THE DUN Volume VIII. Dunn, North BAREFOOT MUST LOOK AFTER WIFE AND HIS CHILDREN Freod Of The AimuH Charge But Found Guilty Of Abandonment EVIDENCE SHOWS THAT QUARRELS ARE REGULAR Many Other Small Case· L'p Before Recorder Godwin— Several Up For Drivin* Without Jitney Licwue— Caw of Negro Quarrel Con tinued Until Next Thursday. Chafed with "abandonment <»f h>« lawful wife, failure »rt! I tu provldt- her uipport for til» chil dren, Ado Itarsfoct and Thndilir Baiefoot. and assault of affiant with a whip, chair, hi) fiat, and with a *hot gun, and thrwatun of the affi ant'» lift and bodily harm, and affinni has reason to fear anil do» funr hi· will «arry out threat*. " Jamn Wiley Barefoot was foand "Not entity" nf the aasault char*·. but «υ found guilty of failure to ptovidc for hi* wif«, wai planed under α hundred dollar bond, and St runted a "continu ed prayer for judgment" in R«-oi-H «.•r's Γourt jrcrteitlay. The condition· of the pmyer for' Judgment wa> that the defendant • houid (apport hi· wife in tie faiurv, provide adequately for her, uml have lest to do with a certain Mrs. 8a! ah Haney, another kooiui in the ca»*. In return, hi* wife must make dnmr->. ' lie conditions more pleasant foi him. Th« assault-abandonment trial of Jamsn W. Barefoot took un «h» m». jor proceeding» of the court yurter «lay. Many witnewea wen· introduced by both the state and defense and ■> hot Item! buttle occurred. especial- j ly uver the abandonment section of the charge. Although several witne«»-| et wrrc introduced by the tt*T linti (jrln; tu instancei of ai-sautt by the defendant on hi* wife, th a.>uull, ehanc wu dnprnved with early. The evidence presented showed only of threats, rather than th* actual nt r-aulta. and alao showed that in many I instances Mrs. Barefoot wu aa mack t« Marne M Mr. Barrfont Mil. Rare foot claimed that 4· had been wilfully abandoned by her hu«- ! band who failtd to provide far her! in any way, dciertcd J>·; home farm.' cultivated Instead the farm an ano-! ther womaa'i place, and derlared that he never intended to support her nor her childien 0|v« n. She cited Indian- I ce* where he stayed at Sarah Haney't home at nifht, administered to her while sick. Sarah Haney. widow with several children, who was named as the wo man whom Barefoot was paying at tention and helping support, wax put ι on the stand and testified for the de fense. She said lhat >he and Bare loot worked the land by special »r-l rangement and apvrnrn:, that he had never Riven her a cent nor loan ed her · cent, *£<) that the had never ι had any improper relation» with him. ! She udmitted that h<' wax kind U· hcrj while aick. but declared thai nothing · Improper wont on. ! When cross examined the woman ' admitted that she had heard people talk about her, and that she had once ■Ivcp. berth to an illriritimut* child, but she clalmcç that ah· was lielnit a Ktralfht· Christian life at the pres ent ilme. I Numerous witnesses were introdu ced on either side, and althnuirh no evidence of eye witness w>. .huwn with referent· to immoral relation* urvwcni onrciuui inu ijarin nnncj, thr reputation of the Utter w«« ad mitted by both «.de» Ui by qacetion· able, and "alk" had it that the two iiiul lived in furnifieation and adnl Wry. C. L. Guy, reproaeriting the He (mh, declared thai there «w nn wil ful intent to abandon h '« wife on the part of tha defendant and that h· »a< a poor man, unable to pay hla dttbta, a hard worker and honeat. lie claimed U)at hia wife had made hU home ao mlwrable for h'.m that he waa compelled to Icaep oat of hor way a* much aa poatifele. Mr. Gay particularly uphald the character of Sarah Haney, ealiin* her a "pour widow wumao who« char acter waa being tlandced, and claim in Κ the "talk' originated from Mra. Barefoot herafllf. who waa drWen on by iealouay He made an eloquent ap peal far acquittal. atating that lb" repatation nut only of Barefoot hat of hia "poor widow woman," who had repented the one slip of bar llfw, wat at «take. N. A. Townaend. pinaecuting attor ney, claimed that wllfoll abandon ment had been admitted by the de fenee, and that all «vMcnea 'litr.Joc ed had homo oat the testimony thai the waaian "In between" had α ques tionable rbarae'nr. and it ·»* : ft ο general opinion that ahr and Bar·, foot were IMng In "forniflcat'.oj *-.i adalteey." Hr claimed that it had bean proven that the défendant had failed te pr»*1d« tor the wife while he had looked after and eantHbuted fa tha Kiaport of Sarah Ifaney, and he aiked for a renliel of "gaiity" on that ground. The «ate againit Ullie Smith, ι ol· need, charted with eara'.ng, dieorrfer, and threatening to kilt, nn a wat mat rwom oat by Mamie Hodge* colored, waa eoattnaed till nest -Tharxlay. Ullle Smith had a almilar warrant η gainât Mamie Hadgee and the twe caaea will be tried ncni week. Mamie Hodget allégea that LIUw Smith met her aad another girl naai the eolered Method!rt chureh Tue» day afternoon and ceraed her bo'Mar (Continued en Page Pear) ¥ * * Ct> OPERATION IS * * NECfcSSARY ¥ * ? Thi-rtf art ·ι>m«* K«o«l penplv & * who *e*(tt to tli.nU thai the far- f m r «iioald not iH>iuv)n n»maeif ·£ Φ with mutter» <·Γ marketing. -f 1 * They look U|Wh\ him at α man >t .www*· .:ule UOicacma ιλ iu pro- ·* ι tlui*. Γ hoy think he "bouitl -f gin* the lartîtM crop* ·¥■ A'· u<ui ΙΛι· isivuit*»l p<i*#ibJ·· num- * * ber ot livestock without u-km* ^ * a* ;« ili« «l'-raun«l Tor *#· ¥ what hi* K'touv ar lilt· price he· ¥ ·>· U iro.nt: to κ« I. AuU ibey i»n m * * U> thin*, further, that having •t· prouurvu abundantly he should ¥ ·> Inn hi<* «^lopa an<l hn livei&ocU ·¥· * OVi'i* to Ih* <iea*c.«t buyer and * Jiauktul for whut««v»r he ¥ * mny reeeivc. 1'hU .» η ahotc- ¥ vi« <v.- Ilvnry 1λ Wul- ¥ * luce, Secretary of Agriculture. ¥ ¥ lure. * * * ANOTHER HOSIERY MILL COMPLETED New Durham Enterprise Will, manufacture Silk Hom Exclusively Durham, July 7~'fh* Durham Ho#-] iery Mill*, Inc., nnltt/ officially ι»η· nrunccil that ihe company would put itx i;« w <llk honriy mill rerealty cr •■«•led hrr·· in operation th.· m .«Idle-1 of · th·* month. A for·:»· of 150 work-! en will c»vrn the mill «ltd additional lorcc* wil) be pUi^rtl In I it s.< bu»itn m justifie* M-cfcitn ι y ί or the u»«w factory in now being installed. Th· mill will manufacture «ilk ho.* oy exrlu» vely. The new factory in ? 'tua led at Corco mn ami fYabody ktrrcU, one blot-It from on·» of thr biuii*«t corner· of * H«"> ilduintnlir» _/».·♦ i«>h ·"·«' ' »*- «·* ihc fniftl Im'.ldniR* in !·>*· city or th« State. Th·· <tiuriuio ia of roiiv forced lonerrtE, (Wc stoiie· in h<-i(ht iind hmidioDviy dccorati-d. The cell ing» arc Itiith «ml *reat wm.low »p»c'' it provided. · Λ gradual Γi»f burine*# in thr Durham ho.Mtry ami cuf.on businr*» η lakii'u plut·-, oider* ly iv»um.ii* nomuil mi and TucUtry torce* geumM back U> a 76 and «0 •r cent bum The Durham Ho«i«ry i>ta and th· Krwin Co'.lon Mill· are lakiiijr tan of aimoat all their former employe· and wlthia a fnw month· ex pert ■ stead ν nri.-mtMin of th·' mill» at I au tmj». 1 hv tobacco. -nrnafac turine planta have bcfn ope ι alio* on a normal mt!«- Uimuirhout the {x«at«r part of the late périr») of deprca*l<wi and are «-aperirncinir no decroace in «hit tobacco p,o<lu.t> "baninma. Un employment in Daiham ha« prarti raliy uisnpinaxd and prurral aatit fartlon wllh thr stale of affair» u> pnaent. DUNN BOY CATCHES MONSTER TARPON Now Living In Oklahoma A. A. William· Proudly Land· A Pria* Saa FUh Α. Λ. William;·, of Walter*, Okla., son of Mr». Port William· of thix city, it refp<>n.»iMi· for the landing nf a tarpen, l> feel, 1 1-2 '.iiche* in It-ng'.h and »<lifh:njr 100 pound· to the oum«. out of Ihi wttlrr* of Corp·' lJ*r■. Okla William»! hn<! a forly minute battle with tm* monster before finally «afc-l >y polling h'm »»hnr.·. The b^g finh brr.k. time and ·κ»ιη, and the flib iiinai. /bffrrrd budly laeeratid hand* a* a icmi'u of the «trmtitli·- Only by playing him until he ara» in «hallow wain waf he able to land him. V#_ rtf-tl' · — » -· » Dunn, kavinit here about «icii; yea « a or» for the vient, where he hrt* lived il different ji»nU «net·. When he larded hi» priae IUh ht «ai oat ir, η motor boat Horn floor B'uff, Okla., and he wax uti h*· fiOtim·, expedition jn«t «ne hour un·) h hnlf. Mr. Wil liam.·" «pent wvrrul ure"kx here with hi· mother !&xt »απηι;-ι, A picture tif III» hi;' Ajh landed hax he η on display in Hood and Gi jntham'^ window for itevei-al diura, with a /«hort ncwrpaper cl'ijip'ng. |o teribing t1»r h*ttlp that Mr. W'Tllams had wi.h bin. Drrk Touriste Run Ir» Τal-.7ibo~β Pole '€«■.: «ι Cih'V-ul '.'.>«kl»i« Aid It Cat· Ϊ·?»> .'.-vd Ru» * ί· W ι β» ι Direct:*.·. , A SiU «mm ικ»1!· wt' lb· onfortu· natr obJe« of » r*lti»)on hy a bl« Inunntr ear driven by <cmr toui «G· of tht dark eokir up We»' Itioad »treel fWtriihy, ant rn far finir» th · rlîy limit·. Λ< a rr-e\\, eaflr'ilrrakle damui"· win rend"···! th»· pol:· and wlw·., nnd the far JtsHf ».·» rent into plwv«. •Tun why the blir car *«i de»t'n<d 'le take the r.r'm crow path and «boot .into th* telephone po'e rather than ;d«wn the intended atr«r: nobody hai ' boun able to direern. nut Minnlu Co* iairtnn, the driver of lha machine , paji it waa not be fault, and that It '«Imply took and went into that pole ! The Hamairi'd ear and «crue of cot Jiaion attracted not · llttl·· sttentto· of pa«*nrbycr* yertrnla* who crowd π round the dark loarinu paity am '•'xprcawd their xympatky for tk< crumpled au to. The machine wa< patknl foil of r»mp n* supplie* an« ,τηΜ»«Γ «1 for «ΙονρΙη* nut, bwt th< ItwIUalon dvlnyeil ennaidirably th planned trip. [plans for' new . ι SCHOOL BUILDING ARE DRAWN UP Su bin it ted by WiliA Architect To The Dunn Board Of TruttMi i PLANS VERY ATTRACTIVE Voter. WiU Decide Ttlpday Whether They Want Pro posed Improvements Plnn.4 for thf proposed Dunn graev mar school end for the alterations sr.I aiijiliunt to "Jir prêtent school building te ttr orrupied by Che high school ιr.ades, have been drawn up t>y Cha*. I'. Wilton, architect, of Wit sen. _ The plena fur the proposed bu'liOip.· hiee been submitted to the Board of Truil»» οΓ the Dene foV )tc School* for appioval, aVd the Bmrd await» the outcome of the Sthoo1 Bond flection Tuetday before Ileal action. The proponed grammar school buMin^ ia a wide one itory «tfucturc with nttrarlive psojeetion* at eech end and in the center. It ia.bolh an aiiracttve and a r«n*eni«mtly planned buildinir. There will be twelve claaa rooms 23x3U, a ipariou* library end office and an audilorittm with a seat intr capacity of three hundred and fifty. The clam room* arc a rranged m a row with a wide corridor la be tween. Tlu· auditorium ia the cen ter protection in the rear. The building in arranged ko that futur· I xtennons arc possible. The propo>ed alteration* and ad dition* tu the present building, now UM-d at the entire graded .chool, bat high «rliool grades if thé Bf«r building is runrtructeel, will make the pres ent building idea) and entirely ade quate. A number uf addition· Md enlargements aie proposed a* well y 1 rhanges in arrangement and equip ment. Amonu the most Important of thr additions a> two toilets and a ■Military equipment that will be al· mu*! perfect. Whither or not it aill be possible to put up the pr'opesftd gTsmevar 1 school building, and q^k· trie chanm nueif.nL. (1 in the proaant graded school building will bo decided oy the ' veUn· of this jTatriet in the school bond election to be He!a here Toe·- · o»y: .J A large regittrato·^ .jm'w ■— ■ curded and thoM enthusiastically In· trnyUd in the project bvlicvi that an overwhelming vote will be east Tuesday in favor of thr propound bond i«xoe. Thr purpo-e of the election if the vutine of 1200.1)0(1 if rial bond*, which, ««inline to J. C. Clifford, rhaiiman of the school board of trot-1 tees, "will be α tod for erecting and equipping school buildings for asid dirtrlc:." Mr. Clifford believe* the people réalité fully the inadequacy of thr pre«cnt building» in thia di» Irict, and the prevailing lack of equip ment The ichooU cannot accommo date the enrollment with any degree. of satisfaction, according to the trot tee» German Supreme Court Acquits Gen. Stenger He Wai Charged by the French With Having Ordered Hie Traape re Kill Weu.ded Leipsig, July 0. · -Lieut. Gen. Karl I Str-nger, charged by the French gov-1 ernaent with having ordered troops' under hi* command to Uk· no pris oner· and kill wounded men during .ne fighting of August, 1014, was acquitted today by thr German su preme court here engaged in the triai' <>f ese-i against alleged war crimi nals. M)J. Bruno Crumus, tried on a ·» mi^T charge, was given a sentence of two years In prison and foifcldden to weRi '.ho German uniforTO. Major Crusitw «Jttcrcd at the trial that the order hod been given .by Gen eial Stenger that no prisoner» should saUAw awJ ft L _ ft MiamJ^i aaa« xhoultf hr kî]1»<). Chicago In Grip Of Record Hot Weather Five Death· And Osama Of Proilri llomi C«n Grm l»<k Every 14 Hmm { CHir^ca. July 7 Chicago and of the M .d llt- Weft today tu Jill iii «he gr'.p of a record-breaking heat « »*». with th< Içcal weather bo •·λ· »n"l«ianrî IK nu relief ill eight ΤΚ· Wt -r.'torday wa» held direct ly ropniwible {or fhre death* and •i»«eii* of proatratian* Id Chicago, iwhili h^rilth oflicrri «incited the city'» in:crt«liti' rait· had bevrf dugblrd. One jliirx* foundry concern laid off 8,000 I men beta·#? the heat wa« »>»« groat rj . ontlnue work. lies Malnra reported them bad ■•ο a η» break in aopcr normal un flti:jturea in thirty day*, with the maxtmom daily rcadinr there averag ing a fraction above 01 digreea. fur mem '.n Iowa imported core had beea growing one Inch rrcry 14 hoara far the la»t two week· I Mia* Hade I)ee, and Milea Dee, of II*.· Mara, low·., and Hoiacc Radlailt of Atlanta, are the h«**e gnaau of Mr*. R. Godwin. Mr Deo kaa vie iterl Dunn before with Mr. Radiait), bot thi» ia Mia· Deoa firit viait aooUi. Mr. Kudialli ia the brother of Mrm, Godwin, and U · member of the fa· now Uarfeer Derla Ortheatra, rtlil headquarter* at praaent la la Atlanta. Mr RudUill baa a number of frlmidi ι In Uann who maember kirn i^atlaTi for kia (Mettent piano playing Atter Is PU Over thrat/l tended the the Fourth fairground· Ί Acncaltarali Saturday, m. tlmate of tka., «War tventy-Mva ■toat te tin fi proximate eitiiL Secretary of the - _ Mr. Kiddle Mated an ce fall far Atit year for tha In* biatton. bet waa rooaldariajr tho β The grandstand m ty fitted during tl ind the 'crowd waa , icconraodated with Last year, acco t«rjr of tka Pair *tr» «rer four tk lion» to tka f_ fourth celebration, many at tkU yaar lumber of dea ' ►venta ia tka', rould indicate , 'and people, at ka big crl«k N. · — Agricultural * Sem!e Irrate Lead are Had i W.efci' Va Fee Fa la the County bare tk· ap . Kiddle, a Mon. Washington, July nr«l bloc of the ι ke defeat of a nent of the 'or four week· wbOo 1 lidering the MIL By a το>« of ti I η cut reeolation Lodge of *t of last Day oala iext li»> for tk· là· '«Κ! a r· ' adjoarn b • i-fci ι adjoam •tor •can jeaaer, ' u» ported bjr ■ Chain·— Worrp ton, Republican, " oltura! commit! ince of ButUr , forth Carolina, una* BllliU aa lon I» aid aerieultaeJ fe^radU aad ed the opooiitloa U Senator UgMmod of Democratic leader, k >d the adjoorr ment After defeatlac 1. '«eolation. the anite reed tomorrow with tlMI me l<*ialatien. - Bai ρ InriUry Mell—, la Mhtai Delay, Waeae Of Gn**i«k(* Of A MK Waahincton, Jflly · wani ng that there ia frmrf 4$mgee ot ac mraodlate government 4*ncJL. Secre tary Mellon aikad C»min fcaday to iefar action on the ηΜμΊ heaua t>Ul. * < "Thla .U not a time to Imiii arr pral billion dollar· of aMKHabilitl >n an already amWIaH treas ury," thtf trtaaary eaat 4ny aaiâ to Senator Prelinfhnyaea, lipabhm. New Jerecy la a letter wfeleh waa read ia the senate Willi the bonui Mil eu'oallad a»iTb* bill haa already paaaed the bavta aad Mac ara· ia rvapoaaa to · muât from Senator Frelinftruyaen .Jer a atate ment of the flueneijjj aWl*a*iona arhiefa tbo hill would plaaa vpan the government. TU letter vaa chayaatarlaad by Senator Underwood, Daayntic V der, who after Ite raadlfcff aaade _, attack ο η the bill, a· "ateaac. forrafal aad te tha Mit" In paaafaw «h· MO, IV. tl.k>·.. 1.· -C- » 1 llcan majority womld "Witt· la . coentry·» hHUry tfcat M h· 1—«K «acrlfka Ht 1 le dollar*.' MeCa te, tny aMaapt nu bebig t »rt th· NftltM of ι world war in Mlan. Mr. Miller «att—a* that Dm Ma would eo«t tlx «water >|Ι·ΙΜ · billion and ■ tertf mafi φψ* ud a S®·*" ktllleo doOer», M·» It wM iwell tke eoat af jMHMNt and virtually doftat U· prorran 0f ntmrtaiii aâd aaoao mrr and.ltetk woold UMk oil re funding opération· a·' _____ djbt m Aftw tirikir tk· priai of lfcarty knit. Thaaa.*· «M» ko "lmvtteMa diracTiMaata) tieontaa," mi»hy tK ltl>IÉ|l indi rect rawpt warid W ^rr·"»· d»n««r of ranewad InflaMa·, teorâaaad Ms mod rty prlrta, aad IMdlIllI tedMM conditio na." All of M· explained, w*__ , , paytamt Mette·· ·# - took "a· aecomt «f nyta··· of ad ; ralnlutraUon, ar ) niteli ooot af af ford in β vocational tratateff, fit· or hoae aid, or tend NMmmI nid te j vetarana who aleet nteh Wonvflta Mi a· Marjraret Wad· Idt tkia mt|. I«f for Claililte»m, W·! ikt wlB viri» ter «Mot, "" Mr and Mr. M hUv km fOT H««r.pton'» tu Wada. MRS. . πι JOHNSON IS ELECTED BY THE WELFàRE BOARD IS FIRST~WOMAN ELECTED Her Cmaahoro. July.·—Mr». Olar uxe J abator, ws« »l»rt«d Coubu rtonor of hbb W»lf»r« ui Dr. Imrd W. OMt vu elected con lotting ·xp«rt to Un board wkeg the tate board of Charttio» ud Publie Velfare at it in Qreenrboro today to oeciee the report of Hit nominating QMittao upol»toJ to ftoeainete a tittotoor to Belaud P. Beatley. Tha ntobm of the board ore W. L Blair, Cony J. Banter. Mr*. Thoe. V. Uoele. A. W. IfcAllitar, M. L. leeler, Mrs. W. F. Woodsrd and Mn. . W. Plea». The four ft ret named o—Mtotad the aomineiirg coamlt ye. ThU totem itteo unanlmoualy no «inated Mn. Clorenee Johaaon for he portion of Commiaoientr of Ptab Ic-Welfare and Ao wu oninlmeualy looted by the hoard. Mr*. Johnaoa has for the part two tut held a reeponaible poutior la ho oSeo of "the Coaualaaioaer of aa Director of Child ta (hi* poeiUoa ahe ha* dtatonatrn ed her ability and roaoarcrfalnem la M analstakable .«ray. and her ex «rioaee and (aeeoesfol Mhaialitra leo of her child welfare work have her a foreaaoot peaitlon in the M*o aa aa authority oa wtclaj qu*> loea. She has boon m the peat preei· a*· of the I Eat· iMhiMd other of influence nd uefilutti Tki atrong backing ib« ku had H> JOeWoa of CowiMiMMT of "•MIc welfare tu lohataatial it, of the favorable ha DMa i^SS^ijA if"Ti •tote department of Λ· State Federation and oiber Infl» «· ·* «wototod U the poattioa tot Iiwmi it la Mcaaaarih a worn S!SJ*' "i ί"ν· ** « r«!X»> fcility and labor and *dmint«tration, nd a woman of real m»r|j and de wtien and abUlty haa been callad to t, heaaaea there waa net an available aaa ia the atate who μ·ιιί in as «rionet and training tka quallfice I Mi· whicbahe poaaetae». With tha tronc rapport which aba Ku roe»»*· id from ao many Influential dhree· ion» and tha united eupport of the toard of Charitlea nod Public Wti ara, andar which aha will work, and rith the training and abilitit* which he bring» to «he office, a aoccaaafal tnd afSclant adminiatration ia aaaor * Dr. Howard W. (Moan, tha head at he UnWeraKy of North Carolina, waa ilactod eonauHing enttt to thr ward, and ta thl» porttion. far which da training and expérience in thla Ine of rmarth and work qualify lim ao admirably, will render »aTel lable aerrlce to lira Johnson and he hoard While Η haa required nearly ft_ ■ontha to fUl the vacancy made by Kr. Boaaley*e resignation, the hoard tnd nominating committee have not ►eon idle. It took more than ate «ontha to locate Mr. Brule? for thie ►oaltion la the first in «ta net. Comp urattraly few men and women are mined for tha poeiUoi, aad rock a ■election haa to he mate with est: ■*rm· ·» ι· a ca»p won* it Blitwt Kifht illTohr* irraparsfcls tajory. rkafa were jrrtmt many «pplieatlon* for the position end forty names all told were eoneidoTed and investigated end MWtkM hundred pioeas »f Mil handled in connection* with tks selection and appointment. Superior Court Ckrk· la Annual Convention CaAay Head» TW AhmUiîn A«a«ai Jedf· Karr Ami WUUe laltli Ta »paak Wthelspton, July 6.—Twc ivafrant today of tki annoa] convention of tks Aaioclotion of Saptrior Coort Clerks af North Carolina hold at Wri«kto«1Us Baach. wars festered by th· aiostlan af oScar* far tke enru la* yaar, an address hy Jadre John H. Karr, af Via gups ι la r Cssrt bench, oa "CfrlllsatJon and Sarrlea." An other add ram by Willi. Smith of Relet**. oa "The Inheritance Tax." and adaption of a motion aathorbln* tka aasoeiatlan'i lofftiilsttve commit· taa ta take action to Rat législation to lassas anlform foas for tha dark* all aver tka Btoto. John Κ, Catkay. lawonbt rtnty dark, was anaakmaotlv chosen sWa preaidearfo rueosod w. ». Btepheai, of Joknaton, and A. A. McDonald, of Ha matt, sfajnat Ma wfll, vu ra-alact ad aatretarjr-toanserer. Waynaevllle and A ah enrôla made bide far tks next aanrsntlaa. and thors was a ram» ttan tk«t tU lit Maotinc be held la Waabtnxton. D. C. It was Jecldsd to aaafce feqafcy ad a· tks atari· af tks •tots, · η am her of wham arr nn1 hare, aa to where they wanted U maat and lat tka Majority nUe. Th« eoaveatioa will etoae tomorrow af I H. J. Watn«se af Benmn, was fc to*m yaetarday for a fear boart. t ¥ "SUTPLY" NOT "TIME" * BUSINESS * * "I hoy· th· tie* will nm * wb< η wt will «y 'supply' bu * nmm and not 'iliac' burin·*»," SL. 8. Tomllnion, whu ii ne la Ac fijtht fur ■ bad like «yrtein of «elllng ret- ¥ ¥ tun and tobacco through · ¥ * grown cooperative afavclation. * ¥ Mr. Tomliiuon, oho remember# * V 4 1 -t cent cotton, ayi that to- ¥ * day I 1*2 c«nt cotton It Γ h rap- ¥ •r in companion, ard com traita * California condition· with rhoae » is North Carolina where 90 oat * of cv*ry 100 (rrn»*t> Ion. big ♦ I money laar year. *1 The banker· and mmhallM * I arc in tb· *aiac boat with the ¥ farnrn, according m Mr. Toot- ¥ | linaoa, who i· bcnlpd co-opora· ¥ ■ ti»e marketing bora ear it i* a ¥ ">af«, found buiineu propoo * ttea that any buainn- nan can ¥ taka bold of with lonfidcncr." ¥ | MEETS TRAGEDY AS HE WALKS IN SLEEP H. C Cotlina, Emptors· Of' Tndwua F*lla From Win- I Walking in hi» alacp. H. C. Collin·. Ulfataat aw filer at the TUffcman1 Λ»βΑ«ι· Company, felt (me the m-i ■ ad floor window of thv boat' of X *. Brttt, at which he roomrd. early ( rhnnday aamin*. and died th»*| nornmr fru« Injur!» »«*uin«d by I ht fall. Th· man'· body waa foand by hi» ■pom mat·, who heard him fall from I h· window, ahortly after the accl·1' l-t, about ΙΛΟ Α. II.. Thurtday aominff. It waa dUc-overed that hi·! >«ck had been broken, ar.d h.· wa> ¥ >♦ a tkU Viuiultjr. Il* «ai well itfod and { ι good cnployao. H« «m «bout twrn * year* old. Ifi« native hume it in iow Bern, *h*K hij ktdgr «ai bo! «at today from Payettevllle | MATS HAS EASY f «""Il 1 TIM wH* 4Wrol! /laitora Rua Away With Local j SmmmI Striai Baeafcall Tmuo 114 With a lineup competed almost en-j inly of ecraha aad new aura oat for Lhe rcjjulnr team, Dunn'» bateball i(fr*sation «aa overwhelmed by £oau bare Wcdae«day aft·moon by! the «ore of il-4. Tat contort war' vitnauod «y a food tixod crowd, bat' >u rather «low, drawn oat, aad an·! ntorrstinx. Several of the Dunn regalare were >»t of the Uno-ap on ««count of to-1 inrioo, while other» wore anabla to1 M oat »i»c* it wa« not the T0(alar{ leajjae day. Captain Nc*teerry altoj afahed top a Hat an aoaio of the) ww candidate* for the dab and they «rere fhren a chaacr to exhibit their rialm* far a berth In the lop aided ennteat Wednesday. I Donn drew flrtt blood In the ftrrt1 frame. WUaon hH ufrly, advaaccd la tocond on William'· *ac|ifiee hit,! »nd took third wboa the vir.tinjt «hart ■top muffed Newberry'· rrtiaader. Edmrrton «ont the Dhoti lead off maa home a moment later with a •kety placed infield hit. Newberry, idvaacod to locoad on the play aad' came racing borne when Lee drore | oat a «ingle. Jonea wa* oat on a fly : to center, and Lee waa doablrd oat oa the pl»y whan be weat down too' far on the hit | It wa« not until the fifty aenion, that Dun a waj able to eroea the rab bor afain. In thi« inning after Wlleon had grooadrd oat to «hart, William»1 •urh^l i 1—· — -■· * · eoeond on NnAwrj'i fielder*· choie·. tnoV third *h«r Erigrrton jot on by error. wd «cored together with New berry when "Hill" NewWry, kittiag fer liM, muM oat -· orawklif tingle u> center. Jo··» end Dennlag •need the Wmirtf, and Dana did not threaten fer the lemlnder of the I gmaM. Coate itaiUd off the firework· in tlx Mi-cad when the rieltor» puehed aero·· three talliee 09 η pan, a hit Hattanaa, and three (ingle*, la the fourth three mer» were eeat aerotw the platter un two error· and three mi> eefe Mnglea. la th' fifth twe raliplay· and ta rev hit· were rmpoa •ibfe for three more, and in the einth another w»« «cored. When the eoaal wu completed the vliiton bad rt-fl ittered a total of el err η ran· while «he home club only roantcd four Ume·. fleHlvan, twirling fer l)ann. waa hit hard |a the pioche* he wae not eo efferttro, hat Many eerily error· were reopon«ible for a part of the fcoaAardateat that Coat* handed Dana. The patched line-up played rather good baaeboll indhrldaaUy, Vat playing together fer the flm time, (he aggregation did not «ark %aooih It an*) with the team work neceeaary for a winning oatfit "iud" Jane*, playing ih«M ' foi Dan·, la one of the now men likely to win a nlaee oa the cloh ·· a attinj man, at least. Re made η ne or tare error» on rather hard ehaace bat had a big day and made good. At bat Im hit on every efcanee bat bit high m ther than drMng them oat. If he ce» loan U drive «Cralgbt oat rather tfcar catting aader It la aet at *11 unHkel] that Manager Taylor wtll ptooe hi· I SHIPPING RATES ! QUOTED BY LtC. ; ARENOTSO BCH Freight IU«m Per WaUriitn.. Aa Quoted Her· War· In Errer RATE TO RICHMOND IS 24c PER HUNDRED LBS. Appeal By Secretary Riddle RmoHi I» PUwry, That Rata· Are Net So Hick A· Fir.t Quoted Here Ami Lo cal Melon Grower· Are Elat ed Over New». Ai ■ recall of the recant IwwM ration atit by Iwretarj Klddk of the Chamber of Commerce eoncern ny freight rata» on watermelon· from hirr te Birhmond uU other •oint», and m appeal mad· to the la· entote Comhim Comminton to oarer tat·» ea aueted by the local Γ might oflkt, it baa been diaeor«red that th* rate· art ooiiiHeaMjr lower han what they were flrnt tkouidrt to M. Da* to the ab«ndant anilen crop »c>ac raJMd in thi* aeetteri an.1 the ntantloa of th* grower· to *!p H tcnsSrely th!a noat-r, the farmer* ind Secretary Riddle inquired for .he ruTkOt rate· fro· the local !r*'rht depot. The rate* ■p^iuxlatat nI by the local oScer war· m high :bat ihe rmwer» appealed to Mr. Kid lie to do ·!! In ni» pew*, to hare he rate* towered in order to aav» htm from an mcrltabic big lorn. Secretary Xiddle tamrttiately note ta Senator Simmon» and Bon ■i-o i .athre Lyon* of .his ù'*tr>et in Mrhalf of the melon growt .·* of thie taction, rcqu*«ting them to Nt n aa ippeal to tie Intoratat· Commerce Jonamillion for « r«*.lecl'ei. η (hi -νι-a. MiuDr si-nmcn» at>J fU-p"« Lyon» j«..f ■ »d W.; kMli Ul tkn «r > jid pu; the in.iti* In he hand* cî the Interrtae Cmhm "-..î.mùeioe «t »a<:4. A Wt»r fruai th> (Met ,[ Λ* *ir ?r late Conm-r■- Coram ··:<·» to k· tool Be.T-r.xi » of lté Cumber 11 Ο Berce, léfUac tt: cmrnnl i«X."TA=tS?ii"3 »m la mtm, and ttat i* eorrwt ■a te» ara conrtdetafcly lama». Tkf rat»», ai quoted by the latontate '.omnrrrr Commlwloa, ahfcMwk atlU ippearing to be un**uaîly high. «ΠΙ w welcomed with latUfaet'on to the •elon rreirtii of thia lection. •fttifH nui to Richmond are 24 :enta per hundred pound». to Wuh ngton M 1-1 eoota .par hundred pend», to New York 4· 1-2 cent* per hundred poqed». The mlrimum carload of etltindtu 1* 24,000 pound», which Make· a freight rat» »f $t>7 60 for a Minimum carload, (rem kert to Kkkaioad. Approximately Iftjr carloadi of ne Ion « «m be tklpôad from Dana, recording to an eMhaate af ■. O. Townrend. «kt, ia perhapt, th» !·»*■ crt grower of tUa teeitoa. Mr. Town send bai · forty aero crop of water melon», and there are a η amber of stber «mem in thie rielalty mMac ι round half tkla aaaay tbia aoaaoa. rkey «Π1 be ready for Mptaoat tome ti'me tkla month. Price· offered by nortkate dealer* for the melon crop 1b tkla aaetloa are eery food, and ma» be eean klfher later, e»in« to tke fact that Ihe jaeml ervu la la tar than the Oooifia trop, and faimer* hero will bo iklfpitw north after the other· are romo. If m «Ion» aroond Dann ouebt M W une ■oally rood, accordlac te thar *rww m. 200 Skilled Workmen Return To Their Work lUy^ liftw" TWi Rpmtir, July β.—In Kttiiurt with an order pooled ta the Hoatbrrn •hop· at (ρηχή RiUrdiy, Marfhkf Mkv tOO ikillcd workeen retarned to work ihlt moraine whan the hie wk lo tie Nfw. Seniority according to length of aorrfea prevailed la cal Une the m«n hack to daty, tkr aid rat ke Inp taken fini It wu Mated that all dopartaaeat* of d»w have bMi ir.crraaod proportionately aod tillage are mo»ing alone mealy In the pleat 3o«ar af UM M* «ho ataad for walk, in accordant· with the amtority rule, have not yet reached Spencer h>il witl r*Hit 1 or iaty ia a day er ■*. k la nat know» whether thk inervaie la the forcv will ko fallowed by anetker ηιΠ aoen or not tkouek many hold to thil idaa and believe that tk* »bep force will toan ha nonaal. thiibiav on tkd road It «aid to ha geod and iacreanlne daily aad Oil· le» da to «· eoarage«aat among tka ««ployai. .Maatar Machanta and Mr*. B. Me Br Id* 'of Syaaear have ι et anted frogi a tour of t*a far wcat, arkara tkoy spent a month an a vacation.. Capula Ma i Brida aayi tka waat ia β great eoantry «at that Ipaatu 4a M af all, that the water U fine l« Calatada, bat ι there la mm batter lB Jho world than .le famlaked free» tha artoalan wall on tha deathoia Alfa yard at Bpan T •a tka league rooter. Tha Saara: It H. K. Ooeto «M 141 0—11 14 « Dim foo MO 4—« I « Batter!»·: Caata — Btevcai and Campbell Due·—«atttvMi aad U farta*.

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