THE DUNN Volume VIH. Dunn, North Carolina, GRADED SCHOOL OPENING MARKED BY SIMPLICITY About Sis Hundred Students Throng To Local School First Day MANY TOWN PEOPLE ATTEND THE OPEN1NC Professor Snipes Urges High School Students To Study Systematically — Many Lo cal Citisone Address ' he Students—Express Opinion Of A Successful Year. Simplicity marked Ihc opening ex ercises of the Dunn Graded school Wednesday morning for a year that premise: to lie the moat successful in lh« ichool'a history. Attended by a large croud of tnun.peeple, the oxer ri-ea took the. form of a gathering in the auditorium nod by viaiu and talk- in the lower giailr The auditorium wa« aldr tv neat only the high -choot and seventh grades at'd the -pierdid talks made by a number of Dumi citizen- were heard by only these grade*. rroiairor Snipe* ,.*tlm>ite* Ihu' V rounil six hundred have t-n lolled, whlrh i< praci rally the same as last year. Some of lh« grades are an large that they have been divided in two •ertiune in order that the rlasaei might be taught a* they deserve to be. The school budding and the an nex are both crowded to rapacity, and shows every need fur the new accommodation* guaranteed recently by the school bond wsue. The eooner the new builJing and alteration* to the old are made, the better condi t.ons will be for the crowded school. Urges Systematic Study Profeasor Sniper. superintendent of the Dana Public Schools, made a plain and ample talk to the high school and seventh grader in the op ening exercises held in the auditor ium. He urged "flyrteaatic Studying" and lon, af Fayetteville, ta | in town in the iiurnnl of icorgem* ••■!» the local lodge of I. O. O. F. Mr i C,a-t«n arrived in Iowa yeitaiday I miming and will be hero for neveral i d.«>» taking Orp* town id > miryaniu tlo’i of Uti* lodge which ha» been not act.v,- in IHinn foi aeveral years. A i-umbci of Duan citiaeas, meat of thorn of the older school wore mtmm bet* of btc lodge of Odd Fellow* that wai once well eataMtlhed bare. A mong the prominent tarn here that wore once very active In the lodge a <• U. K. Grantham, C. Lee, Dr. C. II. Sexlon, R. G. Taylor, B. F. Young, J. W. Jordan, R. l„ Cromar tle, J. I. Thompson, P. T. Mnuengill, and many other*. Mr. Gaston was very optimistic ov er prospects for reorganiiing the indjrv, and oxpiewcd hi* confidence that the Odd Fellows would be In good running in Dunn in g short while. EIGHT OF LAST YEAR’S CLASS TO ENTER COLLEGE Last Veer's High Scheof Cradoatiag Claw Ta Saad Off Ma jority Eight oat of thirteen member* of la*i year’s graduating elan of Ute Dunn High School will go off to rai lage this fall, according to informa tion received in this office Of the five member* of the Class of '21 that will not enter college thia fall one Is married, one’s health will prevent him from going off, end one ha* bees ewey from Dunn for eeveral weeks and may be planning to attend school some where. Thi* is a very good record. The eta** of *21 was composed of 6 girls, and -even boys. Of the five that will probably not go off to school, three arc boys and two girls. The follow ing is a list of the eight members of thg class that swill go off to school this fall, with naxnoa of. the colleges Thomas Rood, Carlyle Rowland. Uni veiaity of North Carolina; Pat Jonaa. Wake Forest, John Clifford, North Carolina A. and E. In the senior class at the high tcknul this year we are informed that there are eleven members, and practi cally the whole class plans to entar college after graduating hero. . LITTLE IMPROVEMENT I SHOWN IN COTTON CROP I NmI of Raiafall la Norik Aad South Carokaa Ur|«nl; Dam eg* la Tea** Wellington, Sept. 14. •*- "Cotton rhowvd little or no improvement dur .15 Hi* work, and continued mostly in very poor to poor condition.” acrord .'15 to (he weekly review of crop eon dillons contained in the National Wiather and Crop Bulletin issued to day. Oirasonab’c weather continued It tile cotton belt, rainfall be.ok unpre cedontly heavy in some central and .xutWeriem counties of Texas wherc great damage was done. Plants ware .omen-hat revived by rainfall, how ever, in other sections of the state, ; the report said. In asetorn localities the hot and dry wiather continued to halt the crop’s growth, plants in South Carolina los ”>« vigor and shedding badly. There «l-o was complaint of mane shedding in North Carolina. • Cotton was reported “very poor” in Georgia aad ‘apparaatly beyond pea rjlile improvement.” Progress was generally poor in other sections or the belt, according to the review. Holla were said to be opening fast p-nerally with poking end ginning p.ugreselng rapidly in moat central and eastern districts, bat harvesting wan considerably Interrupted In many system port to as by rain. While earn was reported meetly be yond float danger generally late com wae la seed ef moisture la many ran thrusters and middle Atlantia react section* Mies Elisabeth lagstrsm, of Duluth, M'nn., left Wednesday afUraooa for Denton to spend a four days with Mias Florence Cooper foe several days. . ot scripture reading from the routine I of the school, and bo wanted to sea I the Dunn Cradad lahaol a real Chris I tien Imtitotlen. , "Godfearing etheel teachers are a nerd of oar sekoala, Mr. Snips* atari od. Ms believed that the tree hen ’ •»»*« aNraya to set an example f« I the students, and ha urged the taacb r ora to be rare fat to sat the right e» r ample. Mr. Snipes eepesmsd anttot I patten fei a sneeemful school punt. T MANY MASONS TO ATTEND MEETING Moynl Arcti~~MMama ml United SUtaa To Hold Camara I Com vaoHao b Aibarilla A.hcville, 8«pt. 13. — Advance re wrvatkm er about TOu Maaona from all part* of the United States baa beaa made of the general grand chapter and general grand council mtrtlrg- af Royal Arch Maaona, ta bo hold la Ateevtlle, Septamb*r 20 to it. It U .lpccted that a anmbar of pruadaoat Maaona from all parte of the country will he prooont and from Indication, it will bo ace of the Larguot gartber ing* war hold in Aahevillo. Local Ma •ooa have teoa baay far the paat Um week, trrungiag all molten ytrtdn Ing to the (enclave and making piano to welcome the viaitom. The Slate delegation* and their headquarter* are a* follow*: Battery Park 244; New York 40; Keutacky, 13; Ohio It; Washington 1; Maine ■M ; Oklahoma t| Now Jaraey t; Me Uirl of Colaaabla S; Louiaiana •; Min nesota 4; Mimouri It; California t: South Dakota 2; Idaho 4; Illinota It; Indiana 2; Mowaeh'jaotto It; Mary land 2; Vermont 2; Iowa 20; Now Hampehlro 10; Connoctieot 2; Arkaa aaa A; Michigan 0. Manor hotel. 147; AUbama 20; Uiatrtet of Colombia Id; Iowa 10; Kentucky 16; Maryland 2; Mtnaoortl 10 Miadtaippi 2; Mew Hampehtee It; Ohio 20; Vermont 4; Florida 10 and New York 7. The Langroa hotel. 107; Indiana polis 26; Tennaaaoo 20; Matna •; North Carolina I; Sanaa* 27; W tee on «n 10; Minneaota 4; Now Joruoy Of Georgia 24; Oklahoma 4; Mlauiaclppl 4; Ohio 3; Ariaoaa 2; Connecticut 2; Washington 4; and Shade Island 21. Oac of the feature* of the coupon tion will bo a trip U the Cherokee I Indian reservation and-g~mnita are oow under way with the Southern Railroad for a special train ta tha roeeivatioa ta ImndU tha rlnflera. Tha Chorokaa Indiana mill IMve a fair am during that waok aad M to gl—1~* The grand council of Royal and fte leet Master* and the grand chapter of Royal Arch Maaona of ArfcuHt have iaaucd invitation* to a roeaptleo at the Battery Park hotel, Septoudber 27. It la expected that a number ad other roropliont will bo arranged while the visitors are In the city. J. BASSETT MOORE IS ELECTED JUDGE Named By Assembly of Lu(u* As Jude* On lataraational Court} Accepts Geneva, Sept. 14.—The Buck of the International Court of Jnstlee, elected by the assembly and council of the Iwignc of Nations today, ap pears to (five general satisfaction to the delegations with few escapeIona Eleven judges were chosen as fal lows: John Rssevtt Moore, United States; Viscount Finlay, Oront Brit ain; Dr. Yoroau, Japan; Dr. Andre Weiss, Franco; Commend atom Dion inio Aniillotti. Italy; Dr. Roy Baresa, Praail; Or. B. T. C. Lodor, Holland; Antonio S. De Bustamante, Cabo; Judge Didrik Nyholm, Denmark; Dr. Max Huber, Switzerland, and Dr. Rafts] Altamira Crovea, Spain. Owing to the difficulties of satisfy ing geographical and other conetder aliont end became Use of the compli cated system of election, it wma ex pected that It weald regain several days to choose the judges Bat to the reneral surprise nine were chosen ea the drst ballot. The beneh reprmeats all foar of the great systems of Juris prudence end nearly every race and , longue In the assembly. Tha Ameri can candidate, John Beaaett Moore, was chosen on the second ballet. MU »'«tion provoked the greatest ap plause ad the day. TOBACCO SELLING WELL ON GOLDSBORO MARKET Oaldabora, flapt It.--OEtetal ia parta from today'* tabs eta amfcut *»• a total of ana bnadrad and faar the ass ad pound* said ul aa na era** aff Id cants WbUa-tba tawar trad** art baMbiff tba (onoral tear a«* daara, battar ffradaa abaw aa aa artff* ap to 4* rente and ia aaaaa ana as me tea* aa biffb a* d# Wbfla tba taharra fannan watsbsd witblataraat lb* auetiaaaar* an tba salsa fteaaa. rotten fanuaft an tba straate vara ia ralrteff a* hlffb aa >1 roots far thati nuaadltf. saa af Norfolh, -|-rpid*lnp Ootddkass I as a rattan aantar, baa* ptaaad E. K Hill, ana af tbair riprnsinteUaaa. ban Grant Baddlaff. SPELLING PLUME O. L CmU, li l>c of • tk* county, ai onwgod V •fix tba qpoUlag aod borafam will Mr. Saitb’a aaotaat oad *ku« w« bo ad indieo wtn bo To of «1« ««Wi. •rat prtsa of M of It «fll ba |lix. |2 will ka avBidod ■pollan. *• ®o**M OM HMw ch iMt Third (mi Mm hook rrWlm dttat 1#. Tliird two OU MAni cm taa*. 11. T—t tom Mm Uck *4Wr» coaUHt. 12. F«ili two OU nuiw'i eow UiL 1*. Fifth Mo. hook *oU«b *°14MFmhLi oM FVUU^moUoL If. Oaitor oootoot. CAN INVKSTIQATCHCftKT If** Yajfc, byt M.—Jalpa Wa. trict Cart *taM tfca rilarat «tmI Jmrp it hal b»,|W>i Ml aa twitj U lillprti Vim n-1-rn i|'g With ttw ciaatltatliaal righto mt MA»y u mU. of hM*r«»^t>*^ar»t*|toJ«I^Ml^t^ u^arty Mhi (rw** aj*n*w! of tWir — —- 1-tin it right* frill— par* aato to parti "Than la a tow that aaa ho fcaagght U toi apw a^iMfri paopto m “WhM rag flat to that rtato at MARKET HEREFOR THE LONG STAPLE Farmer*. Cm Market Their Lang Staple Cattea Her* In accordance with e promise made by B. O. Townsend, el th* Geasrel Utility Compear, who urged farm an to plant long' utopia cotton this pear, the weed will hero a market right hate in Doan. Th* Oaearal Utility Company, rapreaantod by B. O. Town si nd, win bey all th* long staple cot ton brought to town, and pay mar ket price far Ik ‘ Th* a net am'of tbo long atapla a*t> tee growers la tkia sestet la nothing short of rsmsrkahla tor tka dipt year, ancerding to report* soaring te this oflloa. A great dasl of tka series la baiag grown la this metis* for tko •tot tea, sad tea* farmers who planted it. are highly .latad ores thair rase Ha. Th* announcement that a market far tka long staple cotta* is assur ed la rsialtod with interest by all the farmers. Mr. Townsend pramimd kb farmer friend* when they bomht the seed from Urn that Dorn weald ham a am that, aad h* Is kaaplag U* pro. mi** by making a market himself Tap prism an guaranteed. lad bat Iona point to area mere planting of long staple la tko fstars due to th* sassess of to* farmers this year. Mr. Tmeasand era* very seria ted with th* remit* of ail th* farmers and the big prices being paid far leaf Maple, aad ha eras *f the opiate* that H wield gtv* leap staple a Mg hooat EXPOSITION TO HONOB THE AMUUCAN LEGION Cfcaiiatte. Sapt. 14. — Plwi far Astricaa Lapina Day at tto Etpui tto* waa arraapod today, it «1U to toaarrad etttor Bay Unto* t« or U Ca—to Tkoau W. EM. of tfca OapartMiot tt Mnrto QunHaa aid ■MH Saath Caratoa wtB autoaL plana far Oa toy- Katln*nl CtMudar Mm Q. Mm*n, wUl to ■rinali aaoMotMiaa. Hipfc Point teal •toad far a tpotoal train far Baptaat kar SS; Caaeaod toa aba atoad far a ap—tol day aad apaalal train. Kra WllHaat dackaaa toa ratarnad ftwa PayattarlDa. wtora ito vtattad trtmd$ tar arvaral day* LOW RECORD SET FOR FIRE LOSSES Flis loaoee In North Carolina hit the hottona ia Aagwet, falling lower than In aay —rth Naan tha tneaedo of 6ro laoaoa in tha Mata hava haaa kept, a a trading te figures ftvan oat hy tha laaaraaaa Do part Rant yoo tarday. Laaaaa far tha aanth totaled mt.OMd.d* aa against a law af IMtN* in July af tkia yan. Tha aggregate of laaaaa U mm*. ap af nnaarmn —all Arts which were chacked orithowt Milana prayer Ig baa. Themaarflla, with two fnmi b— faatorlao and a VnOding at tha M»^t, f—hhoTtfe'htortft)? I— af tha aiah reported from any mm town. Other laaaaa we«e la null bagar atUaa la tha hab with tha a* •aptba af Aahaofha, ahawad praott »• " _ "M W‘U bo the only on* of all the men wke distinguished themselves daring the war wbeee name will bo gratefully remembered by the whole world 100 yean hence and It will he far giving life to league of nation*. That 1* the firm conviction Hehnuth von Cerlaeh, on* ef the moat popular German democratic writer*, voiced in the Wett-Am-MonUg. It I* the Brat time Mr. Wilson ha* received such ostentatious praiat from •ay Gorman. Until now bo has been tfca scapegoat for all the unplaaaant happening* Germany experienced in th^lmd^ stage* af the war and the “In 100 year* the names of all the ‘great man af the world war.’ ” he write*, “the name* af the generals, as well as statesmen will ha forgotten. Only one name wfll continue ta live In the grateful remerherance of oar1 g'oat grandchildren It it a name that today I* Om mom dopteed a ad ridi culed—Woodrow Wilson. The last chan he ftrri. Mr. Wilson was the only ®n* who was induced by the war to gtva mankind a new idee—the league ef nation*. Not that he eaa claim to bo the originator of this idea. Others hod It before him Hut ho ha* given ta H. with the fervency of an ape*. tla, political reality, la spit* of all the opposing force*. He made room for K la the Vana Die* treaty, landing •her dry • gtamaur of eternity ta this md darament." Mach, ad coarse, can ha criticised la Mm Magna, he continue** bat “the foundation at Mari be* been Mid." 1 Von Oeriach hop** Germany will ep ’ ply fer admission soon ta prove she 1 has forgotten Urn pari and Is alive to 1 tbs democratic present hut fears Fer ’ sign Minister Reeen will be the gruat I e»t Obstacle, as ta his opinion. Dr. ■j Basra M a representative ef the old II *®bo*l ef diplomacy to open discus » |)k MMMf mttffi ■I -1 > MM* Marie Jaaoee Mft WadnemM] I far Wilson ( where sha will sprat several days wtth frisnda. CAMP BRAGG WINS non TO CANCEL . ORDER TO ABANDON Fluid CMBmts* ScM Or4m4 To Return Front Camp Knout C*»p Jacltaon Troop. Will Bp Brought ta Cambarlaad'a Cirtnaanall Victory Cer tain Since Sunday. Secretary af War, John W. Wealu, yerterday reminded tha War Depart meat order for tba abandonment af Camp Brags, at PayeUerlUe, and tha canton meat it returned to the active lift, according to loformetien inenbr cd here leal night hy Colonel B. P. Xing, Jr., vhe ia rapreeeating the government in the cenchaien of the condemnation proroodl^i to aainra pofeeaaiea af landa taken ever far tha aaa of tha camp. Cancellation of tha ardor to aban don tha oamp bee bean regarded ea a certainty nut Uat Sunday whan ScereUty Wceka pnrannalfy Uapaetad tba camp. Ha decBuod than to make definite aaaoonrewant until ha had conferred with Cenarnl ParahUg. hie chief of itfff. Brigadier Ganernl A. J. Bowlcy, commanding ofitcer at the camp wet called to Waahiagtan Taee <*»>' and waa informed yeotorday that the camp would ha raUincd. - Older* to abandon too camp were «««d from tho War Dopartmeat in J«lr, and tine# then Fayetteville slU coop# rating wMh General Bow ley have waged a potaietent -—-I ft if to hav# the ardor rescinded. Denied flatly at thair Amt odPou Republican National Committeeman John Motley Me.choad, was asked to throw hia • wc'ght into tho fight, aad apoa hi* inquest. Secretary Weak* agrood to hold «p the ardor aatil he had toaity to personally | To Bafld With that aanaianca, FayottovlU* baa hot „„ »»■¥ *•, _ , ipeetad the plaeo Sa^dVy.'thM being tha lack af adequate UmpHtitha facilities between F*-«tteoill* and th, ramp nine milei away. Tuesday a. a. the eitiiofu of Fayottavir# pledged the cxteaaiea of the trolley line to the camp bonndary, and with that aa •enuxa. Mr. Waeha had a* farther haaitaacy In withdrawing th* ordor to abaadon. Not only will the preaenf garrison at Camp Bragg he ratelaod, hat nails tort have already been transferred to Camp Kro*. Ky., will b* ratomad, ar d a part ef tha. garrison now at Camp Jackson, 8. C.. now ordered abandonnd, will bo transferred to Camp Bragg. Th* field officers school, recently moved to Camp Knox, with Major Orator In command, ha* boss ordered hack to Bragg. General Bow ley will remain in command of th* camp. At present thorn are *,000 m»n stationed there, and this number will to increased. Beal u-i—-'-,j c*aw Secretary Weeks had no hesitancy in declaring to the Fayetteville peo pl* with wh-.m ha talked Sunday that Camp Brag* war the tost maintained army camp that b* had toes, and that It* eitaatkn far aniUory work was Meal, hr remoteness from Taj ait* vllle. and th* lack of transportation alons caused him to bcattats la then declaring for its retention. General Bowlsy has toon th* chief figure In the fight to retain the samp, working wKh the active ea oporatlaa of th* Fayetteville eltiaoaa. and North Carolinian* generally. Fayetteville ha* acted open .vary suggest! *• of fered ky tto commanding genera!, vean t* seaming not to know that th* Secretary of War was la th# Cap* Fes- met repel is on Sunday, and in providing everything that ha* been a*k«d for la Hi* way of additional | facilities. i amttary Week* » a ad kaop It clear. Hi* enuainatioa af the caaip •»' mlauU la detail, and lacladed pareanal intarriew* arlth an when af the anHetad pamasnaL It waa from a aeryomnt that ha leaned of the dlf P