THE_>UNN Volume VU1. __ D,,nn’ North Carolina, WEE AND DENBY STRONGLY SUPPORT EMBARGO ON DYES Latter* To Chain.tun Penrose, Of Sstula Finance Commit tee, Made Public Nl ED FOR DEVF.I.OPMF.NT OF U. S. DYE INDUSTRY Two Secretaries Stress Neces sity For Preparedness In Chemical Warfare And Cite Embargo Orders Made By Other Nations; Declare Chemical Industry Is Vital. Wsrhirctou. Auc. 0—Sccratariea Weeks t*fist P 'liliv have cumr out in support < f .ui embargo un dvr* and chemical', i.nil urged ro>loratinn to thr Knnlncs mr'iff 1,111 on the cm bnifru provision -tricken o„l ii.v the I In u re. 'I In stiilodn nl tli: two .-abi Optci-.i I,u. k..CA/n today, whi n Chairman P.-nrn--c. of thv Sen Me ll"Sln*• rnj:i;nlrlci . mode public hitlers f*nm 'hii.i to On committee on the subject .The cabinet nfriccrs explained that the favored *1 • mbn ~.a !»•■«-» of ns! nnnl defense lined*. Tt in of pri nt vaVu to the Navy " Mr. IKmbv rrnti*. *4t> encourage the development of rln ureal a-civilies lit me ma-iiii-.u-lnr- nr an pronart:. con nected with explosive* and, Oi pcruilly those munufarturcis whose •d ibli-hnKnls rail ta -! 1 > he diverted to the manufacture of war materials.! The restoration of the embargo clause will be nf matcrml help mid 1 will grontlv appreciate ynur a .'.iatanrr to this effort." I Other Nations Hove Boo Embago orders have bom found neci-a ary bv F.ngla-d. Fr: .ice. Italy and Jopa i. Mi. Weeks said. He also doclnrril that the chemical industry was vital In (b-rmany ill prolonging, her cffoits in the world war and ex pressed the. opinion that high explo sive and Wor eases would play a far more important part in future wars In the world war, h~ said, she Unit- : ed Blairs had found it eould mobilize ; train anil equip with clothing 4,000, 000 mm far quicker phan it could! supply the guns and ammunition. Ho1 routed how the munition makers had vHwkcd feverishly* adding that even then Buie was available for more than I .rSw fwUlodt^.Qermaay realize" ho ■Ole. daring and after the world war" he continued, "that predominance in I the organic chemical industry, and1 particularly the dye Industry, meant the most valuable measure of pro parrdnew possible thnt the ha., unit ed all her organic clumical industrial into one great trust. "The use of high explosives and war ruses will unquestionably b-- far greater in any future struggle than In the world war. It ia of the moat that the dyy indnsttv be ^developed •o the fullest rxtent In thir country. I It is frit that this danger is sd great that I urge the enactment of the em bargo fenturr of the Fordney tariff bill aa submitted by the ways and; means committee xi the only way to preventing crushing our chemical market by Geiman competition. STOKF.S COUNTY FARMER CLAIMS CHAMPIONSHIP TOR DRINKING COFFEE Wlnatnn-Salrtn. Aug. 5—Left Bennett, Stokes county farmer, cla ms to he Ihe wo "Id's champion rolTe* drinker. According In his state ment, he drinks the bevi rage three times a day, •'» cup* to thi meal, be sides frequently getting up during the night and indulging In one or two cups. "I h'lVc run-timed roffes on this scale practically all my life and 1 am now 78. declared Mnnnatt. who admitted lhnt for n few year? he made n specialty nf drinking a quart of wh'-ikiy each day. "though it was of much bet*or hran.l than that m_n ufacturcd today," ho Rldt-d. The Stokes faiTwri figures that he has dmnk nu loan than ecvi-ntocn thousand gallons of coffee and he haa no idea of stopping for several years yet. HATCH ECCS TAKEN FROM SNAKE'S INTERIOR New York, A«r #—A ntory of rhicktm egg* hutched after thoy had been ralraged from the interior of a python wa* told today by the publici ty department of the Board of Mia-, ftkms of the MethndUt Epiteopal church. Quoting the Rev Erwin M. Rich ard*, fnr 31 yean a mirnionary in Afrtra, th> board mid that a python hnd waggled ont of a Jungle one night, entered a hm h»u.«e and eaten eight chicken* and nine egg*. Native* and miatpenurica killed the make, which then waa opened. Tho eggn, found Intact, lafer hatched intn per fot tly normal mLrdpnary chicken*. The Blthnp of Africa war aamnd at a conrohotating wltnnra. AVERAGE OF IlMI ON FAIRMONT LEAF MARKET Weekly Figarm Shaw Salat Of Nttr ly MilUeni Good Tahacaa la Oratand Fairmont, Aug. ft. The price av orage on the Palrmonl tobacco mar ket for tke wrnk ending yesterday war far rhovr the average for tht •peaing day of tltc tea*on. Official Sg urtt *hnw that 1I A40 pound# of th« galdeii weed ware told at an average •f 113.(1 per hundred pound*. Ont local warohrure yeeterday raid Ufl Liquor Charges In Recorder's Court Corn Liquor Appear* To Have Been Plentiful The Week-End _ l “Bi aueoup" whiskey circulated a-! round Dunn during the* week end, ac cording to the docket that eeas ready! tor trial by Roe-order Godwin yeoter !*1 ay morning. The rolorcil me*. c«-! pec ally, si-omcd to have landed In a' mrleo of moonshine, unel cclobinted | hcav'ly. with the rvault of several being up for being drunk and dinar-. derly. - j Jim Mr|le>ugal. charged with being' drunk, when asked by the Judge if' L« n»K guilty, replied without henU.- , lion: "l *ho‘ war drank. Judge.•’ and I wa» fined the- costa. Il« stated that iti was the firm time he had been up for being drunk. Annie Carte r, charged with cursing loud and boisterously on the street* I of '.'aim and having evidence of be mg drunk, was found guilty of rur cing loudly, and was fired the cost*. She was also advised by the court, that If idle- nune up u gain for aj similar o(Tense ahe would be sont to ' the- county jail for thirty days. Three, rte-gio girls testified against Annie, i declaring that *h» cursed them on | Broad street, but there was eeielo- ce of ."ome little quarrel between them j I-id Womack mid George Brown,' rival bootblack, of the two Broad rt -cot barber shop1, wear up for Irou- , bit- alleged to have Iiecumd Sunday.! George was charged by his compell- ! wt wiui uuai niijt rum wiwi it i i:i an attempted assault. EH testified : that George had gone off with some! nf his money to get whiskey for them. * nod tiuublc arose over the length' of time he stayed away and bis fail ure lu came acro/s with the goods. I 'the trial developed rather irrvgu-i larjy. George claimed that Ed had previously attack'd him with a pistol! in h'« hand, bat thrie was no indict ment uf Ed for this. A warrant was l then sworn out against Ed for this alleged assault. Also the fact that the two were after whiskey remitted in 1 more trouble, and the state sworr out I a wa-. rant againat Geotge for trans-1 pirlatior of whiskey. Thou two1 eases were continued. In the rai» of the alleged assault of George un E. judgment was withheld, and continued on account uf incom- i pletc evidence and the othrr rases to rume up Ed elnimvd that George ran him with the knife and threatened to 'ul him up. Jasper 8trlckland, anuther negro was charged with fornication and a duttery. Lhle to the absence of the I city attomay and lack of evidence | on both aidoa, the caae was continu'd for two. wacka. HOLD COTTON NOW, Head Of Richmond Reserve Bank Say* Credit Fumiah ed On Stored Cotton i — Washington, Aug. 5.—There is no warrant for the aaauantlon that thej circular letter of last July 23, issued I by the Richmond Federal Receive Bank la an indication that nu loan* will be made by that bank a e being' mode on cotton already produced. I)<- i puiy (loyrnim tmarie* a. rruie jam in a letter received today by Repre sentative Byrnes, Democrat, South Carolina. Governor Peblc said that a consid c able portion of the $40,000,000 al ready rediscounted for the member! bantu of North Carolina, and South ' Ca ml I mi, consisted of advances made I on cotton already gathered and in storage. "Our policy in this r.ipcet" the \ letter ho id, ■'in. nr ought to be well j known throughout the whole district. | It has been and Is one of.the greatest' possible liberalities. We arc forbidden' ny law to rediarounl paper, the pro-t coeds of which have been or are to, be used for investment* of a purely speculative character, and we. there-1 fore, could not take or offer to take paper secured by cotton buing delib erately held for no other purpose than to force up the price or corner the market. "On the other hand, wo have the; right, which we been rxrrrlasd. fully and freely to make advance* for thoj purpose of enabling the producer* ofi rotton to market it in an orderly manner and not to be forced to damp i it on the market, particularly when thtre are no buyer*." ■Mr. Reels amid that n considerable portion of the $21,000,000 loaned by South Carolina banks, and the $20.-, 000,000 to North Carolina banka tup-1 _ s . a _*_ I a _ m. _m I planting, fertll(«ing »nd eulthnatlngl th* growing cotton crop. He added that the rircular of Julv*2S wa* lim ed for the par pore of reauoring mem ber bank* of tho cotton xtata* of tkc Richmond diatrlct, and throurh them , the cotton grower!, that inch farther: areixtanro ae might bo nc*<le<i and, coatd be represented by paper Cllgi-i kit undtr the regulation! of the Fed ral Rreerv* Board, would he made rrgardloo* of prevlou* adeancea and pretent debt*, except, of course In I «och caaet "In which produrr would forbid." ,094 pound* at aa average of 111.3-4 per hundred. The higher! price paid war 9Ad per hundred. The Fairmont market ha* eold ov er tw* million pounda aa far Mil* eeaaan at-an average of 941.90 per hundred. Sal#* tot*ling ■ million and a half pound* are expected next wc-k Farmer* generally are pleaeed with the price*. The outaUndtng feature la that there I* a great demand Tar the better grade* of tohaeco. Tbv blgtmlgc In the price average at Fairmont la attributable to tho ineraaaod pen-on Leer of good tohae co* being offered. The average price a i the opening day af th* eeaaon wa* -aronad 11.00 per hundred. SPACE MUST BE SECURED EARLY 1 IN FAIRGROUNDS' Director* Say That T!»o Lunch' Counter Men Arc Apply- j i»g Rapidly PLANS FOR FAIR ARE now se:nc rOttMED Three Gre.d Spoo-fi-', A Ma g niheient Array Of Exhibit*, Some Fire Hents R;«.cee, And . A Twenty Cat Carnival Are i I, Some Olf Attrocticn Olfereef !j A i r.L !, IV m round space, fur u*r during 1 ihr third annual llur ••it Arkaltv* ' ral Fair, Octohi r IH- ih -.u-:h Ihr 1 Ifith I* bcinr lupidly idle l fit and ' rented ard T. I.. Rrbllc requests that ill those who w*nt >p«cv ciiriiq; fair 1 «%eik will have to ,.».«• him ru early 1 Inti bcfc.-w nit i< routed The w*inkc !j nut drt!i*r« arid othc"^ t/4tb aill ii*.y.i«io xpacc* in th» fur)'-ouml* •re muVinir thvir plan • *nd mvc bruit I renting Ike i«|:n«w from Mr. Riddle. lj Pia* h for the fair ar«* rapidly ** uro r.t* >baj«e, nnj ihr dinctorw of the fair auofijt on am • convinced that lUn-vtt'i th;rd far will b** the boat1 ini b:t^rc^l >cl hi 5d. No d^iirlncnt xf the fair is lieiog ne^li ctcil, and • Lh»* fair U rectors puuni :* thr bent* «i each Hundred* of a^:trailer*! ex- • dbitu mvc r-vv br'.ux planned. n> well I eawhif. of vrriou/ olli<*r kinds.! rhourond* n? p« uple w’ll lw here to «k:* a h»«#k at the flar irtl exhibit* I im«1 take >» ptv i nf the b*.e carnival •! Midway, *«'»d catch a ulmpv of tho ll r.xricu* other fnhir. • .anrl attiac- I :<V\« of thr fair. On Saturday, the]! io»inr dav of the l»?g r« cat. the }l own a ill l>c ctovili d aevor before rith ihnari'ih or people nntiou- to,^ u*ar Hc/bcrt Hoover, who %\!II ih-ilv-j^ ?r thr addre.**. Great Srevkko • t Mv. Iloovo-’i opr.r'u w»R nmr ©n 1 tafu’day, and He a ill b? irt - nducud >y waac other well known a id prom-!' le»*i person *r the trmutrx »»r M«tr.'< Mrt. Vandt:jbd: r# A >hfv|.|«, ha*j; K^li n" i wiiatiuti to roduc*. die rahiiut member, but .he * )a« ret vnpiird If it iu mi Mr*. Vnrdeibill rm br here, b« r p?.*»:i-icc ' eill brin;* hu'.dredt mart. |«> ihr fair, specially amon^* the Indie*, nH of‘* ^c-re -o»n* rlluo v II k '•jw.i NcHh" 3a«olin;an *•••' *• •• ;■»'•«! \* i.itraductf 4r. Hoover v-hih v.'il I.* .*n added*1 lllcictioh. Ihr fair dVectoTe darning now to nvk -••me prominiMi nun to onen tl»e f ».r Tnr-! rite, -a opi siiiy rpccrb, bill us vet [ ■hry b Vf rone to no roiirluiisn ns to . oho will bo asked. There will be at cart three asd possibly four interest-1* ny addresses at the llainet*. fair, and ! aeh will he heard bv thousand< of irupte. aermdinir to all ir.dh at ions. ij K>c«> Will Be Good Not lee.t amuntr the. aliract'oua ' iia. \vii| feme on thy proyrera dar ne fnir Wiuk nr-, .he vnrioiut race* hat will like pluro daily.. Tin- ns e *t\ of »h - her-is thal r-rt here . a t year wili i.'t;'»i;i hi* her*. beside* a lumber more Unit hive mil yi been \ .* Dunn. "Harry Chapman," the tort** that nosed Br;t:m».” the fuvor- ’ U‘. out of our cf tiu b.'y race* last 1 full, v.-tm n if l.tiOO rtatr at a fair in'' * ’*ro■ i icii atly. “Brltiaa." won a ||,.!‘ it tl p.itc ai a race in M.i-am husutta, ! ■ieht rrcontly, nisn, arconliny to in- 1 rormitlion rrreived hr r. Both these < irr es will be back h'ir fur the Har- ! letl lair, B*/idea the parcs there will be the* | ' free eiliMiltim.s diiiiy ami the per- j ’urmunee; of the Ciiyht t-ieht Shows, I 1 twenty Cir carwivrT tint baa been I -ncniirrl to maki up thr midway. A h'd baud will make m Try all the I rlsiton to thr fair during all bourn 1 i*f the flat--, amt the shows will run ront enomly. There will r.ot ho an 1 die moment fur any of those who at- * t*ind thr f:,ii , ib-ilart-s the nr* motor*, frnsism List CeR-plote * Th>' premium liid hnnktit hna hocn completed. ret i» now b ire folded | ind bound by the |ii liters. In a few ‘ toys the kmslit tv”1 hr- in thi hands sf T. I*. RiaMl-. and r i!] b ready for , distribution. i The P'.mliim I .'at Is unii of ifir most complete ever offered-»*. county fnh*. To compete for the hundreds of pri- ‘ sea el.'eied. farms, a and other* in (he Dnnn aerUnn are now preparing j Ihelr oahlhits. As aoon • » they receive : (hr tumdsnas- premium lint booklet*,! which contain oyer a hundred on yes, I r.Vwfl mr'lPu /ViaHuivas nUl.u Vai 1 made for Uuir exhibit*. M R. ANDEFWS RLKCTED ' HEAD FAYETTEVILLE SCHOOLS Pn?ilt**lllr. r. - l»rr.f. 51. B. Andrew* of '.Vayoo County. onv of the State'* jro. up lend. r*, h*» accepted the no illlan . superin tendent of «elio«< for the ettv of FajratUville ta caee-id Prof. W. 8. Snipe* who held lit** pa,a liere for 11 year*. Hi* rch-ctian rnanc after eifii oilier highly i«nmmi rdrd wnnot man hail been oliai.iialcd otic by one by the local board of lrp«*; teca. For the pint iJlrt a yr»yf be ha*1 been principal of the Oura .boro b'gh aebool. H« 1* a graduate of Trinity nolle** and formerly taivht In Dur bam and Kenly. Prof. Srlm», mho n dj-neil from tba head of the Fayctti * lb' whool* will he (uperiptendent of the Bonn Public *rhool« next yml. John Eliot’* fammi* iranatation of the B hie i'lto llic 5nil nn language array ed o*rr thro* year* of hi* llfo, iind I* runporid to have been written with • dople pen. Simmons Statement On Head of Ku K.lux cl»«» Trinity La Held ■ Atlanta, Ua„ Any. *u»nt:njr his ktstemrot- ol ^»OCi (Irivin, of North ■ci*. nr officer of tb« <>'d never has bwn, i mmune. Imperial Wl "•r. issued an addhi u rc late tonight danyi nade by Craven, whom ’rum Greensboro aaid II ho Older in North Caro! re said he oral “n hat Slate. Colonel Simmon* <1 _ 'sree h> it last May and 1 lerc a North Carolina da! ’U that hr be appointed ion for their State, raa undo* con eider 'raven "commenced to 1 id send IrlegraoL* to 0 force mr to make 1 m a. C,a.<d Dragon __ ■lina Thie very conduct^ u a certain extent dr ’or the place." The lei.ed that xiowth of nude it ira^oaeible to « iomc Mate* a* aaeh cdt'd h> Innjt invest SOW DO THE gm PRICES COHRE? icctclr.ry Riddle SaJuh Inter esting Compariao^K^rice* It m<lk and ice Mya^p la Dann hm in other towns Uk^Baa »U* v t'nr nome si**? tnhaht m I oT our little taj^^Me to pay! (tore to keep cool aaS^Hfceap fat. >• h.jrhar prUBK* the twn tnrtii'ilit **> of ice .ahSB* than do hr it.hab tants of fMHkr North! (• olio* towns? I 'new are qitstJonh^^Bave comn ■ > several oceaMM^HBtwn, and n > y f'•• tha putn^^Ba securing if"rrn:itton. T. L. ^^■faecrotary chamber of started* • tigaLion anC^^Bbaoied the' pr,rc of icp in o’t-Lern other Cara "i- samVj^^^K^ikn, tha cr briny tra^^^Bgar, tha ..f GrccraMM^^^RaJta, WB (-riny orTg^^^MHufadet& '■"i.t -J.i- ai*e- *h» ‘tieIt. I.Viniwon US9^Mmt tha >7- rf Duttn and thBdhf price of t Ik is th< same aa lUhni and the . .... ,.r i. * _— •jrdTvd pound* than In Thmn. | Thr r«<u1t« of the ihuootlxmtton aro : intr-vetin*. In Charlotte, neat' **".» city In the a tab* milk la *old , o- ih» one a« hire, hat Ice to 20c h-srer |i«i hundred pound* la Fay Ilf. y.hich u much lamer than >"■»' bnt not AO far'trom Kora, the >■ \-er are the name. On the whole i Dunii price* are avrra**. and h.'/pforvp fair. * . • ’ Milk \ Followlnp it thp iiutti of the in evication made by Ifr. Kiddle: A-.hevill*. 28,504, Up 10 per qt.; Vii.ton-Baleni. 484*1,' 14c par qt., 65c per r.»llon; Gobtobom, 114*4,1 5; per qt.; Grccnebdgh 19.441. tOo 1 r. quart; Fayctteeite. 4497, 90c <r quart: llomlet, V**9. 20c par1 t ; Burlinytan, 6,95£ 17 1-tc por I unrt; Wilminrten, 98,978, 14c por i uart; Dunn, 2,806, 20a par quart;' techy Mount, 12,74271** to Etc por uarl; Rulrlrh, 24,418,12 to 90c perj luart; Charlotte, 44,199, 20 por qt.; 1*'ton la 12,871, 18q per quart; Hen r on. 6.222. 20 per quart. I >'iiham, 21,719, 20c pdr quart. lee ' Aihcvilk, nOc, 60 ton. 80c, 25 lb* ' oc; Winnton-Salem, 84*» Goldeboro ilk; G-n*n«boro, SOqj Fnyettorlli*, 'Or; Hamlet, BOe; Knrtlnrton. 65c; r»nn, 40c; Duon, 80c; Koeky i',unt. 7<V: Ralciqh, iae; Cnarlotta, >!ir, (Inttonia, 48c; Hnndenon, 47 2c; Durham, 80s. Per 100 pound*: &LGNEL HARVEY aOSELY STONED 0 4 American Amb*i|ld>r Cnmtnr Of Interest As Paris Cam Am. ft.' * - to_ '< V. be.euao ha repreaaati lb* United it th» moat earnfdlly atndted <« onnlltv of all ydm ham cone o I'ari* to take part In tbo19co-pow ’• emfarane* beginalay tomorrow. 'rh« three prim* telnletora of Pru-iec, Groat Brittle and Italy, T* "Kftiroly k Br>rd, air. ' Lloyd nod 9tenor mononai, are cnown man hero; (Mr gntdinmpnti i *»vu already taken tbair poplUon lit Lbe partition of Upper fliWaia. the •r nrlpal question bgToro th* Supreme tlouocQ. Each rnreaoada w«U defined »ol>al#* on th* othe^ ditto rbing prot> leave *och at Greeca-and Turkey a nn'tlny rolhtten. * * Atnorleaa AHlhdt Utbroa ' Tht aftltada of .PPalhingtoa, War roar, ia not known.'Amkaaandor JTar roy. although ha takaa kit aaat at tka ukl* ottmalbly mtruly aa an ehoet »»r. I* looked non by oueh patty to Ibo varioiM rontrovOmloo a* a potea ttnl ally and aa oa* orb* may boor tee deciding rate# pa arbitrator or friend If the eounell dlotdo* Into fae Uont. ft It generally hoped that il|* Am erican Ambaaaador boat* laatrWbtioa* to h* more than > reporter of th* (Continuad on Ptndk Pdga) SWEET POTATOES ' MOST BE CROWN ' IN THIS SECTION So Say* Mr. Riddle,. Who Went* To Dinr»ify The Crop* FARMERS WILL~SOON ' REALIZE POSSIBILITIES Sweet Potato Ha* Many And V*p*d U*aa, And If Grown' On Large Scale The Farmer Will Get The Benefit—Rid- j l ( die Ha* Encouraged Grow ing All Along. j "Pleity ’ *f ojrkt to be' th* tlogan of Turin tr.» in thi» uecC.on during the easing /eaton*. enyi T. I. Riddle, secretary r.f th. Chamber 0T. Commerre, who i* net'.vo In helping, the firmer*, the mcirhnr.u. the city, *nd everything el»e in thv drive to ward normalrr. Pweet potato era wing, ii eomlng into it* own. and Ur. Rid-' die Mina th'.t th.- t'm. hsa now eome when the. funavr. tr:” nnlacl '••He* nrnT.-a r-.t mia ibT.r.Va 1>. in i/pv vi * *• 4 f* r-lwe’l. tgiViNc’il ar (1 industrial agent, of the Atlantic ('.im' I,ine railioed, muir e <d* t to IJurn! recently end t.ilVo.i Mr. R'ddV j concerning potato growing )n this aert'oa. He declrrcd that no xerlion . I» the eoath ws* more adapted tu i successful tweet peintn growing then j the county that l'«j about l*or.n u.d ■ to the ran of Dana, down towned* ■ “»*tcn. He war very much interest-! ^ ,w #ffc ts to |frt Haul farmer*' lo res Use the opportupitic < that ere * seif evident, *nj be ku pt.dio.1 hit help in getting the farmer, t<> ta'ael ■ore 'talers For some time Mr. Kiddie has been engaged in the potato propaganda., He has distributed exte.nurrly bnllc- j thts, entitled ‘Sweet-potato G rowing/1 issued by the United Rt»tc.' Depart ment of AgricaKare, and which noi.-i' min a wot Id of valuable inform**! tion concerning potato miring In tbo moth. Mr. Biddle sUlcs thUt'hf succeeded j1 in getting many fanners interested la I plant}** potatoes thi* year, but tbit ha whs looking fpgward to oven great* l1 ■*.a*ecos* next y»%r. and hopes to! H|a “plenty of grown la/, MB fanning community before many 1 *• da. logical time h*s reel*, and the farm-II ere an at last beginning to see it l* be a fact,” laid the loyl secretary! of the chamber of cnmtneret. At the pvc-enl time Secretary Rid dle ie endeavoring to get enough in.' tcreetod in growing potatoes to erect * Warehouse her* for housing the po-l tsLoes, theioby preventing the ex-1 lonetvo lose that has been known to I »eeur with the old system of ,4pota-| to beds." Mr. Riddle said that at) Rocky Mou it plan* arc undei forma tion to build a noinlo warehouse, andj he is endeavoring to -tart the samel boom here, and erect a similar struc ture. With the warehouse here farm-' "re will be with every incentive to rbnur nrwistn* i * vies- .Tv*ls. _1 ..a!1 ■way from the olil one crop system.' An intending editorial appeared 1 in the Wilmington Star recently. with I rvforencr to the attraction* of sweet | potato farming. The editorial bore! the tltla of “Sweet Potato Marvel*," and rota into thr various u*cs that,; can he made oT the sweet potato. Following 1* a fait of the cditor’al: “first the chemist can make four kinds of flour *nd four kind* of ibnl from the potato, which tun be used I a* any other meal or flour. Then h«l extracts a syrnp that is very delicious, and while yoa are farting it, bepro-| duces sweet potato vinegar! There Is ahoeblack ng. a rory good blacking,! too. There am five kind- of library j parte, pud starch: Unr» is mock no-1 coanut. four kinds of breakfast food, gingcriud potato. *r,k. two grades nfi “eoffco,” one of which is of the in stant variety, twa gruiUs of “Lapiora”| on# of wh’eb is »'«o made while you' wait. Stock food it made from this wander potato, axil mo asaca. Tft re are 14 kinds af wood filler*, and be tween 4li and 3(1 dyes, rnng'i.g from black and o'ano. through all the in termediate rhaib *. Even a very good grade of rubber It produced. All these prod nr I., hr.vr bes-n tested and h»« stood the teat, and not least inter-1 sating It the fact that U*» expo !men%i: which have prodaerd the omasing list! of possibilities of Uli- sweet potato | have bt-on carried on b; negro scien tiats, at Tushrgt c institute. Alabama.' Tbs cook has •* few word* to any. I 8w#wt potatoes can be nerved In ah j most endleaa variety of style*, and era fiery* pned. From roasting btl the aahe* of the (Ire place on a winter night to furnishing a good grade of rabbar, (hr potato If a friend of matt, I and (n view of It* wondorfal by pen ducts, It should become one of the' •oath's great crops, ■»< ack’g the regime of Xing Cotton. CLINTON MAN MOVES TO WJI'JlfW TO LIVE Clinton, Aug H. U Boyd le leaving Clinton for hie home State, Mlftlarippt, where be will become naive manager for the LouVana Po tato House Company oi which his brother is prertdesil. Mr. Fo* H came, here four yean ngo as • ~ontv agent hut far the laet year nr lyn ha* been In the fertiliser bovine* h'irr. The company which be represent* bsa a superior pattern far drying i,nt kvass for aweot potatoes, and rut and far "i*h the mateiial ready far ean strartlon. Clinton la losing a good MM. The armadillo baa 91 teeth, more than any ether animal ■tssmnus. Negro Charged With Attack On Woman KunrMI By Oftcnra Tf Hoke County Jail Following Hla Arreot h'ejcUrvitk, Aug. S.—Jim Han. a r«nno Ih-.n* near Linden, ia la the Hake county jail charged with ad* irrupted ci.m'nal assaali on a white wemaji at Linden yeeterday The at* tack occurred at the haaae of the vie t m. a Mr*. Hair whoa the negro aa* •‘-red her house with a bag oear hi* lead at 11 o'clock in the morning 1.1 rhe draggle that followed the bag «** tom from the uialiant’i head snd he this mean* he wan identified ky Mri: ®*'f »h*a arrested by D*. I’J'y Sheriff D. C. Cameras. Han war hi ought to this city by Denatw Cnmeron and .tamed orer to Sheriff b. H. Mcdeecby, wbo carried Mm to Ha*, ford, where most of Cumberland unity** pr aoner* are now heat Vv hen the negro entered the bourn Lr*. Heir was alone. She waa thraua mi a bed but fought desperately for U- honor and foiled the brute's at* rnaT>L Th* furioue barking of. a dog the. house attracted the attention >f a aegie boy who gamed the boose t .d reported the disturbance to oor>< "•> white boys, who harried for the sheriff. When the degatjr and j »tfirr men reurbed the bourn the no pu waa Kuna. They fallowed him Into i-iwii-'i arrcKta aim K a negro i Ink. lillincton will have ABUNDANCE Or WATER 1 Llllnigion. A mg. ■—With anntbar 1 l*ip well added to It* lut, Lillingtoa itn<t« good chance now of having a ■lrntifal .upply of wator. A wad bar ' PC rnncrrn hail Juat ftaiahed another ri>i hole 206 feet deep on a lot ■^joining the light plant, from which > pumnirg test ahowad 160 raDoat >f water to tho mhratc. According to * nimbtrc of Town Council who in-1 'pi ■ tod the well and witnessed tho '.'at. , | A pomp of 13d gallon* nor minute • ha* been ordered, and thil rill he runt at a rapacity of 100 gal <'«* per minute, which ahoald fmr iid> all the water the town will eou W.v ter drinking, hath, laandnr and »thr.- purpoeaa, fn quite a white to !oma. lbc pump will bo electrically drte- • ■n but a Mooltee • axillary malt will >c nutalloa for uac bi care of-I renejr. Snee:ol machine* are now _ ■ i for testing the alortnaos and ibilitioa of telopfeoaa operaten, in England, aecordlag to a recant re. iert JPTIinSM GENERAL NOTE IN INDUSTRY rngUmd Shows Improeomomt But Boamnod Crisis P«r eiata In Frnocn I Wellington. Aug. 7.—Optimism I rn» the general keynote of Brill* nduttry during July white the ba*i rritit nerwiated in ?nRM w4tV •cal rely any indications of improve- j »'M. according to the monthly cab cd vummsty of conditions in West- | ro Europe and Sooth Africa toned oiilfrht lfy tho Bureau of Foreign and 1 !l"me*Ur Commerce. Drought in both France and Sag- ' ao4 **-'> reported to be causing seri Ml; concern with the expectation of , nfe ior crop*, although Bit wheat i*mipects In those eoantrie* wsa con-, "d red good, presaging small Imports >f grain. Continued depression in Scandina- • ••’a n"d South Africa was alas re sorted. Ht--iorntion of confidence, bring- ’ II* a if vivat of trade ia heretofore lormnnt Knrs In Great Britain, Trade | i'emmusiener Page at London de rlaied. has reauHvd from the settle- ! iiicm: of aggravated ladastrial Iron-! >'<•* Indications, ha added, are that | he-e will ho industrial penes far, i&mctime. The general financial sit a-1 ition in Ragland Is sound, ha stated. Activities of the French govons mmt limed at Industrial rehabilita tion have not been cheeked by tbo Mt 'meis depre wion In that country Trade Commiasloaer Butler at Parte rrpnited. Liqnldslion of the govern ment merchant marine, which baa' shewn n dificit of nearly X,OM,OM, DUO francs, bar hern approved, be mid. sfonufartorert In the devastated 1 g’ons. It was resorted, intend to 's ac a reconstruction leas of 2*0, 100.000 francs. New forms of taxa tieu arc being considered, Mr. Bui lt rrsid. as the tax yield in Ifitt te ■'vm-deit to be about .9,000,OiO.fiOfi lev* than expenditures. Tmdc Commissioner Klath at Co penhagen reported ferelga trade of •hr Scandinavian counts as during V'lv was marked by a decline la both export* and Improts. Imports from •.he failed State*, h* said, woe* lower than in previous months. Severs] Imail ink eto.asekUs mate, to Va tabes O' rr hr Herman oparator* ho mid while the nulabor of Herman aatee tnc.i in Scandinavia appear* to ba incrraalag. T'arle OommUMoner Stevonooa at .•rhnnracahai* eablod that a giaera) |ptrra*nl donromton hi domeetk wa» netkaaMt la Seath Africa and that there bad born eonddormbto rednetfon In both import* and Im port*. IMRES USEFUL CITIZENS DIE IN SAMPSON COUNTY Cl ntoa. A tag 8 —Sampoon eeanty H->i lot* thrrr moat earollenl oitlaona w'tbfn tko Mat woofa, all a (tor Encor ing lllneaa. The deceatoJ art Miami. J. Edawd Boyette. Enoch W..Boaaoy n*<d 0. A Parker. They arero real men. Mr Boney wo* a OonfodoraU rotoran of M year* of aaa MANY KILLED IN SINKING OF SHIP AFTER COLLISION forty eight are lost WHEH SHIP COLLIDES *£%*"*• fWtr " mens iMy Aim tht ftnt tumI U patched early tads* frea Baraka, ra t arsed te pert with tha bodkeTof 11 ■on. Bight war* ■■>« af tha crew and fawr wara «-grri Cap ita Harry Baby, Master af tha *• 411 waecMiUl far mmi k MM It km fw* 4mm vttk hla chip. . Of »«. afytaara landed by tba traawaaatjjt local ha^ftala. < .-T -. tbc atom* of sarviv •re. Hum Tifebeate war* taaHehad. rwintPM bat a few feet frea tha wro«b whea tba Alaska, which had iss«j; assvras' 11m Mr AfifOtt, tMrlac a bam lo Vmmuvw, VM IvtWc Biiu 4m c«&&s,jito> Wttbla an hear the Aayoz arrived at tha wrack and with order that woa high praise from the carvivori (he craw oftha A sync aaadfly pick 'd ap those who ware drifting la Ilfe preserver* ev ia Ufa beats. Tereagn Me night ether ships join id in the rescue week. Twelve bodies were found which with the arrive) ef the An yen and a tag hearing the bodies here left the —accounted for et lout It pocson Kora and four members of the crew. The Alaska of the Ran Francisco « ksxi sssx.'tk; with 1*1 pa Siangan of whom IS* w»re la the eahm and eight in the Peerage. The majority cI passeag era were naan tosrisU. The Alaska hailed from the home Ert of Pest Tews send, Washington, not tonnage was S.7M and Its length *37 feet Her norms! crew numbered 4b. She was baflt at Ches ter. Fa., ia 133*. Blast's reef ie forty mils* south of Eureka and 1*7 miles north of San Franclaco. Ship accidents were frw gueat at that point, yean ago, until o Mghtship was built In 1*41. The only uoWMo wreck staec was the W f»u am, of the Steamer Colombia, with a heavy Una ef life. The owners ef the Alaska, ia idsnUlly. also owaed the Columbia. Fogs hove prevailed along the Washington, Oregon and Northern California coasts for two weeks gad neverd shipping casualties have ee earrsd. the asset a stable being the wreck ef the Canadian government deaiuer Canadian E sporter, off South Bead, Washington, lest week. Praise Fee Crew Prole* was matesDy extended be tween members ef the crew and pee rengen la their stories of the sesues foJUwing the crash. Despite the taela tien ef the ship, which wu enveloped in fog with The swvllc dashing a gataet it aad throwing spray’from tha J»srgod recks ef the reef, calmness ■ prevailed set aim the possengers aad er»W. It ws* B mart bmw* tliUw uU. sin* between tta rtriklog en tta mk ■ta *ta elnkinr ltat without dni •f dleorder tta tuMifin «m Mo •4 into tta UfetaeU Udrr rata iT reetion of iflkm Ml rrrw and Ww •rod late Um teeter. C aetata Hobey'a berate tactta of tta Nfo aartag wm of each a thrill ing oaaaaalo that eevoral naa pot •eagrt* atayed by M* aUt at the •ten Md chNdraa war* taboo drat Into tta ilfetaate. _ *eieol alow la lifted, and ttan X's^'s'i.r&rxhst^ ««■>■■ kata tta water. Thera wa* a l.f*£T irto*r% te^ttadtel*^ tag tafteoUy atan of tta nmp tag Mgnlak, a Mineral an tta Itand of tartaoiwL which aa a fata mpniii coal, la bettered tab# yetrttH neu*

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