·****· r»»* •LOCAL* * ******* WHITE WAY THEATRE * » rtOCJUH .* * * ** >***♦♦♦♦♦♦♦·««»♦·»♦·',♦·»· Thursday—"By Atr »»d 8·»'. »i»j iofi'! 13—"Double Adventure ι "VII laa · Sc*ndal" Fatty Arbucklr. two ml comedy. "Tar Baby", Hank Mann two rwl comedy. I riilny—"Silver Hortle" Goldwyn Sp i*l Production—itory by Rex he* ch, all ilir cunt Snub Pollard on· reel comedy. aturilay—"A C bo ice of Death" «.pi ode J1—"Pirhtinï Fate" "Oh yoa Booy" «wo red eorrnnly. "Frknd ly Cell", two r<«l Wntarn Latent Pat.'ic N«n«. \Y. H. Dickey it in Savannah, G·., Uii< *Mk on Damnet*. Ml·» T>orothjr Driver i* visiting (rlrmlK In Wade«boro._ Sir. and Mr*. Marvin Wide motor *d to Clinton Sunday. MacXwir Smith, of Racford, waa in town for a few hour* yenterday. Ν. A. To«n«end «pent Monday In Clinton on businoM. Sam Kerrell returnrd Sunday from a visit to relative· in Morrl*vi)la. Cupor Warren returned Monday morning from a vl«lt to friend» in Noifolk, Va. Mr*. W L Pearce and daughter. of Cold*boro, are viiitlng Mr*. C. L Alphin. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stalling* and «in, W. H. Jr.. «pent the week end here with relative?. Mri. N. A. Town»end and Min Ra cbaei Clifford vitited the tfeopi in Baleiirh Saturday. SmilhfnM, «prat Sunday her*· with rolativaa. Robort Jordan returned ihia morn ing from Kranklinton, where he <XLt ed friends. MU» Emma Leo of Raleigh, ..pent th« week end here with her parent·, Mr. and Mr·. Rldredgt Lee. Cha«. Turd of Wtlion, returned home Sunday Aflvr upending if vera] day» with hi· brelhrr, Byron Ford. ι Mr. and Mit. C«o. M. Floyd and daughter left today to vlail relative» in Coldaboro and Clinton. Mr. and Mr». Earl Barefoot return ed ln*t night from Clyde where they visited relatives for several days. Mra. Tarvei of Auguita, Ga., ia viaiting in Dane the guest of Mr*. A. C. Hamev. Mr». R. L. Warren ii In a hospital in FayetWville. where the will under go an opciation thii week. Mr. and Mm. John Ruaiell arrived today from Emporia, Va., and will remain f-or ecvural day· viaiting rela tive?. * Mi·· Nancy Snipe· and the two •ont of Mr. ai>3 Mr·. Ζ. V. Snipea, Jamei and John, have returned from a visit to relative· ia Virginia. Misa Jane William· haa returned fiutn Raleigh. She wai accompanied home by M its Annie Smaw, who wlU •pend eome lima with aer. Min Kathleen All.η returned ye» terday from α » j'1 tu her mother In Noith Emporia. \ti. She w».· accom panied home by lier mother, who will «pend iomo time her». •'•lis· Uohcrta U.iin, who ha* bran a mix·*»!) worker in '.hi mountain· of j Wrel V iiK'iila !n i>··' pa»t year, I» I hum·· vUltinsr h> . father, Mrs. 8. A. [Biiin. Μ 'λι , )lu;>.'· ;· fi P< ai·.' Wii>on arr •I Vli-yinia Beach for an t'xb -week* vacation. Thi y !ι %·>· iuK'J η cottage IW'lh «v «rat ether yuuitft ladle*. (or 'tit·.· remainder of the summer. The intlon hand* arc «till at wort repairing the railway crotuing». The «ι-οτίΐη* near the po<t oltlt·.· wa» re paired but proved iin.-#tii<fi:r4iiry and υ now be'ng Worked on again. Mr». I·. I). Kiiuii. whu ha« been •Iclf for μβγ t mi·. wa< carried to Hex Hiwp tal Mo'ionv. accompanied by Dr. 0 I·. Γ>» luiinir, The frirndr of Mr». Ειιηί» irji fur le·-- a rpeody >* eovi r>. I Αι α riMi^nrniMinnl wcrtiPlE of the Pr*«bytcrian rliurel» S inula y moriiiae the coiiffr»-iratino voted U» lilvr kit* pu tu , In, A. R. McQueen, a two wci-ki vacation 11 tb* month of Aug· u»t. Mite I*ab< I Young ha* relumed from a *e»c«al we«-k> -lay nt Virginia Beach and Nnrfo'l;. Sli» w*a accom panied home by her Rmnd mother, Mr». Fleming, .vau, aUo. hu.·* been *|irnd:njr »otn.· » mi- ay the Bcach. Rbe-irr Hyr-1 of Mue.it Olive, «pent a few minuli·* in town Saturday en rout·· tu Uuie'n Cre-k where hr wa* in cearch of λ man wanted on the charg* of diapu/ni; of stolen (rood·. Pe^ry Jvrn'.Kun and Braxton Ba* KttL owner» of the fct- A 0 Gara*» nt Sanfoid, t'la . arrived In Dunn thU afU.noon and Wli apend «overal day* herr with relntieea. They made the trip ihrourh the country In * Lexington car. Mia* Marjnrii' Godwin. daughter of ex-CO''tfrrssirtu» H U t«odwin, nu anircd in thv city fn»m Washington j und la at prrsint thi· irucrt nf Min Klixaheth Thompson. Shr will ri-main 1 until Mr. Godwin rnovr* lii# entire family here from Wa.,hinirton. A rntl ir.'-ftinv of th·· Vnitcd Ihu irhtcr* of thi* t'o-ιfi'dyrucy wa» held at the country hum·· of Mr* Κ. M. TVar»all Friday afternoon. After the u«ual bu«ne*a we* iran»aeU'd. deli cious hart^Yûr with picklei and hot coffee »u aerved. Edward I.».·. Vrtr Ur'.vcr, and Ed win 11ο·Ικ«< left Sunday for Wilming ton to spend α few rlaye From there they will g<t Ui Camp Jacbon to en ter the Citizens Military Training ÎA:h(tol when* tlu > will taVc the thir ty day trainintr eour»« offered. Mix Patiliiir Mcyrn wit railed horn·- aud'ienly the week end to at tend the »tckn«rsj of her little Emily, who at one time «a» »eriou»ly ΊΙ. The many friend* of little Emily will be çlad to i nro tlint fh· re (retting alone nirely now and on the road to recovery. Thi· ShoninRiY piano, the I5o0 in itrmnent whlrh Mb. W. R. Jackaon, recently won In the Italelft Time» contrM, arrived la»t week and ha» been placed in Mv. Ihd Mr» Jack son'» new bungalow on S. Layton Avenu It i* it Unutifol instrument and Mr*. Jack on Sx mor< Uiân plf od with it. I A modern binuty and hair droning parlor will b· ««Ubllihcd at an aarly dale lii a lpacc In the Kirrt National 3ank buildlnr. Ptam fur the eatab lUhmvnt of the parlor have bevn in formation for nome title, and a thoroughly up to datf rqulpmcnt ia being purchased to DC urd. Some of the ladie< of tbr town are promot ing the venture, Miid have neeuivd a young Kirl who haj had a broad ex perianro in the work to be at the head of the parlor. Thr Van*-uarji Claa* of the Ριβλ lyterlau Chuich ha« a mtivrmrnt m Hr-r way to ienil food and kupplii* to the tick soldiirs at the Otecn Ho»pi tal ia Aihuvillc Mcmbin of all con· irregiuiona are «/ked to contribute anything they can in thi· way of non ty, cigarette·. candi«, hiijie made rake*, to either Ralph Wad"1, Jnrnc· Piur^ll. or J. R. Murphy committee appointed by I hi· clan*. Next Monday nlêht will be the rliuOn,; hour for the uuntr:butioiw. Mi*a Mum<> F. Camp. Oirretor of Communlly Scrvicc in tlamett coun ty, will give a performance· In tbv Mt'lrupolltan Theatre, Monday night, ut 8:45 o'clock. The flva reel feature picture, '^Americano," starring Doug lav Fairbanks and .several educalion «I film* wiM be iihown by Mia· Came in an effort to demontfUal* thn kfen of work that the Community Service ia now μιχ>(noting in the county. The ihow will be given absolutely free, and a large attendance I» axpecUd. Announcement wat made yesterday that a new enterprise I* to be estab lished here and active operation· will be commenced in the prAr future. A. L. Dc Loach. »tate representative of The Kullera Krunh Co., of Hartford, Conn., with headquarter* at Char lotte, will be at the he^id of a branch oBlce in thia city which will be located 4«a *Wa Pnrst'm Ρ»λΙ W a»u Un 11*41 η » TV»»c office >)*o handle* Lht product of the Drl.nAeh Quick lec Machine Co., » device for thr home nuinufaeturlng of ice. SPRING BRANCH BAPTIST CHURCH WILL HOLD REUNION Notice* have been mailed oat by J. A. Campbvll. pastor. of the Annual Roll Call and Reumoij. of ike Spring ©ranch Baptist church, which i« to I* held Friday Jaly 22, the program * tailing promptly at 10 :S0 ο clock in thr morning Mr. Cui|A»ll states that the num bci-s answering to the roll call foe thr pant three year· havr been 161, 180, antl IRA, and be hopes to have at least 2£>o prenant to answer ta their name· Friday. He says: "Help us to make it *0 bring the aged and infirm children. For o«*e let every member be present." This is the closing of the pa*tor> thirty second year. Rev. I. T. Newton will preach to the gathering Friday, and Rev. Fred N. I>ay will assist in the revival which follows the reunion. Hon. J. A. Oat*, Professor J. T. Alderman and others have been Invited by the pastor to be present at the re union. RICH TOP DKESSINC REVIVES FADED LAWNS Lawns get u tired look late in xum raer And can be rttaalated an<T"made fresh, according ^ experts of the ■ !_ !■■■_ '-1- ■■ . t. ' United Stat·* department of agricul ture. by a light top drc«»lng, comput ed of 2 paît· good loamy «al! one of well-rotted menuro, finely commi nuted, or {rood rompott in which «oil {predominate?, with 1 1-2 pound* of iulphato of amannia or nitrate of *o da, for every i.UOO square feet. The mixlui* sboald be applied ev enly and will rc>nlt in quick «timala tion and new κτβ·η growth. A mix I tare with a good proportion ο f «oil il «trnngly urged, especially when the chemical· ara u«ud u they will burn th* grata whan uwd two liberally on the lawn. If the (Tin 1« watered aft< r lb* fertiliser i* ap/ plied it should be thoroughly and, iib c rally dun*. Rupert of tbe Condition of THE FAKHUS BANK At Angier, in tbe State of No.th Curolina. at the clone uf kuxine*», June 40th. I «21. RESOURCES I Loan* and Discount* $41,CSfl 8·.· Overdrafts, tatenritl . 4SW.no. Furniture and Kixtur<a .. S.ei3.7'jj Cash in vault and net amount* due from lluiiki Banker· and Trait Corn pan ie* .. „ ϊ,Κκ.'Μϊ I Kxpcruot 62C.72Î Caah ltemi held over 24 hours .. . ... 176.00 Check» for clearing 14.00 Total (49.SZX.8J | LIABILITIES Capital Stock puid in |U>,tl0U.00> Bills Payable 16,000.00 Deposits subject to chuck. ΙΙ,7ήΒ.1β| Time Certificate· of De posit, Du· in l^ai Than 30 Days 708.14 Cashlor's Check· oat«tand •landing .. .. 176.70 Time Certificates of De uofct, Duc on or Afu-r SO Day* J 1,133.59 Saving* DepoaiU .. ..... Û55.24 ToUI ~Μ9·3**·*3\ State of Ninth Carolina—County uf Harnett. July 16, 1021. 1. O. 8. Young, Cachier ·( the abore named Bank, do <o)r*nly »w> ar that thv aiiovv etatetnent il In· to the be*t οΓ ray knowledge and belief. O. S. YOUNc·, Carti.-r. Subi>cribrd and «worn to befoi« m.·, thlj 13th day »f July, 1021. Franklin T. Dapree, Notaiy Public, j My romaiiMion expln-i Augiui 14.) 1021. Correct — Attcat: N. A MATTHEWS, J. V. ADAM 8. Director». BASEBALL * τ 01 LEAGUE STANDING w. L. Pet. Benton ......I 0 1.U00 I Solma .. .. 1 0 1.0091 Dunn .. ..... φ 1 .000; Four Oak· .. 1 .000! WHERE THEY FLAY Wcdne*da>—Four Ο·*» ■* J**"*» Friday—Benion at Dunn. .- -- -- MS5. NOBLES ENTEKTA1NS Mr* Κ. J. Xoblci dclirtitfully en tertained · nanlwr of friwdi at a iovtdy po:ch utrtjr Thuraday evening In honor of Mine* Xlline Cow·)! ana .Mury IJarrle, of FayatteeiHe, the churning houae ynvJU of Mr». A. L. Ki-wbcrry. Tht heme wu «uhantingly decor ated In huge baaketa of yellow daUiaa *nd potted plant* . Fivo tables were «τγ»π(·γ.Ι for heart* die»· card» attractive ccore card· Hiring the Γ»- eo* of · ι· h guatt. \ di'lo; iu< fc. J ι rouri» wit ttrvad by the boA'.-aa, at- ! ••«ltd by Mia* Blanche QrauOum. Slat· Collage Weakly Mm Lattae ' A aerie* -of five lecture» on "Eu imice" by Or. William I-coi» Pol eat, : prvaldent of Waka Forçat Collate. I fiutatad the week at Uiv Sommer j School. Th li-eterer. who I» one of ihi· foremoat b'ologiet» in tha eountiy, li indlcil thi* difficult arientific »ub-l |e«l very «killfully, and hi* clearcuti rxpualtinn of tht making of a new J ur^anim, the influence of heredity. t i-nvironmant and mining on the llfo| uf the Individual, and kia ation* plea . η th·· elaaing «^JrcM for a broader! more cotaprehe-naiv· view of tke eezl rt-l.illonihipe made a profound in»-· pi- talon upon the teacher» a*ο meet th· growing demand on the part of atodent* for baiine·» en w.fdjft and training, the board of. Ire*-tee* of vh« collage, at their la*t Beating, aatabliahed a Department of Agricultural Economic· and Ruaineaa Administration. The new department, headed by Tir. Carl C. Taylor, will offer four ·—'··■»· LU(iiv«wi ο«i« m fvnçnu θΒ·> >in»*a admlnutiatlon. on· in *hop management and manufactura, οα«| η fj»ni buûne·· and marketing, and, >nr tn rural life. Thear eouraca laad thv bachelor of *eftne· dcjrree. J The course· in the ne* department) krv planned with appicciatlon af tho fact thai a majority of Uw man who iltand ait inatiiutiop teaching airrkul urr and enginceiing want thoroafh training in the technologies of th»ae[ profession*. In Mme at the curricula I il U paaaible for the student to take,' in addition lu hit biMnaat eoaraes. MrKcUnlly a thro· rtV coarse in on· jf the technical department· of th· miteux. It j· aim t>o»eible for a (tad-ι rnt tu complete the coursa and ra-1 Lcive a de«rcc ia baaiasa admiaisUa Con ι >> pnrauiBK full time work in| Ibia department for one year after j ri«e!»:»lt hi» degree in any other do-1 pi· ,ni< ni. Entrance .'«ial im^n^a and .'all Ce· tail» yf the «ir.j.t·' u.1 ί·'»Η :in<5 : -or»· * U ? i'lveir it t ♦·»■■» * V./» I Jurt off the pre»», which may be ob tained by addressing Ε. B. Own. R* Cistrar. Suite Coller· Station, Xa Irigh, N. C. North Carolina roads are going to' have atfn poata oa them a. aeon a* Ike diatiicl eneinaara gel iheir main-; unanee ylsnrf into operation, and. care of the road* will iaclada main tenance of sign poata at «vary creas ing that will give the wayfarer aeeu- ' rate and lUtderitaadable information , a> to whither ho la haadoa. how tmr ' It U, and Κ there are any datmsrs j lo be made, the condition af the de lour. ι Order· to thia effect bare been Is sued to Um diatrict secineers by atate | highway eaifbii-ar. ChaHo» M Upbam. Tht- nlnr null·*! 10OB Kav* b»«r. ark ell to tubal*. t.» ib* chief their no· IjoBr i f what thv Mrtlpart* oufht M look Ilk*. and from aaaong the nln«, om do»!*» *ΊΙ b* aolactnf and mad· •tarda id (or I be wbal» t'lU. Aajr whetk· thr tie*» rt we» ou· of Ik· i'n/r. i, nr will know thai It U acraratc and oftr'al. W .ih the eonatanliy d^vdcplaf (trcam vt »a:omob 1* travel la North Carvlii s. '.t.* ni(rr. |;M« wi!! be of In· keloebte hrlp to the ρ,οχΛ» «hi Mat·. No concerted «/fort hu mr .kaeft aiedr U Jioperljr mark roado, ■ltkmack mm work l* tkit direetlo· £"î *·£ «*<· ^7 «fwwan. Urftly l* >»· *«* 1^1 te Λ« «hi. ,f iloeal odvcrtUer and 41 often mt net |««· pesti pt tic traveler hopetewly SCHEDULE Clinton To Dunn Jitney 1.1·»vt« Ka'imbjir ...ί:0β a. m. Ijivm Ki-Mbure ... ....11:30 ». Irfu·. Clialxn ........ll^iO ». ■■ Dunn .... ..... J:U0 p. ta. \rr)vt« Rum joru ... *."21 a. ». Arrive* Clinton . ..... 9:19 ·. ■>. KnHvri Dunn . .........1:0u p. m. Arritrs Cli'ilop ... Λ:00 p. a. \rrlTuc Rniwloro — 5:40 p. a. FARE $1.10 FARE HALF WAY 55-c ANNOUNCEMENT W. NmmIm. bM Mlhw, Wttkm, «11 mIm. Vm«m Own, lum .all Mbl C»Hi»i Imw, ·! rmm». m» m , «U ι i»iH'MiAI.* all mthm. m Pact EMrytUH Ebdriul Wc have a well «quipped Electrical Shop la charte of aa experienced mechanic. Bring ua your trouble· and we will idj unt them for you at a reas onable price. HUDSON-DRAFCft ELECTRIC CO HP AMY let Ult InU StfMt PHONE N·. M DUMM, M. C. S**3 Young Men'* genuine Palm B< ach Mit·— Extra $7.95 Younf Nm'i all wool huIij, Cawi 8MNI uafinUhed worcted*. «te. Color* Βία·, Brown, Cr»*n, etc., $28.00 r*l Special $14.95 Mra't and You»» M«n'a Dr·*· PanU. Erti-a flo· all wool matrrialu Color* ι Borfea, BhM Pin 8tr1p<?i, Brown •»d Qrajr Mix tor»*, tie at— $2.95, 3.95, $4.95 Ία* received nwOifr big ihipmcnt of W*"k KM»''**1111' B1*' 50c Men'· Black «ad Tan B«m, r""> Quality Be—Two For 15c THE FLEISHMAN BROTHERS COMPANY SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE Will Positively Close Next Saturday Night, July 23 A - Great - Big - Success Wi HÂVE 'EVERYTHING k -.Vf, ι ADVERTISE 4(».ineli WhJti· and Colored Oiftn Uiti— Special 25c y.»u· Dr.»» CinehM, ni» patwrnf Special 15c 1 Tablv pix>d quiily jrinifharo at— ci dm iily m η At 10c Blandaril Hickory 8hliti»e. hcary welffct— Special 10c Extra Kin· Cambrtf iOinth- - Special 10c Another Shipment Men'· high grsdt L)ifM Shirti, hfchly Mcrrnrlacd Ma dia*. i'iHiyi t·*, etc., with and without collar»— Extra 95c and $1.35 Mon'» On* KcMl* ho»e Black Cordo van and Navy— Extra—12c and 15c Men'* NuinjMtok «umimr anion sait*— Extra 59c 40-Inch Guud Quality O*or»»tt« Crrft Xtwcat Pilumi— Special $1.00 l<odl**' Silk HenrfkrjrVicf»— Extra Special 5c J. A P. Coot» Spool Cotton )}0 )trdi to Spool— Extra Special 5c Royal Spool 8ilk, itv>rt#d foloro Extra Special 5c A Great Big Success Wc are having one of the mott •■ecaaaful talc» in the hi«tory of ear baiint·» caraar. W« prrJIc Urd thia at tb« beginning at our aala. Great throng. of people riait am itorai every day rain or •bine, and ar* buying their need*. Yoo may wonder why ao Many people ar· baying. Thare la a r»a aan. Γ on» and aa«. Sale paaitWaly eleaea Saturday night July Strd. Mon'· Heavy wright, full eut Blur | IMtim overall*— Special 95c . I lloyi good grade evtvalia, iIim 0 to Special 50c lUijr» rant·. Khaki and Ca«*im«r·— Special 50c I Fin· quality ΒηχΓιΙι Lenff ColUJa Cloth 10 yat4a to fcolt — Special Per Bolt 96c It M. C. Cntkti Cotton— Extra Special Be t7-inch R«H tur D-«p»f Clolh— Special $1.50 Brft (Jr«<4# Tab I* Oil CteOi—: Special 30c THE BROAD HIGHWAY The very worst use to which you can put money Is to upend it. Thw year why not net up a new mi le· tone un the Broad Highway of Liie. A Bank Account at the Commercial Bank will pleaM every member of the fam ily-do them most good—last the longest. Bestow half the time this year in teaching them to accumulate mon ey that you did last year in teaching them to spend it and you will benefit yourself and better the condition of every one to whom you give such a gift. Thé Commercial Bank Dunn, N. C. Wc pay 4 per ccnt interest In mm 8»' Otic lot GeonrctU Satis and TUTrU Dim»*», Mint aiudw. Value I IT. 10 Extra Special $8.95 Pine B'âi PopKm 8kirt^ Mortd col· or·— Extra Special $1.95 Trlrol»tte and Jap 81k Wabt— Extra—Extra $1.00 Wumvn't Mkldy Blotum, nada wt toe <|oality Middy TwlU. Vais· »ΙΛ0— Extra $49c 1 Tab)· Suaw Dr»« ha ta, Ta)»M ta M ··— Extra Special 95c

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