THE DUNN Volume VIU. , Dunn, North Carolina, Ο IHSIK&T IS READY FOR THIRD ANNUAL FAIR NEXT WEEK Gloriou· GftUiy of Prominent Speaker Add Strength To Program SINGING CONTEST TO BE BIG FEATURE FRIDAY Thetwedi Coming To Hear Mr. Hoover And Mrm. Van· «Urfcilt—Major George But* 1er Will Speak at Opening Tuesday—Motor Race· Sat urday. Again the grrat Dunn community j approaches that wuon when all of Its friends gather ut the fnlrtrrnnndx to see the product* of α year's work on the farm*, In the fields and fac torioa and in the hi'mei; to view the upstanding blooded caulc and hog* and sheep, the fin* poultry and horse and mulet; to ti«ten to the blare of brati banda, vU!t the shows, watch the recea, bear tbe «peaking, and vet together for another hard shake with thoae frie-ida who have wandered afield ard return for thl$ κ'οηοα/ event each year. Next Tuesday 1· tba day on which the big fair open·. It will continue through (the week until Saturday night when the arab> of the ahow world will fold their tenta and atart their caravan across the deeerta to the next town. •γ, , >t J ,| *gt , gg, % Major George Butler ia gofer 1° open the lair wtth oar of hii belt can nutter together, will head a pa rade through the principal thorough fares of the beat town under the •un. Major Butler'· concluding words will be the signal for the opening of , all exhibit halls, shows, concession» and riding devices. From that time t on Dunn, jit people end friends will 1 strive to make the β vint the great est in history. I This is going to bp a mora* η tout | affair. One of moll Lntcreatlmr f«· turet is the coining oi Herbert Hoov er, Secretary ot the United State* Dépariaient of Commerce, and Mrs. George W. Vandirbllt, president uf the State Fair, on Saturday, the fi nal day of the fair. Hr. Hoover will be here te dellveT the Itret tpeeeh he bae made in the South atnte the war. Mr». will introduce him. It ia probable that Ocnera) Julian S. Carr. of Durham, will Intiodaee Mi*. Vanderbilt. U| Reception Fer Hoover An iroprMtlve ceremony wHl *nr ronnd the recaption of Mr. Hoover, Mra Vanderbilt and . Uertcral Carr. Four bande have been Invited ta take part in the program. The»· ar« the Dunn Contort Band, The Benton 1 Americtn Legion Band, the Duke Band and the military band at Caaip Bragg three of them are certain to accept, according to Henry Lee, who hat charge of thU phtfe of the re ception. In addition to thete the two CAPT. I. ROLAND WILLIAMS Chief Martha I #f Um> Hamott Coonty Pair. Ciptalr Willi*·» «on ht· eomml»«lon In the World War te which bt *>· i«vers) wouniUd. b« «un two J*··»· •ttom wen in Ui« war by ilrtir*aW*4 MI-TIM to hi· country. H· wu fbiof •f the fair iMt rear. He U Jei>°T ■«kM ·» U«« law Am <»f Oeiwte wi Wfltlaau. HENRY A. TURLINGTON, PRESIDENT —Photo by Pat*a. Here it Ih· fallow who ha· wurked hirdnl to mIu tin Dui Vsir the ncceu it U. lit h»« been pnmid» "« of Ik· ίο» aaaoelation nk· Ha lit· Cation >nd la'lookod ΐρβη «ι «*· of tho belt lair ofllclali in North Caro lina. He i· owner of Turlingtor.'· Lhiroc-Jaivtcy Π of Fan»—tie bom» of ' many champion pur·-tared hog-i, and ta one of the beat farm art in Eaitam rami;»· .»»*· ^ - — land· attached to the (Teat Went Sright LirîiI .-hows will take part '..ι the day'· activities. Every day of the fair ia to be a big un·, according to Bllis Go1d«t*'n, buaine*· manager of the fair asso ciation. Tuesday, opening day, will be featured |>y the parade, Major Sutler's speech, band concerts, free aela, horse racine and a night »how uith fire work· as the principal at traction. 1 Wednesday will b· industrial day. The mllli at Duke and all of the fac tories and mills of Dann will close on that day to give their operative· in opportunity to vuit the fair. It l« probable that most of th· «toréa in tuwn will be closed in the afternoon «if that day. 1 lair-racing thriller· ivιΓ1 be «aged as free acta Tuesday ηηπ ·οπ· οι me Mat races will M ran J edging of exhibits will be (tatt ed on this day. Nijtit show* and fire work» will (pain be a fekturr. TlmW>7 Fewr Counljr Day ThorMiay will ba Die day when all the folk* fiom Lb* surrounding coun ties will be expected to attend the fair. Many free attraction» will ba added to the regular program of rac ing. ate., and the night «how of fire works will be one of Ae neit elab orate t*er seen in Korlh Carolina. Friday will >ee the «taring of the cteaUrt tinging contait arer attemp ted by a Carolina eeraaontty. Mora than BOO singeTa of tba choral org aniaatioas of the surrounding coon tie» »ra expected to tak« part In tha [ conte»t.. Tbc Fair Association often ten pn*e< annvtrntinK >250 in this «■ontivt. Τ h ii ν an- divided u fol low»: First prise, 1100. Second price, SO. Third pris*-, $26. Fourth prize, IS. Next r.x prîtes, 110 each. AU prises will be paid in cut Special Auditorium fee Stager· The sinking contctt will be staffed in an especially equipped auditorium where the sincere will not be dis turbed by any of the other attract Hons. Seats will br provided for sin gers and the audieueo. One of the worth-while attractions ot this fnir will be the high dives of Mita Qulney. a charming little woman, who il champion high-diver of the world. She is a daughter of a I Jacksonville. Fla., physician who »._k.. —it..·. «ν- — il·*· each day from a platform fifty I feet in the air to α tank containing 4 1-2 feel of water. Th« races this year promue to be the mont important aver »«n in Dunn. Leading horsemen of the Mid dle West and Sooth hare cxpreesed a desire to brine their horses here and will certainty cone, according to Kd. Warren, raperintendent of the rata department. Mr. Warren baa had a forco of workmen on the faee track for the Is it several day· and is rertain that the course will bo b> excellent shape when the first rare «tarted at 2 o'clock Tossday. ï INFORMATION YOU SHCU1 Ο HAVE ¥ Ticket* to Lho Fair Grounds me,, be purcha*ed at * booth* down town, or at the pate. The price* are: 75 * cent* tor grown people; children under 12 yean end * over 7 years old, S Γι cent*; children under 7 year· old, * free. ·* Automobile* may be parked for a mall fee at anv » of several parkin/ place* near the main pate of thy Fair •v Ground*. No automobile*, except lho*e carrying *up * plie* to exhibitor* and ronceadonalre* will be admitted * to the irround*. * n*nd concert* preceding the opening pageant and * the Hoovcr-Vanderhilt parade will he held in Broad ' * direct each rooming, beginning at 10 o'clock. ·'# Gates will open at ft o'clock oach morning. * To reach the Fair Ground* from the heart of town, * the bc; t way l*>west nlong Broad Street for two block* M t - - · » »· * 11 ** - ■ /ryoNU vne niien'n; ^.uui Line tTACXSi tUffl to til® rljfht, *· go north for two blocks, turn to the left, ko weat three * block*, turn to the right into Pair Ground Koad. * Exhibitor»» of live stock wiH be entitled te a ticket * good for the free admlarion of one care taker. * The live stock bam is tho flint to your right a* you * enter the ground. Besides it la the poultry house. In * front of ft ia the hog barn, and beyond that la Floral * Hall and the grandstand. Further yet ia the Mg bulld * lng which ha* been turned Into an auditorium lor the * Friday ringing context Along the oaatam, southern and * northern fences are the race horse stalls. * ΑΑΑΑΑΑαα» λ * . > - . >****' àAAA WEST SHOWS BE BIG MIDI DRAWING Georf* Marr And J« Comin| To OTHER TOWNS i WELL OF AT Aiirtftboa ( Te» ted Skowi And J lac Device# And Wild And Other Daily New· Says. Writ Bright Light a Hoi M«rr and Jack Lyla· et »:11 be Ihr main attraction lliaway in thif jr»*r'a- ί era more than a do*an :Hîm ia thla acgrafattea il i:a*t four riding <wif, j m Jo or au of totftwicM. - Marr aad Lyloa weri d year rnlth th* Krauaa U a-* ao wril and fayni1 I be fair oflteiâla they ard the beet ihowt r»er In the Wnt attraction'J wild waat aHow, a minitrel ehow, a wild an illusion and a other attraction a. There , big band· with th· Μ Waat'i ah owl Oa relia» at Tkff atarted oat'C mnrb waller collection j t -nr < than they will bt 1ri*ht under way yeaterday te cn(ta£«'iBont here and w«ic.inatwiuias<<·, ri< merry-jo-round »nd far in* the notorrycler jrlld amaaal ahow, tha wraeÉMfc the old plantation, and la* but tfrtgheft the lady high dlv«r, which l·*»»!·* te be a bin drawing card. Tae N«m man want out to <>· niuHl# to give the outfit tha once-over,found ••veryihinjt dean and and devoid of the objaetleaakl· ,f*"*u»e» oaually found with carniWl ««pen Manager Wmî, wht tvM wintered hU »how« her*, hat what to be an attraction that ml od town would welcome. In out .he different amaaement ίβΐ^·*®» '•at nfehl, he «aid that hit flrat »nd laat motto would be a "clean Ép-" By thla h« meant that notlii«f^ettU b« allowed, »pok«n or acted, that ^ would offend anyone. The fT bafct of order prevailed laat aH*1'· and there waa nolhnig operating · '•bleb any person could reaienabt* °hjeei to. Mo«t of the ihow*a paiao»*·! hay* been here now for the peat f** *eeka and many of the town'· piU1' Wva become acquainted with the»· S®»· of them have been here all «^let In fart, Madame Pep·, the aaiW*1 trahi er, lia.· been a familiar aigbt her flcrcr-looking ball do*, yet peo ple knew that it waa aba <h° Waa training the lion* at the fair fn>*'V<U. Mr. Wait, Butine*· maul", Mr. Marr, fler many year· with tt* **»■«· ►how*, and whole hose I* * Mount Olive, Wayne county. Beth ha and Mr. Wtal mincie with the er«wdi and look after the noterai ae*i»et of the fhowi. The concemiona ^ *eea to be fair and above hoard· **· fake eirvrWpè drawing man ia eeeapleleni by hi» abaeoe· with the We·* Show*. MRS. CEO. W. VANOMBH.T President of th· Nat* Carols*! State Fair, who will latnto»* Kvr Wrt Hoortr to h|i «adW^a et IV fair In Dun· Saturday. 0»>ιι M é é ' ELUS GOLDST Ε ! Ν, BUÂINK4S MANACKK —Photo kr ht» Il or., il lb· (..How who tuu worked Mrlj> >nd kit· U k»«p tie fair an cle La tiO a ovt of the pltfallj th«t bcwt the pitkwtjr of mort tuck organi —*>■·. · It ie 4v* l»rf*ly to Mr. OèldiUin'r effort* tkat tk· Deoa Fair becotnr the important thing it U. He if pterident of th· GoldiUIn Çom Wikon Company, ot Antitr. a*·! ot th· Pw»< CXNT&AL AMERICAN STATES ^RATIFY THE CONFEDERATION VUaHineton, Oct. 3,—Baf.fic.rtion hT Guatemala of tho ron»titntion oi the federation of Contra] America #a* formally consummated at Cua : ι mala City ya*t*rday, atrcrrdinti to •..fficial advice· ι wrived today by Minwter BiaMk . "Tbia la the final ofBcial act anal ι Kamating Goatemla* El Salvador and Hondunu into, on· nation," )>r. Bl anchi catd. "The fédération ha* a po pulation of 4.000,000 and a total area of mora than 100.000 both of which will be much lncr*a*cd when Coita Rica and Nicaragua juin the j federation." RUTH COING AFTER NEW BATTING RECORD AGAIN Now V»"k, Oct. X—Babe Ruth, j hcmu run kins and tltn haUaaa of ike 1211 Amovitoa League chtm todny announced hJ* 1B22 bat' Un* campaign plan*. Rath, whoa* 5Mh hum* ran y»*t *rday »ai on· short of the aNutn mark be had Ml for hirsfclf. uid he would Make »» i>lh*r effort to reach the thre* «cor· total «vîkI year. "We'll go ru^ninc for "Jut »ixty mark n<rxt <ua»on." the Yankee «Γηρρρτ rlrrlerod. "and I have a leaking liuacb the 111 mule* ft." Ruth'* 1021 ierord I* five botter thiro hi· 3P20 performance. TUESDAY—OPENING DAY Baud concent Wilwn Av«nuo And Broad Street. Formation of parada in Eael Broad Street Parade to Fair Grounds. Opening speech by Major Geo. Butler, of Clinton Opening of Midway Show·. Qu,ncy ,n {ipnt ot Gnnd^à Trotting and pacing racea. Fireworks and night shows. WEDNESDAY—INDUSTRIAL DAY All industrial plants of Duke and Dunn etoatd WidvK.y shows open at 10 o'clock. Judging of exhibit· begins. High Dive by Mi·· Quincy. Other Free Acta. Trotting »nd Pacing races. Firework· and night «how·. «. THURSDAY—FOUR COUNTY DAY * Midway *hows open. Judging Continue*. Special free act·. High Dive by Mis· Qniney. Trotting iind Pacing Rare·. .....>La ·· rwl niirhl (knuia ,. FRÏDAY— FDI CATIONAL DAY Κ· sinyirur contrat by όιΗ> «ingom of the choral i.rgani V xalion* of foo·" coontie». * . Midway "how* open. ¥ High D,ve M,w 9,,infy* * Other froe n*U. _ I satijrday—-hoo^i^ vandemilt day * Reception of Herbert Hoover «nrt Mrs Vanderbllt. * f'ι-·ικΙ concert hv four bend» in Broad Street. * Ppi Arie '.O Kair Grounds in honor of Mr. Hoover Ϊ anJ ïnu;oaÛ"Înb!!r' Mir. George W. Vanderbllt by » G*n7nù-oductîon of Mr. Hoovor by lira. Vanderbllt. » Speech by Mr. Hoover. * Midway Λοχν» open. * Hiuh Dive bv M«* Quincy. * Other free act*. *, Trotting and Pacing . Motorcycle Race*. t 1 m Grand finale. ♦MM* INVITE HUNDREDS TO GREET HOOVER IN DUNN SATURDAY I Entertainment Cwnitta· Ex pects Many Prominent VMot MRS. VANDERSILT WILL INTRODUCE SECRETARY Four Band· Will Take Put fai Grwl RaMpte ΡΙ·—Λ For Mm who SovW «HT. m« World Cr—ral Julian I 5. Cur Coming For OecM InvltflliABl »a ... urday, Ortobcr IB, end hut H«V crt Hoover, iKriUpr of cowmn·, who ta to ipeak in the Damn Fair RTuurdi or. Ikil day will be land 10 300 prominent North Carolinian· thto week. Deciaion to tan· the·» invitation· *u lull Friday night when ih· entertainment ι ιιι·ΙΒμ Hannibal U CJedwln, «Win—·, bM i· >mnfi preliminary detail» of tta big reception te be (Ire· *· M* who "fed the « «·Μ " Mur mtté m* ni ·* the State elreedr . Hoo..r ■ ■ tbeee ia Oeaatai J alias 8. Cur, «h» although enable to MMft an invita tion to «peak hare «t the »» entât ef the fair en Tamdny, October 11. write* that he wttl be htce to «·> «qertd to be hare. A «pacial platform, equipped with toundlng board*, U being coiikriitt· cd fo,· Mr. Hoover*· coming. The >acov«tie· of tSe big grand (toad at I ihe fair gronnd· are at preeeat very I bad. To permit all of the thousand· ι who are «pectad u be here far hie ι speech to bear his the fair minage I meet ia «paring a» expeoae to edr any defect· that oM. It will he a giorieu· met·... — will be given the «ecretary when he n<w will (THI ai» when he alight· form Aa tffttm. The»· wtU be the Dunn Cmcut I»n4 ai thirty-iaar p*eee, the Ben· ■en American Legion Vui of forty piece», the Doke band of twenty pièce·, and the Wait Ctreua band of' twenty place*. Upon hie arrivai Kr. Hewer will be escorted by the baadi, oAciab aad marahall·, uader the leadership of Captaia Ralaad WU IUm, to the kta· of Captais Una· villa M. Tilfkan, where ha will be entertained daring Ua brief atajr hare. From than a b% parade will I escort btaa to tha fairgreanda, wheal ; he U to tpeak U tha aftaiaoaa. HE no THE WOKLD Ë n*Mèi*r e.uaavi ' WUl »jx»k at tka Valr In Dm, Sa tarda?, Ottobor 1·. H* ta o«« of tho Most prominent man In Um wwM ■ et li btknd of mmmy Ntian ι hrlpl»» rrow tirtniili war· •H»» dortae tfca war throagh Mr a4 miutatraUon of Um food aapptba of Uw aartk. Prvwtaont mon froa all , tirer Λ» (Uati will mm to Daaa m 11 «Mot Mr. Hemr and an «UtinM I i rrc»p Uon Haa kaan plaaaod for Via y hjr Um rartoaa organ tall oft· Λ 1>«MU

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