» THE DUNN1 Volume Vlll. _ Dunn, North Carolina. FEW INDIANS DDE OF TUBERCULOSIS CrMteat Danger From Dinu* U To N«froM Of State _ The Indian population in North Carolina ia woefully small aa com parad with a few score yaara ago, when the Indian staikad through tha virgin forests, monarch of all ha sur raved. The Urge majority of our Indian population la conAned to ona county, that of Robeson, whora a few lass than #.000 Red Men of the C roe tan tribe are engaged in gainful occupation, principally farming. Lais than 1,000 w4tl be found U all other counties of the State, Swain and Jackson being tha only counties erlth •"IT apprecalbli; number. The belief has bean prevalent for year* that a great number of our dusky friends ‘Jilts the dust” every yeer from tuberculosis That this la not true aa regards North Carolina ia evident from the report recently issued by the Bureau of Vital Statis tic*. With a population of 11,684 In dies. only ll died durlag 1980 from tteereuloeia. This gives a death rate ef 101.4 per hundred thousand which ia practically the same as the death rate among the white population only two years ago. la Robeson county there ware 140 deaths from all canaea among tha In diana. Six of the number died from tuberculosis There are many coun ties in North Carolina with aa equal number of deaths, where we And the percentage of deaths from tuberculo sis among the white population larg er. Tba reel menace of tuberculosis ia North Carolina la net from the Indian, but the negro. With a colored population of 768,407, we have more deaths from tnbarruloati aanonw the negroes then we de among the whites regard Ins of the fact that the whit* population is t 1-4 times larger than the colored. By compering the death rate fer negroes, which Is 1M.I, with tha rate of Si.8 for the whites, sock idea of the destructive effect of ta borculoeU on the colored man will be aeen. The North Carolina Tuberculosis Association proposes to use a portion ef the receipts from the sale of Tu berculosis Christmas Beals to employ a clinic physician for work among tbs negroes, to the end that the cases •ay be found early, treatment pro vided fer aa many as ponihls and that every case discovered may be so Instructed and regulated that he will net communicate tbs disease to oth ers, either white or eolered. Aftet the fain are over Is the «me to clean m fields and fence cert nerp—there will be fewer Insects next year if yon do a good jab. ASSOCIATION WILL MEET OCTOBER 25 Uttla Rivwr Organisation Will Gather At Baptist Grom The Little River Association meats st Baptist Grove October 25, first ••taiom at 7 d>C p. m. The annual ser mon is to be preached by J. A. Campbell Tuesday evening, followed by organisation of the Association. Bon. J. C. Clifford is tha present mo derator and J. A. Campbell, clerk. It was at that church that tha as sociation silt [n 1880 when the pret eat clerk wat elected, which place be has hold continuously tinea that tiaM. At that time tha association had 886 members. At this session the re port win thaw u membership of nearly 6,000. At that time Lillington was our largest town, the only In MlDOrBtfftl tlfll Id fka ennalw kss4 had^ajiopu lotion of fewsr than on* Tho ehirckii for this year have reported already 410 baptisms, with •evoral cbnreboa not reported, show ing tba largo* number of bapUoas of any yaar daring tta fortydi yun of kietery. At this aoooioB Dr. W. T. Quiaeit berry repressed ng tho Foreign Kin ston Board will doUrer Ire addreosos, throo on Wednesday and ton* on Tho today. Roe. Wade D. Bootle, re turned missionary from China, will ho proaont and giili on Fornlgn Mis rtono. Other repreoentotivto of ool denominational work wiU ho proaont and contribute to tho hotpfainom of tho mooting. Ron. Wado D. Bootle will preach at Cento and at tho evening service will preach at Bales Crook. Ao Wok a Fore* Glee Club will appear at Buie’s Crook November f. INSURANCE CONCERNS ARE FINED WJNiWC Jsehooe, Mho., Oct. IS.—Chancel lor V. i. Strieker today iasaod a do tree fas tho Hinds county ehaneerj court impoeing finer on tho Era In oumaco nmysidm formerly doing buatnosn In this sUte aggrogating nearly $»,500,000. THlrtythre# com panies wore food I1M.I7S aaoh Others warn food from $1,000 op wards. DEMONSTRATION INFRONT OF THE AMERICAN EMSASE1 Brussels. Oct. IS—Pretests again* the action of n Nisonihositls eon* foot summer in conrtctlng Nicole Bo see and Sarto tom oo Vaaaotti, bare Italians, of fir* dograo murder wort veiled at a meeting of Belgiaa com munirta horn today. After the moot lag >00 personi joined in n pmooaoioi to tho Americas embassy, whore the] hold 0 donsofi stratton until they wen dim!coed by tho police. Farmers who cooperate la mark* lag nr* am ally Ike pronporoao farm BOMBERS TRY TO KILL THE U. 3. AMBASSADOR AT RESIDENCE IN PARIS PelUa Think On tree Protect Agaia* Cm vie lien Of Two Criminals la Aperies Barit, Oet. I.—A an all oblotta wrappad in plain white paper tied 7*U> * »»roag cord and mark ad, “par fume lay on a table in the Americas erabaaey all this morning. It wet ad dnamd pcreonally to the Americas ambassedor, Myron T. Herrick, and bad bean delivered by registered post Thinking it was a gift, the ambas *ador’i aecretary, Lawrence Norton, ferried K to the ambassador's reel dcnce. Early In the evening, the am bamador'a valet, Blanchard, av the package on a desk, and following custom darted to open It The re moval of the paper revealed a nail pasteboard box. such as might be uied for hblflng soap. Almost Imme diately a spring was released and aa Blanchard lifted the lid he heard a The bonA> exploded In the doorway hack to the days whan ha area a booibre in the British army- Be hurl ed the box through the open bath room door and ran from the rooan. familiar noise which brought him two fragments hitting the valet in the back. Ha eras not aarieasly in jured. Tka emk.u.As. LU J_ts._ law, Mrs. Parmely Herrick, and har wren-year-old son were jo it at this time ascending tha stairway, prepara tory to entering Mr. Herrick's mIU. Blanchard earn* runcthg out as tha ambaaaador reached tha tap. “A bomb has exploded and I ana hit!" the valet shouted. “Thank God, you weren't in the room." Blanchard than coll speed and waa carried down stairs. The ambassador motored immediately to the Hotel Crilloa to ask General Pershing tha beat thing to do, and the prefect of police was saamoanad. The bomb la believed by the po lice to have been sent by French communists ns n protest against tha conviction of two communists In tha United States charged with murder; it conteinad the deadliest of expie ■ves, seconding to the prefect aad bis itaf of bomb experts. GOOWIN NEWS His friends of Dr. J. W. McLean, who has bean vary U1 at Highsmith’s hospital in Fayetteville, will be glad to know that be has returned home. Miss Blaise Connelly left 8»tur day for Gray's Creek, where she will teach in the graded acheol. J. C. Graham, of CoaU, spent Sun day with bis father, John Graham. Sr. Dra. Pridgen and OlWe and Mrs. Frldgua and sira. Oliva aad Mia. Bed berry all of Fayvttevfll* were vlat n£?«1iJs£l£Zi3u: is visiting bar mother. Mr. aad Mrs. Q. W. Wilma toft last wash on an extended motor trip through South Carolina and Ccorgia Mrs. I. H. Jonas’ friend* will be glad to leans that she has returned home after undergoing an operation at Pittman’s hospital and is groutly Improved. The girl’s basket ball team will give an oyster supper on Friday Bight October 21, at Godwin High school. The pnhllo is eordially invited to come. The girls will furnish good vo cal and Instrumental music and lota of good things to eat. FAVORABLE PICKING WEATHER CONTINUES Harveetlag ef Cottoa Crap Ceutiaaa* Te Make 2^U P re frees Washington, Oct. lb—(deal wee Ov er for picking and ginning cotton pre vailed during the paat weak and vary rapid program waa made la all sec tions where this work has not been completed, according to the National Weather end Crop Bulletin Mould today. Killing frost* occurred In the northern section* of the cotton belt, but without material damage, the but leirn tie tea, ana ended: “Picking haa boon convicted in South Carolina, except In tha north western portion, and the crap haa been mortly gathered ia Teaneeme. This work is far advanced in Arkan sas, it wall along ia Oklahoma and about completed In Texas, except ia the noThtwost portion. Picking boa been practically eccompHahed in Georgia, aad haa been Iniekod In meat eeetioae of control and southern 'Alabama, while rapid program was made ia North Carolina aad MUsla Nppl aad tha crop haa been meetly picked in Louiilana.” The seeding of aeaall grains made rapid pregrem during the week In the touthem portion of the winter wheat belt from the Miesimtppi Vol ley eastward, hut tha soil boo Secerns too dry for wheat ha the Atlantic Mates from Virginia southward and in Oklahoma. Bala la needed aim far fruit aad faH truck in all part* af hte South. PRESBYTEJRIAN SYNOD OF STATE BEGINS SESSIONS Dr. W. B. HOI, Of PayoHerviOo, Is Elected Madircloe At Iba Mae*, lag ia Task are • ‘ Tarboro. Oct. It—The 10Mb an aual Medea of the Presbyterian sy nod of North Carolina opaaad here last night la Urn Howard Memorial Presbyterian church. One hundred and forty delegates bad arrived when tha meaten wee called to order at I p m. The only business transacted was Um elacitoa af a mode rater. Henry Balk, of Monroe, was elect 1 sd but declined to serve stating that ho was a hastnass maa and did noi fool that ho was qualified to oervi as seoderetoT. Upon the sooond baBol Dr.W.l Hill, of the Plret Frothy '. tartan church, PeyotteviBe, was elect i ad. immediately after the elocates tin mooting adjourned until • e’cloaJ | Wednesday morning, whoa Ike bod) ’ will got down to the greet am sue *££"• *** whloh ails session 1 i * KING DELIGHTED WITH DUNN VISIT Utah Senator Greatly Impress •d With What Ha Learn ed oi ThU Suto By Edward E. Bratton In Now* and Observer Washington, Oct. 28.—Senator W. H. King, of Utah, who spoke last week at the Harnett County Fair at Dunn, returned from his visit to North Carotins delighted with Ms trip and greatly impressed with what he had Uaraed at A rat hand ef Us Bute and lu progress In talking of hla visit and his Impressions he aaid: “My visit to North Carolina was one of (he most enjoyable experien ces of my Ufs. I cannot speak too highly of the hospitality and greet oasness of all with whom I on me In contact. When one visits the Booth, he comes away Impressed with thorn Ane qualities which the peopl* of the Booth possess in sack a marked de gree. There Is en air ef qalet refine ment and a spirit of generous hospi tality and a cnoaderU that dlatin fuish the people of the Soothland, so that a visit to thorn is a gnat joy and a rsmrmberance which la Ineradicable. Kajeynbte VisM Te Du. My visit to the progressive and enterprising city of Dunn was very enjoyable. I was greatly impressed with the evidences ef prosperity and agricultural development observable on all lidos The people of that city extended a most generous weloome and my sojourn with them, brief as It was, ereatas a desire to again visit them. The president of the fair end former Congreamnan H. L Godwin, and other prominont eitisens of Dunn were very considerate end rautmu. Mr. and Mr* Townsend accorded me tfco hospitality of their bountiful home, and I greatly enjoyed my Ylelt with them and the guests who were present at the detightfal luncheon by Mr*. Toerseend. •Tenner Secretary of the Navy tteniels did a* the eery great com pliment to meet me at Dunn aad take aie in hie car to Raleigh by the way of SmUMold I had Us# pleasure of meeting Governor Morrison and oth er distinguished dtiaeaa Of North Carolina at the horn* of Me. Wm. M. Saunders. Be had arranged a bar becue end a delightful repast foe his guests- Leaving Smith field, I ac companied Denial* to Kaleigh. wham I was meet delightfully entertained by former Beeratary aad Mr* Deal sW y'sMsc* uJ~ses fas-hs* able evening and reluctantly took the midnight train for Washington. Impressed With Stats "I was i*pressed with the won derful growth and development of North Carolina. Her great rsseercei and her prograsaiv* aad splendid people give to her a primacy among the states to which she it Justly en titled. 1 was pleased to note the in terest in agricultural pursuits and was surprised to loans sf the high rank which North Carolina had taken ae an agricultural State. “I bad the pleasure ef meeting Mrs. Edtth S. Vaaderbflt. and her charm lag daughter. I itemed that Mr* Vanderbilt had given many evidences ef her deep I ate rest in As welfare of the State and in its material ad vancement. By her example and geu eroiu contributions, Ae has don* much to promote agriculture and givea an impetus to the policy of holding fsirs,—county and State. As president of the State Fair associa tion, I learned that A* had contri buted to the iuccem of that and kin dred organisations “1 returned to Washington with in creased affection for Ae South and for A* splendid men and women found therein. HARD TIMES IN NORTH DRIVE BOYS TO ROAD Yeaag Mob Land la Trouble Whoa They Attempt Tu Pbm Through Dual “Judge, what will wa da when we get through with his Una—go back on the roads, or fUrreV That wu the query pvt to Jadga Godwin in Recorder'! Court yeater day morning by Arthur Ray Perry, a nice leaking youngster, of Pitta* cl4. Mass., who had jut bean sentenced to a month on the roads for beating bis way an a train and an additional month for having a rssor on hie par eon. Yoang Ferry was the tenth young man to face the jsdgs yesterday— all oa the tame charge, and aB save one from north of the Mssaa and Dixon Lina He was the Ant to make say sort of explaaation of kio pres ence oa the train, but It developed that all wore than for the same rea son : No work hi the North, winter eumhg^oa; coma South or stereo in Perry was sought with two other young man—John R. Rlaoa, of Phte flold, end George Ellingaworth, of Now York—Jaat after the tooth* bound passenger train arrived yemreday afternoon. Ho, waa pulled from the train. His companions wars caught after a hard chaos by tbs eon&lned town and entente police fortes. Including Sheriff Will M« Artsn, himasH. All of thorn carried raaora. One had a shaving brash, of* fond la evidence to ritew that they carried the Instrument* for no harm ful parpoao. They were making their way ta Florida In the hope of Ending week for tho winter. They worn neat youngsters and talked well. Judge Godwin Hgtanod to Ik sir stories sym pathetically. but gave thorn the venal sentence far hoboing. la addition ta the senteacaa they win have la work out the cost in the ease shoot 115—at tho rata of >• ’ cents s day. l1 i Marly planted wheat makes the beet yields. $ HERE Whan yon issr* •orb aa whether In tar*, friends with food will, thuniaam, you (motions, to a tiraanto the ref) feelings. It is cnltirata anthi influence that map OTrraatnnatad. It b s that contribute^ appreciably * te yew mloymaert of food * health and Me thags which are ♦ worth white In Ilia It lightens * tho performance-*! labor Uo- * meqaunably, and > the occcm- * pltehmeat of xasab is a atlau- * tent that has ooJequaL—Rob- ft bar leaf. ; J. fp TOM Wt~ FINAL ,TYIN CHAIR • Dmlh _i made SAVE HIM Laat RMpNrtbTtei No H« “• Epo Soo Ble Mr Sow* Tho UMortaW— Efforts X? B> to Stop Tbo Exocu tfec r«S — Cm To CluJr MroUiag Frapwa. by W. T. POST te Caeca«ha,. New hateigb. Oat SO. — Tea Harris, BinhllAff nroomfh Am lf.1_ narched a briak ate** tha doleful mnteta of hia praaetmc tkk md when tha 1Iwrr aaaa tad thie boa if lam year, a laaak dumb to the daughter today, Hnrta Jumped late Che alaetric thalr ante Vardan Bus tle turned off tka Ut Jgre'Vsg.S.ss: into the ■nntaaaaaiu Wv> but uo octagonal abattoir operated by the rtate, to greet more etrenge eyaa than arnr looked upon the degrading apec Of Idatutery m*n k!Uin« here In Kaleigh. But Harria greeted do ■can and wrapped himaalf la that impenetrable atoKdity which hae mar ked hie eve nr movement einca ba •lew F. W. Mon nut, Tuacalooaa, Ala bama, mas ia Sidgwcreet more than a year ago. Blaing tarty to receive a aubeten tial braakfaat and to prepare for tha ordeal, ha announced that ha fah a little norroaineaa and thought it natural, though ho droadad none whatsoever, the (tag of death. Mom enta that dragged for him until ha eould give a few ftmal instruction! et loot brought tha old doath ■wagon rumbling over the brick walk and Harria know that Governor Morriaan W11 etill holding out. At 10:10 a map eago came to the warden* that hia ex cellency would not iatorfare. Tbo telegram* from juron whom haarta had finally been touched may hava reach'd tha executive office; they did not reark him. At 104k whoa Har rb wet probably Mag Had to a body of death. Judge Frank Oerter, with a deathlaa* hop* of clamaacy. caught yot again tho stay of execution wkh a telegram from a prom taint man declaring that on the day before the homlddn Harris had told him that cither Mr. Monnleh or the priaoaor muit die If tho monnleh attention* to Mrs. Harris did not reeei. And Har ris wa» at that msmart fulfilling the prophecy. Th* counterpart ef fiction had Tailed at the last. The Penalty "Paid" Whatever paying tha penalty mean*, Harrie ant mere lnt* hi* die disc ha rye ef d*bt than any au wh* has gone before him. He, weald owe ao man la hia life, mot tho stato with out suggestion of diwonnt for cash. Never criminal man came to Bateigfc to die with any such record ef strap uloue honesty in his buslaea* **-|t He. who pegged shoes for e living, boro a name of never having over charged er underpaid a penny. if that principle <docent secennl for the way he faced death, nothing •Ire will explain B. for all that th* people gathered shoot him end for all that the state was doing to him b* appeared to have aa eoooern whartao over. He may have shown a little la terast in tha trappings of the chaii —hot he never had soon eae before Bat one had the feeling that If even man bad left the room and gone o! to stay a week Barrir would havi bean sitting there to moot Me pay. ment whoa it wma duo. . So many spectacular petenttaKliei had been heard la Raleigh that r*ei tha newopmer men who ndiaerfl] will not witness these execution* ferewent their hamaaitariam am crowded themselves Into the Will room. W. M. Sanders, member of the •tote prison hoard aad father-ln-laa of Superintendent George B. Poe wedged hit way into the chamber a horrors. So far m oar newspaper mat eaa recall, this was the Aral tee tha say miamir ef tho hoard im wit named an execution. "If there ere any wttnmaea hen under >1 I wHI excuse them,” War den Buabae mid viewing many beard less youths in the crowd. One bey lef then live followed. "I wiH not he re •ponsibla far anything that may hag pea t* e minor, Mr. Badhaa art while the huge dynamo was speedtni ap tho machinery preparotary to th tael teat of tho Incan daaeoUt lampi (Continaod aa teat page) f SAVE SEED STOCK AT HARVEST HUE Selection of the (want potato Mod •tock at digging time ponalt* of tho choice of potato** that an true to rariotjr and from high-ridding hill* and tend* to build «p heavy yielding ■train*, experiment* by the United State* Department of Agriemltar* have ehown. Seed fro* from atom rot can be aectwod at digging time, while tho potatoe* arv skill attached to the vinca. Bach hill ihould bo 1st by ipUtting the atom, and potato** *hooM be Ukaa for Mad anly from plant*, th* indde* of who** *toM* are not atreaked with black, though * a heavy froot will *1*0 prodM* a dalles ap pear anc*. Only a fow of th* varietl** of •woat potato** grown in th* United State* are of commoiala] lmpoetaaca. Manr other varied*. and etraio* era tvldaly distributed, boor ever, and ■“** *•>« potato dock ordi nary obtainable U a mixture of ra notic* and drain*, *om of which aro practically worthlr** for market. The United State* Deportment of Agricnlter# point* out that grew era will do well to coaoontrat* their *f toT}*.10 tnH *• *■«* dock* of inch well-known vmriettea a* Mamey Hall, Bwto Bico, Dooley and Til mall TUa lid include* the well known worth while Southern Commercial aorta. 1 a—a IV«t D«sir«kl« «nd strains. while •Urictiff ii appcvrucv am! rood yfeldcr., are otmA poor q£Etr thS Uoy> aro wot desirable and tkm should be onunJtted front the grow eVi tut of serialise. Boat* at those •add-irsblet look very much UMe the standard varieties. A graver toould determine the sort beat suited to his sell and most in demand la the market available to hint, then secure te true U name seed stock. The full (ejection of seed ie necae anry. owing to the feet thst ia the •pring or daring the winter It is dif S^£lfirSi.“5rSiL3 or not, sioca after a period in storage the bundle* (the tissues trweitim the tubers) oi healthy sweet potatoes often become somewhat -tertnrnt. even though the fsagni ie net ytw characters, as an o _ _ presented to study'A the _ ■sties of oaeh plant It ie net ——, mry to retain toe large potatoes from the desired pleats for seed, as the medium-steed ones those from 1 to 2 inches in diameter and front 2 to 6 inches long are better for rood pur The sued stock should be gathered in eretae or hampers, marked to dhear the variety, transported te the stor age house on a spring wagon, and placed in a part of the house where they wiD not come ia contact with the general stock. Ia ether respects the treatment should be the same as that given the commercial crop— thst Is, it should be cured fer a par ted of from 10 to 12 days, at a tem perature of about 2S degrees, after which the temperature should bo re duced to about BS degrees and bold there for the storage period. Every ewert potato grower should secure a copy of Farmers' Bulletin MO entitled “Sweet Potato Crowing" and Farmers' Bulletin Hi 1080 entitled ” “Sweet Potato Diseases." These bulletins may be obtained free upon application to the United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. TWO SCHOOL GIRLS TO BE SENT BACK NORTH Fratty BiBnsd Demists Nabbed At FayetloetPe Thou Wanted to Boo Th-Bewtk Fayetterille. Oct. 12,—Bound fur the land of flower*, but detained by tkd> KanH nf fits tkn Imw 7mw win Seymour and Franca* To)Una, af Peckavttle, N. Y , ara aojournlng tem porarily at police headquarter* la thia city. Th* girl* left tbalr barn** la tb* Maw York toara te ma the aoath, af which they had heard ao much, their alt!mat* declination haiag Flar 'd*, but a telegram from tb* chief of notice of Pcekavili* ta tb* chief of polk* of FayettrrlB* caught them hem and they were placed under de tention to await the arrival of aomar on# to carry them bach bom* aad ta Each la Id, vtvactoma aad retaaatic. On* 1* a brunette with a wealth of black hairs th* ether a decidedly at tractive bland*. They era wall dram ad- in tha aimpl* attira warn by girl* of their age who belong to famulet af refinement. They war* thick wool en clocking*, evidently hi anticipa tion af much tramping. Th* girl* traveled aadar th* name* ’ of Jea* Manning aad France* Evan*, , andar which name* they war* rotate I Inf their mail through the general delivery at Fayetteville, according to th* teUgrum received by Chief oi Poiiee J7 A. McLeod. -Thar war* > found by Police Officer Wellington ' at a Kay (treat rooming houa*. Ac cording te their earn *Ury af their long Journey they traveled an fate ’ and by train and war* given area* lonal lift* by automobile*. New Yeah i city waa th* feat big oily they vlMted. • Thane* they cam* te RaRhnor* and Richmond and from Richmond te t Norfolk Prom Norfolk they dabbled • bank te Richmond From tb* Virginia ■ capital they tramped te l*ltndp| I and ea te FayattevUt*. t -—— - Whan year a aunty agent held* * . terracing dom on at ration, ge aad taka your neighbor. PRESIDENT LAYS DOWN POLICY OF FRIENDSHIP ALWAYS WITH BR1TIAN !• _ i Va., Oct. lt-fwo Meat Harding voacirco the heaenry decirc oT doctor of lava by the eat ***• of WHHoca aad Hasp today at •xarcUot of ImtaMatioa for Dr. J. JL C. Chandler aa praaldoat of the la atitiiUoa. la cap aad gown. Mr. Hard in* la aa addraae appealed far hi croarcd patriotic attaaUan to the aa <*>aal odoeational cyaUai and armload Jha pari played ia Aeaeiteaa Wary by the laatltariev. vhlah la Aa aoeaad oldeet collac* af the ooaatey aad ^*S5rc FroddentT^ "5Je"u^S StctES. Before coming hare Aa Pnddaot delivered an ** in Yorhtavu aarraaderod II -t. -a 1 - a - itToiuiNni co mi aad ess»_ The TTaHed latao and Croat Bat ^rcM^Ttaa^thSTfriaadiSdpJhr of the World vor *eteei "arrayed _, teadMp for om p.._of eMH aatioo. Ha mite alao a vaed of w*~ tttode for the aid girea by Fimaee ia tha revolution aad doehrod tha tiaia had aaarc far voetd vtde on That part'of tka Yorfctewn -wreak deratedta RAtieh-Aeuerieen rela tion* wai ia tka for* of a brief da* deration of policy on which tip Proa ideal did aad elaborate. “The triumph of freedom in the i. biaiwti oad mi* doatinaat. breoght Great Mitatn aad America ta a nUn ad atiaaaih Man aad pacific odjnenaeat far all •ar differences. “Hwn baa baaa inaomhl* aad —hull in peace for more than n eaa tnrjr. Wo caam to ooomaon mtrtiUi Md rmoagniaod aaaacJwtiaa In tho World war, and n future bread of our pooeofal and friendly rolotioai io unthinkable. Ia ttlt tfuitemblp of preomriag civilisation wo wart nat mSlT "3^ SS2SSL“i^r5 n m finuMuBn wormy ta tioaal eorariguty 5T da name ad ta tr national unity. Delegates wore preaiat at da Wil liam and Mary anarriam from all aol legee ia da country pan than 100 yuan old and honorary degreao won riao eonfatrod oa Judge Alton B. Parker, Democratic for Prod dent in 10*4. and oa Governor Weetoo reload Dario, of Vizgiaio. SEVEN PERSONS INJURED WHEN TRAIN HITS AUTO Harvey too, [ Of Apia Meant OBre, Oct. 1*.—Atlantic Coact Liao train Mb. «f, aaldml. poating hen laat night at *40 o' elock. (track a Ford automobile at PoOaek afreet ewiaeiag and tamed It onr twice. In do cor warn A. C. Price, the ditrarf hie aaa aad wife, Mr. aad Bn. Marwoed Prim; hi# doaabter. Mia. Mermcet Mae mmJ ^_ _ I hat all wara akinaad and bnM^n •MtSteldap tatenmT **’ S^. pmlahfr Barmy Ua, aaathar ynac white ■an (tending naar, araa Wt bp tea ear and. appamntlp fat tea amt hurt af anp, tfab aenhf atm rwa later l« an wtaatabaa atete. Ha b from naar Palana. AD had haae ham to a teat moat and wara gattteg read* to team font M tea traia aaaa. tUadiag UahU from* largo ear aaraar tea abate b Mid U Urn fcapt tea drhrar af tea Pord from anting tea oMtMdag taab. The aeeidaat oceurrod juat la float of tea eoMaanlte hoapttel. to which •11 af tha lajarod aaaa want prompt ly r—trcld and wham teay am bli| ca rad far. THRU MILLION LOANED TO NORTH CAROLINIANS ► aganay af tea orar flnaaea ttifite tbn, af whkh ha b a aaaatecr, Tana dap pratentad tea Whaia pba to Worth Carolina commltteo and aaw K maad ate Ha Milton dollar Iwa ta hankara af tea atete who had aMda teaaa adaanan to Oman. Mr. McUan mid aa ha Ml an tea midnight train far Waahtagten tent front VadlafiM aad thrash tea North Carolina agree* throo nllliaaa ham haao ban ad to North Carafana. Irjottea far an addtbaate iteMaa Sunaurarts MaUan mpa 5tenh It'hate' tend •agahiN dbatear of aH tea aaath At lantic groap. NO RACE SIMM INDICATED HERE lafantworUlitr iTtte Urlki* WraHM araa la Dm Ualte* data* ta uaapaHwa with till aa* 1M0. b lSlTd* trial Witte la da State >ta>wl TM*4, aa* ia MtO. 517 *07. aa iaciaaa* of T,»U, ar l*i P*r emL la ISM dan war* MM teatte *f tefaau aador aac /oar of aa*. a *aad rate af M par MOO Witte aa tiicraaao of aa* la da tear, (altar rate aoar 1*10. tteScaraa far nteta Write far da bra ran an rhm u II, IM la of white infant* mater *a* yaar af •C* I* ISM naterte 4.1**, ar tS par MO# Write, a 4*craaa* af aa* &jrar»!Er3u: la ISIS. *1,022, aa* iMH ta ItSO, at tocraaa* af Mil, ar 1*4 yar saat, tha 11 rite af color** infant* ester *aa yaar af i IM! W T Stsjy.tiifws §n _ NOBmERNESSn HEART OF HARRIS * jmI jajsi.jLnrja »«W wWtoTL niir r<mr tJ? mmHfm* H.m, m tlftiwi buttMoob lo tht Ml to l^NI V^-'00Wy, :fe$gg®£» lisfe

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