THE Volume VIII. » Dunn, North FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION IS A GREAT SUCCESS Townspeople And Countr) People Moot Al Fairground· On Independence Day ATTENDANCE GREATER THAN IS ANTICIPATED Athletic Event», Sm|m( Con testa, Fiddling, Banjo, And Dancing Exhibition· Greatlj Enjoyed) Racing And Bate ball G «me» Are Exciting And Thrilling Eventa of Big Day Ca rryir κ out the elaborate proarrur planned by the Harnett County Agri cultural Fair A»«oci*tion, town» people and country people milci ■round in the nrighborinR district gathvrrd yr.ituJav In the Fair fround* and celebrated the glonnuj ourth in grand old atyle. Seldom ha· a Fourth of July ctlc bration been m> thoroughly -njoyn a· that which took pWe ysstsrdsy every feature contributing it· plea* ure to th* largi ciowd. Featured by the u*ua1 athletic con tr«tK, -ΙηκΙηκ contests, horne, motor cycle, and bicycle rare», and by the two prettieat ball gum»» coen on the total lot this uuon, the program *»·' up t» the Ktandaid in every detail the crowded g rand»land took an un usual intcrcit in all th* conlcaU ut the program. an irterett reaching iu highest pitch la the hell game» which doled the program yettrrday after noon. At ten o'clock the Duke Ra-id, un der the leadership of Mike Rose nart ed off activities with a concert or the Wilson and Lee corner of Broad atreet, shortly after which the [va rado began to form. By thii- time the crowd» began pouring into T)unn, •nd whan the parade actually took place the majority of the morning ffru\/d had tllOft/iv roaokwH llunn ·»%Λ were ready for the fairground events. The parade was the only wont ot Ui« day tint fell ohort nf expectation] and *>■ a rather abbreviated affair. Clearly, the feature of the prorejftoa WU the American l.^mn float, rep resenting an American transport and very beautiful In It* affect. Λ num ber of aiealy decorated ear*, and an aaanally large r metier of decorated bicycle*, were also ln the line . pgc Wl^BPo* fbnnr -witlr —fell foncé KtPnlriroiinl· with tire ar rival of the constituent» of the pa rade and the maai of follower*. The athletic event· were the flrat on the firogram, and the usual dashes and ong race» took place. One of the mod interesting of these event* wan the Dnnn-Dakc relay rare which was won by the local aggregation com peted of Wilkin*, Cleturn Wil»on, Willie Newberry and Ellison God da rd. Perhaps Ihe moil exciting racra oc curring in the morning events were the bicycle and motorcycle raccs In the latter Kdgar Johnson. R F Γ>„ Dunn, driving a Harley-Dav.dton with tide car attached, won a two mile teit over Jeaalc Butler, a local boy. driv ing an Indian. Ko official time wa· kept for the race, but Johnson tin iahed half straight away head of But ler, and went oat with a walk away. No unusual lpeed wai attained by either driver, though with the track In ita prêtent condition, and the driv er* riding ordinary motorcycle* th? sixty mile* an hour registered by Johnson'* speedometer aaveral timei on the short sti-aight away was a good rate of «peed. The fan usually found in watch ing the greasy pole climbed *»« amiss yesterday due to the fart (hit thvre were no contestants for tbia delight ful event. But fT* ihe dancing jig content which occurred jmt before the clejc of the morning celeb.alion, the gathering was furniahed a rr«at treat. Oliver Warren W1I winner of th« clog dancing prine, winning oot over Half a docen other able candi date*. During the procedure on the ath letic field, in the gra.idrtand th.· Ring ing content took place and th* tinging of th* *l«von ciauw· participating continued throughout th* *nti · mor ning. the voira* of the choir» ringing out over the field and acene of out door activities The Bfthiedi Clan, ai>der th* foad*r*hip of Α. Τ. Dixon, wan th* fir«t prise, and the tecond and third prlxo* went retprfl'v»!» to th# Trinity Ctata. I*d bv 6. II. Bare foot, and th* Junior Claa* of Dakc, led by J. M. Or*. Th* two baacball gam*·, the horr« lactn and a vide mlitt'.ng muio rar*, constituted th* afternoon program. Th* afternoon hall ηm»» brought an additional crowd of «everml hundred people to th* fairgroondis coming, from LilllngtOfi and Bern ο» Ut * ip p*rt th· two rierting ball clabj. Th* male race, participated in by ail or eight young e*n< <·»!·ι>«», wa< one of the fanniv«t tight: of the day, and tbo daring yoang bar<-bict: fill er* w*ro wildly rtueiad at they roan· ded the car»** of the half mil· rae< tiaeh and da*h*d dawn th· atraighl away. Donn people wem in thair glory In tj»e elating of the celebration of Independence Day yeitorday afUr. noon when Herfc Taylor** protegee· took both *nd· of a dooble header, and furnirhed th* local fane a «ml exhibition of high daw amatrar base· ball. Lliltngten, an irdep«ndem team waa defeated I* the Initial conto«t bj a 1-1 κ*η, and Benin*, on· of th< Kaet Central l.eag*· team*. wai beaten In tho regular achcdulad game Attendance at th· celebration wai not naît· m large a* that at fir»! hoped for by ρ remoter» of the day but wa* much Inrgrr than egpeeUd and Hi the afvemoea nearly rca-h-r Γ * I - " ' '· Cumberland Railway U Sold For $75,00C ! ι Ttytllwllk Property u Bid I· B) H«rb«rt L. Jmu Ftr ΤΊμ Ij Boadhelder· J Payrll*viU«·, July ϋ.—The entin hold us» of the CumbrrlanJ RalWaj and Power company, Including piυρ irrti*j and fmnchiw.' in a d»iwa Nortl Carolina town.» wa« bid In fur a com mitt*» οf bondholder* by Herbert L J on(«, president of the rnmnaoy, al ;th» publir «al* hero yesterday. Thi sale »a< in compliance with a court nitlei Usood Kiimc titru «pu and wai conducted by Ν. Λ. Sinclair, of thil city, and Jam<* II. Fou, the commit jaloner* appointed toy that purpuw Mr. Sinclair dcclarcd today that th. faw'di undoubtedly bi· confirmed an both the comraiwiMii. and ih. receiver will recummcml ill vonflr .mation. The coounlMloiter* will i< port to Judgrc Ε. II. Cranmei at San· ford «η July 26. Mr. Sinclair alco made the announ jcemrul today thai Ihe bondholder· plan to continue th» kjratrm in opor. at.on, taking active chaise a> toon ai the fnle u confirmed. Mr. Jones' bid waa $75,000 for the 'property a» a whole and »a« made af 'ter il»e p,opi-^ly. divided into »cven portion·, hud been put up for separ ate bid·. Thcae bid· agffreiraled !♦*, 200. The court order having provid· j»d that the bid mo>t in the intrre·! 'of the «tockholdrrj was to I·· recom mended for (Uieptance. Mr. Jonet' bid picvailed anil will br reported fnvombly to Ju>l|ce Cramncr. Mr. .S.nt'lali' declared today the rmult of the i«d» "imcQ t.1 give entile aafii· faction to cvciybody euncerned. I TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE Th·· fiillnwinis tt«n»fer» of real e« Jtate have been recorded in the uftica of ReirUtcT of l>*ed» Fauceite dur 'irur the ua*t week: I W. H. Stephen»on and wife and othei« to W. H. Gregory. #0 acre* in t Black River, 1100 and other consid eration. j Λ. C. Womack and wife to W. P. Well», 85 acrea in Barbecue. 13.600. I C. E. Stilcklanrf ami wife and oth er* to Koy Moore. 24 ocre» in Grove, *3,000 I IL Pope to (Senrva Pope, mil «M. ICI HI AVrrilDOnj, PUUp Nr*po,; Mfg. Co.. to W. H Crow ion, lot in CoKdkhury, #100. J. E. Ktephrnaon and wife and 0U1 era to Molhc MrLeod and other*, 100 'acres In Upp^r Utile Uiver, |10 and oin«r toniiderattonn REFORM EUS BAIJCED I Jeraey City, N. J„ June 18—Vie·· Chancellor Sirvmion today dee Us ad to aft on a tnotion by the liitarna em wmm nmr« directing -frorontor Te* Richard to ahow cauaa why he ahould not he re mained (rem etaging the Denfuy Carpentier light in tnia city Satur day. jlaal year'· murk, when the financial deprrtaion ui Uic piescnt tiirçe waa |not in evidence. From eleven o'clock In tnr morning the huge grandatand |»aa practically filled continuously, Mad tec mo.e eager and aelf-iacrilic ing oi the lnd«t>rml<_ncc Day rciebra tur< weathered the severe hat and .watched the «venu from the field it· aalf. ÎPRIZE WINNERS IN JULY 4th I CELEBRATION ANNOUNCED Contest—First prise, Weihse da. choir, A. T. Dixon, Uadtr, Dunn, Stcond pnxr, Oid Trinity ehoir, O. H. baretcot, leader, Hereon. Third 'pn*e, Unii Junior choir, J. Ml. Core, leader, IJuke. ι a»iiu—ι>ο*α LHly, owned by W. H. J^rmgan, Ouiin. ι , r bai ,n eeu hi Uiue, owned by A. W. Itoilge·, oensou. , ,.iu—.'.,1, μι^ — rear·, owned by il. t. irrji, uuiui. Ul-ll,l|·* 'rfMlC* 1'411C, OW..ed by ·* ' L. Mull, raytueviin, ι ι iii ι ο—Ji.«nt, ο···«ιΙ by Mccaulcy liuUcr. . ι >m. IjhIIc Hot>mn Hi 'f .vlilr Re-β, boy* under It firtt prfic, Hateie Pmith, · econd priio T. W. Byrd; Ihlnt pr'xo, Arthur Tew. Rt'ay tare, Dunn » ι flake, won by Dunn represented by Newberry Wll«»«, anil Godd*rri. Moto.rycle rata .-Edaar Juhnenn, ridinu a ttarlry David eon I arirMt Sulk of rot ton, fJrM pria·, (rua η ο distributor, li R. Barefoot, a wardtd by Uutlvr H ι other·. fltalk of rotten with largeot number of bloom· Xteteon hat, J. iG. Mome, awarded by Johnton Brna. j f.aryert 'talk of eo.rn, IS.00 In ■ yeM. C. J. Core awarded by the State Bank and Tnwt Co. I Oldeet wnimnn, aflk »hlt1 w»Ut and f '1 home Mr*. Wînîfred Tatt. aye •1 awt'dnl by ΡΙι·'Λ»βι Hrj« • **e-«t Clown, <îrar*llle TiVhman Jr. ■>- ». •leroiated ••tomob"» Eltl« OnMate'n. Si»t '•"«ηΜ patriot'r float. An erlean I-o^nn. 'n (r'td ♦«. inelr» mimb·"·! won ·▼ MIHon A. William*. Mr., Rather. 1-0 A''en. Mr·. Γ H Jaekeon, and Mr* C. V. Stewart. {DECLARES LEAGUE ι WAS BORN TO UVE ' Huib C. WâlUc·, Setirinf A» ! baa*adoc To France, Speak er at Pari· Dinner I Hftri·, July 4.—The retiring Am id ira η Ambassador, Htirh C. Wallace ■peaking tonight at the Koarth el July dinner of the American Cham ber of Commerce, cxpie*«d th· b<" ili«r thai ".ho l.«i|gt of Nation* wai bom to live and hi* hop· that America » II Join it In due ecaxon lie aaid: "Friend* for lt>0 year*. Frenchman and Amcrtcan* ought now to b* bro ther* in all bat blood. Stretching iback through the yean arc th« joint j memories of two great alliant a· and many vlctotinua field». Aa we stood toge'hrr at Yorktown and mort thaa la century afterward, fought tide by jxide at the Argonne and on 'the ι Marne, so -wc chould align uurccWat in the future. There can be no break .in an alliance between two people· jwhow heart* and mind» krep time .and tune in th· harmony of a common I understanding which ha* endured for five generation*. Perfect Alliaae· "Dut that alliance should be pep· fectad. The world ii In ι state of tiansitian and long with new brand· and the birth of new utatea will rome new Inteictta, new hopna and, alas, plentiful opportunities fur dia .'cerd and disagreement. ι "I thall never give np my faith |thai the League of Nation* wa* bora to live and the hope that America will join it in du· season—«apposing il activa and efficient in exercising it* power for gwxl. Then· will atifl be much nerd for the Individual sup Ïiort which rranrc. America and ireat Britain are beat able to give I it. That «uppurt mu»t rext apon a purpow In which national ambitions •hall be willing to forego something in the interest of the common weal. It 1* not enough that the great rtatea of the woild shall act an examnla to lot small ones νια point the way «kirh lead» to rood government and piosperity to all. Por a long time at 'least they nouij be Willi** to tak· |thelr f<«bter brother! by the hand and help them to the proper enjoy ment of the now birth of freedom which cam* with thend of the great war. FrtaM Mutt Itmif "But Franc», before the caB do .much mor· for a world ahe did 10 jirtuch to tavc, must receive her due. Il is an anomaly In history that Uia ! victor ihould fare wo rte than the vanquished, bat will aqyeae deny /hat Prance emerged from the world war in werae plight than her greet, enem» Τ Wnrit of althaea—» te«W W e*«# III— lr debt. And to whom doe· Pianct owe this and all that caned it? Who in vaded and aought to de»troy hert Who, beaten back at last, left noth ing but mirery and rain behind* "The world knuwi the anrwer and divine justice will 1MB the penalty, cirrmany niiut pay. And Ac mast pay in fell. The Treaty of Versailles waa framed not to be broken or ov» ded bat to <>· enforced. No (treat treaty in hlatory received more anx ious or careful consideration through weary month*. A great President of Uie llnlted State· came to the con ference with the single ambition to do Justice to all. He awed for nothing for America, but ha aought · lasting peace In Europe and hia colleagues of France and England law and <·Η as b« did. They tried to make peace that would end war. Heavenly wisdom ha· not yet descended upon the earth and the wiaest statesmen have never been and never will be infallible. The Ticaty of Versailles doubtless con tains mistakes, which time will show, jut one mistake that was net made was undue severity to Germany. CcrmiRT Mutt Pay "1 hope with til my htirt for fa tare i>«ece among the nation·—that peace of justice which all sought to bring about at Veaaillea—for our children and all who shall come after Ihrm. I do out speak In any way for the new admfaistratioa at Washington nor do ( speak for the United States by virtue of a commission which I am laying down. But if I knew the American people, I toîcc their acn£· mtnte in laying thii: That until Germany repair* the «vil «h* bu donc lo Prance, to Belgium, to Italy u4 to the wurld; ond until Mi* pay* the Ariit «He own to rivlltaat'.g· to Λ» la«t (thrrr, America cannot foal truly at peare with har. Wa entered the war at the friand of franca and Friends wa remain.M JRACG RECEIVES ORDERS FOR PERSONNEL REDUCTION · Camp D an, Jeljr ί—Order· h»Ta l:ien icceived at Camp Branjr relat ing to Uta redaction of the ara? ·· deeidîd r:>e»nUy by ()o in the army, with dependent*, are hereby fomiihed the opport«nity of re-entering cirll Ufa at a time when c.Ttra allotment* far dependent* 'h.reUfure in affect, have been with Id iwn. It i* expected that a auMalent aanther of «oldier», other than th«*a ■ with dtpendenta, will tahe advantage of the opportunity offered, *o that the army will be reduced te a ttrenffth of |1H,DH by October tat a* required by recant act of Cmi lareca. ι j ' The Duon haevball team play* tta >i»xt ichednled rat egainrt Benaon en B( naon'i ft rid Friday afternoon. Ciptain "Midget" Newbairy hnpea ta have thia team working well in prac tice thla week and la gond thape far the important ta»« Friday. I Wade Prldrrn, who la eonnacUd *'ilh a contracting company lit Ra leUrt». «pant th* weak *nd and the Fourth in town with hi* parant*. Cort Fhr· To, Teatatlee F If·»— Wmkinfton, Jaly I.—Tk« coat pf running the United Btate· isvim· m«it doriny th« fWoal no wfclch en ded Friday «μ Ι,11*,Μ7.Μ9, accor ding M the TMtfjr DMvtMiafi statement far the cloac ai basin·» Jane 10. The f •object to ftaal niH from all Inff a drop of vtoaf fear, a.. •60. and theta in the genera] $»4·.«7β.10·, οι....ι w aeai opo mi far eaeveral '4m Inonditvw avenftd araud fOjSoO.OOO a day for the w*tk before the flaeal year end For tha yaar eaidlat J ana SO. 1IM, tl« (oianMnt1· bilwa far (I^M Uepwrrwtafi blûwwU^M M54M, and It* euecditare* je-,403 A43.S41. All trp^fef lam collecte dariat the lni M» Viewed loaaa con pared with 1M« ratant, tot tk, bit daeraaae waaHa tW toaaaae aad profita lavy, whfcfc predated |l^llr 04«,1»T in IM1, IM *«,M4,»4M17 the prarrtoae yaar. Dariat the 1W1 ytar, tha govern Beat «btalncd jm from aalea ef Ita seewritler and retired »». 1M.0Î7.170 worth. M aecuftiea. List _ J t_ âL - Μ il.t .. .. 181/8,144,711 paid jd'jrinj Um jwr aa Interact aa all Jtiai of dafcta. TIM (mm natlae*! Ml at the e»d year It was M4JM.44T. Tha high polau la tha debt «f tha Uattad State· for all ttaM aamaAoMt II. 1M». w|,„ It «μ »ϊβ.«#β,ΤΪΐ^4*. PNEUMATIC Tliks ~OM ΜΟΤΟ* TKUCXJ Jfcvt HIGHWAY· Maay wAl te carry W >7 dtMiW ial war by tha tag track·. The oata to war· highway portant· olpla· vtth rrfaraaea ] that la likely U near· WjWpjl building thiabar mot· dorabla au •eat· of daflail [iter FIGHT BRINGS IN ENORMOUS SUM of All ICWi Nmt A Million—Unci· Sm Collects (400,000 Knr York, Jaly I Richard ffared today that his nit profil fro· the DtBuiy CuMnUar fakt yester day would be :η the iwi*V£orb«>ed oi t«« kandred ami fifty Owuiand dol Bxaert accountant* werv busy «11 day checkin* and balaacio* the booka aaed la the promotion of the eρ thi» vn| m oar aa · par «at, the aiMu nu f"W 4«· October IT, ]·!·. Car ier in the week, bath atw loan· aa4 vnrval· «m au!· half a polat h Ma L JLÛ? 5?ί* '·Γ.f>a4" «·»*· *·. 8}*ek lo·"» ware ro ••«W aa ϋτ)«| ban and* at s 1-f « 41-t par cent. Time money wa> looted at · percent. aa mixed eol ■trral. and half a point higher as dl-mdoatriali. While litUo change as In the matter of more liberal iccominodatioru, there «rai» lndiea »an» that the Incraaiod rnpply of janfuada would ιοοη load ta larger riferinfi of time money. With the MMinc of the mid-month heavy Oper ation^ the Government'· «HhdrawmJi r»« the member bub tfela Weak fail th* amoant taken >ot reaching «ΐ·.0»7.·0·. Gold eon anaed to imn In volaaia from Ka ropa, and there wan no indication* >f *" early c emotion of the Inflow. ».· \*,9" ·"' for the beat name*, lad at Τ per cent far thote lorn wall in own. Local hanlu. which had bean Mldln. aloof from the commerîS Mper market rinco the oxijUoce of •he hl*h money rate*, are reported to uva entered the market aula to **t,.th· U γ loe*er almoat •holly confined te the Interior i nati on tlon*. LMt weekf· local Pad era· Jteaerve bank statement diacloaad a teeiyaee In the ratio af total raaerra· - .«rwia »■"— Μ.· ΗΓ MBt, In the ρητίΜΐ we«k to M.« per cent,1 rtll· for the whole ayateas um «nul ι MIm Iron M J to ΜΛ per cent, rw Clearing Hou*· buki reported a thejr laat weekly atatemeat ■ de trMM la rarpla· rcaenre of ΙΙ,4Τ·,> lie. There WM an ineraaae la Ue loan He of 1115,β 11.00#.—Den'· 1er lew, Jim St. Τ He i» Animent* for Um aee of the fanerieaa Leg-ion Band, whlefc Is aow indergoing organisation, have mrrtr id aad the candidate· far the band elN begin prattle· at mm. Um la itiwaioata are all high elaa* and up la date model·, aad the Ba ttel··· wlU hare aa haadiaap of peer croisa eat to retard their MMTm Mue· lntereat la being jaanlfeated la Km project aad H la hoped that ta · iear moettt* the Aaadcai Lefltn wQI have a* honeet to gaodiMM waeiral irganlaatlea here. ha pact Increaeei with Hie (peed af the track, aad It I· therefore kighly dejlrable ta I halt apacd by atriet re gulation, the aee of paeamatk tire» would make higher weed perariaeable. The teeta of the Boreaa af Pah tic load· have pointed the war to in scientific deaijnisg of read· far Ba tor track traOe, aad there ie every aasa ranee that englaaere will now be able te baild road* with pcaaHcal aer ials fty that they will withatmad the blow· of heavy vahleUa Puither reaaaaraace In thta reaped lia· la tin Information that maaofae tarer· ara net banding υ many track* exceeding I tea· caaarfty ai formerly. The namber af Mdaatrtaa la which vary large traeka caa to kept conilnaooety working la extra, mehf Uaritod, ae that the likelihood of ferthcamtng Bator track hmagi to pabtic Wghwaya ia coaaiéefahly ra Wesley Federation To Be Held At O. V. w Laiiafto*. Jaly 8 —Ο. V. Woolly ■aaday achool field wcrKiry of th· WMUnt North Carolina! conference, made ^AIK her· today the program οf Ike third annual fad·ration of Wen 1er Bible Claaaaa of the canferaoae to be held at Lair Juaaluaka Jaly 11-11. Aa intereating promu (t ia and a large attendance If expected. A large gtmber of armnlBant Me-j thodiat laymen aad m (ni» ter « ara an lk« program. inaluding, Re*. W. A. Jeakint, of Charlotte: Dr. Ε. 0. Wat., •on. of WaAiiftw, D. C.l J. M. Hal·' land, of GaaUnia: J. R. MeRary, at Lexlneton: Dr. J. U. Therrell, of Oe-; al a. Α.; M. W. Brabham Rev. W. C.1 Owen aad Re*. I. R. Stanford of. Naakrltta, Taaa.i Re*. W. B. Bbinn.l of hUAurr: D. E. Hesderaon aad, In. Π. G. Hardin, of Chailatta: Or.! Coaryo R Stuart, of Birmingham,, Ala.; Re*. Caitack Hank, af Lake' Jonaloaka; and Ο. V. Woo*ley. Lax.· ingteo. Aaide from the addreeeei on topic* ' directly bearing a* the «ark af the fédération cUart and the Informal! d lac nation* and reportv there will be an addreai hy J. ίΤ MeRary, of Lax-1 Ingtaa, an "TV Junalnaka Klectrio Ooaa." which cram waa nffuM by \ Mr. MeCrary at the flrat martin* af the federation held at Lake lona'.ua·' ka in 1*1·. >, R.-d-ieed rate» for the rvrj'.-.d trip on tbt identification eoimUM c*<- 1 t'f irate plan have b*en aecurvl, keta to bo good until September 14, adequate accommodation» at raaaoa- 1 able charge· ara aiaared, oryanlted 1 play, plenty of ymmaa, and Chriatlan 1 fellowikip In aa atmoepherc and mr- 1 rounding· nacxaalfed at* offerrd, aad 1 " waatern North Carolina'· 1aw 1 faatlly Wrial (null. Mr. CMt was ■ brother of Βen»y > Xeatper Cook, who wu Maud for Mm ·β» of Co*»mor by « tllgbt «or- "i Ê. He wu'i native of Unlet, bo..ι ο ·ο« of Hmrjr ond Catherine Ay-'· on Cook. Ho It Mrvived by his «Mow ' his brother, Hoary Keeper Cook, and 1 his *t«Ur, Mix Ada 11 Cook. The widow ι and PtUr â rr here. Mr. Ceok't first work «u that of I » fs'unrr. Be was i^cessful la · ι bifi way outil lowering cotton price· ' bt ought financial roranoa errerai ι year* ago. Thou he began the opera-1 ; tion of a sales stable in Tail Bluff. M.. C. A disastrous fire rplnej kit for) too* tbero. Tbom bo eoaia to Dunn to ' •nfafa in tba grocery business. Ho was successful bore until but year'* Are 4«strayed bis (tack. Tbls final re- j ▼one, however, 4M not deter bbn, nor! did Η affect bis genial Jlfpostlioa ι Ha started in boahtee· scale and wu well on bit way to recovering Μ» | wealth wboo death rame. He waa deeply interested in alt ι thlagi affecting the public weal. A 1 staunch Democrat of tba Bon THlaa* · type, be bed no patience with tbo po licies of any other party. Bvery can-1 paign found hias actively fighting for ( tbt principle· which wen· « real part of hit life. Mr. Cook will be aeriovaly I ■ - - * **■*£· Relations Service of Umi United Stat·· Department of Ajrri c abort w< the fr.d.ral Board fori V.î?^tlβ?J,?,î'h,β*tiβ,, 11 *■· b«rn ta- ! D**TO Uacher* ara in need of aU the aeaittanee poeatble. Tw* coa ι m of atadp, one m plant production and th* other in rainai production, vara prepared by the , United State* Départaient et A«r1cu) torc following invtttifatiea* into the ' problem*. condiUoai, and faetlltiea of ' the netro *cheola A ««cialiK la u ricaltaral (attraction «ai fhat de-, tailed to elalt the achool where afrl· e«km ara» taaaht. The aMMi and jpraetkaa aaed ay the teachara wart I Lobecrved and available fee 111 tie* Mt-' r«d. The (tap· aad animal* «raw· in th* varieaa Stat*· were ee»*dered. la the pian of the Ictaoa*, ica»on»1 itqaence wm fellewod. and no leaeona which ware net adapted to aoathern | condition* ware iaeladad. Farther work in eonnectioa with te* ooaravi of ttady wat Sea* through ceafereace* hold ht hath Haaiptoa and TaMrtgee Injtitute*. A large Bomber of Oie leading negro efiicpKural teacher* for th* Heath attended Infraction in th* practical 'aaptUatlti of the two coarae* wai ffieea ta the teachcr*. who art bow •tin* them *xtea*W*ty 1 The State* Betatian* Service of the United State* Departmeat of A*»i caKare alee faraiahe* ether pahllea· tioa*, cla*aiftad Net* of matrnal aaa fal to teacher* *f agricuRvrr. and hiatem did·*, aa reqoeata taaao la for holy hi th* Mr re . °M «J- «*«*· ahoa* a nicka] *j RUL Stai. COTTON CROP MAY FALL FAR SHORT I Ferwsts Uhrt 1· Quarter oi CmAmry Waahlngton, Jaly 1.—Cotton pro duction thia year prowlaoi t* ki Dm t—Heat crop of the lut «Miter of • cm tory, today* («rtcwl ky the De fiitoMl of African·*· ylocing It κ MU,«00 bal·*, or Ntriy «τ· Bil lion bal·* «mailer than loot year*· crop and nearly right Billion Mm below the record crap W II1C Thia year1* acreage la tt.4 p% «rat aukr than la at yea**·.. The atnaft thia year la the wall rat date 1900 aW never before ae rordlng to the department of egriewl tore, baa there bee· ao great a chance from aoe year to another in urease aa thrr t ha* bee· from laat fear to U weevil in larg* η art at Owl»* to th» unfavorable coadi lona of April end May and to other liacoeiatiat factor·, abortag* of fo*» illaer, and naaatiafartory price ahan lonaaent of planted eetto3 atriaw wa bean greater than nanti rut of he Mlmlmippl river, raa*lag tram Ive per cent In North CaioUaa and llaetaaippl to aa high a* IP per Mat η Georgia. Wart of the NWimiupl ibaedoament haa bee· aL**i. The ihandpwnent waa taken late eoaiaid· ration, the crop reporting heard an loanced. In Ito preliminary eothnaU f aareage. The aioeent of oawmirrtol fartl iaer uaed per aere an aetteai thia year «cording to the reporta wrhtog tho tateaa ef créa laHinal aa, la aha·» M «r cant ef the averaare amenat nead «anally In the fomr yean. lOlT-tO; rjrgmla report** ••.North Camille I·; Florida TS: Alabama, ft; Xloaia. Jppl„ M( lUeietona. «. Taaaa. 41: " *'■* »·. ■» II ι ■■■« «wp. « «BBC· Ρ* " "21 "ii"?en bat «proving. Tnak and autan· m Wr. bat dryiac op far lack of rain. Hhyand piwn aba n.«d rain: tba rentrât «aediUa· »Trra*in* fair U ti. Xmft in Moora, «km tbare • ▼** food era*, irait it »eer a*er tba MaU. The Ihre-atock π,fir la μπμΙ er *be»a. and embMe· (m4 A aurphu afjmrabrad eattla L reported ta Ca tawba aad kofi ara lata ia liokamid, PaaqaAtaak. jurf Câtafrt)·. keporta iadWat* that tba 1*M| art In im4 condition aa far aa cwlttva tiaa (ou, «M that tba irai ara #«· »r»lly hi (Md «bay*. Co apa ratHra market! av la tba aMin topic af eoa varaation »Λι>φτ«, aaa jaaaaber •bfp auapaûynj art autkla* wary aat Lifactary pi-ogreae. Tbr labor rawly U plentif a) ibnaab aat af tba baat grade. litVainl u4 Anton rifoH tMpaail aaa af atd* bat tba lam ' — tmarally thia ; (aat af aiiiial. trof^k wyttol Tba «ettan bait baa a lata a»d (rrenlar .toad . jri* Hi m .eat ·ΓτΤ5ί »r«M>miitU| MH.M· bt)n Tba general frail arty la detllnin,. due ta bat aad try lilbli of