__ THE DUNN Volume V1H. _Dunn, North Carolina, Ajugut 30, 1921. PLANS FOR SING AT LILLINGTON WELL UNDER WAY C«!*b ration At Lillington On Labor Day To Be County Wid. Event TOWNSHIP CLASSES PREPARE FOR CONTEST Each Claaa Number* About Forty Menubar* And Will Compete For Loving Cup—! Roy HofFmeister, Of Now I York, Now -At The County j Seat. Township classes striving to out aing on* another in competition, an-' aiciana ploying in an old-fashioned fiddlers contest, all the folk* of the1 county joining together in a regular { ''get-together" aing. these are some! of the feature* which will foster nef- j ghborly feeling by genuine enjoy- j rr.cnt of the holiday celebration in Lillington on Labor Day, September h. Hut everyone must hr there and - help to make this a real Harnett! Ccunty event. It is hoped that every family in the county will park up a I lunch and come prepared to sing and listen to singing, to meet friends, go to the ball game and to the entertain ment at night, and join in to tielp everybody have the best time of his Ufa. The plans Cor the Sing arc well un der way. The Sing will be held In the warehouse, which will T> Lillington ere making every snort to! arccmmodate the crowds and anter-1 tain them hospitably. To Uu* end a’ mass meeting was held last week and committee appointed to make arran gement* for the event Prises have been offered by the town of Lilting ton for the differont competitions. The county'* banks have offered a silver loving cup for the bast tinging claaa. Mr. Roy L. Hoff a* is tar of Carnjau nity Barvfcr, New York otsg, wSThave charge ol toe program of ’-hr Am* win sperui a »«« in tac county at tending rehearsals of ths town ship j singer* and perfecting final plans for Labor Day. Each township will have a class of about forty singers to compel* for the silver loving rap and win render a progiam limited to twanty-flvc min utes. Effort* are being made to have each township's program oviginal and varied so that there may bo little da-1 plication in the numbers. Singing by mala quartan from each township will be attractive features of the I contest and the fiddlern’ context isj expected to be all that an old-fashion ed fiddlers’ context should be. Tils contests on labor Day promise cxeitoment an well as beautiful and enjoyable music. Rack rival township confidently expects to bear off th* liv ing cup and all are working hard to this end. Competent judges, all from outside th* county, have been secared to decide the contest and award the prises. It Is not jurt th* competition for prises which has aroused the enthusi asm nf people alt aver the county. It is the genuine love of good music and enjoyment in this form of self expres sion which brings them together for practices and rauses them to sing ns never before. Of the township* at work on their singing classes six have nlrtady arranged their programs and others are formulating their plana Neill’s Creek township has held three prartiee* at Buies’ Craek, under the leadership of Mr. Leslie Campbell. Attendance has varied from forty to seventy-five, some coming over five miles to the praeticea In Buckhorn township, Mr. J. R. Brown of Kipling loads th# singing class Mr. FriaxeU. th* leader for LiNing ton. holds practices twice a week. Ths program has bean arranged and much interest shown. 3. M. Core is ths leader for Duke. H. C. Cameron has th* rehearsal* In Barbecue town ship well under wav. Under the lead er »h ip of T. L. Riddle, a large class baa been organized in Dann and Mrs. Harper Holliday is In charga af tho praeticea. ■ w mom vi nif urwnaaip* nave cooperated splendidly with the depart ment of Community Service to aroiue tntorMt and aocur* auppoit for the plana of Mioa Marne Camp, Director of Community Servieo in the coun tjr and the member* of her committee Paul Greene and Carlyle Campbell. Thin la a community event and the aid of everyone in the county >* need ed to make it a complete aueeeea. The leaden in the work have devated a gnat deal of lime and thought and effort. It in hoped that the whole county will turn aut to participate In the Labor Day eelebretion. ANY BRAINS "Two men got into a fight in front of a hank today,” raid a man at Iho family lao-lohle, “and I tell you it looked pretty bad for one of them. The bigger one wired a hag* «tlrk and brandiuhod it. I though no war folng to knock the other feMow’o raina out, and I jumped in between tbtn." The family llitaned with rapt at tention, and na be panned in hia nan mtlva, the young boro what* reaped for hio father’* bravery, wet immr* ■arable, proudly i ftarkad: "U« eoaldn't knock any bmlnt out of you, aould he father?”—Charity and Chil dren. ROY L. HOFFMEI3TER. Roy L. HofTmtixler. of Community Soi-Vice. Now Yorit City. Sing on la bor Hoy, September 6. Mr. Hoffmris tor is now in Asheville and the U. S. Training Camp for Women where ho ha* charge of the music and he haa had a wide experience as leader of Community Sings throughout the country. He will come to Harnett County nn August *9th, probably attending the rehearsal of the I.illlugton town ship singing class on that night It I* hoped thut Mr. Holfmelxter will be able to attend at least one rehearsal of i-ach township's class so that all may hav* the benefit of his aid. Hr will also train the grand chorus of the representative! from each town ship and he will heve charge of the program oa Labor Day. On Tuesday, August 80th. Mr. Hoff moiater will meet with the leaders from each township and win arrange with them for the dates of the rehear sals which hr will attend Plans for the program, for the county-wide e ho ItlWd 1 till AtKa* f4ata ils aa#4ll sLs h_ ' diseased. The meeting will be held in the Court House at four o'clock in the aflornuoo and each leader has been requested to attend or to tend someone to represent his township. All hr* asked to 'cooperate to make the Sing a complete success. Obtain Views Of The Other Great Powers As To What Subjects Sbaald Cams Before Arms Coafaraace—Am •rice Uaerllliag Take Lead Washington. Aag. 26. ~ Although nagaUation* to define the scope-of the naaaaatea teMfr that preliminary steps have been tak en to obtain the news if the other uowers as to what -nsbjoctr they be lieve should come before the confer ence. The state department it is under stood. has been enwillirr to bo plarvd in the position of taking the lead in framing the agents for the confer ence. preferring that there should be informal conversations between the department and the other often through lhair representative* In Wash ington, When i UuKe exchanges have fahlv defined the subject matter which would bo nccrntablo. it is prob able Secretary Hughe*, will prepare a tentative aeenda for submission to the other govemmsnt* or addi tions. BFNSON SHOCKED BY DEATHS Benson. Aag. 2(1 —The community Was shocked Thursday, when the death of two of Its oldest residents oc curred. In the morning. Junes Mor gan dropped dead while working at the nark. Heart failure was tl^y cause. Ha had been feeling poorly for a few dnvr. bnt was able to he around. While shout to speak to a pawer-hy, he expired. He was well and faeonrb ly known In this section where he had resided all his life. Mrs. J. M. Lawhen, who had boon failing for some time, passed away Thursday afternoon. Members of the family were at her bedside when the end camt **TAKE ME BACK TO CAROLINA” Take me back to Carolina, Whore Use roses bloom so fair, Whore the violate and daisies, Ith their perfume All the air. Take me back to Carolina, Where the birds so sweetly sing, l et me listen to their music. Memories of long ago they bring. ;Tar1ie me bock to. Carolina, With Uie Magnolia bloasoms o'er me, Faint and fragrant aa the row. Taka ma bark te Carolina, lot me «ee her aky onec more, And her atreaau and lofty mountains, I itiU love them aa of yore. I Taka mo hark to Carolina, i fond of chivalry and pride. Where vara born the braveet heroes, Men who for their Cvantry died. Take me bark to Carolina, Whore the sweet cat women dwell, | Radiant in all their baaoty, > Sweeter than the longue ean toll .Take me back to Carolina, Hallowed Btote that gavo ma birth Dceivrt spot in nil creation, Bwarteet place nf all tho Perth. Take ma back to Carolina. Lay my fbrm beneath her aod, When my daya on earth are over, ■ And my spirit gnee to fled. —Jaa, W. Stroud. I, Richmond, Va. The joy of a kind act la from thi •ante source aa that *f anything wot dooo—it la all In the doing and n* in the gratitude of thoaa for whom H la dona. Dunn District Cotton Is Coming To Market | First Sale Was Said Saturday Briny i»« 17 1-S Cant. Pound. Nsu Postmaster Sunrhina of |ba farmer's smile a-1 Coin cants its rays throughout the1 Dunn district—1021 eottnn la begin-J ning tu roll in simultaneously with the piomlse that the stuff will be sold! at a profit. The first bale, grown by! Drew Lee, came to town Saturday and was bought by the J. L. Thomp-J |f.on company for 17 1-2 cants. It’ weighed 420 pounds and graded strict! middling. With cotton prices stranding dur ing tha last three days of laid wnek tha general tone of the community's business alee, took an upward trend. Restaurants, deserted by all nave the regular .boarders for months, became ciowded with patrons: motion picture houses pul out tha 8 S 0 signs; trad ing in the stores became brisker, and a heartier cheerfulness was apparent along the ttrocU. Some tnei chants arc inletding to diaplsy ilk shirts neat week. Along with the better tono came ultimatums from the washerwoman, who demanded higher pay for the weekly wath as, an allerfnative to quitting the Job and going into the fields to pirk cotton. Even this, how ever, has biought a smile to the item . visage of Sing Jung, Chinese laundry man, who expert* n return of the pre-deflation business. Uuildlng operations, too, are re fleeting something of a more hopeful feeling. Several merchants, who have deferred homo building for months, have announced intentions to build i at once. There is slto a hone that tha school bonds, thiough which Dunn hopes to build three school building* within 12 months, can he marketed at once. Cotton crop conditions throughout this district arc very near normal, in spite of the fact that a minimum of commercial fertiliser was used. Prac tically no hlrad labor eras used on the 1 smaller faims, hut a maximum of work was done by members of the family. While growing the crop far mer* lived at home, making fewer and emnlier bill* at any time within the last two decadei it is behaved. R. 0. Primrose, district representative of the Hprunt cotton interests, stated yesterday that the cotton crop in this laenlity hnd been produces more cheaply than had any in the pnet 10 years. Ordinarily about 26.1)00 bales of cotton are marketed in Dunn from tha Harnett, Bampeon, Cumberland, and Johnston crops. Hardly IB,000 baiea ef last yoar's crop baa rome to market. If this year’s crop is np to normal there will hq cfctee to 36.000 Eastern Carolina Rag Is Won By Newborn Wla Decisive Cam* of Stria From Croonrillo Eagle*. Scot* Two To Oao Greenvillo, Auk. ZB.—In the most stubbornly contested game of the tea ton. the New Born Bean won the de risive game of the championship te net from Creenv-111* this afternoon by |the score of 2to I, thereby becoming! the champions of the Eastern Carolina ; league. It is estimated the game was wit neacd by 2,004 people, who earn# from many paiti of the coanty to see the league closing. About S00 of thorn cam* from hew Bern and thev 1 ?aw everything coming to them in tha wav of championship ball. Beal: and Wilaoa. pitching sees of each club, were on the mound and showed > remarkable form, especially In pinch l*.'- Beall hurled by far the moat con sistent game, but the Boar* were lucky enough to get the breaks with men -on bases and were enabled to! send across the winning tally. The 1 Eaglet several times threatened to overcome the lead which tbetfBoars pil ed up in the seventh frame but were unable to do so on account of their inability U hit opportunely. In tha ninth frame the Arts am ]^n*U Renmn. AugT 26—fcmrgla'ra of a pxittculariy InAfMamii haw hern operitinjr in thiXiimnunily the part couple of wr«X Vh*t they L-annot yet in vuluaMjBRty takn oat In raacalitica of varjHL kind*. En tering the raeidoneaBpKkw. A. T. l-aaa'tea while k« wa^Erayf'nn * va tu t ion, they a tola a^BUl collection >f rare colna WhichSli >*>*«• I very highly. Then aiipaiflBdc chagrin ad it nut finding more UBtbey proceed 'd to give varioua ro^ftln the houaa I coating of jelly, they found n the pantry. EfiBI dgantity of he church ia not aa^Brom the van iala. for the Meth^H church waa Ihe next place entBd* apparently eith the object ef ^Eng the Sun lay achool coileetii^B -flailing to ret ur.ylhmg, they pHgcded to turn hingj upside down jB^general way. ( wo other eit aeoa hS reporte d »uf ruring from the naXai*' depreda liona. Tba city det^Kvr force il on iielr trail The funeral ofBB* lfoorc. one *r the beat known Bfdantai of thia welion, took place Jttsrday at the Benton cemetery, amp Rev. A. T. Laaaiter condutling^S aervicca, and I tin-go coneuuric cMscdi and rel iliva* ureaant to p^BRair laat trib ale. Doceaaed Radjban . in failing icalth for tome He waa affl ctcd with ciwplng^Bmljraia. lie la ajrvlved by a wife^HtWo non*. Wil iam. of Kayattevr^Kmd fuller at tome Two broth^Band three *i» era al»o rare ire l^Ka follow*: J. ■ Moorw, Smithfl^^D. F. Moure, .'■olumbia, S. C; BE H Pickett, Jhieago. Ch:ca«o: ^B JL H. Taylor, .hieago; Mr* J. R^BielU, Fayette -c 'Proposed Tk Com Ben ton, Aug. Swill maci ng of the Comi iation, to other with __ and Book 3ubs baa boon naxt Tue* ky night ut ", auditor uni. when an be made to •range the i i of all the oral civ'e oi In such a na-nar that (wing into ine when (U hl “lent for the vrlfara ef the Jty at largo a launched. iu#h a plan will M Wail the chautao l»n cornea hem September 8, 7. and i In pci; yean the chaulauqua has >eim none too taceeaafal, and h re nains to be seen whether the combin ed efforts of tho various organization ran give it the necessary Impetus to warrant its continuance.' A movement la also on root to merge the two women's dobs—(he Entrv Nous and the Book clab. While this is favored by eome, it it mooting i>paneit:on in many quarter*, as it is felt a spirit of friendly rivalry draws forth the best efforts of the members at both dubs. The Entre Clob recent ly did a splendid piece of work when it built Willow Brook Park and threw it open to the public. This club has li*o been sponsoring the production at home talent plays. The Book Clab ;iaa also done much civic improve ment work. BUILDING ROAD TO CET TOBACCO TO COME HERE Smithfltld, Aug J6.—The Cham bar of Commerce, after discussing ways and meant or which the road Irading from this city to BeMonvilW ran be made passable, has appointed a committee too call upon the merch knts and businem men ef the city to rhfoe the necessary fupdt to finance the work. The buainose mea of the city have been working on the proposition for several weeks. Many tripe have been made Into the Ingrams township to prevail upon the folk of that commu nity to work the thoroughfare, and they assert their willmgneae to eo operate with the BmlthJield people in putting tho county capita] in reach of that section. Work will be started on the oro Jaet by the first if the coming week, and all indication* ate that It will he completed by Use opening ef tho to* barro market on tbs following week. The town eommlarioners and the county officials are helping and con vict labor will be aaatf The city of Bmlthfiald will let all of Ita street forces and implements with the truck* of the various baslnea* men, in or der that the work may be puriiad forward at a rapid rata. HARNETT AWAITS COMING OF PROHIBITION JUDGE Llllmgton. Aag. IS—Thar* I* con eidarufcla ronateraatlon la the camp ol Uia Society to the Evatioe of Vo|. Head. Th* reaaon of the "cenatera" ii the fact that Judge El R. Cranmar It on hia Judicial pilgrimage throng) the diatrict. Jadge Creamer ha* beer gletn th* till* of “prohibition govar nor of North Caro Baa” and Jodgina from hi* attitude toward mvtnoer* at the hooto fraternity ha la worthy ol the title. Th* gaad road* uK>v**a*nt la ha Ina given a haoat In the cauaUa* (r which Judge Otanmar hold* court Road evidence* are a apoclaity wit) him., vary few patron* of Ma eeur being allowed to pay Snoa la Uou ol th* work. Th* hoy* whe "amoke thi kotrlaa" do not rellth thla fora* of re ward for their eervloea la furalahini refreahmenta aad no doubt they wii ate ovary effort to attar clear of Uil juriat wh* (a proving each an affrien a miliary to the MgVway cemmiwlon Judge Ommner will make Ma ftev vlrT to thla county In September, op aning court bora an the tth. and een tinning far two week*, far th* trie ef bath dvll and ertmmal a a***. ^——■ Bank Resources Drop 42 Million CMdtttea J«M SO I. II.# PW Cast Under Tear Ag*i Slate Still Rich . k*'*1*11. An*. 24.—Resource* ia 5S4 State, private and taring* bank aad tiuol companies ia North Caro naa ibnwcd a decline of baor* than |43,OOO.OUU, Juno 30 1921, ax oom parvd with the figure* af the pre viaa> June,- according to a Hat ament given out by tbe binteag department of lha Corporation Coataa.'aaion Sat lurday. Total raaourtai are given at 9242.374 671 aa aguinat l2ht.fUl8.919 in Jana 30, 1920. I reluming all bank*. National, State and pH vela, the decrease far the aama pc iod waa 904,864.346 out af a to tal $462,900,919 for the year endiiw Jo>e 30, 1020. Represented in par railage*, the decree** for banka af all claaaas wt* 14.1 per cent, while the decree** far State bank* waa only 11.4 per rant State and private banka held 67 par cent of the total banking regourcat in tha data. Tbe heaviest reduction* ware la dc poaita *ubject to eheek, and time da poait certificate* aad laving* depo sit*. In tba farmer the ahrinkaga waa 631,734.432, and ia lha latter, $18, 170,230. Luma* and diuounte dropped 926,000,009 aa compared with tha Sg area of the pravioat year. Ia tha col umn of incraant, enlarged capital ttock hold* the large at Itgarv, with aa Increase of 62.600.000 Closer banking it indicated in lha fact that overdraft# dtopped mine than $600,000. 1 hough tomtwhat discouraging on tha fact of it, the report ihowa that tbe date ha* a good daal to go to gvt bark to the figure* af even 1019, and that even at tha rvdaced figures, banka have four time* a* much money on hand than they had night years ago, and nearly $60,900,000 mova than they had two year* ago. The following ia a tabalatlon of figures tine# 1912: Juaa 14, 1912.$71,144,194.2$ Jana 14, 1913 - 82,042,007.23 June SO, 1014 .- 89.24S.696.25 June 30, 1915.9U.317.238.10 Jana 30, 1916 . 96.24i.S94.01 June 30, 1917_119,709,413.53 June 29. 1919 .160,413.503.93 Juaa SO. 1919_196.4SS.S31.9$ June, 84. 1920 .284.388,919.94 Jon* 30. 1031 .242,374,578.SS A full year it really not 365 day*. A* a mailer of artoal calculation, the earth gut* around tha tun in 346 day*, 5 hours, 4$ minute* and 46 sec ond i, which really make* 366.2422 day*. It waa that eeteblidtod calcula tion that fit ad r the making ef'a calen dar tuck a difilcolt proposition, and even now, it will be men. the calen dar of day* dean not actually ‘aquare’ with thy rotation a of-the earth around w Begin Difficult Task Of Railing The ZR-2 aw Mm Believe Mm tU BWWl W.r* Swept Up *u «nn By TkU. Hall, Eng. Aug. 1*.Effort* to uA v**« tho wrack of ZR-2 ia wkieipraad hop* that more of the bodies of h«T crew might lie recovered from the twilled dflbrU of th. giant alrehip. were returned at lew tide today. AH Hull. It teemed, watched from ‘he quay* along the river, which poqrt itself out, chaculata-coloied, to the tea. Thousand* of per*on* irtood patiently for hoars, watchiae while th. laivag* men straggled with the difficult task af running rtarl ropaa under the wreck of ike airship for the I purpoia of trying to poll it from tho | muddy bottom with the incoming high • tid*. During th* lot* day admiralty of-i Accra went out In a tag to Imped tho[ : wrack, while (mail Mdvaga craft af ,th* air department ware gleaningi I what thay could frofc th* part* of the ZR-2 projaating from th* water. Th. American air officer* anxioa* to racuvor the bodiri of tboir comradea, alto impeded what era* left of thoi dirigible that era* to have taken thorn | to tho United State*. Th* ZR-2 lica on a *and or mad ( bar about half way ia the mouth of tho rivor. thro* fourth* of a mile' l from .hero. Th* water at low tid* here i* about four fact deep. Bo bant and twisted lo the akeleton frame which project, from th* surface, that daapita th* ihallownes* of tha watar at low tide, it will be extremely dif ficult to move the wreck because of Ita givat weight with clinging mud .md *h» river running swiftly on i either rife. ULLINGTON MAN "AND WIFE LEFT THURSDAY FOR CHINA Mr. and Mr*. W. B Jahnnon toft Kara Wednesday morning for Rich mond. Va- from whence they wlD go to Chicago, at both of which place* they trill vWt relative* They will leave Chicago Friday for Seattle, from whence they will tail on August 27th for flee Chow, Chino, where Mr. Johnaon will assume charge at princi pal of Ynt»a Academy. Mn Johnaon trill a lac teach la the academy. They Hava contracted to term with the aca demy for a period of throe yoara. Mr. Johnaon la a Lillington boy. a •on of Mr. Wtoy Johnaon. He wu 'graduated from *Lilllngton High !aebool in 1*18, after which he went to Richmond University. On June 15th hr went U the Unleeraity of Chicago where be rounded out hit mallneationi for worh In the foreign Held. He to being aeni to Chine b* the Southern Boptlat Mtoeion Board. Mr. Johnaon married Mlm Bate , Carper In Fulaakl. Va.. A opart Sth. While panning bit Muide* la tha i University of North Carolina Mr. Joh.ison volunteered for aervleo m ■ the Marine Corpe at the call of Am I r. leans to amt It waa after being i mustered out af service that ha sm I tarad Blrhmond UnWortHy. Mr. Johnaon is *• yaarn aid.—Han I art! County Newt. I - - - -- ’» Paoplr are never to happy as whan I giving out Information -that« why there la sn much mMnforaaot on. Two Negroes Commit | Bold Crime In Moore, Carthage. Aug. 2*.—White driving I a car late Tuesday near Hama, a ] man named Bandar* from Monlgome-, ry coanty, ran it into a ditch aadi be overturned. He could not get I It righted and hired a white ma*, lamed Whitaker U .lay with him at i ■he ear that night. Bandera waa I irinkmg and when he hired Whltta ter h* palled a roll of money from1 tla pocket aad paid him $i. Taro i negro**, Will Ihiaaar and Caen*' Cranford, u« the money, and early, n the eight after Bandera had gone :® »l**p In-the car. they returned,1 md drawing u gun on Whittaker, nad* him aland by while they robbed i tenders Then they compelled Whit, •akcv to accompany them nearly three nilea. when they shut him in the back! ha ballet lodging ia hi* liver. They, eft him, and h* lay ia the read until' «und by neighbor* tome hour* later, >ftar Bender* had sobered enough to rive th* alarm. L u.'. j. MtM Blue, of Carthage, at- ] ended the wounded nann, and aaya , hat be has internal hemorrhage* and i tia condition ia terioet. The negro** i lave boon working on a read farce i >nd era wall known 80 far they t lava eluded the efleera. J The Carolina Sand aad Gravel com-'. >any 1* bonding a 400 foot treat)* at l U plant a* aa ta rue Ha gravel can . ivar th* railroad track* aad lead the , land and gravel into the railroad ■n without extra handling. Tour I loep well* are being sunk *e a* to , iuur* aa ample aratar napply. «v. a aTuxis speaks AT OUTDOOR SERVICE J (New* and Observer.) The outdoor service on th* CaaHo) , Square lam evening wa* attended by. ■ large crowd. Th* Err. J. A. EUia,1. ia*tor of the Pullen Memorial Bap- . :iat church, conducted th* aerviee and , preached an inter rating Sermon. Ma- , lor C. N. Buriy, of State College, 1*4 j n the tiaging aad. Mias See Kyi* j Southwich accompanied at the plaao. . Or. R. T. Vaan offered the opening ) prayer. Mr. Elba (poke do "Christian Hap- j line**.” aad in hit dlaeoar** strewed ' the fact that real happinas* cannot ! •ome from material thing*—although , they contribute ta happtaaa* — hat ' through aa abidiag faitn in the prin ciple* of Chritfianity and impUeit , treat In Jeio* Christ. The next ear- , rice wIB he held Sunday evening at ! 9 40 o’clock aad th* speaker will he { announced later. -j ll UNITED IT ATE* LOSE* ■ •/ EIUJOE «i>B«l»U ' - '! Washington, August. 26.—Ths, [Jilted State, will loss a Billina dol-1, lars throagh tha destraction of tan di rigible ZR-2 under terns of an agree- , ■eat catered Into with the British ! government. I] The agreement, according to a da lament Issued today by the Kory Department "provided that in the ! event of total lose of this airship tea (the ZR-2) while unfier cmetruetola w-daring trials, the two governments j vould jointly bear the lose on an ego-,’ >1 basis" The United States has paid 61.600,- ■ 900 to ths British Government on , the contract cost of 62,000,000 for the ZB-2 the cUtement added. Ac cordingly tha British government will turn back 6800,000 to the United States. THE WILL TO LIVE * Ij - i. It is announced by the 8ave-a-Ufe league that here were 0,400 colei-1 dee In the first half of the yewr in this’, country, compared with lese than half ! the number in the corresponding pe- . riod of last year. Lota of employment j and failure In business due u econo- , m!e depression were given aa tha , chief causes; but 60? children were inc laded in the reckoning. The number of eolf-doetroyers Is menacingly large; bat with the daily J closer approximation to normal cen dihions in our industrial and social life the figure will dhrmdle and the Utter half of 1021 may show a mark-! od and a welcome decrease. Plenty, of di tee a raged and deralict tools the world over need friendship und an rcuragemsnt and such comfort as a genuine religion gives to many. Tha, man or woman amdiutiag the selfish, course that some have ckoeen needs to be reminded that even tha moot iso-1 Uteri among us eannai live unto thcmsnlvos clone—that we an. “Mod In the bundle of Ufa" with many who I depend on our strength and oar sym pathy. Those who live life to the at-, loimost are not thinking of ending H; they begin reels new day in thankful ness for the fresh chance it brings to work and to serve. The work euro U a good on# for a mind that U mor bid about death.—PhtUdelpMe Pub lic Ledger. BENSON HOME ENTERED BY MALICIOUS BURGLARS Benaen, Aug. **—Burglars of a pai lirnlarly low-down stamp hart bone operating la this community tho peat couple of weeks. What they eaa not get In raluablea they toko out in rarcalltlra of various kinds. Entering tho rosMoi r i.l Mot A. T. Lead’.ar whllo bo Was away on a vacation, tkoy dole • small collection of rare coins which he prited very highly. Tfaa. apgatcntly chagrins.) at net (indue Of re lent, they a-f«Jsl to gl*-f v i. i ,*s rooms la tha hei.i a coating | •( Jr y, which they f.'O’d in ike pas try Bros tha sanctity of the church It* not »af» from tha vaadala, far tha Method!* church scat tho nc*t ylaca entered apparently with tha object of stealing tho Sunday school collections. Palling to gat anything they procsed led to turn things opdde dawn to a general way. By the time the hound of directors fat through eating loach end toOing funny storico to ouch other, they have net much time left to direct. • CONSIDER RETURN OF TROOPS AFTER TREATY E SIGHED <• Ddh.Hi Prediction Mod* But In No Nmuit, Of GERMANY FOOTS BILL FOR THEIR UPKEET lorly Action Ob Now Trusty Eeyected By Both United States Senate -nd The Ger Man Reich* toy | Aauticu Soldiers Stationed On HUm New Number 14,000 Men. Wstjilngtoa. W ert prap to high ofikial quartan to ay that withdrawal of tha American naapr from tha Rhine will bo aariaoe r considered as aeon as tha r SMEf a; **« BaicbstagJfo dad nits madia on was mads, bat H became hasps tat onca pane# actaaMy waa estob ihcd the administration woald fact ton weald ha n* aqccaaity of bord niag Germany with tha support of n army of oceopatioe. Under tha now treaty Gnauy o rrw to perpetoate tha promise to* mda is tha treaty of Versailles |e pay he expenses of eeeapatioa. bet that* • no direct men ties ef the awHart rhlcb ceald be Interpreted as ia any «**■■*••» or tadiag tha United Stotoa either to •■win ar withdraw. Tha Vanailiaa amamt fixed fif rna yaara as the marlmiim parted af ecapatlen. So far as ia known them '*» no ronaidaiatloa af the toiut • the negotiatieau loading an to the raaeat treaty, aad artciaU bake tha l*wka»njhrt the deciatoa lieawhrt T* hr.tyaa^SrrarttttlrtaMliyKih hawyl. however, that maiatenaaee af ba forces ef mwmUoB might ba ooa inch a fiaaactol harden an Ger taay as to dolay materially bar pay iftt of rt^rgtiociL Uto* inSuT IfWH toM the amber of Amerkaa troop* hi tha nay af irnapatiir at 14.0CP, wheae sf°dU£,rr3»!,sEVjs ar. a acsoaat *f tha iirapwMia. • alatlaaa from any-am j *n aaglaaaata in Be rape, away -|rtr iena wID enter lata coasddc ration af he qnertiet) af troop withdrawal. seats amodg tha Earapaan allies, and Ufi, *he maalfaat haps af Amartean •Wixla to avoid offense to aay ef ham hi tha eeuraa it adapts. It fc considered anUkaiy that that* dll be a deflntto declalon pending ■tiflcaUen of the treaty by Urn Bea ts and by tha Reichstag, bath af rhicb are axpectod to begin consider Man of the pact late lsxt month. Meantime, however, odtelala af the ttate and War dapartmanta will mb detailed Investigation ef conditions n Germany and in tha occupied terri orr tor the grtdaace of Breeldent larding and his ad vies is. - Although the treaty algnml yester lay coven lx a general way tha naa ■on af leads relations by —a~<-r israiSewSSS oday that a separata trad* treaty .ithI Germany probably win ba aaaght n the Dear lute re It is possible that isgetiaUeas to that and may begin rven before the general treaty has waa ratified. 'AYETTKVIULK CONCERN TO OREM AT ULUNGTON la a letter U this paper the MM Jan of entering the maraanUla life >f UlUngton. They have seenrad palter* and will open at aa aarty late. The spbR of their Maeedce nent and greeting |a *o wall la aa card with tho prvgrmlv spirit at the town that wa are quoting from Urn letter tho following por^mphs: "We weald like te have yon any that wa sro coming te LiUtegtoa with ihe determtnktloa to gtv* vain* »• teived foe every dollar Spent with m; that wo will sorry a Noth of rood* just aa largo sad jnst aa varied u onr trad* will warrant; that onr Fayetteville stoek will be at the earn •and of oar Ullingtea branch, and that ws drffl b* able to got goods from that stock within twsaty-four bones; that ws sxpoet to giv* to LIIHngton s clean up-to-date vasiad stock of tnods, aad that an seen as nor store r* in aay way Naha, wo will hn glad tu have anyone call and look It over, whether they car* to hay or art. “w* WO* draw ear evsteto Ne.whoBjr from tint sloe* of paapls la UIHogton and the snrronadCg country who ana hey their good* how ns to tholr own sdvaatat thM w* heller* that Nairn am riclsat number of this sort of to Make n pwitnhls to p*i wlU at all times oadoavor to tho IntoraN of tha town, aad that w* will grow as tbs team Lill'ngten woloasaes thb i t!en to taa basin ass strata, nnuaeswsnt of Hash* Haas* appears In sosthar e< Sara to rood It. — Harnett News. I* railing, too many *f na am *• gagad in trying to Real trad* tltot al rrady.anlNs Instead *f wanting pa