Volume VIII HARDING ISSUES APPEAL FOR CAMPS FretidmtUrfM All Young Men Who Can to Attond One of Training Cunpt Washington, Jane IS.—President Harding urges every young men who can possibly arrange to do to to at tend one of the ciUsen’s military training tamps to bo conducted by the War Department thla summer. In n statement made pah lie today be expressed the hope that daring his administration arrangements will be completed for giving military training to at least 100,000 young men each year. The text of the statement said: “I hope every young man who can arrange It will attend one of the clti aen’a military training camps to be conducted this rammer by the War Department In each ef the nine army corns areas. ,f it. In baseball ss In everything else ruth s runs in this vale of sorrow ho small town idoa has it all over the lityflcd sophistication of those who yrofesn to despise the ways of the rillagcrs. We have »n exceedingly unaU town mind when it comes to .reatment accorded our hall team yy anybody, especially when it ap-| years to us that treatment is. Inten tionally or unintentionally, unjust. O'co'ne, ws are not at all peevvd rlth tha reverend gentleman of Ben ion. But we would rather he would lot put aside theology to take up the ndicator when Dunn plays Benson. Such Isn't conducive to that good Feeling wljkh we trust will mark the rourse of yW In tha little league our Fellows hsve joined. Not that any of ts believe the parson is not aa fair is can ta, yunnrrstan; but we would lust rather he would not umpire. The parson also has intimated that, lie will invite us out to the woodshed. | Mow, we want to know whose wood ihed. We know what's in our wood ihed; but what’s he got in his'n? It1 may be that we do not want to visit I bis wooduhtd. hr hpir.tr m nroarYirrl md not luppo’cd to be armed with inch thing* a* liquid fire kept in the woodshed. And it it more than proh ibit that he doesn't want to rome to our woodshed. With these thing* to trouble oar minds and doubt the sincerity of the parson’s invitation, we believe It best I to challenge him to a game of horse-1 ■Hoes to bo pitched behind the Dis-' patch office on any data not already given to the regular horseshoe pit chers unien. And such a challenge Is hereby made Well let Editor Schmidt referee the game. taral Pair Association /mea track. Kenny will drive the speady little beat in which he has been accused of breaking all the traffic law* of the State. Hia stunt will come after the main horse, motorcycle and bicycle rmcee of the day so that the dirt he! kicks up will not interfere with the tamer events. Another feature thnt will be ndded is n wrestling match If nny wrestlers can be induced to enter for contest. A large purs* will be awarded the winner, but before this is offerrd the committee will have to bear from I tha fellows who think they can wres tle. Either wrestlers or wraaslcrs will do. If wo were disposed to bet, our money would go on the wraaslcrs The motorcycle race in the cele bration will be free for all. Whoever desires to compete will b* allowed to enter. The Fair Association, how ever. while striving as far a* possible to place the track in shape that will minimize the danger of accident^ will not he responsible for any injury sus tained by riders while in practice or racing. Ertries may make all tha speed tbey want, but it will be at their own risks. The motor races are expected to add a new thrill to the celebration And ihow thft OlOUUnHt «rkn sama to Dunn some new speed records. Secretary Biddle la covering the whole Dunn District this week, piec ing advertisement* that are expected to attract a record crowd Tor this, the biggest celebration ever staged by a Carolina town. Everything in Dunn i* preparing to entertain the crowds and to celebrate with them. SPRING BRANCH B. Y. P. U. On Saturday night June 11th, mem ber* of the B. Y. P. U. enjoyed n lawn party under the massive hlrkory trees In Spring Branch church yard. The grounds were beautifully III angina tod by the ailvery radiance of a (Ive-daya •Id moon, somewhat diminished by a heavy cloud curtain and augmented by the electric lights, with which the church If supplied. Moat doliclous cake, oodlei of It, was (erred with liquid refreshment*, remitting of cool water into which some one had either accidentally or through raisehorlous design dropped a piece of lemon rind and a small quantity of some saccha rine substance. This untoward cir cumstance, however, detracted noth ing from the enjoyment of the occas ion by those present, among whom T"iTe • number of our young folhe, who have been away for the afiT *01?* tonehing. somo In high school aadMme ia the splendid colleges of which Tar-hteMom Is just ly proud. Altogether a nice thus. '_P. B. LEE. MM. COOPER ELECTED Mrs. J. Lloyd Wade. Mrs. Ettis Goldstein, Mrs. Lewis Stephens and Mrs. P. 8. Cooper returned Friday night from Wrightrrilie Beach, where they had been to attend the Federa tion of Women’s Clubs. They report a good meeting, one of tho beat in the history of the Federation. Mrs Coop t was sleeted president of this Dio triet in place of Mrs. C. D. Smith ol Chadheorn. The next meeting will he held is Orccnehero. SIMS DENIES HE MADE STATEMENTS Admiral Respond* To Reqiwit Of Secretary of Navy For Aa Explanation Washington, June 12. — Remark* • ttributed to him In preaa report* of ni» recent address before the Kng ' *►? .Speaking Ualon in London in which ho criticised act*Title* of Sinn Fein sympathisers in this country were not correctly quoted and were minleadinf. Admiral William & aims declared jn a cablegram received to day by Secretary Denby. "Statements that were attributed lo me." said the message, “were not correctly quoted. Contest misleading and garbled. Report of statements is incorrect and Inferentialy wrong. Statement actually made waa snb ilantlally the am* as repeatedly made in public In America and in my book. The Victory at Sea," in pub lic addrra* at meeting held for In ‘rearing good relation* between the Knglish-apeahlng people." Sy the Beat. That man. a nor Kalian ri* aingtod far Baa nu aant to third bagger. Johnaaa ft fly to cantor, wt (forrta attempted catch, but waa ei Sam*a perfect pa ion had no efcam Dunn atortod »e*lp right in tft wnt ont a aka la aocend when throw want wild riflead to third mat and walked tent a two bagger mb aeorad whan a hit along berry took catch Hlnao to third whoa ni greffod h| borry'i aaocaff and Bain onto bit. Jaakaoa to th ■atOhraa, i _ thIM an Had—*—|MBW Btoa Mveod whan Dieonanffdl th* throw to nip hla attto»rt*ito««n*Ta bffi heme had that Deed To Filed At _ r Air Te Prevast Stock, tog of Windows sf Big Office Bailffiag Jacksonville, June it_A deed to the atmosphere over one of the most valuable pieces of property in the downtown business section of Jack sonville from a level twenty feet a bove the ground was filed today by the owners of a fifteen-*tore bonding adjoining. The deed record* that "for a con sideration, all the air sxc.pt th* first twenty feet thereof above ground, ts getoer with Ka oxygen, uitrogun, by dragon and nay other properties dis covered or yet to bo discovered, light an4 *r?n,p*r®ocy In sunshine or rmn, "s’"?U?v°t “** •* these," is transfer red to the purchaser. The purchase, which waa effected when construction of a building wa bogun on the property, was mads in eroar Uiatthe widnows an ana aide of tbs office building might not be block ed. The consideration was not an nounced. but It was said to have beta a large snm. I?A£?c I*agidt tragically TRAGBOIZED _ SELMA JNINS Unaided by umpires or other evils of an outside Salma’s bail toman cMght Doan's Demons by the seat #f the pants and the naps sf tbs neck, flung them an the ground and than just naturally walloped them into In sensibility in yesterday's usual*, of we national pastime Mapd hi the cnaaoy'i tamp. The eeoro—aad to tad —was id to 4. There were no extenuating eir eomatancee to (peak of, ahkougii »oU*« to the fact •bo* Oob poddard, the scrappiest Ml ole ball player that Dana baa. men aged to quK gabbing long oaoWh to polo out two of tho arftleet doable* T" *tae* •b* total*, abie Altoy Wom.dk outt the dufcy aandlottera. It araa Oob’i first expert cnee at a ewatter this aaaaoa. Be de ‘tow* that be baa lost fatten atarted aad will coallnee hie larraptag wal top* Bill Newberry aim eon netted U.twe bams e« two occasdoa* aad mtogol anlat oat one aad a (Ingle ho ndm. Shorty Jackson aad Boro Colo •wotted Doan’s only other counters, amklag sight in all from the delivery o* Minty. Errors vote largely rotponoMdo for Doan's defeat. Pear were ssade at tba Initial elation. Bala made foar ri“*T Jn foa'-'■»*»»• befoTS be re tired In favor of Colo Vtrsnm of tba b"*fcjBeva managed to bohhi* aae to the sevtath that pared the way torse ?* «bo *»•» mas mad* by B*1*** to that Inning. The errors •toiled to the first Inal eg, when Bala •» toe*, sad biftold bits, Seine scored tore* sm^istsiujsg •d to eeoro after tho rateh. Jackaon com* sent to Baia In the ’ wetter of error*, -rhtnr two. but bo mods some beautiful pUr.tomaki 1 m/MUvaa bSST •IrZi.0*4** E. L DAUGHTRIDGE DIES AT HS HOME Rocky Mount, Juno II—la the (■lot « tho dawn today at bltjuat in this city, former Lieutenant Elisha t- Daughtrldg* entered into nU, and ■dU kb porting thU State and see tba loses e man who has far two ctttjrwri biea prominent lamnt tnd slnsrsndii nl *** ******** The dineaeed was 5# years aid lanuary lPth lust. He was s eon of he lata W. M. Dnugktridg* and dar ng hie entire life has lived in Edge :omh* county, where k« himself and tit fatbm before him were primarily dsntifed with agricultural pursuits. Ts recall tho identity of the de feased in mutton effecting this eky md section might well be called a resame ef this section'■ advancement, for be has served as postmaster, ah lerman, mayor pmtsm. antUmt of 1 the ckaatber of remmerrt, aad eeua ty eemmtasiouer and other yob Ms pe titions. It was the confidence earned , a the dbeharje of these —**— 1 frosts that called him to groatar de- 1 dm hi Us State. Per ths sessions ef ItOl aad l«Oa he reproseetod Edge- I rombe county in tbs iegitUtare aad 1 eat the author aad rbsmnlru of tho MU creating the State Department ef Agriculture under which provisoes It lias so. lininMr sp seated Ho was President in lbOd-TT of the North Carolina Agtrcultural Society aad at the time ef hit death vu a vlce-ptes dent of that orgunlaetion. In 1*0T Mr. Daughtridgc was tree. sorer of the North Carolina CemmJs antepiataod of mx aeho. headache, MN threat, aad was in la genera] *• *u operated aa at rear tUate. Naw aha ia wed, never com plains, and la g*tag to school rogalar. Her operation meant arach to her. It has changed her Ufa. 1 am a poor widow with aoeon children aad could nrrtr have paid for operation. 8ho would possibly nrrer got aa opera tion if tt had aot Veen for tho good work of tho State Board of Health. Again l thank pan for It.” Tho Mcond la aa ofloial latter to another department of tho State to Plflnr to certain questions in which lfr. Jarrlo H. Alllaen, tho welfare •Rteer of Harwood eoaaty, mpat “Now aa to the tonsil aad adaaaid •tin ice. Wo hart had two la which wo operated oa !M children. Thit >• o rory fine piece of work. I know of throe children who wore polo, thin and ttapM, who are now afetaroo of health aad maoh hnprrrtd tetoSocta ally aa shewn oa aaheo) program 1 fool like talking off my hot to the State Board of Health for maklag it possible to hare such a (Halo fog not a coat of coot to ar eoanty aad oaly 11.60 to tho man who mold pay, and nothing to the man who eenldnt. Haywood eoanty agreeiated tho week of tho State Board of Haallh." *■ B. WUSOW, Bahaa marad thirteen htte off of CTiiauiMi •a inning and ono off of NnAcrrj te ono laatag. Tho aooroi B. H. B. Man — ..401 Ml 40*—14 10 I On»«.0S0 AM 100—4 I 11 S9S99nMMHMBHMV • SUBSTITUTE PEACE RESOLUTION MEETS umiopposmoN _ State Of War r«M Hum By A Vote af Ml «a «1 HANKS OF DEMOCRATS CRUMBLE ON ROLL CAUL ;v: Washington, />■• it.—I >t UKtlf ftv* to OH tbs tight paam4 the Porto ran •mtaate th* state «f war_ As United Its tea and ths Control rownr*. As i rtbatttato fsr ths Xasa raw ntlsn, airtody passed by ths Coasts, spooling ths daelarnUosi of war, it MOMt throagh. tM to Cl, as a Ro. Mhlkaa measnrs with th* Isas af Firot throwing eat an a point of >r4*r n motion by leas moots dot Flood, Ooamsnt, Virginia. to and the resolution hock to eoouaittas with nstroetiooi to report s aahotltoto ro *aortl»g th* Prosidsst to PsgaUst* arith th* sntmy coontriss for a treaty of peace, the Boose voted dowa. 154 woald part tka way far fraater trad* wrtk Germany. Fa Bare of tka Saaata to went Go Hoaaa rototttata wfll aaad tka whale goMtlon of watt to caadareaea. ■act of tka Republican apaakare da alarad Conenae ocfh* not ta rapaal tka war deriaration Itaalf, boldine H would to rrpardad aa a rayaiHafloa at the war bat Democrat! raaaladad Gam Gat a RepGtieaa Hoaaa tart** had adopt ad a pane* revolution wttk Gat arevWao. Aaai| Go «• DaaioeraU who vat ad far tto raaolatlaa wan: Criap, Oeer*ies Dominick, South Carolina: Palmer, South Carolina; Lamm, Go.; Lankford, GeorpU; Loan*. Booth Catalina; Oveatraet, OaorpU: Park, Oeorpia; Smithwlck, Florida; ftplhaw Gaarria; aad Vinaan, Geertfla. WIFE OF CHIEF TAYUM INSTITUTES DAMAGE SUIT AGAINST DR. FEACOCK WlnAon-Salam, Jana II. - Kit ■Gal B Tartar, widow of Chief ad Folica i. E. Taylor, who waa Gat aad killed la ThomaaviUe April IT, Dr. J, W. Faaaaah, kaa MftMeWd aaH apalaat the phyaMm la Fortyth* Sa parlor court far 140,000 as ifamayn H. E. Shaver, of ThowawrlUa, who waa waaaded by a Gat ttrad by Dr. Paaaack at Go time he klBod Taylar, kaa InaUtvtod aalt la Davldaaa ceuaty aupariof coart for SSS.SM. Dr. PoacoG waa dacUrad by a Jwy in David **■ coart Satardey a%to to havatoan inaaae at tka ttta ka Gat tka TbamMuHle adUar. Italy’* traabta aaw la Ua* wttk tka pUtotodIffOTwjmta ^Uat Uir>hy*m| rvuard^m^ aa aai^ it