Tir -1 I . ! — . !■ , — Volume VIII. ■m————■- . COUNTY AGENT DEMONSTRATES HOUSEKEEPING Hundreds Of Dunn District Woman Are Much Bene fit ted MISS SWAIN DIRECTS THREE-DAY PROGRAM Stenm Pressure And Fireless Cooking Methods Shown— Mrs. Wesley B. Thompson Tenches Millinery Cls.see Woman's Clnb Members Aid Agents In Helpful Work. Hundreds of Dunn District women are w.ser in iht wav* of modrra housekeeping through th» d*mon>tro tioaa staged hurt *1 hursday. Fr.day and Saturday of last week under the! direction of Miss Mar >n Swain, home demonstration agent of Harnett eoun- ! JT- Ui# of the steam pressure and Artless cooking method', were dem onstrated during the week and Mrs. Wesley B. Thompaon schooled hun drode la the art of muV:ng millinery at home. The demonetrat c*ij wire held un •o«pl*w or ihi Woman's Club and the Chamber of (: mmerce in Iho l arrish Driver i oW .a.iv stor* an! the Hudson-Dra :c Company store. Oripinslly -it v : .d to hold them in the fu:* f i f .y rooms of the Borne, d i ... . mpsny. but Uet company’ ons for the big sale which r ■ .*1 . i. aiday mo. r.* | Ing compel).*. ’ tho dsmo rtrations to the .. ices. Mis* Bwain was u iin Ih. wo-V by mrnfbcra of the Wom»V« Club •r.d fc is Edith Ectrec, ■ tarsi *chix>l super. *or of Hamott Coun.y. Ml*. Elisabeth Calncy, home deesonstro scent of Cumb >rUnd County. Mr*. Cornells Morris, district homo demonstration agent of Hmderso.-i. The following program was obser ved: _ nwia*i Worn 14*12 o'clock—Millinery Do me pUratton.—by Mr*. Wesley B. From 2-6:20 o'clock—Dexaonstys tlon Anfel Food Cake In Flrclem Oaafcer by Ml* Elleebeth Oalney, aaLggbttj^wfc Smtm Oa*on*>»tlOT Mayo noise Dreeslag Friday From 10*12 o’clock—Millinery De* monstratioc—by Mr*. Weiley B. Thompson. peaaonstrmtoon Pine Needle Work —by Miu Edith Petree, Rural Super visor County Schools, Harnett conn ty From 6-6 o'clock—Cookin* Meats *■ Btm*m Prruvi't Cooker-Miu Marian Swain, Home Demonstration A**nt, Harnett county. SATURDAY From 10*12 o'clock—Makinv of Paper Dress Form and Talk onTnter ior Decorating—by Mots Cornelia C. Moms, District Home Demonstration Anant, Henderson, N. C. From 2-5 o'clock—Miscellaneous Demonstration* and Talks CHARLIE CHAPLIN TO WED , 5* Il»»t definite Information a oom the reported engaireinenL be tween Charlie Chaplin, noted screen eomsdiaa. and May Colknt, ingenue «f the meriea, came East yesterday. It now appear* settled that Chaplin *“*■’ *nd *•“ date for the weddlny baa been set as neat Decern .. *jU“, CfHIns ba* told ber friends uvat tali i# the momentous Urns It M axpeewd that they will make a tour •*ro*j tcr their honeymoon.—N. Y. NKWTON grove farmer is Charged WITH MAKING LIQUOR ra^lT^e 0l?ve\ M*y **•—*» the rj*oU of a drunken brawl Preston • former living in this HT*SPt*** srrested for famishing It*. Tt'.'fV U thc brwwWr*. Suspi »• »»• opening • -blind VSrT nT* #b*"> nuaored for .ome J} Buuriid and ba* several nsall children and neighbor* ***** HeQnoon To Go Abroad . Bo*rd of Education *** MeQ»eon. dlree tor ?fn*ion!_? toavc of *b it-rs ff," ^VsS “ rtf» perlone* in «*tena«n work. He i. be lieved to be well fitted for the work uk*, ^ ih wwk It^vn from Kb r«1»o ta, ifJL^wl^T hopee U* f»t n**! ko used in her ortenaio" "ork. The Bute has riven bor tba »*• *f * wamra aad film* with tbia in Ttow —New* ,ad Ob.er vot. _ WWlALjTlttD^MAiroP GOLDSBORO DEVIL YARN «*—«•=> *••*• of the jsoent ir“" *rom Ootdsbore to ** [**l fl«* ond ktood devil bSdbeOBteea la one of 5- ^OfTT, P**tor of the Paotoeoetal HotlBsBa cbnfob for eolorad mod)* wb. thinks % •hBrrk,.. ZJSZ *•* undo* “»y. there’* not f. ••rd tf mm til is* **» *? *5*1!* Xt*¥ It straight 5* to Insltoed *? .^nk eemebodp tWti h tH* Miiiie •tribute of to»to< *hepp'ng tg list. —Hewt aad Obewvsr. Old Hickory’s Tour Has Been Arranged Adjutant Uuy H. May. ol Knox ,*JF* “Old Hickory'* tour ?!wi b5iUcf‘',ld* Europe daring 1D21, endorsed hy the convention of tht veterans held at Aahovjlln, N. C., last Septvmbcr, i« attiacting more t^n MMint interest amon; the boy* who helped to make history against the Hun*, and Mr. May, having been appointed general chairman by Prcsi dent Amort L. Cox, has developed a mass of detail* connected with the propoaed tour. In making the itinerary it was the desire to sec ae much of Europe at as little expense and time as possuble and th's has been accomplished. The party will leave New York on the Ah bania, a Cunard Line boat, July 12th, and will return arriving New York August 21s«. This makes a forty-one day tour for only $56$, which In cludes all necessary expenses of the trip from New York back to New York. The Old Hickory Association of the Thirtieth Division invites all il« mem bers, with their rrlatvce or friends sod any other persons inton ated in! this tour. The tour has been arrang- • ed to include the battlefields of Flan ders and Ilia American sector, wh :eh, »r* of »pt^i«l Interest to the Oldi H’ckory boy*. A fretnrr of iho trip* will be* the placing of statable decora tion* on the glares of comrades who are buried In the cemetery st Bony, where the Hindrivbuii; line was bio | ken by the SOth Division. The itinerary include* England, Belgium, Luxemburg, Switzerland, ( •Italy and France, including Nice anJ. the Riven*. If arrangements can bil made, a vis.t will b** rande to Coblanai •*» lhe occu >1 d tcriirory o' Ofrminy. * After cmac'pondir* W4*.h several* ouritt companies aid mzicir^ a spo e:*l tr.D to New York, the committee dcc.Uvif upiei the tour off%«t.| by *h? n^L‘C4:* ^*pr**a Company. wh th i w.ll be tun unrf*r ;hi r nf-i Kcijcat* for • **ssrv 'ition*. »h.*>u:d b* made ii.ee. to M.. Albert F Pirtcc, Jr. Travel Depa:■ m.-ut. Am.ceai Es-.x*- tramaiy. No. 6b Broad**. New Yn»k C:t» Particulars may b." ricued from Biclivr, local npeat Am" sr eati Ila'JV.iy Ftprtii Car. BATTLE GROUND IN NORTH CAROLINA % Textile Workers Will Begin Fight In This State AgaJmet T- ) Charlotte. May 20.—North Caro lina wilt be the battle ground in the >npytiding rtrugglc of the textile| woikcrx in the resistante of wage rv dueiions in exesst of 22 1-2 per cent, according to Thoraa* F. 'McMahon, vice President of the United Textile Workers of the world, bat onca the walkout itirt* it may thread *to all Sooth#rn textile centcn, be said. Mr. McMahon explained tonight that while a genera) blanket ordcT for a strike had been drafted, aa an nounced last night, It would biipme effective probably In one group of mills at the time, one mill eentcr af ter another in ihc Carolina*, especi ally the Piedmont section, being suc cessively affected. He ifrclercd that the only possible development that might avert the proposed strike would be satisfactory ■eUlrment of the wage reduction con troversy through negotiations be tween the mill executives and the lo cal group* of workers. In only one or two mills in the Southeast had a satisfactory agreement been reached, he said, ( despite the fset that appeals had been Kent several week* ago by the Charlotte Centra] Labor Union, representing all organised trades of this section, U> Uovemnr Morrison of North Carolina, to the president of the Southern Textile Association, to the Charlotte Chamber of Com imsrre, none of these had taken steps to ward off a strike, ho said. Mr. McMahon declared that he and President Golden, of the Internation al Textile Workers Union, had come Into the South sevuial weeks ago to eanvaw the situation in response to appeal* by the local unlan* and rcil orated the declaration that thoy never earae at the instance of the irvterna tional organisation or of their own ini tiative. He is hers, he said, to counsel with and ndrisc tho locel onion* In North Carolina and eaeta other Soothers textile 8toto, he said, there is a Score t “cxecsitivo board, the personnel of which is unkaewm to the public, which keeps him informed of tucti devclcvmcnt/ throughout the State and in turn keep* tho locel un 'iona adv'. ,*d of development*, not only throughout the Stale, but in all textile centers included Id the Nation al organixnien. COPWIN ITEMS. Mr. and Mr. E. C. Kdgorlon, of Dunn, *pont Sunday la Godwin with Mr* Edserton’r pmenU. Mr. ond Mr*. J. Q. done. Dr. and Mra. P. I. Pridgan, dr., of FayatU'vlIlu .pent Sunday In Godwin with Mra. Mary Vick. MIm Roby Turner ha# raUraad to her hour from Flora McDonald Col lage where ahe haa been a atadent %g»*qas *••••«* him, N. C, la .pending a fow daya with hhi father and another, Mr. and Mr*. D. A. Graham. Mra C. P. Ward <*f Duwn, .pent Friday night in Gedwin with Mra. C. W. Spell. Donnie McDonald, of Wade, spent 8 on day In Oodwin with friends Leon William. la home for hie va catloa, ho has been attending echeol at Elon College. Mra Marshal William* and Mia* Snhy Tamer apent Tharaday ia Da nr “nr- Graham. dr_ of Clio. S. C. ia apaadlng a few daya with his par cut*, Mr. and Mra. D. A. Graham. SEVEN WE WHEN AIR PLANE FALLS IN WIND STORM Every Paaaenger Killed Wbem Machine Craahee To Ground WORST ACCIDENT AVIATION HAS HAD Two ReproaeaUthres In Com Creaa Saved From Death Be cauae Sickaeaa Prevented Their Return In Army Afar abip; Had Juat Croiaed Pe lomac From Langley Field. Washington, May *».—Seven men.; nvr of Ike army and two civilian*, wci* killed in th* wreck of an *rmy turtle*. Eagle ambulance airplane. "•'»r lnidan Hoad, Maryland, 40 milt* I (outhcaat of Waihlagton. ye-lrrday evening In a terrific, wind and electri cal norm. The dead are: Lieut. Col. Archie Miller, U. S. A., M. H. Washington. Maurice Connolly, of Dubuque. Iowa, former moodier of the Home ef Representative*. A. G, Batebctdcr, of Washington, ch.i,rm*n of the hoard of the Ameri can Automobile' Aiaociation. Lieut. Stanley M. Aricj, of Wash ngton, pilot of the wrecked plane. Lie ul. Cleveland W. McDermott, 1-anglcy Field, Vu. Lio.il. John M. t’eonuwill, Langley Field. Va fie grant Meehan c Richard Blum-1 •okianz, Washington. "WII IB BTWliM Aimy air service officer* aaid the accident was the worst in the history cf aviation in the United Stales, eith er military or civil ar.d that it was one of the few ir. which all of the passca Jtors in a falling plane had been kill id almost instantly. Thu ship struck the pro and nose n,m end the force of impact was to West that the big 400 horsepower Liberty motor in the front end of tha craft was torn from its chassis and thrown back into tha coek-pit on top of the pilot and the passengers. AU of the bodies weie badly rnittlsrut ^Th«^Oa«ehielCiigh^w|M^gmmu^r ran into the storm which had passed over Washington an hoar hi-foie. The exact cause of the accident probably never will be known, at those In the machine were dead whan witnesses from Morgmnton, n village near In dian Head, reached the scene. Investigation Is ssdovad An official investigation of tha sc cidcat will be ordered. At that in vestigation it is possible an inquiry will br mail* into the general design nnd practical use by the army ma chine, tha only one of its type in the army air service. Air service officers raid today that when life plane left l-angley Acid It was apparently in per fect running condition and had been functioning properly during eevsral hours ia the morning and afternoon. Cap Lein De I-avergnr, air attache of the French Embassy, who made the trip in the Eagle from Washington, said tonight that in hia opinion tha Eagle was unbalanced. "The machine was badly balanced," Captain I)c Levergne said. "It bad a email motor, of only 4t)0-home-power. The weight was loo maeb, the pilot could not control it. I declined to re turn in it nnd came back by boat.’’ SicflwAM Stv*4 Tfcf I Rep resents tiv ns Campbell, of Kan sas Chairman of the Boom rules com muter and Walsh, of Massachusetts, who wtnt to Langley Aeld in the Eag le, also returned to Washington by boat. Mr. Campbell said tonight tha "tenant of safety had not entaied into their decision not to return ia the Eagle; that both of them were seasick and the air in the closed plane was bad. ir me snip nan Bern open we would have returned in it," *aid Mr. Campbell. “I ruggeuted to Walsh that we return hr boat. Re waa seasick and I didn't feel very steady. We had been more than two hour* at f«a In a Martin bomber observing bombing experiments. “On Ihe .way down to Langley field, the air wa» rough and vary bumpy. We had a wonderfully good allot, lie would run into an air bonk Ilk* it waa a hill aide and the the machine would drop, sometime* mere than 100 feet.” U.'hradlrr General Mitchell, assist ■nt chief of tho Army Air Service, who areumpaned the Eagle to lutng. Icy Field, and who had as exciting battlo with the storm during his re turn flight, said Lieutenant Arnes, pil nting th» Eagle, was regarded a* on* of tho boat pilot* ia tho service sad that his ship waa apparently in per fect condition. MASTER WILSON CELEBRATES. _______ i . - Monday afternoon at four o'eloeh Master Jeff Barnes Wilson had a non ber of his friends Join Him In ralo brating hit third birthday. The children with mm-h lanrfitcr played nameroo* game*. A Peanut hunt wan then given and little Miss Mary McNeill was tha prise by (lading the most. Mrs. E. J. Nobis* with her Kodak ■noppod tho pictare of this happy group. Then ill wars led to the din ing room whore Jeff lighted the raa dloa oo hla Birthday cake. Throe in nadir. The color scheme red, white aad Mur was carried out _ Refreshment* war* than served hy Mr*. Noble* aad Mn. A. R. Wilson. Each child was preens tod, by Jeff ,wHh a basket full of “Kisses." Th* children loft smiling sad wUh in» Je« many maay happy birthdays. Dunn UA&ember ' Of FotflClub Bam --—2"^ B**«*^AM^ci*ti»n it the !££ ?. n^W Wu* wrhich include! Il, P**>»on. Foot Oaks SHTuVX ft of Four 2***' * TP?»U*M tecrotary and 2^SIi»Cnr^w*n Thompson it :^k*^tio,ctSK».a S’n ;£ ‘.'■.o te fonalL m,n »h» tt^te j*S*'*J#»° wiU open next K p.l, sF ariU be on Thujt,Jo»e 9 ^dth Poor Oek.‘ iartTt£lte FUjr^M^n o. .Ilowrd u scheduled ke^haiiafkT!*eloba must ^.»“ub. tE**** * U’"n* AU of )j»vr reetj. ®**®^1** ffdM trh er. t? mvk [•‘•v g» C*i*ro. iauTaa.v, hat 1 L ’.’ d tJ lL *"W *J* IU »I«M»> "'"vf « WJKuh fa- ltK-.l be’! PU„iT.!^ - F 'U. O-kt i Pftlpw J in all other ?ribJ^oicSlV^rjyL**“‘ f"* Pr«mi* :h£jpfo?!h&. ■’*70BWn,*CM , J U' *•« ™ £ WcVETy!*^ ftFtf ,‘£ ex,r»m|ly hard luck thu. » *■*£•! *^**>3Wt recent fame* Srr *^521 have tome real Aey caa hold AM an r0**"'-L_ DEFUNCT COMPANY IS ORDERED SOLD » uA Pew I I _ ! -•? *vtn e,nu •» “« In the Cum Stfh? fj* K”™ Comply U-the Property «■■« far u much u Receiver J. R. Urntt thinks it eewkt to Win* f*»7 * An tt if told under ;rd*r •"■** by fit C. C. Lyon in Tk* defunct cerpontien wet thrown into the hands of a receiver Icn than a rear ago when K era* at the height of a bead-ociling campaign in North Carolina. A few weeks be fore the crash come the oSleet of the company were removed from the Stale and all of its butinem centered in Norfolk. It had bought or leased a number of power plants in small towns in the central section of the State, and the long idle street railway at Fayetteville. Tangible as*rtf discovered by Mr. Baggett amount to about $100,000 waa sold ia tha State. At mcrtlnw of the bond holder* in Norfolk May 20, $27S,$00 of bond* was rsprearatad. An equally Urge amount of bonds was not represented. It la believed. Property to ho mid includes the trolley line at Fayetteville buUt years ego and covered ap by new pavement. The company dug It op and extended the tfack about two miles toward Camp Bragg. It has been idle for sev eral months The power plont for lighting the town of Lilhagton, with trmnasntteion lines to Fuqua; Springs, Varina and Holly Springs, a similar plant far Wendell and Bailey, and another trmnrmsaaion Una connecting Rcnly, Micro, Fine Level end Four Oaks completes a list of the com pany’s property. The company was brought Into ex istence in 1010 aad later the capital stock was increased to a million dol lam. Bonds rather than stock* en gaged the company. Haodreds of far mers throughout the State bought the company's bond*, giving notes In payment foe them. The company se cured cash for moat of th* notes, dis counting them at local banks for cer tificate* of deposit which wur* paid by Baltimore and Norfolk hanks. The Bank of Costa, la Harnett county, which wont into the hand* of a re ceiver last fall after th* cashier had committed suicide., was heavily load ed with th* company** paper. When the Interact was defaulted on tk* bonds a reeetvtr eras naked for by a Ullington bank, mut John R. Bag gett eras placed in change of Its af fairs. At first bo Was hopsful that th* tang!* might be straightened put, and he continued te operate moat of th* plants. Ha has never been able to make any complete accounting of the company's books, because there were no book* kopt no kas not brea ablo to determine where seveial hun dred thousand dollars obtained In North Carolina want.—News and Ob server. FIVE HURT IH AUTOMOBILE OCCIDENT NEAR BROADWAY MondH* night at about t o'clock two Ford touring can collided aatr Raglaad'f Rone at ScaainoW aod fW* perooa* war* Injured but aena wri ouriy. The injured arc: Mr. and Mm. Lade Harrington, Mlaaoa Natan and Kate Harrington, who wore riding hi one ear, and Nod MeLood, who wa* driving tho Other car Mr. and Mra. Harrington and the Mimao Harrington Wert returning fiorn reboot comarencovnent *a*rrirc* M Broadway, aad Mr. McUod waa on hla way after Mra McUod, who waa vUiting thalr parawt* near Broad. W‘U car* war* wnached. Mod wonderful la the fact that on oao wa* hilled a* hath aora ware going at good apwad. It la aM. Tha aeeldaot happened jant a*row tho red road trim Ragland'* at ore—Harnett Coun ty Mown. BUSINESS GOOD WHEN PRICES ARE COMMENSURATE Btnwi And Hoi lid* jr And F lot ah man Store* Attract Trad* HOUSEHOLD GOODS ARE SELLING FAST Buyer* Willing To Pay Reduc ed Price* For Hama fortt—Fleishman Week-End Special* Attract Many Now Cu*teener*—Public I* Able To Buy. That the baying public is willing snd able to spend money when price* >f good* *r* pa‘. at figures the buy •r« consider in keeping with thelew trice ef local product* is being prov ed ia at least tw* store* in Qua* felt veek. These are the Barne* and Hol iday Company and the Fleishman Kinthcr* Company. Since last Saturday morning great rrowds of bmyer* h*v* flocked into rv«ry department of th* big Hardware ■nd furniture «lotes of th* Barne* ind Holliday Company and have peat freely. An eacouruginsr thing ■bout the purchase* I* that the bulk!, )f them are for hvme comfort*—em* >> t», rug*, suite* of furniture, stoves,, ranges and other things calculated tu rake home life notv comfortable ■ nd agreeable. Theie were mare buyers iu the! •tore* Saturday than on any single lay thi* year. Been then, though, th* ■mount of sales was nut so great a* I »" Monday and today, when fewer! buysi* we.e present. Late bayrrs are Baking la iger put chase*, attracted by. Ac large reduction■ made in price*! »f all roed* carried by the company. For ever*I week* the Fleishman ■lures Imve specialised in advertising ru: th-uiar bargain* for the last three Icy* of each week. The itiuk has been moi v than pleasing to the maus pr* and to the Dispatch, ip which newspaper th* bargain* wore advertis ed Through offering the** specials th* company has bean enabled to M tnct many new kjifuM* tU Birei. The Barn eg and Holliday Company ■1» continue through this week. I NOTES ON HOME DEMONSTRA TION Min Swain U in Dunn ta conduct "Housekeepers Week." which began today and lasts through Saturday. Millinery, cooking and canning dem onstration* will be given. It Is ax pcctcd that lesson* will also be given In making organdy flowers. If the Burpee sealer arrives, demonstrations will be given In canning wtth sealer, sanitary cans, also glam jars, etc. It in hoped everyone who can do so will attend thru* demonstration*. Way. of Using Strawberries Piwserve*.—None but tfco freshly picked barrits should fee preserved. Pract'cally the same methods era to be followed In the preserving of nil berries. Berries should bo gathered ta shallow trays or bookote and not la deep veasels which allow thorn to bo bruised and crushed. They should be uniform, ripe and sound. Only large firm berries should be selected for preserving. All berries should be carefully sorted aad lightly wash ed by placing in colander mad pour ing water over them rather than pot thing them Into a pan of water. t lbs. whole berries, 2 1-2 lbs. su gar, ) pt. berry juice. If the best possible color and fla vor is to be secured for the finished product, the syrup for preserved bar rios should bo mado of berry juice, obtained by crashing, heating and straining the softer broken barrios. Boll together the berry juice aad the sugar aad skim and cool the syrup before dropping the berries into It, to prevent shriveling aad toaghenlng the fruit. Return, to the fire and bring slowly te a boil m a covered pan. Remove the cover and cook until the fruit looks clear, being very careful not to overcook j the berries should remain whole. If a thermom eter la ured the cooking may be fin ished at 222 to 224 degress P. Bkim aad cool in a covered pan. If berry preserves are covered while cooling the product win be more pi map. The fruit will be batter If allowed to cool In shallow trays or pans and stand la “* syrup over night; It improves the •hope aad flavor, os the borrioa ab sorb more of the syrup, become hta *wr and pack better. Lift the har ries out of the syrup carefully and P*ek cold, filling tars, previously boiled for 10 to 1* minutes, with harries before pouring the syrup over them, a good peek require* more ^tr.rsuiif.Brr pfece r" *'"* m<>r* ,s * 4*rit ** St'.wWrr Short Cab. (Soroa* •) l cups sift'd flour, 3 unupoeni bd> h;ag pqwdcr. I teaspoon salt, 1 ta Mu?**? *“*”/ 4 Ublifimi Short «£. ‘ v***’ 0*Vup mffltj. U arsr.s:,te?K shortening and mix light It with th* UquM until Mho bircurt douch. DirlHr Inta two oqual port'ons and roll each Uto a rho.t about 14 inch th**. Me •» * shadow pun. ona short upon tha other, «ftor spreading too Ismr liefct ip with but Ur. Or. «£t toaTSgh ,fl ter rolling into rounds, a* for biscuit, placing two rounds upon aaoh athor rrparuUd bya thin I spar of butter. After butta hi a rather hot area •bout 1* Mtnoten. aaparatc too two lapn-a. Spread each with feuUar and wall awaatanad barrios. Sarre with krwppad mih Work Gom Forward On Sebna'a Building 8*1»*. By M—Tha graduating •xeretias of Salma graded school wore auditorium of tho Municipal buddiag Friday night, and mailed U* do** H what Superintendent Crump toa declared to ha tha most successful yoar In the history af tha aehsol. Ths Hulstoh, who commanded rapt atten tion from start to finish. His address was replete with words af wisdom and practical advice, and made a fins im pression on all present. The construction of Seism's new fireproof school building, which is ha tag erected on ths foundation sf ths hsnrixome building that was destroyed by firs some months aga, has reached ths stags where it is necessary to put ap elevators to hoist material, etc. h is dciiied to have ths building ready tor aso by tha opening of tho fail larm of school, and tha work la being pushsd wish that end in stow. Approximately lb new homes have men erected in Seims daring ths last Isnr months. Some of these homes are *f the popular bungalow type, while ***** mors imposing sad pro antious designs. The installation of sswsn^s is Baking satisfactory progress now af ter srereomtag various obstacle*. Ths UCthiag machine has finally arrived tad beau pat in service, which eo tblss ths contractor* to make better Medway. FARM LOAN BANKS SOON TO FUNCTION Coaimwu Haltet Ward S*> cures Soma First Hand far Contvunui Hisllet 8. Ward SO a ! alter to b*s constituency through the tllsatorth City Advance taya that by Inly Isa the Federal farm bantu *oo’.d bo in operation again. Cen tre vmsr. Ward did tome Investigat ing a* a result of which ha wrote Use following letter: After receiving a large nomhir of letter* frees the District ashty me for information as to the comfit (ess of the Farm Lou Boats aad the hope mi Ms getting hack lace active service, i I went to the office of Mr. 8heU aad | Lever aad had a heart to heart talk , m tW aad ashed Ihsa mt a^ao hone "Tflsty gave me this for aa an swer; The beak was completely tied «p from March 19X4, to Maecklttl, aad bocaaac greatly alanssod for its «* ieteaec. Aa soon as the Soprmar Court decision was handod down, w* went actively to work, and the bast tint was powibl* to do was to float a loan of 494,000,000 in order to gat fundi t* lead to farmers. It required the purchase of certificates of dspoeit as guarantee for this loan. No loon can m made by aay person or corporation without something behind it aa a guarantee. The lttn day of April was the earliest day this bond issue could be pat on the market. These bonds are 4 per coat bonds, non taxable After the first few days they sold with surprising rapidity, until are had •old about seventeen millions of dol lar*- This was about the first of May. About this time tbs Grant Northern Railway floated a 4X40.009.090 bond law at 4 par cent. This axtre 4 per cent interest drove our bouds o# the market for a few days This seriously cat dew* our salsa. This morning wv arc dosing for another million, aad ia a few days wo have every reason to believe the isuua will bo eatirsly sold. Wo will then start where we left off a year ago. and tab* ap the ap plications for loans in tha order of time practicable, but It will take some time to reorgan lie the work, as we bare lost a great deal of the old force aad stow conditions are naturally In troduced hi nearly every beak In the country. We think It Is saf# to pro miss your people tha they win feel relief bv the Timt of July. It «u a great privilege to bare une talk and learn the Inside working* of the bank. I talked at length with Mr. Lever, that active, chirp-eyed, devot ed little man from South Carolina, little in Mature bat big la brain and heart: nod if the tamer* have a friend oa earth, it U Lever. The next Map to be token far the building an af the eMcfancy of thfa hank la a Wit now pending in hath Houma of the Congram to create a ♦M,000,000 revolving fend, which mean* a fond to he loaned thfa bank by tha government to he called upon it* demand and ned a* a raiervo fund •r guarantee af hand ieenc* a* th»y are floated from time to time. Any part of it drama aad aa held will he retired aa aeon ao powfele, and it fa 'not canting the government a pmrny. Thr» bill will uaae, hut win drag ita 1 length along through the Cengroea, probably several weeks. Senator Smoot la the Senate and Mt. Madden, o>f Illinois, in the House introduced a hill in the Sixty-efxth Congraen to make the bond* uf thfa beak taxable. This would deitrey the bank. I wae told that they hod bath agreed to recede from their poettiaa, and the eommfasionera to wham I tal ked have confidence that the effort will not he repeated, They are both, however continuing their potation aa to the Joint stock hank, and If they succeed. I do not toe he* (hi* tatter Inetitoiion earn aurvlve. If anything oar ha done to get the benefit* af hank extended to the •cuthern fanner, Mr. Lever may ha counted an to do It, and I have con fident* that by tha middle of the sum mer th« bumnem eoadMaae in the South aad WeM w« feel the effect ef the actWHfae af thfa heat af all ^,1 ha gtad to mm any *eat flc Inquiry, aato wae toM by Laver met to trufahfa mywelf with letter* written to me about il any farther than to refer them to Mae. SUNDAY THIRSTS CAN BE ASSUAGED CITY DADS DECIDE ICC CREAM AND FOOD MAY BE BOLD ANYTIME Mfanrw. Would Clam Town Tifkl CM Sabbath, But (fawn Bin In Salting Go. Than fa Mjr Ri4ing On Dnr Of mm. _ be wad* to restrict Madar wflta* to ndsunsh. cafe* u>d kc rrtsa nerlors aad a* farther wHrticmwfllbe pieced oaacda aad *»dr vendors by tto>nMBNri if Town Commisnooem. So mark ras foreeaurted when tbe aston wwe before tbe body In a special tolled for tort night tocon ildar the coming finea! year's meeto) i«*n»* w^wWlie tea No defiaite action waa »«>■»- jn the wer of ananglng a new schedule >f Sunday bears for enrages and gase ilna sales, tier was there any taken “ fath* regnlatten of boon to which wndmua may be served m Ban toy’s, bat It was admitted that the Beard had ae togal right te attempt te step the Bunday sale of Ice cream >r niaimt priitTli Mayor Wade and Commisrtoeert towmsin. Lee aad Newbemy wcmVf he opinion that it would be heetem 0 enfwe. Sunday Mo. tow* tatowu rnHc the numerous storm to the so latia are permitted te anil without |a> fear o fingering throagh the tow. Worn of these store* sell cold drinks ^ of them oell gasoline. It would be nnfsir. they contended, ta eomprt vendor* who pay wtvilsge lanes ta town te close while tores who pay nothing toward the support of the tewa am sltowsd to mop the Ban toy Harvest of dollars. ^Ceaomumoeer^Wsrrei^ rm,,^ ■**** -^* jjy* Mat iRftkilC IW BMB aa flamsnd 1 viototioa of ths Divine C Otto of eating placet s* tight. from^midnigbt Saturday to midnight Juwor Writ agreed wKh Mr. War ren that 8 on day sales warn and abauld be objectionable aad Out they w»r* not conducive to the wail-balng of youth, bat, be contended tha Baud wan powerless ta legislate moral* lata tha cormnasity. The place te teach mottle, he laid, was la the home, If It were pemthle to pravewt violatioai of scriptural commanda through pass ing bluo laws, ha would favor tfcepee »«C«ubut In the absence of .echo possibility, h* favored permitting all abar* alike In tha opportunities ta profit by the public’s Sunday thirsts, hungers and joy-riding deslraa. Mr. Newberry could not sec that there was any greater sin in sellHm nve gallons of gas and a quart of oil thou in using that same gas aad oil to speed down tha highway for a joy. ous Dating om s hot Sunday. f*** soda fountains art permitted te sail drinks f1** * to ®-tO S*cloeh. Sanday mono ■ngs aad from 4 to 1*0 o’clock la tbs afternoons. Oas filling martens arc not restricted at all. Restaurants, un der tha Stale law, or* permitted ta lemain opca all the time. TMnn’i new ice cream parlor In Railroad Avenue brought up the discussion of Sunday hour* for the service of lea cream, h he* been ruled that let cream U a band and legitimately can b« sarvad oa Sundays. , Mr hhkee. however, being a r#U SSTJSSL “«* W/bh staa* open, during tha ham of church scr HARNETT COUNTY PARMRR MAKES PINE PEACH!CROP LiUtagten, May WaRer U MaUtowa, of Unt, an the A. A W. railroad, U torreatlng hU crap of Mayftower prachea. Ha ahipped oat •90 era tea Monday. Mr. Matthewi awaa one of the flnaat young poach ereharda in Harnett coanty. fta traaa an i«A coming into thair prime aad traaa. which are the earUent, tha El Wriaa oooMag on la Wtar liu. Thera are a boat 40 aaraa la tha aa ckifd. I nap retor McGill af Ha State De partment af Agriculture la aha 4 ever 5a orchard Monday ** abated that It araa la A-l chape. Ha aim naiad *■» *• putlwiar aaH fa title atatalty arm tha tort railed far ytaihn. lit Ingtbam a richer color. BUM orchard It four ram aid, to pq AMERICAN IN DUN41EOM IN RUSSIAN PRISON - troaa worker la tha head0 af Ho Be labor it|, bad tooa taamjfarrad from b^wiaoaad h^Hitm aad nrliml)