* EVERY BOT AND CUU. IN » WT"^ llT * SCHOOL TOMORROW FOR * ■ VmI ■ : —'--■■"c— » J| 1 1I .. | • Volume VIII. |TSptember 13. 1921. FAIR PLANS ARE COMPLETED AT A MEETING FRIDAY Entertainment Committee Named, Roland Williams Elected Chief Marshall CLARENCE POE ASKED TO OPEN THIRD FAIR Everythin! Lined Up Fair Har nett’s Third Annual Fair— —Three Notable Speehere Every Dey A Corker—Plana For Biggeat Midway Ever— Racine Program Announced. Final plana and arrangement* for ringing Harnett's third annual fair, were completed at an executive meet ing of the Harnett County Agricul tural Fair Association Friday night. An entertainment committee was named, a chief marshall wax elected, and It was decided that Clarence Poe, editor of the Progressive Far mer, of Raleigh, should be extended an invitation to open up the Hematt Fair on Tuesday, October II. Other minor details were attended to, and everything lined up for the biggest and best fair that has yet been held in fTamctt county. Tho invitation to darenee Poe was extended by Secretary Riddle Satur day. Mr. Poo hat aot yet been heard from but high hopes ere entertained for hi, acceptance. If Mr. Poe accepts tb* invitation, tho Htmott fair will hav* three notable speakers to ad drra» the thousands that will attend duing the week. Herbert Hoover and Mr,. Vanderbilt will be the drawing catds of Saturday, the linal day, which will be called “Haovar Day.” Raiaud WUUaate EWetod Roland.Williams was elected Chief Marshall by the committee and he will name his list of marshalls within the naxt few days Mr. Williams acted in thi, capacity last year, and hit work wax of such a high order that he eras thu unanimous selection for the asm# job this year. The. entertainment committee se lected i, a* follows: Hon. H. L. God win * chairman, N. A. Townsend, O. M. Tilghman, Marvin Wads, McD. Holliday. Mr. Riddle has written to each man an ihla committee, asking him to servo, and rtkting the duty of the entertainment committee. Hie let ter, lp part, rtade: “The duty of this committee will bo to arrange for the reception of and the entertainment of the ditiaguished speakers, who havc bean invited to address the fair this year.” of the final day. Purses amounting to <600 will b« awarded each day. The racing program, aa decided. Friday night, follows: Tweed* 7 2:25 Trot.3308 2:14 Pace.$10* Wednesday 2 31 Trot.#300 Free for all_......... — ...3300 Thursday 2:14 Trot.1300 2:18*raee..__1100 Friday 2:18 Trot.-.8300 2 :22 Pace ..|800 Uniform conditions, adopted by tho Circuit of Pairs, will be abided by, aad the right is reserved by tho asso ciation to change this program. The association has become a member of the National Trotting Association. Bands Invited All the bands of Harnett, Johnson, and Cumberland counties will be ex tended an invitation to join la the activities in "Hoover Day." This will include the Dunn, Benson, Duke and Camp Brags band*, all of whom will be expected to he here for (he final day. • An advance agent of tho West Bright Light Shows, tho carnival en gaged for the midway of the Harnett fair arrived in the city yesterday and will begin at once in distributing ad vertising matter for the big carnival. The midway wilt be given a groat a mount of publicity, and Hr. Riddle is of the opinion that tho shows will be the very beat ever seen in Dunn Several fra* ads, two bands, riding dovtcea, concessions, and twelve big and merry shows, aro some of tho things advertised by the Bright Light shows. Jack Lylea, who eras bars last rear, promisee to make good with his oabfit, and say* that this shows aro world beaters. AdalNiM PrieM Tho admiaaiaa uim to tho fair ground* wor* Oxed ot 7U Ur admit*, and for children, from **v*n to twelve year* of age. The Harnett fair admlesien price* compare favor ably with admlMton* charged at tho other Eortem Carolina county fain, according to a tchedul* eoapDod by Mr. Riddle. At Rocky ModSl, William, •too, Fayetteville, Clinton, RaUith. Tarboro, tha aam* admMoni wilfbo chirred a* at tho Dam fair. Every Dor A characterlftic of the Harneu , fair ia the faet that wary dOy will be a big day. Tke opening day, Tue* day, October 11, will bo featured by a big opening addreaa, pcufbly by C ten nee Pee. Wednaaday, "Indpe trial Day," will bo featured *y on at tendance of employ** at all iadmitrlo* in thi* eoetlon. Every otor* and rrvry nnlorprle* will bo urged to cloa* down on *VndnUriel Day"' Tkondov I* "Everybid/* Day," and everybody from tho four conntloo or* urged to , attend on thl* day. Friday 1* "Educa tional Dey" when eebool «ktMm, hundred* of them from ell four *#«• tiei wdB bo given foil away. The Anal day, flotuiday, la "Hoover Day," to bo featured by Herbert Hoover** ad dr*** and M« Introduction by Mem. George W. Vanderbilt Tkonder, No Rain.—Headline. It de*mt do any good U twear aboat it—A > k*r*ae Caaette. MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR JUSTICE ALLEN Traditioagl Honor Will Bo FaM la Supreme Court Nost Friday Following a custom that was adopt ed early in the history of the Mata, the less] profession of North Caro lina will 0.1 next Friday morning in the courtroom of the Utile Supreme Court, meet to pay tribute to the me mory of the late Associate Justice, William U. Allen, whose death occur* red last Thursday afternoon. Memor ial resolutions will be offered, and prerented to the court for a part of its record. Twenty-nine years hare passed tiaec similar exercises were bald in tribute to the memory of a deceased member of the court, in 1881 Chief Justice Merrimaa and Associate Jus tice J. J. Davis died that ymr while the court was In saesion, and tha me morial service teas held. No cervices are held in ease* of death ef a mem ber of the court while the court was not in eenaion. In beeping with the custom, the memorial resolution U offered by a member of tha bar, and upon accept ance is presented. Then the Attorney General in tom presents the resolu tion to the court, and K le written In to the records as a permanent mem orial. This custom has been in fores since the first death occurred after the formation of the Supreme Const. Lawyers from every section ef tha State have already indicated their Intention to attend the service, and It 1* expected that several hundred membois of the profession will be here for the occasion. Justice Alisa was one of tht most widaly known jurists in the State, and his pairing has closed universal sorrow, act only among hit brother lasrysrs. but among the people of every walk and calling. — News and Observer. CLINTON ODD FELLOWS HOLD RECEPTION FOR MINISTER Clinton, Sept. II,—On* of the lar gest attended Odd Fellow* moetiag* that has ever baan held her* was a® couat of a roceptlon tendered Rev. J. L. Everton. who has bsen eaa of the most ardent supporters of Odd Fet ledrship In this section and I* beloved by all, and wbo has served as a minis-, tar in this community for the poet ten yean and la leaving for service in New York State. Meter*. L. A. BctSune, M. Sloee burg. D. II. Patrick of Florida, F. WmAeld and Rev. A. R. Parsley con. veyed to Aim the Grand Mairter L. W. Moor*, of WO mingtoa, vraa also in attendance and brought out thdk great anoeam of tha attendance content and tha general activities in North Carolina, and Indi cated the- lore to the community by Rev Mr. Bverton’i leering the State. VIRGINIA LEAGUE MOGULS TO MEET SATURDAY NIGHT AT RICHMOND] PROTESTS Rocky Mount, Sept 12.—As a re sult ef vigorous objection on the part of the directors of the three North Carolina dub* in tha Virginia League, President Bradley has changed the league directors' meeting, scheduled to occur at Norfolk next Wednesday night to Richmond. The time for the mooting has also been Moved up until Saturday night. President Bradley's decision to change the time and place of tbe see cion, which is expected ta he one of the most heated In the history ef the Virginia circuit, was announosd to offleial* of the league club this after noou over long distance telephone after they had conferred with tbe league head over the matter. It is understood that the moguls sf the three Carolina club* wish the place ef -the meeting changed be cause of the fact that all league par ley* of recent date has* been held la Norfolk, whereat, they are supposed to rotate among the ritlsa that malt* gp the circuit. Norfolk, it it stated, has also bean tha evtter from which all attacks on the Carolina clubs have been launched and the Carolina direc tors my they are tired of ahrsys as sembling In hoetile territory where -criticism and disruption ar* usually to rife. BOLL WEEVIL PLAYING HAVOC WITH THE COTTON Clinton, Sept It—Tho Ml weevil It rampant in tho lower half of tho county and tho writer found one right hero In Clinton Friday. They are la two ram about Garland, Ingold, Har nm itoiV,, and Delway. It le prob able that (bo fore runner* will reach the northern tip of tho county before froct There are few groan fame for them to work on. Tho cotton ha* chad ded half way down the atalka. But at Garland, your eorraependant le in formed, they nr* attacking the grown MU in the ahtanco of abaadant younger one*. Motor*. ClaU and Ouch, cotton buyer* hare, aeld two hundred bale* •f middling cottoa direct to Bremen, 9”U»a*r, Saturday, receiving *0 H cent*, f. e. h„ (hlatan. Th# CUa ,sirart£&SfS It 1-1 por coot fautaod of. tool* par Mot rM—ooodod tor Mr. KoMo *•d tbo opinion today ottbo Capitol Ma •* b* botbat tba Hooao rota won Id bo fwaptod if allatoatloo of tbo yrodto tox *oro pot ad batU aaxt Janaary. ^SJSgStVBSmm I » I ; •w f rMfMKX w. & taadant af tha Daw toJ.C Cliff aad, Ohatawa af tiM Baard af Traataaa. -»-*ii at a m sating af aalarad ctttoaaa kald la to colarad Mtlhtdlrt churck ■—■*— “'f^zwSrs^siu 2i?5a*tru!arsvga ***** thna to to ttotr awt to wak *»« to wkada wini |Tltoat tha w^haSktot oagCTto'to ** toM ■ Btorta to toa colarad attiaaa«, aad aa tha wlwdld faaJieg aslatlag kit.a thawtota and aalaaad racaa to Daaa aad Mh comaaaity Ha atgad aB aaiaato to Ti?SLSSS?Atti£Sa *; »■*< * WH **< ■*■■!■ I COIO ClattHMa tuaitiaa ara aa laMar aaadaadta ona raw. dadarad llrT Oiffard. £&35*S£?3 of tha gHaw aftotowk n* *Sto WMllNnkt; ‘ 11 i ll arMfc Uaal SScSSygSS Biagtog af aid glantattoa adaltii faatarad tha wartime A riwtottaa Muugvatotod to todto a* tha aahaal BAttnOH YOUMG MAM _ DIOWNI IM MM I. MMU > COTTON GOES UP AND THEN DOW* J kick Batord*, taariwt, u4 • total of war* aold. tha aejertty (ro ta* at tla a poond. aad tha laauia dar a* aaar that Ipn. Yaatotday oottaa har# opaned ay at abaat “• irtaa. aad fanaan aariy to IJJ jjafirad die far tha atapla, ***** Ihoo* that earn ta tha aftar *anad to aaU far IP*, today tha airiat waa aff anathax XttsvtiJhsgit y c**ta» bayon won loafcla* for dactaottoaa a< tha Market at aay tbatjte riaat/SSSTria^M tofuS withoat aotie*. hata tl tha aSaoadittaa of tha ■aihat May, eattoa eaaar ta at a tai'SifiarsisrsK aad tedkatiaas aariy today war* that araa am weald ha aold today. ANOTHER FEVERISH DAT • IN THE COTTON MARKET CHANCE or MU»n * AGAINST AKSUCKLE Jta TraWM, Aft 11.—Ko*eo* (VMAr) Attack)*, taw yletarc k tatataM on • chart* *f aar tar tao inat night, A coaaoetioa with Gw death Friday ad Hie* Virginia sr’EfcSLsr^a'tfras’K' IT Sow. wader Go Motion of tha CaU fotaia eod* yraridhw that Ufa taken in ray# or otfatpod ray* i* consider ed wafdar. Cdytaia of D*to*Gr*c Duncan Ma thooo* tad Gw avid**** ahtwid that tar* had haea aa attack wad* an *fcM!/1M*ad*y a formal complaint wfl) b* Slad agalnat ArtoekU," Ma th*#** tad. V* added that Arbaekl* la reported W make a Mat am eat. 1h* lamnlaiat agalnat Aihaeld* ff?pb:».wiiSTi£ fee Mlaa Ramo rtto otw£. m*aar‘T . ynder thn finWfaraln yaaal eod, no hta^ballMradda to a y*r**a charged UUNUUNJNMAEE HAND m PNOsacuriNc assuckle HwUlk Aft IS-Haary Lehr g—* JjmjjjM jpanfmkkji prstaiiisn ’J« Md n la Gw wad A ya* Rl. .*>t1 «■_**»« r?n *W. Lahrman tad tat h* weald • after Thar* i* near 1.1 * i DUNN MUSICIANS MAKE OFFER TO PLAY CONCERTS ■UTEAMP WAJfIB TtOt Already tto 'mtulff' tond of Doaa don o tor of r **••* coaeidoratiaa. Tto offer of tto toad la tUo: to (day e aorloa of Ua paMic concert*, ooo to to played «*■ •nr Friday a%to lor too cooeotetfr* wooiu, ouh tnm oto to two toon 1m Uofth.,Tto tto Mm of to*. Aooood mttzSrAi ^"whrtSjTlr^SSfiljjtoSS TTS*. ■»• totoeldt, too developed • Mro tin. aleatioa of hrutydw atowi Sot i< capable of deUroriac n atore than cloaoroae rrimdi i ocular, real, aadenlabto oto