ASSOCIATION ASKS FCR ilAIR TARIFF Rasulutio » Carried At Cloia of A. T. A. Meeting To Ap paal To Congrwaa o eenxboro,, is—At th« doo 'V urtko fifth congress of the Southern Tariff Amuciatlrn this morning reaulu''on* urging u •’fair" tariff on fiwbiiin product* and the >■>'• rmhuigo veie unanimously a ilopted and n committee to carry fhwe reeo ution« to CSongrca* was authorised A committee to go before Congress rod urge a aali.factoiy schedule fui Southern products and UidUitrioit \/». i l.o authorised Ip a frat k and powerful address to the emigre*, R E. Taylor, of New Mexico, niesideot of the National' Moha.t Gruw.n’ Association told oil the moha'C industry' in this country' and urged that the association get ■""hind the "w<ak-kneedM politician* who fail to hi-ej to the wishes of the people in -epuid to the tariff qure tion. but obey the ordeis df party leaders m the mutter. He prcdictcJ the downfall of the Democrat* 1« the I Southwest and Texas, especially, un-; less they comply with the wisher of the voters in i amoving the rvil rf- j feets of the fier tint*. A Tariff Embers Talks William Buiycis, of Washington, D. C., a member of the Federal Tar _ iff Commission, spokr to thi stsocio-1 ■ tion on the organ ixat'.on, workings and composition of the rommiAsion, I and urged the ns*oci*tion to co-oper- j otr with the formrr in offering aid! und constructive criticism. He asked i that the association and others affect- j ed by the tariff comply with the tar-' Iff measure* as they arc framed. I An address to have been delivered befo-c the Co;;grass by Governor Thomos Cnmtibull. of Arlxona, who \va* unable io attend. Was read bF president J. 11. Kilby. In his address Governor Camoboll told of thu bad condition of the Yuma Cotton sec tion of his state >lur to the provisions of the tariff, and he urged the asso ciation to do all in it* power to lend effective aid by working for a mis ion of the tariff system. Biaketl Dsnesicsi Tariff Telegram* and letters from manu facturers and badness men of the South supporting the work of the a*-j sorlavjon were toad. In a letter to the •meclation, Thome* W. Bickett stated that he was in favor of protection for thr Southern industries and prod ucts, but not as embodied in platform of the Recubiiican party. He declared that the roidtny bill was "abomina ble," and would make the rich man richer and the poor man poorer. . . ___________ _ _ * FAYETTEVILLE TO ! HAVE BLUE SUNDAY G*nuina Blue Law A Settled Fact; Some Utilitiea May Be Affected By Lew 1 Fayetteville. Aug. 16.—It is settled that Fayetteville is to exist under a real “blue" regime. It having been reported la an adjourned meeting of the board of aldermen, attended by large delegations for and against the' Sunday closing law, that the Kennely amendment to the Sunday statute had really been passed by the legis lature and that a certified copy of the bill is now In the hands of Soli citor J. O. Tally, it was announced by Mayor K. JL UacKcthan that the law will be enforced within the pro vince of the city'a police power rig orously a< d impartially. The Kennedy bill, applicable to Cumberland county alone. Is an a mrndmenl to the old North Carolina Sunday law which makes a violation, of the statute a misdemeanor. Henee. the wiling of ice cream or newspa per* in Cumberland county is now punishable by a road sentence, which „ under the original statute similar' lawlessness in the lest of the state draws a fin* of one-dullar, if any. The j amended statute declares that "no! tradesman, artificer, planter, laborer.] or other prisons, shall, upon land or! water do or exercise any labor, bull-' ness or work, of his ordinary calling, works of neceiaity and charity alone exeepted, nor employ himself in hunt ing, fishing or fowling, nor use any game, sport or ploy, upon p»,n that every perron ‘O offending, being of the age of fourteen years and up waid, shall be guilty of a misdemean or." ! There had prvviimily been Kune doubt »• to whether or not the Ken nedy amendment punted the general axsmnbly but 1 hia wu cleared up the previoua to la .1 nighl’a meeting, and when a delegation headed by Rev. W. V. McRae appeared before the board anti arbed that Ibe law be enforced Mayor MjcKe.han Anted that il wan hie purpore to pul th« enactment into full force. Th» meeting war marked by Intense eti;huaia«m both for and againrt the blue law. The anile ware apparently In the majority; at any rate, they made eontiderably more nous than the proa, though both •'•dev applauded every point made by thetr advocate*. 'Though declaring that he eootd not pair on question of the violation of the law r.t th'a time. Mayor MacKo than, in answer to eovdral Inquiries, limited that he did not aee how ieo companies telephone exchange**. Jit neyt, garage* or Oiling static** could * operate e* Sunday under the law. R. W. Herring, Rev. W. V. MeKae and C. i. Cooper rnobe for the Sun day law, while J H. Dtwvy educat ed tki rental of the Kennedy amend ment and David B. l.mdecy, publish er nf the Fayettcvl'lr Obecrvcr, de fending hk paper again*! a ehnrge of favoring a "wldo-open" Sunday, ilce'ared that the Observer flood for law <af«'cement but wanted eano law# and a ran# Sunday. The niV-ory of the old law now Mr*. Vanderbilt To Introduce Hoover Commerce Secretary To Spook tl Opening of Harnett Coun ty Fair at Dunn Ashrvill*. • An*. 18. — Secretary H. v berl floorer, of the United State* D*;t* rtn... nt of Commerce, will de ».vc* the chief addle*, at the Harnett court? agiiculluml fair at Dunn Oc I. iber l j, and will be Introduced by Mrs. f»eo-g* W. Vanderbilt, the pree wli-m of the North Carolina State Fair. The invitation to Mr*. Vanderbilt to introduce Secretary Hoover cam*1 fnrni Secieury T. L. Riddle, of the' liun.i chamber of commerce and waa pic *c<. led to Mr*. Vanderbilt by N. Buc*:ie;\ secretary of tho Aihevilla boM'd of trade. Th* Dunn fai.1 open* two daya be fo.o tho North Carolina State Fair. Mi* Vanderbilt ha* recured a house st Raleigh fur the period of the fair, h'bu ha* the honm of being the tint Homan •deled president ofany a tala fair in the United Statea, and that she ha* thrown herself with great real and enenry into tho work of mak ing the state r»ir b> far the largest ever hold In Noith Carolina. PHYSICAL CULTURIST GIVES EXHIBITION George H*m Make* Lecture And Free* Himself Of Many Chain*. Claiming Ui be no hand cuff king >r straight jacket artist, hut a physi cal culturin, interesting in giving sd itcaiional rxh bitions or the develop ment of thr human body, Georg* L. Heir, who hails originafly from Ro man county of this state, gava an inis testing exhibition and isctar* on Railroad stieet, naar Goldstein's ] ttorr, yesterday morning. lies* claim* he ha* mads it hla ! profession to study the human ana tomy. and ho believes that exercise i sod cure of one's body arc the big trest thing* 'n life. He lectured for half an hour or most on the ovila of modern portent medicine and to* fob! ly of eating fat* and meats, and nevar talcing car* what on* sat* Ha claim ed th*t "living to nature** and "shy cieal gkerrise/’ were the twe mm tiala to a healthy, vital body, a long life and perfect human happiness. fie dwelt particularly an the evils ft eating any and everything, and f* d liipt \ vijc'.ab'.ai and fruits, which grow in sRcb an abundance In this > country, sr* the real -b*<ty bultdetw) end the thing* that will ktsp a man's; physical condition op to the standard ilunyc He dtclatud :nat patent mod'.cine, i wibch is composed on the average of | # per cent alcohol and 25 per cent water were unnecessary and harmful,; and that the herbs and fruits which go into the medicine grow all a boot us in their naked and original form, ■a intended by God. He aTeo believes operations are oftan artless, and he rud tlinl the difference between ''con stipation in a certain form and ap pendicitis is two hundred and fifty dollar*.'' After a very interesting lecture! Hess performed a feat of blood and i muscle control, in which he demon-1 etrated whut a study and care of tha body can do. He was bound head and feet and in a doaca different ways with a number of chains, locked se curely, and tightened by six business men here until he looked to be lp a bolplra* and hopeless condition. Kill rails and wrists and arms were pur-' pis and COM. But after a reasonable I rollectien was taken up to pay the, physical cultulist's expenses, he loo*-i n.:cd himself and was wholly free In five minutes. Benson’s New Park Will Open Saturday; A Rollicking Gam* Nsit $62 For A Worthy Charitable Cam* - I Helium, Aug. 17.—Th* chief ad-I dresi at the opening of Willow Brook . paik Saturday night will be made by' Mis* Klitabeth Kelly, of Raleigh. Miss Kelly It one of the leading women worker* of the State and i« in charge * of all the 8tato rchoofte for illiternlea | For five year* A# waa superviaor of the school* of Johntton County. Iloth Reason and Johnatoa county nre preparing to welcome Her with a crowd of 2.000 people. Mayor Cana day will prealdt at tho opening eero-i mony and the city commUaionori willi attend hi a body. Kent and sparkle will be ah led to the oeeaaton by the piesenee Of the Beneon American Lw-' glon military band. AO atreng, ander I the direction of Lteat. Alfred J. I Schmidt, hand leader, V. 8. R It will be the flrit time the band hae played' in public. Willow Brook park waa built by tho ladies of tho Kntro Nona Clab. Flan Agriewltoral Fair Seaton, Aug. 17.—If plan* under "*y *r» perfected, Dannor township •rill bn»# a fair this season. Acting on *entim#nt throughout tho township, 8. F. Honeycutt, secratary of the Banner Agricultural Society, has called a mu** mr;'.lug 0f farmer* In the Ben soii town ball Saturday afternoon whoa sddreas** wHI be mad* by 8. J. **• jjotanty demonstrator, and T. I.. Riddle, serretary of Harnett to.siity fahr. invoked. a« given by Mayor MaeKa tka i. ii I itevostlng. It |a an old Eng l'»h law pawed bv tho BrlUeb erwwn lr 1*7». under th* reign of Chori* II. It was applied to th* pro vine* pf Carolina, then Including both North and South Carolina, In 1718 mad re i oorlrd in 1741. It la now section 3955 of tho eonaolktaUd stats tea DECLARES DANIELS IS IMPERIAL BOSS Morrison Reads Editorial And Say* There'* Nothin* To Take Offense At Ttmrrday’* News end Observer played up a Iona: story. attacking too action of Revenue Commissioner A. !> Watts In ordering an terrvnle retroactive reduction of tl2.7SS.4R0 m the assessment of the property earned by Limit and Mycra, and the American Tobacco Company la Isurham. In tn» same ia*u« Jo*cphui Daniels, editor of the Newt and*Ob •erver, has a two column editorial, declaring the action by Watt* unfair and unjurt, and alao rather (topping l»*s for aummerlmt In Asheville, white inch important baai t*?‘ si,*® "F ?" *«c capital. HU editorial cloaca with “Come home and take the helm.” *dd ca.1ng the Governor. * . 'o4*yV *““* °f U>e Obeorror the roll owing rtory with the date line on Asheville, glees Morrison’s reply and rnmmwifi nn ik* •:t_*:__ Ash-villa, N. c., Aug. 1H.—Cover nor Cameron Morriuon, who early today Issued a statement in whack I he declared Josephus Daniels, former: Secretary of the Nivjr and now odi-j lor of The Nwara and Observer, anj imperial bow.,” tonight declared that a reading of The News and Obacrv ar e editorial, report af which caused ■ him to iaene the statement, was net' of a nature to which he could take I offense. | “I have learned a good lesaon by! acting upon a nsws item without in vestigation,” said the Governor “I was informed by a friend over the ’phone that Mr. Daniels’ paper had ■ttaekad me mvagely. Later I eras at' home busily engag-d when a newepa Kr friend read see the Associated ess dispatch with reference to Mr.. Daniels' break with me and an at-1 lack on Watts and hls action regard-, ing reduction on valuation of certain lobaceo property. I stated that I had! not seen the article and would not comment on it until 1 had read It. but I did sey that 1 waa not surprised for: 1 know Mr. Daniels had been looking rpr an oppo.tsnity ta attack aay ad ministration. “After seeing hia paper I And that Lho article raakaa no Improper attack on me and would nq* nave offended, me if I had road it before I taka 1 no offense at Mr. Daniala asking me kul 1 »1|l to kirn hat If I did go borne I would make absolutely no effort to control the lodgment of a high official of the law n coming to a Judgment for which ie alore i» rerponsible under hls oullt. I nevdr hoard the evidence and f do lot know whether it was decided Just ly or not, but I do know that the artginai valuation waa. asked to be reduced and r.o: only protested by parties whose property was taxed bat tty practically the entire town of Gor ham. i "As to the legal question involved fudge Manning and Mr. Daniel* caa light it out. I think hia article and his general policy of attacking sworn stvn dealing with matters purely Jul l‘da! in character unless ha can es tablish corruption and dishonesty a revy unwise policy. “There is no more upright man in North Carolina than A. D. Walla. He may have made error* in his life but For red blooded honesty and tour sg-, I have come in contact with no nan I thought his superior Of course, ill men know Mr. Daniels has already voted, regardless of avidtnc* or mer it. wherever and whenever any tobac :o company or other corporation c' much site it concerned. HI* Idea of luatice to them Is to kill them whan-] ever be And* them. He W perfectly ilneeru in hi* conviction that any de rision by any officer in favor of a largo concern is outragooos under snr circumstance*. '*1 want to any to Mr. Daniels that srhilr I have not been In Raleigh ahere 1 can gat plenty of Raleigh ad vice, I have been hard at work every day here surrounded by as patriotic people as can be found in the state and have had daily consultation with 1 ■a patriotic and arise men at 1 could And in Raleigh.” In conclusion Governor Morrison laid, “The Hon. J. 8. Manning. W. T. I.eo, and A. B. Watts were perform ing their sworn duty and exercising power, judicial in Character, which cannot ha dictated ta by the Governor if at home any more than 1 caa be dictated ta by partisan domination and hatred of Jeaephus Daniel*.’’ , K. C 1. ENGINEER TRIED ON CHARGE OF BREEDING _ i Fayetteville, Aug. IB. — A cut perhaps uniqoe in North Caroline court annals waa tried before Mayor E. R. MaeKethan, af thie eity, when H. Arnold, an Atlantic Coart Line engineer war brought before the court on‘a charge of apooding within lhe aity limits. The aaae wae diamlar ad by the mayor, who cautioned the engineee not to repeat the dangeroua practice. Arnold contended that h* bad hi* engine under perfect control and that It could have boon stopped at signal of danger. Arnold was driv ing a yard engine. 1 The alleged offense occurred at an early morning boar. Patrolman Bali, who made the arrest, told tko court that the engine passed the Franklin street crossing at bo swaalte rat* of, ipnd while Thomas Wrigni, the rail* road gataaman at the Hay a.icet cr.,r«ing, teV.ilsd that be * oardly bad t me" to low*.- hi* gator hr'-re tSe lot< motive vouched Utat .tram. T. L. Evans, conductor of the yard engine, and member* of the crow testified that tbo gates wore sarfely lew seed bo* fora the locomotive reached the cross lag and that the engine waa at all timaa under control. Local man says them la a cow for •very Inhabitant ever In Holland, white hero in America there is mere ♦r lam "bell” to moat of the inhabi tants. « I I STTIX^TUREd'l ii Clue. die-'¥ ¥ covered Lg Jeraipan and ¥ n- Patrolman* jfcSpcr, who found ¥ ¥ above and dMBt at the urn, ¥ |* Deputy * ¥ bharlff W,. Bup went out ¥ ,¥ about a itMg&Iihalf north of ¥ * ' W*.MMw afternoon ¥ .¥ and fouad JHL la uni ant ¥ t gf **¥i * cofpor .rttC.Hrce»plcU outfit. ¥ ¥ which be h«S#<t ia to polka ¥ ¥ heodnsartwriSit al«bt- ¥ ¥ The *tiH wlhi fim claw con- ¥ ¥ dition and gUn to be an ox- ¥ ¥ collnnt oqtMr ffb«° Deputy ¥ ¥ Turnaf. la^Kd It, the block- ¥l ¥ >.l»r» had tjHkti; mad# their ¥ i ¥ "rua" and hHX thc .till after- ¥! ¥ warda. No j«2m moo in the ¥ ¥ near ricinitflptho outfit, and ¥ ¥ no nojraco g-ytralnt of any ¥ ■ ¥ kind met ttfiDtinglc hand raid. ¥ HpFi IN PRWRESS AT ! PROTTON NOW Teitimcmy 0»|r». Da via And TRIAL IS X^fcfTpED BY HUNDR^fc OF PEOPLE | Mach Emotic®K«pl«yed On Part uf KS^ftd, Who Taati 0,1 SB '— Evidence Shows T|^KKiocaid And Wafa H.d&caful Msarriad Life Except^Baei He Drank. Morgaaton. aK|. _ Tha out ■ landing and dr^Hr feature of the Kinrald murder^B today waa the appearance on t^Kend of the de fendant hmuelfj^Kcnee in the case waa completed a^Klock this after-1 noon and argutu^^B oounial ia now undtr way. jjMi; Since the bcgf^B of tha trial It had beta a met^^B conjecture aa U> wntthrr tha i^Bast would tes tify in hia ownJ^BThoueh it w„ more or laaa s^^^B that he would be allowed :he fateful rlgh^^BT |t waa kaown inar ue uu aaxkma to do ao, tlmmdfllVPSMnHBBlh io tha erowded courtroom iShaPif tldven o’clock ho waa called aa tha '■•at witness for the defense. He walked unsteadily to tha witneaa chair Iho effect* of griaf and confinement, had marked effect oa a farm orly rohust man. He la a of loo appeaiance. wears good clothes and! la teach average farmer. Hia manner of mteknem and humility doubtless elicited sympathy for hi— •nd us he talked there could be seen here and them over the courtroom teari in the cyee of many wha ware merely spectator*. He la a man of thuo ordinary intelligence and hia an swer* to attoraey’a questions wars riven with deliberation, but without hesitation. Evan on croaa-axamlaa tier, he was not confused. At times his voice dropped ao low that ha haul to be asked to repeat bis testimony and occasionally as be spoko of hia be was so overcome that he had -* wait is compost himself before proceeding. Court Haem Crowded There was not a foot of vacant a vailable space 1* tha court room as Klmcsid gavs hit testimony and dur ing tbs two hoars ha waa an the stand there was a deathlike stillness ®v»r the great arowd, to marked that except fur t]w voices of tha witness and examining sttoiuvy, there was no bund distinguishable except the whir of a mall electric fan over the clerks W. A. Self conducted the direct ex amination, doing it in each e war aa to giro the atery told by the defend ant connection end, aequenee. He wee 63 yeera of age. be teMtted, sad ax rept for a abort period had tired tot Cheat#, Sold all bit life. He had mar ried Lillie Dari* in 1PM, the cere mony performed in AaherUle about ien year* ago. He had built a new borne at Cho*t*rt«ld and for about tlx yean had conducted a atora there. Admit* He Dromfc He bad been In tho habit sf drink ing. hr admitted, until four yean mt<> when he had tried to quit. He' had often uaad liquor to exeeae, Dur ing tho peat few year* he had been "full” only two er three time*. With ifce exeepticn ef a pint which he had had in June, he *ould not recall that he had been drinking at all tbit yaar •t.tiil the Sunday before hie wife'* death, lit got a topple *a Saturday •■ifcht, the I6te of Jute, accreted It in an eld aheg near the atore and mad* froouent ritiu to it on Sunday nnd Monday. H# and hi* wife were together In the More nearly ell day Monday, but he wai too drunk than !o know what w*e going on, er who' were la the Mere during the day aadl to tun hit rat te a neighboring farm, where he had a thr**her operating. J. W. Duckworth Went with him part of tbs war. . Reluming home between rundown and dark, ha found bio wife la ths More. A* ho dfo*e up the tamo out •» the porch and they talked togeth er. Hie brother in law, Charleo Ra der, came up ae they were talking and Mrs Kincaid uaot on to fee house. He and Rader had a drink together! ■ Id whmTUder would not take a me eiid, he drank again. He heard hi*1 wife railing, “com, on, let'* ge." At' th.a point tee witness was ea the ▼erge of a break down, openly weep ing. He thought, he mid, his wife wat sitting in th* Mr wait lag far Mm. . He ran In Urn shop far another drink and w«at to the tar. expecting te And hit Wi/t. PaiHfig to get the ! J’ANE JURY TO TRY S. A. KINCAID Salectloa of Twtlt* Mm From Two Hoan Murgaaton. Aug. 16.—A tarn to •fceWe tha fata af Sidney A. Kincaid, Bure county commiaeioner, now oa trial charged with the murder at klf wife, was Inmanatled within an ban tVnt7 mlMtaa aftor examine t<on of the -Vinn ruamonad ,r-®? eonnty waa begna. be Jury ia eampoaad of the fel loe ing: P. C. Coon. R. H. Ballard, B. L. Me Gorki*. C. C. EadtaiU. Lather Una htoterr, J. M. Jattoo.J. O. Morrison. ?• £?• Bntilh, O. M loehman. W. H. Lohor and S. B. Cioonland. Only twenty-five of the eeveaty Hve veniremen from Lincoln county T*?* Th# defer k need jf'*1f *•?p*rT*,tor7 ; longer* and tha BUto only two. Bern* !!!?** Z'iyn**«—•» #rat called by Urn fact that tha list of veniremen had bean unwittingly «a id to cut into slips far drawing. The defease excepted to tbla an amor aad lodge Bryson then took much pain, to verify aaaaea In the hat as same ■a summoned, requiring count of the >Hp* and taking the precaution to a* «aeh man . a* called If be bad been •on* mo red by the Lincoln county ■heriff. All awn examined answered lueetlona pnt to them intelligently tod the Jnry choeen I* far above the average. Maay af them am badaaa* jaa of high Mending la Liaceln. Both Solicitor Hoffman aad connaal for tbo dtfanea stated that It was ana »f the finest set ef men they hod ever wan ia a Jnry bos. Mo evidence waa taken this after aooa. It was Ova o’clock by the time tba Jarr waa choeen aad Jadge Bry wa adjourned court until tomorrow: morning at *£0. The prisoner was visibly affected several time* wbUe ia the const mom. roars came to bi* eye* as he stood to bear the indictment road aad aftor idjoammeat be wept as relative* ga thered »round to shake hie band. Two Hater* worn with him. Mr*. WhKawar, if Rickory. aad Mca. E. X. Hood of CheMeifleid. Mm. Battle Devi*, me •h»r of the amrderod woman, aat la ud# tbs bar within Aaet ef defendant. She waa baavUy veiled. tbs Jury, but wfll net help in pruaa ration. C. A. Joe** * tha am. Morgan ton, Aog. 17.—All the I Stale's evidence la the Kincaid mu-1 l«r trial waa la before the boom day! sdjourn mart aad the defence began U tcaitaaony immediately after court I reconvened this afternoon. The pro-1 socution protected comparatively few aritnamee, the testimony of the mar Imod woman’s mother. Mra. Battle U *he told the atom of avante at the Kincaid homo oa the night of lh* ‘'■f***' J*lr being robed SS" SSL'S.* While the on tarns waa telling the >te>y Kincaid ant nrKh bowed head and crept silently. It area with diffi culty that Mra. Daria, who is • well tressed, nice-looking old lady, com puted bsrsaW and arant ahead with bar anawaaa. She wars a heavy veil, srhleh, at tha reqneet of eeanatl, she threw back whllofon tha stand All aaornlag the defendant appoar sd to be in a nervous condition and aaa often moved to team. Um pa-la* Mrs. Davis did aot stay In jn eoart room, hat ramainad dawn stairs natfl sailed. She area on the stead over aa boar. Her testimony waa In brief aa follows: Her daughter, Mra Lillie Kincaid, bad married the defendant, 8idney Kincaid, about tftaan years ago and Mra. Davie had made bar home with them contiauouely tinea that time. Kincaid had aaaay business inter seta, b*®»» » atovo at Chaateifteid, to arUeh his wifa attended regularly. lay »o the lgtb of July. She c*m. the house far nwer about sun lown. Tho Mother aad daughter had mjyor together aad then Mrs. Xta eaid said she would go U tho star* to try to got Sidney to cooso to saa P*r. Ao wont lbs steead thus. Fts »Uy about too o’clock or shoot that tiaso her son-la-law came. As eras his ratoon, ho want around to tho beek jf tho keuae and bar daughter get uy Ur NtalSTj,* followed and as toe wont into bar roa«. which it Just off tho ball and! scat to tbs back porch, tho beard Kincaid say la a leudtoneT-DeEn It, Lillie, I wyttah. that fte- £T" rbis was foUowod aulckly by what ■be^deerribed as a ohoklrg gurgling Mai. Doris hurried to the porch. She saw Kioeold with Ms bands a roaad tbs throat 0f Ms wife. who was ► I 8h# folt sonMthiof warm ml i_ - ♦wl Wr m haado. I4na.n1 to hmr room to gat a tamp, obo rvUrntd la SLaLdKb&Afiu:; <bfog Ilk*! "Mrs. Darla, you dent aw dontaad, and whom aba said, “Lint#. Sidney has killed roe." She under? Mood bar daughtorit reply to bo “ao ho hasn’t,” those in a ebakiag thick voice. She woe dead within a few mlnoUt LM WMi KMI _Q» croeo-esaadaatioo, too wits SOS ear suited, be walked on la tbs b^MS. joined by Jehu Lawderwilh. He eoofe't reuectoer. ho cold, whet ho aad Lowderarilk talked about. - _1 MM—fcu.’.- SMBHHHMMMM Resists Arrest And Field About W. E. W, Jgr. nifan Hue* Tbau Of It At Hwlqairtin Police headquarter* vae all 1 Mir .iatr yesurdhy afternoon when W, |K. Warren, local white maa, leihlod airaet when Sheriff Jrrnigan served !• ‘ capias" on him for failure to pay some costs doe the Superior Cant of this ceunty. It Is said that wiSE was drinking, which was rononiMo l** Wt attitude and actions toward ShenfT. Warraa was on the (tract not far! from headquarter* when Shari* Joe*1 nlgun served thr “capias.” Whea ask •d to go around to headquarter* aad make the settlement, it is alleged that, Warren cursed the officer aad rofas •d to *> anywhere. At length ho was P*T:‘J“dtd k**do Barters and jaiida the Hanielpal building actual blows won passed between the oO f" “d Warren. Chief Pago and ft Nippc/ arrived on thus aad (nterVtoed, taking Warraa Into cm- i tody until ho agread to make the pro- , per settlement desired ji BAREFOOTGETS A j ROAD SENTENCE H. L Godwin and Mack Jarm CM Form Partmeralup To |! Practice Low ,.0°dwto and Jernigan it the asm* sf Dana < new law dim, whom edlcea •J* loeated on the second door ef, {*• ***** Bank and Trust Company building, opposite the office* of the Dsnn Insurance and Realty Company. 11m mw Arm Is ccwpooed of KwbbK hal U Godwin, rrnsrsmiaas from the. sixth district for fosrtcod years, and' who has boen practicing law hi Wash- 1 Ington since the expiration af his last I tem in congress, and Mack M. Jsrni- i &*hJZSg}TISk SSS?^ i •tfwol and Ucenaed last February. < **r- Gadwla has been eon ten plat- 1 Ing opening an a practice bare for.I *•**• ***■*. although he has actually i been practicing law in Waihlmtoa, I ?' " • ^ ******** ' llaally decided to more Ma family < here, and is at preamt living in one sf the bun raVows of the new sad at- 1 tractive residents] section in the nor- i (Western salt of the city It was last 1 this weak Umt Mr. Godwin anionsced i fof*1** «f the new partnership i gj Godwin and Jernigam, and opened I the Officer of the dm in the State 1 Bank and Trust Company bonding. :< Befora ruing to congress fifteen ' raaia ago Mr. Godwin practiced law i to Dunn In pastnesdhip with X. A. I To ensend, who is new a ntabtr af < thadrm ef Clifford and Townsend 1] The junior member of tho Arm I. • i known In and around 1 Dunn, Mack M. Jemima, and la a ( hmthej te Dr J. A Jmiigm, dm- I art- Mr. Jemtaeen haa bean at the i Uni vanity of North Carolina Ire l reara where be received a degree la I ®*th tbe amdaaak and law ac'aaete.1 At the Ualveralty he dletiiwnlah •4 htanaelf with w.rk in Ib.Tforth i Carolina Clah, one of the loading In- i Anentlal organitatioea there, aad a- ( other oratorical and debating < liner. Aa a epeaker Mr. Jamlgaa ia I forceful and axparienced. i Mr. Jarniga* received hia Deane# 1 ta practiea law at the I set rahteMJ eaaminatiene and ha kaet up hia wolb i at the Unlvaraity this aprtng. told that aha had Mvad with Mr. and 1 Mra. Kincaid alaca their aanlage, that except whan ha waa drinking Kincaid era* kind ta Hie wife, that he denied her nething, Mra. Kincaid knew1 tag everything *e wanted and free *«“• «*»>*• fhfllTmrea. Jeat re centtar they Made Im prove Menu in the home, painting It Uaide and eet Often Kincaid and hie wife went an i*1!* *f***,r f,r •"!*•» yean ha had aat bean drank, bet had beea drlekieg that night rfer daughter ha-* told bar he waa too Ir mb to er*i.k hia ear. I* After the de^eraV,* act, KmcaU het gel do wo over h: w f*. Mia Xha tamttel. and bat cn-oaid and 4 at the u-p ef hia *i«e emUaa '**►* "hire I Havre a Jt.« IfcV He klaaed Me wife raap an telly aad teak' her bady ia Me anee. ASHLEY WIUJAMS' MAKES LONG TOP Biateon kundr* a* mb milaa. Kf pa*ct*r»-.M>d »w> aM*» «5Tfi kVssa-s; sjtsSs Ihriag in Qkiahoau a* otaar mt v> Mb. Mr. Wldimt aMb du rip with Ma wlfo and two chlMroa, £> m ofaMag Mr. WlUioSTa^ .t^WOBaiM of thia ollp< It was ike best sad most intestine trip IV# srrr taken.** kelsrad Mr VfiUaau. 4ioeaa*rM.ttaSri£: ■|B> «•••«• (Mo. Ha riaO* m n chins mu an etH or* foil* to pattern. aadthatM l*’*'* ha foaadtha rood* oo pood, s^aasSrS r^rtssrS^ >ana, wao tbo route follow* by Mr. niliaM aad bio foariy. Maid our •eo toado woro tbo mala otdor of bo trip, and b* rood* woro tbo aa option. Mr. William rtataa that bo oaad hiaworot road, bi coot To* *”■. and from ModwflW to bn awestt•ysrtr.ri «* of tbo fow dotoan bo wao tew* o mako aa tka trte «t from Maapbia tm ton. that bo wao — iln to m t at a.ght, aad that ha aad bia fanny B«SVdBl*«4t s sas K'j&rwvs ■raaaadjadtb tbo largo nanbar * M. “f Wglawi oayi that bia trip am gwuressrst* iae# nsviif a S“dis£r “■—f-* > O.TURNAGEIS LOSER OF HOSE a tain., o. — hrth Macnolia aveaaa. waa Me ihUly destroyed by Am early Wed Made/ Moraine, and partkalariy «*• •nrUtac In the beam waa lest Tba JMa wee dlacavared about tsM #• K^sr.iLfvarta •*dw»y that It waald baaa baaa at '•tfldia aatlta how# m cowpietoty oftbada, la Hat S7;.5r^rS£S,12i% tbi. bo i. .atall am. It d In tba second rtory and made aa mutually rapid hsadaap. Tba aaUta waM was enveloped la fiaatee bp tba ’w* of tba arrival of tba dre tiwefc usd Maepaay, which made Its appear mca about fifteen ■iaatce after tba Jana waa act la. Tba home waa aaaa to bo leat wbaa be dra apparstae arrived. Tba earn I—y dnd triad to debt (be Mast >oas tba war, aad when tale was aaaa fc* front Wlwt few riecee'efVsrai! ■rawaraiBvad. wb£h iacheded aa iro easepony. Ne wind* ware biawlac t* aaattar ***roa. and there waa aa aaad *yd roady fer tble service, Tba alas riewtroe that bareod late, and tba ■■■pda;1 rib that eaaebt dra wan rrrti-stK" * ~ -K.jssri.Tnirffl i few hundred dotUr. aa Malawi. ^•fbvrt ia aa trier did kls insurance WIN CITY MAY CAUL-" - dCMOOLSOMD BLBCTMM r.K^srisanJSS'S h tod eabwHti* to tba tkitent 5SrK.-S.7e -SLTt

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