THE DUNN blSPx, Volume VI1L _ Dunn. North Carolina. Qyber 14, 19211 FAIR IS THE MOST SUCCESSFUL YET HELD IN HARNETT AHmkUhc* Good Sine* Open ing Corosnoaiiao Tm—day IDEAL WEATHER GREETS VISITING THOUSANDS Exhibits Largwr and Mora Va ried — Nsgro Dspwtnwt Imprwtirt And Croditobk To Rse*—Senator King And Mrs. Vanderbilt To Speak Saturday Afternoon. Saturday'* nun will Mt upon to* final* af Dunn’t sMt satisfying and most successful fair. By that time it is sstianatsd fully 17,000 persons will ham attended the night and day sea •ions which began last Tuesday and will and with the running of th* big ckanpiocMlp motorsyde race* on the track tomorrow afternoon. Ideal weather has been the rule throughout the week. Kxecpl for tho dost there has net been one unpleas ant feature since tha gates opened upon the third annual fair. Tuesday’s crowd wd> email, but no smaller than eras expected on opening day. About Are hundred people hoard Major Georgs K. Butler of Clinton, moke tho opening address. Several hundred* mors drifted In by tho time the first race* started. Attendance for the day eras approximately 1, 104, including tha night eoe*ion. Wednesdays program attracted a boat 1,004, While Thursday and Thursday night saw about tho biggest crowd ever to have attended the fair In a single day. Nearly (.000 per sona visited the fair before 0 o’clock, and last night there were nearly 8, 000 present to so* the fireworks and shows and to witness the heii-rnieing high dive by Mbs Quincy. Today, with tho contest between the many singing classee of the four counties surrounding Dunn, attend ance is expected too* clone to that of yesterday. Tomorrow, an extra day, will sac thousands within the (met lades*re to hoar the speccho* of Boaster King, of Utah, and Mrs. Osaiga W. Vanderbilt, president of tha State Fair, who srfil introduce Senator King. Mss. •andortdlt will ho Introduced by HaaaBial L. God win, feimer representattr* in Coe Dxnn District dag along tki* the lasf fair was hob. Tha Dispatch hopes to print a mors dstallad account of the exhibits whan more information is sraQabl* next week- There are so many- of them worthy of special mention that It doairns mors tins to give them tha attention that la their doe. Notable among tha fonto roe of tha fair exhibit* is tbs showing aaade hi tha nsgro department, where Pro fooaer Vinos and Dr. Coddrington have attracted exhibits which show tbs negroes af the district to bo a ■wonderfully capable and Industrious people. This department, originally confined to fifty fast in the Floral ball, has so overflown tbs allotted space that eighty additional tost arc occupied. It contain* sens af to* finest needle and fancy work saan at tha fair sod many fix# specimen* from too field and farms of ton ne gro people. HAWAIIAN MUSICAL PLAY AT METBfNKM.ITAN THEATRE “A Night to Honolulu,” which cam** to the Metropolitan Theatre next Tuesday, October lith, la a story of Hatwatl, which Immediately suggest* a myriad of thoaght* to tho stranger, especially the American. One picture# Hawaii as a land of sxn shins, of bowars and of masts. One cannot bring the sonshtoo of Hawaii to nor land, nor tho Aswan in tontr slaplaMa pfiilliRpfi Hitt thfi dUlic il inithty matter. Tfct Aaayyje— tori taken the bceottfel wlrtfnl m»«te ef Hawaii te their hearU aa they hare na ether. The qaadat “Ukele” new WMa • favored place la oar home.. Students of thle Inatromant are ea nnmeroai aa thoee ef the violin. In "A Night la Honolaha" one may Hear the veritable native mueieian. chant their weird melodlea. bear the mourn ful prayer ef ddkth or the gey core free Hala music. It all bee a peculiar faa.taiatisn far na and la an oppor tunity not te be miaeed. CORPORATIONS HELP IN UNEMPLOYMENT RELIEF m Washington, Oct. Id—Dleeoeetoee of the reentry*, economic prctolema by the national confidence en unem ployment drew tewaria a el me today with the approval of i en no- »' el meaearaa of tbo •ommree. oa Supping end conetrnetion. Votary Hoovir. chalrm.n -..f the cent.11 are, aaeea-t-wd -net the tie fenaee would end ita present activl tln tom.cmw wl.h c.ssption it re na-:. from ha remain..ig** 11- sec aaggeftiona rc • w't.'ea'fcf Ita aaafalntm from the orgaaliatlea Gratifying reaoecara have keen received, he mid. te the appeal by Praaldeat Harding and liv* • -nf.-* enee far making affective Ka recem mmdatlaei for the relief of the aa impl.ymint tmerganoy. The rafl reada, he declared, have added abort UJM man te their telle and public wtnUe. la maap-aectlona of the aewe try are preparing te laereate employ MISS QUINCY WILL DIVE THREE TIMES I Thia young woman who hat thr the fair thia week will glee throe ox Saturday. Her A ret dive will occur a at 2:30 and 3:00 o'clock. tiled the thoaundn who have visited hibition performaieoe tomorrow— t 1 oVtoek. The other* will be hlijpd GOOD RACES ARE FEATURE OF FAIR Wickeraham Stud Wine First Psm In 2tl2 1-4 Tuesday ' The racing program this year has attracted eoase of hte (Inert horseflesh of the east and middle west Thurs day'* races Hariey R., F. G. Wieker »ham’s stud won the 2:17 pace, hie best time being 2:18 1-4. Barney Ed-' wands was second and Barney Sew ard and Chester divided third and fourth moneys. Ed Chappells Trampwell, driven by Becker, won the 2:28 trot, his bast time being 2:22 1-4, Baby Rath was second, Atlanta Peter third, end Mabel Worth fourth. Mary, owned by A. W. Hedges, was distanced in the first beet- Dormis, running second in the.firet heat, eras lamed and with drawn after nsnnlng fifth in the sec ond. In the Wednesday afternoon races Uttle Lady, owned and driven by J. Brttt, of Dillon, 8. C-, was win ner of the 2:14 pace: and Silky Nan owned by A. K. McClelland and dri ven by Carton, won the 2:18 trot. Little Lady's best mile was maHe la i LEVINSON MEANT NO HARM TO DUKE People Misconstrue Meaning Of Recent Letter About Roads Realising that his jocular remarks concerning Duka's attitude in the proposed routing of the east and wait highway through Duke, leaving Coats out, was taken seriously by some of hie friends, L. L. Levinson, Coats lawyer and Judg* of the county recorder's court, writes as fallow* concerning the matter: it has recently come to my atten tion that my letter which was pub lished in the columns of September 27th issue of your valuable paper, has been misconstrued to make ma say that The Erwin Cotton Mills Co., at Duka sad the Tilghman Lumber Co., near Dunn are parallel indus trially. It is af course amusing to contem plate such a thought, aad I have the greatest contempt for anyone who would so distort the facts as to leave such an impression. 1 do not consid er myself a fool, regardless what oth er reople may think. The Erwin interests at Duka is on* that wo are all proud of, no one more than myself. They have added wealth, enlightenment and prosperity to the entire county, and the leaders, and rank and lltr. In their communtty are the equals of those of aay other com munity of which I know. I have the rroateat respect for tha friendship of many of Duke's ritisonship. 2:15; Silky Nan’s beat waa 8:19. Billy Sanders. Ruth Qotninga and Nells Brook finished w order In the aaea. Mias Liberty. Bonita Guy and Marnrite took second, third and fourth money in the trot In yesterday's race* Peach anna of the H. Wlgine stables, driven by Rogers, won in three straight heats the 2:8! trot.- loading the field all the way, although Baby Roth waa a eloaa ascend. Barnhill^ Martin J. took third amney and Mias Nancy. Rd Chappell’s mars, corns foarth. Mary, Andrew Hedges mars, waa iHatsanad for the scrnnd time la this can and was not la good condition. Schmdar's Red Heart won the free for all. however, in three freight heals, with Dal Spencer second and Tip Top third Ed. ChappeD*! Ormon dle ran foarth. Tare races will be ran this after noon. Tomorrow will aea the eloaa of the meet with the county races in which the beet bones of us sur rounding country art entered. Frank Gallagher, veteran horse man, is ssrvlag as starter. JURY SAYS WOMAN DID NOT MURDER HER BOYS Mrs. Reaay Hodeea Csasss Claes- At Athaay, Ga. Her Has head la Under Death Saelsais Albany, Oa., Oct 18.—Mrs. Beany Hudson was acquitted by a Jury to day of the murder of bar two chil dren. Mrs. Hudson was indicted Jointly with her husband. Glenn Moors Hud son, and he was convicted of the crime last week and sentenced to be banged November 18. -Hearing on his appeal for a new trial has been »i ii^npan hiunvcr uvmpuj u also an enterprise of which \re are all proud, but af coarse, does not rank wall by comparison with the great mills at Duka. What I said in my former aitleia. and what ovary sane person knows is that as aa induatriad community Dak* la entitled to the same eonsid onner article and I desire to reiter ate that statement, that I fevered the Duka route and that other peo ple hereabout* did. I understand however, that the Duke interest* doss not favor tho Coals route. I remember an one occasion, some month* ago, wt [mod op with Duke in ftgktmg a road proposition that was inimical to her iaterwst*,-* good deal more than it was to oar.. In gratitude is on* of the most r.'oomin sblc thing* on earth. The United State* mrils are to bo speeded up to loan re prompt delivery of daily newioupen. to read*.*. In new instructions to all postal employ ees throughout tho United States roetroaetai^Generr.l May* directs ev ery one on the postal service payroll; to expedite handling of newspapers, distributed to subscriber* through the malls. H* tayat "A newspaper Is preeminently a thing that a man wants when he wants it If h* canaot have h when ha wants it h* doe* not want H at all. • H is np to os ta sea that ha gats bis favorite newspaper promptly.*’— •n iot nomiMr 11. The Jury took Mrs Hadean’i (im| et 11:80 end (he defendant leaned forward expectantly a* the jurors Died in at f:10 this afternoon. She •hewed little emotion at the verdict but amilingty thanked each Juror. The children, stemsoas of Hudson, warn shot to death at the Hudson farm, aear here lest July, according to testimony at the trial after their mother had quarreled with Hudson because they were not being proper ly fed and clothed. CONTINUE INSANITY LINE IN TRIAL OF WILLIAMS Half Brother Says He Warned Oth ers bs Family Year Ape That Slayer ef Deputy Was lessee Fayetteville, Oct. It.—The testi mony ef Rev. J. Mask Williams, of Palmyra, Me., that he had warned his father a year or more age Chat his half hrothar, Marshall Williams, al leged Mayor ef Depot/ Sheriff A. J. Pate, was violently insane sad waa llkaly to kill soma member of the family was the high light of today's eesalon of the trier to determine Wil liams ’ sanity. Another strong point made by the defense was the testi mony ef Dr. J. Allison Hodges, of ktetunoad. that the defondant Is a victim of dementia preeox af tha pa ranoid type and would therefore be come dangerous when crossed. The defendant's half brother, n era duets ef Davidson college, the University ef North Carolina sad tha Presbyterian Theologies! seminary, at liooirvllle, Ey., declared that he bed served during the world war In the pathological department of the United States army and that it sAs through knowledge thus gained that he Ant learned that Marshall was > “violently Insane." He hod diecuseed , the subject ef Ms dice every, he mid, with hie parents, hia ancle, Robert WRHemej Rev. A. R. MtQneen, H. R. Oasten, Dr. J. W. McLean and other* “Yen are-all sitting on dynamite and dm*t knew It." ha told the family ahyilelan. according to hia testimony. His brother, ha mid, had a mania fat BRINSON FnflNG MORE POLKS IN PQSTMASy JOBS ■taft ToJHold NO EXAMINATtS held TO SECURJKLIGIBLES Held* Notkia| Iperaonally But fiad* That Smack StroaglyBf Partisan Political Few ^plications For Loans. Froa^outfc. (Hy Edward to Nawi and Washington, Oct. ft. — Edward A Simpkins ia not gKfc to bo con firmed aa poatmastoDt Goldsboro undar praaont road HAM If Congroaa raan Rrintoa can itnJk The Ropro M-nUuva froai tho ]S| diatrict baa bean making aoana iaSUgatiana and ha Anda that tba no^haQon of Mr. Sirapklna myalls to g^kgly of parti san Republican poUflT run to oood chat ho la flgbtliv^B confirmation of tba Baliiui ||B| who if tba chairman of the VIK county Re publican ruraCtn «Anlttaa. Pand ng forth ar Invdatinfiaa which are on foot Senator BMpona, who la co-operating with CofEamman Brln aan in tho matter, la Ifring tba nomi nation of Mr. SiaopkimUittd op la tho It beiag aaggeatetMto him that there ware carta la fcagnlaritlaa la he naming of Mr. MSIm far poat ranrtar at jGo>dabor«TBaaraaanUtiwt Bilnion, Gbldaboro pa lag in hla dis trict. took op tba matter with tba chr 1 ferriee canrasiitftaL with tba pwr trtv a of uw law had K*.r ALIENIST STATES WILLIAMS IS SANE Dr- Immc M. Taylor, «f Maw *Orf*dMtrf Waat^MJad^ rayetUvilW. Oct t» _ The mn shafcan statement at Dr. Isaac M. Taylor, of Morgan too, that Marshall wniiami, areas ad alayor of Deputy Sheriff A. L. Pate, ie sub-normal bat not innaoo sod the positive ldentl Aration of WUliaiu by two allni eo a# the man who shot Pate at a Honor • till In Black RWcr township loot July. featured the presentation of th« SliU’i cm, biinpi at tb« afternoon seialon of the proceedings Y> ?**"””■»« the unity of the de fendant The defeneo rootod la the afternoon with the re serration that moro testimony in chief aiight ha pat on later to which Solicitor McLean rtren uouely objected. Dr. Taylor, head af the State hos pital at Morgan ton for Id yuan and ?*,! ?.rtT*,U ••"•toriaai for SO roars, told the jurore that from his exam ination and observation of the do fwidant sad from what ha eoaM ga ther frdm hie past Ufa. H was Ua opinion that Willi ami, thoa^^ normal, not poeusaing the mental de vnlopmrnt that should be expoctod of a nun tl rears old, eras not k> liaaa understood the nature of the crime with which bo la charged sad the penalty for it. MARIAN MaARDLE IS PUD Of A CHARGE OP MURDER Cleveland. Oct. It. — Marian McArdle, td-year-old of Mrs. Eva Catherine Kahor, waa foaod not guilty of complicity la Do murder plot of Daniel KRber. her stepfather, by a Jury today. Mies McArdle wmi permitted to leave the jtim ivrd and ta* tu carried out in this Re (■ not objecting to M personally ic otalea. bet position that as lh« Republican* so partisan in their treatment Inlracnts titiring the term of_Wilson, lb»l hv U determlni that they shall omply with the IngLwhae H comas to appointments to uAeo. And hence his search for Hit fZts ta th* eaaa. Un*ati*r*otary llSjjsl A* Clark First, Mr. Brinson'mad* an inves tigation at the civil .service commis sion. Here tlj® evtdamea that ha col lected, he stated, i * , Sim postmaster at 1903, at a an On inly 1.49: was demoted ta _la mlary of 91,1 (hi per year. The records show that ihrs demotion was mad* on the rcrurrmendation of a p«s* office In spector who staled that th* amount of work d-1-.r by him era* not sails /ar'n y, that ha did not have nsM c'-.ut interest in the work and that lie would not cooperate with th* post master in the work ta he dona. Mr. Simpkins was k-liiy this sobordin stc position when be eotured the ar my. After being discharged from the srmy he was reassigned ta Ihe posi tion as clerk at th* salary of $1,100 per yaar. H* fallsd to report for duty and was droppod from the oliyi-1 ble root October 1,1919, without pre judice. An interesting incident In th* In vestigation made bf representative on* shows deafly that the nomir us* IUe «MW»3WlSa X Vb£T« 1«»Um bum of hooded —• U be qeortlonod by-11iimi». oroeclaUy with reference to Hhi£ ef report* of various note oTTaaT aliew. charged to the kina. Waate No Needhae “There is bo zeoae is our orgnai tabon for theeo who taka the law in to their own hands,** he declared, hanging the table. “We havTboon charged with everything from the warn of kfek prime to the (weeping march ef the bell weevil. It ha •keen charged that ear primary aim was latbeetiaa of the negro in the soulh. But It might surprise this committee en k*a7, “‘ °>« growth of the Xn Kton has been greater la the north and the east than in the south.” **•* *ha kina eoutd nut do anything oetside of Its lodge reato,** except by apeel«e order* of lu tyrtal •taard, se e* te held ite wemberiUp in Hue, Mr. ~ o added. “Before Ood, I hero fever . | any instructions that could bo nuad or serried out to a violation —^i^iiy tnUw pcvncfc rapect for the luw." ** In tha room, aad at aaa af than mo menta tha trttacaa rappte tha tahla, declared that aa aaa aaold charm dtoaader I. anyctty what. date waa waO nrraniaod Tha klaa te witaem taatidad, ia eandactiac aa laroatlgtejoa af Ha awa lata ctupa agctast Edward Yauag Oirka, nayenaU klaagla, aad head af tha propagating bureau. aad Mn. Ellahbwtk Tyler. UaaMiatnat, and will laaaa aa oAdal Mat ante SfcaSTE: ££ that when tha chargee ware Ant made Clark aad Mn. Tyler praaaatid their reeigaatieni, to be acted tpat f»U oyyoctealty 3i been gWaa far a thwrogh dftlag. Ud«aa Oatragoa The revocation af charter* at Pao ncala, Pla., aad Mahila, Ala., waa ordered by te klaa. Mir. Sternum taatidad, after It had been fewad tel Poncacola, throe aaaa wearing rate ordered a Croak to leave the eKy bat it mw waa oatebllted. ha aald that thay warn Uaoaman, aad te •barter waa remand an aaoaraaeo b] kfal oAeara that thay weald heat up a releatlaaa tgbt te And te af fend* re. Tha Mobile Incident, Mr. *'—] - eeatinaed waa daa •‘to tha aUly act' af a member who, "haaglaing bo hw tha pnrr af Napoleon” peeled klai warninga "te bootlcggon and otter* that tha organ ication cli preparia, te clear ap the town. Tha netiee wa •igaad, ha aald, *%y a man who hm aa eenae.” IMpwming rhargpa af violtaoo « tha parti* hrlanmaan, Mr. damn : declared Umt when a wc-iber too tha law lata n r awn hand, ha ante .mattery waa dropp,i torn the ai ' gaataatlaa. “Aad I have aoror pot fated." h added, “te taro amor to te taaai aa Tss^smssassssessasffsr • SENIOR KOKAND MRS. VANDERBILT HERE TOMORROW Of Fair RECEPTION PLANNED PON NOTED VHTOm WBI Anfw Oa Eartv M4 Mn. Geoty* f. VaMhil Bilhaoxt, wiUarriT* In Dana ti-rtf vow morn lax to at Mm Hacectt Cmtir AJtonafteaal Mr. ladr Kiag it ■■raitaJ to anfw aa the eai^ sorntag Atlantic Genet Um »fll mm fires Kaleigh by —1~s bile and arrive, a k thenght. chant Id o’clock. n»n!^T*a«Sl,*l ** ******* ** ,v‘ fn“~*— -* the Wosaa*. dab aad will be ea twtaiaod la the home of Mr. aad Mi*. N. A. Tuned At U o'clock thv wflf be cooed ad to the felr gteaadi by thtee baada hoodie* a yarade of town aad oesrty oMdala, fair eserlrtlia dtanetora aad dti—i. Mr«. Vddortilt will totnimm 8t giS&T-jztsrss! l&srSr&X-iZZ* sr«s.‘54^Ttf*4at wfl* nnS £1M|1nik«rri UAL NATIVE HAWAIIAN* CONING TO BUNN WITH , "A "In "A Night hi amTiMdiqr OHNinr 1*>IV**^ 3n'tk? "**?*■u **eyy.* **—* *•» ien rmSTi^Em jSSfSaJnSm •n m< player* hae keen a grantaec caaa W America ‘ eat The.i ence acroaa the_,_ Pared tae. The meledleae aM their quaint aam aa* No a. ■■ penlment ea entire Inetraaaaata ia STiA.'sWtJtt: waUea Intent*. aaU la aa ‘ “The marie of the CAPTURE FIVE GOT OVER Winnipeg. IfTn., < free rohhen who *Iil,