_THE DUNN jD Volume VIII. Dunn, North Carolina, September 2, 1921. COTTON GROWER CAN FINANCE HIS CROPS SALE NOW Organization Of Cooparatfvo Marketing Associations Makes Advances Possible MEMBERS WILL HAVE NO TROUBLE BORROWING Dr. Kilgore Gives Interesting Detailed Study of Coopnra tive Associations In Raleigh News and Observer — Be lieves Prom Financial Stand point Nothing Lilta Plan. By B W. KILGORE Batter methods for marketing of farm crops is the outstanding matter of interest to the fanning and bust nasi public today, not onTy in North Carolina but all ovar the country. When farm crops bring good prices business Is good, and when farm crops bring pool prices business is demor alised, a* st present. In lbs main, our leading money crops are sold to day as they were fifty or mora years ago, though tremendous program baa been made in the production of these emu* and in practically all other lines of business and industry. In eeitain states In this country, and in other countries, eo-operative' marketing associations have boon formed for the marketing of farm crops groatly to the advantage of the pioducvrs and the pofclic. In Califor nia more than thirty co-operative marketing aweeiations have been in operation fur from a few years to twenty-five yean, and last year mora -han half of tbs farm, fruit and vega labia crops of that State were sold through the more than thirty eo-ou aralivt marketing associations, tbs value of tbs crops thus sold being more thin 12511,OuO.OOO LSimrultr In nuHlai Tbex associations Haw Had no very serious difficult!** in financing them selves for making payment* to their member* after their products war* •old, or in securing loans for resing advance* to the grower members in! a substantial psrcsntags of the value' of the product* whan delivered to the association, th* amount of the advance* being usually HO to 76 per cent of a fair market vain* at time of delivery. Other Northwestern States (Wash ington, Orogon. Montana and Idaho) and State* ia other parti of the cdun W> (Florida, Irgtnte and tflehtgan) _ have had eo-operatlve marketing ** *^'^?358i!u, and ^SuJyTta^T'ksen con ducted successfully as strietly basi nets association* and hav* been sat isfactorily and adequately financed. The method of financing has usual ly been to use th* local State banks to the extent of their financial ability directly, and through rediscounting with the Federal reserve banks, and ; whatever financial help needed be- J yond this was obtained from the banka In the large eitiss, using notes,1 drafts, bills of exehaags and aecept-; aness secured. In the main, by ware-' house receipt* representing the pro-, ducts in th* warehouses of the asso ciations. lAian* for advances In this, way have been obtaiaed In the mil Nona of dollars each year from New York banks at reasonable rates of in-1 terest, lower osually than prevailing rate* because of the large ion ns and ample security. , After riving most t Ho rough atten tion to tho plant assd in the State* abovt, and dlsewbert, and thair ex periences, agreement* have been pre Csrcd for this and other cotton. to acco and peanut growing 8tate* and are now being promoted far batter methods of marketing those crop* co operatively through definite business associations for co-operative telling. The agreement in North Cnrollnn for cotton is th* tame as for seven of the other cotton States, which produce ell together about (6 per cent of the cotton of the United States Oklaho • me, Texas and th* Mississippi staple cotton gTowerd have completed their organisation* end will sail the cottem of their members this year. Arisons and North Carolina have secured the required number of members for or ganisation and are either oganising or will soon do so. Advaissee On Cotton The War Financo Corporation has annMnced completion for advances (Continued on page 4.) ANNUAL MEETING OF THE • LITTLE RIVER W. M. U. At Tha B.pti.t Chur*h Ulliegtea, N. C, Auguri Stl*. INI Theraday M wiring 10 AO a. m. Devotional—Mra A. M. Shaw. Report of Superintendent. Fundamental Point* In tha Miarion ory Society—Mra. S. A. Idnrte*. Spacial Murie. North Carolina'* Part in Oar Bap llat W. M. U. Training School in Lou mill*. Ky.—'Mra. Joel 0. Layton. What Shall I Do Ahoat My Cam paign Pledget—Mr*, i. B. Tugwall. Saggeation* for Personal Service— Mr*, w. C. NlcfaoU. . ' Report* of Socletiea Special Marie. Million Study—Mi** Btliabeth N. Brigg*. Raleigh, N. C. Appointment of Committee*. ImMHit Th**r*d*y Aft****** d***t*a 2:00 p. m. Devotional—Mia* Fay O'Qainn. Minute* of Homing Seaafen. Sunbaam Detnonriration—lilting Ian Band. Organlaatlona far Training Mom Important Than Contribution*—Nn. I. M Ream* Special Muric. Talk With Young People and Thetr leader*— Ml** Elitebeth N. Brlgga. Report of Coanahteee. • Mlnntaa. * . ¥ POSTOFFICE EXAMS WILL ¥ ¥ BE HELD IN SEPTEMBEB * • - * ¥ Washington. Aug. II—The ¥ ¥ civil earvic* coiaaalmlon today ¥ ¥ announced September 87 aa ¥ ¥ lh* date for bolding exmmina- ¥ ¥ liana to All vacant poetmatt- ¥ ¥ rrihipa at Dunn and Bed ¥ ¥ Springy, N. C. The Dunn ofl- ¥ ¥ cv pMjr. *2,800 annually and ¥ ¥ Red Springy 12.300. ¥ ¥ On September >0 the com- ¥ ¥ mi talon will bold an examine- ¥ ¥ lion at Wilmington to dealf- ¥ ¥ net# eligible* for the Wil- ¥ ¥ mington office. This peri $3,- ¥ ¥ 900 par year. 41 ¥ Pcetomre inspectors were ¥ ¥ Today directed to make an ¥ ¥ examination at Salem Chapel, ¥ ¥ N. C.t a fourth class office, ¥ ¥ -with a view to th* selection of ¥ ¥ a poitmaster at that place. ¥ » .¥ SECRETARY WEEKS WILL VISIT BRAGG Camp at Fayetteville Nat Ta Be Abandoned Until Secre tary Inspect* It By Edward E- Betttee • Waihington. Sept 1—Desalt* all the order* for the moving ef troop* and for the transfer of officers from on* section to another. Camp Bragg la not yet wiped off the map aa an ar my camp. 8lnc* the departure of th* delegation from Fayetteville, which personally urged Secretary of War Week* act to permit the camp to be abandoned, that expert! had declared there wa* no better range of heavy gun* to be found then at the camp near Fayetteville, order, for troop* there to move aa near September 1 a* practicable have heea steadily ie jued, while War Department order, have been iscued from time to time emignuig the officers at Camp Bragg to other peeta. ISM TM Ainfcul A* September 1 is bar*, a personal ■tofoment Was sought this morning from Secretary Weeks as to the a tot os of Camp Bragg, whether or net It »oaid b* vacated under tha orders U raed, and whether the previous on previous understanding that ha weald visit the camp was correct The an swer was that Secretary Waaka has suspended the orders far the vacation of rf?p M<1 that as aeon aa poasBIt he weald vtalt itshiaueH, so a* to examine into condition. Asked k««v seen he es^ectod to viaH the KJtjlr STdayTsT Sdfl STSrXSj Week* personally Inspects * Camp Bragg it 1* not going to be abandon 'd, no matter what change* as* made In the troops which are'new there. Some special War Department or ders made public today show that some oBeers of commands which will go to Camp Bragg are to bo transfer red to ether commands on arrival at Camp Bragg. 1* officers, first lira tenants, captains and m*Jora, are re lieved from duty with the 20th Field Artillery to take effect upon its arri val at Camp Bragg, and erhee It la placed en the Inactive liet they go to the 111th Field Artillery. And simi lar erdare are Issued to eleven of the earn* class officers transferred from tes 19th Field Artillery to the 21st Field Artillery, when the regimental headquarters and the first battalion of the 19th Field Artillery arrives at Camp Bragg.—News and Observer. WHITE CONVICT KILLED BY GUARD IN ROBESON Levy Edwards Shot T* Death Voe mrday Whoo^Ho Attempt' I Lumbertan, Aeg. 11—Levy Ed wradi, white man about IS years old, waa shot and killed by a guard at the Robeson county chain gang urban he attempted to escape. The guard used back shot, on* entering the back of Edwards’ head and two in his back. He only lived a short time. Edwards escaped from tho "gang” a tew •sooths ago and at tho time waa droas •d in a toil ef clothes belonging to Chief of Police B. M. Lawson, offalr mont. end also carried Lawson’s gna. Chief Lawson took Edwards along to locate some whieeky stills While the hunt waa on Edwards vamoosed. Ha waa later anustsd and sent to tha roads again. H* urns serving a sen tence Imposed by Recorder David H Foliar, of Lmabnrton, oo tho charge of assault upon bis sister and having improper relations with bis step daughter. JUDCB KIU BELIEVES IN ENFORCING THE LAW Fayetteville, Aug. SO.—“I cannot “» "hat other judge* will do, but for *W, lot thorn ovum before non on a locond offonoo of totiag plxtol* and other arimo* and they juat ao wan kiio their wive* and family goodbye, baeaum I am going to mad thorn a way far a long Umo.” dodarod Judge ;]Urr In aa able abanm ta tha lory at tha opantag of criminal court bore yeeterday. Judge Earr'a charge wae declared to bare been ooe of the ab leet ever dtMeered here. He earn# eot ■trongly for the fair and Impartial enforeameut of tbo law. PRINCESS COMES TO RUT A ROYAL COFFIN - 6 The Prlneem of Bragaaea, doc boot ff Oporto. Portugal, who aailod a heeed the Italian liner Taodmlna a few day* ago aa mute far Nepleo, wae .*■ tbla too.try for alx woeka travel ling lacogalte. The perpooo of bee vto IL It baa beau aaeartalned, wee to have made. In Boyeretowa, PL, the ,lwge«t and maatly eoatjy krona* and aflror caabot ever oonatruetod la Am ortoa. Thl* la for tbo bod* of bor lata buAaad, a brother of tha lot* King Carlo* of Portugal. Tbo prtnet dial In February, ISIS. CAROUNAS-MADE COOPS ON DISPLAY Charlotte Plana Far Rani Expo sition September IS To 29th Charlotte, Aug. 31.—That tha gen eral pablic la icq airing a realisation of tha foil Importance of the Made in-Carellnaa Exposition to ha bald hare September 12 to 29, giving ad ded assurance of ha being a tremen dous success In every respect, la tha lubstancs of reports coating dally to the executive offices in Charlotte, ac cording to an announcement by 1. C. Patton, executive secretory. With the! exposition opening lees than tee weeks away, tha various committees are new working out final details of their particular tasks, while Korea of exhibitors and their representatives are arriving dally to give personal at tention to matter* preliminary to In stalling the exhibits. More than 200 maaufaetnrer* of these statee. representing every line of manufacturing endeavor ia this section. Will have oa display more than 8,000 different articles of finish ed merchandise, showing the wide di versity of Carolina-made goods. It ia estimated by exposition oik Lais that tha capitalisation of the companies represented will amount to about 12*0,000,000. This to tha first event of Its kind ever keld in the Carolina! and ia regarded as ons of the most important undertakings of public In terest accomplished in recent years in the southeastern states. Tha Interior of the hull ding ia near a scene of constant and intense acti vity. A staff of men under direction of T. H. Bryant, formerly of Durham, building manager, to affording all proper and possible assistance to tha exhibitors. The principal building, af brick, steal and concrete construc tion, was finished men than a week age. The airdoma, enclosing another trea.uf abeut 28,000 square feet, and including 88 booths for concession sires, is completed except f8r the construction of seats for about 2,000 pe»te. Wprk of dr-orating the interior area completed today. . . QUICKLY ACQUITTED FOR KILLING LOVER OF WIFE Pel MS Jades Tatis Another He*Wad He Shieeld Have Killed, Tee Roanoke. Ve.. Aug. *0. — 4. K. Walden wbo was dwyid wttk mur der ta eOaaectisa wttk the slaying of taJbhWrtdML*,^ tearing before Judge ley, In polio# court.. A. N. __ was charred with maliciously shoot ing 4. H. Whitlock, was also acquitted by tha coart. Mrs. 4. M. Walden, Mss. A. N. Fisher and Whitlock won each Ined 1500 oe statutory charges. Th* ttoriec unfolded bg Waldan and Klaber to tho court revealed one of the moot sensational dual dor title tragedies in the an ns Is of the local police department. The taro men said they had employed detectives to aratek tha Walden home and based I their action oa tha datsettvas* report. On Saturday sight Walden and Flab- 1 ■r told their wive* that they wore! leaving the city and would not return I until Monday. According to their; statement they left a train at Salem I and came hack to Roanoke bp a street car and proceeded at once to tho Walden heme, where the shooting1 took place. Rutledge was shot and instaatly killed by Walden In a bedroom on tbe upper floor and Whitlock was1 wounded in the fast by a gun in the hands of Flsbet. Fisher was told by the court that It was regrettable be had not diet Whitlock through tho head iastead at tha foot. The taro women, both neatly dress ed, stood in sileaeo, while they lis tened to the wttneaaes testify. Asked if they lend any statement te make they shook their heads negatively. Whitlock, who la said to be mar ried, had to he carried Into the court room. Ho had no statement to auks. Whitlock is M. Mrs. Walrfln Is tl and Mrs. Flaker la tt. LUMBERTON CITIZENS FROWN ON THE ILKiK. Lamberton, Aa#. 11.—A Ka Dn orfaniaar bee bean In Lamberton for the (net week. About H local eMiaena received printed invitstiom* in a awb in# at tha court hoaae one night re cently Tha Invitation* worn signed “Tha Committee.” About a aoooa scccpt#d tha invitation and thoaa hoard the pleas and parpoeea of the Ka Klox discussed by tha organtaar, who gave hie name aa C. K. Steve neon and Miami, FTa., ae hla koane. When the invitation* was given for all wke were me taken or wiihad to become mew be re of the Ku Klox Klan to rise only throe root. H ii not thought tha K. K. K. orfaniaar I* meeting with much aoccam hare. ■OOY OF MAURICE LAY WAS FOUND TUESDAY Hall, Aug 14.—Tka body of (till another American, wbo wee killed In the IR-1 dheater era* found today, ft was that of Maarfee Lay, of Oreene boro, N. C., a rigger. It la sold boro that tho body of Uaat Commaador Emery Coll of Ma HotU, Ohio, will be buried at «aa h* aacardnaeo with a wteb Col] oftoo had oxpraaaad to Ms wife. A B. BLUE OF VAIS HELD ON GRAND LARCENY CHARGE . T*1*’ A«*. *»•—». Blue, Mahatefto own and operate the Voae Nluhtf company at Vase, N. C, baa teen erreued bene on a «S4,441—Aheat 14 lunch stands, soft driak shops and other temporary structures built out side the tow, according to the Inuur ence folks, win have t# coma doom I air andergo considerable remodeling. Such will ha the decree baaed by the 'city comm lesion ere In the morning. During law waeh aa invaattenUon of lire heaardi bora was conducted by Robert Russell, of Bui sigh, who was aent hare by the BuuthaaWsm Ua i derwritsars' emaciation, and ha ap peared before toe eommlWAoneva thli morning with an ultimatum that cor tain Am haaarda mnW ha oUmlaatod nr aa advance rata of ton oentt on the 9100 laeoranee waald ho ardarud. A permanant tariff la ana drafted gbU uatHUm next election.—Bool BUIES CREEK MEN ARE TURNED LOOSE Jitaty Drivers Found Techni cally Guilty But Are Rn leeaed By Court ‘ Shall Jitney driven from Bairn Creek carry students to and from Urn Academy once or twice a year with out paying the city jitney license? ' This was the qosaUon that formed the base of e case coming up la Re corder** Co art yesterday morning, surrounded by many peculiar circum stance* and pauling tbs court some what in the rendering of a verdict. Two msn, Percy Ennis and Upcharcb, residents and farmers as well as Mean sad jitney drivers of Buie* Creek, we e charged with driving U Dmut without a local Jitney License. After a lengthy trial and arguaacate an both sides the two man warn —1-f although found technically guilty, sod advtsod as to tha proper eearae in the fate re. rrouuia inn wnen local Jitney driven complained to tho aathoritioa that these man from Balsa Creek wan han soliciting trade, hauling student* and taking their Vnei-m a wap from them, which the* deserved through paring their $S» city license. James Bern represented Upchurch and J. P. Wilton represented Ennim, with N. A. Townsend, proaacuUag attor ney far the city. Bud Norris, local jitaer driver, tarn tided to having seen these two men load up with student* on two or throe occasions said that oaa of them told him that he was getting a dollar a piece from them for the transporta tion He aotHled the authorities and sftar doing so, according to his tes timony. the driven teld him that Prof. CamtJbell bad told them to come over. Both driven admitted on tho staad hauling tho student* hot declared that they only came once or twite n year to do it, aad that Prof. Campbell ar ranged far them to coses over. They admitted receiving pay from the stu dent*. Prof. Campbell made an interesting ippesl to the court, doelering that his it ad a at* wan poor student* and that he only wanted protection from ** horfcitant jitney prices. Ha laid that it had been the coitem tor yean past tor the men te come over and got the students, but that this you ha asked hie attorney. J. C. Clifford, a local lawyer, if n we* lags] and If the driven could come ever without any troubU. Mr. Clifford advised Mbs that It would ha * " - J parties, hut be mid~ that It was mot fair to the local driven, who paid their licenses aad who gave the dtp revenue, to he rebbed ef their trade by outsiders. He was ef tho euialoa that the matter ought to he settled to avoid emberussment* in tho future, but ho believed that the local driven (Continued on page 4.) SELMA CITIZENS PLAN TO BUILD UP THE CITY Mayee, Calling Meee Call* Fee Statiew, Heist, amd Pam her of< Salma, Amg. 10.—Responding to the call of Mayor C. A. Corhott for o mam masting of tho eitiiani of Sal ma, la coexidST Bitten partalning to tho welfare of tho town, a nyraaan tatlv* gathering of leading ottiaaaa assembled la Tsosple’* hall Monday night Mayo* Corhott presided over tea mooting and stated that 1m had called tho meeting for the purpose of or seen ting tome wing* ho thonght tha town should have to make it what it ought to bo — a bigger and batter town. Ths Aral thing ha mentioned aa aa argent naad la a batter passen ger station. Ho thonght the Motion, coaid bo socarod If the proper slope wore token to get it. Another grant need hero, ho said Is adequate hotel accommodation*, sad he thought steps ahould b* taken to provide took facilities la this Has sa weald meet the pubUs demands. Other Homs In tho morse's Hot of progressiva measure* ware tho exten sion of the town limits, the organisa tion of a ehambor of commerce, street paving, n hotter advertised town and a hotter spirit of ee-opera tion among tbs people Imstly, the mayor appealed to the eltliena, of tho town to support thatr local pager, which ho instated was an Indispensa ble factor la the growth and develop ment of any pragtaaslvo town. After tea mayor had stated the purpose of the meeting, he presented M. L. Shipman, eossmlesloner of la bor and printing, who was present by invitation. Mr. Shipman expressed tea conviction that Selma was a good town and If ths ciUaons would get together and work unitedly, they could accomplish great things far ths piece. Team work, h* stated was accessary to the suceeoiful secern pUtement af important undertakings. Editor 0. i. CoSin, of tho Solotgh Tlams, was also an Invited guest, and mads s good effective talk germane to th« Sbjocte of tho meotteg. After o general discussion a com mittee waa appelated to losk after the re-organisation of tea ehambor of eoammreo. As sson os ths chamber Is orgnatasd, the variant other matters brought before the mooting by tbo mayor wlU then ba taken up by tbo chamber and pressed. Be far* tha mooting adjourned It we* decided to arrange for the solo, brntien of Laker day boro la a fit ting manner, and a same!its* wa* appelated I* prepare a suitable pro gram far I ha dap. One hundred dol lar* was raised on tea floor te defray tho oMonsss locorred hr the comoslV too. The big features of tho day w« b* a free marhocu* dinner fsr Con federate vets, te* soldiers sad •*# or* of te World war and a double header ban game between FsrmvUU msdJMms tssmi^ A^Wad^from Cams .. 2 THAT noon ME RETURNED AalmrUto, Aag.'si. _ Re quaota that flat* troop* again W lent to Concord Vtiriti of coaditJoiu trial nr amt of the tWro wauTzrt »4r* fst «■ _~t »«.lSCik!5 ssTpJsr ^ ttan. ■ '— The opera tie* waa yerfaimed Fri iuH ****k toe never rei Had. Lockjaw waa Mid to ha tha ha •853* sfrkA^ahawt Tsss oteloeh. Her hatoaedwaa with her Fhaa tha peered away. A wemaa of rare yereonal ohaxma. oh^wndc frieadi everywhere, leMet the Hamadlata family air da, toe iaavaa until brother* aad and aimara at fallow*; Mr*. SJL tor tia. Mre. W. 8. Stavtaa, aad Mi* W. A. Smith, af thi* dtp; Hrt dealt rZgszz: gss .\ss ^r7iSS.!3B?haS?^ (Bid. MMM5II.LMM RSAOT TO FA8T1CIFATK »W COHF888WC8 A.t^?t.1*. *• 1 • Aat. II.—Or Cntoad labor b ready la corn I4*r nay vttaliea from «he_ government to