THE DUNN — _ Dunn, Norlh C;.rc!u:i., !'/Kli.tiCj inKti AND iiEAR TALKS ON m SYSTEM Co 3p»r,.liv« Mat-ketiug !• t apbincil To Hundred* of Farmer* Here Or. -AY INTEREST SHOWN EY FARMERS C/.TKF.R7J T r>r. B. W. Kilgore, and L. S. Tomlinaon, Officer* of Th* Stale Affectation. Deliver T! « Addreaaea In Explana tion of Proceai of Coopera tive Marketing. Hundred* of farmer*, earning tV Duan from m le* around, gathered in til** Matrupold-an theatre yrstrrday afternoon and l!«U-ncd tUentvrty ts vpecchc* made by Dr. B. W. Kilgtire vire-pri-aidrnt of th* North Curolinn Cotlnn Grower \ A-.•.notation, and L.' !». Ti.irPin.on, Jl.-tfi'di'li! Of thr a.*0 clnton. . xplalmny. th' Avrfrm co.' nr.Pf alive marketing, and trying them to b« romr HH itib«kif* of i£u* n• «*>oiutii**» 1 i° 11 ,,J *ho r**e*l MPVemrnt. IJ'a* bin rrowii of fatmcir began to com* Into town early before dinner, a»ul howr-d an unuaaal Inter,-*t in tn* or^.unixntivn, .ill anxiu'is to b • ^how11 h*>wpth« <;o-oi*craii% *y u-m i w»,r!k< Th;*re were fanner* lien*! Ill** remote etlgt-* of Harm-tt county! mid pnny from CumborUp.l j„hn-l t..u, «nd Samrrnn countW Thu ia*s *}“':”***•' Wa Ihotvutrhly a.lvcr L -"'d ItV I he «-11 ft. m i t f . . . .. -L nod In- Iutv rollon prin* lik) poor nur ,tt iib conditions of th pirsent ttm*'1 w.ii, re-ponsible for ore of the loix <t KOthrr;nf< uf fanners ever A.wmb.ed him. 'Ibc big croi H met in the theatre about !hi e* ovie-vk. Hiid rem- inod lh.o,i»h the turn recehej of Dr. Kilxnre and Mr Tomlinson, plain ly Mowing the interval thiy fell in " '■> movement that might help the farmer ret more for hit products. i Then- weir a number of !..rul riti Kins h. Itc audience to hen the »|K«-eh<» ronerminp co-operative, markctin;;, and ail of Dunn'a largest fom.erj we >, prr.ent. A number of UuivaanU, bankers, profeaaiunal man, and cotton buyers, heard the two forceful messages and were gi rally impressed With the farl.-i prr • rented. w s • attorney and a farmer himself,^n*. Iroduced Dr R W. Kilgore u "scientific farmer,” rule chemist for; twenty years, and a man wei) know.1 through thr paxes of Thu Prog.easivu farmer nnd at an authority or agr eoltu-.' and market,ng. Mr c.owin , blue fly »l»trd the purpose of the rurctinn. terming it a* a *Vu!l for or panirat on, the demonstration of cold facts lha exposition of • proposition.” "Th.- co-opetnl.Vi marketing pro. er*o is not now. ft tin new .'ad or .'uMethiiig lu do fo. us i'l the-., haul times,” began Dr. Kilgore “It has been used for a long time, and , L* rcKulu," he continued ' Dr. h.lgore staled that co-operative marketing |lnd bren used in Denmark atid otnor countries, and had made U,em prosperous. Hr cited an eaampio . ul "mmark sending its butter clean as ruM the water, into thi* country, and r.gtu into the heart of our dalry n;y section, where it 1< told in com lit. "Ion u-ith our butUr. "Oo-upcn live marketing enables them to do thr., declared Dr. Kilgore. li" laid bare the cold facin' or :h« |i.opos:( oo, giving „ number of, gntl citing actual exam-1 r-.e« Dv rln,wed how I he system had tH-eu used mi ore, whelmingly eueccs.v ™, *" £"J 'f“,nia- f"'1 declared Ui-rt Kd.xl.DOO.tlOi) worth of produc was thi- pracrm. ' ' •*> “«;• two fundamentals of Fh Mhm.’ -s'Ur Kllpor*. Fl» L, thou is one contract for each for tobacco, for peanut*. for rotton.’’ TV second fundamental he "se iced wi:h r.'feranee to cotton ma.keling. “is that only growers uf nothin or lho-o who have cotton grown for tiicj.1 can become mem ben of this seeweiaticn.” Vr. Kilgore w«,t fully into the principle* of Ihe organisation, ex Flamed the contract, knowing that >t wav legal and a protection to bother par.K* concerned, and then showed ™w. throggh organiaat'on, the goods eohld be marketad at a bettor pi ice. H. fxolainid how the "epread b-. • "nyer and spinner,’* is saved, Ji"1 b“w profit *ouk to the fa-meT ” Id on’VI "l*1 ,V‘ cflP* would ho thelmi . bi'iU “? 'lua'ity slid lin t hired In *'u,i,r“ obtainable would b. mellow," SS »• «•“•»«*• In con w*lfl Ihln h? t/ftvf* ti'Vfrftl In - **amplwi undvr thv STth^aialf # lh* poor*r otvL?X? X?1 ‘V ',ur4i<”l foUWTd «" •'•^^“V.i ral' bTH’i1'1 |E? e i5*UmTd by th' '"m* **'•*!.'V' flnauelng the of'sLH with "titansto l!rf he an*It '■^ flWfc M^t.ClllllIy (iVf fT ||*U in the rtr'on 07lh.1 " • I7ivt*mn.n«-7nni,lp* Ulu'r «•-«P* rrj.t.xe market nr aoeoriatlani, rl|d wen. raeceodmg admirably TWifM After Daabaa,, U. R Tvmlinaon, pir.,dml of the yari.c al im. did not ten a« much in the rmt- of the projic.ltlo.i, bot j_ .. In.tord on removing u,» douhta of Uv /timer*, and attempting u wit er thi ia '« heCevu what h» k>d l« »/. Ill dKlari'd there were th.r-t rhnrun 11* In tha^orld, “the man who dne.i’t know, nod know* he doean't know; lh<- man who knowa aod know. I f “No Number*” On * l Ten Car* i — * ¥ ¥ ' llvn.-un': t ju,t > enter- ¥ ¥ day ten men. turn uo for driv ¥ ¥ iiijf without ; -Lit.- auto llrentc ¥ ¥ plat«. Must of ihr*.-’ m< n were ¥ ¥ found Rltiky and fiord lh« ¥ ¥ ro»'.s of thr r»ac. whkh ¥ ¥ amount- to *11. Two o-- three ¥ ¥ wjo when they testl- ¥ ¥ fled to working in ;ura«e. and ¥ ¥ Mint thn can they were il> ivioitr V ¥ wer-. i.ot tbeir property Chief ¥ ¥ of Police Pape told the count ¥ ¥ that the Dealers Liven-* Plat* ¥ ¥ wa. hccomina a nuisance, and ¥ •V- chut many people had -ccmvd ¥ ¥ these liven-;# numbe..*. ¥ ¥ they were cheap. There w«i an ¥ ¥ pittance or tivu «f ih!. ir. court ¥ ¥ >C'.<( r.l»i tie warm, the dud*- ¥ ¥ er, or the law who a-. usint deal f t-r' number, and a.r ¥ ¥ not I ee.i;-,..| dealers. Chief ¥ * 1 ;*** hi‘» -l»oi l lOiimirU up all ¥ i Jj lh,‘ •"'Ji be »v»dcu or ih« ¥ . licrn*« low. and will ¥ *•* *§urt 0,1 • Cimpa gn to *ni aJJ ¥ * °tc unli- Afoify driving with ¥ j dettlvr# numlifr*. MBS CARP WILL &E HERE MONDAY Haruclt Director of Community! ucrvV« Will Give Show In Theatre M:. Mi. mo F Camp, nircetor of, Community S. rvire in Harnett eoun ly will visit Hum Monday. , W.*>l '*'■1 give a performance m tht* Ir.rpulitao Vfundiy • night at 8:Su o’clock, illusliating the work that the community service is Join* in Harnett county. The five reel feature pictuie. “Americano.” liarring Dugla* Fa’rbanks. and sev eral educational and instructive films will be shown, in demonstration oft the community service woik. Tl:. bow will be given absolutely frc> of eliaigu and i> being put on here by the Chamber nf Commerce ror the benefit of the townspeople < srbo arc. genet alls practically Ignor-j tat of what this department of cean-1 ■J education la. Miss Camp, who has ■ad a. great deal of experience In this und of work, will give a very en tertaining and instructive demonslra jetween thi ages of eight and eigh-' teen who might be interested in the* uganiaition of a troop of Girt Scouts here. Mi/s Camp made a viuit n Dunn s«r time ago in the Inter-1 •»T of this movement, and sucreedid u grtt'iie some of the ladies in town iiU-rc», who have been engaged n roll' tj£ the work started here. I M‘-« Camp will hive the meeting' >f the girls in the chamber of Com! net'>• cUlce at 5 o'clo.-k. 8hc hope* I o have u Inrge crowd of the Dunn] ■'iU intmil, ant) »ho will explain Scout mnyrminl thoroughly, tnd then ),y open j,rf ^|>n, for .vgan.aalion of a troop here, if the Vroper 'Merest it manifested. There are already .-evera] of girl sruut t oops oiganiscd in Tam-U county, due to the work of Miss Camp, and all are succeeding min-.n ably. The girla havo shown a tteat inter; st in the scouting and lultlnor tlain'.ng und physical edura •:on and Miu Camp ir e’lited over the vaults. She lost no ryuumn why there ■tn’t hr an active and live organise-j ton in l)unn ___ I Waiter—by ;hc way, sir, that steak: l'"« Iild'-r.-d -how would you like to have i.t Piitl.-nt Customer—Very much, in li-Cil ll.umlrm >!«j|. v hiinws; oiid the man that knows he knows, but doesn't know " These Ur* e rhnfnrlt ro he comps red with sum-on, Thoms', and Saul of Tantui >T tita- Bible. He then mads an attack *■*’*•’ “doubting Thomaset” and the Saui' 1,1 Tarsus” that might be In :lte audience. In an effort to show the farmer* •hot Ua* pjotwirition w.u all right, and “•■nt there wus no money making cin me attached to it, hn daclared lout ihnac notv promoting it wore doing it with lha (fond of the people it ht-ftw, and that the formor* would rivet their own olticer* as soon aa the* urganiautiuc' In completed. “I can live| without III'.*, and I can live nietty jyevcit without it." stated Mr. toinl'nson. "I made a big sacrifice lo come up hero today. I left Wilson 1m d/tven minutes to one. I tamo in » Dodge roadster. I came at the rate ■f 7** miles per nuur.'" Ho declared he *•*> not internsted in politica, and in this connection, said: "Some peo ple say I want to go to Congrem or «>i»< might say that I want to ran' for governor, but whoever *Ay* th'-»l is » He. Th « is an opportunity, the lir't and Che be.-t I’ve ever had tn do the greatest amount of good to my man.” Mr. Tomlinson made his talk ha mamiM and entertaining and .poke fur mors than an hour. He mads hi* mes.-*gc ci.nvim.iag, and be attempted1 to espialn away all doubt* that anyj of the farmer* might have, answering Iks. vamfwvst— IL1 -_ aL .i vt. . _l.*»_I Hhamu*« might «.», IVking up on«| of the litlla blue contract hooka, h« hoid tt before Uta uadianaa aad de clared, ''Waning your privilege away. thvy -ay. I'll loll yen what you are '•gninjr. yau are -dgnlng the Derlera tloi) «T Independence.” The speaker na-irte(| that he had been a farmer, a merchant, and a c.iU n buyer, and ha dccUrcd that ha kmw what he waa talking about H" « it-d many Ribta paeeagoe and enneliding hta talk, declared “I be lor. (hat iho l.ord la In thin move ment, I ninocrely da.” EXISTING SYSTEM i OF CREDIT USED Federal Reserve Banks Will i Loan To Fenners As In The Pest We hlngton, July siO. — Rxaiiir.",1 lmsl«l marhinery uf the gnvuriimriic ;»'!!> u.fc.1 for I he prc»nt in Vw nf rollun lenns. tri. usury of-., •iriul* raid today, without ihr rrcs ilm.i of supplamanlaiy rolwn loan funda by private organisation,, i lit announcing 1**1 nigh", tilut for |thi-i" extended for thr bnrveating »Ad mmkoling uf ihr coning cotton crop' whatever amount ia Icirilimstely ri-<|uiicd, thr federal reserve system auUtoritias said crvdil would be ax-1 [tended either directly through num bs i bunks or directly through nnn m ember banks. At the conference of psvrraonr of tho flve federal reserve ba~lu in the cotton growing sections of thr roun-, try yesterday with the federal reserve hoard, Uovernor Strong of the New ioi'k band and representatives ofi New York itinmkri banka, told the' board that crtabll^hment of n cot-! ton loan fund by coanmoreial bankr, throughout the country was consider-; «d it lh,ii (ifns In K/i am r>rvs.>o... ..u !' inadvimbla. The New York banker, declared. however, tbit !f the facilWI. *!«" at the federal reserve system anji U>« war It ns ace corporation should ■ prove- inadiviuaie they would co-oper-' at* in the formation of u cotton loan ' fund to whatever umcuiit thought '• necosury. ( ’the policy of federal rewrva *ys1 Lem on cotton loans during thi- ap-‘l V -oaehing marketing wwon wn deei-j! dod at the conference and a statement1! issued gaie amuhtncg o£ ample creJ-ll it fur the ordcily marketing of the’: crop. , Ta Push Esparto I The war finance corporation ha. i under cunsideistlon prupoaalt fur > cotton exports involving about five | hundred thousand bala- and twenty I million dollars. Director Eugrnu Jdey rr announced today. The expoit financing, he su'd, con* < templates shipment of two hundred I thousand bales from Oklahoma and i three hundred thousand bales from11 rexas. ji With the four hundred thousand I b^c» jJ>Put Use ■mien dollars < ;5"3? «2«*n business plready done t =7 “• “f^omUama,- Mr.*.,.' ■hat the completed and proposed op- * irutipm of the corporation at present ‘ .mounted to sine hundred .Jtousand f tW Action of tnc Fcdi*riil Rramrr * Board in rn!!nf lotiti* mu> be ' ■uub* indirectly Ko non-number banks'* ' an the itrotiiH th.«t h.** pfoctiij-e J' Aould a f foul ; ;.At relief in Ibo woulh. ' "This relief to the wnil; non-ncm !>rr bonks in tile AgricnllaiAl districts } lie Mr.rsi.* .1_I a- _- V con ed by Cove,nor Strong of tbi- ’ Fedortd Reserve Bank of New York, that, in cate of need, of cotton loan fluid* to whatever amount the situa tion may demand, will be provided through banking channel* together with what the war finance corpora tion already has done and the busl ;ie»» now in proems of negotiation, makes it cU-ar, i my opinion, that adequate financing for the cairy over of Ihe old crop and for the orderly marketing for Ihu now crop may br -limited on.” Thomas J. Caldwell vice-prerideni of the Federal International Bunking J Company of New Orleans, discuvued with Mr. Meyer today a proposition [or financing the export of 26.000 halca of cotton. Mr. Caldwell said that h>a company was preparing to take up W'tih the corporation plans for fi nancing tbs exportation „f larga a mounir of cotton from all ra.iv of tho South. Ex-Carolina Coach Is To Lead Harvard Frosh Tommy Cantpkoll, Football Coach At University la 1P1( At Harvard Tommy Campbell, the former di roetor of athletic* and head football eoach at tho University of North C«.‘ liiiia, has accepted a poaitlon as [rethman coach at Hsivurd and light, hand man to Bob Fisher, the head coach at Harvard. Campbell won everlasting fame for foothill Th'a h* Carolina toottsill Usnu to victory over Vir ?!?*{.tK". f‘rn *'"»* *1 year* of athletic rivalry the Tar Hr.4* bad ever won in two successive playing year* , Ha went to Chapel Hill fn igio,' following tso Doggie Trenrhar.l r<> glme. and taught a lot of high duo defun-ive football to a squad that was not especially britllunt but that through its defensive sbii.ty and (trough th* Individual running of Hill Folgsr fought Its way to victory | «rt<v victory, ending with a 7 to 0 win over Virginia in Richmond. | When the war nac, Csmpbel, went acroM esrly and saw a lot or much . service He returned Us the univer sity fa 1910 and once motv led Cna taln “Nemo” (tollman's team to a . « to 0 victory over Virg niu before , athletic contact in hi* etntc. ■, Following that year Cempliell ra- , from reaching ami haa bein' working in MaetachtunK- ecet- tinea, i Bob richer, the heed coarh at flat-v ard, lo a eloee p.rtnnel friend. Cnmp boll anrl Fldirr roomed together ot' college and playtd on tk< name team. Whan the erirnmn created the eoun wr two year* ago i.. play California, , Fldior had Campbell accompany (he t-*am lor ipcrial coaching And the p« rM>«al tall of Kiefcor and of hie own ameeralty have not. lured Camp boll once more into tb< coaching gama. Carolina men feel .ere Ha will eweraed. A Icatner aoach and n Unit man neerr drilled a eqoad. CUNTCf! BACHELOR IN ?EiJUiL¥t TPM Accused of Giving Awjy Hi? c4*iC And flairs Are (nv«>li|s(|if f'l:nU*n, July t!h -A big s>nd m-tika* lioiiul r-uil l»wm- up hare Mr Jhvdpx I'ugh, tin old buelv !or of near 90 yiatri of age, 1<i b>| .g away hi* lute, worth por. bly $16,004), Jurt a* fu-u hh hr can. P. 8 I'erriag. 2 jroung tawyn of th.o Luton, is the recipient, i 11 wai rt uteri acvu* iimt agn that Mr. I’ugh h*d willed Mr. litrring aia pro* jHity but later it rv.*teed thw be •* It * ding the land tu him outright, and nu‘ giv»n him the* Up to the value of] manv ‘.liotl-juud dulla-g. , The h:ira aw Mra Mary Wooten, >f Km-tv.i. a'.il he. sons. Frank anil Lloyd Woolen. Mrft'colm i* Mr thigh1* *‘>tcr. % li i? vr.d that Mr. Pugh's co/h wa^ i» the Kii '.tor ban*, 0f which o half*I # ot.KT oT the hti.-* u earlier, and | hut the withdrawn1 ufjhc fuid* from! hip ba T*k aioi'^ed ihe> mapiciom* on II. Wooten*, wnnr repeit* riom CW rn cun fit tiled dim ( The Heaiinir tc morrow before u tit tier of the peace k with c vine'' >■" securjng ait injunction against I! Icrrinr, the .(rno*u» hoes, an Uimte! could h«ve di**'ccauaj him. to pie-1' ■ent hi/ dirporir.c of the p.-oportjr ]' fht court!: ot the ,,(^et'Vir.■ I* not!’ .‘iiiMvti jut to >oui- cam-<pindent,’’ li t i; may be readily pred (ted that ' heir will bt a hot I^g. tn the old own liiBsnn*. - i' M l'utrli '• really /,a>i«i Ilr. ha* , tt the old home of big father, which! : oiiuDirJ lies than tipo mile* from!' he. cuurtUoivi . go to wreck He Han ' unity eaten ccov^h, mu when perm- ' did to subscribe for''(i* con .ty pa- < er bar paid >t in 2f. Cokt i'liU’inHiiti. lericn hi* unwonted Uene**ilew:e Hiu i • cnnngly juetrf ted ^ invent.gallon I f h'.* mental filiti.* tb'dfrje—■ of hi*!' ronerty. Accu.diiig ^ rcpoit today < » .* a punper. |i A ihrofiy attended the hearts* to-!l ay before Cirri; of £oart Remora-* jt rd a jury of iwjlVe< regarding the 1 tecta) competency r.f Jimre N. Pugh’i Iry. Motile Wmitrii, wtr of I’ughji i the petitioner. ShB J* represented I y Cooper and Rhuw. of Klr.ston; t, Whitficri. trJS Robinstm of he Hamp.on bar, evh» Kowter and i i.uiiiyte-, Butler unfflRoiriur. aadit i>ady ac.l Otaibnoi ^B J D. Karr,11 p-airni 1'dP* and bmefleiary. t 8. Herring. It d**^Hnd that Har-lu Hit bar ti ll u: t.A|flWr.uUa recur-, »-*r ■irtAg.-^yW^-awiinat .<4:1 S?.U0lf nod ha* supposedly got tbir-'! en thou .and dollars on time deposit '■ ■ Kii .1 National Bank of Kinston i • /•do u fourth interest in the Pugh I nmei;ea«l nnr Cliniun 1 Thu allt-moon w»* ennaamed in'l tr "Rumination r.f Da' Woo'.en, pres- t lent uf l'ir.t N.iiiorni Rank of Kin- I ih'., and rliiMin of Mr* Wooten, i l Crigr.i, of *<*lr*"h. a d IJnyd I nou n. son of ilr*. Waaten and ne-|! hew of the respond-iil l’utfh. The|< iqu.'y will appntenay ocrupy sever-!1 I liej*. The oi.j;-ct of tile petitioner < lu have Pugh ilicls*cl incompetent1 ■ i'.1 trui*. ueticjv- unified a ,tl a guar- - in appointed. Ptuih i* fez yvam of l re. t >*krtt!t>Wfa Pr»yer Given j] -~iy Smilh£c!t! People I1 ndfo Brook* Start* To ! Break Up Bootlegging la That Soetion I, RmiihCiold, July 20..-All Christian!, topic in Johnston county hnve been j al.rd on to unite in Common prayer | - «•»» mi mu iniMi ui , lot out the fjnor t nCr in this ec-e-1 ion completely. The enli was imued', t a ous meeting here Sunday af-l, crr.ooii, which was Presided over byl. tnlge F. II. Brook*. who declared , nat after ten years as judges of the , our,*ry court, durinc which lime he au hundreds ol cases for vio- ] •tore of liquor laws and for drunk s'near. he had com* to tsc conclusion hat the only way to slop the damn bin buxines* U to have a revival of| .•ligion. Judge Brvoka made an appeal to' ho people of the county scvoral '•eta ago and has received kut one I Hunting note, this being from Ei er It. F. Pearce, af Piinceton, who ouccivos »urh a ia*T«unont as Judge Irooke has instituted to be a mark of false religion. Wd*t Pearce, who is' member of Iho Pr;m|t|v, Baptist' hu:«h, think* it worse Uj be drank1 n u falsi, religion than to be intirxi-1 aUd with blockade liquor. Many strong addresses were made t the mess meeting Sunday after >oon which was largely attended and I wax ui.nnimuusl)’ derided to call n .ho people to gift. in p.-myera for i groat revival of religion in John ton. fEWSPAPER WAGE SCALE IN NEW YORK TO REMAIN SAME New York, July 30—The present rare stale of New * ork newspapers rinti-rx Is In continue until jfuly |, 'Cat nx the n*u)t *f latiricatkin of agreement by the anion, announ cd today. The day shift will reeelvo 134 for a 41 hours Wr. k, the right hdt l&k Tor 4S hear* nnd the mid light rhlft |<ll for «lt hours. #153 MATTIE SIMMONS OF FAYETTEVILLE DEAD F-.yelUvMe, July IP.- -Ml*. Mattie Jell S mmuin. ayml 17 yearn. died In i hospital at Fayetteville Sunday •vtnUtit after a lin«v*ny nine Tran' ynhoul freer. Her hady wa* taik*n o Cedar t>mk, CunbciUmi, Monday! 'or •atemmrnL Funeral errvtce* vrerr' j M*'l«rd rnnutery, rendue-1 cd by Kee. Scott Turau-t. She 1* aurv.ved by her fathc aeJ nether, Mr. and Mr* W. K. fllnt meaa, ala hi ether* and three .inter* WASH BRYANT IS j FINED $50. COSTS Attorney* Appeal ~ Whn D*. fondant la Found Guilty Of Aaaault On Son Washington Bryant, a whKa farm ri. charged with aaaault on hi* eon, Basil Bryant which is mid to have 0.1 irrrd last Friday, was fined »*0 ano code when triad in Recorder** i-or.rt Dturtday. HI* attontfi nvt •KO cc «.f appeal to Ruparior court. *"'• Biyant wit pm under a 1100 l-o J for hi* appearance then. l ent, eighteen year old eon of Bry tnt, who (wot* oat the warrant |*irf na« hla father, claiming that he util been beaten unmercifully by him, pat on the atand, and told the iilc that he had related to the avth .rltie* when he had hU father arraat rd The hny diled that Friday he wai >vrr at Ah Porter'* horn*, which la oca ted about a mile mat of Duka, •’ben hit father drove ap in an auto itchTr in the company af an*Ike* »h:lc man. L. B. Bolton. He mid bat hi* father called him ant to the vr, accused him pf stealing hi* Ilqw II *t*H. aad naked him when* it was. tfhett he denied stealing hie still, he •as called a liar by hla father, and mocked flat af hi* hack beaten up Woughly and told to gat in the car. rh. re Bolton held a gun on him, me iryant. When he arrived home ha I. rat lirtl and locked la the moat houee f he boy Mated, and he added that lie father declared ha would keep I'm there two week*. He mid that ho rruair-.ed there doe half a day before le looted h mrelf and war able to •enpo. When ctom examined, Bom Bryant aid that ho had beaa gome from >■* father'* home for about flvu days rhrn the aeeault occurred. When aek- ' d if be had Maloti ahtrta aad other rtielei from hi* father, bo denied I- He waa arhad if hia father hit . w after be waa carried from Por rt'a ho UK, aad be replied that be ' cat him up again when bit home reached. He declared that he rae then tied aad thrown la the seat home, where he reamlmed un 'I hv war ahla to fra* blamotf. Mri. Porter fortified that the waa ! umr at the time of tha allegad occur- ! once, aad eutod that Mm a* Wadi 1 aablr to bear the coc.ruuatlio. J When Bryant wae put uu the stand * mmf < he alleged utaoK, mytag that hia on had been staying away feuan ' ome, etc cl lag hit ehtrta aad ovary- ' King cUe ha could get hia haada on, ul tha testimony was declared In- 1 ompeUnt by Ih* court, aad ha waa 1 tked to rtatc only whnt happened « the time of the Incident Pridbty. ' B-yant rtatea that he drove op to ) ’orter'a houtr end wot met at tha ' ar by hit eon, whom ho reprimanded 1 or Maying off from home, and dc- 1 '•red that he wo aid teach him a 1 ae on. He denied ttking him if he had 1 tolen hie atilt, bat aaid that be did I *t after him for stealing othag a h'ng« from him. Ha admitted dap-'.l i'.H'T Old Kav fin* tittld anil maid that 11 he boy Nil to the ground, but be de- | ii»d tying him or baring Bolton bold i run on him, u testified by flam. i After leaving the hours, Bryant i ontinued, ha carried flam home, and oclccd him ap in the meat house Ho ] ul rn it ted threatening to been him here two weeks, “to teach him a lea on.” he explained, but he aaid that ie was going to lelease him that day mt the boy got oat on his own ae ard. When cron examined, Bryant teodily denied accosing his eon of Waling his still and of even haring i still. N. A. Townsend, prosecuting i Itlorney Nr the state, said that ha ! rould not go Into the past record of . Jrvsnt, that being already well , mown. flam Bryant still retained a few ' >f the marks which he declared he re- i rived When his father aesaalted him, . ind he said that he was afraid of hie , ether. He said that he had been hack , o his home exly ones alecs the Inci- , lent occurred and that he want than j rhen hit father was in Doha, and or the purpose of getting hia clothes. . E. F. Young, James Boat, sod C. . » Ray sppsr. ring far the defaud mt. gnve notice of appeal when the erdipt of the court was rendered. In s pcsee warrant, sworn out by >. K Ennis oa W. C. Murchison, a 'ase was not made out, according to bs decision of tho court, and tho nit was labelled “frivolous." Mr. Eo ns was made to pay the seats ef tho rase, which owing to au unusual large lumber of witnesses wnaonsd fresn iut of the county by Enaie hi at self, ■moantvd to over |M. Enals attempted ta prove that Mur •hison, who lives In the some beuxo ►tth him, had thruataaed hie life an wvsra^ occasions and ho declared ha r*“ •*"»«* of the man. Bat the court railed W see that Hurohiaan hud >hown himself to be dangers as end oled (he men net guUty. Dowcy McLsmb Was found pot tuUty on the charge ef steeling a >.cjreU, whin ti «bi bmvmI tk*t ka '■*»c in PMMWM of the blcytlo by ta) rssvtss s*ss nu relSSl t« maVa «ot a caac a^hut CHAMBER AT SMfTMFIELD .. NOW AFTER NEW MEMBERS fcmlrhfl.ld, daly It.—7b* Chaaobor of CoMmrrro bold aa mthuslaitle m. aiboroblp coiaialttoa m.ttln, Mon “Wt Way, and mean* by which 01- orronluiton ma, botoao on. of SUU a aettrf cowtrbn was dip nnoed. It woo planned to launch a ronraawa U raloojtbo member**? by “ TMa coacpolgn wit •tort Tao-doy moraine. * l Today j i — : ¥ At a r«>uh *f a caavau Mart- ¥ ¥ ed thl* morning for ee-epeiative ¥ ¥ maiketmg aeioeiatio n ¥ ¥ "’««bcr». following the ¥ ¥ big ma*« meeting held her* ¥ ¥ verterday afternoon, at which ¥ ¥ hundred* of farmer* of ihk .or- ¥ ¥ tian attended, between two a d ¥ ¥ three thuoeand baler art al- ¥ ¥ ready aarnred for the eo-opc.a- ¥ ¥ tire market. The men that join- ¥ ¥ ed the ataoeiation today aa ¥ ¥ a (tarter for the big dr,re ¥ ¥ to be carried nn for weekr. are ¥' ¥ the leading fanner* in the Dumb ¥ ¥ tertian. A. W. Swain, camnaign ¥ ¥ manager, and hit crop* of na. ¥ ¥ *<¥«au, will remain in Harnrrt ¥ ¥ comity for about three wecU. ¥ ¥ and ha daelarr* that he will ¥ ¥ have the caanty aolld for eo- ¥ ¥ operative marketing before lie ¥ * leave*. The local committer ar.d ¥ z »• oroc*r» Of the rtato auoela- * * «"»• b’fh'y ploaetd e-ith * * «>• meeting yerteiday and the * f pmt amount of lutcremam- *' r f*»ted by the farmer*. f PROBABLECAUSE COURTS VERDICT W«ak Brjraat Triad Bator* U. S. Co—i—i—r On Block- 1 ad* Chary* ®" ‘.'kanr «f blockading, tried Mrfwr United Sum Comni*aioner, B. T. lew. bar* yartarday, Waah B'X- , utt war found guilty of “probable *k*n Ua attomoyo up- ■ ruled for him, «u placed under a 1*09 bond. Deputy Harper fortified U having ouod I art Friday about a hundred '«nU from Bryant'* houaa, in the ■ojuouy of Sheriff Jcraigan, and • ntrohnen Nipper and Langley, a i our galkut Jug over half full ol com - »kl*koy. He Mated that • further i r»* *fde. and that about two i lUndred yard* from Bryant’* old < ioa»o tho officer* dlaeovtroJ a MSI i ^IWb* of beer. In one N >:• not oeroar that any’ aTtbeligo-l * ' the (Artilling pUrl1 t*mi *n ■ryant'a mod, but *ald I bat be wa* Informed that the land m the property of Waih Bryant. ! Langley and Nipper wa* aleo put ■ ,n Ibe rtaad and tedttfled to thr taint- ! aeta that Harper did. They uid that bore wai a path loading down u, the •"* that the atill plant looked a If it had been In recant w I C. U Guy, appearing far the d«-' •oec, declared that the officer* did , lat Bod anything Illegal an the .Dry* mt land, and that the government ind foiled to make out a ease. Bui he evidence improm.d the court Into living a verdict of “probable eauee,” nd Bryant’, attorney* gave notice of ! >n ^eal^Bijmat era. required to put j Mother* And'Kiddies 1 Enjoy A Greet Outing : Fayetteville AUavaoy Taeaa Coaatry i Estate Over To Tewagaters Foe Day Fayetteville, Jaly *0.—One of the aest thoroughly enjoyed affaire of the (lad hi local annala was the comma-’ illy outing given mother, and chii Iren of Fayetteville and vicinity yee orday at “Cabin John” the beautiful waotry place of John A. Oates, over •eking Carver’. Falla on the Cape reer river. The outing was planned ispeeiatty for tfco mother, and chll Iren who arc seldom famished the ippertunity of enjoying a day In the ountry and was taken advantage of ly MO youngsters and their mothers. The day eras aa perfect at the act ing for the pirnir,..nature seeming i o co-operate far the soceeae of the,I rating heartily "as the men and worn-; re of FaycttevUle who made h jxml-1 Mo. It was tho first day in two week* >" which rain had not fallen. The scant ry home of My. Oatei, who woe the prime mover in giving the outing, » Meal place for such a fete, the use tamed over to the pleasure •cekem, being situated on lofty pre cipice overtaking the falls, the (Idea If the precipice* covered with vinca Ud the house surrounded by a grove •f pines, the whole roaatastmg a r«*'7 beauUfsl mot,. aamt-peuamd In all this saetlan. The estate embraces the land on aeoh side of the river far a mil# north aad south. CLBBK A A. MoDONAtJ NOW IN WATT* HOSPITAL _ I LUlingtoa, July IB.—Ole-V of So-' •celor Coart Arthur A McDonald left for Durham Monday ta enter Watte hospital for an operation fo. apptadteltfc Mr. McDonald hoe «uf fervd two or three attack. »enh. Unf oppondieltia, and wp advlr* of pbrrieiatx ko daaidrd to ondurro an opomtloa. Ho bad joot roturacd from tbo onnaol convontion of th* Bupor lor Court Ctarb’o Aiooclotlon at WHsktaatlla Booth when hr ruffared anothor attack. Ho la mk rrtorp-trcao •w of tbo aoaacUtlon born* i*-*ltct od Uilt paar. WHo (a?-map baa ib « | .. r?« bad two had aant boat, drOr, an that poa taa eboooa. I atpaolf lib* tbla ooa. ba* If raa prafar tbo otker. why rn hoop thorn Wtb—Toronto Tola ntltBEKT HOOVER ACCEPTS WINN'S ! FAB INVITATION Secretary ot Comm area Will Spaak On Lag Day of Harnett Fair Mt HOOVER HAS NEVER VET SPOKEN IN SOUTH laritatiea Extended By T. JL Riddle, Secretary of Fair Aa ec elation, Through Camgraai man Lyoa and Briaaoa Senator Simmona — Accept ance Laat Tuecday. ilcrkc t Harrier, betrtvary of Cam niirec, ha.< accepted at invitation to epcak nt thr Ha.-nett County fab. which will be held here October 11 to lith, Relative. The iirritation wu extended Mr. Hoover by Tl U Middle, Bccrctery of the Harnett County Ag. ricti.t’jrel KaIr Aeeocietioa, through CocgrcveaMin S. J|. Brtnaoa, pCoji rxmue (Tomer L. Lyon, and Sena tor Simmon ■, and waa accepted by Mr. Hoorer Tuaiday afternoon. Wr. Kiddie we* notified of the etc rvtary’r acceptance Wednesday ao:n.jig by telegram* from Rcprv icnutivr H. L I.yon and Senator F. *• Simmon*. IV»in from Rep create live Lyon «*« a* St ervtaty Hoover wiU 'junk In Harm tn Saturday, October fifteenth.* The irvitatio.1 w», extended Stcrt w ----- ~ '1^7* viid inf Satft between October li »->d 14th >"• mcroury vi< *W* to accept -nly the dr.ti of the 15th which It the loy following the original dates of Jis fair. The wire from Sana toe Stm oons explains this tally: * Am glad to adrisa that in eenfer ■*»<* i» company wfjh Congresrman ^ron and Ceagrestmaa Brinson Sec tor Hoover this afternoon accent 'd invitation to visit and speak it your agricultural fair la October, 11*d set tbs data lor his coming as letobrr fifteenth. Yoor letter staled iny da* would do from eleventh to oortccn-.H. ho: fiftoonth la paly day ggsaae Tba oflUara of the fair aaaociatiati eera vory mock elated WTdne^y war th« aawa that Sacra tary Hoover lad accepted (he invitation to spaak ,»l « Harnett fair. Barrelsrv tiddie staled that the fair would be Xtended one day in order to got Hr. doovrr1 spreak on the program. Tkr tatsa <rf tb« fair will by from October Llth, through the 16th, of hrough the 14lh. as originally plan ■ed. ‘Saturday will b» Jubilee Day ” gtad-Xr BUU!,. in d"^T^f he plans of tba fair. 7 hr extension of tho fair will make larnett i third annual airr.cuiiural air nearly a work in length. The pe I.ou of tiie fair will be exartiy tlx lay*, acrordirg t» the latest change, k-c rotary Hoover will speak or. the *^dayp wfckh will, perhaps, be th 1-wmst llay of alt, aceoid'ng u> the d-"« of Ue promoter*. * Fini 3>U|^ g tbf first invitation tbux strrttUry Hoover hsn ^ceoptrd to ,r. :hc South, ar.d th* city and :otmiy deserve ^to bo rongr*tul*U»d »■*>» •>• * Ihe Grrenabero l)*n>- Now. rarriad -Ji. following --.ory in Wednorday’* latte: '•Waahlngtan, My 1*. _ Herbert Hoover, the roereUty of rnnarrer, today accepted hU ftrrt invitation to n«t one of the leathern nate and Mirer an_ addrea*. Iteptvwr.tatiw* Br na«n and Ly..n, of North Carolina, »nd rrana A. Hampton, secretary to Sonaler 3immorv*. called upon Seen. rary Hoove thir oven In* and aafcvd h.m to apeak at the HameU runty grriea.tura! fair at Dat.n, October it. p.r; t7,°1v,r„‘e**pl*4 *Bd «*> [Tit,..!1 lh,t ,b« »ferptaa«o night ho taken at fail valaa an leu JJJJ*. *r™1 eontingatiey arlaaw ia ketp D?ni .^Vh ,,<rU.n S? *2* The Ounn add in 0f Jdr. Hoover, tho |*ra{ he w.H deliver in the aoath. will he- a compVmeul to North Caroliaa, la ne ha* turned down nameren* tenuC*:* nincc he entered tho cabinet. The lair jimnoan are indebted to Senator Simmon*. Uepreaeniativc Lyon, and Congressman Brinson. for •(curing Secretary Hoover to apeak to re o-t October 5 6th. Mr. Hoover hi * ■**r- tb»* ha? cbown h m*»ir to W mo of the «mart»rt ia tho eabinot, - ?nd hr w.H hi- hoard with mack !n “’T? 5? **"*«?$• of poop:,, here on .he b g dar of Harnett’* third ax rieoltaral fair. » Wallace Fleet Aafcad tie-try C. Wallace. fleceelary of, waa find extended an In vitattoa to weak hero by the fair a. Mfiaton through Ropre^nlat.Vt Ly on. 1« i cpJy to the mvitat’an fUerv tary H alien- .nioimd ||r. Bidd’e that !t *»«ld be ImpoeXble far him to be heir. awing ta other rngag »-n’.< and tha fact that hit buaie t morlha ar# Je«l ahead of h.m. Ha tha :krd *.hf ntwr'rJm! <**• :t* i—r . *?v,r4n'1 «p»>»»*d • 4» »' th» fair wfllfc. n OHM. JIJc lottor written to Suv-f-torr Riddle, to part. . "Whllo I cannot pea ****** b< with y»a at Da.'i.t I aoart ynj I appreciate >nar tonr’aay, ani txjond my beat witbot far a eaeceio fol fair.” I-n mediately after Mr. Wallace wrote hla itgreta Mr. Riddrt nretr «o Nqiroamtatlre II mm on » and a* ad b'm. In U» ram pane of Bcprtacn la..v» i.ywia nnd ( Wfiatai *rln *o», to intend Uarbert Homrcr, 80* < (Iontinned an yao 4.) 0

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