9. - -- THE DUNN _ Dunn, North Carolina. FARM LOAN BANK CREATED TO MEET FINANCIAL NEEDS Expected To Be Of Greet Help To Agricultural In terest* HELD CONSTITUTIONAL BY SUPREME COURT Act Provides That Borrower* Form Own Organization To Deal Direct With Institution —Funds May Be Had For Most All Farmers’ Improve ment Needs. Now that Iho Federal Farm Loan Act has been declared constitutional bjr the United States Supreme Court. Beotheaetcrn farmers ran begin to look to this system of financing agri cultural development, at one that will greatly assist them in solving the fi nancial problems that have been brought sdrout by present economic conditions and those necessarily aria Ing from changes that have been forc ed upon them In changing their meth ods of forming from the one crop sys tem to diversification and live rtoek production. During the war Federal farm loan Bonds Ware difficult to sell in the bond market because no one wanted to invest in bonds of any nature ex cept Government bonds which had to be told to finance the war, but while the Government was selling the bonds to finance the war, it used aoma of the money to buy many mil lions of Federal Farm Loan Bonds to help Ananct the farmer. About the time the war came to a close the Fedevnl Farm Loan Act was attacked by farm mortgage companies, because To provide for the purchase af land far a4rricuKursl purposes. "(h) Te provide or the purchase af equipment, fertiliser* and live stack necessary for the proper and re asonable operation at the aeortgegail form; the term ‘equipment’ to be do fined by the Federal Farm Lean Board M(e) T* provide buBdinn a/>d for the improvement of form lands; the tana 'haprovemeat" to be defined by the Federal Farm Loan Board. "c laud mortgaged, «x . lstlng at ths tints of the organisation of the first national farm leaa »<** elation ssUbHiked la or for ths conn Or kt which ths laad mortgaged is Wtuatsd. or Indebtedness sab sequent ly Interred far purpeeea mentioned Demonstration News Of Harnett County Mias Bridge Write* of Program Of Farm Warn on'a Con vention In Raleigh j The program for thr Farm Worn rn-« Convention in Raleigh August :ui .September I will include al iti -epareto lections a talk anil a dem o-mration on household furnishing! with special Strom laid oa propei color combination* in well*, calling* floon, hangings, upholstery etc lo.nta will be given on the doing over of old furniture, the oar of aim iplc and inexpensive material foi i hangings, and something about home ■Iveing, and about the question o( ,'he arrangement of furniture. Th* .planning of a mom to gier that sat isfactory feeling which comes from ; bropei arrangement and color com i p‘.nation moans balance and harmony. | This talk aiy! demonstration will he j given Tuesday afternoon. | On Wetlnetday morning Miss flal en t.ouise Johnson will make a talk .on suitable dress, giving the women | an idee of how to select, how to i make and how to wear becoming i clothes which shall be simple both In ' materiel end in construction, but sot , isfactory in results Mia? Johnson was at one time head of the home economics depailmenl at th# Univer sity of Dllnais.‘end has since carved n* ass'staot editor for Good Houee hooping, and on thi editorial staff of j H i roer’a Kiuar. Thursday morning will be given ov er to the meet'ng of the federation of home demonstration clubs for re po its of work done daring the year . and fnr the proposed work for the coming year. These c'obs have or ganised themsrlvos into a state home bureau, and the organisation ha* giv en a big impetus to ronnty work. Ro rrilaJy appointed delegates from the uiiic-iTiu twaimrs wiii m my coun tv's report end th* Heritor of offi cers for the ensuing v*»r will take place Mil. Grace Bradford McDow ell. p; evident, will preeide at this meeting. I At the joint sem.ona for men and women Mr. Cha*. Gillette, landscape {designer of Richmond, will diecuas plans for hraatifying the farm pre m>rec, the removal or screening of unsightly object*, making the beet of good landecspe features, and base .plantings which shall connect the , hou-e with th* ground He will aleo tell something of the u*n of native ,trees, -hrubs and plant* nnd what .can be done about the lawn. At the .Joint »c*»]on elf* Mias Johnson will give a talk on th* cooperation of the family in making th* home a com ,0s that of the president of the Far mers" Convention, will be delivered Tuc,.dav morning. I On Wednesday night the division iof home demonstration work will take charge of the entertainment to be given. The Raleigh Community Service bar kindly consented to pre sent a short play entitled “The Moose Trap,” or some other equally good play, and the song leaders division has agreed to eonduct community ringing for that night. . .11 la hoped that every rural wo man who can make her arrangement* to come to the convention will do to. Th* college will room free of charge an; woman who can attend. Meal* .will coat 50 cent* apiece, which will make the trip inexpensive. Those at tending should not forget to bring bed linen, towels and a blanket. Each county which ha* an organis ed county council la entitled to two .delegatee to tbl* convention and a* the Harnett county council has no meeting until after th'* convention, and can evlect no delegate*, any wo man who will attend Is asked to send her nemo to the Coonty Demonstra tion Office in order that the president *f the council may have a chance to appoint our delegate*. ill Ull* Section. 1 "Each Federal Lend Bank, on e» tabliihment f our acyasreg etaoin tr* tablishment foor years ego, had a capital stock $75il,»oo, subscribed by the Government in the main but to hr returned to the Government, as eturk should be parehaead by the bor row co< themselves eventually the stockholders. "The money that it loaned ia fur nished not by the Government, bat by the sale of bonds baaed on the mortgages placed apon tho farms of .the borrower*. There bonds are not Huarantred by tho Government but by the system itsalf, and all of Its ■resource* are behind them. ! "The system is administered by a board of live, known a* the Federal Farm Loan Board, and ia composed of the secrotary of tho tieamary and four appointed members. Tha aoat of .'.his board is at Washington. Each l of the twelve banks has Its own board .of directors, under tempo)ary organ isation five in number. Three of those are active in management, while two merely attend directors’ meetings when cailol. The law further provide* that in time there shall he nine direc tor/, throe appointed by the Farm Irfian Board and six sleeted by tha borrower* themselves. "The capful stork of $750,000.00 oi ginully famished come originally :f ota the Government, as a tempor ary advance from the Treasury. As isoun as loans began to be made, far mors began to become owner* of the bank* for each borrower must sob scribe and pay for stock when kla loan ia closed to the extant of ftya per cant of the maount of hie loan. , i M capital stock of tho Federal Loon Bank ef Columbia ia now more than $1.'iOO.noo.OO. Within the roasonaV ly near future there will be no stock except that owned by the farmers of the four sUtei In this laud Bank District who kaee borrowed from 1$ It ie impossible for anyone except a bormwer to over sea a single ahar* of stock In the Federal Land Bank. "The sy/tam is a purely no-opera lice one. It ie established along line, (Continued on page t.) JOHNSTON FOLKS I WILLATO IN FAIR Banner Township Will Send It* Community Exhibits To Dunn Banner Township, Johnston Coan ty, will co-operate to tba folk* *x knt with the Harnett County Agri rultotal Fair Association In staging th* big fair at Dunn October 11, to le>. In Addition to Uiu it will strive to induce Meadow and Elevation Townships to give i big aM to the event. This much was aaauied Saturday afternoon when Proaiderl Henry Tur .lingtun and Secretary T. L Riddle met with off-rers of tho Banner Town *.» Community Pair and obtained their promt** to exhibit practically th* whole of their fair her*. Th# commu nity fair will be held in Benson Oeto her *—the Saturday preceding the opening of th* Dunn event th* follow ing Tuesday. This year oAcara of the Banner fair are attempting to eoaibine the community expositions of the three townships mentioned. Banner, Kiev. Uon and Meadow comprise some of th* richest agricultural lands of John ston and It ia expected that th* agri cultural orthili from them will be among the most notable in th# fair. Officers of the Banner organisation • re: President A. T. Lassiter. Vice President W. T. Lea, Secretary g. j>. «”V;y*J,bMA“U,*nt Mrs. “i T. Martin With the assurance of this eupport M '• lt’ddle and other fair officials are encouraged to believe that this year S1'! the biggest country fair la North Carolina. Herbert Hoover the savior nf Europe's starving millions, who II In speak here on th* last day of the fair, witl attract people from all over North Carolina and Mra. Georg* W. Vanderbilt, who is to in troduce Hr. Hoover, will prove an other attraction. Besides these the big shows to be brought here by tbs West aggrega tion witl round out the occasion to ptoaa* the thousands who are expect ed to attend the fair. When women wore bustle* they were misrepresenting. With the mod ern high skirts end roll down stock ings—you’re got to believe it because you can see It TWELVE DEATHS IN MACON HOTEL FIRE BXT'snc’uiwjii urn In The Ruiaa; Explosion Started Tit* Blaze Macon, Ca.. Aug. 21—Work of ex ploring the ruins of the Brown House, which was completely destroyed by Bre at an early hour this'morning and whare more than a down bodies are believed to be buried, stopped at sun down tonight. j Building Inspector P. Joe Bishop, in charge of the hunt for bodies, an nouncod that the search will be re sumed at day-light tomorrow morn ing with a force of 100 convicts from the county and city chain gang. "We will know before noon," he said, "just how many bodies are in the diAiris. We expect to And at least twelve—possibly more.” Explosion Caused Flea A coroner’s jury reported this af jtcnioon that an explosion of escaping gas in the basement of the Brunner DrM Company caused the Are. The explosion cut a hole through the hotel from the basement to the roof, tore out the stairways and wrecked the elevator after driving it upward. Fire escapes at the rear of the building were enveloped in flames an instant later and Are also was burning from every window In U>o big brick struct ure. It Is understood that the State Are marshal will arrivt bare tomorrow to aid in the invaatiearian that le under. »»y f acts obtained by city and coen ly "W'*al* and tha 8tatc Are marihal will ba laid before the Bibb county grand Jury at ita next aouion through Solicitor Coneral Char lea U. Garrett. Whoa work of exploring tho mini of the burned hotel mopped for tho night four bod I ri lay in a local un dertaking oaUfcliohment, only three o which had been identified. Eight »e aone were in the Macon hotpital •nfforing from torioui bumi and bro ken bona*, received from the lire and in Jumping from eecond and third atory window#. Other* ion loriouily hurt was attended by private phyti riant. Tha list of minting mounted to night to toven, and there wore many inquire* from ail pert# of Georgia far pomona whom it in feared were in the hotel. Horace Wtoma. aon o tha proprie tor of the Brown Home, nid there were mom than one hundred gweett at the hetel lam night. The hotel reg ister wa* de lroyed In the fire and much difficulty li being cxporlonced in cheeking th milring. Only a mall oction of tha erlrfnal boildmg, bulk long before tho CtvJI War, ramained Intact tonight with floor* mill clinging to the ildt walla. It wai in exploring one of thaoo lod ge! thli morning that fir amen canto Xn two bodlea. on# af which wai i tifiad a# Harry Tornipaaed. a rail road employe. The ether body, which •ay only a foot away, with hand* rleaped and outMrctehod hat not boon identified. r firemen worked continuouaiy on tho blaia from 14ft o’clock thia imorning until lata In tha afternoon. They aroro roe ailed at 1 :*0 * a’oloefc whon flame* brake out agala in the mine. It wa* the heat which eauaad the aecead Are Building tnapeetor Bit hop Mated, that aeeenitatod tho Aban donment of the aeerrh fer bodice to night |Kincaid Is SenfMhced To Term of 18 Yean |Notic« of Appeal U Given end | He Goea to Jeil While Bond la Aniaiif j i5 organ Ion, — High teen at hard labor i* Ui# atolr pris on «» sentence prom ’ | by Judge Bryson this mom in or Sidney A. (Kincaid. Burke count commisrioner. whose trial on the c‘ 0f wife mur der haa been in pn j since Tues day. Attorney* for __ defendant im mediately gave notice of appeal and the court announced an appeal bond of *5*50 and an appeAranco bond of *10.000. , Kincaid >• atilt in J*n but it It said that the bond is being arranged. However, at the clerk*, efflee late this oflernooa the rontspfiidont wan told that it hed net yet tnyen signed It will doubtless be arranged aariy negt week and Kincaid win be a free man daring the three moutp requested for the preparation of h j appeal to the Supreme court. The Uncoln count# fury which heard tha care ...i._I er elleted Mich sympathy for him. 11 wwold have reused regret et a fir«t degree verdlrt In passing aanUaij this morning Jedge Bryson departed item what he said was h:s usual mua and cam mm ted to the thrdag gathered in the courtroom on the lessor the trag edy should bring o, the effects of! blockade liquor, maki gthe statement ™ ,lh* c»nmci*ne< at the man who sold Sidney Kincaid I is liquor should rest marh of the blai w for thr death of hi* wife. AMERICAN TO Food Muoitsoasa For War Against V-—ration Washington, Auif. If.-—Onco more AmeHean supply ships are to bridge the Atlantic—tbit tin* carrying food munitions for the American relief ad-1 ministiation's war against starvation and sickness smoaff the children of soviet Russia. . . Food shipments from Kew York arc to begin ai soon as "vessel* are ready, officials mid tonight, but it was be lieved that turpluf supplies from warehouses abioad were alieady mov ing Into Russia under the working a greenvent negotiat'd at Riga between Walter Lyman Brown, European di rector of the organHaiion, and Lltri *|off. the Soviet reprceentative. At yet, official* declare. Secretary Hoover chairman of the administra tion. has only outlined in a broad and gene. »l way the pj*ns for ihitigatlng the Russian famine. Bufore the pro gram can be worked- out in detail, it was explained,- relief agents most site up the iltaatlon In tbs vmri oua famine areas, and report on the difficulties such aa transportation, to be overcome and the number of hun gry mouth* to be fed. At first because of the nature of the country food zettaf in Russia nec essarily must be limited, officials as sarted, bat aa the admlaietralWs ve t/nn ornnifiliaa rfRakad (»• m.wi mom spied they predicted that vast stocks of foodstuff* would crow the sea* to Russian children. Th«s* sup plies have been speclnlly selected to meat Ui* dietary needs of the young. Actual distribution, it was Mid, would pro*>n.b]y be made at hut kitchens '"rher* the children would be fed twice a day. as this method would insure th« hood teaching ita inunded objects and enable the moat careful check of outgoing supplies. Secretary Hooevr estimated the co.t of Russian relief, whan it is well *t from >1.180,009 to >1, 500,000 a month. Tua administration will depend upon It* treasury he Mid, for necessary fund*, and upon cur rent contributions of cooperating or ganisations and individuals. All Am erican organisations participating m Wif 'totV under the American relief administration will moot her* Wod for a prolimlnary conference with Mr. Hoover. Every dollar to ho expended by tb* administration on behalf of Rusaiaa cbMdrcn will b» sy*"t in this count 17. Mr. Hoover has iRnomcsd, and A\ *»sod wiH bo sent from hero with th« oxroption of sveh tuiplut Mocks already abroad. Governor GUd That He Want To Concord 8*y* StUg la Rtvsiis. Thor* Mo. ffaswd and That CompUU Order WIN Be Established I Ashsvill*, Aug. >9.—On hi* return I to the summer capital this afternoon Covornor II<>rneon stated that the I Hlng in the '.itootlon at C*nc00 lUfcaftg Pm Thuraday It w31 be back in Next Thuriday to **k for ib »fs s KrcsssfusrM: to It tart Wednesday In rebated taxes by Revenue Commissioner A. D. Warn, and Ute State Board of Equ al cation. „ Not oil of tha Americas Tobacco Ct T|iany’f property is In Durham runty. The State Tax Cemnrtodon fo'nd tw« million dollar* worth bl .«„cr n«"iu". *°nnty oa Janaary I, *fi22’ *ccol^*“d ta the book raise ap plied to it From this valae the eom *7&OoTU * ~dUOt,,n •* *-* Thursday's proceeding U placed oa tha line harts >4 that of tart wsak. and the Rddsvill# valaatran was io cludvd in the Initial exception Iliad by &\.b*?5® company. Commissioner Watte said aaveral day. age that ha bad advised the eomrty and city au thorities that a hearing weald bo •held, and if nay ware minded U pro Wst, to be hero on that dstal County May Fight Rockingham county had n tar rata ••f SO cents in 1MI; Bfldsilite a Kit ®* *• fMte. *»d tha Rrtdsvffi* school dirt, let a rate of •• cents, making a lets! of ll.ll for all purposes Ap pl ed to the 1700,00* rebate eo^ht by the American Company the aggrs !«te Of tike new largaos sought by tha roipcrstion is shout 910.000. Thing* may not move so paaoafaUy Thursday when tbs BoMavUU oaao comes before the beard. It lo beard here that Rockingham county dkkb yt coming down to pretort the in duction. and that the municipal as *ho:aL>e«, having fiscal difl cutties of Die r own. will not oeo their funds iw duetd without protest. The —rTt~g bid. fair net lo be altogether oos-tid ed. Vssterday passsd without etate ment from anybody and with dovalp tnent of the fight between Commte donsr Watta and Commimlonar Mas well. Rumors of oocret eouneiU of we. wherein plans worn formulated for u.•homing Mr. Maxwell gaanad currency, but no tanghle rsssh was in evidence. PARK OPENED BY PEOPIt AT BENSON Benson. Aug- SI—Tally 2,000 peo pla from five rountiea ware irsoant »t tba opsnlag eeramany of WIDecr Brook Park Saturday night. Tha principal speaker af tha occasion ana Miss Elisabeth Kelly of tha Stele Da* partment at Baleigk. who has charge of tha schools for tba Illiterate af the State. Mist Kelly Is well known to the people of Johnston and adjoining rountiea. having lived in Johnaten for many years She era* glen an ovation when the appeared in tba platform. _ In her talk, aha drat toadied upea conditions which, she said, ware nae oaeary before an Ideal community life eon d exist. Civ* organisations should avoid duplication of sffort, A# raid, and when one organisation had start* nd a definite project, tha others thuld put their shoulders to the wheel, gam pointed la the park as an evampla of what could ho accomplished by civic organisations in small towns. Mice Kelly touched upon tha Dead af pre per agencies for tba drralepmeal of the lives of the ehildnn into a good ettisenahip. Replying to the oft-repeated sog S action that the young people af te ay are going to tha ‘'bow-wows,” Him Kelly chid: "There ia na cause to worry sfcout this It Is true that soma of the children of today Mod man to do. Each child ahauld have soma dsd nita work for which he er she ia di roetlr responsible. Many parents, to* set rvrriE.ru: aaft, ’ but in this they make a great mistake.” speaking of the promt «ty*M In »”««'» clothing, and of tho atMtuda of men, Mia Kelly Mid: “A woman la ju«t aa old aa ahe look* and a man * »oecr old until ho mote looking.” Other premiaant Johneton Coonty Kprakere wort: Mayor Oaaoaday, ad Bcnjon, who told of the feuding of Benton and IU civic program la re orn: yean; Hon. Kan Parker, who mode a plea or tho elimination of pot ty jt"iouvi*. which eat tho haarf ot civic riohUootnaaat Dr. J. P.Martin, who tanced on batoholl at an ontMato for haid thaaa; CoL P. B. Jehneoa, who extolled the wondort which hava been accomplUhad by the Rntre Non* Club the poet few month*: Dr. W. T. Mertl.1. who introduced Mice XoHgj Goa. W. J. Root, who ipoha oa bohdf of the band. The pork wa* built throuh tho ef fort. ol tho Kntro Mom Oak, which not only fnmUhad all the ■iimnry fond*, bat the member* did o lot *3 tho woxk with their earn hand*. Gen eral Root wa* the daateatr aad capor intendent af the work Tho Beaaon American Larlon MIU Urv Band, aador the direction of Lb Alfred J. Schmidt, hood loader, D. B R , captivated the crowd wtth Ha etlr ring muale. Tho action of toxtllo worker* k to a «t toed by tho governor aa evidaa clay thalr wlMtngnam to reapeet Ian and order aad to adhere to their dati Governor Morririea tonight repeal od that ho want to Coocord reluctant ly end Mid that ho U now traty gla that ho wool ”1 think I did the rich thing, oaid the govoraor, and ee aria amt witnootod wa* of the kl*M cot tort." Shooting Affair hi Florida Town Myttorj Jacksonville, Pin.. Aug. IS—tU .ddltionei detail* of th. reported A.rting_ up of MaeClenny. county wat of P»Aer county, lot. Satordoj ■&* 'TT* u*’*Bfw* hw« w'> **• •Ight aad tho affair was aa dean $ ■or-Pory mb wy. today whoo •f tho occurrence. Telephone eaH< to rarUaa .ttimiu of MueCUn.y .ad •arrowdiag towao today aad tonight oUcitod tho reepoaao that they would tho matter. MaeClonny to only thirty at lire wort of Jaokooavllla, hot tho gravity of the rttaaUon wai indicated by tho tact £»‘ ^h8Urt »• ac car rod Saturday night nothing wan hoard of i* kero untfllato today. Perooiu who brought tho nowe Mid there were no nsaaluoa, bat that the front* of two **°«~oe on tho principal haoinace won dwaoiiohed by gunfire. Tho naa ol the shooting waa art known hare, hot M mi mid '-bed foel tag" hod dieted thranghonttiS/S trlet because af tho activity of Bhar iffBowo. roeontly appointed. who tmmT or favor. Wane had a relent lOM war opon thorn No report on tho mooting bad reached Governor Her doo at Tan.ha.Mi early tonight so tar a. wa. known ban. NET DECLINE FOR WO IN COTTON Hteh Haw Orleans, Lt, Aug. »1.— The '•"Sf af the teat week , trading • la the contract depart ■aat. October eteatag at ISM/aad daeUnea ad IS paiat* on middling y*«. okteh dosed at IS canto. TW»{ Mgb pricaa aftha watte mad* aa the' •pantag «•*■!•« white tha taw pricer •t Ue mjddle af the week. At th* Ughata th# more actira maatha in! tha centred market wan 2 to I points under th* lam of tha aneadhm weak; at th* I o warn tha* am || t* u Ugh as 11.71 and aa law as H «t IrJSS* *•, 5gtreJa^mJUJtH& ITWtag crap. It wu darned that da-1 tariocattea wu gaural and metre In "•uTy .Ul sectiou of th* halt, and {rirttenhubr aevar* In Tana*. where *ke drouthoanttauad. At th* and ad th# weak private abaervera arar# a aad in* to naaaagaa from Taaaa placing th* parmatag* of condition at only H f" af aocmal, in many emaaa and aa tew u 47 aad dt in a few caaaa. Tkaa* flgmraa compared with U u th* condition of tha Tnu crop the gavarnmant return* af Inly Barer* dsteriaration wu rapoitad ta th* weatara aactiaa af tha belt, wham, la nw localiUea, too math rain wu complain ad af. Waavil dam *li reported over wide areas and area in Turn*, in ipHa of the drouth? eoadkloiu than Th* dacha** of th* waak appeared t# b* du* In considerable maaanr* to badge selling. and at lists offerings from spat haute* were heavy enough t« h* the moat prom leant factor in tha trading. Th* aMelal waakly crap reparti war* mack batter than expected and eauad a temporary setback. Privet* rap art*, bewovw. war* always iafl eientiy had to h* a constant rapport Influancaa about balanced. There war* report* af aa aaaiar mat basis in tha Baptlmrata. but against this war* mas sage* from Pall Blear to th* affect that large priuteri bad cleaned that markat up at offering* of prist cloth* Stoat th* Auguat condition period •MS Thera day, around which day aav arsl private bureaa condition eitiiaa dca are expected which will be looked upon aa uaparteat. interest in tb* finding report te heightened by th* Increasing tendency In net quart an to contend that deterioration over tha bait baa bean great enough to bring ahaat chance* af a record af 10 potato in condition par Cant far Aug ust. Tb* axlatiag record is that af (2 and was mad* in llli ■IG ROAD BOND IBBUS IB VOTED IN HERTFORD Chapnt Hill, Aug. SI—la aplte af tha Aaaeial dnpraaNca aad law prfcaa af cattaa. tobacco and peanut*, out af Um partly agricultural eountita af Um Cliaaraa rogtaa hai had tka cour age ta vote a half million dollar bond laou* with which ta hai Id a county ayatato af raada, Him Barry, merc ury af Um North Carolina Good Raada Amaelation, baa Soft racaUad ward from County Road Baparlaua dont Hina*, wha wire* that the bond law la Hartford eooaty carried feat U ena. If lea Barry la eery mack plan*. *d near thla, a* aha made three Uipi U tka count* aad cant circular latum to tka ample In behalf of this bead tana*. Mm la alaa axtiamaly gratified haaaaaa K win probably mean thai other oauatle* in tkla aocUon, whlcl hkbarto have ukaa HtUe or no later eit In road work will Jela la Um • march of progrom. ■ GENERALLY'FAIR FOR WEEK IB FRRDICTIOB WaaWagton. Aag >1, — Weatha • yodhthem far tka week begin ntn I', Mld£eMAtlaaU* dtotaa re do rail • fair. Coaler Brut half aad mederat - tempeautare latter half af week. La eal fraata la aspaaed plaaa* ha extras LIQUOR DEALERS ( ARE PUNISHED BY j JUDGE CRANMER MOST or THEM GUILTY OF WHISKEY VIOLATIONS SIsftMm Arm White Mm Ami Eipht Arm Ntiroc-jmirt ruablMi I. Oaaiy TWm That Will Stop Traf. -No Sympathy For Mmm. I >U*ar*. j Horror*. Fur to in the hurt of tbo foar ww inooaaUner. Coamtoraatiea has •truck tbo rasVj *f tbo wily blind ti T£r.!ikkr-uiSaSd^d ,l%ta *bo •fcadow. of tbo alloy*. £*«• 0™“«r »• aa tbo job. «• »*• kbaoa anfly ciril llic countenance Varnaic* a -1-*f J*1"/J. the bench in Bmithfleld toat week hav, coa* aver tkm crap* rlaa to Mln*« ond Black ***** hEont» of tkot «Im suit «o And tbc follow* faar. ^tko jadae eeat twen ty-four ntaa to the road* 8«m*thtop »re» ninety par eeat of the nan an w"t were cenrieted *f vtototlona of **»» ef woeti Caro Itoa. BiatywU and two third* per eeat of them ware white men. Th*T drew aa avecaftt of eiabtom -* hard labor aa tbroad* JfJehE!. —for their crime*. Thl* to a total of *** Meath*, or nearly twenty-eight Aad bo to coming to Harnett la £• m3 will return to J *r Debt* Cum !. *<►*"» ou*». Aog. 'tt.—Tbs bit boll of IH* cotton was shown bn l****: h ow from tbo farm af L. **arthi, « prominent nearby far mer. Tbo revival recently no darted at Calypeo Bantu eherch by tho pastor, Srv. J. M. Dane in, recalled la (be ad dlCen af >7 new m—bire. a* moll as e!-o toate eddMione to both tho Moth cf 'd ead Pro—ytorlon rhorehoo. , A depleted troooory and qah* a n ember of onpotd bale la ooaaoctloa with lost toim. with the aoool eioniDc date ter tho aoA term roplOy uf. tMtfaraxtpjfifi another term Is to be hod. "reill ***** U —Id to be reepoa—Msfee wa*b »f tho board's —t»-»rr f r***ll poiUeei a* tho I i tooth Atlantis and Boot - c|g js.%aag u no IndteatioM at this time at a 2a * taihaaoo la thaws— Iodise.