THE DL Volume VIII. Dunn, North HI h-—fc—— __ Dill I! OF CARUSO ■ fOSiOiVS QUICKLY Ai'ftR A RELAPSE Great Singer Die* At Hotel In N iplec, Where Ha Had Bean Brctight Hurriedly EX<*F.CT£D~TORECOVER , LESS THAN WEEK ACC Removal From Home At Sor- I rento Recommended In Or-! der To Have Operation But WeaWaned Condition Pre vented; Aged Mother at Bed- , aide When End Cornea. NapW>. Italy, Aug. 2. — Caroto dint today. Thr great *inger, whore ultimate recovery had brail hoped fori under the benign Influence* of hist own Italy, panted away at 9 o'clock thi* morning at thr Ho'.vl Vcauriu* in , Ihit city. He had brought hare hurriedly from Sorrento, on the Bay of Xaplea, whrru Inn than a week ago hr avowed ku. Ijyturnlng itrenrth and cxorrjovd thr conviction that he would sing again of in tr.» old days. lie had been aldr In visit the fg mou-. sanctuary of Our Lady of Pom peii, giving thank* offering for ht* • •covcry. lie went ilfi to th# Island of Capri, where he attended a lunch eon in his honor. Rut anon afterwards! unfavorable symptoms iu the form of a high fry*-# mr.n'f.-.te-l themselvesj and hit wife telegraph, d to a Rom# I specialist to come to 8orrento; it was then discovered that a new internal alters* had developed. Caruso’s removal to Rom# for on operation s*i adviced, but h# showed such weakness that it was impossible to transfer him furthet than Naples, where hr arrived by *#a Sunday ev ening. Four eminent physicians were called in consultation and their ex amination showed the pre-enee of subphrtnic nhcras. accompanied by sin- c pcriluuitis. An operation to he performed at noon today was decided upon, but th* patient's condition became suddenly worse at 4 JO in the morning and he died soon afterward-. Prior to thU, heart ftftnulation was reported hour tire himself,' the attending physician,1 ordered him tiot to -peak, su during '1 his last night he uttered no word. Of ' the member* of hi* family prcaentl' at the death bed the most pathetic 1' was his old mother, who had always!1 dung obstinately to her little home, despite her eon’- efforts to accustom her to the material comforts of life. Wife At Bedside Present also at th# bedside were hia wife, who wav Dorothy, daughter of Park Ucnjamin of New York. Ca 1 ruso’a little daughter, Gloria, and hi* ion. Rodolfo, hia brother, Giovanni, aaveral nephew, and th* composers, Vlncenao Relleasa and Paloo Lon gone. For a time after hi* arrival In Italy Caruso showed improvement, hia native air having a beneficial ef fect. Nevertheless, he conserved hit strength and for this reason was ob liged to refuse a request to siog at. a reception given by the Admiralty to Crown Prince Hirohito, of Japan.1 ntrong ana, dear was evidenced when recently he -ang before the roprano, Hidalgo, and the baritone, Montrsanto, who expn-ased their delight. Health Failed 1 There wa» grave nnxlrty, however, when Cnrusu only a few days ago, be- ’ gan to show signs of depression. The rising temperature which had eharae-1 Ufixed previous attacks roeorred, and steadily hlx condition grow worse un til Saturduy when he suffered from violent pains in the abdominal region.' The medical consultation followed and It was apparent that tho patient was not suffering acute physical pain. hut that his heait was weakening ra-' pidty. Oxygen was administered and other measures writ taken to prolong his vitality. At his own request Caruso's body will bo embalmed, and the funeral service! will be held tomorrow. It la recalled that when he lay gravely stricken In New York he had express ed the wish that he might die in Italy, and now all Italy ia mourning, that this xad wish has come to pass, i REV. JAMES M. WICKER, OF SANFORD, IS DEAD San foul, Aug. S. -Key. James Me Iver Wicker, aged ««, died at bis home here this afternoon. The fun eral services will b« held at Sanford Pfcahyierlusi church Thursday after-1 noon at 4 o'clock. Mr. Wicker WP* a graduate of Prin ceton university and seminary. Kor many years b was pnslor of one of Ihe hading Prr hytrrlan churches la Philadelphia, lie became pastor of the Prcrbytriian church at St. Pauls in IIIU9, rumitimnc pn-tor for live year*. Il« wont fiom thorn to Aahe hori> In IBIS, where hi* health gave way. *ft«r a few months and he haa jpenl moat of thr time ia heiptUI*. He advert a* .apply pastor of the Sanford Presbyterian rhorrh while the pastor, Rev. w g. Golden. waa with thr army in Frnnec. Ha waa a trend man. nn able min later of the irnrpel and had many friend* U) roach out the rou ntry. Derides hi* wife, (brer daughters, Mr*. D. B. King, Sanford: Mr*. N. A. MeBnohern, Bt. Pnala; Mist Margaret Wieher, and one sinter, Min* Maggie Wicker, Sanford, suivivo him. Kancat had B? pnW*- haaith ean tar* fer children In l#tO, In which #.*ao rue* were rn rolled They a lea eared for 1,60# parental cases. I MID-WAY OF DUNN FAIR TO BE GREAT Secretary Riddle Announces Thai Bright Light Shows Are Engaged Twelve big shows, four riding de vices, two brass bands, two big free acts, and innumerable concessions, are advertised by the Bright Light Shows, engaged to make op the mid way for Harnett's third agricultural fair, which will take place in Dunn on the date* of October llth„ through the loth. T. L. Riddle, secretary of the fair association, stated yesterday that espenae had not bean considered in securing for Um Harnett fair the beet carnival possible. The Bright Light Shows will come to Dunn well recommended and pro mise to consist of tha very b«st and moat entertaining la fair and carni val attraction*. Jack Lyles, general ■gent, who was with the show com pany that was engaged for the llar nclt fair last fail, writes that thri show is a world beater and la confi dent that the fair aaaoclation will be greatly pleased with the carnival. Traveling In twenty car*, carrying knndr#ili of n<*nnl». th** llr-Wht l.itwKt Shows will present to those attend ing the Harnett fair a “Clean Meri torious Attraction." Something to in terval the young and the old folks, ■ nd the middle seed too, and plenty >f high class and clean amusement, is promised the fair association by the management of this will known ■how company. One of the Iwo big free acta is the performance of “The Incomparable I Miss Quincy,” heralded as the •world's most artistic and finished sigh diving champion.” 8be will give Mr diving performances daily dur ng the six days of the Harnett fair. Among the twelve big shews that •ill make up the big midway of the Harnett fair are the wild animal, dog ind pony show, minstrel, motordrome, •rootling arena, jungle, make, and H ueion shews. All of these attractions ire aaid to be of the hlgheat claaa. ind come well recommended. be pore's concert band will not b* cast *mong the pleasure makeis for the midway of the fair. Tho band's performances will be given day and light. flans for the amusement side of he fair are still in tho process of Formation, and Mr. Riddle states that he people wijl^be given jilcnty of en ind watching the exhibit* The lair1 rill be wrl) balanced and well round-1 id, according to tho fair association ►dicers, and Mr. Hoover's speech on ‘ Saturday will not, by any means, be he only thing to attract hundreds o the Harnett fair. Increased Damage By .Boll Weevils Reported 2rop Bulletin Reports Poet Ac tive In Wide Area; N. C. Crop Fairly Good Washington. Aug. S.—While rain 'all was generally very light in tho rotton belt during the past week, j woderate to heavy falls occurred in be Atlantic coast districts and caus 'd an Increase In weevil activity in | Seoraia and Seuth Carolina, said the; weekly National Weather and Crop, Bulletin Issued today. The cotton pvvt also is veiv active in many see-1 lions of the Mississippi valley, ce-, pecially in Alabama, bat dry weather' resulted in a marked decrease la Its ■praad in Texas, Oklahoma and Ar kansas, the bulletin said. Prospects (or cotton by Slates fol lows: Texas—While making fairly good progress, crop needs rain and there arc complaints af shedding and plants lying. Oklahoma—Making fair advance in north and west eectiona hut d ?terl orating in aontfc central and aoulb rastern portions. Arkansas—With favorable climate, crop la fruiting well, in west and fairly well in central and aouth. Georgia—With cultivation nearly Ilnlehad, condition and progress re ported poor. South Carolina — Satisfactory growth reported, but fruiting ranges from poor to only fair generally, with weevil numerous and doing much damage, except In north. North Caroline — Ko material change In condition. Florida—Rains ceasing shedding. The crop is poor to fairly good In Mississippi and fair genarally In Ala bama and Tennomoc, tho bnllotin ■aid. FATHER DROWNS WHEN ME COES TO RESCUE SON Kinston, Aog *.—Floyd Barwiek, piumiiivHb (iNtrii as vmiiivgp man of Lifranys, waa drowned In Sutton's mitl pond two miles from this pine* laU today in an effort to save one of hia son* who had railed for help. Tb« boy was saved, bat Mr. Berwick, wbo jumped lata' the pond without remov ing hit doth I ay and shoe*. himself waa sstae* with cranapa and aaak out of aifht. Hia Ufolaao body waa recovered at • o'clock toulfht. Bur vtvinf Mr. Berwick are hit wife and four children. ZION CITZZN 11 "SOAKED " MS FOB SMOKING A PIPE - Zion, Ilia., A iif. 4. — 8m ok inf a pipe In Elen coat Frederick Stockstill SdS today. The city, which haul ordi nances raff let inf woman's dress and bow Its residents shall spend Sunday, alee has a ban afatnst smeklnf. "This thing mast step," a judge remarked whan ha Snad NtoeketiU "Stop." Stockstill replied. "I'm as •Upped as my noma wonld indicate.’ Bolton Found Guilty In Recorder’* Court Charged With Assault On Sam Bryant Ha Is Fined Fifty Dollars 1- B Bolton, charged with ^tnaott I •>’» his son-in-law. Sum Bryant, after I a qua tel between young Bryant and hU father, Washington Bryant, near! the old PetU-- homo uboat a mile taut of Duke, which ia alleged to have) occurred *evi hI weeks ago. war found guilty and lined SCO and co»U :ti Hecordtr’e Court here yesterday.' Bolton'* attorneys gave notice of ap-l peal to Superior Court, and ha wsa placed under a 1160 bond for his appearance then. Wash Bryanl, father of Sum, was also charged with aacaulting the boy on the name day and wa« tried bum •hortly after the incident took place. He wai found guilty and appealed,, and put undei a bond Tcitlmony wai Introduced by tho prouwution yceter-j day in the trial of Bolton, charging him with aid'ng Waah Bryant in' beating the boy up. The Bolton trial Wat the principlej caae that came up on the criminal, docket of Recorder’* Court yesterday.! There were a long list of persons' tried recently and found guilty, bat' who had failed to pay the fine* and "r*T« vj uc court. Chief Page and Sheriff Jernigan we.» requested to issue “Capiases” for three men. The tip of the tongue la the moat •enaitive portion of the body. Members Of American Legion Off To France Delegation of 250 Heeded By National Commander To j Viait Battlefield* New York, Aug. With the flag. di the national commander of the!; American Legion flying at her ma*t-'< head, and more than 250 mrmWri , of that organization on board, the i A an. lean pnaaengn aUamahip I George Washington sailed today for! Cherbourg and Bremen. f. The legionnaires will disembark at , Ih* first port, from whence they will ] ro to visit the battlefield* on which | lor more lhan a year they fought', against the foicea of the Germhn . rmpernr. The legion party i* headed by No- J Uonal Commander John G. Emery, and Inrlodcs men from every vtatj ! »f • tfcw t»*imtren*-t>eor«* WaUilWyH ton wa* dressed in Hags „f the allied , nations with uh'rh her honor paasen frro fought. Two dr.troyoir and a ‘ convoy of army airplane' were on , hand to escort In r uut of the harbor. Cable advirea from Cherbourg said"! that th* vete would be officially ! '^reived there by representative* of ; the French govern men 1. A special de tail of America* eoldiera front th* 1 forres now ia Germany will be on 1 hand to welcome their former com- 1 rode*. I K. Of C. To Inaugurate i1 W.lf_U7_1. la-1. 'l Action To Spond Million Dot- i Ur» in Work Follow* Ro> j. qucil Of Pop* San Francisco, An*. 4.—At the re quest of Pope Benedict XV, the Knights of Col embus have decided to raise one million dollars to inaa guialn American welfare in Italy, it! was announced at the Knights of Co lumbus annual convention here today.! The fond will be raised by popular | subscription among the membership' or the order. j "Pope Benedict has roiuertad the activity on thr part of tha Knights of Columbus to conserve faith and aid in their mental and physieal de-' velopmrnt of Italian youth,” said Supreme Advocate Joseph C. Pcllctu •«r, of Boston. "It is oar aim to go Into Italy nnd introduce American welfare work to pay to lulyl in heart the debt laid upon America when Columbus, the peat Italian, found this western world and made it po.wi biff for Chrlitr-ndon U extond it* sphere.” Mr. PeHcllier added that It waa improbable that Use Knights of Co lumbus woald extend Its organisation proper into Italy, saying that tho immediate plan* called for the estak lishmant of an American service cen ter in Borne under the patronage of Pope Benedict Supreme Knight Jamoa A. Flaherty' announced that Poter KmntSe of Chi cago, consul al Loaembouig. had tel egraphed lhe first donatio* of »500. NEGROES AFRAID TO BURN WEEVILS FEAR LIGHTNING Newbrrry, Aug. 1.-Number* of farmers in this county and in I mu rona coanty also. And n sary decided aversion on tka part of their negro fains hand* to burning the cotton boll* that drop off the stalks after being punctures) by boll wedvlla. The reason is they have gotten it intoOlMir jheada in some unaccountable way jthat If thoy burn the boll weevil* • lightning will strike them. They do Iuot object to pkkinr up tka punc^ tui ed bolk and putting them In pllaa, but thay are really and sinceroly a f raid to burn them no fa inters In ■ several cases have compromised by ]having the hands gather and pile the holla and they themselves barn them. It would be interesting to know where this negro superstition came from, and whether it rriots in other paita of the state and cotton belt. A machine bn* been constructed by whkh an armless man ran food him self. typewrite and avers mend boots, by mean* of only hla tons. Weah'.-rte f. 4. — Plana far ro-oprratiun i Federal an4 Ftate health ta prerent the piead and_je of aeUeen wore d lodayjn whie min*, of the iralth officials States and Hi d Croan u rcultare ng win ba a cipaetad a he Booth will nitlal to Tlx a* ■lewd door*, nade by th# is to the rials, some he meeting id to be ibo at hall ind oa the Sam It was wnls in rhllc there ondiOona la md eoncc mpreve Dr. A- T. nianioner of hakrman of lute 0 ion and tai ommlttec roald be iaed the !on betw ’svinmeah teas wh prevaxnt ij i to ill |t Dr. C in charge of.i hr Ark department, and .1 member j tttoe drafting I: he report. was plenty of |i ood in tha pad that reports to I he contra] erroneous. In re tricted idded. pellagra has mined "7 through fall ire ef to make aae of ond eopplieuptllahle ta txaafay lo alitiea. He atrlakad the need of cSooe o-ord inatiea waH health egancioa Other beam-commissioners oa the ommittoe drafting -4. ions are: IlMiaa A. Hayns, Mb Carolina; W,'M haatbara. niidaijppl md IE. O. Williams, Virginia. PLANNRG TO MAKE VIGOROUS APPEAL rvmaThM Earn —fly FoHTfc* B—osirt— Of Ojp*- Bran Citilent df. Fayetteville are pU*. ,t*'» te makam etronr appeal te gee wtery Waahwwhea Be return from tie vocation *on Aomt 10 In behalf ft tbo retentBa af the ertiilery trein inr ramp at>Camp Bran. Fayotta fifio feela -that Soeretary Week, tan lot have bo* apprised of all the Facte apd that whan be la ae apprised »0 will caned.tha ehandonmeat erd IT. The War DepanaeeaV first placed Lamp Grease in Fayetteville, bat la ter moved thi* camp to Charlotte. The sitiaeaa of CayetMvIUe on the aaram ption that Caoafp On cue wme to be placed tbere-apest meney In prepar inf for tbd amortalnaent af the ramp both In a. badness and social way and do* pvt te qaite a bit of expense.* Later th« War Department decided to Meats an ertilery camp at Fayetteville and- the eatahliahmamt was name af Camp Braff. The toroMtaf partluid aa aaar mooi .mouirt- of property, which war removed fra* the tax hooka ae far aa Camberload county waa concerned, Judge McNeill Die* At • Home in Lumberton W«U Known Rob— Cilia— After An III— of Only Fnw Hour* Lumberton, Aug. 2—Judge T. A. McNeill, well-known Lumberton eiti eeu, died oerly this morning, follow ing an Uineee of a few bourn. The deceased woe 72 year# old and (peat practically all hi* Ilf# in Kobe ion county. Re wai a student at the Unl e«tatty ef North Caroline when the Clvfl War broke ant. lie left college and entered the army, earring fear yeara. After the War rioted ho went beck to the University and grad mated la 1IM eeeuring hU law license the »»e year. Ho practiced first at Rock ingham and later at Mutton. He came to Lumberton in 127*. He was the Amt president of the National Bank of Lumberton, the Inrt bank organised in Robeson coun ty, and hold the position until IMS ■hen he was elected Superior court I judge of the Seventh district. Hal I*nr«d M jndye far 8 ran to offer! for re-election. He ni ear ef Rebe W’T<1 *n<1 kl«hly rsanect td cHimeas and hit unexpected death aa» a shack to bis many friends. i The funeral trill he eondacUd hum the Preahytariaa Church afi vhlch deceased traa an active member < ham. burial hem Wednesday at i a d. and interment will he made in I Keadowbroek cemetery. ' Republican Attacks Fordo*? Tariff Bill CaU* For Natio^rido Prwteat ffaiwat Maasum; Also Raps Mr. Haidhf Akron. Ohio. Aug. 8.—Chamber! if Cemmerer, baaiaaos men and eor mmtiaat ttionwhout the United lutes were appealed U in an address »‘«fct »*y <; L. Knirfit. JU <OhLean Ceayroarmaa of Ohio, to oia la a nation-wide protest to the and moans cam Blitter «aiaa the Perdney tariff bill, which is characterised as owe ef the want , of IstrisUtioa In half n esn "?oayrss».n Rnlyht slao arysd 5" y y**. *** >niut the ■ojf^hPUtad income tax. which ha aid, was discrimination ia favor af * «hi«f (dfanJsri ef taxation and wsMx* the coat of runxiny the codh V br "ki"« Conors as to pass a wai am hoi ealline for a **00,000,000 ipproprUtion. Ths bill. be mid. was lotcmg rat • ■ptayjjimg. . “A ■«*■> »«» too old to hm," ibeerved tho u(t. . "No." iohmiM the foot, “bwt aansAir. - Killed While Asleep , At His Tobacco Bam ^r°N®$nwm* Wditoaburi Firm *ulMmrdMM Killed by Unknowo Party Wilson, An* 4.—William Whitley, prominent merchant and farmer of Nalstanburg. 18 mile* from Wilma. **• Aot and hilled while stlerp at ti* tobacco barn late loot night. No -><*• to the identity of hit slayer has ^•en fennd. A sheriff’s posse with Moodhouada are scouring tha country *• •PP'rhood bis aomll snt Whitley les.rne a wife and sin children. ■ The coroner's jury took a recess st noon to await further develop ment*. It hi said that itrtsmnitli trouble was lb* cause of the and a man In the neighborhood'll ins pected. Thin le the see end assassiaatkon to take place in this section within the past few days. See. Bnnls Pear son was shot from ambash In Toy lm^ township in this county lost EVERYBODY AT GOLDSBORO OSEV SUNDAY BLUE LAW Ooldshero, July SI—AH business concerns today observed the Sunday bins laws. Same of tha eafes refused to serve ke water. While officers made a diligent “beat" of the entire city at an early hear tonight. No lac the ordxne.-*-' ” c[y Manager W«h ordrjxd that ail bootblack parlor* be eloetd and tbia era* about the ealy thine that *»_.« to worn) IMn .ho^d accaitamtd to having them ’peHthed' on Sunday morning. FIRST GEORGIA SALK AUCTIONED AT NEW YORE .Mr* York, Aag. I.—The flrat bolt of new Georgia cotton wit told at auction on tho cotton exchange today for fifty e«ata a pound. It weigh ltd pound* and waa claaaed at rtrict ■Mdung. Tho proceed* of the ml* »U1 M to chanty. The nw bale wai auctioned off oa the Savannah ** change fer M cento a pound. REPORT RELEASE Off ~ AMERICAN PRISONER! Elga, Aag. I—American primnen In Enmlx «'ready have been relented from confinement. according to urv »«*lnl jupoito at the Bxtaktvik log*, ttan pram taftaai bore today, ta than wo* no word In wbtoh to th< wig rvlxoaod or when, bow. r whore they wilt bo delivered xerox the border COMMUNITY SING PLANNED BY C.S.D. Co««ty Wido Stag WiU Bn Held la UlUa«toa Ob Labor Day Lobar Day, September 6. will br calibrated la Harnett County tils foil with a rsunly-wlde community ■ng. which i* now bring arranged wider the leadership of Miss Mama! F. Camp. Director of the Community Sorrier work in the county. Tbr ' big community staging contest wiU hr pa i ti cl paled in by every township in th* county, and plana ore new under way far making lha event the biggest tb’ng of its kind ever staged ta Har nett county. Letter* have bora written to the leading elttaans 0f alt the community I eon tors, urging them to g>' up their choirs and singing classes, elect their: leaden, and begin practicing and re hearsing far the contest right away. , By Labor Day Mias Camp hopes ta." have every singing close ta the cans- , ty In good pncrice tp come ta Lli- : llngton and participate in Um ring. ' A number of attractive prices are ! offvrud U the winner, in the different ) phasoa of singing that will tokn placei| in the contest. denial Contacts On The various claarvs that will enter * •be contests are urged ta pay special ' attention to hymn*, patriotic song*,1' luartettea. and tula in Ih-ir ana v tic**. There win ha several d iff rent ■ rontcstf. besides the regatar s neine * •less rent A tiddler's contest, staffing'* Vf ■ negro singing class, and sowing I >T a grand chorus which w)U be cam-1 ►need af over two hundred members, 1 ire fee tares of the sing planned. .< For the fiddler's contest each town- • dup ha* one contestant, and a reward * M Id R offered to Urn beet f lddler. The none staging else wilt li live on eshibitlea of old folh songs. ■ tegro spirituals, and the Ilka. “RaU- a wad BUI" “Raiae the Kucas Tonight" » md ocher of naeh melodies will be * wag by the big darkey class. d The prises offered by the Commu- c ■ity Service Department are aa fal- C *WV 9*** roand program, a sti-.e -or loving cap valued stWO; best al! oond pregram, It* ta cash; third b >aat all round program, *1* he cash; o Met aale quartet, a valuable eoOoe- a loo o”mags far male quartette: a «st fiddler. M in g.5T • AB Tmeuiihb ii To Rate . I, Aa inultaUon baa boon ertadkad a K5? wuaty-wid* event. The carton ofi ha various townships, in which the t vork will mere than likely tm gotten < ip. arc as follows: Anderson Creok. J flat Branch; Averanboiw, Dunn; OB-i: ria; Black River, Angler; Buckhora, . Jhrlst’aii ..igh'.; Duke; Greva, Coats: * Hector's Springs; Jokasonville, Cam- ' HWB Hall; LiUingten, UUlngtoa; 1 Weill', Creek. Bole*e Crook; Strwart >»vk, Buanlcvtl; Upper Little Riv- ' ■*> No. 1, ML Pisgan; Upper Little * River, No. 2, Hamers. > lash ad Oft_A_LI _*00 A ■ tin to form thvir diMca at aa early • late and (tart their rehearsals. Par-,* •h#r Information ronctmint Un tiof * sKII be furnished by die community l 3 evict Department at LiDiagton. 11 Drum Ta Enter I T. L. Riddle, temporary manager of * tb* claw at Dnnn. baa anointed the « Following committer to help la org- « inhting a claw for Averaaboro I township: Her. A. R MeQuoon, Kiw i Ito Paawoe, Mb* Leant* Gainey, I Mra HcD. Holliday, Mrs. J. L. ini, committor will bogia to make's Plena Immediately to oiganii* a clam ■ hnc to participate in the Labor Day'i line at Lililngton. Hr Riddle la vary enthusiastic a- | bout tb* ylunnod county wide event,I. and believe that Dunn will do her \ •bar* in making it a pronounced rue- , eaat. He hop** to have a claw that , will rut* with the beat of them whan . th# aing cornea off on September 0. , VILLA RD DENOUNCES INTERVENTION RY U. |. j Washington, Aug S.—American J intervention in Haiti and Santo Do- ! mingo was described today aa Uial "blackest chapter in American Wa- I tory in the Carrlboan” by Oswald; Garrison Villard. of Naw York, d|g-| ing a rprcial Senate investigation.' He spoke for the Union Patriot ions of Haiti, th* National Association for tb* Advancement of Colored People and the Haiti and Santo Domingo In dependence Society and charged that there "was no trouble in Haiti anti] w* went there.” The committee will begin Ha in vestigation Friday, hearing Mr. VB lard and rcprvssutatWea of the Navy' Department. TWO HEADED PIO EAOUGHT TO BAEPOBD FOB INIPRCTIOM Keeford, Aug. I.—Robert J. Hooty, of Blue Spring* towiuhip, Hobo coun ty. brought to taeford Iht* afternoon • root lire two beaded pig with three perfectly good, mapping, blinking eyc», quit# coneoalontly arranged aa the animal could look around withe at fcnelag ta tarn hi* hand*. Tbo meuth*. ears, ne**< and ovary thing belonging to a pig!* head were apparently aa normal aa a ay pig**. It la the only ana af It* itlao Aeth er* and *i*trn hleiaad with two hood* *ad three eye* and t* many moutha. and than I* aoma qwaatlaa among the c.tiaene a* to the adeimbUlty of hav ing iHie port of dock la the ‘povei.y. •tflehen. pellagra rare god South' whlek PreJdenl Harding baa to late ly wept ever. fortune Teller—Do you waat ta know what year futaro haabaad will l bo ItkeT | Peabionablr little Party — Good grueloua, ao! What I waat ta know i i» what tha tamaaor kola win bo Mkol —London Opinion. _ f MAJOR EL CRAVEN REPUDIATES KLAN AND QUITS OFFICE IwiHail h»wliw With Grand Dragon Craven In Oiu—rtirg Newt WOT GENERALLY KNOWN CRAVEN WAS AN OFFICER Van Known Writer Ami Fi nancier AdmHa He Wn* Grand DragMt Of OnUr In Neath Carolina, And De dim Hn l« Through—Xian In State U No Mure. An dM repudiation of the Ku tin Elen with a detailed autcatent f whr he hat abandoned th* Klan. i made by Kajer Brace Craven, well sown lawyer, Caancier and writer, ad Grand Dragon at the order in bit abate, ia an iottrviear puhliahed l today'* Grcenaboro Daily New* The new ergnakatlea of the Ka a at Uaa, at -at Mutant conducted ■ North Carolina, it on otgtnlxetion "raged earlaaively ia reilecting ini lation feea wader falte pretence*, ithout any legal ttanding ia the etatr nd ia in aar opinion a failure aad a raad," it the Keynote of Major Cra cn’a itatement, according to the Ull. nn For mu time It he* been known t and around Oremdun (bat Brace raven au connected with and held high otter ia the oiganiutioa, and i* admimien that he had baen Grand •tegoo of the Klan ia North Caro aa did not com* aa a Mg aanrl** to may citiaaoe ia that ecctlon, bat wax “ (backing” aad ♦'overwhelming'’ irprtto to friend* af the Major over w Mate. Bla repudiation at the or tr. and hi* eym, frank, aad detail d eta tern eat a* act forth ia today* remit*** Mow* vu nothing abort r rtiT-tmlrgl According to th* Daily New* hi* ■tereiew came aa the "direct reeuK f the faudMUtr af thi* paper, to hr • w iMPwm toe m»tt*> aad the «ae t hi* aama. aad alba hecaaee ad aa hedore giving 'aad thc~ta trvhaw to the Or.lahhTn p^er Mm tr Cravea reeadead a filmrim from New York Daily Baking far a two alama Interview an the Ku Klan laa with hi* charge* far mm*. With iftreacc to thia be made thi* (tale teat: ■“* have naver yet, directly or indi ■ctly. mad* anything oat -t thi* ding; 1 than keep thi* record be oad queeUo*. and refoa* rven a t»toja article for pay. 1 have OOB offered each thing* several time* trenUy. and the fact that it io known i New York newspaper office* that occnpy tbo pc.vition 1 do ia the or »Filiation, makes it fooliih for me ny longer to attompt to koep up the laff of **ereey. I have a*ver bocn too* than titular head in th* elate. M A mklla Aa mkala iklna dm a* - Libjcct to M, mad win reauia a pah> ul memory, I have no apology to ■alee axeopt this open statement. My ae»e ha* been used to collect money eider false pretense*. I my**If haw •ade promise* that caanet he faifiil d. They were be*ed an my faith In be high officials That faith hat bees Token, and 1 have ae way of making meads but this Before giving oat hie Interview I notified the imperial rliard. Colonel Simmons In Atlanta, ixaetly what 1 was going to do, and uktd him if liters wa* anyt^ur er on sons, to shew me in advance of hie publication. lie made oo attempt o answer It, tor the simple reason hat It caaaot be answered. Every king here stated baa been repeatedly aid to him for the past month. ( ■ave given him every opportunity to trsvoat this, and be cannot meet the mao. Major Craven declared that every nember had a right to gait the or ler, and that ha was breaking no Faith pledged. Me mid that he would set give away the imaginary 'seem*' if the order, and that, hi telle of any sMacIm, vrit)4n>% or chargee, hr rould be farced te faee, he would tot break any pledge er violate any »f bis "mered'’ premises. "At the lime ef this interview 1 am Ike so prrme bead of the order in North f * ^ __m_ a a a. . a- . • _ M wiaard; and I now doe lor* tbo Ku Klo* Klan in North Carolina ilia bon dad and. abandoned, n try orff tniood klan ended, and ovary kmv BMn rotooaad from kU eoaaoctloa, hit rcopooiibUity and kia obligation." Thli woo a part of the repartition •ado hy Um Trinity wrllor, award* ng to today*< Dolly New* A lengthy doelarailon of tbo poor praetleco and well foflaooooo <Jf the K« Kla*. of tkr bundrodo of lie* told hy the odtooro and the oftcial organ. The 8taichllght,H which ho aoaortrJ wm. "an intuit to . toy intelligent ■an." waa made In the interview Craven doe la red Wlp Ho fed fa li • Whan aaltad hy the Mean eorroa PoadM why In foil for tbo order. Major Ccaeon Mated: i “Why did I faO for »♦ Wall. Iw • a eradalouo. onthuotaMlo tort at par ton, with a lot of projatdiaaa. •!.*.. and 1 think Um prof cad oaa of Ibia (CotitUuod on pago 4.)

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