FAMINE FUND WOK AT HALF-WAY MARK Dwnat W. Lamont, CNah-msn, Tall ft RsUof AdmMstorod and Ta* to t« Competed. MM af It* adaelm of mercy of eend lag faada Iron America ta trad tka ■11—a af ataretug famine vtcthoa la *ka to^aatew^repakUc. At tka kew ta aracfe mere 1* needed ta akny -the UM Maaaor through ta the Im karraat aa kaa already km ml Mr. oat that quick _ akd*fcS»Tprada WOaoo. kaa raoaltad Ik mdk priiapi dLatrlbstkoa af reitat tka* tka tkraataaad aaegnltuda of tka fa rati i kaa kaaa checked ta a auM MMkt A cocttasaOoo of tha tSHti aa dre aadq U la declared. will place tha feral me rellaf far China among leelrak araac attactfia pfcneuthre Tka Waning Minima ttea raraele. hawarcr. tka etarte ■aet^akawAj^-'aat AOOQ.oaff- to he ffaedmi'kM AaBatouTeakacrkp She ateteraeat. la pact. fBUowa: PQelck raapoaae to tka apeaal af the aclaae far (Mae Fear fkeg _ «e at tka half-way at ha ear work tka during amor -a that tka oakacitptlaea tram gee «• Araealca already kaaa aerred a relief already ndmUtetmad las held >• ter Araarica ta aere a multi ted* 'WhlllM Mrtr HtlMla mite B * art UtM that kucaad of tte 0*M00 who. It wap originally faer wor» imil to death from hanger, af at praaoat la atgbt from an reaa, American. Chism and te at la teMm to provide Kutr m aa aatfl toe ini karvaet for all «r pi MM0M popple. Them Haw am teotltote. iitwAii to Pram AH the Paapla “to la the aaramc hope af the Ow ■Mm that the number af centrtbe ttaaa mate aa wall aa tbe aggregate w® ha toeb aa to make oar bamaalta rtaa tlft. tea real him. a gift at tte “One way to mta tadtvtdaal effort . aad paanatti cootrlboto toward *» tef flbtea’a atarvtag pepalailimjg^te to ‘pick a gal , Igaratlvoly, a CM rteda aa a Maud far a teg ml to mad what they apaad oea teg ea tbmraahrm ar aa American Mia I to til Ohlaa fSualee read at thar threagh local committer*, bank* or toarcbaa ar dlract to Vamoa Hu roe, trmaorer. Bible Koooa, Mow Yark Cte "Me Imarlfna la aa poor that te caaaat aero a Mk at the lewoet rate rmr pootei. oaa foliar a month. Ufa' paatatloaa Puctoatr. anmirlram la ooe nattea. aimittem to aaofkar. but the lower the paotaMoa the greater the oppeatmatty af hooualtg, tha epport'a atty af himaa Kaion ta *avo homan It to. China ta hi' r.wny—8.MI0 mllro— bat hnaprT la banger. wbathar aroa»l tha earner ar bogood tha Pacite. *Wa appeal to Aamrtca to make ef fective tha work already done In fkactlag tte China famine dlaantrr by aavtaf aatll horraat thorn already •mi fttaai Math.” -CHINA WEEK- IS SUPREME EFFORT OF FUND WORKERS Am • practical aa4 papular daaon •htUM af tba arapathy of tba aUlin Mr a Matar lapabllr. a "Cblaa ramti .> Waah.” ta ha all a ami throat bout I* •' (Mai Btataa. baa baaa art tar tie aipht tfaya froM toatfay, May 1. t*> taaiaj. May •. lactaatra. tm thM vaafe M la hap at that tba r.JPt i a* aetb* will laryaiy tba amoaat mt r< 1M which raa ha amt throat* per aaphl aaerihra to VMO.MO atarrtut paapia atilt ilrpaiuiant aa aatalia aM. SEND What You SPEND ONE DAY ToCUm MtMH CMmm VMm VWim MM M iMiikM Half ■•»*»• A «M mm «m Ufa aaa aaath. PtON A PAL |N CHINA MCA A DAY Ta feaalan Ma warti af MW, Mia aataawaaa' wM farwarA aaatr.b* Nawa ta Aa laaal Traaawrar, or la Aa Natl—«l Tr—far, C »<*a PaaNaa fat< AfWa H—. Naw YaaM dly. NAVE YOU A MILLION TO IPtM If t*v ra*4ar af fhia kaa a Million Mm wtiah ha waaM lika U tm a w«F ta 4a tha ataat ga#4. I Mat-1 aaat that ba 4a*ato A ta aa *4*ari j s.'zn&ssi -* Taaah thaw tha aataa af fatef U ittyiig |p pffrgnl Fat tha aaaph—ia aw tha aaaaay *alwa af fata* to aahaal. aat toaawa aw laramaf aaawlitir —patlty la rat mmmf 4w aaat lawaatoht paaAa.: af ta aPwaatfaw, hwt haaawaa aaaay ▼AIM psbsi |^s ftrvRffivt tppcs) THREE PRESIDENTS ASK AID FOR CHINA Hartfos, Vlfflaon and Taft Appeal te Americana te Hefc Stricken Wlltone ef Slater Republic. Th* President sad two axPrvelileets •* the United States have joined, ty th* «rvt time a th* history of th« conatry. la aa appeal far a pfellan throplc sottcvctae. President Hard at *■ Ftwstdsnt Wilson aad ez-Ptaatdrni Taft *r* aft la th* forefront of th* aavotuont to (sad aid from America to the famtae victim* ef China. Oae at Prvaident Harding's drat ofl del act* after hie inauguration, tukua when he had been In the White House Use than two week*, was to renew tb* appeal mode by hi* predeceaeor la be halt ef America's slater republic ta the East- President Harding said In pert: “At this. the earliest practicable mo ment IB lay administration. I desire te add my own to the many appeals which have been Issued heretofore lu behalf of the Starring people ef a lug* section of China. • • • “The picture of China's distress Is a* tragic that I am moved, therefore to renew th* appeal heretofore math aad to •verve* the hope that lb* Amer ican people wHl continue te contribute •e this hosaanftarUa cause aa geoar eoHp aa tha, possibly can.” la appoAtJog th* Assorlcan soeitatt taa tor China Famine Fund, with Ms own Immediate predecessor In the While noose. ez-FresIdsat Taft, as one of the members, aad Thomas W. I-amoat of New York, a* chairman. President Wllaoo said In his procla mation; "Not oaly In th* ram* of humanity, hot In that of th* friendliness whtrh we tool fur a great people la distress. I venter* te aak that oor eft zees shaft, even tbough the taak of giving U not today a tight one. respoad a* they can to tMa distant bet appealing cry tor help." UFc SAVING STAMPS HOP FAMINE VICTIMS Each "Mcroy" Stloker Purchased for Three Cents Provides Food for One Day for a Chinese. •alee at “Life filial Bta/npe* by Hu American Committee (or Chl»u Famine Fuad fer tba baneSt at Chtaa (amlae vtctime he** reached a total at thousand* at dollar* at tba and of tba ant month, aad already tba money la actually aavteg llvaa la Chtaa. Or ders dartac the list ssoath aggregated ■ara than 10.000.000 stamp*. which will m*«w at the rata at S casta fer adeb ataarp—L100.000 fer the Chinese urban tba complete returns bare baea ■ail Tba stamps are lotaadad to s* eoca a multitoda at amatt cootrtbo tlana fMaa puwaaa who wtM act bam aa 'opportauity to ccotribute in atbar way* Tba campaign fer Chian Is tba gras teat auurucb a way that more buys and girl* will be induced to complete their high >» hool course, and then he mast con vince them and their parents that s college educstion is the moat profit able investment they can make. The rapid grosrth of the correspon dence school# is conclusive testimony that education can be sold, and that j it can be sold at readily as any other commodity. | When this million-dollar reader has filled the high ethoole and calVir. • . overflowing and ba< nucc* ~«rit •» fo-.i r-ng th'e manv lutllion-dollar equip meat 'a be need dev a-d uigh‘ he ri" then devote Vaeetf tn o«i~-e*d'-> ranee of our greet nn've'eft’e* lik-i Va'a, Harvard and Princeton to cs tabllih torreipoodene* dlvtelora 1 rJ •'* "«» *t at th> root of all na llonnl progreut. The nublie eehool la the corner itone of American democracy, a fact which le proved by the liberality of the people in voting tax aueermenl.^ for tchoola. More power to our millionaire* who give ao liberallv to the eauee of edu Now let ua have one who will ga ther the data on the money value of education and preuont it In eirapW form to that all may know and hved. i —WlUiam A. Feather. j SHORT HISTORY OF THE WAR American Legion Weekly. “Now cough.” “Sign here.” “When do wv eat?" “Haven’t any S'e. Take a pair of inv” "There’* a toldier io the greet." “You're in the army now." “Trret m roach.” "Heed 'em and weep." “All we do U eign the payroll." “It'» e great life if you don't weak en." "The flrat erven yean are the hardest." "Where do we go front hrreT" “You can't stand there, toldier." “Oo-la-la." “Lafayette, we are here." "Left go.’' "Any eecondt on gold fieh?" “Madelon, Madelon. Madelon." "Encore the via rouge, eeo voo Play." “Toot tweet, uionaieur." “It your right arm paralyaed?” "Mother take down your service Amt; your aon*' in t)i* 8 O. 3" "Boa i»tr, mi chcrlc. on alln ra tio® of It* Uatory. Tho matter of flre workt and rating prograao wfll he dixutaed tonight. One Carload King Windsor Plastering j| Very beet materiel to be had. Recommended by all Plaeterere 9 I One Car Load ALFALFA CEMENT J for Highway work. 8 BUTLER BROTHERS Dunn and Varina i ■ - ■ — I Fountain Coca Cola I ! Pure And Good—8c j Arctic Ice Cream I In Bricks, Plates or Cones — Delivered To I Your Home for _i, 60c Qt. I - Our Ice Cream Parlor - is the prettiest place in town. Plenty of tables I for ladies and gentlemen. Good music when you want it. Open Until 11 O’clock At Night -VISIT US AFTER THE SHOW I Our store is now next to the Postoffice in the building formerly occupied by Craig’s Bak ery. We are equipped to give you best goods t*nd best service in town. We make bur own ice cream cones and invite you to see us do it. OPEN SUNDAY EXCEPT DURING CHURCH HOURS TOR SERVICE OF ICE CREAM ONLY I FULL SANITARY SERVICE WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION —DUNN~^ CANDY KITCHEN F. G. SHKAN, Proprietor 1 I Thejinest 'Urz. for Small Cars Go tdrich 30*3*4 cSinti Skui Safety Tread at the TQl Price Reduction i LI .tre is a 3 0x31 tire, with snappy black tread a:*l creamy white sides—clean, trim, splendidly finished—generously large and full in sice, with die Goodrich anti-skid safety tread. This tire will give you much longer mileage, the greatest of durability, the utmost riding comfort and the fullest satis faction. Like all other Goodrich tires the "30x34” is made only in one quality. It is so thoroughly and unusually good that its makers frankly declare it the best tire ever made for small cars. -_. .... ,. THE B.F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY Goodrich 30x3) dmtt-ikid tafety tread fabric tire mow available at the EWw. everywhere are relliB* Goodrich Silver* . 20% Price Rediaion which row^ Cord*,Goodrich Fabric Tire* andGoodrich went into cffeti May 2nd Redor Gray Tub——all one quality—at the 20% " reduction in price* which Goodrich mad* dve May 2nd, 1921. B=^=S=SS=S=5SSSS=SSSSSBStSS=SBa^DH — g I AM HOLDING UP THE DELINQUENT 2 z •< 9 LIST FOR A FEW DAYS TO SAVE YOU g H ^ | EMBARRASSMENT — PLEASE PAY £ o — K £ NOW AND SAVE ME MORE TROUBLE | TO ADVERTISE. 1 ■ i * n McARTIN . HARNETT COUNTY "pay YOUR TAXES NOw" gjftnflTSlRlffij