THE DUNN Volume VHI. Dunn, North Caroling June 10, 1921. RIDDLE WORKING FOR HARD-SURFACE HIGHWAY AT ONCE Alb Conimluiof» To Build SmilhiwM-F ayettevflle Roed New ENLISTING AID OF OTH£R COMMERCIAL BODIES Harmett Will Get TbrM SUte Projects Under Prmnl Pluu, Bat Angier And CmIi WU1 B* Loft Oat Of The Wiw. Dbbd Included In Τ we. I· to effort to get the State High way Coram Lu! ο η to inunediately be C<· construction of the highway run ning aartfc and south ketween Braitb A*M «rid Fayetterille, T. L. Riddle, •ocretary af the Chamber of Com ■ore·, la enllrtlni the aid of commer cial organisation· and leading beii hu man af the tawu alone th« route in a plan to pat the matter before the eommiasion at ont* Under the present plana of the ewniltalon Harnett county will ha (Iran three hard-Mrfaced highways. Oae of thaaa tha first ta ha bailt on drr Mm schedule now in fore·, will eater th·. northwestern edxe of the eeanty at Sawta, toech Caalybaata Sprlnia, Kipling and LUUngtan and croee Into Caaba Hand at Linden Bridge. Anather will enter from Lee County near Seminole, tooth Mam an. Ullinrtoo. Duke and Dunn, and connect srlth the Clinton highway.Tha third will came through Seat Harnett fro* Benson. tench Du an and extend ο Ter the present highway to Fayatto vIDa. Angler and Caati, tara of tha mo it important towns af tha eountV, will not ha touched by a State Highway sal am pre east plana ara changea. Three separate Stole eonetraction dletricte are concerned in the road· taat win paat through Donn. John it·· County, CoeaberUnd and Samp ton «r» til la tmarmto dlatrkt*. Thi* north to tooth as toon M poM&l·. He aakt that tU kuiinui men tad (ar mer· along the ro«ta co-operate with fcUt M moct aa tbey can. nvi DUNN FOLK ON PltOGtAM ». V. P. U. CoaVMtko· Will B· Lad . By Mm Am* W«HI Of Dm Two former pastor* of the Ftr*t Baptist Church at Dun, two present1 ciUaens and one Donn youn* woman are anou the leader* who will tak· ptrt til tea program of the twelfth ttMul convention of the Baptiat TfrMC People'· Union ta ba held in Charlotte June 14, II and 14. They are 1er. John A. fall», D. D., paetor •f Pall·· Memorial chorcb, RaieLcti; Her. Bogcat L Olhre, water of the Pint Baptist church, Mount Airy; Perry Morgan, Stale field teeretary for the organisa tic a, Caspar C. War ren, president of the Little Rlveo- At •oeiatiocal B. T. P. U.. and HI· Mary Warren, director of yoonf people'* work la the Pint Baptist ehuroa of Kiasto*. Bor. Walter C. Qllmore, who*· wife was Mitt Stella Taylor, of Dnaa, will be reported tor the convention. Dr. E1U* will speak before the con vention on Wedneaday moraine- Hi· ■lAlarf will K« "Vlkilin· Mur nia·· In Ood'a pi··." Mr. Warren will 9<*k la the MM aeaeion. Hla tab loet wUl be «"The On· Ttlnt Ku." Mr. OIIt· will lead all ef the nauaic. Mr. More·· will iaad the unfirtiK· of efBeera ef the convention. M lu Warren wil apeak Friday afternoon. Her nabiect will be "The aoeiai life ·· · field of etewardAlp." The following letter eenaerniag the meeting Wa been iaeced by Mr. Mor *». le *. V. VI Π9ΠΙ veiWI'··' Main, beet and baspleet gath g «ver held by Νότα Carolina What? The twelfth annul convention el the Β Y. P. U. of North Carolina. The Mae •rlag art: EU pt I its M^|| Chartotte, the "Qaeen City" of th« (CarvUau) Splendid railroad f^eili tie·. Baaily reached. Wheat Taeedey, Wed see day and Thnradaj Jnae 14, 1», 1·, mi. whir Bdaoatlaa. Into I ration, Iaforaaa tie·, AJdreeeea. Roand Table·, Con yon be one of the»? WU yew aaiea be ropreeentedT Etot your delegate· new. βοο< • "ear lead. The ear may be a rafl read eaaeb or aa · atomdbtie. Man: aaiaca art making Η «Flea In a Ford Eedaoad railroad ratea, oa the eer tUesta ptoa, have bee· granted. » Mr· ta ufc yea# ttahet agent far th certificate wbpa yoo bay yea* ticket Eatartainaeat will be ia the beaae of Charlotte peo»U· ted and break fart W« be free Dinner and eoppa will be aarred CafaUrla tfyte la th lawer Raaday WhI room· of th Flrrt Beptiat iherck. Bead Cgi ta Mr . Β D. Bagwell of the «aaaaMtec en hoepl «nitty, aara Flret Baptiit cbarel cym, Fer any _ zv&m M. C. other laferaMUoa, writ STATE MAINTAINS LEAD IN ILLICIT LIQUOR INDUSTRY April Fi<uro· Git· North Ctro· lima NnHt Half Stills DwtroyW AGENT CULLEY'S SQUAD SETS PACE IN SOUTH Over Thouiind Still· Destroy ed la Fir· Stat·· of Southern Diritioa la April, and North C«roliu Hu 432 οI Th«m; Virginia Loading In Cider him. The Sooth maintained lu !ong load in the illicit liquor buataesa daring the month o( April, according te iro krbition Agent t|ttrr< aubm.tu-d to the Commiiaioaer ο 1 Internal Kivt nu·, and Lb* Slate 0( North Caruiioa continued to dUUncc any ot iu aialer Mat·· in b· tkmihorn Uivisiun, with 482 atilla deatroyi-d, aa compared w.Ji da· total for tb· Mouth of 1,049. Virginia. North Carolina, South Carolina, ïannmn, and Kentucky ara iadvtdtd in the Southern Divulon. la April tha Ιύϋ ofBcera employed de stroyed 1,04V «tilU, aaised 3.086 gal lon» οt ligner; »0T,»H gallon· of beer 16 autoaobilci, e,86S gallon* of apple elder, baring a total «altic of f 124,92·, all of which *u destroyed, and arretted 283 paopk on charges of violation of tha liquor law*. North Carolina, with 43 officer· at work, lad all five itiici in point of result·. Tkcy got more of everything auept apple cider and spinu, and la these lUBU first place is yielded up V7I l.t. ** - -- -» - * during the month was reported from lb· Piedmont mcuod of that State, lone famed for it* applet aod other fruit·.. Vugiaie had it officer· at work during ttl umUl WW. I. Curtailed All officer* save about 20 have been relieved from duty since the April report was submitted to the Wishing ton authorities, aad since then Boat ft the a^j-^tqair. work baa ^eest d»ae AM since all Poderai tfcnta wore dime·-1 ed. aod Biny indictments have been | brought. Squad NC 1-2, which ιs the official designation for the detachment- head ed by A (eat H. (j. Uulley, stands a bovc all other «quad· in the State In point of results during the last month he and hU aaeoclate» aerrcd the Federal govimmcnL Um force· alone, eut of 13 (quad· at work in the district, accounted for about one aixth of the execution done among the maker* of Illicit liquor, and thai nearest approach to the record of 66 men arrejtrd by him is found in the first divieion of the Tennessee forcée which turned In 42 prisoners. Two other squads at woric ia North Carolina also achieved records that commend their Industry. P. E. Danrcy who commands the prohibition legion aries ia the northwest territory, with offices at North Wllkedboro, who baa been kept by the new administration at Waehii^ton, and J. H. Redd, at Ashcvill·, turned in reports of con sidérable devastation worked among the malefactors of the sakupUl* ra gions. The squads report a· follow*: Mew Squads Stand Squad NC 1-2, B. G. Gttllcy, chief —Distilleries eeised and destroyed, 18»; worms destroyed, 64; spirit·, 201 gallons; fermentera, 877 ; eider, 20 gallons; beer, B4.886; automobiles, 1 ; persons arrested, M ; value of pro wlec of property Mixed ul dwtroy •d, 1X4,Ma. Men employed, I·. Squad NC », P. ILDnneey, ehlof— DliUlleri·» »e««ed and dettroyed, 1ST; worm·, 88: «pint», SI· gnlloni; fer menter*, 4»β; elder, 2Π0 gaHun·; bee» (8,800 fall··!! automobile*. 1; per aoaa arreaied. 8; valu· of proporty Kind for «al·, $800; v«luc of prop erty de*troy*d, $13,831. Itn employ id, 14. 8q«ad NC «, t. H. Redd, thlaf— IMitillenee Mixed and destroyed, 108; worn·, IT; iptrlts, Ii7 ration»: fer menter·, 845; beer, 28,170 gallon·; pewona arretted, 10; valae ef prop erty called and destroyed. $ΐ£»6. Mrr> ««ployed, IS.—Sew· and Ok ■errer. Babe Ruth Serve* One Technical Day In Jail Il le Only Six Heure. Then Mo ee To Ball Perk Aai Help· Tub Wie Nor York, Jane 8.—It Mm «an than a Jail ndIcmc to keep Balx Rath from playing ball at the Poll tproandi. Babe tervad ·!> hour»—a WchlMi day—In the trafic eoart "'p<-e" to I da*, made · wild teak out to Ox Held and played three Inning* of ι ' winning pat akiinet Cleveland. After paying hi* $100 8ne lor hit ■ Unit the kifk (pot· if Wrenlde drWi ι about ■ week ago, ha bans aarriw ι one day "la «onflnemenl becaa* . thla wb* hh Meand off.wee. If th. ι mater of a aewapaper man'· tax which followed hint to the park took ' ha depended apon, Behe violated th I aelf earn· Mod law before be hai ι boon out 10 almitei. Bo eorered th nine mile· to the Pol· grenada in a , boat 1· mlnatee. Magistrate MeOhe ■ van wae Mated Weiide him te mi tha , ha wonld net he "nliwhed" again. Ba had part of hi· uniform m de ι kia dothinf, and <haag«d In time t - »wh»g a hat la the Math inning. Η RELIEF WORK AT PUEBLO PROCEEDS Rafugaaa Being Cared Far and City U Baing ClmmmA by Army of Mas Pueblo, CoL, Jum 1.—Danger ·I p+tiicaa*, following lut Friday*· disastrous flood, haa ptati, uttrd ing to oflcials of the United 8tates Public Health Service. Than it plasty of food, shiller haa haw provided la a refuge camp to remove the oon g«>Uon In choreka·, aehool and pri vate hornet, and an amy of men haa been at wort clearing the straets of debri*, removing dead animal ι and clearing υ ut the b ou nee· place*. Part of the city again to electrically lighted and the gaa company la nearly ready to anpply gat for heat and light. The city water plant I* func tioning and tomorrow a water pnri flcr ei prepare far haman coniamp tion Ave million gallon» of water daily. Dr. Joha C. Cornell, head of the United Btatcj Public Health Service for this district, declared that pre» evee of contagions and infection* die eaeea it rarer than in the day· prior to the disaster. The military order compelling all able-bodied men to work haa brought out an army of laborera. They hive been unloading tracks of foed, carry ing blanket! for refugee», transport ing cots and equipment ta the near camp far refugee* and shovallng mad and debrin and carting it away all day. Few arrest* have been made far looting. Every patrol withia several blocks of the ehootiag last night which eauaed^the daath of E. Wither». "• Jbc weapon· «ad ammunition of each guard ware iaspectcd and show ed thai no shot had teen And from any of Unir cum. GBUN FIRE By Dr. Frank Crane I law it T—trrday is the bushes; th« ntn fire, iotaing, barn m g dim ly, like a fine mitt. God U p*q|>lng through the lattice of BU world. lift, th· old isystary, 4be ever y*>ung tide of poorer, j retiming to Uu daad earth. There is a pnaanci la the air, on the groaad. I hsv« ma lu traçai in the Mod· aad o· U»a meadow*. There's a Mate· οt p· **· upland that U Ohed to sa-te woaia «plrit'i trailing groan τοΟ ara* caught la (he hariaaiow. I take a· mjr hat to the world tW U >nianlu to look Ilka a growing girl. New bird-note· are Is tho branch es. Naw Insect· thrill tha opea spac ea. A new odor aa of fre», awsat life pcrvsdss the morning*. A saw tenderness is In tha sunshine. The warn light of «ho other day «aa·ad to contain a voice that whispered: "Behold, 1 make all things sew." Soraettiing'· happening to oar old friend the graai, our universel fol low, the great common* la a storm, the level, general, huodble, divine grass, earth'· response to the lov el ine*· of hesven. The groea lire U running through it la great streak* and wave·. I dread to nep on U of mora lags, sa delicate and modest is it ia ita deep ening greenness, a* If blushing ia vir gin modesty. * If you will gelt ap vsry sari y these day· and go out tn the open yv« will find that nature is trying to say *o*ae thing to yon. And If yoa will still your desire aad he very teaduiblc and approach the dewy world aa · little child, yon may catch something of what the ualverae la wanting to uttar; yoa may anderataad the sweet influence· that strive toward yoa. Than yoa may feel the hidden eoca munlon, aad oaenom with all things, the sabcle kin «hip with the still rock*, th· treee that stand ever aad pray. '••Ι'"* «·*« BmwJOX 1U SOU •yllabke again* Dm ahore, the ahy, wild oreatuna that dart about an Uni or wbl* through Um aky. things «limpaed and Alas· bald and open, the million· upon million· of utile li*M In gram and leaf and (nUir ind irauay wine, the whole fabric hum ming aa ia a happy tana erooaad by a waking child. Λγ God if lighting tk« caadlet of Um narth and Ow green fir· ia run ning. THE COUNTRY IS SOUND Arc we to km a repetition of co·· dltloni that exirted la North Carolina ia tba ninetiea, brought about by Um Cleveland Panic f Condition· ara rtpa for it. tboegh not nearly M bod Mia tboM day*. WhOo money condition· arc acata at tbia tiaaa and It ia hard to market earthing, yet there la a« •offering la the country. Ia thia part of the State wee gath crcd last year the large* crop ol I corn thia cauntry baa aeoa, and aai] 1 (armera bare enough «a band to Wai ■> rmn. Our ι We MVe mere and better llrestocl than ever before. Our fan· lend· an fro· M ta 190 per oent more prodoc tire than they were la the nlnetiee aad the farm· ara well aoppliod wtU farming laap)amenta. There la do exeuae for f Mitral— The iale of gaooUae baa bon aa grea la Northampton thia year aa It wm the corresponding months last year whit* la proof that people eaa ban what they want. Tot we may hare people wtw weal ι play apoa the misfortune· of others who would make them botieee than la eomethlng radically wrong, aad b, appealing te «hoir prejaldlcee gali popular Tarer. Lot aa hope that w may hare none of thia Jaea nom ο· —Roeaoke-Chewaa T*a« One raaaaa a ripen a Kin* rortvalU .baa the eoarage to get down ea hi -iayrtJc.s.'tJtTS! > out of a knothole hi (he floor la the » he kaowa the derfl laat there Osi DR. PEACOCK SAYS HE KNOWS NOTHING Of SLAYING CHIEF N· lwUmHi Of Éwu At tMMitec KilUfc* TlM«MTiU· Phytic*»» State· REASON DETHRONED BY LONG CHAIN OF EVENTS Burning Of (W·*· And Burn Cum Aa HLp. To Im| Sari·· of rAiwnl·» K·^ p«ii«^ K(T<Hl Jury» Of. dc*d. "1 . any of tha before that M*|M dHared the Rot tor Ilem •M— aaainaUea and* _ eotiined Hi» iifc bilnna Tit lor aa peHeechiefs himaajf u cooncilman.J* Ί«φι>< Act ha «ma the mas who mfa »» CnuU Auiut te M? a ι ary 125 a «oath ûaèaawe of hia Is and booUit«w. baa» rumored flra P«m ef whiakay had been brought lato the plaça, ad viaiag him If It war· true to have It mwfti The aliaeee declared ha la· alatad that tha officer ahnnld aearcb, 10 that ha might be cleared of tha report, and liatalrd la making a thorough eearch. la March af thii year ha voted a* eooncilman to rata state the Chief, wha had haaa auapen dad following aa encounter with tha city attorney. Foil awing thia he lavaattcatadr re porta concerning the office la hia cap acity μ eounctoaa and foaad Infor mation that convinced hte the chief ihocld be diaaalaaad. Ha then told of tha meeting where ha mada each mo tion. when two member» voted to dla miaa and another that Or. Peacock mid had wreed ta vota «gaiaat Tay lor before tha «eating refaaed to vote at all, mafrlag a tie, and the officer ramaiaed. Ha raatgaad the next day. Tit· day following thia moétin* Taylor accoetcd Ua, aald the wMaem, but be told Urn he would "aaa him later," aa ha wu baa*. "Yea, and I'll aa yon, too," ha mm tha officer re plied. The aest day Job· Moat· cam· to hia effce and teld hba had threat eaed ta "deetroy the home" of the defendant, mid tha witaeaa. I. C. Lambeth fcrougM him a aéaailar report aad W. C. Bevln tatd hia that Taylor » a · » a _ · - —- · » forking again* Un (Taylor^ tWt the Defter η· "giag to go «ut «ad that d—Mon," oontlmjad the wH neaa, adSlng that M. K. Ithmnn icwrtid Tmylor m «aylng kl would "On ere» with rrer d—a m welk in* agalnat him, n<l to certain mem bar» of the hoard." Had Had Uttlo S 1m* All tboae thlm coupled with know lady* ha had aotain m3 about Taylor prayed upon Ml mind and put hl» ta great fear, aa that he could hardly iltrp at night·, Mid the alluee· The night Men Ma bare wmj burned he waa up uatU botw«ea 9 and d o'clock with a patient, aad on the night of the fire waa arouaed about 8 and rfipt no aMie adding to an al ready iwrveei condition, «aid the wit· no··. He <wii>il the burn· he re cehrod In the fire, aaytng 4m nf fared great pain and that Ma nanreua con dition greatly accentaatod tkat He declared the blltter en top of hie bead waa like a goeae egg aad held drwn hie bead to «how βίο Jury the •car, which he declared wae tS day* la healing. A half deaaa wltaeaee· who preced ed Mm on the itaad «aid they mm him prior to the kUUag and aeraral talked to hiai maa, all declared ha •eoaaed unnatural. The doctor aware, hoemrer that ha naiatitld eeetag noae of the· aad alee that be did , aot iana>n aaetag Chief Taylor •toadlag acreea the etreet before the killing. Other wineeaee bad toM of ι teolag the thief «inn the itraet fei 1» a* M minutée aad declared hi I glanced from time to tbaa toward On , Doctor*· eOea. NEW CU« rOft BOIL· ι _____ > la a report to the New Tork Med leal Journal, Dr. Darrld 1 aainaa calk attantlaa to the raJao of lajoettom . of Iodine aad eampher for the rolM and ewe of beta "Thk," ha eaya ι "with the «eternal âMHcatlen of ai » ala«a>eat hariag for M mala lag*· ι dioata phenol aad ergot will la at t meet all eaeee bring dbeat aa ehrij . dlaappaamaee of the bail without ear gtoa) iaterrewtlon. MAKE FURTHER CUT M REPRESENTATION Reduced By 23 I> Waahington, Jon· β,—Election of John T. Ail··», of Matu, Im m cktiflHa to nccMd PoeUnaiter Uaa ml Hay*. wfaoM resignation *u for mally announced. and adopt lea of · new bull of rwpreeentatioo at na tional roitvratioaa, nnllini of dala gate· f ram the South mark·! tha mea M|· today of hta B«p ub I lean Natios al Cora mitt··. Mr. Ada·», wfco waa v-lbalnaan, vu roicoedad In that cM «o by Salah E. William, of Portland. Ore con. fera. Luaard O. Wood·, of PKUhuigh. va* alactad mild vica ehainaas, an offico created by coaa mittee action in racegnttioa of the voaaa ·>ι nliimblpa la tko party. The ckanp in roproooataUo* baaii on the K«p obi lean votoi ο< tbo laat ■loction ruotw by tS the inter of dotante· who wvra credited fM tko Boatacrn itiue ta the Chicago eoa rcaUaaa laat June. Thia rearaaenta a cut of IT fw cant «ad min · total cat of 40 per eont in the nuadbar of lelacatoa from thoaa atataa eiaea the 1*1 f convention. Plan ef AffoMiaaaaaal . Under the new plan ef apportion ment, tha next National convention ■rill be made up of l.MT delegate·, it sore than tha laat, arrlaaa there are treat chaaipa in the State votaa if laat faH, apon which the calcala tioa mi made. The old ayaUaa allowed far «m da· «g* ta from each Coagreaalonal dia liet, bat ander the new plan a dia ■rict meat hare ea»t t.600 lUpnblicaa rotaa In the laat preceding election Mfonr it mar «end a dalagata ta tha convention. To have two diatrict dale MO Republican votes, or m RopoMi •*a repreeentative muet bava bMQ el ieted to Cracitti Under tlu termer )Un, 7,(00 vote» gave two dologntea. Provision also la «aie la the m •la» for the seatln» of two srf<ltlinsl M Mill 1 Isisi fro «teorh 8uu serried «t tha lut prandiif election Π tha kpiMkuu. Tha plan wee wtWlttad by R. B. Sowefl, of Néruki,' fee' » ■ittaa _ " _ of report, however, arma approved by · roU of I* te IS. Beeie of Rspcsi—lsMia Aa outlined by Kr. Howell, the new basis for rvpreeentaUon will affect tha Southern lUtci aa follow·: Ar kanaas. Increased I; Florida tnereas (d S| Oaatgia» reduced 7; lllldiM reduced S; Mississippi. reduced ·; South Carolina, reduced 7; Te—aa we, increased S; Texas, reduced S; Virginia; increased 1. The »apro«« talion of North Careltna ' and Alaba ma Remain the same. Mr. Hawaii aaid the net reeutt wa« that tbooa statee. unless chance* come in the rôti nr. would «and 144 delegates to the next National convention instead of 117, by which they were represented In Chicago laet June. Mr. Howell aald Tenaeeaee It no longer considered · pant of the "So lid South" and la give* an increased representation a· a result of the laat election, when the State was carriad by the Republican National ticket aad a Republican governor and Ave of the ton Conpcane·, were elected. Although Mr. Hays «aid when ho quit the chair that he oould ware no farther time to the committee, It drafted toi m a* a aiMter ο( the exe cutive committee. The meeting ad luatfiad lata tnln ni iaalatl mm μπ of the com mitt I* were |H«i at a dianer at the Whit· Bom. MEXICAN'» HAT HIS MUDE Hit hat. or aoadbroro, u he call· It, ta the pride of tho Mexican. No matter how poor the r«at of hi· attire aay bo. bo tparea no iqMiM for hla hood corerin*. and will toll day aad night on til h· hao md MMT _ ο panhaae an a Mailing aa tar-loaf «Ho kite hewrlly .corded hôt. A shabbily droaa*d Mexican wearing a hat that eaot a al Un thaa HO ta not an uncommon tight. Th· sain re aeon why Mexican· do vote to much money aad a*tewttoa to their hat· it hccaaae It hat h a· mm tho tymbol of ono'o «tanding te Om community. Tho graadeeo of Spain had tho privilege of etaading ia the prenne· of their eOTereignj with their hate on, and naturally tWy vied with one aaether la the riao and gar gecmneet of their hate. The povalaoe followed tKta example aa beet they eoald, aad ae the hat hue·» at «a tincti*· on the head· of the «en m the awaun· orer the head· ef the înktni of the higher «loot have «adored the conical «hoped hat for etty wear, aa Iher hare aocepted tho American *yle of elothiagj hat rrery Mexican gentleman Millkaa hla Ra ti ν · eortonte ef «anglei and gutter, with bat to match, which he wean m he tear think the ooeaaion de mand·.—Qrji. ford Car Na •.ΟΜ,ΟΜ Taraed Oal Detroit, May 11.—Ford car Mo. %* 000,000 we· tamed out Satarddy at the Highland Park factory ef the Ford Meter Company 11 piihahl; will ttey In Detroit ae part of tho ma terna of Heary Ford, atengeMe Um origiaal Ford ear that >opp«d aad •piuttered uncertainly Uiruuch th« wrfU of Detroit in tho nlattiee aad near eereml other earl τ modela. Where Koe. Ι,ΜΟ.000, t.»M.04t S,»00,000, aad d,M0,MM) are new h not · eertolntf for tWy woat Ml I» to the waHÎMba any other Ford. At m arrérage of M*0, the M·, 0OO ear· woald iMiinnt a «tea rat no of it,M>o,ooo,6oo. QUMBY SEWELL IS SHOT TO DEATH; WOMAN ACCUSED Mr*. Cm Jmrwifm AmiliJ F*Uowmt Dwtk Of W SHI DECLINES TO MAKE AMY STATEMENT AT ALL Uttte CM Say «4 Tq Mm Par I Wu FM AaJ Vu Wltk Gm — OmIj Er« WkMM UmU· T· 1 ttfy. Qaiafcy Sawvll, a «faojr iwr fanecr of Cnnr, iMfM tga tu M ni Jartutly kUM la at »ta.*3siisr,îï ΖΖΓ„ IBf lWeet, bat M I t· «b· imi Η η. I. L. Mi Mid u k»v« aa tr· nil in· ta £· .hoc tin*. «UU4 totk· Jwy that t* d«tarmia« who Mi Um Am UHU.ftrlMMStA.M Kn /«nlaM in Mr. Bear«II for ■r. bcvui ier spwarda ol mm War hSfts tud «t that »■— Aa HHi A»D thai [o*w4 «kMt flf^VaâTfcw'wlMM fe _ _ . tel· «stand Mr. Carolina Ni tk« national gvart mU tin lata tk· regular amy. wmM^ tk· rank of nj*r. H· ku kM «n dut? ta Wi*· t&fton la tk· «Am Oi j«4c* Ilttct· and bu aui frtenda kan, «ko «rc ■Ma* kin. u4 kit wife * war· w«I " CWWC UVtl BWI Alfred McLaaa. amttfi to Saaa tor Owl ha· goa· to kii Imm in UHia«too. «Am kb fatkar U ». Th« i»ni—t»> «plm tOO.OOO mora cMlian· tkaa It did ia 111·. Say· ftaevia, tf N<-| <jf L . .. 11 cants per crate Mr yaar; la 1*1· it ni esly ill.41. Kev tka par capita COM Η Μ>·" Tkaae ara partlaaat ilalbUn to chaw errtr a* Jim 1·. Drat tk· «Κ Ι fay mmAaa. Of th· «al la*· ras wïl liait to tkm «■■««tor af latonMi imm n that day It aaata É«Mk jaaa to Mnr immi! » ■mi af a»aaia·*·! ami M to tk* taw»t af past van a*4 prapsra na far κ* aaaa. Eaaaatly a (lw|i af _ of t£* a*v aatWMtaa *a wlani to ae m hamta M karaaasaf *trrka! tacb*4 to tk* 4*M work*, fladlag tka» caoatnetioa wark af ««a td»4 *r »a*<k«r la to tka Τ af stea .. - aat at - Μι ηϋ* U to all, tad tka aaaaal as far eoaatractioa af all aart* wanusaat awaaaU to mora than half a Wtaa Mata a yaar. DO DADOES FROM WDfHBClCrs to Mo H***arf Callajja^ ^ tha voiM wka ara atofyta* tta eo U°Tka aaMl M ^ aeart appaaraaca to Aa an «a Jsaa It, and wW k* at ft* it *kMt IkatfcarV *1D*toa°<rt^M«*t^to* *ν^Ί *T* aa It wiu ka af appmkaan FT. I af tka raawea approaak. , Tka prokUai it to toU to Iwhatkar a BOND ADVOCATES STARTCAMPAIGN TO WW OECTION ARE OPEN AT CUT MALL Att Who Daair· Veto la <W c. taiffMwi «f tJM r. L. uSSf ό?ί*ίθ^·ΐ!ί!^"θίΐί anil ncmn4 oriH Un μ* m Uj» TW will SclL «m»'. in tfoiW la mm Matai m4 inttiMtm nmUm «f Tan·, In tfca MImémIwiI Ma wwUit mm tfcara AIiWm, u4 «Mirai tmi mm· tlMni llO CartllMt wMla Ik· fa* [la yliif mifrtai la Oiaijta. uquoii raumr uruiiD ram. boat in tu mud «on THE LAZttrr PLACt

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