THE DUNPf Volume Vlll._| _ Dunn. North Carolii^eotember 9 1921. GRADED SCHOOL WILL BE OPENED NEXT WEDNESDAY Superintendent Snipes And Princ:nai Bunn Make Pro pan&tioiit For Opciunf TWENTY TWO TEACHERS IN FACULTY THIS YEAR Sc*.ool Bciaz Renovated, Crstad,-, Fut In Shape, And All i-lir;j Made For Succose Opt-ilnj Wednesday— - r.- \ Da in graded school, elcmen a-j fcttd li •,!> schools grades, will op-! ** tt <1 Wed ctday, September 14. >ur its 1921-22 nine months session. Profcvo W. S. Snipes, Supcrintend nl ih: l» Public Schools, as i-slcd by Professor B. H. Uunn, prin cipal of the guided reboots and, Mitt Ipm-k of the high school facul ty, Inis bet-n in the city for aoae time .inungtmvou for tho op i.’-'-i’£ Wednesday. O ily five of lost year's faculty will | bo hero the coming tension, but two> of the rov teacher* I've in Dunn and' a -■ io! ::.-nugvr< to local school work ‘ "lid conditions. The other fifteen1 nirmOct of the faculty will bo in Dim.- f«r their first year’s work, but I'i'Ei highly recommended and ir*| expci jinced teachers flout several | states. The high school faculty this yeari will bs composed of B. H Bunn, prin-1 eipsl, M.ises Janie Ipoek, Mattie Henderson. Rachael Clifford, and Eth el- -Ervin. The teacher* in the elemen tary grades will be as follows: Misses Loui e Dendy, Evelyn UssyrfavH, Ms y Knnedy, Mary Whitehurst, Ag ue* Ellis, Lerlent Herndon, Mary Gladys Judd, Leila Currin, fails Dant »ler, lima Raney, Helen SUrsrart, Do rothy Shaw, Aileen Rigley, Mrs. B.( II Birno, Mrs. Berths Felton, Mlsa Blanche Gisntham. Bligafceth firs hum. The school building la being thor oughly renovated this week, and Janh < * nr(. nnrting' it in good shape for ihc opening dext week. The grounds will be e'eantd and the playground apparatus repaired and placed about the prounj*. The library will be Start-' ed up again this year for the eonven ienco and n.nj of the student*. Plane' are being made to have athletic teams sv'th well kept playing fields. Below is a statement by Prefoator Snipes, with suggestions to students that might lie of help In getting ready for the opening day: The Dunn Graded Schorls will oocn r.ext Wednesday. September 14. It is vow important that all pupils enter school on opening dsy. Parent* are therefore urged to get the’r ebi’dren ready and send them to tchyol next Wednesday. Alt new puf'li — that is children! who were not in thj Dura schools !a-t jrar—« e . rfjueitsd to go to tho tchoi'i l.-C'diig on Saturday, Beptem-' hs • lf“*n cr on Monday, ffeptenfber I2l’i, b:tr ">e- l~ i hours of 10 o’clodc a. it. r. id 12 o’clock noon, for tho N pCf of eelstoring and being as r r ;td n their respective grades This ilv.i not spply to pupils who '.'trs I.’, the Donn schools last yoar, l—t to *•! others Including thoss who will o:/,9" the first grades. The;? t? II be ■ meeting of all the tear her.- nt fas school building on Tuesday af .erroon, September 18, at I 4 o’clock. All pupils In the high school who desire to stand examinations to re mo. r condition* will please report at tho school building nsxt Saturday morning when a time will be fixed for1 thow examinations. SCOTLAND COUNTY CALLS ON FAIR SECRETARY - Dlacumion Of Peaaibilltiea Of Organ ising Eastern Carallna Chamber Of Ciaaau T. L. Riddle, secretary #f the Har nv'tl County Agricultural T»ir aaao ci«t)o», returned yoaterday from a Liip down to l.aurinburg, where he has) bem Invited to help in organ!* ing a fair association for Scotland county M:. Riddle atatoa that tho *e eoriation wa» organltad, to be known aa Tho Scotland County Pfclr Amo elation, and that plana are being made to stage a email eomaiualt* fair thla year and regular county tain regu larly from next year on. “They will have a tplendld organi sation," aaserted Mr. Riddle, la dia • coming h> vlalt, "and Lourinburg u blc-iicd with an a*ceUent place for tit# ronitmctlon of a fairground la which to hold the fairs.” The aaeooatlon wme modelled after tho HanuU County I’Ve Amoclation, tho Scotland Coun ty promotere acting on tha aurgaa tionc offered by the merrtary *f tho lUmett arsociatioa. Mr. RJUdla atated that he bad • very cnjoveblo trip and was received cordially by the Scotland county peo ple. Many of them people attended the m"pT f*‘r ■*** Tear end war* m well pleased that they thought Mr. Rutile the beat maa fer advice afcout orgoa'a'ing a fair aaeaclatlen. ri'patchee aay the entire German nation tun turned agalnat war. Tbta ia out particularly aurprlalng. cenald •rin* the way the late war turned a golnrt Germany. — Aeattie Time*. t > , III IMII11..~ ♦ ."* P ALL BANKS CAVE, COP P * - p P Through a typographical or- P P tor, it ni a to to a in the last ia- P P auo or The Dlapeteh that tb* PI- P P vor loving cap awarded th* P P Ira singing clam at tho Hat. P P nott Community Bing Labor P Z "•* presented by Th# P P Bank of llarnott at Dak*. Tb* P P cup was presented by all tb* P P banks of Harriott County. p P Th* ten Harnett banks that P P bought and praaentad th* ailvoy P P cap wore aa follows: Tb* Firat P P National, Bute Bank A Trust P P Company. Tho Commercial P ♦ Bank, Dunn; The Bank of Har> k P nett, Duke; The Bank of P P Harnett, Coots; Tb* Bank P P of Bairn Creak; Angiar P P Bank and Troat Company P P The Farmar's Bank, of Angiar; P P Bank of Liliiagton, Harnatt P P County Trust Company, of Lit- P P lington. p ?. DINNER GIVEN IN HONOR DUNN NAN Carey Taylor la Cream A Bril liant Sand Off At Pay •ttowillo On# of th* moat unique dinnan over given In thU elty ia being arran ged by the friend, of C. B. Taylor for him on Thursday evening at • 0'!<*k *t the LaFayetta Haul over which Brigadier General A. J. Bow ley of Qunp Bragg will preside as toastmaster. It wfllba in the fora of a farewell affair aa ha la leaving the city in a few days to toko up work hi another city. This affair will b* attended by members of the BUu Lodge, Kiwunfa Club, Rotary Club, Knights of Py. this* Lodge, Masons and oven by man who belong to no order at nlL It is not a lodge affair but ia bMag given by his numerous friends all over tha city Irrespective of any or der. Mayor Edwin R. MscXotkan will alao hav* a aeart at tb* table and the Camp Bragg bond will famish mask. In th* neighborhood of 76 covers win be laid aa o great majority of tb* leading bonnets men of the city who are friends of his will attend. Tt win be one of tha (Inset dinners staged la thia city in tome time, go* B. Warsb aaer, whe la chaimran of tha commit tee of arrangements, announce* tic kets can be secured from him, also from Manager J. P. Meador of tb* hotel—Fayetteville Obeervcr. C»r*y Taylor la a ton of Mr. and Mr*. Jamaa A. Taylor of tkia elty. Ha la a newspaperman of long axporionca and has worked In many ettiss la tho United States. Before going to Fay sttevlll* ho was connected with tho Savannah Prssa, at Savannah. Os. Mr. Taylor has not definitely deci ded Where he will go froaa Fayette ville He loavta next week for Bslb mor to Wbk over a prospective post Don there and ho haa several other place* In consideration. FORMER POSTMASTER WITH INSURANCE FIRM Engsso T. Lao Cooaoote Himself With Den iaesraaas A Realty C*m»—y EUGENE LEE _.N „N „N .. „ Eugene T. Lee, postmaster at Urn Donn post office for nine year*, Ido tf™ **pinng a few weeks ago whoa F" £i, *™t *5*. tomoprarily appointed to fill the poeition under tho Herding administration, has connected hbmaeti with the Dunn Insurance A Realty. Company. Mr. Lea trill be one af tho manager* of this enterprising Lneur anc* lira, to assist J. Lloyd Wed* who has been manager of the com pany for several yean. The Dunn Inrarane* A Realty Oo„ I considers Itself exeoodlagly fortunate In securing the service* of the form er Dunn postmaster, who has already had some experience In the Insurance writing gam*. Mr. Loo is a of rare executive ability, aad the faculty ef making and aawping f,-sonde. He la a tireless worker, and will prove a groat addition to Mi* fores of th* insurance comp—y. When asked hew be liked Us sow field, he was very enthusiastic, de claring that it was Interesting and absorbing. Tho Dunn UnrsiK* A Realty Company Is one of tho eldest and largest insurance agencies of this section, end has mads a reputation for itself In square dealing aad tar ries to its customer*. B. O. Townsend was instrumental la organising tho comp—y and was manager for tavern] r*sn until ibostiy before leovtag th* IRHirandb nma I T Wade Ika nnma punv'i present guuufir. to* tarred in that capacity ilnaa Mr. Ttmaaiad reairned bit poaition to ye la othar work. Tha ayaacy haa done a column ad buainaaa in tkla taction and aUhoayh, Ilka all other .ntarprleee, bit by Urn financial dapremlon, Maaara. Wade and Laa arc wary antbnalaatla arar tha fatare, and bdltece that tha eaaa Iny year will ha a been In tha tarer ancs buaincaa Mr. Laa deelraa far hit frtaada to call and eat W* at the ef ncea of tha Inreranee company. aMdi art located orar The Mata Bank 4b Treat Company. BRIGADE dr ARTILLERY bent TO CAMP BRAGG Traaala Cram Cauatra From Cum iealmoa mad la Ahaarhad _ WadiI* At Baayy I Fayrttorflla. Boat. 7. — Par tha »«»pato af abaotpflw into tha artfl Ltt aatta already at Camp Brmyy, tha flfth field artillery, bri«3. haf^rtr. ad Kara from Oaaap Taakaea. B. C.. eaada* acreaa aaantry ia treaka. Tha hnyaifa, cmrrylnf a yaretaaal af 74t afflaare and mao. yaaa eat af aik tanca and Ka man are beiny dletrtbat ad aaaony tha Bitt. *»tb and ITth Bald artillery regimaata. “Theta maa hart arrtrad ad Camp COTTON DOWN BUT STILL COMING IN Eighteen Cmt. Is Price Blag Paid Today On Local Marfeot Two hundred and ton bales of BOW cotton aad sight halo* of last 7oar's crap were add aa tbo local marfeit yesterday with a price of rightata rents for good middling. Although cotton dropped off nearly throe coats a pound ia the last throe days fasum «n continued to bring tbo stogie la, end cotton is ooming la at about the f»«e “ yesterday as the Me patch is being made up. Optimism toigaad among local ma*> chants aad bailnem men as Well as the cotton farmers when cotton tank the upward sheet a few dtps age aad spot rotten sold for so high as 'll ssats on tbs Dunn marital The sat isfaction in local bustates circle* that reoohed from cotton's sudden lamp le this pries level he* not oempbteiyl subsided, and it i* eoauaoB eptaieal that a steadier and ator* gradual ns* will come about shortly, aad thin time to stay “Practically all new cotton,” stated Tom Bogan, cotton weigher today,, commenting o •haoctttTAOINNUNU commenting on the cotton bate brought to town. “That can be asms frees yesterday's sales when ef 210. only right were last year's crop." Now York, Sept fi. — The esttoa1 market waa feveriah again today thee J SM iSS.' "SZ carried soma Mteerkee Ilf to fit a bale below Wadnaaday*! Ugh point I Final price* were lit to 1U potato aador yesterday's clone. The opening at |t.M a bale de cline followed a break ia tha Liver pool market. The rally wkick follow ad. baaaaaa old bulls wke had aald out thrlr line* rimmed desire to ranaor them at lasrar levs la carried October tip to 14.10 and January to IIJI. tolling premarc which brought tha Into afternoon brook wu portly dna to reports that Bowtham banka warn urging sale* of toots to *eaa tha fi nancial situation. After a meeting of the directors of tha Southern railway today Prmtdsnt Fairfax Harrison issued the following statement in regard to the rsoeat ad vance la cotton: "As to tha sMsatlee In tha Sooth, Users ia every ladiestioa that the cor ner has been true In the put that good cotton eras the breath of wind far which tha Souths™ States have bean smiting- K baa been traa la the gut that goad cotton prieoa affect all industries and Increase* buying pow er. which-uOMn*-improved-hutaaea Goods purchased by tha South sriD mean batter earnings for the roads. Improvement will, of qouree, bo grad sal, but much Is gaised whoa eenti moat chan gas.” COTTON GOES TO PIECES AFTER FURIOUS ADVANCE New York, Sept. T. — The cotton market ceDapoad today after a fori mm opening to which future* sheared advance* of 1M to 17* points, ram ■oaring u high u 111 points above yesterday's close. The violent b-cak mnt pries* dawn *00 paints, tha limit psi fitted for any one day's fluetoe- | tiona Tha class wu wsak with tha lowest prices of th* day, October fin ishing at 19.44 and Jan aery at 19.74. Tha brook coma after quotations ere sand II canto a pooad for all months sad exceed ad It canto for dlo tut dolhrerloa. The rise waa attribut ed partly to soother sensational Liv erpool ad vase*. Tha drop started when It become apparent that big in terest*. which had bought at much lower figures, were letting go of their cotton. Prices crumpled under the strain of Urge offering* la tha last h•«** j|MpitndandluJd Gdd«boro”whara^By^^i°^f £ ^ ph.a™ ^ rd^lBr, ^ r£d eai^ad^l **“ "** month. 4k. Hra^E|ian Gold* boro before the m conclud •* h» *"*. Vr.^HF'T feal fOTto n.te In having th#aHnyaaity to bear you preach tha.t^Krwaeke and regret, that ( h^Hwe to fill an 32. at tba> A. Allan. fuiiitd in eivfl Qng Wake county at^^Hfemjhntly n iMUi to 8chocl. at year at Trinity OMkfa Af» ttrn m»iHn •( I <|t w c*Wr H~1 ,->n; i DUNN YOUTH FREE, RETURNS TO WIFE Winn Dm am rime oar tha ttttla towa of Dana today It vfl] Aad a an srKVWkssrJs.’SCK &j?ites?rXSEst$ Chief of PoUeo U. 8. Payo. of Damn, after ala mars of froodoa ia wan California- Prod,!* company with kia W* brother, Mack. Otia P. Shall aad Byron Ford, a Dunn aonwawa loft tko pricaa at aa oaity boor tkia marainy aad win bo froo to oaioy abal ia loft of tifo for biai ao kmgZ Ika bokoroa. A conditioaal perelowaa yraatad aoar laat midaiytt by Cow. ontor Cameron Morriaoa. L Aiated with petttoae aad lottero Saiga jspr^sn Haraott, Prod's wilt, deter aad friooda cam* yoaterday to piood with iho Coworn or for kia relearn. Arrtrod boro tkoy found aoay iVurorlia Pint Uto Coworaor waa ia aoaatoe with tko Council of State. At t o'clock bo planted oa aadlaeoo to Aad that tho nocooomry rare—pidHtel od tha peaoorotiny ooHeitor waa mhdM. Tho jars, waa tho ooileiter. Talophoao wm to T lltlagtoa wore dowa. Tele naphie coananaleatleas wore aat aad. Srz^i2‘S*dK.''.£: rcr bit tko rood far Uttaytaa. At 11 o’clock thoy ware book aa] faaad tha Oowornor^ tte htt^eetretery William IjsvSstsv1a a dss of the youay man wen tharo with tko parols pap— Shortly tkoy loft with him to Mho a wife aad a mo ther teas*. STS& SU."Sr A?%53 la Damn near daybreak, and had, KM with them. It wa* a vary happy Mr. aad Mm. Drama* that thanked their mapata end lawyer friends: for the Mada—* they had shew* 1b] ■searing far the yoaag Man a parade! that ahowa Fred to go free lira MW Fred Drafting has fwt through] many s«pwhifw slaw hs left Dmaa years ago. Hi* escape from the state fans, where he had hara pissed, charged with robbing a iaaal rates*, aanan, ru the last heard af hiss by the majority af hi* friends her*. Haw •TST. tha hay, left te fam the world for a.wee*. with his arat mooed haw eacttea to raattea, till dasBy ha land sd ra tho Foe Me Coast It was them that he wot aad waddid the ye sag woman who i* bow his devoted wife. A lew week* ago ward was hoard frsra nsd kg hla miatives hara, aad a faw day* sab ha ratted la tewa wish hi* wife te aa wtrails, Ha was sick, still ssfariag from sms sd Ms past experiences aad hie was a path etic ease, indeed, when laeai aotheri Uea or. sated him w the Chares that he was wanted at the state prgsn far ***£«"family aad the girl he had mar ried called on Byre a Ford, a Iaaal aeangaporman, wte is «var th* dawa aad aster's friend, ta reads* what ■id hs oewtd in getting Fred fra*. la |local aothantta* MuSShriat ha te tsTsigh Taoaday rad spggsd te Gwvermsr Morrises fas a pars!* far Fnil After dsdstftog isvwai handi cap* th* ssraTaaa* awnlht ftsf, aad aaw ha te fsaa to go Ms Sara way 'with M* wif* ' Baaferd, Aral A — Hit many SStasr&jmRA |poster af tbs Steals ftreat MoShsdg ! church af this tity, who seder west a saris at sparedtea sd the local hospital ffiSS&SSSHS had jwt mtumad » whoa H was ■ ►; - . I AFTERNOON PAPER HAS A GREAT OAT the pabUcetiea. the' Ba Mtr itnUin to d ompM hr Ba latgh’a afteraooa paper. Oichertre aialt, gaartotw degiag, P«m* aarviag. aad otter thiaga, ta etadtog a tear through the pleat with KtertJy toSontiit 5*m£ 9Skti ZFsxZit: £ gMaf P. C.EaBl*aafl*U*b*ry«tr*ot Mr. Aadraw*, who can* to l«l«l*ti fron Grass too ro, bought tha htoMl rasaaflfflsaB to* wttb tha Moral** ftokt •aJA hi* (lock to John C. Drawry Tho Praaa, Mr. MeSary »yi, bad tea «*). mm af adrartlihig aa* AM nbnifb an bafaia Ha AM laM *M priato*. "la tha taauaar af lift tha war* THni irg) Ha ipiuntfi la tha mm of ttepapM.tooPrato-V M 1** Vidler, with' John C. Di awn, IgMriaMWT, J«kn^^!Wr Jaak 'pasagar, MWIMi Brio* dty aAb | "A BMa later, about 1M4, J. C. CaAtetl banes kli aaaaaettoa wHh tto papar *• editor, with Edward L. Oaaa aity editor. Geers* B. Cratar aiaaa txt&rzzi&X's: ••I BIMIIlMt IWMH C»a1«l Jokn X Mi M p*h\yktT. TV •ntlr* ■COptftf IN *o*4 wftl aa BotesaabOTt, luT/" ! ‘siSsfe. srjs toeaageaeeat to aaaUaaa to ana ate ST* ktetokVI^af'Th. tCi JSV^rt.V!^US! | Em III j| I SI 111 5 IWMtfV