THE NUN DESPATCH! tMuitwjnjirniioAT I April let, 1*14. at tbe poet e*W» • Dan, M. C„ ea4er the aet eft Narth a. inn . 1 L. KUU POPS. PebU.W | Three nenthi----.... ■*$ ■i antkr_Si.t* Oae year...«•»■> O—O O—O O O o OJO O—O TOWN 0—0 0—0 TOPICS 0—0 o—o »r c. r. r. o—o o—o o—o o O O Q 0-0-0 0 0-0 Bern racing, fir* srurkt. singing centeets and ail .art* of other th'ng' were plaanc I for the furthcoming ioty. 4 c*'*i. .>*ioo wa.-n d •< tier* »I tbe C.<uuty Atf.erUura! Fail Association net whh Business Mana ger Ellin Goldstein and Secretary T. L. Riddle Tuewlay night- The Are alarm broke into the deliberations, bat not before It had beea definitely acttled that the asaociatics was tu spare no expense in its efforts u Balt this the biggest. best and moti aero us ptioos feta for which ll ha; footed the billi. First off tho matter of fir* *vd< «M tattled. A magnlllqur display of pyrotechnical gaodinco* U planned One of the best manufacturers In th< country trill send h'.s beet program Imre for the night of the fourth a supplement the efforts' of the T>onr Choral dob to aeake the night one ol real entertainment to the thousand: who are to help Dunn celebrate. Then emte the matter of ho>« racing, ft was decided that two purse: of 8100 each would be offered: on< for the pacers and one for the trot ten. The races will be free for all There will be four moneys !n eecl nee: SO straight. 886 place, ft: shew and 110 for the foremost also run. There must be at least fiv« starters, however, for the also rar * get •« tho mosey. In cese of only four starters, there will be no fourtr money Horse owners will be cbargee • fee of five dollars for entrance Entry* must he made with Secretary Kiddle at least five days before th< day of the races. The directors also approved of th< employment of the Duke Band ax advised Secretary Kiddle to continu< hi* efforts to get s military band am a detachment of soldiers from Carol Bragg to aid la the celehrat on. Th< commandant of Caibp Bragg had prv vioualy stated that if a band, troop: and aeroplanes were available on th< Fourth they would he seel here foi the celebratlen. Tho matter of decorating float was assigned to the Woman’* Club It ia thought that the women will ar range to dec*rote all antoaaobile* am floats for o small sam, the profit late their tseaasry for the bane fit of farther improvement* ot tiu school grounds. No vehicles wither decoratwo of aomo kind will be alio* * ed In the parade. The usual prise* are to be offer; for Binging claims, fiddlers bsnjolr clown* and other things. Cjnec.wir •pace Wit] bo sold for 110 for 10 fe or any fraction thereof. Again wo arc offeru.) proof th Donn District soil is the best in tl world. This tint* th* convincing font is that old friend of our chi!.’ stood: th* eock'chnrr. Usually th' child of the Xanthism family doc* n mature until early In th* fall. But this district it beats it* brother.- • all other section* last week our gor ' friend, C. M. Allen, ef Bunnle,-' •sat a* ona vin; vast w» fully m to red. Ho picked It from hb pots patch. Something I* radically wrong w '• ths organisation of th* fir* dope - mrnt By that I would not have a . on* believe that there is any critiel -. ot the men who respond so promp: to each alarm and wnrh to nobly v • oa each Mate. We cannot say enou i la prats* for them. Bat, for Inttam hi Tuesday night's fir: excitement was discoverrd that thrr* was no o ama know how to start or dries : • - #*a track when th* boys responr to th* alarm. There were plenty , •nlahers, but na starters. Baworal months ago the service* John W. Thornton, volunteer ch: war* dienen>:d with to make to< for Chief Ysnce, paid fireman, t Vance's hours were fixed—by reo *f hie split with the police dens Mat—ot f :n If midnight to ' M*i Taoiday's storm can* bef; his hours commenced. Therefore, was aot on duty. Mayor Wad,*, ooraclvr* and a m*1' Otado arnu viliaatiy to fit t> ttsek rtartod. Thar* waa *ot a »>r dotef, hacaaa* none of iu knew i jjh* about th* mod as opetar Tboro waa one Jiisy w* eouM «* bowerer. and that waa aoanrl lW ' — - and that w* did do rrhi la •• la naawor cam* Old Chief Join '.V clashed ia a* aaore than the la • o|. low* and raaeiae a* ealy an av. me •baalr who divides ih«* with :h» brn dspsrtassul can etua WHh the adrent of the tUi h'ef. tMa«a haeam* cs'm. In two uteo afur Me arrival, the aid tr waa woH aa Na way to the bias* aalauto* Inter a «r* that had t* -t •aad a pretty l*r*e area wa* l*r roatrol aad all daatrer was p- - J. Mam writ- A r»rr bad orr • Mention waa bwan ap. W* hare n* b eta* far »«y iadtvMaaL There Is Joel n tart, o# «rates* ia the omalxat'o* of at ffg WMMI. Utoaah seldom corded, la seeded rery badly Indeed when or. «awt Than ia aa pnpWr jj* alma lb* nest can artll «e« ***** ia aa as—tnaie that eendtt'm. JtdaaT 4Sa.k****f W M when w#ald ft not be wall for Uw Inri of^awa^Coaw|ilaajoaojajo meet atw SECRETARY 0ENSY It «u wriktt «< t.A star, Edwin Deaby was aupofr -.1 i;vcr».1 tary of the Navy in V *-td-n: tlerd-i itr« cabinet, t!>ai ihv l ki.m -u.'| bluejacket* and marines Ahtl-i. wi:a ! out dUioblc, bestow on him that ..tie' of affection among dght.'Kr men: ‘■Tho Old Mas." lor ever tlen hiil fifteenth year, when he was a Ui ini China, Edwin Dvnoy hat lived c picturettfue in color (and .irh aj vencurr. Ylj„ only veteran t-f the World W i»r in .He Ciil'Ort, *t< swabbed decks at a gob ar.l ,k>.» it,-; luck at kitchen poilcv at u lruihu: neck. Sma.. wonder that rank < mi! file acclaimed hi., appointment. A youngster in th. u! tbs I Chine,* 'daillwae Custom,, a tutv.iit j forward ou one o£ Xtich.gac', • r.i,.. ;eleven*, a gunnert mate untie. £rv ' .n Caban, htraurr uf th- Ail chlgan legislature and the.i of C»« jfreas. a pioneer in th. ,;n >.n >h :u i.niutiri with iiua-trlr-t .lU'itn -then he enlisted in the Marin*. C)iy.> at a buck private one w-.ik ulv.-r .v> bad dvciuted var un G- r-rm-y. A slim outline that, but :>.■ • .■..•• » of a ea»ecr :aat itu mad.- L\-;s-:y tit. iv.,».<t Jik-lurraqui.- Cabinst •■.[a. v. hu generation. And t’uc inf vr. bare ly wry on his coinmisdou .it tirci ;n y of vhe Navy ivnnn U„ 'eft IV n-i-f.c.o •, lo sling h.s nninctuch wi'Ji t.i. fleet and the s.g.i a:ga of coartdvdtlp tfl til It rdR'IHulltl '.t #.»/» tnlii .it e I, • P:» Uut> ia uii! ban.u •. ! In more sober lushion £d»ii: Der by began bis care*? in i.v*..»vtiW, Ir.d., or. Footcary lb, 1S7U, one .or. of Cliailrs Denby and Martha tilt'll : Denby. From 1SS5, for n spate uf twelve year/, hi* fatlioi c-rvud ». Min ister to China and ;oeru young Denby entered the emtents service, working with English f.scul experts to put the Mandarin Empire on I, feet. ri. wa» 2-1 years old when he entered tin law school at Ann Arbor and ti pon Ci-ful physique won him a pij .c in th* dne when the Michigan eleven vra. on top of the football heap. He won his degree in ISli'i and began th. practice of law and his naval career 'as apprentice .eseiun in tile .oicnigun I naval reserve the ues yu.r. Figbtiag the Spanish Dons Truman Newberry vs. then in the reserve nnd their lawn ran along m an odd parallel fur loth were ship mates on the U. S. S. Yesemita when that convert'd Kl Itio liner brok oat her Yankee pennant in tire spring :of 18*b. v.-as th*r. a gunner's . mate third claw and Newberry was in tha office is mass, loiter, when th* . Apaniih doits had had enough fighting, the gunner's mate won the lun-.ina *JOn for Congres-s that Newberry rat, for, and now Denby is occupying tit. .portfolio that Newberry later held til ! Roosevelt'* cabinet, j The Yoaruatc vu no vlockci in that war, taking part in the btockad. Havana, destroying a rich Kpau , ish prise, and cove. iug thu leading oi Huntington's battalion of tit'll nun Iks from the transport :‘anther at (Jaa tanarao, which lliey held a - a lu* ioi Sampson's fleet a*ain« thu fierce at .ACk* of Spanish troops. Denby cam* naturally by hi* iuvt for tac sea, as relatives of both hi: I father and his mother served as Am I erican naval officer*. ,1 Dewby Eaters Palitics . _ With the end of the war, -bowovet, 'Denby earned his talents to law and 'politics. He was clirud to the Michi !gan legislature in 190* and then Hi ichigan sent him to Ceng.*/* in 1 s>fiJ for tlwee binu. In Culture** Denby a..war.*.I .k- tf .... r%_ • . Foreign Relation*, where hit famili arity with Krr Eu„i conditions mail, him * valuable member. J Back in civ.’ Ii V i) wn-. cttisc , tod by <he budding actomobil* ' try in Detroit. He vac an original • stockholder if. Ibe Tluymobii.- Com pany and Inter it* t.-ea*jri », end be came president of the l/coby Motor Truck Com pi ry. Hi* in. r.v * rtuur ./hod but be .it II found time- to head I hi* la* liim and to act »* I’.c.i'l.n. of tbo Detroit B.,s tl or Comue-eV- . Eaiist* Ae A Mtriot i Deaby had had his /hare of hard I knocks and on the rail to arm/ .>• 1191? J» made dir way to J>- revuit >"* office of the Murine Corps in De troit with the war hot a wi\ * 1 Major Victor L Mc»»-ri*of., new or. iuty in the Koilippmer. looked u,k ' arue at the bail; that du.k-neel hi* ’ Jour. J "You’rt married,” wii Morrison’/ VfCdict. “I'm only forty-seven and my wTe D willing,* caoitied IVnby. I So waivers ware granted ’ey VVssrh i iugton and he was /wens in as a pri I vatu. ' The scalrt /hoWed 4 ;.uurvl< nnd * height of six fret jtjii half an inch, but the bnwn that hud /Creed h;m <o well in Michigan’s line us< littl ■ ‘m pairod. On April 23, 1917, Derby with nine other/, rtarlfd for :n- rr cru.t depot at I’arrls, ,£>. «i Firit ScrsTrent Meteor. Huron, *ilM I On duly at the- JV-troU office-, -.Vrt* iif. !flriaUy credited with um cajilusi- of Mecrn.t Derby and Mo/tuon /ware in ili/ man who will ,:yn hi/ rum rummi/sinn in the Marine Corps. Be fore he left, bring one of Detroit’* hggvat inrn. the ncW/Pnprr min of Detroit ieiervtevreu Krv.nit “Why did I enlist i . ihi- funks?” OTMVt aprftv/ ■ vjri'* IWiriMta. “Ilaemur *omi- mutt. Ail eaii»-il lbcic-a at oflleefi." In Tin Bm Camp At Pam- 2rl n <1. klonr >■ nil m i ilac, at the bent cam,, at u" rucrol;* far -omt; a:ii?L«rr*■ vq lit Ml u*f knowt ti * *,*’ Tn'tib / .-a Mtdiflt* h.« maif :it a he t.nn. He, did ait tl *k an ".hn >!; a iind *in der buar i-barkina ilriii -« ;roant*, laarrr-l to hi*, the t.u 1 wit:. i .rimcor* akla rafdljrlty un thr t f ? i#*w. *n Ml In with hit buiMiet nh-y th • *f»l»-*ved polie** aaiyum, a d.trh-dlfKri' a «* ,)T , n,,r haady With a apad knife In the «! I«r». Two mon'h* lata hi hint ibwwn wai! rruinrli in the Inietur. trainln* to wta H>t corporal*. -irtpet. Ineirtoo tally a* bad nfeiaid twenty* Aropouada af fleth. The '*1 Ka«w Ovnliy t*V n n* Xfn \ •**•*" •••k hat tpan tuny yarn# Dtnhf # tro</t ramp rlay.< 'fliijr .womite u total In wealtt «f d.ta I all tha lecaadary axpWK. of Cleoryr Watfciepton bat at thu at** lhay aawo oil th* attr.bata* of truth. Tkja aome aiftod perian conferred l** ••• ol DdnHir, r.ow a tr mmaa. frrtare to th* laly arrival* Wot Wad into the boat ramp ip t« J" thoif b I. Aim ii *•<•0° Of tbtaa pa-«nd ii.r-.oyh th «»>» miR nf PtrrW Mand In the war tort and to oath of thorn Darby, with , ■It tha alonaonea nrd the h ah rtnnd i •* that ha Mti./ra to .mutual . »- •W’- Uld that. if,, hrotary Md . IS-H. A tfc. c pa, Um I of «Se *»*, lhui> dutict. md their p*.\ .legvf. and mdoctrinat-1' *d i>rrp w’th tk.- spirit of *h.* C»rp.« | Ui'ler Fi»e Or«rk«a« Hit no ?blc «t rv'iecy towutd* build- » np Ov mo: ale of the men won I 5ftH hie i*^mni'/*ion u« a teeond l!ru» • :enan; in th* Alarm* Carp* rtftrv* i id he held the rank of captain when he n-nlhal h»t ambition to go over - ui and u* an ob'rrvor he *aw bit* K o' ,hn f.»nl on the allied linev The - Commanding Coco:ml of the Second. Ohiii^c waa Major General Lcjcune in.I ai«\r, under trK'.h**:* of tho^-c am- ; u.x ag change.* that an.* to character* c irtlr of Ik ,-ibjr'i career, Lejeune U | C.iimmon-laa: vf the C«ir**r who«e dea- r tiriv.t I'c in Di nby'i hand*. • c On hh .lorn to the Unite*! State* , :te ,vt.% rau-dt-rvd owt with the rank , of mujoi ir May. Ibid, and returned - h»r old ce. vltloa ir. De.roiL lie mu j .c.v ng a* probation officer of the i Del *wtl Mun eipa. Court* when the < Prj:»ld -ct-flic. Jiti.'d Him to Florida. \ loi»n W. W«h»Jui. now Secretary ofii >/*«•-, mu then dofleitely •latvd for j !:h; Cub»;ic% not had declined the < N’evy portfolio. H*. had long bc»n In- * *'»h Drnhy, both hnv'og cere- i .•ti n\ :h;« ruvrI u-5erve in 1899 and: <d-„T'b« * ii <!o ***»••>•.<. Hi? la aniveraa!- j >' cic*.:c*hI with Having Impressed ou ! M* Kurd*** the striking fltnov-* of.: Kilw'a Dciil.y for ihc Navy ji*b. \ S«« Lo'mi Secretary Is idly had Dcnhy ashamed hit new latte* Mtire tr.c Navy knew that a !irm hand rw at It* holm. Successful , it oi:*ittrM. a [>'itr’o'. who Htul served Ilf built of it* r.chtiot branches a i matt af ycnial and forceful personal. ! ly, hi* f ir Utti-runcir brought the: Navy, fii.-iitui.vrly tptaking, to "nani the rail with a cheer for the Old I Man.” ! ‘•My m'-sion.” he aatd, “1* »o main-1 i»ia the Navy a; the highest peak of| pav er, nitly for battle at any no-1 t tee.” Then ho cleared deck.*, made 1 j Wv bur' ->u ctvV.' u(j[toit,tmiy.ts, a. . torn'eh *urv*y of the fleet and bu-| ■: cull n-eda. anti as soon as Congress' mU' cruetl was off for ths south. J *. t?:'.'h >"i * U stroyei from Key West Jot lh* Atlantic Battle Fleet at jCiutint.'.num'i ‘or tt t/i>ce day visit ' ami tn,s*ection, back to the til tine I'ietk* of the de«lroyci for a look-see '.it_;hc Marine* in Knlti and Santo Do • mih.-O nr.d a urnrtl-brrak n2 trip 'f*.* MMo Ba-ango to Washington . art the 1'. S. S. Pi a tt, commanded by j Cup. .i III KftlbfVs Nf wonder the 09 jtvent up: “A *<ca*?vintr SecretarylM jfrem l*e rank amt Tile nf ike United i Stttc' N^vv. Oil in L)» trolt o newspaper ro&n ♦Uirmcd «l nil up in one lone *un !wt*: “lie hu» lived the life of perpetual Ley! mud.*9 T\>& Pl«aaaars*a Af Ilfiia.r. ' Suv. t are the rosy memo rip* of the •t' Toat tiTst kissed oor*. albeit they kit* no more: (S'v.-.t is :ha :ight of sunset-sailing ! 'hip* ; Although they leave us on a lonely rhore; Sweet are familix- song*; though M »*!*.' dip* Iter hoUow shell In Thought’s for lone*t wells; I And sweet, though sad, the sound of midnight - When the open casement with thy night-rain drips. Thcic l» a pleasure which i* born of l>a:a; Th, trove of a!’ things hath it* violet ;ilr« vitthrough days which never rani again. Roam* Hope, with that strange lunging, the Regret? Why -»J t the po*y in the cold, dead Ir-tnii? | Why plant the ro*o above the lone I tf *tV iy *g-inp tiir cnnj*« acrjte the btM.WOVf? Why <1., ta the dead more near in na tive land? )Thy tarn - both been n silence in my life i S' |r sg it fuitere upon language | now, ! -In. more to mr than Muter* or than wife r.‘n*“—and now—nothing! It is hard to know i'fcat >-Peh things have beta, sod ate not and yet L'fv loiters, keep a pulse at even ■learn ic. And gor* anus it* business and it* pleasure. And knows not all the depths of its regret. -Own! IfrFitilitV Special 7 Jewel Elgin WATCHES in 20 year cases $15.00 Watch, Jewelry and Spectacle Repairing -men thal knowhow JLWJordan Dunn, North Carolina LEGAL ADVERTISING FO*FC(.05mix UNDER MORTGAGE Cndrr and by virtue of tko power if «aV oontniaed In • aortaln mert rt*i itvvd oxerntod by WUUo John w-t aid wtfo. to Th» Bonk nf (lar i'tt wbloli nMirtnnge deed bao bouo inly troaafomd to tko nadoraignod, < lofnott bar no boon aaado In tko pay* | ■rat of tbv debt thvraby MV■ red, tko < Udtlwcd »lf toll to the highaot ■ ilildrr trr ridi at Ike toonhonw loor lb Liltinyten, N. C., an Monday, one ink. INI. at It o'aloeb M„ U ko following deocrlkod mat vxtaiv: or parcel ef load 1.1 tao v:l 1 3. ij.n et.« a •. I < half acre tuu;j or I h. I .V ^,i i l sad cimplete dr-c <■ f . j : t reft tnr-- i» bru-.hy n li .a I r«cr.pcio» in Hook No. !.» e;. i f, record* of Harntn coau.y. * - . r .a day o, Ir - . .. < ;• • E. P. YCN-T T a-afdrev of iIjr;:;.nTc<- I lay IS 20 27 Jane S. NOTICE OF SALE OF LA {SID By virtue of the power of rain cun' I tinwU in a certain moiurae'' dccl »*• uted Margaret \te-.*or to C. • Guy on the 10th day of May. 1310, ecorded iD Book No. 110, Pa»re 404, *re of Kegider of Deed* of Har ■** County, default having been lade In the payment of the indrlit dneoe thcieby lecured. tho under wood mortgagee will on Monday, the ta day of Juno 1021, at 12:00 o’ .ock noon M., In frout of the court nooo door in UUingtor. N. C.. Har wH PniinFw aJ/ab r__-a . ^tion. to the highest bidder for a c«rta!n t*»ct of land In Grove LWnshlp. Uunett County. North ajollnn, described as follows: In the town of Coals, N. C., br P»n "IT 17C feet from Washington -treet and Ida Street, thence oasl 00 eet to Ida Street, thence with raid da Street 175 feet to the bvginninff tr.d bciiiff two plot* in Bloek “N** in ni.- said town of Coatt, N. C. Time of sale: Monday, #th day of Funs, 1021. * .!><c of sale: Courthouse door, -•Umgton. N. C. Terns of eala: Cash. This the 27lh day of April, 1981. C. I* CUY, Mortgagee. Bay 0 13 20 27. NOTICE OF LAND SALE By virtue of the power of sale con tained in two certain mortgage deeds executed by Mack Ragland and SfTry Ragland to B. C. Lucas on the 24th lay of April 191«, and the 22nd day -rrrj it March 11117. Said mcrtgug*. art -ccurdid In Book No HI >*uge 684. ifl7cc of the Kegister of Deeds of lax-sett coo'll), North Carolina, dc~ uu.: having boon made In the pay nvnt of thr ind.-btedneas thereby so -ured. Tho undersigned mortgagor v'll on Monday, the 6th day of Juno, lull at 12810 o'clock M., In from )f the Court Mouse door, In Lilling :on. N. C„ offar for tale at public motion to tho highest bidder, (or •iwh, a curtain tract of land situated m Neill’* Crick Township, Harnett counts, North Carolina. Described •r follows Beginning ut a stake corner in the road with Mulberry pi*., and run* down said road S. 63 E. 18.76 chn.. to a cedar tree the corner of lot No. 4. then as ti»a; lino N. 42 K. 8.13 chs., to a lock corner on a ditch, thence N. 84 K. 4.30 chn.. to a itakc, thence a* chat Unc N. 63 W. 1S.40 chs., to a stake thr corner. Then S. 47 W. 13.33 cha to the b.-gi’nning and con luint 17 1 _ J na.«>] m.a._. U_ Tim.' of s«lr; Monday, Bth li»y of Juno, 1921. Pluto of Milo: Court Houa* Door, I.IHingimi, N, C. or rule; Cart., Tliih cite 2nd day of May. 1921. B. C. I.UOAS, Mortgagor. May 6 13 2n 27 FLORESTON SHAMPOO ri**iro a .on crrnuir lathor thal rtramp. luchau uO »>lj. lb-aHon-t au dirt ana Kiadron, mat.a ili" hull «.||,fluiiy aiki «-r uioou]t ht at MruqiiutnriirBuu. illncot Chamloal .twta.aPhhiKhrjo. N. V ••••••* * * BUSINESS LOCAL * • • * * T ♦ * * RIM LUGS. WEDGES AND NUTS j for all cara at Gotsoy’i Gang*. POR RENT — TWO FURNISHED room*. 11.50 each per week. St* Mr*. A. B. Adams, m2* 4t. p. FOR SALE — A FORD SEDAN. practically n«w. See m* at once for » bargain. Ceil Barefoot. Dunn, N. C. April 2* If. IMPORTANT NOTICE — ONLY A frw more days left in which to lilt and revalue your property. The kooks here keen ordered sent to Lillington Jane 1. After that date there will be no m<*rv revaluation* •io come at once and li*t your prop vrty for taxation. Otl* P Shell and C. B Aycock. list taker*. m24 2t. REPLACEMENT COILS FOR ALL can at Caincy'* Garage EXPECTED TO ARRIVE THIS week—«mall car nitrate of *odn. See ui Iveforc you place your order Johnson tiro*. mts Hi SEVERAL USED CARS OP VAJU ou» model* in flret clan* condition for c»*h or on lonf tiaae. Gainey’* Garage. EXPECTED TO ARRIVE THIS week—small car nitrate of eoda. Sr«- u* before you place your order JiLiuon Bros. m2 I St. FOR SALE—COTTON SEED U1AL You can gat It from me cheep for rash. George I Pope. a IS if. EXPECTED TO ARRIVE THIS week—small car mtrale of aodi. See uk before you plare your order Johnaori Bros. m2* Ft JUST RECEIVED—SH'rMENT OF Shore Pat Maekurtl, m ill.'ti and roc heiring. New pr.ris. Juliui M. Leo. Clieap for ea*Y Piiono ILL m 24 4b LADIES AND MIN’S PANAMAS, Leghorn*, Bancocka, Straw*, and haU of all kiada cleaned and block ed by export* u a real hat factory , without the u»e of acid*, paint* or powdora Work guaranteed. It oo*t no more to have your bet* propar ly made over. Mail order* given prompt attention. The largaat fac tory of Ita kind In the South. Roth Hot Factory, 419 Granby St., Nar vik. Va. May 11 St 0 ■ — - -c WANTED—SALESMEN FOR 9,000 mile guaranteed tire*. Salary 1100 weekly with extra cummimion*. Cowan Tiro A Rubber Co. Box 1B4, Chicago, lllinoi*. It pd. 1 HAVE A LIMITED AMOUNT OF Liberty Bond* to loan on l*t mort gage* on Ileal Estate. E. P. Davit. Dunn. N. C. May 20 4t. pd. FOR SALE _ SEVERAL THOU *and pound* of Cabbage at three and one half cent* oar lb. Mr*. naif* v. WMt. Route € Dunn. N. i-_ a »< a. pd. FORD MOTORS OVERHAULED $20.00 Prices on all other Auto work, proportionately LOW WIZEY WOOD Next to J. M. Lee’s Store | GET READY FOR THE BIG 4th of July Celebration AT DUNN The Harnett County Agricultural Fair Association jl Buy What You Need! Save What You Can! i ' I I 1 I » —Place your idle and active funds in this bank where they ! will do their part toward bringing conditions back to nor ; mal. This Bank is here for your convenience and safety and j i! [°r the good of the community. Such institutions are die bulwark of safety in times such as those through which we have just passed. They are here to help you and our community. I!:' I You will do well to use our ban!; and its service. :|: THIS BANK SPECIALIZES IN PROTECTION The First National Bank !P. S. COOPER, Pres., H. B. TAYLOR, Cashier |

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