Volume VIII. THE DUNN Dunn, North Carolina, HARPER HOLLIDAY IS NEW MANAGER OF BALL TOSSERS Β·μΙμ1Ι Club I· Completely { Reorganized at Enthusiastic' j Mcetinf of Fan· "WILEY·' HÎNSON IS NOW CAPTAIN OF THE TEAM Over One Hundred Dollar* U Pledged By Πιομ Present In Support Of Team.— Club Will Have Long List Of Fi Nancial Backer· In The Sec ond Half. At an <n,nu:iuftic i»p*ting nf Du.ni bueball fans in the Chamber of Com merce olfki· Saturday liifcht i-allfd for th' iiurpnet of rroiv»ni*.n* the club and raia'ng financr·· for the team'* mufipAK, Itaiprr Hullirtay wm elected manager, te lake effert imme diately. and over a hundred dollars on rabtcribed by the faithful anil loyal few prêtent. Τήν hundred dollafi rn>»<l «Mr b'lt u third of the amount thai πα.<ι be paid in before tomorrow night to utile "ome bills du<i at that time Bui a lone li«t of tianu of pro«p*rt ive (inn vu eojnpiled »t the n««t· ing. and It »a* believed that ther* wnuld be no difficulty in wunnj tVr needed amount. "Πιυ few gatbefi. ' together went *o intcn*ely i nthaii·» tic »nd cei>erou< In tbeir donation; that onl» wrcta, and pronounced (uceeM, wa· the prvdleitlon nf all. The meeting *u railed to order by Herbert Taylor, Dunn's leading fan and most ardcnl .uppmUr, who ha· b*«n acting both a* magnate, trcarorer, and coach of the club, lie expremed the purpoae of the meeting in · few word*, «tating pimply thui a irorguniaation wat vadly needed t «■■•μ un"'* rua uri.ri ιπ·ί i/unn poarf>t(l the materia! for n winning ball rlub. and lacked only co-opora tlon and leam work, uwntid to «· ci y ti-am'» iokcis. The idea «w, hr eapluiaed, to pled a manager whc km-»· h'u baunen, with th» time and the energy to *ptnd ne the dub. to gcthcr with another man, hla aaaUl act, whoM duty it wo«ld be to look aftar th* rne<ham*al need* of the when the _ hhi|a«lf aa pne ofl th· beat and fairest umpire· in the lea*··, war nnamlouriy elected nan after of the team. Hi» dutiea, an ox plained to him i· to take the complete charge of the club, add er drop any name* from the roater of the team that he aiiftrt deem advisable, and eoaeh and govern the team with cum pfete authority, Paol ("Jud") Jones was eleeteri existant to Holliday. to be in ehatvo of the transportation of the club when playing out of town. Kit du:irf, as defined to bim. are rrpavate un.l dis tinct from thoao falling on the shoul der of Holliday. Herbert Taylor, who ha» been act ing a· threasurer thorughuut the first half of the league, will rontmuv tr. look after the finances of the club, being officially elected to the oHlCi· of the fana of tbetaoinahrdluapup— of the fan» Saturday night The gaie receipt·, money paid in by Ihc back en of the club and the expenditure· of th* dub, will be in th· hand* of Tavlnp whit nwtniiied ι ha fant *λ keep down expenses to M-1 low h riff are w> possible. Need of Fnxll ExpUin.d Manager Hoi lido y took chargt- of the meeting after his election ant) fl»»t «poke to the ptWriiiK of tkr present condition of the treasure. 'The treasui e ii on thn nigged cd«c," he «aid. "and three hundred dollar» muet be rai«»d by Wednesday night to nMt Mm* bill* due at that lime." The question vu. explained the new manager, how la money to be ralsîdT W. Η. Newberry. always a hard worker of the elub. "Selma, I am told, hat forty backera," he itatcd, "and if Raima haa forty backer· Donn ought to have at least fifty." He ad ded a suggestion that the Dunn back era pay in not Ici» than five nor more than fifteen dollar·, to relieve the stringent conditions of th« treasure. HI· idea was usnmlousiy adoptrd and thoa· present war· asked to start the list with donation·. Over $tOO Immediate!, Raiaod Over a hundred dollars van imme diately subscribed by th· «mall ciwwd present, the donations ranging from Ave (o fifteen dollars. Practically ev ery person pieaent, with the excep tion of members of the clab roster, subscribed something- A list was then made up of a boat fifty men In town, enthusiastic about baseball, and who were unsble to be present at the melting, but would doubtless sab· serlba ihrlr share. A csnva/s was to nail·. Ikiu a# *Vr. liai η/ r>«A. habla ftvrr», In ordor te «(quire thr γ*»4ι·4 amount by Wodnc.«l«y n/fht. Wiafilfi· Té·· Pr.·» .«i Vinifir Holliday lutrtod th«l tilt hlffrrt aaod of th· De η η dab wti Uam work and cooperation, lie tn phw'fid th· nrrl of prattkinf dta'ly, and Mid b· would have the mon Kit· tin* dally workoett. He axprtmtrd hi» idea that the mail) thinf thr club naedad wa» "pap* and morr "pnp". H» inb-nda u· abuliah alt (tr«wi. η υ and po«r aportfrnanrbip, "Dunn Will Kara a winning team.", ι aaid th· now nanapr "Th* m> η w.ll, play ball or thny wont «lay J.i ;h? THoao |i<.wn; mrrrrd t!«»i thar* had b««n lw much kicking urO ka.tk "f bv th« wb>H >U»*K to ecjif Th·· '»· « prnMiaod b+.'W ct ι.-nnr* art! n.tr* boaatin* "WlUy" Hl>»> Captain After the regular mooting of tb< SHOOTING SCRAPE : RESULTS IN THE ARREST OF TWO W. M. Alexander And Alex Trâmir.ell Held On Charge Of Shooting ΊΜ PKRKINS bADLF SHOT Negroei Were At Tilgbmen Camp When Scrape Took ι Place Sunday W. ftj Alexander. nvirr«>, i« In the "ily jail 'mlklvit tin the »mr(c οΓ Aojti··)· nod proliably fatally wound liK i»m>* Piikin», wlu'.hir ncuro, η u rhooi.nK »«'inp«.· occuritiK it th· niljrhmati Lurnl»n ramp early Sunday norninr· Alec Tiamroi'll, arrvstrd in ;hr rumpdny of Alexander, it alio leld at on·· of the chief witnc-nwn of he affair. Ile wai rjrrying a ehot run when the authoritiea ai rented the wo man. Alnuuultr and Tramm II wi t·» ar v.l· d by Shciiff Jcrniean. aided 1>y. ). R Yanre, militant patrolman, iter tovtn shortly niter the >hootin* ctaiie look plan-. They wen- enmini ouiirih town anil when covered they leclared that thty wrrr on thuir way ! α town, when Aleaandi'i «ru jroing υ give hiniMir up with an adminniu" I if the rhontiiiK. Ferkn··, riddled with ballet·, Uirae) η hit leg, and the remainder uf the j, i> •catltriJ thioui;hout hu body, taken to town Portly after J» »l hontiug occurred and examined by '( »r Ij-lingtun. The phytirian rarritd, ιλ I whcte he Willi) pal in cut of the St. Asr<ri huipiLa:. Dr Τ. ϊ·«·< «, ι twliee.,. •·" . · h* · .. J η I ; > rul·', tl.< ' Sheriff Jiniiiftn ittUd .«ter that ihey had no trouble arreting Ihe mfn^ except that 'Xramraell »■ a Ii'.iUm| étubborn ir. holding Dp hi* hand*. Ht, was inclined to think, however, lh»t|( win· lUjr.oo. were ly'«tc wh»n they Ij la;med ihey were on the way to j town, and hr hrl'rveil that they wertr.) gninir In take iht oppo^.ce courrr at' Ike HMt road)· near the point they wcic captured. WWn taken into cut· Mtiy Aleinnder rarrled n Call antv math- anil Trammel! a «hot iruii. * Skodai Fallaw· Quarrel The «hooting, aacpi<lin«c lo eye wit- I ( leaam and Altuedir > oui to the camp to collect Π wmr money that the negroe* owed him. he claimcd. I "I wasn't tonkin' or thinking of any ι trouble," the 11 euro <aid Sunday at-'] tcinoon in hi* cell in the city jail, '•when Jim hollered «imething whenj I fin.t met Mm." Alexander said! that they had been in an argument!! Satuiday night and that Perkina was ivklently xtill mad with him. Troabl· Oree T»· c«u Thi η:κι·· then admitted that the trouble luil originated over a ten cent prrr. ami Ilie purehate of a co co tola. Sotno hot word, had patted between the twu men, and I he effect of thi oi vat, .-till in the mind « of both, :t appeared. The quaii·! a', the camp early Sun day morning teemed u· be of ihortj' uuianun I»r > Ui r- inr .Mivvung vwniinrw-i· ri-d. Sévirai of the rump nqiiui'4 wit-!1 .ie*acd the icrape, and *11 have tear·· what different tale» to tell of ju«t'( ■low It nil huppe·»··!. When aakril who fired the firnt 7I101, Alexander irplied: "IK· did. Ht | jhet ut me fou· tim< n, «nil John lx»vc| inu her nturo, who w*.< helplnjr him. •hot at me oner," A1nrunri>r admit»' hii lir ng of «ί* thou, five at Perkinaj and une at Love. lie said lh«t none of the fhet* fired at him went ti u·. Altui der wa« very «mil. t-alm and collecUd, « hrn talked 10 at the city jail about the wrnpe. When ChicT of i'ollcc Pj|c. announced to him that Or. TurlinifUin helicved IV Win» to have only a "flj(htinr chance" U» l'.va » 1 ■ 11 rcaliilnjr that he wn> about to fare a rhaitre of murder, he «eemed not in the leaat dlnlurbed or afraid. "I know what had happened," he .•ft d. "and I wa* mminir to town to βίνβ myM-ΙΓ over to the polie» when «topped by lh« Sheriff." Ho claimed that he had gotten Trammel! to go, with him, and had jrrvrB him th· »hot (run he carried, in ο -drr u> jret to town .«afely. lie talked freely about the whole >crape, and itemed will In^ to til! ail ho knew. Tiammcll wat not ro >alk*t've, hut atated that be ha-l 1 othinff ;· du «.Ik the affair, and wm · iinijr «ceo jipjinyiiic Λ exandwr to town, Alr«rtr.i?;r ha< L «it i.i i'unn alnce Ι·»; Λ -."(•.A, com : κ r.»m Ceoc t'.a 'It ι,IS. ■'.'ι ..jib< if oa the pay mil «f I l;.!i.a«n I.umbo.- company, hut author.ll*· nay Ihr. lu haa irfetn tinable in vhe pa»t a>id i* known a , bnul rowe "|u«l fo · 110thIn.' " ïvkw<· Crap Inamti Snrthflrld. July C.—Local ware 1 hnbo meti left thin morning to bet in "rid'»*" the cnunl'y Reporta refch the city ihat r>u|w are fjwt improvi.·· . In Ike Miction· In and around Jofcn ; »lia rounty, which ha· cao*ed the a _ _ L. Λ TWa. ore InokinK forward t· t)»e try "D'i*· tn" wh fji will open th« NIMI. fan», Hcllldny had « «Jm»u eowferenc» witf the team, e«pre**ti>* Jim· new Idea» about rnnninjr the clah. and a «kin* for tk»ir «airieat cooperation Th- chib voted ■naaimloualy In fav or of fleeting "Wiley" Hînton, «tar oatfUIdar, eaplain and field irvnaral of tk« let a· ''Wn·»," wtio haa been Ihrralrnint to (Tf. Uj Lanbeiton to play bat), thanked III· team for )ti« •laetirm and μ n«nl*ed Ιλ remain with th» loeal anmtratian fnr tfcr «rond Half of tHr league. » S * * * * * A Market At Home '* 'There'» ■ market for a lot *- of co l to η Rood· right «η the * fainu in North Carolina when * it It produced," *ay« A. W. * Swain, campaign nunaiprr of * the Cotton Rfowrrn Coopci alive ■f A>jociatiun. ·> On cold day* Oil· year, ran· » viuwri reported iwlnf farm * women and children with layer * ufter layer of rait* in placc of ¥ elotho<. A hole in one «arment ¥ would be coveting a whole picee * of cloth underneath. And these * tame 'arm folk· were producing ¥ mort eoltun at a xtarvation * price to clolhi other». ¥ If the farmer* get a fair prire ¥ tor cotton thoy will fumUh an ¥ nutlet for murh cloth from the ¥ mill· — because they dn not en ¥ joy wearing run any mure than ¥ city folk». A BANK EXAMINER ' Major Horace C. Cooper Nam- ! ed Yoaterday to Succeed ' J. H. Hisktowar J ι Major Horace C. Cooper, cashier of t he Citiien'k National Bank of Smith- a l"li), wax named by the .Corporation « .'omrai**ion yeeterdav \o tuccred J. t rt. Hightover. Slate fcank Kiamlnae. r ι nu resigned 'n'y I to become prtii Irrl of th· City Bank, of Raleigh, rfsjor Cooper il th* oldert «on of /Iruwmiii Governor W. B. Cooper, >f Wilmington, who ■ president of he American Bank ana Treat Com «ny of that city. During the war Major Cooper «U η cummard of th* recruit receiving lepot at the Marne bate it Pirii U snd, 8. C.. and while serving in that apacity had in Jus command a Lieu enant Denby, who, since March I, iu been Secretary of the United itates Navy. Major Cooper graduated rum thr Citadel in Charleston in 910, and immediately enli.ted for ervice with the National Guard on he border. After ttanding a competitive esta nation, hi wai madn a lieutenant In he Marin· Corp·, and «eat to Tlaiti 9* Mrriea. America'· entry ia isjSan^wtti^b· r*3^i MajorW it father In Europe, and a year ago became cashier of the Sauthfleld •nk. Re will ti^te up hit new work * bank examiner immediately.— ?cw« and Obavrver. GODWIN ITEMS Mrs. Cluu. Stockton Kcyir of [ingaley, Kani., ha· arrived u> God nn tn spend acvcral weeks with her nother, Mrs. A. M. Rhodes. C. B. Mason spent the week end ia 'hapel HUl with relatives. Ml·· Eula Starling it visiting riend* in PryeUcville thi· week. Mis· Wllma Miller of Statesville, iv arrived in Godwin to «pend the winner with her aunt, Mr*. C. W. IpelL Mr». D. L. Pridgcn, Jr.. ef Kayrtte rltle has returned to her home after pending several dayt with her moth er. Mr*. Mary Vick Claude Graham, of Costa, spent a Vw days with his father John G ra is m. Mr. and Mrs. tlofecrt Oasterfcamp, >f Charleston, S. C.. are visiting Mr*. )itarkamp'a parents, Mr. and Mn. 3. A. Graham. Leon Williams vrhn undeiwent an jpel-atinn in High smith Hospital sev eral days ago has returned to hit lorre. hi· many friends are gfad to «·«· him out again. Mrs. C. W. Spell and aon, Ch*a. Connelly have returned trum a sév ira! ,'ay» visit to friends in Charlotte ind 8laterville, Mrr. Maggie Jones snd-children are -pending reverdi dayn I» Raleigh with Mn itiHUà' ■!·>·* M», flut-saa Vs»·» Ιο.·. Poor Mr. Tuft, forever denied a romnlcte anfaitlon. He U not eligible for the «peakerthip, heading only the L-xccvtlvc and jad:eiary b anche· bat «tot the Ir.t'ulatiee.—Wall Street , Joarnay. Vj- In» will it take Jet my City to ! set '.Mfk to normalcy Τ—lit·. * AT LAAT THE STUBBORN ¥ ■l· FLAG IS DOWN * ¥ * * t.p on the ^rindntand in the ¥ ¥ ftltarcurd) an Aaeileati flag ¥ ¥ h«< heel corleil up on a h'*h ¥ ¥ elongated pole for HIM time. ¥ ¥ When η for*· nf an war· pr·· * ·*Λ par η* the «Tcuwdi and crand· * ·<· ota> d fur Independence Day · ¥ ci-'Miratlon (bay triad In vain to ¥ ¥ «et that banner af «U « and ¥ ¥ -trip·* down, in ardor that it ¥ y nignt be utralgbtenerl and pat ¥ * baek aa it oagM tn be. There ¥ ¥ «at no oik tail enoafh * ¥ hereabout* to itt it down ¥ * and »tr»l(thtm H. A· · ¥ ¥ fon«eou«»nr· t h · Fourth ¥ ¥ saw the Start and Strip·* in ¥ ¥ rather bad »hape. Bat now It la ¥ ¥ down The other eight infinite ¥ i¥ power took hold af the propoti- ¥ ¥ tion, and lightening trought Old ¥ ¥ (Ilery down When tho mk! new· · ¥ thai lightning had utroek the ¥ ¥ grandatand *»< announced to ¥ ¥ Sécrétai y RidSle. he lehod a- ¥ ¥ boat that Mtibborn fia*. When ¥ ¥ told of iU faU, ha mghad with ¥| ¥ relief: "W«U, there·, eoaaal*· ¥ ¥ lion In everything. I'm (tad that ¥ ¥ flay II down at )··(." J CROSSING till BE REPAIRED AT ONCE ι Secretary Riddlab Auurad ml lmproT«m.nto|W A. C. L. Railroad Company Tbn>u«h the T. L. Riddle, •cerMary ·( the r)upv<> of eon Bi'ir», th« A- C. L.. aftilroad company hiu prumufd that v· Broad »tr*et tro^n* will be repaired at.oare, the ««ok and debii» or tti r%ht of way through th* tow» ha· already b*en cleared. The railroad company haa • lao promiaed to Ma /bat ira water la placed in the atatioa waiting roonu Uir-i tw»»« daily foi th* oac of tta fttnA _ Th* rroninr haa b«*a ia bad ahaoa ' for anal time, and fcnlyj Riddle wrote tha inaput « Warding U< matter. Bo alao call Jl tpe company'· attrntion to the facrJhat the waeda had taken the rack aara ia ha city limita, and that no *tetor waa kept ia the atatioa. To all. We·· rriavanc«e the railroad company wfll ftre prompt attMitlos, according It a letter J oft ieeciveu by 3Cr. Bldflt The old fight hitoUn the railroad official· and th· Ιοφ of Dunn haa •boat died dowa and'will not be re tained «nul Soperio* Coart. It will than be derided to trhoa Lotkaow •qua r·· , ightfally baWn*». and the disposition of the »qaare will lie tat the hand· of the Jury. Th· ladite, who wanted the tqaare aabed and boaa tlflid, feci confident Bat Dtuin oaa • 4abli*h itj title and that th* «quare will betom· tha property of the city, ta bo uaed ay the iy»oi an'» dab ia naw advoeatinc. 1 ( Petty Larcenies In Fayetterille Continue Here&aat Plade QiaatHy of Good* Cm Bat Na 'iramiK, J uiy m-tw aecond burglary of mereaatila establishments - withto ai many 4art, occurred hara U when Ε, H. Dunning*! fee era·· par- li lor en Hay street UM ceteradia tl wmr uutr yet imfr>wiU»a< Bai «Ι β quantity of toilet a*t eteiaaadonb » qaantity of toilet artklet aad a •f daarhas a «ale le^aad the proprie tor think» that thli Meat hare MM opened with a akeluton key. Three dollar· an H a half in eMail change waa taken from the caeh η|ύΙα, while |1U la the ale wai undisturb ed. The toilet goods caae waa robbed I of the aaoat eKpenalre perfumes end face powder, hat nothing else M the «tore eraa touched. A «erlea of petty theft· from itérés have occurred duriaa bueineas hours bcrr recently, aad soother each at tempt waa frustrated when an em ploye of the Vann Τ radios Company on Hay street diacoeered than rults of clothes hidden behind 4he store, which ara alleged to hare been plac ed there by three soldiers who had just left the establishment. According to the clerk's story, the eoIdlers were looking ever the clothing when one of then asked to be ah own the attk shirt·. When the clerk carried him ta the front of the store the other aol dlert werr suddenly seised with coughing spells aad walked o«t the beck door. The deft followed aad they disappeared, then aaarched the vicinity ana found the three au ha of clothes. A aimilar plot oa the paît pf a negro man and woman waa failed when the man waa discovered ia the art of accreting a doa*n crepe do chine waists under his coot in Flaisb man's department store. Bd Fleish man, who detected the negro caught him aa he reached thé doorway, Vat ne*ro made his e«rap- The eoean wai locked 'Lketus Arplted For" U A Poor Substitute "Lieeta* Arplied Far" la the title of an old pasteboard tag, tied en the rear end of. a rather aatieue looking Perd aatomehlle, driven by a negro ·■> "·■·· >·. ■*··«!■ Vf MM IIWK M" ir-onoanclble and anapellahle »rn·· aeft of Valaa McGwxKr. »<l Ich pent Sunday aftaraoo» ta tk 1«U era under tk« Btrint Imi». Chief of Pol m· Pan decided Omk 'Ucctoa Arptied F·» «a* not raf kwnt nVititiU for the eustowary υ .mob'lc IInum '*», and h* ar •*.1 :> nerr·» wh ■ c « m. λ· haiW Γιο» Kayetteville, «il Urn charge of annln without «tata ait· liceaae. Th» **χτ* admitted rennlof for «orna tlmo .wrthort tka llecena ta·, bal itated that ha had Jaat recently ae luirad the aatoaabUe. Ha «aa allow id to go free until tried bat. attable Lo pot np a band, ht» hea «11 retained to mahe «μη of hla appearance IMITHFIKLD CHAMBER CET# DOWN TO BUSIMEM SmlthAcld. J»ly ·.—The SeltMleld Chaiafcer of Ctaami hae already fottca dawn to barineaa, aa «aa ne terable today in tha traftcc ravala t one naar tho roarthowe. No parfciac If a lia wad next ta tha eoortheuae. M*eretarjr Joha 1 Marrie want ba fare tha hoard of tldwm· wtth au*· gvation· la racard to tha coagaatad rondltian of the tiifc «t the ahovf mentioned peint Thla_ thoraagfcfart I· · part of th« Waahfefton-AUanU highway, and ahoald he ka»t open all the thna for eourlata «ho ar* itraam l«t threap tha city ea aateaaehlle pertiaa. Tufcacco grower» la Canada ■ad Soalh Africa do not lu·* what aa "aaettoa" fleer le— (Wjr Mal through their awn cu operative a>)«Un( aiaaria ttaaa. Report* from South Africa ta Hi» grower» ro-operati** aa MxUlieiu la Ralcigfc. MX that la Sooth Africa Uw tobacco «rowrra know what price· to bacco will briag before It la de llverod. And they have stand· aid gradee taa ne dumping H and atandlag areand wait!** to eea whether the bu yrr wu feel· ins (eod and would allow the· enough for their tobacco ta pay their fprtill*»r Mil or whether the bayer waa iiut gein j ta "take it away" from them. Cet ton la alM Mid through grower* cooperative MMcla tioa· ia Booth Africa and ell the wneU aad vacillation un der which the Southern State* ■offer I* unknown la Sooth Af rica. WILLIAM M'NEM GETS 18 MONTHS 1 Other Nagiaaa Draw PaMkiM I* Special Saiilo· Of Eighteen Month· oci the road and payment af aeata U the penalty drawn hy Will la a· Blake McNeill, colored, tharged with dleealng of atolea good·, aad tried to a Mlrial Marian af Recorder*· coart called Saturday morning. McNein, with a each fell af dr* good·, ere relia, ahirta, aad ether ancn articlaa, waa a «uapleloee locking; character, rambling aboat thr atreeta of Dana Satarday. and Ckitf Page HT» Jcrnigan and Turnage darted an Inquiry (hat rMatted In the dUccrcrj that the nacra wm diapa»iag ·' rod· «toi·» from the atera of John Adaau ia Lad·» Wedneeday night. Canted In ta apoetaf mtdtm of rmrt twvmory »|t h«lM out itilMI the negro, and kt draw the aai·· sen tence far kla act. ' Jaaae Foiater. another negro, charg •d wtth cattlag and Nrfiblag W««*ey Λί&ίΐάΛ? wstrat «Un» but April, waa sentenced te foar month* an the read aad Sned tke carta. Tnitur ha* keen away from tkli section tome Una bat the local pallet authorities ha*· bean oa a look aat for him, aad wban ba did «how op be waf immediately arraat ad and placed under caatedy. The rotting eerape occurred daring an all night »rw and gambling « ra ted· of a number of nrgroei eat bear the Tilghman Bill. Λ natty qaarrat between Feiater reunited In the «tab bing at the latter tad the «ubteqaent eaeapc af Foister. News ha* jaat leaked out of tome feat aad «lick work of Ike Dunn pe lle· la«t week. Chief Page and Pa. trolman Nipper are rasponsihlv for tke arrcit of Jam·· McXcitkan, a ne gro bay, alleged to have attempted criminal assault en tke daughter af a wall known farmer of thU aeetiaa, aad of baring kiia tried before Re corder Godwin and sent to the coun ty Jail at LUlingtoa withoat letting anybody hear of die proceedings. The affair I* «aid to hare oeearrtd laat weak. Tke negro ia claimed to have found the little girl playing with «OBM af her friend· whom be fright ened off. 8he cried oat to her father and cauaed the negro to rua away, where be wai later backed by 'he lo cal police. He we» carried before Re corder Godwin and identified by the little girl a» tke negro who attempted erlmlaal amaaJt on bar. Fearing a mob outburst, local police kept qalet aboot the matter and had the aegro tafe ia jail at I.Ulingtea before Jet ting the atery oat FRANKLIN LANE LEFT ESTATE OF TEN THOUSAND San Fxaaclaeo, July ».—The eetale ef the late Franklin K. Lane, termor secretary of the Interior, will not te la! more than akout tea tkoaaaad dollar», according to a petition filed la Superior Co art hare yeaterday. Bik ing letter» of administration. Mr. Λ.ne Kit no will, I h* petition cited, Ι «4 hie citât* conaiitM of eome 1(1 tcr>« et fan· tend In Cratracoctaj bounty, California. and a few ikini if «teck in a mercantile company. | Mr. Um'i «Mow. bit «on and laughter would (bar· the etUte, the petition aaM. PXIVILXGK TAX AND ST ATX AUTO UCXNSK MUSE XX PAID "There are a few builnet* men in town who hire not yet paid their prhrtleye tax. and thle mut bo aald, «aid Chirf of Police Pace Satarday. The priv ItK* ta*, according to Chief Paff· w*· dae on Jane let, bat maay have boon tardy In aak lag payment "There I» a fine of 150 non payment of thU tu," the Chief added, "and tbote who do not pay ap it ont ρ win be proeecatod" Chief Pat* alao Mid that a fow ittl lena t„ tnwn had not yet «eeur ed l hoir ieb atato a «to Uoonee and aiabm. and leemed not latondlM to «ear· thtm He itetod ι net prooeeatteii woold j ho Aarted at oaee afaiart thoee I violator· of the law. f ;|COL D. H. MEAN «ES SUNDAY AT ULUNGTON HOME Hanatt'i OMiit And 1 WkUly Kaotm CM- I m Pimm Aw«r | A VETERAN OF CIVIL WAJtj Waa Km*· T· FtM* m "Sil ver Twmi Orator Of Cap· Pear." Lilliagton, Jsly 10—Tin ctardr! Scotch epirit ef Colon·! Dm Hack NcLna, leading lawyer, public *plm-1 •4 citlica, wd lilvrr tongard orator ι ef the Cape fier," broke under thai bard*· of run aad drtliaing baaHh| today. Be 4M thlt morning at 1 «slick. Coating uncapectrdly, hie and I ha* cart glow· orar U* entire roe- c m unity, where ha lived the fall (pan,« •f kit 76 year* and «bare be had done ' J all of Ua Of·'* aferk. J Later man bate brevgtat Colonel ! McLean Into the life of U* mm ntty and kla itate, and cttiaen* whoae ' ntatrin raa back twenty and thirty i J aad forty year* rawaMr better " the etirrtng tinea in which he wa> all leader In tie thought and life of thai! people, not ealy in Harnett eoanty, < where he waa born. Ured and died; baa throughout the length nndljj breadth of the itatc. Tbouabatill ne- J Uveiy engaged In the practice of law.)11 be had aat far aérerai year· entered * into political flelda Vateeaa mi CMI War Though but a lad of lb when the n war between the etatae broke oat,; χ Colonel McLean aaMrtod, and eerrad, χ throaghout the entire fear bloody. ) yeara. moatly with the aitalee la Vir- j. giala. Ho waa woondod once at thai l battln of Cold Rnkai In ■· "■ •og mu. Vat not aerion*ly. Ho re-,1 tarned to Llllingtoa after th* battl·! of Appomattox, dill oat ret attained; »f 10* majority and tladird law ra in hit father, Alexander D. Mr Lean,' j *· pf'Vt* of ι blaprofuetea. lie taitalmt year* that followed j Ike war called Colonel McLean Ma,l politic*, aad he wa· activa la the'· rank* of the Democratic patte from £at day until the lut 4*yt of Ua life Be developed lata oaa of tho ■" •raUn I» the Mala, aad thee* Γ ..■—a r jpéda h «Ma* *» tofck pari in atfll laaiatini iBtat the clna •ie* af the Cape Pear count y. Nn. tnfk Mk« 'fa Colonel McLean mmr M|kt of-1, fiee for himaelf, bât in (17· and again a la 1IH hie county elected h!n to the North Carolina Geaeral AhmbMjp.' Be waa eleetor-at-large the ftret year William Jenntnjr· Bnraa wa* · candi- ? date for president. Ia ItOI. Gnrern-," or Aycotk named him aecretary and »' treaanrvr of the North Carolina Bail- ? road. ·ο1οη«1 McLean had reached 1 the acnrth af hi* oratorical abllltie* in £ the Aycoch campaign the year be- " fore, and toured the entire Stat· on| behalf of the Democratic candidate. * Colonel McLean wa* bora Jannary h IS, lMf, the son of Alexander Dan- t can McLean, who in hi* da} wa* one J of the leading lawyer* in the State. He wa* married to Min Mary Glhnorc t McDougald. a member of one of the b oMcat famille* In the Cap* Fear *ec-l· don. Me died more than a year ·*<>·; b Surviving are two aon*. Alfred M.,l McLean, private aeeretary to United r State* Senator L S. Overman; John b Tyler McLean, Birmingham, Ala.; 1 Mr*. W. F. Mar*b. RateHTand Mi** t Margaret McLeaa, LilUngton. It Funeral aervieeii will he held from fc the Pi<e*hytrrian church here thi* af- > teinoon at S o'clock, ronductrd by, I the paador. Rev. β. F. Kirlraalrick, aa «lited by Rev. J. K, Hall, former pas tor of the church here. Interment will take place at SummerrUlc three mile· ' from Lillington, where génération* of 1 the McLean· aad other leading Scotch ' famille· have been laid tu reft. Lillington, Jaly M .—Col. Oan' Hugh McLean, leading lawyer of the * Cap* Fear melton. wa* laid to reel I. thi· afternoon at MammerrllW In ·!] grave aevanty-^ve yard* from the,! •pot whore be w·· horn, icventy-ftve ! year* ago. An immenae throng of moarnlngi. friend» and neighbor* attended the), fanerai, eoadactod by Rev. G. F , Xirkpatrlck, amictrd by Rev. J. Κ. ( Hall, a former paator. I, The fanerai *crvlce wa* conducted ander Ma*oalc direction and the ac-1 tlve pallbearer* were tho member* of the board of education and the hoard of comi*i*(ioaeni of Harnett. The honorary paBboarer· ware the. memeert M IW i.unnftoa Mr. Nothing it laite a» irritating υ sa ordinary fcuarea Wat»* trying ta «et, like an angel.—Atchtooa Globe. ] ITOCK MARKET DISPLAYS ACTIVITY AMD MU EMC ΤΗ New York, Ja)y β—The #otV mar et ttxl»y diaplayed i«aprei«fr<· actM· »ity and itrtuth far th· flm tint· la nearly twa months The rally, maintained vo the oa4. (ta· eoatothin· ut a «taofk ta th» xfcorU, who·· harried covering of coa tncto added maaearably te th· ra variai. Many Inn·», tapttlally tWoee recently under greet**t yrejeare mad· art min· of 1 ta 10 patata. Baitr oaetatlona eeperiafly In for eign oil», UMiilil another reactlu· try aa<ala«. Mnriraa avtroleue fell to the now to· of 87 it aad aftHM ' Od ahare· al«o ragittered talnlaaa arlraa at recant year*. Within the Aral hoar, howrMT, hoary hayln* of afexican Patrelram lamed the tM« ι aad (tack clueed at 1·! 1-4. « aet ι gala af I· point*. Pae-Aworlraa p*· ι troloaai averaged otfkt petal fat a κ NORTH CAROLINA PAYS UNCLE SAM STAGGERING TOTAL '■* Eight Ywn Rua ». W. BA1LEF MAKES REVENUE ANALYSIS 1*14 ami l»tl accVrtlai ta tl* 1M total far the Stata Omm eiahl ««· U Ui.UtJk imtelir »ek VMr am UtaJTtkc aotirc 00,000 krad Imi total for mod jada is North CmBu Ui nearly ""CO Μ Buck M tba «Util* Mmiu » tha Unitad Stat·* ta liîi to .Û""- V*·™ tha North Cm m iatatMl mange na intentai rarnae lairiini Iram It,00·,000 la 1*14, to ·1*4.·ΟΜΟΟ ι 1·βI. thoajch 1M0 waa tW jaak Mr Willi a total αi «1MU0M.0M. What Haral CavoMaa Patf Hata a*» tha fifuraa: Oftw at Ralalah «1 -»1«Γ·«Ι.β4»0» KO II» st.mmm.9s 11· lt.11MM.lS HT M1IJMM4 >1· MM.S11.4i II· M1MM-1) «4 MS1JW.1· Total μίΜΤΙΜϋ 191· 4 ΤΜΟΜ·Μ» •II I- M4NJ4UI •IT I™ IU»4JMt 1·1« .. 1MU4NH Mi MliWIT •14 - «MW.T» r·"^ w «ΜΜ· I· W·· flu*· In· thaae clgM mn with collection* m Ike entire waited Stat·* for the rear HH, which vim oely ftt£ ΪΟΟ,ΟΟ·.·· «y· Mr. Itll·; in in art tiyrfa of the (firs. "Revenu· from Um tariff (ester· aal rvtnutl fer th· a»h*ie country In on· year (I·*·) U loM tku twice the revenue coUectad ia North Car· alina In th· year endiar ίβ*» >0. 1920. Th* tariff l« a «rival aiattat ivmparrd with the Internal rmm tax. "A* lat« M ini the interna) rare· ι ac paid by th· entire country *ai law than th· internal rmMi celiac· led in North Carolina th· OB· yaar June 3·, 1·». It b not likely that th· Sevra far the present year. <121,(ΗΜ.Φ00, will be reached again »ooa. Oar baaiaaa· M ar»rv jnakinir money up to li|t«a· ber I,, mo. Sine· thee byftneM ha· bcea «tatgaria*. It ia not likaly te recevcr an til th· herd·· of taxation b« lifted. The load il too great that It plata enough. The waad«r la that it ha* h«en carried a* lea* u it ha· bent. Oar earn*· err ia] fattenι has been »U(0C*rinr under th· load nia· month·—It wiD nat itand up each (ontvr. In aiy opinion. SIm%iI4 "In Mate, aation, county, city tad town, th· effort M(ht to be not to doriw arm and m—a· of labiaf τ«· venae but to cut down expense*. If the General Aaaenbly asnat be «ailed to «peclal (OMien, let it he called to cut down the burden of tax··, act to enable the cltie* to rplae awaey. la Head of calliac for aa ertra aeaatoa of the General Aiaeably to raable thoat to an tract aore aMoey ftoa the people oar eitiea ought to be cut tins down expenae*. So far I have aot beard of ma o»e atep la thii direction All annnowary attcca ia ear But·, <1 tie* and coantlea oaght to be aboflahed. The firat clop In the direction of recovery free* the pMO ent pro at ratios la to lighten the load wherever powfble." METEOS* 0« SUN TO* THE HOT WEATHER Valleo, Cal., Jal7 «—The esWa· ,»rd.narlly warn wee tar af the pre»· ;'■·»· «uramr-r ia rauaed I) aa uaaajal [iloanpour if aietear- mi the «an, »a· wrteee t*<a parat ara ·. the belief ι( i, T. 4m. mv.-niant m. · at the Mer» Ut<H Xjry Yard. Citlnf the fact that uiiMtll; arena ΝΜΜπ ocrer eren tan ar *2"•f»·*™. h· ·»" that -Saw, far the flm time, by ·*·'"·< aiaiihn ■P^Mi aetronvmer* ara «Ma ta threw l%ht" upee thit freet ι "Since · aaae ut » greater the» Mr BOM ia failla· inta Uie «m ivmï ceetery," ha eaM, "It hu„H, |M A m*■!»■ thai iV» -* ▼•rj n»prrm«oi· tnu iw nowupwr tuaandi at · aalfena rata. H it M«m deam la raaU ander Ute ae tioaa af the chief plaitet, Japtter ead ftatam, which ara naar Mr rawjaae U«a aivd are hm ll|rtw tal «-* rreaiag Éf, the* we <k»«U haea l de* Iwereae— «f the mm'» radia. Joet ai w» new witftaaa ail ew "TWa ta a M«eleat the oapreeedeMty ha*

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