\ # I THCHJNND \ olu.nc- VIII. . Dunn. North Caroling mgust 2. MfMBV ' if « —1^——_~~~ RaiiAfii. BiiTLE IS CASRISi BACK V) WAR AGSrlTAL _* Yc ing Ex-3ervic« Man From irx'nia, V.'m Stirll Shock* . cl In Wcrld War Si bjerl To Inanity . II*. \.’a*> Piilfu! Case Bittle Arrednd Here When Ho Bee a rue . L'n^ndrcl!.* bJe — Wus In Better Condition When Ho Ariived in Dunn— Tiied Gut Fur Locel Bate* bill Club Then. 0*»i »>f lh*- rm**t rii>. that 4-ve* i.uiti .ip fur iMiuni-lvTntMir by the ’imjiI polira* fl< p.irt;n* tvi il> •l»f|»ii*<*:l aI #»i sI'T.Im;-: q«* i.» *r when Ruhu.d 1) 111* h;«1| bn*1 c«i ii the word war c p.ihj. <» »«. ft, of iu« **• y. w *•» %j>r * | t.v u fiVnd r»r hi‘» rliil.'b^i. •! <|jv - c > thv i; *v4.r*iaH-nt !*•» i-il..! ni \* it L.inn whii'h * !»• ; id m*atiril. K*ll?c Hud hre*» in Hu a lly j.«T hrr»- la iv d»y*, |ii*n 1-4I -hi"%• u iin bCttot.# caused the :.u;hoiitit - lu hi.Vi- 1*0 .»tv*r all.-r natii af. It ill-. wliort* hum.* i- Dr. wryvlll*. Va. .i. 4»f the hundred* 4»f modi ii»if*.itu»iati of o.M wlin in-idc >»acrl flw.. dating the ureal i\» -. ID- eilitt . J, rioii'cl tin .i»n*nn. uint to the front, fouiilit a* only An’rrt »•«»• ran f'trht.* u».ti lhi-11 ^».i^rrad the »o*t |*itiCi:*« ^-4 in* nnh i-Ar«a:;tiid, of all h»* ia%a*;i ili*l tn? vorl.l war wjt4 C4i|Mkblo of giving—he wn-* idull rhotkeU. ^inci th»< time Hi* hard Uit tlf h*e» never bin-n tin- same. Hr *«.< runrtl to Ihv Waite» Rctl u**v«rn mori hospital i«* Witking *J»t, and mi »c r.i* .*Ui »**l U;i no .<»UK iii.u uT wl*v oppurtuiiitM % uffirml him to (iH'apc, mid rout'd hiia»if in Kn*ih Car ollflu—lo b* exact, ill Iho I ttlc town of Duka. liara Two Weak* Th* unfortunate young cx-Mddivr mad. Dunn hm home for n arly two week*.-. He cam* Her* f um l>u -\ he claimed, and How he ever lamb d in Huh . r-oiind)* ha* been ubl** to fcicarl tain. Win a hv blew in Dunn he was wtardig un old pulm beach suit* a •null n.tvy ramp, und aimy hop nai* vhoes. He M**mud lo b* hr‘go*, und ' " jWFIwiW in*erie man, hut a* «im* prri);!-«ia and huiiuiKKH, out of iho fudina.y, to be 'U-e. He looked to he about twenty yearn old, and he chtinud T• * h.- an ex-aervhv man. >ay»*»jr Htat h- wm ••hell shocked -ii the wa*. u>.d tluil he ployed kiw-ball in Hit* aimy. A job w.n what lo wai making hr.e, the young fellow ex plained tn tho.c whom he first met. H« wu directed to Harper Holliday, marac**i of the local bx^bal? club, and hl« plea ar.d otter wa.- rr ;*tnw,able ♦non^b v % *uokiPT f «r «• good pilutot s«ii> *v«i.V* jo he devilled to give the perul :ir !;Ulo fcV'uw u trial. •4Yon say you can pitch?” h.* wo* Af«V**d. * I pitched in the world wo./' lie , it plied MI will upiuvciat** it If you wilV give me a trial. I've h **i over al Duke and piWhcd n Util*- over there. T^n y tnl<i me that you Had a good b.ill club over her.*, a. J that I m>ght could grl a job with yon ” Dittlc win' given a g!ov« and a bait hall, and a rliat.n* to prove that he could pitch )k-4#balJ To the .lur pri*-o of nil the young ex "olrfirr po> ac* rd n I'Hl’Iinu miTc. good speed, and .tpjo-.r- of tv «;t*«nI cnntr*'1 TTe act od .«> peculiarly. e-nlV. d ut such a fanny gi’.t. talked «o oddly, that Hol Iid.a. • W;»* 4'ill <b]hioii*' nb-Mit hi* Abil ity to *naUe the Dunn team • fit an exh hi'on pmi- win Oadwm young Bit lie was put in *ha box. rsed mI tho.yh b" pit .-bnl Ik - hem-- team to Vic'nrv. br failed to show t h ’ go nil i tbn' hr had formerly shown in prac tin It v»s In this ir»nt. ton, and his rommnilt nff-nvads that convinced Inn I prnplv, that Billie wa* surely i nc ii>h out nf hi* bond at time*. That* night, l«i>, he *uf,Vi‘i1 n fit in bl.i rooming hmi*e, prd in n frightrnl nightmare expressed bis fear) that ha »»' being ehaw d and was In danger of being killed, s . Placed la Jail Young Biftle hnd been hn'micas i nourh np In the boat boll (rame. Hn hnd rm-nred h m a Job at a Inca, lum ber mill. en/| hi.’ emp'*"ur■ staled Ihnt hi' wicked hajil and 'athfdll:• ffc had no rlothej except thoae oa hia bock, pud He boarded a *ou"-d on ean tribm'.nns mod.- up by local Hoc VP fnna aril peonte who had heeon»e it: tettvtrd in h-i welfare. He talked 'nci'/ai.ntly about the tyill game, and his ti'm.ti'ks coon berime quite Itv tangible w'.tli* at complete sense The day aftov' the gamo B'ttte iptyc nr Ills joh at I he lambc m'll, was hired at i"ii of thr local marble yards, nad seemed to tie greatly entho/danlir over bin n<v Joh, dirt.iinr Ihnt h had a ''wonderful future” in ih*' business. In 1 he meanwhile 3»i< nelloti.t he raato more pecnlinr. Is - wslkjiy moir odd, hi* r.'msrk* more fooi!*h. a’'«l wh> n fgnrerat d-.iya hnd pe-ed hi talr.id slni p the tame liiWe that bun can West it known to folk runt Inn ally. B’rtl'' aroused great eympath) am one hta hearer* when he nois'd gel to talking iihont President Hardlm . am! nHr-r relob .die. and hia eagage mi nt' with I hem. aad thi n witeh of sail rdutH that he hud been tolkinf out of bit ht ad, and Iha* he “was I little loose in tho uppr- »f/>ry,” du> In hi. lei- fortunes in lh« war. Th' ixCirtur hot wialher and hi iaboi.np rontinuoualy at the marbh >a il is believed to he re<pcna!bte fo hi, at' ''O'I* Fiolay night, which provi that at tunes he was wholly iaaane BUSINESS IS STILL Liiii SAYS REVIEW 1 ■■ — Outlook For Autumn Business In ‘tome Linas exceedingly i Encouraging • d'a-h'nglon July 31 •—Business ra actitin in baric linos of induftry still w«*i reflected daring July in volume of bu-inc*s extent of anemploygyent, i.nd ileprvrsjnn of prodnction, said the monthly iwiow o? gt-neia) economic Condition*. i--ued tonight by the fed eral reserve board. It was added that seasonal dullness in pructically all liner or trade preernled material at trmlion in aviieml business condi tions. Midsummer istail basin css, the board, asserted, hss been i« aome re •ip.ctr better than usual while tb* out look for a satisfactory autumn bual nees in r number of Hues, aach as knit goods and foUen textiles was de riai'-d to bo decidedly encouraging. Consumers' demand as reflected in the volume of retail trade, continued »- good or better than at this time last year. Continuing prospects of excellent food crops was declared to be the most hop, rul feature in the general outlook. Little change in the cotton crop was noted with about two-thirds of la«t years’ pioduction expected. *'r.cf changes luring the month b-n • shown no pronounced leaden-1 riv.' the board stated. Greater stab >l*iy wo* manifest in the textile, boot an I shoes itidnMrirt, although - liinaril decline* hate uksn place In O.hor line*, .uch as iron and stael and IwrUulariy autopiuhilr*. "'he unemployment situation has' ■ emaited piarticaily unchanged at-1 cued,t<g to the review with labor so thin die- reporting serioo* depletion I Ilf tile anting* of men who have been out of work a* well as of unemploy ment funds of tiade union*. D.a.iv to -re a resumption of full ji*...’ur’ on, the hoard said, apparent v “»* l*d to oparalion of some ... - — - l"v*“ DggJK, W.lh Wig,. correspondingly r«-' tluirU or employer* working on part! t >RU. Money retcs hr^y* become distinctly ca» cr. the review continued, bat fiuct nations in exchange and unstable ‘If*' financial conditions have pre tent, J any material improvement la iu/oi,jn trade. (Warning Issued Against Pellagra Epidemic n North Carolina An* South Especially Ptople Should Heod Warning Baleigh. July 28. The general wa nine of a wide spread epidemic ••r pellagra m the Southern Statm. Ol d especially in the cotton bolt, is sued by the U. 8. Pvblie Health Ser- I vice m not applicable to North Caro-! I nn according to statistics on file1 with the Sinte Bdarri of Health. | fellar-ra w not a reportable disease mi North Carolina and there is. there-1 fore, no way of checking the number of cases except through the number of death* reported. For the first fix month* of 1921 there was a decrease of rhilUen in the number of doaths' from this cause In North Carolina. A cter.caae is shown for each month op to June which latter showed an ia riem* of four. The lots! number of ■ death* reported for 1020 us having 'hci.1 .nu««l by pellagra was 207 The total number reported for the flr*t oix months of 1121 was 118. Jf( the same average is maintained for1 *'X ">»»U|» Of the year. ,1021 will show a net decrease of, -••xty-f.vc deaths from this cause. • lehugra is a nutritional disease ni.J the II. S Public Health Service mil aUrihulfd the inertiM in Jtg in cidence in the Southern States to the poverty of diet that has followed the I , i- in uia price* firm product*. While North Car . o'mo ho* born affected from Uiia caanr jort a* have the other Soathero | -Slatr*. pci repo It* to the State Board of Health would indicate that than ha* not been the rvfuhinp poverty of dtrt that mirht have boon expected IruiU Jroah vcyetabl** and milk, »b«n forming a larre percentage of the diet, prevent psllapra or will core I it when ft ha* been cauood by a do | fir!cat diet. ^ A new pa* ha* been developed from the manufacture of elcohol wh'th ran be compressed to S,<#0 pounds to the square inch and stored safely in ate*l taalu. and which retailed In hi* heap olaced under the custody of the local police department. • V Dittli wont around to several houses in town, knocked on door*, claimed bo wav a detective, and talk cd oat of hi* head continuoaaly. Lo cal *cilice officer* were railed an to rid the townspeople of the nuisance, wfan might become danperoua, and when he wa* taken in custody bo wan completely out of hi* mind. I wired Foe Father Chief of Polite Pape wae able ta get from Hittla the fact* that hto na tive homo wo* DrewryvilTe, Vo., and that he hud escaped from the Walter ,K*ed p.^.nmonl hospital at Wash , lnyton j and that hi* father'* nam* »■'<» K. H Bittle. Chief Pape promptly " rid hi* father te come after hie 1 non Hi# father wired, requestlnp the nature of hat trouble, and when ootl n*d that he had shown himself to bo •n-ane. * H. H.ttlo wirod Chief Pan, >■>*'.roetlnp him to hold Bkbard Bit 1 He fiittll hs waa sent far. Ysstorda* mninirp one of yoonp DHtle'* ehlld i huoil friend* came dawn and took i h'm av/ay with him, oiyiap that hi ■ was pcinp to earns him to the pay I rronsc it hospital from which he no , raped. Cooperative Plan Well Received Say Workers Preliminary Work Has Taken Time Of Canvassers— Speeches Are Made Canvassers in Che interest of the cooperative marketing movement 'pent last week In preliminary work throughout the county, holding mass meetings at the various country |achool h,o use a, and making speeches to crowds of farmer*, ex plaining tho system of co.»pe,ativu marketing, and outllnlug the con tract. A. W. Swain, campaign manager, slates that everywhere h« ha* found the people enthusiastic over the mer kting plan, and that he •* convinced of Harnett going stiong fur thci movement. “Harnett's minimum is 15,000 bales, and already about 000 bales have been signed up," he i stated yantsiday. Me raid that only' preliminary work had baou going on I In most of the county and that when the actual canvassing for signer* took place, be was confident that Harnett | would go way over the top. Although only preliminary meet ing* have been held Mr. Swam stale* ‘ that the people have signed nn their • own accord in many places. Only, one township in tho county has been' actoally canvassed, he slated. Mr. I Swain Mi* an interesting story of a man in one town in the county * who had been absolutely again*: the1 cooprratlve plan, and whu came up and told him of hi* reasons for oirao sition. Immediately Mr. Swain re- i plied to his objections, rxplainod how' he was wrong, and tho man came ov er strong to the cooperative side, and called for seven contracts for he and his brother* to sign. *__ r.. i -» •#-r** wv.iw V| Mir neu failures in tba United States in 1*20 wen non-advertisers. • | NO TRACE FOUND OF G BOY Harbart Bain, Dunn Boy, Sud danly DUapyrnrad Saw oral Wooka Ago Harbart S. Bain, a local boy, cm-^ P*»r»e of tbo Durham and Southern railway company, who my stern u.«!y 1 nappe a red from Donn three weeks ijil aTi-ir iiJ?i£niiL°c*^c t ~ save aidod in the starch for 'him. Friends here fear that he has ast with fool play, and are very murk concerned about hot failure to show up , Mr. Bain i« raid to have had n con siderable axncunt of nvniy with bin when last seen. A local jitney driver says that he carried the young man out to a erase roads intersection about three mllee from town and was told to moot him there some time la ter. When be drove bark after him he wae not to b« found anywhere, and bi« friends here have not seen or heard from him sines. Carlisle Bain, older brother of the misling boy, has made a state wide search for Herbert, but bis efforts ta gfato him have met with no success. Hie Clothing rxpctpt his working ov eralls are In hit room at the bearding house of Mrs Julia Deaning. where he roomed. Tbe local police depart ment has been notified to ho!p aw-er tain whether there has been any foul play m the case of- young Bain. | Both Herbert and hie older broth-' • r, Cs i lisle, are vetrrans „f the world war. Herbert wae a member of the I®!*’ l»»*ball club before his mys torioae departure, and was one of the most dependabls players on the local team. He has ilssn. t.... r°f Wt And phymcAl powri*. fM/-"?.1*!* .#re c,fru,n ,8U> **V >>• Itrt Artir remit* behind. ANOTHER TRIED ON DISTILLING CHARGE L. B. Boltoa U Bound Orer Wl^n Found Guilty Of , ^dnUe Cun barged with manu VVVV whi*key wa* found fvJjT of probable cauae,” when triad here late Saturday afternoon •ioaer '**' tJnlt*d 8uko* Cernmii Bolton i« tha tondo-hv of Waah ’"»V" 8T™"‘, raeently tried htn jor aleehading and for criminal aa aaalt on hia aon, 8am Bryant Wit nouoa for tho government wore Han *“* «"» *atu Bryant, none of Wa.h Bryant, and brother* In-law of Bol ton. Heneom B.yant beatified that on. July » he aaw Bolton making whii k*7 »t tbe atm plant mid to bo on Waah Bryant ■ land. Bo declared that he *»w him in the act or making • M gallon, on one Oceanian and IX gal lon. on another. When enaaiined and a»ked what ka waa daiag there he Mated that he waa helptag makt IV liquor, and added that he waa foread U da aa by Boltoa. _ TV t8ur* foand avtdraer of pro ha**8 C,*M and B. F. Young, appi-ar •** *8r Bolton, gaea notice of appeal. V>ton waa plarod under a #*00 bond •*7 hi* appearance In eourt. The government gaee notice of an o*k»t warrant for Bolton, rhargtne Mm with retailing whltkey no will .bo tried bore on tkla charge Thuredny. | Tor Me appenranre bore aa that day Ballon wat placed under a #*00 bond. Tha Statue of Liberty era* unveil, ed an Bedlaa’a 1eland in Mem Yurt harbor, October tt, 1SSS. PLYMOUim ; imcoIS Old Colony TtMn And Prvpareat Great Pr.rcdX* P»as;r.ed President HardiftMakes Trip lu Prestdentu&YacKt The yfl^Kpwr Plymouth, MiifZjaly 31—Thw «dd color.y wr.i, a^Ms clirtv... of ■ resi «' ccTihra'jonBf fit tcenslc. ;vtry of the Undin«pttc Pilpehnv ’ ?ia» r<-t ■ cnw-. row ^Brteyi* t .v day for thu pr rcipal Bafti end pre ps-erf to velcmps'^H jrse t the Previdcr.t of the j Whita thu P’-ct-djBpf'y-jcHi, M.y f.i'wer, with PirvdflkVianl.ii.-: ar.tl ha t.nic:s1 tfarty ah^H, dm r-ul>;np toward thl.i port, Btdi- v.ill a:i*l ciioe lorr.ortuv n-lomtn ua.1- rr-sdy for Ils^EUr Th-. nar row t trccU were n|MMM and itch 'd v. ith rtrcnmarv <■ laf orbit- that flirt hu-jer tho HIAInom i and rhllrfri n wo* rrpr^Hfdl and th' rntt •■* of tht forat^Krier •* mark ed anew. Heavy Ih^Brtrt>r-w».-» fail ed to chock the pr^Brt^ • Ortrxl ic-crlM ft^KVh* e-ti-iiit-a ro -mrU-d u ith bi-dory pree-deri -I,- ru«i^Briia..c Foote, ■ put. m.v-or of Knplaod, oj.i rcce vt-d fornt^^^M^ihc jrlert men. who nmdr hla^Ka^u,-t when b. Iiroutfbt th (iMm from the1 inorhtr town. Jonl^BTWr iam Dr Bctnfoit, ■ harpe 0f the Dutch intMi ) at^MBiptor. ton Itht 1- the <Hi^H&reri nlatice >' Holland. In the^^^Kv of But omliAtrcdnr. ,-,|-.ey li I'.-.jVy, r.pval atta^H^h- L.-. •rnl,a..»y, came to him 1 When Lhr into the [Vymouth hoy tom^^^Koornin; ihr will futl site ho ,-J j^HWe-'.ilpr'lK twerr. No th Da^^Bdd Penn .el . ‘ '*r * »"d th. BntJ^Hda,>r f tnihri-1 tn. sent from Itsrg^^Mrth th- Pr~ lident'r yaeht wilF^H'a cor.vcy ofi jv» destroyer*. A tuhm.ir.ne t^^B-Atr'lJ bring ! Hardlm^^^Mk fiom the1 Msyflour . -rty ^Hiruon, Tin. vWU relMjHkir to <lT ' rill net *? his hodyfHSU acentnpan y nH ‘ h« I irsidentfMjbia place in • trade cf floats iJgjlarchlng d»le .Tlu‘ Priv.dcnrafif leave the l.ne .I. tan re h »»o aaiGBVroBi the start, n«u wnl letraec irgajfona.'l ;/iigrim-'| tK-‘ the tour* dcmHr Leyden street,'' first strrat of the'^wo’ie which the forefathers and tha#tgmiW tiaver i d un their way t»9|'ch which they I suilt as the groundS^loor of thair K'oio a stand-at tfca foot of dole's hill, where wMbqricd the first, of ti»o Pilgrims wh*iled in the new: rnuulrjr, be will rovMr the marching, iheti^ attend aa In foetal luncheon at Lbo uciiiuwx honse^ ' * 0 .1 teout offleerv'Wtll have chargu ; af two first aid and member*’ o* the fit»t national girl *cout oB training ramp at Longpond in* ihh town will prradht a bt ch bark scroll of greeting to Mrs HarS.jig,1 who IS ho loiaiy prstfdent or the giill rcoutr. national organisation. Totter it. tb« aftafnoon, th* Press-} den) W'll return to.the stand lacing Cole's hill, (here to (peak to an au dienre seated on IU.Mopes in banked Han dr. which have d capacity ©1 10,-1 000 person;. , After the speech Preaident will attend nr» informal dinner. His even-! ing will he given over to attendance 1 at the presentation af “Th-' Pilgrim! Spirit,” the pageant prepared by Pro- > feaanr George P. Baker, H Harvard university, for the tercentenary. | President Harding, will rerun, Uj ! inc piuyt luwrr lata In ths iv vt'itr j to make tie trip to To,Hard. Mair.#.| cn rout*' to a abort vacation at the .ummer kxlgr of ieer.tary Wcrka, at' 1-eoraxUr. N. U. Dunn Bull Club Elect* Bill Newbenry Captain Newberry Will Seacard Hioaon Aa Field Gan oral Of Club BAHKHAU. . . .. orouMjmdr.il .... A1. n uifl ni of the Dunn hearhall club tlir.'ctor* Friday ‘nigh* 'the ruaiye nation of llnrl Hinaon aa captain of the team wn-t accepted, and Willie Nun berry r.n. elected reptai.i to fill the voer.ney. flineod, who ii l"f« fielder on the team, win continue to iplnyr, whilr Newberry, who haa been '»He.-nat’ro at find hare and behind ;»he hat, will bo the player Acid gener al of the tram. The rnrt eauot of Hlnrati'y rwij ,nalloa l« -not known c*r.pt Dial It ,*» emd «M certain action* on the part i«*f the- local left fielder eauaed tic club d!r, rU>t» to arh for hie realffoa Won. Illnron ia oac of the beat all • uoi.d |fluycr« on the team, and on* jof Ulu two or thra# player. that have r.-ally den* dagiagt, with the willow. jThr local manager dad new raptaln <rt< eucertfloply onxlaua I# reta'n hi* rerv'rcf on the eloh. good TOBACCO SAID TO ■ E BRINGING HIGH PRICE Cold-bom. N. O., July 10.—Kero. *•> ihronghnut (hi. auction will p.-ob ahly He into rated in g report brought In re todAV by a repreetntnUve tobae eo buyer who haa been on the Wh|*.-. vnlr market tWv week, that the gold en w.‘*d averaged there around II !''corner Ou’,n Citizen ic Killed At Spencer El A. Qri'<|«t, One* Employ** of Daihtm and SoutK*m M«ti Tragedy Syintor. duly XI.— X. A. Bridge, au employe of tile mechanical Icpai-t rm-iit of the Spencer ikopt, nr* la •f •)*>■ killed rhortlr befo-e aeon. Saturday ivbi-ii caught in '---me an .ic tiu'-r.Mi mnnii.T between two lo ro'Set vr». The accident happened in the roatiilkouae t.itcr. workmen were r • pi i f' « rhlflir tj a d ad locomo t:*o to pul) It out. Other a-orktne.i nr u id ’ ao tniginrr got out of the way ;>■ I if Vi* In ought that Mr. Bridge* hi. ! u.to clean d the place, but hit lie d body war found when the cn ■* moved, lie wa. caught about! the v.nl»t m.d wh.1t- not badly ma*hrd t.r ere.- U'ilod iiwtantly. "t . y i 'dre* wxa about 20 y« art old arcl 'revel * wiro and ot>« daughter I to a him he wh» c i-atly devoted. The 1 f w'ly c*Bt« to 8p. ice- about 15 ' —nyo and Had many friend* bctcJ “V. linage* tva* no crteemed em v’.oye. u a.ltndj* v't'amt «rd had a * .xcovd. He w.ia at our time maa- j • a* r.henjc for the Durham an! ■ r ciir .o 'luil uail at Llo.in and afoot! nra amv.ig li* follow, , mplnyr*.- - * ---i1 u '.*u Daily New*. Tr'dre* wai a resident of for. *iver«l year*, living on I’• t ill<vir rtiwl, and working a*' •Ik,U;- rimnle in the railroad! •aid* o'. !;, Darhair, aril Southern lift. He ard It:* family writ mem-1 of t!i* f-.inn I'rerhyttr'an church '■'d the far* b’ wa.< we'l known and, > ithly mrwetwd here. The fi.afrii-ndt of the family in' ' ji.n erfe-it thru- heartfelt tympathy . t'lort * : vt-lug, Mr*. Rrldgea and ‘ .. . .i -snwrt, iikvi. II WW inOVKl . t ?>:,xk to lh<« community u> h«*ar of» •'». 3 »4f<V death. ^LlflEYILDOES 1 msa in .. c.j Vo;» Conditions In South Coro*' linn. Dun To Boll Watril j Am Bnd Washington, Aug. 1. — Th# ball "eevil played havoc with Ike South's I oUon crop during July, heavy rain all Vidlrg'iy. the dustroetior by pro- . ■*>.t-‘4 a rash growth of woadaJand] -raw, salt as a result a prospective iroiHwtlcn or R,203,000 babe was1 'r.rerstl today by the Deportment of tgT'culture, basin? its *4'.mate on •o.nl't'r>:i rvl4<r.g July 25. That is i Id/, of . 30.000 bale* compared with h. production forecast a month ago. The Crap declined 4.5 paints during He me mb. much more ths-i the aver-. . re decline, bringing condition to 44..' < t><i cent, of a nurra.d. the lowest' "•’Iy 1 5.h condition o.r record wth I me exception hot Of 18SC, when it »■/ «4.1, As unpromising u.thc present ton- | idiot of the crop throughout most of -H' belt, thric p still very serious I litres*!, the D. partition expert* say, of innibiuctl and increased damage from I he boll wccrlt while graai and weeds sre exhausting much of the crop that remains. Sumo-ary of Canditiau .Summarixiug conditions. Ibr de pot tment issued o statement saying: "Cation suffered more than the 3<ual drclino during July, being dam-; Sged particularly by the boU weevil, I •P'dallv in 'he newly invaded tend-’ - 'icr In ilvuth Carolina, eastern 1 (•corgis, rnutham and eastern Okla-I Horn* and southern Aricai'-as Damage from the insect throughout the bell h; * been heavy and the threat of eon ■ »«(t increased damage is very wr'ous. la many saclion* Jt promises ’o lake all new growth. “This condition results largely rum the h'-svy July •ainfall, which Ho* she (garbed out much of the <Jrmlv a t fertiliser «tu) »n. coniugid a Heavy growth of gram <•"« »< «l« which ir. < xhaujting much of whnt remain* *T•n»rn are unable to give ■ 4 nal dressing of fenillaer in must In ''•’ft., a; ha* been the canton. Tt -High moat of th* belt the present «w*l:t<Oj(i of the plant it unpromi* ing. since 1 fero* on tho rate hand the dftiim-r of drought anf on the other increased damage from the boll Urvcvll. "Condition* are favorable only in »h- filngc* of the bolt In wrstam Tera*. wi-t.rn Oklahoma, along this If »*i*»lpp| River from northern MU el pi| p: throurh Tennessee and into Mlenc url, In V'rglnla and North Car clina, lb* northern portion of %rath Carolina a. d In th* delta section of Mlr»ippi, where tho plant* ate well rnoted mil sturdy with a pood »r; of lirrt crop boll*." HEAVY TOBACCO SALTS REPORTED AT FAIRMONT Fairmont, July gTIlTho Fairmont tobacco'market mad- a good showing Ih'» Week, especially for a number iof p-e“dr sold, and pricT* were very ,mach belte • thaa at fimt of seamn. The mnrki-l told thi* week ending ■rth Inlay RII 0,-1 MS pound* for the :iim of $d‘l,473 1*. an average oi ■ r.inrly U-p cents per pov td. For the ,»T.lfn? »ca/ru 1,014,930 pour,da have ; Vcn sold or tha market t r 493.G46 '4. Thr rarebouarmcp njd boyvn ;*PMr. thi* market to ml' over * mil l.lne pound* thin eoralng waek. ! ’r4i ‘.Ip ->f the tongue ;» the mod I'r-mllrgr poll toll of tho baiy. end 44 eon.« * poini for .rood grader bnver.he aformed local ware ruua>- mm “have horn inrtractod b] •■ur companies to pay the limit Cm go.-d Vo bat .-a, watch Uja just a- bt* demand as it ever has gccn.” LAW AND ORDER | LEAGUE FORMED CubWW Citium Meet Aad I Pmoyncw All Mum Of Uw Vioiatio*. Fayetteville, July 80.—Dvt*raised to end laarletxnem that hat revolted in tlie death of four county iMfen a.id the wounding of two other! la *•>»• puA fourteen moatha, a large body of Cumberland county citiaent today met In maw meeting and de nounced all phatee of law violation and orgnniiod the Cumberland even ly law ami order league, which pled (tot ench of the tignert to do hie ut ntoxt to ace that the law |a upheld |B la,t •r,f orderly meaner. Tbeta in charge of tke meeting abut •>? an attempt to turn it into a dUcue of thv prohibition taw alamo aadi ibo n.wueeion aaiumed a broad aeapa. I 1 live (violation* were “-a-'-f in fa-i 'or of Dr. W. t llill’t reeelutlon or-. md iking the law and order league. I One of thcee rvtohrt* effaced bp A. L. McCathlll, would bare had the i t-ciriaturc make It unlawful for a man to take a drink of Intoxicant*, l roviding a road eeatenee for any lit ten who eight be caught with the •me!) of liquor ou hie breath and re-1 ro,id to name the vendor. Dr. HiB< ihergrJ that thU “impowible” rear lution woe derigned to defeat dm ituipotv of. the meeting, which Mr. MeCatkill denied. A ratolutton offer ed .hy f imtt D. M««kl^ 'poujd !>**•• pledged every crticen prevent sever te drink another drop ox arhle- ’ k«y. f To* wrongeet apeerhet to the ae icmb'agt warn made by Dr. Hill and ' B.-acfM A. J. Bowley, commander gf i ■’»»? Biayc. who Pledged the vigor 1UV cn-operation of the military mu ll or. tvM in upholding the lam and de -luicd that or hoped Camp Bragg f-oM b* here for eaany year a. O there • c:e made by 1. A. Murehieou. Mayor E. It. McKeban, John G. Shaw, Jehu I' k. Oat**, Duncan Show, Frank Tal- i >ot, and Empire Downing. I, j-.ar.s a. wramon was ritrlM >reddest or the law and order lwCM. ind Carry B. Taylor werotary. Exe-i ■Utivr committeemen ara John A. . 5oic», Dr. W. E. Hill. Rot. Archer Toon her, fnd H. W. Lilly. Mohammed VL, Uic praaaat sultan >f Turkay. U the 31th In genie descent From OUimaa. • Tarboro Gets Franchise • In Th* yirgaak Lsagns. Anothur North Carolina Ton In Virginia CircAk— I Rocky Mount, Aug. 1—The city of “. :bs“o become* a miadlm of tho Virginia League, beginning tomor row. Definite announcement to that effect wai mads tonight hy W. At Moye, of thi* city. elr*-p resident of the Old Domioion circuit, wha at tho mseting of tho league director* hi: Norfolk lost Bsturday night was ap-I point'd a eonunitUo of one to di*> | P®“ of the franehim forfeited last by Petersburg, Va. The "orphans" will appear In their new home for the first time oa tho last three day* of this weak, when they will entertain the Rocky Haunt chib. Cakes in Taiboro wlB bo play 'd at the fair groands, tho park that wa* used last year for Eastern Catrw-, line games. Mr Moye /dated tonigh that jutor to taking ower the franckiae, OM, was raised by the fans of the Edge-! "™bc. capital, »2.000 to ho plaeod •vith the league as f. forfeit and tho remainder to bg used in backing the I tram. Another meeting will he' held In ‘ Tarborn (nmorrow night, at which I time a corporation will he effected f) n rl f.fflpnpa —* —A - -* I CONFESSES CRIME I AFTER REFORMED! Ayden Mm Con C1*m With Moving Tale Of Guilt h Cri— Ayden, N. C„ August 1.—l» pclled by a deep and grew ing rpiritoal cenrirtion that I hr ehould confess a crime that has been a loci mystery (or several reere, Thomas Jarkaon, a (amor c*i~" <* gtaee. yesterday made nubile admluien la the presence ef a hundred or mere persons la the Seminary aaditorluai hen that ha sat fire to bis cloths* premia* —t-t nent in order to collect iaennaee a»oney on a policy he had purchased a short time previous The blase start ed by Jarkaon, according to his state ment. alee destroyed the Baa* hotel and damaged a residential structure N* Actio* Tehee j lei# today it eras burned from I*. I'cal repraaaatatlvae of iasuruace rem panla* that ao action against Jack son had been planned so far. It ap prar* that the matter will be one for the local aathorffim, bat definite .«£ lB Ihh direction were net taken ! Jadkeua, who sow iwa* near Orwea vill*. annouaead an the streets af Ay drn Saturday afteraaen that h* would pi aara In the auditorium of ,lh« seminary Sunday afternoon, and incidentally confided to a fear friends hl« intention af saaktng « puMU con (frtalea af the barnhig of a wudm cetr.bKahnient, of which he was pre Lrkto^ asm* year* ago la ardor Uml r might collect the insurance money. T g)|| Yesterday afternoon, ii. *he prog (Continued on pafg «.) THE OLD QUARRY AT RALEIGH WILL NOW BE DRAINED *«* Bhw Thia W*tk la Uytaf Ian lilaltfc • Myitary M Hundred* Will Flock To Watch Procedure New QataHaai Nad AHmi WImU WUI Be Dean With If Aay Are Found—All Will Be Bet la Head* ef Solid Ffra dara beyond Dm traditionally MtoMtAd toanc» of Mto for waodera Md described aa 'a nlaa days wooder,1 ha Bad Qnarry yyetcrdey claimed aa aaay drrataaa aa aay day baa branpht It ia Aa twa waaka since Aa flrat drawn ad aataaaaMa way boakad aa >ta battaai, Md toapiaatiao tips a to ■racfc over tioa. loagnry will plea way to raallao bofera Aa waok la dans, and wfcau war thin* As preaa waters have oav ■rod, hat Aa*uat mm wilt bleach, tad Aa oratory af tha psol aaay he ' wad by aay wha aaa pot aloaa anoaph la As (tot af Aa quart?. Net eery Elaaa that will he far a tow days af ar tha toast U erected Ala onaalaa »U A public bald hack tor Ba ows etoty. New QueeClea. Aaiea Yrataaday Aa question that eaaas ia Aa Upa af oast who dlieuoid tha luarry aad Its oyatoetoa aad its d ry ot set waa "What wIB haaaoa af the liquor aad tha autoetokSaa aad ha flea and Aa aatpatt that eay ha. e. U tl_*- _o ah. aa hwldiw rma rtf*, sad many wars the Vinos aa to tha (shaft ef the MT. Claiosaat* wen reedy fer every king bn the nrpsM. Everything bat the fish, if then It anything bet fish. arm he tamed ovar » the solicitor fer tbe rf The fish wlU have to be moved out far sanitary reasons if the tstfry Is tried to the hettam Csnesrvathre es timates e the |sU fish aad the ether piscatorial tribes that swim the green •rotors place tha output at two wagon leada. Badly they will be gold Bah, iescendeata sf a ftw takaa from Pal laa Pa* years age aad glased la the saarry. Nuntarrs af Mas caa be seea •vrim at tag ta the water, and divers report the depths aUve with thaw. At Daybreak Taday Daybreak this morals* will see the forces charged with draining the saarry In action. First thing win ba the loading af many bales ef win en trades and waving it te the qaany. Today and a part af tomorrow wll be repaired fer the erection af the fane* ■nored baDt abwet the plaes. Eu riaasn will lav ant rim wash • re riaiastag tbs bW tunnel, and at tbe Track Patch, ether workmen win be rigging ep rim great paarp that will throw eat the water. Ilasdama will rig up the transmission bass from Blount street to the quoiry, sad by Wednesday eight Chtasrs asay be randy for the pro (ring af Ike button that will mart the sevea million gallons af ■tator toward Walnut Creek. Investigation af sunk clam as have keen placed In the heads af invwaU pttag authorities ceetlaum, aad by tbs thee tbs orator la apt af the pool, the etty may bestirred by eeasettonal dsvslepmaats. The theory ef general conspiracy baa heso asplarad to some •at tw* week* a«o today, sad this May offar tha population a ritaattaa aa lau interesting than tha preaaaao ft sataMohilaa la the^qnarry. BUictaat aartaWlanaa af tha aaany i«hal"» vaiatalBsd sad wCQ ha Mala wi** an til tha last af Ms qua hara boaa answered " qaarry saw w« ha vatar, aalaaa tha Bah the acthritiae of tha Srj&&“352&5' y»at mf certainty that than is, it fl* «tll stay than aatil It la fMtitl hy tha hands af tha lav. hrt7 ahaat" wtU *tC s&yrstiLfifz frik. will w,« hi th far « „. I .. THB STATS w» |Jfj| SUMMSJl | BCNOOL OOBSKB TO A CLOSE i -fuJauM, ag^'tftf’ssfisc •" vha ktr* anant six woaha in tha rtttuswaPsSTtt vlll leave aarty taBay. it af aaaahar I total ngtaUatUn van" tlaa ofNecth Carolina aad fear other

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