* » * * * •LOCAL* * ******* > * WHITE WAV THE AT* Ε * » PROGRAM * * »· Th*up**l\y—'^fuâ ^j'ou» Heighta"— •ploode It "Double Adventure." Th·· "Vagabond" Charlie Chaplin, two reel comedy. "The Bill Poster" Hank Mann, two rtel comedy. Paramount Hereon Mag·1 '"· Kriday •"Thunder Klaml" Univer Ml «uper »pecial with Edith Robvrtn. "Running Wild", one reel euniedy with the Vanity Pair Girl*. Saturday—"The Stolen Bride" epi iodr 10 "Fighting Fate. "ΠΙ 8ay H« Korgut" two ree! comedy. "The Day Remrgvnt" Two Reel O'Henry Kea ' ture. l.ateat Pilhc New*. Sing Jang «pent Sunday in Raleigh with friend·. Mr. and Mie. N, A. Townoand rpviit Monday In Clinton. Gcddie Jerome, of Wallace, ypt«n t Sunday in town with friend*. Mi»« Maud BuigeAa, of Sal< mburc, rru Monday .n U>wn with Mrs. J.! Gait it. I Ε. T. Draper ha* returned from Boykin, Va., where he vialted rela-j live· in the city. W. P. Diekoy returned Monday af-{ ternoon from a buKineu trip to Rich-' raond and Prtcributg, Va. ! Mr*. T. B. Darde» loft lant niffht for Hanover. Pa., where 'he will | tpend July and Aogu*t with relativek , Miu Kathlyn Allen left Saturday for North Kiaporia. Va., wherw the' will visit her mother for ncveral day» I Little MU» Katherine Womble ί» «pending several day· in Raleigh thU week with relative*. Marvin Wadc. «tire president #f { the Plrat Nation*! Hank, il in Gold >-1 boro today MtUndintf » Kintin; Ot' , the atockholders of the Scmino!» 1 Phouphat» Co. Mim Mary J*ck*on and Mit· Irene Bcddinirflela, of Sprinte Hop». are her· Ihl» week visitinR Mr. and Mu j W. H. Jackion. Mi«* Jackaon "w Mr. Jarloun'a titter. The Dunn colored ball team will I Slay Durham here this afternoon at j le fairground*. A colore.) excursion ' on the Durham and Southern ha» brought a larRe crnwd to witnew the exhibition. The railroad croaainy near the po.«t office It today being repaired, r.n.l the Broad Street cresting wiU Ι·λ ί·· paired In the next few day», uecvrd inf to 8ocret»nr Riddle, who hat a letter to that effeet from the rail road company Mr. and Mr*. Arthur Wilhon re· tarned Friday from Atheville and uther po nte in the We»tern part of the itate. Mn. Wilbon, wh« w« Mi»» Aida Te» before her recent marri**v hat returned her J tonographies] work with the Clifford and Town «end law βηη. The Philathea Claa* will entvrtain the Barara elan· of the Fir*t Baptiet church at Stewart'» pond Thuriday afternoon. Member* of both daeer» •re requested to be at thhi church promptly at β o'clock. Member* of (he Philailiea Claat are reminded to brinpr their baeketa. J. O. Loyton war in town thit week with a petition aiklug the County Board of Comaiuionera to hav· the Stat· Highway coma via Buie* Creek to Duke, and thcnce to Clinton. Ov er Mr*en hundred people hara iltneil the petition, according to Mr.' Lay ton and everywhere people have hern favorable toward It. he lay*. After «pending «evvral day* here with her brother Ε. T. Draper, Kim Vivian Draaei* b»ft tHe lilt,.? ·.■#» of the week for bar homo in Boykin, V·., where (ht will ayend the »om mer. Ml*· Drapa· It a member of lh« Islington Parm Uf· arbooi (acuity, and hi κ hern re-nWtr·! fer another ter·». About a hundred and fifty mm ha Vf aubacribed te Uvc fund aupport· irif Mm Dunn ball eluh with amount· ranging from three to fifteen dollar*.: In Che fa to re the aipcaae* of Ut» clab will he kept a· low u powibte, ac cording to the treaanrer. bet eeery thirfg will be done to glee Dunn a wianlng team. There U ear more regalarly aehrd alad Ram* far Dean to play in the Ont half of the kagae race. Dunn will play Four Oak» here Thumday. Oa the following day Beaaoa and Selau win battle at Ben eon. If the pennant winner lj in queatlon Dann and four Oak· her· tie gamaa with Helm· that alight be placed off. The aeeond half af the league raee «tari» next Monday, Dunr playing Benann od the Benao* diamond. ΛΙ>·.\ H.U PiiinroM1 «ρι-nt Saturday in rw>'i>t*.tv'Ui' -bupoiinf. I CiH Hai-vfoot wns In Kuur 0*ks .Saturday night «η bu>inc»> I P. fi. Coop.-r bu» retarowl from a hQf iirm tii|i in Georgia. M'·* f.dna »f l'onU. lit th» K«vrt ut MTr. i\ K. Horwyruil. ι Ml* Harvry McKay ηr..l ilanirhtar, MW« I»a Battle, *i»iti*ti Fny*tt«villr nlioppintt Sntunlay. M>«/ Ivh Pi ar-i.n li ft Saturday for Lumliri ion wH«r> «kr will rUit frlvndi fo. romr : m» M:» Ul*i· l'uiitl·. ami itauifhter, Elcancr. of Rui k>· Mount au viiltina Mr. ami Μι>. I Clifford. Mi» Elcamir l'caruT' will «ο Trom bu·· to Wh'ti l.*k·. vi-hi'i» 'he will join a nomU r nf fru nd< on n Λ/Λr.kI Hay· kiuin· p^rîy. T«n hiiiihcil ami fifty bal»* of! cotton ttirrc m'iI i>n thr local market! Ratuiday .utrordine to m >tati ment| mode to:lay by W. T. Royai. cotton j weilfhir. About 200 hub-» of tfcl· cot ] ton »«# M>|d fcy <>nr nun. IWurt pla tine bi» rwUoii o" the market be afk «il for competitive bdii from other mark it · in thltf «irt'.iu of Ihr *tat·, bai the price paid by the local buyer »> above buy ntbrr bid r«*ived. According to thix Dunn Hill main· 'a n· it· rrputnl '»n *r At beat mar ket in thi<< r>nrt of ;b·· -taU·. V £XPERIENCfc.D STOCK MAN RECOMMENDS COW CHOW Mr. Bi n C. Di nning, of Our.n. who lui> hud yrun cf i-X|ieri*nc. with »»'<. »■>« he hax nrver mon- convin •wl than when h* u»ml JuM one baj; nf low Ohnw. to th« great In cri-n»'· in hU milk anil Uutter prodoe llon. "I had osorf nml am! hull] for *r»r/, bat a »injtl·· b«a iif Cow Chow ■••ublcd ray yield of mjlk and buttai Γιοπι iuiitic tow<." «y»" Mr. Denning. F.ir «1* «•xL-loilvrly m Dunn hy L. Surir» in chirki-r boxril bm^LV It. The man who solved the Emtcin hrory it now ut work on the rail oa >1 timetable — •Miniirapulii* Juur taL I STOCK MARKET DUITaYI ACTIVITY AND STUEKCTt K·* York, July β.—The rtock mar et today dlfplajred impreamive activi |Wty and ttrtngth for lb· flr»t tim in nearly two fnOBtha. The rally, maintained to thi end ara· «omet h; ne of a shock to thi short», whole huriied covering of con tiacU added measurably to the r» varia). Many isau<u, specially thaw itecntly under irrrnten pressure mail· net «aim or Î to 10 point!. Early quotation*, imperially in for ilgn ail·, iiiMtitiJ another rvaei'on· ary «raiα». Mexican petroleum f«|] to iht new low of 87 W and aflliat trd «h«η ί alto r»(fl»tcrcJ nln>mair prier., of rveent year*. Within tha Ornt heur, however, heavy buylnf of .Mexican Petroleum turned the lid· and «tuck doted at IVI 1-4, a act luin of JO point*. ran-Aatiini pe troleum averaged eight point gain<. The fellow who received a letter from the giTtmntnl telling him tbat hirbody hart arrived from Fi-ance mu»t hav· felt very much relieved to know ;bat he wai nu longer lying dead on foreign noil.—The Argua (Seattle.) SCHEDULE Clinton To Dane Jitney I*·**» Silemfcnnr »Λ0 a. U.av<· Boacboro 8:80 a. Le»**· Clinton 11 AO a. Leave» Dunn 3:00 p. Arrive· Roatrbvro ..... Β:Z5 a. Arrive· Clinton ...... tilt *. Arrivai Dunn ...... 1:00 p. Arrive· Clinton .........ΒΛ0 p. Arrivu SMeboro 8:40 p. FARE $1.10 FARE HALF WAT 55-c! CORN ACREACE CAINS IN EVERY SOUTHERN STATE W«ihla«toa, July S.—Every Moucb «>■ SUW incrvancd iu COIK »iro»|t« (hi· y»*r, Uhp Dcptrttii nt ·( Auricul ar*'» July crop report iNwi«d today tivowlnic iitrauM raacinc from l to 20 per ft. Virginia. Tcnutwr, North Carolina, Tcxu and Oklahoma 41 r the oaly «ouihtrn <t>t« for which unall [ν tttfr m« Um:i wru h*r Ipkt y··»·'. (ac ι of r«.n ."x'r 1 an J :b·· P.*tc«»i uf piodoftitt: (»r «juiH fo:a»4S Vîlw'tie· rn*<âiUo'i. ΜΛ yrrdntlion t ι,ι«,ί ba<Jlc'r. Nuik C»u.I im f i es.i 1 ϋι-ο.κ'·» 77 Y*,«iSl 0U0. Te«u4CC, Ki a.>J K4,Jt7.MO. AUhumt 7i #'Hj tft.lij.MO. Μ1ι*!μ·ρ»: Τ» μ4 Μ,Μ7,0Μ. Λ 1k· lues Μ and njH.M*. It V right for tb· beMiBf narfv* ta -<1«ΛΙΙ kMt».1* If Um WiH ■I'.*1 ward build Mw — OUmwo najljr Nnrt. TWy r«tl tt a taimarchy, but Κ i* k:air Cr»r*«- tbr Fink MU Uojri Cîmiarc tb*· Fuei Fifth·.—Fmit· Rv UubMees, thi« week for Virginia Bench, where ! tbe j will >p«nd loir· time. John Clifford Iifi today for V.r- j tin!» Beach, where he will •pen t »«-» ι era! day· with friend*. There will b« a ball κβηο< hart to-1 morrow between Dunn and Fuquay at lb· League park. Perry Morgan, «tale secretary of* th· Β. V. P. U. of the Baptiat church, «pent Sunday in town with friendi. and relative·. II. S. MrKly I* attending the Shri ncri Cenmonlal In Norfolk and a'. ; Virginia Beach. He will ivtarn this ! Weak.. A large crowd of Dunn people mo tared to Four Oak· yeaterJay to wit-| neaa the ball game between Unun *od | Xoar Oak*. Miaaea Adalla and Margaret Row- | lanj, da ugh te .ι of Mr. and lira B. A. Rowland. are viftilinj? friend* In Rocky Mount. j Mr. and Mr». E. P. Pari» and chU-i dron left tuday for Columbia. 8. C., where they will «pend a two-weaka vacation with relative». j Mr. and Mra.JXroy Mond. and Mrt. John Moods, «pent the weak end with . rclatlvca in Coldabor·. Mr Mond* re turned to Dunn Monday. Rev. Ç. A. Jeakena of _ Clayton,, - Jama· But Wi in receipt of rwenty flva eopirs of The Hi*tor> of the 11» Infantry of the XOth diviainn, which he will distribute to member* wko apply for the»· : Mr·. 8am B.roughton It in the Pitt' | man Iloipitil at Vayetteville. Her I friend· will be glad to. learn that skw i> getting along nirefy and recover- , In» raDidlv Pains . Were Terrific Read how Mr». Albert Qrtmorf, of K. P. DTNo. 1. Blulord, 10.. got rid at ftet lUi. l>eilog . . . I «« awluDy weak - . . My point were tonifie. I ht 1 would dit. The CARDUt The Woman's Tonic I "1 took k UllWmHy and the result* were immedi ate." aida Mit. Gregory. "I continued to (ct bet ter. an my ill· le* me, and I went i,.rough . . . with do further trouble. My baby was (at and strong, and m/sell - -thank Ood—an once store hale and beady, can walk mites, do my work, though 44 year* old, leai like a new pei so·. Mi owe to Cardai." For many years Card id has been found heJplul la builUlng op the system wticn run down by d)a o· it rs peculiar to wotnaa. r/j it.,J * Cardui Take ANNOUNCEMENT V'e »t<t to ahre you »& .·« Klertrical Repair Ser vice on: Irimi. «II mak«·. Grill·, nil atkk··, Parcalatur·, *11 make·, all ■abt·, Vuiua Cbawx, all main·, R«»*aa «all mIm·, Curling Irait, all Mkai, Vlkratar·, all ralwa, Fan·, all auk··, Maters all wlw, Churn·, all aulm, Sawing ΜκΜικι, all raalta·. ■ Fact EnrjrtliiDi Electrical We have a well equipped Electrical Shop in charge of an experienced mochanic. Briny un your trouble· and w§ will adjuat them for you at > reas onable price. HUDSON-DRAPER ELECTRIC COMPANY 107 Eaat InU IkM PHONE Ma. M DUNN, N. C. — ι ι COME While Bargains are Plen- i; tiful. Whatever you want to eat or ! wear, if you buy it at the YEL LOW FRONT STORE this week, j; will have no sting of High Price·. : Everything marked to suit the j : times and make living easy and | j worth while for those who trade i; with us. Come now while bargains are plentiful. =s REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK it Dun, is the Stat· ο I N*rtl Ctitliu, at lb. <Ua «Ι >«ί··Η '«a Jb»· 30»K Ι·2Ι. KE&ODBC&8 •nan* and diirounU, including redinrognta ..$662,311.76 Total Loan» ...1662,313 76 i»tc< anil bill* rnl>»<-nunted with Federal Reaerva lank (other than bank acroptanceg •old ... 1238,621.If 1 lolot and hill* ivdincountcd other than with Fed eral Rtsrrve Bank( ul.her than hank atccptancai U» 9 IIAA ΛΛ $240,02) .ft 1 $42ΐ.β91.9ό Ivridiafts «eeuied $6,261-ββ; uη·*«■<■ ur<d, $51β.31 ' β,ΤΗ.Π I. S. Covtnianl McuritiH owned ; kpositfj to «ocurc circulation (U. 8. Rond* par »*luc 40,000,00 111 oth«r llmtnl SUtci Government 8eruritit<-. 167,400.00 Total 207,400.00 >lh«» bo»4>. itock·, aacerHI·*, «ta. ι . S. 100.00 linking Hou>«, $41,225.01; Furniture and Fix ture*, $11,911.65 63,18<I.Se temx with Federal Rewrve Bnrk in μ roc»»* of rollertic ■ (not available a< raaetv»).. 4,720.31 ')i'h iu vault and amount due from nation*! bank* 20,$87.60 kmourt due from bank*, banker·, and Irait com panies in the United State* ■ 20,726.10 'hi-ck* on other bunlo in the «ante city or town a* reporting bank . .... ... 1,647.3· Total of Item.» 63.681.40 'heck* on bank·* located oatx de of eil» or tow», of reporting brink and other caxh Item· 17.24 ledemption fund with L'. 8. Trea*urer and dur from 11. S. Treanxrer-. 2,000,00 Total .. . ... ... .... LIABILITIES Capital utock paid ia ...... iur/.!&i fund .. ...... Individ.Ή prof'.U tlZ.9HO.20 [■irtuliiiiiiK note* uutftandlnit —.......... Λ mou it dur to Federal Reserve Bank (deferred crédite) .. ............... .... "ο·;':f'<-·<! ch?ck4 out landing . ... ...... c«»hi<-r'M rhrc-ki on own bank ouWUndlnr ...... T«.u: 12.β·Χ.4« Out; fedfial Rw »· .. ..... Dint d Jirri'.i (ether A·» bank depaeita) . «ubjn, I lo r»a*r«« (d«portt< payable within 80 lay- -. ... ... To.al of lU-maii! d»po>im (other than bank il.pmlt 0 xvSjit. lo Retvrve ........ 147,270.60 Tiu· d«pa4t« nbjMt ta fteeerve (payable aftar Û0 day», or subject ta *0 day* or η»err nolle·, a <d pontal tarin**): (% itifècate» of tlcpoait (other than formeney bor rowed) .. .. ...... ...... OthiT lime riepoaita ... ..... ...... Tot*· of I'ta* depoalt» auhjeet to Reaerrr.. 171.R7S.7e L*. 8. Govnrnment Beauritle* borrowed . ...... BI1U payable other than with Poderat Reserve . Bank (Including all obligation» representing money borrowed otber than rediaeeant») Bill» payribl· with Federal Reeeree Bank ... ...... «Tti.mo.H Sut» »t Narth Carolina, County of HamaU, ml I, H. 1 Taylor, Cuhkr of tke nbe*e-nam«l bank. 4o atlmaly nraar that thn nltovr «tatomanl la trua ta tba baat af my know!«<W* an4 MM. H. Β TAYLOR, Caahkor. BaWribcd an4 »*οτη ta Wforo ma thla ith day of Jaly, 1M1. JAMES PEAMaU,, Notary PoMk. My ramraHnlon Janoary 11, IMS. COMMBOT ΑΤΠΜΤ: ELUE OOLDfl^taM, J. W. MtAUOilOH, JOHM A. IfeXAY, , Dim ton. Best in the World Reduced from» $148.00 To $98.00 Fall Set of Majestic Cooking Ware, either Alumi num or Porcelain, with Each Range ! ! Biggest Bargain Ever Offered in this Section „ · GET YOURS while the stock lasts. Butler Brothers » Dunn, N. C. Varina, N. C. MOTORISTS are often at the end of their wits to know where they can have their repair work on their care properly done—how to avoid the absolute butchery that is so often inflicted up on care by incompetent persons who hang out a sign and call themselves "motor mechanics." This garage offers you the opportunity to have your repairs made in the proper manner by mechanics who DO KNOW THEIR BUSINESS and who have long since pass ed the experimental stage in motor mechanic·. You pay only for the actual time iionestly consumed in the work. The CITY GARAGE . .» -y,·· > DUNN, N. C. The largest Gurnfr in Harrrtt or adjoining counties

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