA· ruary the treaaary aaked Congraaa far a deficiency appropriation of 91,t00, 000 but received only «1.400,000. Tha 1200.0*0 denied by Coajrraai, ha aaid bad to ha weed and tha aaly way araa ta cut the ataff. A WISE JAPANESE J|M| V>ilt41 fmSé Mm Vm ■ajrtaa Traaecrint. between Japan and tha UaHed •totoa waald be aathlakable If all hia eoantrmee faced the troth aa aqa«uly aa Baajl Mate, tha OtUm galahad prestdaat of tha Jaaaaaae m ia of trad·. Aa outllaed la interrlew with tha Tokio oat lent ef the Traaacript. Mr. • etewa are characterised by 5—5-J a»d moderation all toe rai., bath ia tha uttaraneaa af Japaa'a J Id the celamaa ef Hal pablk print·. The perila «f a policy of aaroitlii military and aatral irraa |daa he eeea daarfy; he mahaa aa at· SdTthat afhar1· te ulutnyU ui rahu Better, yerhape. thaa a«t of M· fllliv-NHteTafi, Mr. Moto ndar stands the aima tnd the «ah+t of A» trim foreign policy. "The comlag r«u America pronom to wptmi onr Ueti of her national mrtase m arm «menu of war, while Jspaa I· awti lof one-half," He poiata ont. "Japaa undoubtedly ha> reached the limite of har capacity te par fer amaanta, while America can spend many times more thaa at present. Japanese com petition with the DnlUa States can only briar disaster to Japaa. As I read American history 1 am convinc ed America will sever ight aa XIJ ν stve war, heoce aa Awarirenlspa »r U impoeefele while Jap·· hold* to tha principle of right and Justice I holier. America neVcr will light except spainst aa enemy which perpetrates outrages prestige or or." 0 beer* at! ans a* their insight aa the treths'thoy*pnn sent are aaasaaitaMe. la it too mach to hope that (kite ho thiah aa Mr. Mate will aoea cos stitaU a majority el the Jaaaaen people? Or if act a majority, at least that their vole· will prevail la the affaire of stateÎ Upon the realisation of this hope asay depend the eoatfea aaee of peace and conoerd hafcaaaa Japan aad the Dnltod Stat··. MISSIONARY CONFERENCE Fayettoville, May II _ Uoa for busine*, reparla of uMraii roandtable dlacnaetoas, kea, aad To aaodUng. and aa iaapiring iHim at the night seaelon by Mrs. P. L. CoM, of MoeheiHo. Teas.. marked the aec and day of the Vtui'i M coo/artnee of the Mrthodbt I* NiUn North CuoHna. Π.. morning Marim wkfc tka nmamt af tka Lord*· j ~ praaid»nt Mia· May I of OataarlUa, tbn eallad Um ΊΆ 'ZL . _ mIM tk« cmftmc· to ord*r tad οιηιΜ for owfmM· to order and aig—l Md for «oik, Th· ituWaat'a m» •xprcaaad ptUm· for wort and davp aanaa af aMIfato ta My rtach the ΜΟ^Μ,ΟΜ who da eat know the atorjr of Balratian. Mr·. Barvay Booty, of Boa· Hill, carreapoadlag amttuf reported tfc* KMtini of «Α» coMcfl at BWVataai», aid Mr* J. La grand Everett, o1 BtchhtflfiiB. reporting oa mImIot atady toM of pnnw mad* and ira·! tiring* pltiMd far. Tka round Mkto die* η ml m M k) Mr*. F. H. leva, of Wilton, krengM valadbW »ugg«etioaa for r*«*klag aiU keidlng tka rot·»· people that tkag Bay W trahi ad far wrlaa. Hail A Foot Dm* Waaaah». Stataarlll·. N. C.. May 1»*—Hai wfetek fait ο» April tTOi. wu alill ι 'foot da·» In the naaMr· ad Mu Β Γ. Cmrr, of Nnr R091 townAty, tkl< ta amy. Ttja not aaM wkatiw It »da« fuuftS1 art-5 Ori-o» taUn»i,MM· t3 hi har· today, fttnator Mi*·· MHMR Joknaoa.^for inrtaaea, imm to k «kola Morakoai alace 1 kU UttU M «m tha Ha Nerd Method» UmmI To Swindle TraraleM 'NATKHTS LEADERS ι PAY UGH TRIBUTE TO (MF JUSTICE

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