THE DUN D H Volume Vlll._,_* Dunn. North |6. 1 C. B. NEWCOMBE TALKS TO DUNN MASONS SUNDAY Pnmiamt Wilmington Man Delivers Fin* Message In Firat Baptiat Church “IF A MAN DIES, SHALL HE LIVE AGAIN"-THEME Larg# Congregation Hears Mr. Nawccmbc'a Talk. Which Waa For Public Aa Well Aa Members Of Scottish Rite Club And' Other Masons— Special Masonic Service*. “IT a man die fhall he live sgain?" On this theme Chat. B. Nrwbombe, District Deputy Grand Master, ad dressed masons of every degree and nsmbi'i* of the Sorttiin Rite Club hero, in the - pedal Masontcv service* held at the Baptist Church Sanday night. The public wsi cordially in vited to attend the special eervices, and the Urge church »a« filled, the huge rongvt nation enjoying tSuroogh ly Mr. Kewcombc's Interenlisg talk, and the special program rendned by local mason*. "rat kjt uiv si a son .r urcncslr*, and hinging '*‘1 by a Masonic choir, with a solo by Caaprr Warren, wore features of the program. T V. 8mith;prc'h Bit* Club, presided and introduced Mr. Newcombc to the congregation. "Those who hsv* taken any oflbe Scottish Kit* drgrrrs ah-W'lmingtnn hav* com* in contact with the speak er of the evening, and we know the I kind of gnapel he is living To me' it is peculiar personal pleasure to introduce lo you my fr end, my broth- < *r, Mr C. n. Newcomb*, who will spenk on thr Mjhjrct: ‘If a rfisn die, I snail he live again?”' said Mr. Smith, after making a few introductory iV I marks, declaring that every man Hv cd a gospel to his neighbors. Addrew Enjoyed. | Mr. Newcombc held hit audioncu during thr enti c time he was speak ing, and his aildrc ;* was a master piece of clear, cor,dee nod a study in logic and faith and hope. 1U* manner of delivery was impres sive to the congregation, and hia! talk was thoroughly enjoyed by every one present. -• Beginning w th a diprn'fiihn of the various reliiflon'y creeds /uxe.Hir be «“■*?«•* ilft^ vnetlcall^ all had a Wwf » torn# form of immortality. h« outlined the faith of immortality. explained that there war- no physical or material nvoof of the in mormlitv of the v.ul. bnt that fnith i nd hope were the two great things that made men believe that the r.oul Ives aftei tho body ia; dead. Mr Newcomb* touched upon the fact that tine* the man would ba born again, thi right and true pro Coe* of living fhoul.1 be ought by all alnd h i elp.yi' In primping appeal wilh the following winds: “If a man die. shall*he again? lie Jive*. How?" Mr. Newri-mbc declared Out Con-, fucioos taught a certain doctrine of the immortality of the aoul. that Mo hammed. tb Itudhiste, the Pereiana, and pract'cally all other of the re ligious movtcnS its hail a theory of an after life. "Man through all the Hires of thi post have been seeking a higher conception of whut it means to live hcicaftcr” asserted the speaker. Showing that there ha? never been any material » -oof that there ia any immortality, Mr. Newcombo deduced. fScienco has never pivved that man has a aoul, nor logic anil rhetoric and oratory has never or will ever prove that man hat. a aoul. Rut there is something within us that teaches us, that causes us to know without a doebl, planted there by divine pow er." Mr. Noweomhe described with some detail the taking by death and What It meant, b.vcd on the belief of the immo tsllty of the soul. Oc casionally ho touched upon the pre cepts of freomasonry showing that tho simple hclinfs of th!« powerful fraternal order hod always been in line with this doctrine. Thanked tho Church. Mr. Smith thanked the congrega tion of the Baptist Church, after Mr. Neweombe'a address. for use of the in team, raiiivwiiiK BIS DOpf l DM DM would be b(n< fitted by the Intpirinr talk. Oa behalf of the local Scottish Kile club he thanked Mr. Newcombe for his splendid message. EARTH PASSES THROUGH THE TAIL OP COMET Hctderburg. Aar- 1*—Announce. *nve per ceat daring that BWtll. Boll and dry w—tlior coant for tbe decline fn the eendl tiou of the Crop, with tbe reduced uae ed^Tgrtniyed TU « a su0» ■ tma men t conference wai over-1 thrown today by a White Boaaa an-1 . nounrement that he had definitely I ' design*tod Secretary Hughee of tha Suu Department to bead the Amer ican delegation. it wa« aald that other mamhara were >«t to he chotaA, although tha rraaldant I, known to ha*o narrowed considerably the Hat of thoer ho con sidered available and iday raaah tha point of othor definite aelectioaa In tho very naor future. He la under , “oo^ *•. tatw decided that at leeat I one of the place* ahell go to a Bait ed 8t*t#» Senator end the choice of a woman aa a member af the deUga . tioa etlll it within the range ef ooe ■ability. t The exaet role te be played by the Preiident nover kai boon ofceleJly de fined, hut the general expectation la . that after dchre'l** «*• <*»«»lng «d dreea ef the conference »n Nereuter . II, he trill remain la the background of the negotiation*, leaving direct contact with the foreign eommlaaton * re* to hie accredited lepreeentatjvee 1 but at the urn* Ume keeping I* elaae • touch with them and with *0 the pro ceedings ef the conference. IMPERIAL VIZARD DEFENDS KU KLUX Imum Statement In Reply To Sanaa Banal Repudiation Of Bruce Craven Atlanta, Ua., Aug. 14.—Colonel W j ). Simmuni, Imperil) Wiiard of till , Knlgfcta of the Kn Klux KJan, hai to- I wed the following Matcment in reply, to the published ■talemmt of Rruc* j Crnren of North Carolina tbut bo; bod withdrawn from tho organisation j u>d, aa Grand Dragon of that itate,' lad disbanded the Klan in North Car-1 HUM! "Bruce Craven U not on officer of. the Ku Klux Klxn end never ha*1 >een. He ha* ne official connection rith the orjtaniaatioa whatever. He •oem* to have a peculiar acn** of •Uffior. for be ha* Ju*l a*, much aut hority to declare the Ku Klux Klan ■f North Carolina disbanded a* 1 have o declare the Knight* of Colambu* n America dlabandod. When the Kul Clux Klan held it* annaal konklnra ia ' it!ante laat Hay acrcral member* of ' he Klan, with Bruce Craven, came to 1 ae and aaked that whan I eamo to { aakc the appointment of a Qrand 1 >rnpon tor that Rate that I give »#-(' ■ion* con* deration to Mr. Craven!1 or tho place. I thenkedthe gentlemen :» nd told them that when I took up c hat pha*e of the work Mr. Craven I* rauld be given the conaideration. I Vitkin a f«w day* after he returned ! o North Carolina Mr. Craven be-'* an bombarding me with letter* and.' •legmma in aereral of which he em- r hatieally demanded that be bo ap- * ointed at once to the office of Grand * Iragon. Thi* attitodo within itaeif, '* iaqualiflod him to a certain extent * or tho appointment, a* office* In thi* J rgantxation are not distributed with * tferenc* to political pull, bat entire- * r upon worthlncm end ftlnau to bold f he position under consideration. I': urthor, it wee not posaible for m* ° t that time to make the appointment “ f Grand Dragon in any Stele, no rand Dragon in any Ret*, no grand * ragon far any date haring been ay 1 ointed even to thia time becaoae the ! •tail* of hit dutice hare not yet been Ir lapped out. Mr. Craven felly un- , eratood thia situation and In the face!1 f that ho oont mo a communication ■ ■ which bo threatened to take the ” etion which ho arfberquantly took nn- f im hie appointment waa made at , nco. When Mr. Crnran received no 1 cply to thia eommanicatloa h# via- * itod hia oath aa a member of thi* CfMiiwioi bmq M9QHM authority • rhick k« did not h»»e ond which 1m * •»*s< Little 'Barbara, remember. I ag her mother’s Instruction! not to draw her out of her sight fallowed t ter through woods sc rose fields fob < owing the roads part af tha way, un- i II thoy were found this morning on I iwiivwi nwr ouvtn. »»» *»i* • toi4 Mtamiitr to K«r horn# at 10 i t’eloek load night the alarm was ghren i tad • frantic •muck. Joined In by ■ he entire neighborhood na kept op | ■ntil the lost were found. i --( Tho world lo not helpfully interest- 1 »d In tho details of roar calamity, ee i ten them a secret between yourself I end Clod. For your .port, go to work i end forgot them. Tho world will. ludgo you by bow well yog forget— end by the effort of the forgetting up on you. President Harding’s does advisors art an id to fool that by keeping away from details of the disarmament dip cmelons ho can reserve bis efforts for the more important features and be' so pin red as to act ss mediator for all tho delegatee In anj disagreement that might threaten tka sercese of the conference. I Not only kan the President planed. Mr. Heikce at tka head of the Amer ican delegatee, hut he also has turned over to the State Depaiimeat tho tank of clearing away all tfca details re maining to ke disposed of before tho conference meets, ft la understood that the chief oneccUvc Intends to suporvtao only the most important , »<»»ee and has encouraged the de portment to work out lamer problems on Ita awn roopontlhlllty. It ratlly •rdict «i ad lot Jiiat at Mm » rr««ri • M* IVU|| olM oort roam m " r im I I Clinton, Au*. 1*—Tho BUto found ) naif abeolutaiy fcr-tiod after to* « >naont of tho court to hoar orM—o* \ • to th* ollogod fcaanlty of Mrs. < on Jerniyaa. Erarythtag that aoold | era* to indicate ta* poaaiblllty of a , hock sufficient to anbalaaeo bar — I kilt* wao admitted Oa tb* othar j and Jadgo Dortetfalad that as only i as quo—ion of thrilling ami that of 1 i tan tty wort looate no InHmiay «*• 1 ottbi* the troth — th* — atoteowte at- t Ifed to bar* botd teado to to* Mo tor which aorrofrt* chock hor toto 4 n irresponsible dtato of mind was | emitted to b* Mrodnood. Not era* 4 to rood character ** too Main maa. ] [uimby Seawall; oanld bo prorod. 1 towovor, the State partially oror- I ama too Handicap that taysnd and 1 broarb a poworfal addroao by At- 1 amoy Strings—f has araaaatai ta t he Jrnr tu tbaary of to* rate of 1 to Cirl and to* teCUraa ta to* era*. 1 Tall* 1h titanstli Story 1 The defenaa ttofted th* eaeond day 1 7 praaontlng Raby Jarnlgsa, to* auyhtrr of to* dafandaac oh*** ala ia to* alloyod eauee«f too beoet Ma. Mar story proved a bittesroM 0 .**? o* as dafoaaa. Asked what too told bor motbar a* to occasion whrator eondtoon was htwstM, aba toft an aHoootbor dtf ervnt story of to* nllmd erino cf kawaU frot* tooTwhleS to* asotbar hor story This -ary was laballavahlo. taw. otetad >v-» to* •Jg* boon MteteltUd while the ti^.w^ayr? learned didn't nakr Til far as the icnew Tb* dafanaa dWld whop aOOCTOl LEAGUE OF NATIONS TO FIX BOUNDARY Pari*. Aag. It—Tk. diapeatlen af stvs-s »Wd Earaaa rim tka 2p£« of *• «»*«* afVatw«aa. la yiatpiocd fw eeveral am nth I by tka action of ka Inter-allied mtiai council to ft* in raquaatinx tka council of tka la*«» of NaHam to atari/ tka eufc loct aari aririaa upon tka fcdnc of a ‘fCSart'af STS3 **^^1 ka oonaoU af jha Leagne af MrttaS ■a airi la aattVag tka q section vaa Irnwn aa aa to avoid tka appaunaea >f arhltratioo wkkk la not provided •c la the treaty of VanaOeu Tka reaolutionwae an drawn tkat ka rennet! of tka League may apt acida tka qnaatlon at Imm. bot D.v f Uoyd George aari Ariatlde Briaad a^octloaly. tka Brftiak aari French ■raw", plcdgori tkaauahrea ha tka u*>*aM eonacil moating today to coast tka advice of tke League of informally in tke . tkat tke council of i w a sett! Today's (MOM eta* aa tta eatv* 'j hutaa of tea day*' of aarnaat dU aaalaa which began with aa wpae MBt hi nhihlibdaiaa Mr. Qayd dama and MBrland of what waa ■lad a •Vafwiaa Una.". Tha roaataaa Ml apart, however, aa tha sdlng hy tha expert* that tha iadao rtal triaagia la Upper Illada ceold et ha divided aa a working eeonoB ! anit any mere than could the Mtta argh Aht Load Carmen, the Britiah Foreign dciatary anlled. aad Manhal Feck taghod ML Maa. andar pcavi- < er _ wtth Lloyd George l •fay at ad* iha proposal Mat tha an- 1 r*B* cenncO aebntt the qocation of I aagn a of Mattes a. • Tha decision te da a* means in *f-,i act that the governments of Greall trltaia. Franca, Italy and Japan, he- i aa M tha hoMt-U ayiw Mont _■ aver the attaa ian _evident that Frae lant Barfing would ho naked ta de Ida open the boundary line, not gf rtally ns Friddrot hat gaodhlnPy a a patvnte parson, ha to ho provided rlth every facility for hia mpraaan attv* thoroughly to vxawhao lata Mo naatiea and the pew arm to agree la dvaaae te accept Me opinion aa I ml Lord Carson i* known to hsvo eon Idorsd aakteg Pnsidant Harding to at, hat an raiaetian ha la said ta _._«--af th. L.U.# that .-*— ! nM ut he received from WuUny m under savaml day), and a* It was a He nietiO what this reply would e, ha shaadoaad the idea. M. Briand ■Used the geasOan of the submls laa at the deelslea to Prealdant' larding during a conversetioa this laming urith Premier Lloyd George at Nr. Lloyd George thought It heA er to refer It to the League of Mu* Ioml Frteade of the League ef Nation* ayrimd delight tonight arer toe ra arawee of whist le limil toe most UEchtt and dangamua goasUan in Curepiaa sell tics to too league of fatten* a fortnight Wars the >ly ef the League i md at the three Europe thw hority ef the The laat eaaaiea ef ths Bug fa leuneB wM he held tomorrow more ag. It la luaaated ta sat only a few won. Lord tinman, with the remain ler ef the British delegation will oars Faria shortly afternoon. FREMONT VOTES BOND ISSU> OP I1IMIM* sajrarjwrwra'): i credit to the town and comity. UCKUIS DRIVING GF_ AUTO CAUSES WRACK >»imn« Ml* alleged that Vatnl* WIUIa*na*n af tha Bailey lactiati and MWtl iMa. la an intoxicated eondi Baa, aaar tha Caaatry Oab on the VMii aain road, ran Into I. N MarVtaat, a track (armor, beetda* On tha awahiaa with tha aaaa wu a lady IMa tha Uaeaaaa met loo. aB af aha** vara vara ar loan hart. WU Uaaiaea'a Ford I* aav In tha eaalady la# tha Mrart* and ha I. In JaM. R* Ml haaa a hearing Monday Bcmtag. 'amah Thraa W«B— —h I* thT~» ' green* ent dtrtnrAdd haa alraadj £*g?£HH!3fc?.S i Mm. Harper Holliday win' - In accordance with tho plane of *■ ***■» T. Camp, Director of tho Harnett Ceown.nlty S err Ice, who to arranging for a bln county wide con munlty Nag ic LUHngtoe on Labor Day. tho coowDittoo appointed to Hart work in tho ran*arao£therS. ha. mediately. I ,T 1* Biddle, tbanana of the coei nlttee, aUioc that at a OMothw held a few daya age. Mr*. Harper Holliday waa eelected to load tho local choir. »°* *h« lu agreed to do eo Mra. Holliday ie vary osthnatoatic orer tho conn unity ainr. and baa boon rank tog her eetootforu for tho choir. She hapoo to hare a Veil organized and •oil re boa read group of etogen whan £ STXSLrr " ta-1, Mlao Comp at LiUiagtoa to weU | argnntood and wail rrh earned group, ef elagare when tho county «mg taka* < (toco on Labor Dor. Boptorabor t I Min Carap at Uflington to wail ! rleaned with tho Internet and enthu liaara mnnlfeated throughout tho f sounty by the rariowa eoraraunltyl »age re, and bolieva* that the etegl, HI bo a great arc cue. Nearly nil the „ reran unluaa hare etarted to week to I •gnnialng their cboire, and on Ulb- 11 >r Day the coantr cent will doahUen r CRIME LEADS TO 1 HANGING BY MOB1, — *1 finetnm Nogro Ftjn Papofty of * Dm* My Mob Aftor Awful Crime *la*4ao, Aug. 14.—A mob, vnrt 3*1>r at from MM to 2<, •00 email an, captured Jerome] Vhitfletd, negro accaaed af criminal ’ moult, at 11 o’clock today in tba , roods in Jones coanty six mile* from1 b* scene of hie crime at suaeot yea-1 erday, and after swinging him ta in oak tree by the roadside, riddled da body frith bullets. Tba victim af ha assault, Mia. Elisabeth Irvine, lb, raaie old, wife of a prominent Jane* I irime and no farther qusatleos weroT pmMMM tflas wide and long. One wing af I he marching parly, beaded by the', her.* of Joaet county, U Is mid. was ■ :ombing tba asderbrush a couple af! aiUs away when members af tba best »<* aaw tba negro suddenly aumsgoj ’ia*n u thicket making it araa thought. | i deep*rate effort to gate entrance' ale a still larger forest, extending for many miles toward New Barn. Ha I raa commanded ta halt, which be did.1 Placing WhHAeld In an automobile, be crowd rwebed him to tba borne of he Irvings, six miles away, where i dra. Irving identified him. ‘‘Pleas* I lont kill him here in the yard” sba :rled, it is said. ‘‘We aroa’l" shoatad he mob. had they proceeded with tha irvmhiltig negro to a point shout one nil* below the borne, where a nooa*, wan slipped about his neck and be1 raa drawn up. PuHy 1,000 ballet* »r various kinds • tenetrated tha negro1* body, it la said tad tha mob dispersed, leaving him' ■winging to the tree.' Ball Gams Thurtday Protnues To B« Great Banma * Holliday sued Flaiele bbu Bros. To Stega Battlo Royal Kara What iranlwi to ho on* of the best baseball femes of the season wot, bo played la the fairground park here Tharsaay afternoon whs* tho Barnes' snd Holliday Company wfl) sand sat, s hefty nine to sseet The Fleishman Bros. Company's aggregation. This la Ike Brat gama played between tea! teams regrscsntmg business firms] kein this season, aad a large attend , ones la expected to tarn oat for tko Mg exhibition. An admission charge of twenty-! Bve cents trill bo made and tko en tire proceeds of tko contest win to| ■riven by Ike two Arms to n widow lady la town, which is a very worthy aad deserving charitable cause. The taro teams have keen practic ing regularly, aad will show op wall, according to all Indications. Tho gome la expected to be aac of the bant seen hare this season. Both of that# rest-1 eeme have employees that have play ed aad arc eapeble ef playing good baseball, and all af which makes tho fame promise to be a hot shot from beginning to end. The Hne-ups af the two teams arc as follows t The PMshenaa Brothers Co.—«. wit fc*i.V t M. ft: E5SS: S.,a"' * Tke Samoa A Holliday Company— Ooln, p, H. Holliday, t, laaM, It, Cook, Vb, Dardin, aa, Strirkland, to. M. Ba«fKt rf. MeD. Holliday, el, Cromartio, II. CONGRESSMAN WANTS TO ST or BEAUTY CONTESTS Waatitaptoa, An* IS—A Mil ate* tCtAisiraftSs SXT ■ssrsr-.’^a-'srsrs »mara tMaklat J»aro of tiioii tkan tkotr hoiaoa. A» odltar at tomptina ta Matt rook a eontaat monk I f aao a Jail aaataaea, aadar tipimaa tattoa Bontok'a ptan. TROOPS SENT TO CONCORD TO THE STRIKER'S SCENE „ vrruBa—. . . 6S* 1‘OUCC DECLARED THEY WIRE UNEQUAL TO ASK H m Aohavin*, Aif. i«. — Bwnr iMwioa Minim tNkki 35 toMBi to taka eSarpa at tha estila atrtoc vtua^aa at Caiiti idjaiant -Jiatrtl Ada Vua Matt* to •at rawa: 1 (a tah* chant* aad '1 praiahly r.iA at Caacard la a.i Tit *l< cmMfguncy that mar a »« Monday ravtmag. Maj .r I 8 ft *oa, at Qraatm, ** i*n»**’*d to proceed at *«■* t> the n«< cf the atrika Can. *** ttyjwi ha— ordered a>W ■ad and Chariots* troeaa to am* vs rvui« Vi fk JMVHOTSi ^1 Concord. today wired the Oeromac aa follow.: “The city police feme cannot at—ton order and aaforoo the lew PM«d troop, at Ma Wore it b too UU to geoeerre life.” The chief mntivo yaatarday vu in telephone ceounonkatlaa with a noMhar of eHJseaa ad Ceberraa aaao tyyd ha on atro««ty «d ad tha aaad for tha twan af traeya ad •nee. A Bashar ad pr—leant ctU aaaa war# aaeong tha n—ihar, it waa dated. The governor held conference yaatarday with aovoral parti a* front Concord. Mayer Weaable and City At*, may L. J. Caldwell wara in Aahe rllla yaatarday, bnt rotoned to tha it bow* laataietrL ^ left thla oftaauaan for Canaard to laroatlgaU condition* at drat hand ha Mated. Mace tha trouble began, Mr.jBawwtl ttoied Ho hac booo la .. “Thar* waa anly ana arrort araond takea into cnatady by the odUora bo bod o piatal and a rasor la Ue aaaa oaaiaa and bit arroet waa aaada at the naiad of ana at the labor lea dean** ' Mr. Barrett nil be eaold oat afar Uf fimnni AM ikd dliHdlldM frtknr tMa that h« flnaty babarad aa *h» I T. 1 Wahb. aatraUry aid tnu arar af tha Laaka Milk, wbieh b tha only aaa la aparaUaa, aUtad tawl^hd that tha aiU ha a»* - atani big far al ta ta to wtit | Tha yaneral otrlka"^raT«»nad af tar tha vagaa had haaaJaal «• mar aaara lhaa U l-l yaraaat. ftakat Haaa ban baaa kaaa by tha aN a raaad tha aaflh aad aa aatl-yMcathur ■rdtaaaaa haa baaa yaaaad by tha tity aatharttlaa Tha aiakatiac ardtaaaro Wtn ba laatntit la tha roarta, aataa tadaaa aay. aad ajn probably darlda Uoajatara aa ytakat llaaa ta tha-, .r H. Wahb, oat ratary -d traaa arar af tha aal* aUD la ayataMaa ta satw^SSVa, aay mytoya aha wtahaa jaay ga ta - wait