IHE DUNN DISPATCH! PUBLISHKP EVERY TUESOAY AND FRIDAY. ^ bund M IWMld-clMi wetter i«d 1A I*1L »t lb* post K Dare. N. C.» «.»4*r thr m • Earth «. Wa L. UUSSEE FORE. PeUiaho /hr** 'mon'h*.-— Ay >is mrnthv_____ll.p» Dm imt-......-*1. '“ * - SMILE. DARN YOU. SMILE Iaaisedialely after the cotton crop condition report »>» reicaaed to Wall dnM ytilcrday, prices aaeendrd 100 point*. This la Win* written ns the ad vance i. announced. Between now aod thv lima the Dispatch reaches you it is probable ‘.bat other mdvance*-will he made. Fluctuation., of course, ar« Imoritabic, hut thtre i* every tea win to believe that by the time the Dunn District crap i» ic fall ornament to market spot cotton trill be telling for close to twenty cents. And twenty cents, friends, it not a bad price when we consider the m cost of tht> year's product in this locality. Wo hate been bleared above most other communities in the Belt. Whore drought and pestilental bugs have practically ruined the crop In very wide areas, the min and sunshine cave coma to ua and bugs have been fear. Certainly wc have nst quite in huge a crop as we had last year; bat, dM we pint, to have? All we lined now is to «it steady ia the boat Boll a little m the price ad vances, pay our debts for the relief it merchant*, buy what we netd and refrain from foolish purchase., lb's Isdei.igvncp- -and always nail*. AGAIN—THE FAIR Lado-e-s and jaint-e-lmun, whiV our next big attraction ia yet ton weeks away, we wtah t* >*ap*etful-l: eaU your m:tcr-c-h-o-n to its taagnill cie.tt ftspeudouareto and monjtTOu magnitude. We refer to the third an tmal gathering to be etaged by tb< Harnett County Agricultural Fair ao coelaliou on the largest, moat com flately equipped and ronrcnlenll; ai ranged county fair ground* in al the Sooth on Tuesday, Wedneaday Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Or tober eleventh to fifteenth, inclusive Aa Hi roatemary thia aasociaUoi inakea an especial appeal to the man; friend* it ha* oiad* la Ifei* region U prepare in advonco for tho big event Many largo and valuabl* premium* priiei and puraoa axe offered to the* who exhibit product* ef' field, fam r- factory, eater race horse*, shoe , live Mock er the handiwork of an] craft. Them or more /oily explains* “ U* iaterests of the asaoclatleo. A espy of this wiU be given each am •very one open application to our oh l'r-ng secretary, Mr. Thomas L. Rid dle, in the ofilce* of the Chamber al We thank you. WE JOIN THE ANVIL HITTERS ft seem* a popular sort of thing u do these days—lambait Mr. Watts foi the little favor in tho shape of a few tboasands of dollars ef potential stall funds handed to hi* friend* of the to h.ieco combine. Not that wa believe the tobacco companies did not de ceive the rebate. Oh, no indeed. Rv e-ybody who had anything at all and hopt It finds himself poorer than if b> had soU months ago- -except those uho bought lb* Southern farmers’ filtos at low tide. What we have to sny about Mr. Watts’ set I or is not in reproach of the rebating. He should have remem bered that those who own the tobacco alee own much of tho eetton bought U the South siren last fall. It look* now a* If that cotton ;* going to be worth c»nride ably more than Uwy pa d for It la lowering the tobacco Muramk why should he not also !dtrcaro the cotton assessment. Is making rebates. Mr. WalU might alto luok over the inflated land values and see If he could not hand back to North Carolina farm owssri :iwt portion of their tanas ha find* eg revive. That, we believe, la hi* reas evliig b! the tobacco Car*. WRITING 'EM DOWN I'Rfkw Aetfnrnon, Washington cor itipondent for urrorsl North Caro liu daily publications. would ho,, tho hold loft open to Ooarnl Julian 3 Carr wbta entries are to hr made t* tho eonrtoaatnan-n t-darge race. Ho rtauo that Walter Morphy n oapertrd to rpfra?n from running ia oppoiltlor lo tho gonial general Orear Coffin, editor of tho Baloigh Timing Time*, h rearer, cannot . i a. - _ TW#'» More JouffnUd 4a the » ■rdjeae holy war.—Wa*hb«tan Part. « ■. ... , carg SAFETY FOE SAVINGS Somewhere in tb* advertising col umns of tbit papar wilt be found th* reproduction of a newi item emlnal Dg from Wilson and telling ut th* robbery of a watcamnn who war arm ed with a nun and aU that ,ort sf thing. Th!» watchman had taken the o-oa! precaution* tn guard the little boa.J or / a vine* he pouoaeed. Bat he had not taken the Intelligent. The uvrj in evoty community are tmong the most helpful a* citian*— —ion# time*. When a man accumu* atm money, however, he i< not ful filling hit duty a* a citizen unless he ;iut« that money into action. A very arse P*r cent of th* actual money in cxistere# it in the pocket* of folk— vf.ecially linco th* deprcaaion cam*. '«»t year. That is largely reaponaihU lor the money shot tag* in bank! at :h* present liroo. If oven half of thi: money were put in *avitn* of th* many building contractor her* U now building, haa just ccmpU , t*d or will begin at once the constiuv lion of town dwellings. One of tbe.ii to b« built at once by Nathan John son will lie a largo dwelling on lant . purchased last y«ar |Vr»m H. l_ God i w." w«ft of town. A•-other wi'l be foi W. D. Turnajrv. whose tiandsomi home was recently destroyed by Hie 1 0.1* just complctrd was for J. W . Thornton, who will also begin tlx , construction of another at un tarf) date. I; In the flickering light of torch* '»* in regular space* along a strlns •of flat car* we snt lh* other nigh l*nd watched a little a: my of sweating , hor**4 nod men labor to ffet^the cirtui =*ravan ready for the night’s jump Betide ui sat Granville M. Tilghman who, Mr*. Tilghman being out o1 town, did not eaxe what company h< kept. As two hid* we set there in th< dark thadowi of John A. UcKiy’ machlnt plant, journeying quid.) through th* maze of memoiies unti again we were boy—with the comini 1 of th* circus was the blggsit thins ' in Ufa. sre I could see'• ftttl*' bejTtretUej along to keep step with a fat oM gentleman who waa taking him to im h!s first cirrus and moot it* owner c e Pains K J2 Were . ^ «> Terrific * ■> a ms IHspd bo sr Mrs. Aftert Ortnory. o« R. F. D. No. aTm 1, Hi iJotd IB/, got rid ol far nit., (x’artg... I «_a waa awfully weak . . . j” My p«os were terrific. I ■ 1 though flwoeM die. The fj beanag-down poms were MM aefuafly to severe I could ■ not stand the pressure ol Bf m my funds on the lower JT RmplyleltlSTmewis 5? fee bul I short time. My MB husband was worried . . while read-' Mg ttf Birthday Ahna fs came across a mb cast similar »o mine, and M aauwSsS,."" ■b* K TAKE X PARDUI -■-■geas——— mi The Cirtu.i vis the ''ifToaloic show 0:1 •arth”—Hun tins Brother*.' Us ewr.»r wu Jim Haiib’/p The Ini • boy vas myaalf. Tha (at oid gaetlen.su wjs vacla Jim Oostcile, whs. with hi.- fs th*r and oroth*re uist to thi» r»»-. tty at tha invitation sif ntv araad frthtv about 1SJ0. “Cne'a -l.'m'' ieah atort had bean i-itpij* r*dr• i for I geaetr.tJons. lilt oldest biothei vis father of Cave CostsIId. who, with hit family, ha* loomed iuryc in first i Ufa lost slay*, uur.ur of u lit tle .lieilliwith a cumf'sitiblv fo. tute. friend of ae.-vy old .tin*mu. in America »n.l po*;.wisi sif a great fund nf show lore that hr wa jlwtsyi , ready to impart to our utter. I've ear*. lt> be*n a long time suit", ill on. U:i :rln Jim's friend* of the oidm genera tion have gone, ili.i younger cut-'* ave 1 stare red to the four miner* 0f the co th. Uut Tor a tittt— t'me th. other , t.Vht vrr. ct'mmnacd with hi* spirit. 11 tfnclc Jim h.« inr I'.virg ,.in. lie ‘ del sol follow the show rrjnr. but 1 ‘tlio call i>T raws* Is strong within ■ He i-- n barite, in tV'lm'-igton , |i nd it s seldcm that 4 :111,-Jr comos • lain North Carol'nn with his reim:ve*. that ho does imt "join out" for a will; und rough it with the m«r, amt the !!fc Unit lie loves. *VhT*e Wo the little a,my worked. Near mi'leighl our revery .was brutm by th-‘ cluaU «f .-kids be i irec shoved under the |mlr wagon at a signal that all t.*s ioadrd. Hnii.ta. bouts on the list trick shuffled tiiedly to Uiair beds under the long string of wagons. Lights were pul out and the train s'.ariiil to nit'-e. Car'll Tilith raac rot urn rd to the pretence, heaved a sigh—we wandered homeward to dream of the years pawed. SMJ1HFIELL SELLS ITS BONDS TO TOLEDO FIRM I SmlthHrld. Aug. BO. — Saithflcld 1 sold *200,000 worth of school bomb here today. The deal wot mads through the H.udder. * Company of Toledo, Ohio. Work is to start imme diately on the new rehool building. The contract for the building was a srarded to Kcnnun & Thompson, of I Raleigh. N' use rive • shows no signs of ris ing from the downpour of rain which ^prevailed in ihir reel ion Sunday. The 1 “ —rwPM-,* law'.i Veil trait r-a bo’.::." 1." . \.t after tl.« t-«a: Ij tc<. Tv. V .. »cv».al o'xicj • , • . ■tuck eonitr a.:*1 thj . . . k«u on a more •»{>. re e t p.i* ■* ike bn 31 t octs R AVER A WINSTON Dti.3 .! eC.vb.kM ..■.*i«. . . v ' .jy L’cIbw \j*. 11—'The no: alt of lK.no vs;e jtainf jil> iurnrue-l to .-lei. too . i •'•• tu*.. i. . .e .. vVin V.l'/ : vi ttcml C. tt :Jlta*\ for many ytt.T a p unit »n' its', of tit* tow had dieu at r ho v tai . . itcunokr, Va.. of mal'.-e.iaa. i.idsia. .r. Wlr.sto I died lidUilay .ill. -on... He war away from turn.' ap«r.d;.>k V vuetiiin whan he ww atc'.ckvn with ilis fatal illtiear. Tb) rema: ua reached S»1mn Tucr , where they i i ynyed ia Iho mcreanld" oar n«.v lie i;. ..tt.vlvcii by hi.: widow, father .'.I d sister. Mrs. W. (i. Itrnaiifnat. of W ilmmifton. COOW1N r!EW3 Mi*. Martin* Martin, of Senman, Ala., is the gticn of Mr. and Mi’s. C. W. Spell ihla week. Robert W. Vick, ot' Carollcn spent the «effc end with hi- mother, Mrs. Mary Vick. M'-s Teia Godwin «t Dunn spent V.eiiiusday In Godwin with Miss Ru by Turner. MIoirk Kl.iire Connelly onJ Martha Marti:' spent Wednesday in Puyetto. |V’e /osppinr. ! and M:t. J T Baird. of Dae jlintiins. S. r;., mots-si I to Godwin to ’. lend the week end with Mr. and Mis. j.J. 11. Janes. .if.*. ut»J Mis. Heath Pope, of Wil* m'vli.n siient the wook in Godwin with Mr. Pope’s mother. Mrs. W. II. l'apc. I>r. and Mr*. D. 1* Ibidem. of Fayetteville, spent Sji day in God ¥ CODWIN AND JERNICAN ¥ ¥ Attorneys sad Counsellors ¥ ¥ At Law ¥ ¥ DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA ¥ ¥ Office Over State Bank and ¥ ¥ Trust Ooropa.y Building ¥ ¥ ¥ weteteeHHitttttweHi TSBmm %to»99 bsrtwtHwli u i NNUHn OUAIpvi :rt, WIN U9UNK CHorYitTlM’j^NiMVfstr., U»t tre«th.tRt ffhA,kr nacwMa.THMNMk’ rttHh ia« A*iu <1»—Hi Try thU UMtOKlt Rl MflW. nTCHrrr drug co. / I , Nq Meal is CompleteWjg>gf*t Our - Pure, l*'resh huit ice?Main ; Try some for next Sunday’s dinner. i ___________»_ • I SUNDAY HOURS FROM 12 to 7 DUNN ICE CREAM PARLOR & CANDY KITCHEN r. C. StikAN Next to Port Office. Phone 268 I I COME TO THE COMMUNITY S]NG I I at ULL1NGT0N on , | LABOR DAY, SEPT. 5 Township Clares To Sirg In Coir-pe- j lion. Fiddling Content By Townshij. s ;; Mr. ROY L. HCFFMEiSTER, ci i N'jw York to Conduct Singing ___ _ ! IJ Ball Game in the Afternoon T MANY VALUABLE PRIZES I * Including a Silver Loving Cup to be ; Awarded to the Beat Class ENTERTAINMENT IN THE EVENINC j t/’n with Mm. Pridgen'* mother, Hr*. •Sary Vick. •dr. C. B. ilnson. who was lluod Su Lcrntendent of Black Rl»ar Town i-h.p fur thro* yearn has accepted a ..nllar poiitlon with Harnett county. Mr E. C. Markham who ha* been ( foiling this season for the Clinton tc im has returned to his home. MU« Kin's* Connolly entertained •*«onday availing with a porrh party • -—""'"■■ Tin ■ i« i "Msmtui fct l ho joint. (1f nyf i rj. A C.. *'oi. Coll.-!* jv»i f>» • i'cr.o.- ui he»- yui-J v.. •iai'in, jf >>rrr.»a, Al.- 'j'/ff :u..:a.i v« a:ida 1 lawfully ... . . JBB, r flllclii t,;J p.-illf;i fioirjrn. Dariat; thn cvf n * vJi'M'ii.' w^:c playpj uhT ctHj;. « > w*j»:c rcndc cd v > .V* pi. no a,4^ vV> ‘ r by .Vltvtc* Sr.d>« luiism •j>b»\.im Xi'h*in Uii l Ivuby Tb** isiu*. i~ ^ X*Si- y- ■ \%y »'--*• . - * i .. - — ... *r*v. '.c iulo the dining room by * *“vfr thvlw Connelly Spell wher? S3 :.-«hr f•U'L * i a n e h and two kind:; \* d >*iv'tuj "?*•’ •erred by Mfv and Mm. C. W. Tba vvcvruii tarnished mu.*ic 'v.» - t;>e guests iron being served. 1 :* dti»Hiied a', u Idle hour, .w'u.ina VS<#» C» molly a delightful ■ SVft.X licuL 1. * -- --—-- MfATi IKMtnkJHHbV * rj f From lie . j | News ansi ©.^server I | of August 23,1521 - I fj WILSONi/iN FATALLY . f I injured Bir robber i W. T. Sullivan. Nictit Wald;- r (turn at Oil MU If Succumb* { To Injuries S WU,.on. Aug W. T. Sullivan, aigbt watchman at the Kkrniyr.- • Cot- 7 . ton Oil Mill, who waa ittacK «:t ih» fj bend with u piece of i*on pipe while on duty gntly Sunday mo.tuny, died fj in a local ho«(>'ital last night at H The 1 uncial lh- workmen M around the plant, ami that tame one H seeing hi., ro.l vtniud foi h . chnntc. B .•ut mr ci.»o* y and made u clean ' et ■wny. *1 According to iuBihr. In only cine _ ' D to the pvipctru.nr cf the deed, v that u negro who tormerly wo.ki-d at thi mill, wan seen to 'ump an »ovfy » ■ freight train her# Sunday morn’ng. R Safest far Savings The Bank Harnett ■ I '^uke 4 per cent coats t ---. NEW GROCERY .We have opened a new establish* ment at 303 Earl Be * ul Street in « the old M. C*. Cvok Stand, and I we solicit the pat mnr.ge of all who desire clean, pure and wholeso:? - j things to eat. PROMPT BELIVERY # .Country produce bought «t the best market prices. j * •