THE * Volume V411. DECIDE 10 REDUCE lEDERHfXPENSES AS W10LAS TAXES Ex-endi.ura.. and Taut Both To* Ba Cut By Over a Half drill m Dollar* HARDING, MELLON AND G. CL L lADEkS CONFER Rtpaal <-f F <c«n Protit* Tas, Half cf T"an«portation Tax, Highe; I ik omc Surtaxed, and Nuiaarce and Clothing Lux ury T.Jte* Decided Upon; Raiee Cor] oration Tax. Waihintli i. Any, y. — Reduction of approx m.-.t-ly SiitlU.UOO.OOO in taxe* anti 000,oOO in govern ment rapt nOtt .ret On# A teal year wrrr nprrteri cpon Inta tndav at a ca»iferrnci between Proa*di nt ttaul I.. _1 >• __a.-: can lenders . f the Houcc, Including members of the ways amt m.-ians com miltee. Specific lax cJtirli:.ft : ttU which it was annonm.r agnemept wu had Included: Iti’IHcil >>f tic e-.ce.a profits tux, retruuetiv. t, lid duitnury I, >44». OOO.OUU. Hv-jm-hI ef ,x -half of the transpor tation tux ilfclitc next January 1, >1.70.01)0,000. Repeal ef th ■ higher ini,,me aur tuxes, rvlr.»,-tiiu is, la.,1 Jnauaiy 1, >90,000.00:1 Repcul of !h • o colli d nuisance and ctiilhl' g It xuvy taxes >50,000, 000 Rat e C irporalioa Taa Ac n« ulTsrt against Ibis cut of >72<i,dd«.0dll. I wit ucretd to in. rrxa -e the in, .into l:tv on .'Otnoit,tloos hy p-oUaldy 2 t-2 per cent instead of lira pay cent it. herctufoio proposed, effective as of last January 1, to yield mi add,tint al > ; 26,000.000. Deci-iun was bad, it was said, to abandon all in w taxes xogjrevted to the House tonmiltoe last week by h Sccrotury Mellon, Including a license "tax an automobiles, a bank cbeck stamp tax and on increase of one . cent in lbs flnl dhtss postage rate iblicari nf the ways and mentis ittae aff to igeet tomorrow to . new retime bill on the basis B|' J{ Um» rkTi'lana ugrydAruponjyid load. I Under the i 'jrcemtnv fsnrWd al the White If .Hi e van Terence, govern mctil uxpemi I- tot this year would be reduce I fn m the prrviott., inti mate of > I,■>!><.IWiyOO to $4,034,* 000 ttml t!ie in.-umr from internal taxes would Ir cut from >3,670,000, 00(1, to >3 075,160,000. The total in comr from »l| ourev, was eet'motcd at > i.(. JO, inrltiding >370, 000.000 from 'urtoma. >1(10.000,000 from miscll-n, oos sources including >140.000,t oe n ore then heretofore estimated ,»n th1 side of war nitlvnge, and >100,,*0",t‘ii3 addil unal from back luxes. Cuts In a■.,!< rtditures proposed in cladixi >3*‘0.1:01,000 for various gov ernment d.'p'.nmer.U und ngvucies and >170,OO:t.0')0 or acrount of the " public dell., an irtmunt cuts included >30,000.010 W r Department, >100, 000.000. Ml Vv Department, $100, 000.000, ‘ hi:,p ng float'd. $25,000, Agi icultur., t)c ,ailment. S26.000.000 mlsccll ,ne, ,i r. id the estimated pay ments of 6 If. Ill 0.009 to the railroads. The >170.003.000 u eviou -lr -e»lt inntfd u4 nc«<*-.iry In rfflre Wnro.iv inf* g&*<*ur In-4 and Till/nan Act e«*r tiAc;»1»*> will lit- taker rare of through refunding 0|*v»:itloM# it wju; «lat*d, the tri*uMi»*y iriirlnr thcj# jtei'urittot by lK>rrow'«iy; i«. the a»*ii*n m* Vrt. Twin* Dritw Prizes At Salisbury Baby Clinic Balk First Ard Second Honors Go To Two Pair*—List Of Other Prita Wianrrt Salisbury, A tg. 0.—la the recent clinic held here about 400 war* examined and a number of prises were offered for the flnett babies. There prirei hare just hern an nounced a id f ,'st and second priest go to twine. Tile pr'.ao winners ara: First print. Ha.old and Carroll Bow „n, aged four months, children of Mr. and Mr>. R. M. Buw.n; second prise. Pearl anil Ruby Smith, one month old dau ihtere of Mr. and Mr». C. 1* Smith; prim andeT one year, Daniel Ja<-h/nn Wcesncr, son of Mr. and Mt*. K F. Weexner; mu year, drat pr sr. Frances Crowder, daugh ter of Mr. nod Mra. J. O. Crowder; seeniid p-ir.:, Ulisabeth Walker, dangbter «f Hf f. and Mrs. Crawford Walker; second year, rrt prise, Fran ce, Walton ilsi gntev of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Walt ho <; seeond rttc. Cliaa belk Cnoilm n, daughter of Mr. and Mia. A W. (;o-ilaian: third year, first prime. Rcbc'.ali W.anl, daughter of Mr*. W. W. Woaet; second pries*, Joseph Werta, ton of Mr. and Mra. Joseph Wvrtr.; fourth year, A rrt prise, Clyde D. Uunl, eon of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hu it, r.eonrt pride, fifthyear, Walter Moere Crump, eon of W. M. Crump KLAN LEADER* INVADES BRUCE CRAVEN BAILIWICK High Point, Aug, Mt.—Principles ol the Knigl'- of tlu Ku Kloa Ktar pe.m.n accepted the 'nritatlen to attend the meeting and lo learn soma thing ef the aetlettWi. ol the organi nation here. »4♦ M♦ 44004 * 4 44 THE COMMUNITY ' 4 :* ' - 4 .44 Justice Louis D. Bntndeis 4 J The great America for which 4 44 w« long la unattainable unless 4 3 4ba individuality of comraani- 41 3 tics becomes far more highly ds- 4 144 valnpad, and become* a common 4 44 American phenomenon. For a 4 * centu.y oar growth baa cam* 4 44 through national expansion and 4 44 the increase of the Inactions of 4 44 the federal government. The 4 44 growth of the future- -at least 4 44 tbu Immediate future—must he 4 44 in quality and spiritual value. 41 44 And that can coma only through 41 44 tho concentrated, intensified 4 44 striving! of smaller groups. The 4 3 fl^'d for the special effort 4 44 should now be the state, the 4 44 city, tha village. If daule are de- 44 44 velopod locally the national ones 4 * will coma pretty near taking 4 44 care of thc£selve*. 44 *ooooooooo.wi PREMIUM LIST IS 1 BEING MAILED OUT Hsndsemit Premium Booklet la Placed In Hands of Riddle By Printers Tho fair premium list booklet Is UUt. Neatly and attractively bound, tha on<- hundred and four pap booklet describing the third Harnett county agricultural fair with a list of tho pciaca and premiums offered, is com pleted. and the hooka arc being deliv ered to Mr. Kiddle, Secretary of tbe fair association. The printing, which was done by tho Pope Printing Com pany. also publubcra of the Dispatch, Is nil fliiishrd, and now the binding and folding ia in process and the books arc being delivered to bo yult rd out by Iho association. Officer* of ib« fair association have Ih-uii hnrd at work ia an effort to net out a creditable booklet that \ei»uid do justice to the big county fair, and now that tho? have aeon tbe ■vaults of Oitir labor, they fool well •atiefied, and express delight oe<g the booklet. It ia a complete directory to lliirnott'a third fair, and explains tha purposes and Moal* of tho associa tion, the- method! to prepare and en ter exhibits, and lists the thousand* of dollur* in prises offered for the winners In the various contents. Nothing Ova ad tied No Hold of < •l» ever aeon at a'county fnlr In thla xtntr. The purpose and Ideas of the Har nett fun are set forth in a few intro ductory word*, written by T. L. Rid dle. Kocrrtary of the fair. Mr. Kid dle’* Introductory follows: Introductory "lx Staging the Third Annual Fair Association, with your eontinned sup port and co-operatiou, wa hope to at- uhle to maintain tha reputation which our Fair enjoys, tho host Fair in Eastern North Carolina. "With an appeal and a promisa, we Iipprnach the people this year. Wa ap jnxil to tha patriotic elttsen* to give ui their heaity support to tho extent that *1 may make this the best year in tho history of the association, and in behalf of the management we pro mise that no effort will be spared and no means overlooked in carrying out our part of this undertaking. “We wk* It clearly understood that the put pose of thla Fair ia pri marily to promote the doralopont of the resource* of Harnett county and the sections of the cauntiaa adjoining it, to encourage better methods of farming, the producution of more and MAtor live stock, and to Increase the efficiency of the home-maker gener ally. At -th.- eame time, wo wish to make it a time of recreation and a mu«ement. We expect to hare amoan rarnt feature* that aril) amuse and entertain without lowering the moral atandard of the people. For this pur pose. wo havo aecurrd tha famoaa Bright Light Show*, which hava a refined and wfcolmome standard. With gnat plraaure, wo preoont to you oar Premium Hat, which haa been carefully reviled to eoafpna with the prevailing conditions aad the amounte offered an very liberal. We ask yog to loak the following pagts over carefully and telnet inch thing* a.< It will be poAtible for yog to ex hibit and begin now to propore year exhibit for the Pelt. „ “T. I- BIDDLE, Secretory.” I. FVJ" V'<1 Flaw Crop#, ‘Horticul ture! Product*, Home Economic* fit dueta, Live Stock, Poultry aad Pot Stock,- Hand Painted China, Needle . and Fancywoik, Educational, Carlo*, and Relic*, art the hands of tho vart >iui departments, each effacing many dollars in prises for different hinds of work along these linen. Tha officer* of tho association want to bring out and show tho public ths beat that Harnett has to affar. Tha natural resources of this county, and the niMiy great accomplishments of Hs ciIiwn* and inhabitant*, the thing) for which Harnett aro noted are thoss thing* that tha officer* of the assort* • i«n want t# so* an display, aad In big colors, at tha third Harnett fair, t To re* Harnett's handrada of mar valooa rabbit* thousand* will com* t* , Dunn during the big week off, tha greatest of all Harnett fair*, and th« •gaunt county fair in anatom Nortl Carolina. Not oalp from this county bul from alt the neighboring coun t.cH, the big four, a* so attractied) •lln- tratod oe tha binding *f tha pre m'mrs list booklet—Harnett, Cumber •and. Sampson, Johnaton. Thor*** mid aamathing that un m gbt sack af as well tsks to hoar ponder ever In throe busy days It la not n cough to be busy j se an tb* ante. Tho muatlou las what an w# buy about V1 I Mr*. Mary Yelverton 1* Given Her Property I With Jury's VsrdUt Cos* DuUn Thai Ska Is Mentally Capable Of Haadliaf Hsr Affairs Goldsboro, Auk- *•—An interesting i case was bold today before Clerk of , Court J. B. Hooks, in which attor neys for Mrs. Mary Ychrerton, of Fremont, asked that the property of taeif client be placed unjer her indi vidual control 1 Mr* Yelverton is tbe widow of |he late Forest Yelverton, of Fromont, I who died several months ago and left a largo estate, the majority of which was willed to hta widow. Shortly af ,t*r hie death, suit was brought In [Superior court here In which relatives .asked that the property be placed un [dtr the management of a guardian on lha grounds that Mrs. Yelverton was not mentally capable of taking 'charge of the estate. A Jury decided against Mr*. Yetvor ton and the estate was placed under the guardianship of her son, W. E. Yelverton, a Washington newspaper correspondent, who has tendered tils mug nation as guardian, but wanted; another appointed. Close to a hundred Witnesses were examined al the hearing today, being about equally divided in regard to the sanity of Mrs. Yelverton, a frail lit-' tic woman about 60 years, who com pletely broke down when she took the witness .tend. i A few minutes after the jury re-, eeived the caae this afternoon they returned a verdict in favor of the da iinuni, giving nrr me power to un* pose of hor property at ant willed, j Mary Ellen Little, daughter of Mr.' land Mu. K. H. Edwards, died this J afternoon after illnsss of ervarnl * weeks. The f oners! will be held from |tho home oa Walnut street east tn. morrow afternoon at 5 o'clock. ' UNNEY IS FINALLY i ASSURED OF JOB By Vota of SI to 17 The Nomi nation of Lioney la Coo firmed I By Edward E. Britton Washington, Aug. 10.—Frank A. Linney needs bow only to take the oath of office ia order to be the dis trict attorney for tho Western Dis trict of North Carolina. Goal was kicked far him today by the Repub iKaae of the Senate after a long drawn *>ut coaled, in NdWeh tfnrt ' NMfc Carolina ae ators who'flnsllylfaeed'Sewt’aad*’put him across, thr opposition of Senator Simmons who was joined by Senator Overman, to whom Litinay owes his deliverance from a political lynching at the hands of Republican Senators. Death stepped in to delay tho flael settlement of the matter when Sena tor Ernst west to Kentucky with the body of A. T(Aims Hart. Republican National committeeman; sickness in the family of Senator Overman took him away alto, both absences earning a dalay. But this afternoon the Linney star was in the asccpdancy, and by a vote of 81 to IT hit nomination was con firmed. It came after more than three hours of debate about the matter, the Senate going into executive session on the cate at 8 o'clock, this continuing till after 6 o'clock. There were speeches for Linney and speeches a gainat Linney. hut hte rote lulls the result It was a small vote, just half of the membership of the Senate, and had the Democrats not Ehon led to un derstand that there would not bo a vote thie afternoon, there would have A liroar unfa aim'inst toiswAm.. tion, though it never appeared but that Mr. Unnry would be confirmed. I From the inception of the contest that ,haa been the indication, at I have : repeatedly stated.—Newt and Obter leer. Grain Bill Pastes The Senate in Record Time Speech By Senator Capper Took Meet of Short Time . Required Washington. Aug. 9.—The Capper . Tincher grain trading ccntrol bill paaned the Senate today ia record time. It toob laaa than two houra, most of which wat devoted to a ■pooch by 8onator Capper. Republi can, Karsts, and now goto to confer ence. do not become '“Vontrnrt" mnrkcte" I"? ,5 government supervision. It also [admitted co-operative association, to membership upon exchanges. The principal S-nate amendments Iprepom to modify the records which ; members aad exchange* must make of all transactions to be available to the Berrrtsry of Agrkallure to suspend members ander certain con dition*, provide for government p«b licity of iavaatigatleas conducted and buainea* transacted, permit co-opera tive aaaeciationi to rebate ceMant lions and reitam tales of cash grain for deferred shipment from tha op eration of the act. Senator Dial, Democrat, Mouth I Carolina, did not praas at an amend ment his bill to raws late trading in cotton futures, stating that tha len ato agriculture committee intended ■ to give it special consideration and he hoped for early action upon II. |l — - Whan seeking a recipe fot a “Short ■ 'at remember: Books on aoeesm me 1 uanaiiy written by life’s fallaraa, and ’ hair to nit. are a* id by baidbeaded •itWfls MSAMTTPtWF ! MRS. JERCttfiH GN i TRIAL lPtj*PSOt' State Seek* To Iin(j|j|Hte AJlej Matthew*. !’ E l-E N D APtt PfjEfc ON DTAND IN 6^|KehALF Tell* Straightforv^^ktory Of Event* L**diii|^BT« Kill* . in* of Quimby But lie* No ReceSBon Of llcrr.icide Or (JgHfll Imme .'i*ti ly Follswi^j^^K Death. Cliuloii. Au*. 1 t.-3B*»*»tion»l turn nunc today in trf|Wad nr Mr. Cora Jrmiif-tn, who itJKvgd with the murder of Qu.mbjfjUBftlJ. when State’s attorneys *<Lvat|ZHfe« thooiy that Adlcy *fatllleypJ^Bo.yenr-ol.] youth, may he lmpl£ZB aTn the event* leedla* me tdidB Mplng of Quimby Seawall laet The SI. t* with w - jfiKi » r -111 fully . .taolished Tti n Th |Bf ijl kill. MIS of Qu-mhy SeswelL^RE* /<r iilKan'c prti.-enco vr i tie hnd •"ifvd. The defra** k^^KhSto the ami kroekd a tvqfl^Hror l>v e. curmir the udm.u.oJerni min'i rtory of bar ^^Hyri trou I'liw on the cr«und tha^Htoulc! thus chow that Mr*. Jerntg^^K| reo. ivad such shocks for vweV^^E *he w.-is mane at the tm homicide nnd Mrs. Jtrnigaa to n p<-rlntien» »rd m g tit* puthelie star; coo! ruin ed -«ob« at tha eri pat ou character ■tier witness, of Salopian wot! character erf both hr i dnuehtcr, the Lo i-iiiToborata her before the rlosio called Adley Mg witness. Previously the to foil into h had -harply q to this youth .. not here while thewa children generally re gene away day* a»*t straight fuA»9ftf ’’■}!»At the brrt reputations t* MMlZr and daughter unt-1 htrtAgdri/ lake, rharKc" of the croa tfamMhtion. Ur makes tk« youth practically ad mtt lie was Ituth SoawaB'Anracthcart th*'i hr forci-d an adWusfen that ho had gono to the barer oli?yCv I “ago the niglil before tha ^'inrlcide and called him from his had and kept him In the field In hi* Arbi clothe* an hour or more but. ccftM* not remem ber mentioning Seawatl’.s name nor li-l! ing Page that Seawall would ha h 'led. lie could remember nothing of wliat he talked about With Pago Jfe admitted talking almwrilh Ruth Sen well about Ruby Jernigan. the unfor tunate girl, but would "ot admit that he had told her that he might have to marry the girl but niggardly con rented that he had apekeu of Ms re gard for the giri Ha admitted riding in an automobile but e»c« with com pany, had gone boat riding but with romqany. He had visit -d th, J«ml gan home but the store of tuner. His testimony was tha lari of the day. eourt otx-ned promptly «t 0-jlO. The defendant and her husband and numerous lady friends from hor old neighborhood near Dusn wore there. She boie herself with Hi" indomitable self possession and sangfroid of the former hearing. The daughter was by her side. The child died in Columbia a* the rescue heme i#*t before the mother visited her altar ho.r iclease on bond. Th# girl not yet M though sma'I. hsnr* marks ot maturity und la characterised by mark 0f the nat ural charm of her as»thor. She too wa< anabashed Jury Quickly Named n wire or » nunurvd men were preecnL Prom the Teyulnr jury iWo Ju on were choicn am! within le*e than two hour* the whole panel had teen -erntcd. It hi» iwiperb body <*• men. The Sic* bvvnjjbt out Uk •s«e evidence it d d V. ih • prelimi nary triat. The t,W « m-:i»ed U *•••*- t« *how <h*t th» iiene of the V II-i* wa 15 nimti- f t ’die th;-k river vw.*:* .vtd ‘hot tb« rrin t n'rlit have Vr>. dm1- bv t bidder penon. Hot when 'he Slate >0 -rc-l vul Vm •'em icon waa railoJ aa Ui:- flr<t wit he*y lhr Rab'con nr r-i .nl ana thr dnfenae through Maj«r Butler mr.dv known ila plea **» )n,i«!ry. Tbo State objected itrena >uaiy, aiptnni' il.ronpl Strinplleld that ihe kw diif nut re rngnlie emotional InW’ily and ritlny the Thnmanvilla rnse <-> show h«l ■ fo’Birr condition of Mental dlioaai muit be eatabHibrd t» mike the n<«a hold In the event. It bHiVe-l a* if tin P'nte wav up apalnlt H.. || -*,-dldh a diluted that it bad no defame pa l*tv h conld ihow the condition of lh< dofvndant’a mind at Ihe time of On crime. The judyre relented. Mr*, /eralwaa Toll* ftery I O" the hurt Sunday In April th< another had yean the pi-I partly pa d-e*iod and divcovefod her rendition Mr*. Jem lean told the Jury. She ha. taken her apart and IniVed with hm She aold It wae Soawvll and that h had eaopht her into hi* yard ooe da; and carried her into the (table an forced her. The defendant nan toaph to keep it a aecret She thought o wnilinj her to her hi other In V'.i pbila. lat jenl her to the men* l Colombia. She teamed with mudder lap effect that live itorp wav oat. Sh oouM rot not or ii»e*- On the aim [Now York City Bond j Will Be At Expotitioc •Plasm For Gr^T "Ibdai. |i Cnrolioa'a” Expo, it ion Arm Assuming Shop* i-aorlolte. An*. 10.- David Ovans ; oh ninny . of the Mrnlc i„ Carolina. v-l* VmanltUa. has icon* U N... _ ora to c.-mulr-to sn.up* ’ >'**•» second mixed quartern i“‘ t*".crrl »»d oratorio sis* err r.-r week a e'rig- me it at th; ••xi - which wlll be held Sept *- V* Already contracts have been .e with four singer* to compost or tuartoltv, The official Naw YoVl " «a?*d will b« bore two week*. l?ro con«orta daily, and also ., J t-a.*icvn, a r'sin* young violin 1 by her p’lying wlh •‘44 interest |nil vanoty to the elaborate daily mu -ral programs. . L 4 '•'•rlotU'. An*. 10—A number of t-ai.ilnii hands already have given the bade in Carolina, exposition of nel-ili notice that they probably will '■v.-r iho competition for tbo f600 in ;*Heca ontrrd to bands of their p»ux -i tom rifling in concert* 4«ring i! a *■?« °f Ur exposition, jwli.t h u' .11 bv held bar* Kept ember 1Z J* -'!■. Included In this number are ' ' A ‘hev lie hand, the Raleigh first Ron D.ant band, tho Elk’s band at ,&•* r.0,BV ?** “»oro«aie hand, the .Mot * t-reel band, of near Charlotte, and the Ch.-rlottc Boy R.'ouU Bond. I i’u_L't entirely of mahogany *»rr name w MfttcnJejtt -•.H h i. now used by the Coast Survoy. Shu m built by pirate* near Kiv West Ip 1859 who stole the at Huruny fr»M a stranded vessel. All Ibr t'mbers sail frame are of solid v Domingo mahogany. KINCAID FIGHTS REMOVAL OF CASE Counter Affidavit* Filed Bp De fendant Following Request Of Solicitor i Klorgantoa, Aug. 10.—Counter af fnlcvitr were offered this morning by jiftomev* of Sidney A. Kincaid, mem Imt of lire Bulks county board of |r»aimimlonert . whose earn le docket ed for trial at this term or court for murder of Ms wire, against removal of ry«e to another county ar selection of lory from outside county. Xin |cn‘d » iff daviti denied that he had .wide business dealings ar that many An affidavit by Jailor B. C. Bright wo- introduced ill an effort to dis prove ronl-ntlbn of Solicitor that luieuner had reeetived many visi tor. daring hU incarceration. Another from Capt L A. Briston eras intro lilurcd to show that defendant had i-uinpnratiecly few relative* in county |:m-l one from N. O. Pitta in a state ment that no great number af Buries citisena are interested in prisoner’s •infonsc and a fifth from A. C. Kar Vv uffieming atatamanti of others 'hat outride of himself, a cousin of 'defendant. ae ona has offered in any ;<r iv to aid Kincaid. Judge Bryson an 11 ounred that he would eonaider mat ’<■' until tomorrow morning and an rmirre his decision at opening of irenrt. ! Solicitor Huffman asked for remaval ,to another county or for a Jury from {nnolher eeurty, as th* statute permits i ■* n tH«- groi id that the defendant’s nmi iener in hie own county would ii'Ot Derm it a fair trial among kis own people. CHANCE OF VENUE IS OFFERED GOV. SMALL .—w—. a Springfield, Aug. IP.—As the first Step to bring about a tpvtdy trill. Bute's Attorney Mortimer, ef Sanga mon county, today offered a change ■of venue to Governor Len Small, *r rosted yesterday at Uie egcathre man »ft« a day's siege of th State Capital building by Sheriff Hester on 'wnrranta charging embesrlament and DIMU IHSM Trr*Mir*r. Tht Got amor did not in | .Meat# today whether ho would areapt •Mr. Mortimer'i offer. I Both Governor Smalt and toe Atata’s Attorney imuod statement* today in . explanation of thclr aide* of the caw. .the Governor drttailnfr that he had I neve: vailed arrest, demanding an lenrly trial aad aamlling Uie “Banga mon County lawleaa ring” the Chfee ,go Tribune end Dally Newt, and Unit ed State* Senator. Med ill McCormick .an well aa Attorney Genera) E J. ll-andagc. who Hiatitutod the preceed linga ngalnrt him. i;ng of the homicide aho bad gat a letter telling her af the child’s birth. She' scarcely remembered going. Hhc recalled seeing her husband that moraiag. Vat didst* remember taking the gun aad going to Seawall's. ;flho did not know what die eaid to him. but did recall that bo told hat lhat Roby waa following In the steps of bar mother and that It would as 11anybody eke. She noon learned that I Sean HI was dead, seeing the folks Ivsthering there. She couldn’t remem ber much about the day nor the cor i oner** laaurat. 8to thought aho weal '-nine, baton ah# eras taken to Jail It.came tot on tho croee-raamtaation I by Striugfleld that tha like* w shoot • inuirrols tad goes hanthig In tb* .1-oTamp. . II An anasaal diversion of cor rod li • !*h» midst of the trlaL It was hot at • fury A good lady became rsclud sn< r rose crying. "Let am out ef here I llcll I* on earth and man Is tho ea|s< t of It.” "Aland by tho wesson, etifi l by tho woman.” aho ahoatod a doaei - times aa aha made bar way down tbi i crowded court room, everybody task - ing way for ber and Judge Devin ai i much surprised and amamd as say - body.—News aad Observer. ,jj BIG MIX GAME * 2 . No*t Thuraday i« the day Mt |2 {*r ^ b1*- baaeball paa W |B tw»«o tbo Barnet and Holliday •2 "»d Tbe Pleithaaan l2 5*®“.*”, Cc“B“F- «* * D»n» o largo* buiiaaat coa i* ctrnt. Tbo (UM will bo play* I 2 "* **"*•">* port. aad ' * flvo %entt will bo made, tbo oa * tiro proceed* of tbo axhtUtioa to * go to * Widow lady la town, a * »»rf worthy cbarttnMo tauaa. * For tereral dayi tbc two eon * ccmi bar* been tending r * out to the ball park to practice * In an effort to art in fees for * the exhibition, ihieh wHltoS > war*. of Bunn ball feat. The * lin■ apt of the two Iron hare '2 ?°l. be«“ darfded for rare, but '2 °* tka“* “errantlU eotab * llabmcnte have'good material. QUIFfWiilE^ 1 RECORDER'S COURT Not Etm An Hoar **—niBiif In TKo Regular Weekly ! Three quarter* ef aa hear aaly aa* contused ib tha regular-'n ef Recorder's Court here yesterday, and rot n -ingle criminal cam was aeta •Hy triad, the majority ef the eases j <h>ng rontinaed, owing to the ab l»cncc of sttornsys aad Tritaiaaee «*•; were ay. bat *v iiml of long standing war* up and la several of these " were ordered to bo who failed t o appear la Jim Smith, local garage ma chargrd with speeding oa a pahlic highway on July SI declared he waa, rot guilty, hot had failed to have'; li-s Wii.un^e. summoned. Sheriff Jer nigan. who swore 0ut the wamust fee the state, testified that Smith waa going at least forty miles aa hear when he saw htm. Hie witnesses, however, had not boon eahaoaaad ei ther. Hiattli stated he was miring he tuven tdcr.ty aad tweaty-ffre mfles per hour, and mid that he waa teeth* "»« * «' whose cylinders ware mlm U*. The case was eoatlaaetf US a eat !Thursday, aad the court advised hath th" state and the defendant t* have wltnottes there at th* trial. James Wiley Barefoot, a white former, who waa triad aad feimd guilty several weeks ago af abandon ment of bla wife, aad who waa the rosta, waa ynaant at demanded that laThel__ <lny to pay tha rest, aad atm far trial fer another offense for whieh a war rant was served oa him while la the evourt room yeeterdtg. | Ceeigv Brown, colored hoot Mack, charged with retailing whiskey to Ed Womark, a rival boot Mart, waa sac ready for trial owing to tha akenate o» h:s attorney, C. L. .Qay. Brown hs' been in the -city Jail ainc* last ; Monday when he waa triad far aa •" Bd Womack, aad waa Ba uble to put op a head. The earn * Igalnrt Bd Womack, charged with aa es nit on Drew*, was also coot)awed, and both cases will he triad la a mo dal session tome night this weak .t-ben Mr. Cay returns. | The ease against E. H. Jernigam, charged with being drank aad «£er dcily, was continaed. Hill Godwin, a fourteen year aid whits hoy, was ap for an alleged as sault on W. R. Tew. The court listen to • *"< proliminary bearing and then dismissed It. aa aaeaaat af tha. bvy* age, and turaad it ever foe trial in the Harnett juvenile court. A warrant waa served oa B. C. iTew, charging him with jamsiag a hoard bill, and the ease was lo hr tried neat Thursday, i There were several other i ; would bar been tried hat i t:naed on account ef tre unexpected labenee of the city attorney who waa i called te Greensboro an business eas ily resteeday morning. H I. r.oSvin -—> If the caort room yaatorday for the Tret time alnea ha has returned (ram •hr eaoltal Ad mod# Dona hi* ham*. He jtd not participate in My at Dm rj*ea, however Meeting Of Doctors Held In Goldsboro ;Miaa 9 DIm I" " I GoldnWoro. Am 10.—An tataraat >ng and largely attended m*etlt« of tha Fourth DMilct Medical Society waa held in thla city thla afternoon, nr*aided aver by Dr. Georg* Bertha Morris of Moaat Oliva, a native of Goldtboro, who made tha addrom of mlemi to more than 40 doatoeo la attendance Dr. M. M. Salih*, of VB «o*.- retaond.ri ■"lightening pa**t* on medical I mbfvela wore road by Dr*. G. 9. Ht'oan'drr, of ftoldaboro: J: M. ■* Vev, of Tarboro; ■. 8. Baiee of Rocky Moant. and M. I*. Rwekor, of Rich mond. After the baataem mooting the I Wayne reality Medical Society waa ihoet to Ike vlaitora at an old fadhina rd We breu* at Hernia* Fllk I The death of MlmPaaahmh Tat*, rtloa, alatov of Mr. W. T. Tohrartoa, of thla city, with wham Mm made hat home for ream, occarced thla mara in/t at tW home of hoc atator, Mr*. U. D flam, two afta north of Qaida 1 baio. The fanorol will ha held hare | tomorrow afternoon Tha baaiaem of hahm brave mama 1 at time* a dUUoM an*. Dot that la ** •alljr whoa K la aaaaamry to ha MM. GOVERNOR SMALL B ARRESTED AND GIVES GOOD BOND After ■ , ^l AimI NU. Cir^rr—r Phtelr Gbw h Tm SkmHff CHARGED WITH FRAUD AND A BIG CONSPIRACY w*» Ftr C.jttel Of RR—j WU| Tt.TMau Wu r‘ -iT 'Mr Amu Dm chief odkcor ef toaaM decide to At toe saaoew at btaceura mm* aw at ta toa CtotUl yard p» toa|r aadar toe decUntoy lie. to# <Met •locative finely mi eat ward toad he weald aamader to to* Canada edtoar at toa axacathe aw five o'clock, tt It coald he to ylvo bead* at oooo. The (lee waa aeaaptad by “ ■#, « withdrew ardor toe In with kb ■ troop of dopatioo. At I o'clock the toor ff wfib bis tony bandUay, drwot to the Ccnam Kouato. “Governor. I all bare wHb tbc war rants. ~ ho aaid when be awt toa Oar- • ernor. Tb* toovUf tbaa read toa war rant*. sad aaldi "Governor. yea bn aadar amt* “Veiy wait what (ball 1 dot” sto od to* Govt moi.

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