9 ra<—Éfcsiasi ■ ~ Volume VIII. THE DUNN Dunn, North PRESIDENT GREETS NORTH CAROLINIANS FROM SPECIAL CAR CkW Executive Stop· At SpM car «ad Charlotte On Way To Aloha mo MAKES SHORT SPEECHES AND SHAKES MANY HANDS Hardin® Say· Ha Think· Mora of North Carolina Than He Ewer Did and Talk People They Are Fortunate; Im pressed By Diversified Pro· dactivity ai The State. On Board President Harding's Spe cial Train. Oct. 16.—On his way to Alabama to ^eak tomorrow at the Birmingham Kmi-ccntennlal. Presi dent Harding today got hi· flrst real picture of tiw South (lace b* became chief executive. Wool of tbe day. as his trala trav eled Southward from Washington the President watched from the window of his car the peaiing panorama of agricultural and induitrial develop ment made many comment! on the acceaipllahmcnta and nocdi of the Southern Btataa. At esvaral places. Southern products, including frvtt« and epecisn^ cured tobacco ware p*e eented to him as aa example of the •action's hospitality. Great Crewd· Great Train Soma of the larger citiat tamed out crowds to greet the Preridentisl train and wherever «top» were made both the President and Mrs. Harding ■book heads with as many a could gut near them. Hie rea was made on a faet «chad ils however, aad tbe train si pped tlirouets noit of th· town· «long th»| way without a (treating unutual at-| tentioa. Ax CharlottaiviUe, Vl, a gToup of atadaata from the University of Vir ginia lereaaded th· Preaident wtth college yell* and he preaented to tlx· thrae of his gueate aboard th* train, Secretary Weeks, of the War Departaent: Secretory Fall, of th· Interior ana Senator Underwood, of Alabama. Dam ocra tic leader ai tlx Sana ta. Mr. Underwood, a grmdnate of the University made a brief speech from tha rear ρl*tfor*, praising Mr. Speaks at Charlotte There ware teverml thousand peo aie wattiag to cheer th· Preiideat Π irllri aa "the greatest man in eOuMU. Ν. (X, aid be raw««ed ~· aft.' —laV — -ft- __a t.H. ' m TV "I bare never had opportunity be fore." ba aaid, "to ride acron your State la daylight, and I hare come ta think mor* of aid North Caroline today than aver before. You ara a fortunate people. It b a (Teat achievement to have diversified pro ductivity, and we have noted all along hew apparently well-employed yea are." Ί%» President alio referred to the coving conference on limitation of amaiaaata and aaaerted bla hope that Amarlca would "play a big part" In the accomplishment· of the confer eece. Ha declared the country would enter tha conference m an abeolate ly onaatflah attitude to do everything it can toward an agree meat » Maay Cmri· CUw Another crowd amembled about tha PreaideaUal car at Danville, Va., aad the Preaident and Mr*. Harding alighted to the itatian platform to *ue bande all around. At Calver ton, Va., they chatted several mine tea with a groap of overailed railroad employee, who greeted them when the train «topped la the yard». Daring the day» rUa Mr. Harding alee cleared away eome corrMgnnd aaca aad talked with Secretary Week·» Senator Underwood and Rep reeeatottrg Almoad. of AUbama, t bout the problem of the Muscle BtMU nrcraie punt. IK u»·· tmry U to make a tour of Infection to Um pleat after the Proridcnt I*»e Atlanta, Oa-, Tirante; nlfM to ra ter* M <Waahin**on. Th« Prudential train, which Ml nJngfcam it IM a. tomorrow. Washington at 9 a. a. la to reach Binatnjpta» β'-*· ·· OL, tomorrow. Mr Hardr.« will ««pad the ntin day there and U expeetad to make aarerat Aort ijurtu bdktdae the ÏÏK2 at the c.W hration. Ha W>U leave totaat al(ht S' <β.Τ€«· îST «ï lu-^assisss-·^-"? rHn· at the Oradr MmWMit Ha wfl b« back In Wuhlnfto" again Friday Morning. ST. PETERSBURG'S ENTIRE WATER FRONT WIPED OUT| (Ml Store Wore* FlorMa t* fawiHUo I· MtealaMf WlyoJ ΟΛ # MMIk FU., 0Λ S6—Tm eo Ore w«Mr front af St. Petar«fcuTf wa« ·Ι»·4 MkyUn nH (ton·. Om ■•r* ftj ettjr tu rrar expe *,*eerLîe!Î*il5F «· » mw**· re o,tro«l_hy «*· Tuhaa Union ton'gHt from TbomaiW. Parkin», of 8L Pe UnHtt' Beanaa collector of pinellaa coonty. Mr. MtaejU had traveled la aa Μ"*?"·"»· «V Patentent u BroekrriIWt»_»*«d the auiaagc wiped JÇhTÏÎM^* 225^ •reekJTMU Κι *βτ^ »η e*ly 4aaM «et wlra ewnyrtlaaa Thla dt, badly fcmrif and vWanalUna coalai throacti oearty to par cent efere* inrit *or»e. **9??*. ■»>. >0.30 a. m * -H, dbaahataly wiped ant. Ra UreTL PeUrtber* wwber frw«r,t wtp. ad Mt All ,e» parleen Trra tm total darlcneet for M l«Mt ί·η FARM STRIKE ENDS IN A LOWER WAGE SCALE Agricultural Hui· Are W>Hdf far «3 A Day Ui TU> A Yw Α«· A vietual strike of nation-wide pro portion* conduct cd by mora than ·, 000,00· agricultural worker* ku bo«n completely broken by farm owa rn and managers. 'With the liarvoat nearing comple tion, farm Kan <tt in virtually all tec tions of lb« United State· are work Ins for a wue that average· but slightly more than $S a day and keep, according to the department of agn culture. The wap acaic In nearly all part* of the country laet year was in excess of $C a day. In certain dates harvest hands rot aa much aa 17. The American farmer ba« aacceaa fuQjr deflated wax· acalea which be waa forced to pay daring the war period. At tlie came time food now coeta the cenauaer approximately 60 por cent mora than in 1918 and 1914. A year ago the consumer had to pay double the pricea ef the pu <war pe riod. Farmers have laid tbe groundwork for a deflation of war-period was·· in the industrial field. Having read justed wagv icalai in thair own field tHer are aaklne other businesa lines to follow suit. Otherwise farmers can not buy product* of manufacturer·, la th· contention of the agriculturists. Tbe rural population represents 40 per eent of the natlon'a entire pur chasing power. Agriculture, completely defUted In mo far aa wage scales are concerned, .1 nearest of any Use of profitable en deavor to operation at a profit. Am erican farmers now are selling a brosd their products at the rate of .early 140,000.000 a month. Having written off their Ιοφβο. .'armera aa a group are ready to take .hat mar coat along. They ara the Ant to feel the quickening of demand u they war* tha fini la (eel tha Λκΐί of depreeaion. Having been the first to maka tha orifice they are now asking that tha nations induatry follow than tread iig on tha greundwejfc they have >U1 It up. ranaan laat year produced |1·, J00,000 worth of food, livestock and raw a\at* rials for u«e la mann/actera. They loot $7,000,040,000 through ailing prices according to thalr or ganised representatives in Waahlag on. Thai year tha margin of profit trill be aaaall. It U indicated by re porta to the agriculture department Substantial profit* will cob* oaxt year, farmer* belieYe, if other lisa· jndergo readjustment. Behind this demand of tha farmer λ a force which ha* aa «at bean hot partially exerted. Thia farce la ear .spring to aaat the menace of tho far »ham1 strike. Reporta of plan* te cat acreage flooded agriculture depart' aient. Farm laborer* who would work far laaa than |6 a day found there «a* going to be ao work at any Ag ar e. Ί he strike begaa to wane. fa Ohio, New Jeriey and some other atatca the striken held out longest. But eventually these alse gave m.— Greensboro Dally New». STRIKE CALLED OFF BY BROTHERHOODS Heada of Umsoea Seat Out Or der CMtCslliaf Inatrue tâoaaa For Walk Out There will he no railway strike. The walkout scheduled to begin Sunday night was averted laat night I when heads of the fivo great broth erhood* met In Chicago and decided to cancel the strike order. The vote colling off the strike was ananimoua by all organisation, W. G. Lee, president of the Brotherhood at Railroad Tralnment, announced. The oAeUl wordljn of the raeohxtien ' id opted wm« that "the itrikc be da stand net liMthri." Unofficial reports were that the Irrneea'i executive· had riniuuedir tppoted adoption of the raeelatlon. No»· of the prefidenti wo «Id eeo Srm this, however. I L· K. Sheppard. preildent of the 1 Order of Railway Conductor·, aaid , U.at the union· had decided to eall off 'he etrlke becaOM of "the growing i publie opinion that the itrttca weald be acmln* the labor board and ocmee qaendly the government, and aat again rt the raOroadi. 'It wa· evident alao that the entire Weahfngtoa administration w»· op po*ed lo ae and that wa have bad 1H tle chance of gainbi, our ebjocUvea." laid Mr. «ιορ—ι*. "Wa called thi. .trik. to gal* ear Uia righte to which ear sen ware entitled," Mr. flheppard teld the A»· •eclated Praaa. •It aeon became evident, however, that the road» were raecaediag in their mldeadi·* propaganda to the effect that wa really weald be etrtk ing aglenrt the government. "Thi· railroad propaganda feaad IU way U the United fltotoe KaiWd Leber Board Thi· governmental ageacy told a· thai it weald loek mi a rtriko aa anlait It and the gwvem ment aad bo* acalait tbe raada, aad that the fall force of the fovemaMWt woald be broagbt to bear againat aa If we walked eat. Under wA elr a—>«—, there waa nethiag to do bat annal on order· for the October M walk eat" CARSON CLIFTON IS DEAD BY OWN HAND Bmm· Y«vb| Ma· Fini B«l Ut Into Brain Tbur·· <uy I Deepondont over hit inability te make headway in the battle of life. Canon Clifton, an employ·· of the Be men Loan and Irvauranc· Company jrwtarday mominj find a ballot late The trafody ocearrad ia on· of the office* of the company that «nploj ad him. At i o'clock In the moraine Mr. Cliftoe waa found at hia daak by Janitor MaaMngill, who aakad him why he waa doom to baainoaa ao early H« replied that ba waa behind with hi· work and waa endeavoria* to catch up. A few minutai later ba retired to an inner room. Shortly afterward Mr. Memrnfill beard the abet which ead ad the yovMf maa'a Ufa. Be radkad into the room to And Mr. Clifton in a dying condition on the floor. Phy •feiana war· aammened, bat the man waa beyond help. Two aotea war· left by Mr. Clifton —one to hia wife which waa not made public; the other to M. T. BrHt, preo -dent of the loan and taMrance eon papy. Tbo note to Mr. Briti explain ed that the writer could aoe no thin* for hlmaetf in the fatare and aakoa Mr. Britt to direct the ecttieeaeet of hia affaira Mr. Cirrtoa waa about thirty-five year· old and waa married «boat ton yean aço. Hia wife aad three Child ren are left. Panerai aenricea probably will ha held from the home In Beaaon thia afternoon. Mr. Clifton wu a native of Mo· jtcn county and had lived la Ben son for acverai yean. He tint waa employed ia the atora of P. B. Jofca ion. He had been with the lata ind la»uranc« company rise· it* or-1 iraniiation mnd wu locked upon u) jne of >li meet valuable otn. LARGE PERCENTAGE OF COTTON ginned! Cmmus Bureau'· Finm Sbomj 8,477^87 Bate. Ctaa.d Up To October 1· Wuhlnftoa, Oct- II.—Α larger percentage of the country'· cotton stop had been |Îutd to October IS this jrur than had been finaed la any ^ renou» pu to titat date tn the hlatory of cotton frowinf, Um Con nu Bureau'· (Tannine report, iaooed oday, indicated. A total of S,477,207 halo· axclu ilv« of linters, bad been timed out by glnnerie·, which total ii 88-7 par cent of tho rnturo crop u cotlmeted t»y the Dopartacat of Agriculture m it* forccait of October 3 thii year. The prevlbui hearleot ginning to Oc tober 18 wai in 1·!· when 848 per eoat of tbe crop had been ginae<£ fnhiti·· Uacfcaaged In iaaulng iU ginning report, the Conaui Bureau included a paragraph fWBi the Dopertmrnt of Atrinl tara*» latoet foracact of the crop, which «· 8,887,000 baloa. Deduc tion of the norabwr of baloa finned to October 18 fnoat the eotuaated crop loaves 1,068,808 bale· reatain inf to bo ginned. , Concerning the cotton titaaUoa.l Secretary Wallace of the Department ! )( Agriculture >ald today: "The cottoa rinned to October 1·, u ohonm by the connu roeort, name •y 5.477.W7 btlu, run nine weight, .« 88.8 par foot of the October third forecast »f total production by the Départaient of Agriculture, which waa 887,008 bale* of 50· pound· •MS?"far a* our record* go, the high ect perccota*e of cotton ginned to October 18, wa* M l per cent la the _ mi a .k·· ik. ■Mil on·. The «mall·* pm eentagc ginned cant in ginned up^tj^ October It wu J7.7 per Our pe*»·· ·» department qualified f who in qoanfiid to Judg· af natter· aay that Burt oaxi be no re asonable d«bt tb«t Uiii year'· cotton crop te non largely ginned to date than erer before. In the Ant place, •Jbe crop la · *er7 ·»*1Ι one and un der aoch condition» the percent··· (toned to d*U would natarallybe large. I" the weond place, Uie aaa ιοη Haa bee· mmaHjr forward and reporta fro· practically all aectjona •»f the cotton belt Indicate that pick ing baa been practically completed In T«xm both picking and ginning to farther advanced tban anal and tWat eompUtod except in tbe north weitera part of tbe State. In Georgia the cotton la patttfeaUy ·» *«tbered. 'n Sooth Carolina ptoMng to Onlahed except In the nortbwan earner of the State. In North Carolina rapid •>rogre«e in picking ·*·» b*·» mad·. In Alabama picking la ftalahad 1b noet Bouihtm and central eeetietie md la eleewhere well advanced with ginning progreading nmldly. In Kto· iealppi picking and ginning bava made -apid progreaa. In Afkanaaa the ewt ton to all picked In aome loeelWee and three-foorthe picked In other locali se·. In Oklahoma picking 'a reported an having pnfraaaed rapidly." Round balee Included noaaberod •0471. t«W>Mld with 140,OM Uat rear. American · Egyptian inelodod mmirt>ered 7,41* baUa, compared with 14.*12 laat war. and Sea I«lar»d In cluded η an Wad 1404 bale*, com ->ar*d with *14 laat rear. The ginning report ι iw haded · para graph datlai: 'Th· Department of Agriculture on October I, IM1, eettmated that •>»e condition of the cotton orop m (•ftanAer.ll waa 41.1 per cent of the law a* eond'.tl* A. ^ „ I '•Mytod, Which feretdU · total pro duction of about «417,000 bale· of 5?· P*unda each- Keport· indicate ***^Wjlfriprtlaa of the crop EXCESS PROMTS LEVY TO DIE Of JANUARY 1 That D··· An V.tW Washington, the mcch proftU uary 1 *v ι the adoption by a rccora vota, of tax revision bill Va collection this provision is a eta profita law. Bafore ace* vision ia the down, 41 ta SI, aatar Bead pro; and thereafter tax be CO per of corporations, and 50 per cent itol and 40 par com la aonaee Ropubhesna Democratic this amenda ant. The Μ ηat< SI, another. Read piepaiinf Ota tax ha to coaa ni satese a! in veatad capital, snpportad this «1 M of next Jaa ' today with ». senate, without •previsia» In the "" « enlp fer jraar. The far the sx tha existing j original pro senate voted eat by 8a — for ItSI ι profita levy s net iac _ II par oast| ι invested cap the net la-1 er cast. Six I h the aotid [ ia supporting! down 42 to by Senator ι exeaas pro f the π at in - cent of the Republicans and one It fsra H·** L_ ftta section, considération of earns tax aection .on ιont _ posa of on the < all amendments toi that offered Ilea af on corporation» as follow*: Tedvi the aat r cant on the ΛΛ AAA ~ " R; Be exeats era proceeded to feeeporatloa in • « unanlinoa· Κ would dis r day tomorrow ι section except * Walsh, Dam lWM«f In m Income tax Headed by the ι graduated tax | eaet « . •.000; It between b*twwa-|!*0,000 fM M>0,000 and >4 per cent od tba®oent »f $600,00#. A cp—ht— titer next Jan tmptiou MOW corporations 126,000 or laaa, objection or a . At a runlt of _ lent agiotaient, tlx —— in abeyance their -9k force a continuous aesaien a|B tP* aermU ad (ouraed at S Λ0 "»ti] 11 a *■ tomorrow. IUTRELL PRISON Lma<Wr of •d To ! CWm Up Coart Fight WlUn, Oct. 26-—When Superior court convened Monday Burning *'udffc Oliver H. Allen wanted to know what had become of the Η. Β Futrt-U ease that wat appealed to Ihe 8 op woe court, and was informed by Cl«lt J. N. Bardin thai Futrell is now la the State Penitent! 117 ecrrlng the sentence irani»< by Judge Alien. •Futrell la the »>»c who eeveral months ago ehot lato the courthouse in Goldsboro in a· effort to rescue three negro prl«oaera from officer* of the law when they were about to be pot oa trial. Ti e trial waa removed from Wayne to Wilson county. The defendant waa ably represented by attoruejw of the Wayne county bar and represents tire eitlaena, in great nuancera, did everything in their power to have the' sentence reduced to a line and pay the damage done to the court by ru Uell and the angry crowd be waa leading, but to ao effect. The Jury found him guilty and Judge Alloa •enteneed him to serve four year* In tfee Stale prison. " Thi» ia a special term and there are orer 200 cases on the docket, S HakrAoV mmwm h* «<11 clean the deck by the end at the week. WIND REACHES VELOCITY OF IM «LU AM HOUR F6rt Myera. Fit, Oct. 28.—Th* fibreect (ale tfcli «ection 1>M known In lèverai yean rated bar· far M hour· beginning at mJdoigtt Monday and attaining a wt*xhmnm velocity of 100 mile·. Traaaatiaaton aerrice wma prostrated while the property laaa for thie, Lee coonty, 1» «xperted to total woll over a «iFHon and a ball dol lar*. Report* from SanalMl and Cap tive aland·, near bar·, on «kick two beach raaorta ara located wa* badly Hatnared. tba ea*iaoi, cottage· and other oulMinjra being wrecked. Local railroad oUVclal* nid thia city will be without transportation facil'ties for three day·. rta high way* ont of Fort Mven ara abaort Impensable Tk· majority of the bouraa In Panta Raasa war· either badly damaged or «aAad away. Baed Mlailrala la Jaaaary Wiat promlaee te he the mort nota ble hose talent (how «ver lUged ia Donn la the nlnrtroU for January by the Dann Concert Band. Lieutenant Alfred J. Behnidt, eondactor of the band, win direct the ail η «Ire la and proaaUae · program of real merit. Proceed· fro* t»a *ow win ho term ed into UtO band'· Uniterm faad, [which It itfll abort «BOO ihy of tha I deairad aaufc. Now Faetav Law·· rev Dwa ReidtvlU*. Ock Î* — *«v. and Kn C N. Johnson loaro today far thoii aew home at Duaa. K. C., ark at· Mr Johnaon ha* accepted the «all «stood ed him by tho BapUat ehareh Bold· *11 a people, trreeecttva of deaomta '•Hon·, d eat ore their departure A touching farewell Mrviee win heV at tho ΡI rat BapMit ekarth here Son 'day night. Darin* hi· paatorata « over aovon yean bora tkli chare) baa glowii by leaf· aad bound· WEEVIL SENDING S. C. FARMERS HERE Cotton Crowm Ink Muck Land la Dum Die trlet Sooth Caroline fuam, being drt »«» from the fertile feme· by the boll weevil, an turning their (MM toward the rich toll* of the Dunn District and will m tile here next Spring It they ara able to laate suit able land*. TSro greet farming firms —A. B. aad Walker BetWef Dillon and Parfcam Brothers, oi Latta al reajy has· agents in the liU her· and ara trying to acquire control of enough land to plant an aggregate of ahoat a 100-horse «nf. There are many other· in the wee vil Infested ragions te the south who want te come to this region. Nearly •very day The Dispatch or the Cham ber of Commerce înqairles tnm large and small farmer· who desire locations near Dunn. They an »■ nes ted to do this by the fine record msls by Dunn District faims ia cotton production daring the last several Farm buildings are the greatest need of these farmer* There is plen ty of Land, bat saitfcale buildings are scarce where there » plenty at cleared land · The Betheas, It la understood, have rotten leases ee some of the Warren property aad some other lands aad sre negotiating for dtiU ether. k Is not known what succeaa has tome to the Farham Brothers in their efforts to get kad. Both ef the coo re rni, however, are advertising la Vhe Dispatch for land. All who have land to reat, soitable to the adver tisers' needs, are advised to comma licet* with tbem at oace. Theae concents are aaaoag the lav r*M MttAM «Μ«·Μ in Mwfrli i hey ««ploy band red» of fam hands Mid their remise moon much to ihe baitnesa Me of the coauaanity. DR. HADLEY MUST DIE FOR MURDER Krmy Pkfiidu PUwm«I W«H Bui Chain of Ck HUM So, Dr. WOaarth Amm Ηadler, lait captain la the medical eon· of cke ιητ, ara* die for Ifea araroer at tie wife fa Richmond taitaf the win der of 1I1S. li thêta» «Ml A Mt ftlllMfa fy planned atrder — history lot· □at record K- Dr. Hadlev lui every thing alaost airtight, with what ap peared to be no pnsallrfHty of datae The theory of Marcos Anreliaa I teller* it i>—that all creation mu«t move alone a siren path and that «hen on* move· front that path too ■keen li taagled, U strengthened •tare. One cold winter evening, after a freshet hart «welled the water* of James River, one of the bora «trolled into the CUv Rooa erf the Tnas· Dlspatch with the inforaation that a woman'· body, bound with wire, had bees washed to one of the hanks of the river. There waa little to iden tify the body which had bean in Ihe water for week·, rtpntag ita moor >n*« by the wad» of the waters. The element af myttory «υ the «Very and wo kept it alhra for Maya. Gr lev in j fathers wtioae daeghtors had disappeared from the outlying parte of Virginia caaM to view the body. None eonld identify. The cmte wu about ta p··· into that endless list of aiardor mysteries that are never solved, when one day a fellow froas Williamsburg breeled into the oBlee with a clue aa «mail that we had little hope that it would lead anywhere. This fellow had mov ed to Virginia from Cincinnati. In Cincinnati he had known Dr. Hadlty and the family of Dr. Hadley*· wife. Ha knew Mra HadUy intimately. The wire bound body la Jamea River mod rtWBvm B*l m mm wu uwwx lier. Hi knew Dr. Hrndbi «u it taehed to the "·Τ hovital In RWh Thu man aaked th· Tlme*-D(jBateh to eoarmunicate with Mr*. EUk/i relative*. We learned that Dr. fll«r had written hi» wlfa'a parent* that ah· had died while with him at hie «talion in Porto Rico eeveral moathe before. TVa« inforeejrttea epeBed hie éae·, ier Mr*_ Hadley had ben rooming hi a Wast lad Write on til ι ehort tine before the body wae Meaatlae, Dr. Hadley had fon· to Taxa» to vleit hU mother, Mr*. Had My'a eietor eama to Richenood and definitely idea tilled the body. The head W the hoaee ta which th* ua ;·ι· iate ««man had ha·· rooming volunteered the Information that Dr. hm.itcj had ealled for her on a aer ta'.n aigbt and that aha had hidden them teed bye. A taxi driver wae found who aald that Ha had driven a* eleer and a woman to a bridge a bove Richmond on the nirirt Mr* Η ad ley left the Weet End Home. Then Sheriff W. WAb lamed a warrant nt the arreat of Dr. HedUy. He aahed all af the *Hy ne a payera to keep qWlet until the arreat wae made An ovenealou* Aaaacladad Prvu reporter, however, mt the atary on tha wire. Before hi* β (See roald be reached with a reqoeet that the «tory be "killed,·· R had aena over the Taxa* circuit and wae <a early afternoon edition*. On· ef thaw fell in the head* of Dr. Hadtoy. who then diaappeered. For two year* detective· enflrt throorh the United Btotee. Canada ami Mexico far the man They war» uuMMceaaful a a tit taat month, when 11 he wai capturai la Catorad·. 1 He wae eoavMed ef awrder le the - it·» decree aad eevteaeed to die In Γ the electric chair when tried bWere » Judge R Carter Se«*t in Riehaawnd I» «ΤΑΚΤ raOCUMNG· TO · * IMPEACH STOCKS SHSK1VF · * Winetaa-Sale», Oct, IB I»· » * ceeehacnt proceedlnfi have ♦ * (mm atarted .aealnet«ht» K. » * C. ftbtlton, of Stake· eeaaty, * * at a reealt af hU ceodait bare ¥ * durla* Uaa Forayth Mr. wfcaa · * he waa uiuM In aa iatoxlea· · V ted condition aad wn« creatine · * what the tent termed a «*1»· * * an*·. Caae will probably ta * » heard at ae*t lia of Sapcrior · ILLICIT LOVE MURDER CASE BEGUN IN GMSNE| ίηώτ."-1 Tk. ib Kill wutlbr Kinston, Oct- it.—1The trial of Wr4*fct Row·, alleged (layer at Will Un Whitlay, «u atarted le the Grocne enatf caart at ■mam HOI te day. Imn la the nacre terahrad la the eeee with Nn WMtley and TW ■aye· and Um Ma la tryta* to prtnr* him the alayer far kin of Whitley, Greene tamer. Whea a Wajrae eaaaty «elite af too man appeared at Saew Βία tUi morning «ha walk af ι alerting a jary waa atautad aad eean*l«tad by 11 o'deak. Tka atate Introdoeod wftaao aea who laatlgad aa ta Itnaa· alitai I ronfeedon. TÎûe ΙΜΐίοιΗ^ΗΠΙΗ ""· HfT-. · n^Cfcfcer.l their fortune», Wit ifUrwut 1 . •i M*)Nt of Whitley'» deelredl dttlk. Sheriff HtrriK and odun aaidl Roa»a t*M Hi ση k« ni offered f MM by the eoapla to HI Whitley, and thu Hay M took him ia an aatnaa· bit* to a tobtco Vara vhm WUttnl »1«|* and where ho «a* Aot ia huf dumber*. After the crhao. to the eenfaaaloB, Xoue wa _ home, a dlatance of It miloe Thai riefenae pot no aituwoae thl» after-j Mra. Whitley, leeeud of Dm —. fondante to face a Jary, will fa tel trial toatrrew. The jary to try barl wiH ho cboeen from a wnad Wayne I roanty veaire. Hay», It today, will aet he tried before De c ember, a at having join ad the edMral in a roqaoet for a Jary from another I Dm «tend in hi. own behaH Hill tonight after . dtaed to taatify that he < with a na aai a bloody Apire and haw afterward he had ken driven oil br a heeded chaufleer. The Aet he fati ha Mid, waa aa aimt ta» one. He declared he did not 4o*t Whitley. Addreaxinc the Jary he erf ed them to have amy en a "poor old map." Hi» fate i> »<cp acted to ha determined before nooa ' FDSSELL BLAMES HOLDERS OF STOCK Saya H*d they Urm4 Up T. ObHcatiome All WeaU BaWaH Had thoae who are aew atrMng to tear It to pleeea Hved «ρ to their obligation» to the Carolina Fertiliser aad Phosphate Company, the »em pan y would now be fanctioaiu aad working bach to a profitable ba»i». of the company, irk· vtf' kirethla weak to vMt friend* Mr. PumcU'i reraarka war· ι of a (tory recently originating with U»« Rmleiffe Enclif Am u4 re-1 printed t« T1m Diapateh. Thte rtory «teted that th. muut «u ' 1 lately with MNta «ai that th· , holder· would not realise anything! from their holding* Mr. raaaol intW »wjr a*A that aaeat waa tan uat th· trnth, tat 1m aenta·dad Oat th· awa wh· ι «4 that atery war· largely Me far th· tnlHlm This eotnaaay, Ilk· «ηπ atl th· United State·, wu hit hand deflation aterted- Erery thing Hi omwl wn» honght at time whan pri-1 eea war· at the peak. It wu organf* ed at a time whan there wat no way | to (at anand paying tha It» ftoek wu told ia rood faith ι ly for note·. Whaa th· cruk it coald not realiie on tha natoa and 1U Thar* i«, Mr. Γη*ββΟ patata oat. tV eohitely no (mad to aeciuo tho aam pany of intaat to defiaad. Tha adl· eora in harder hit thaa th· rwi·» ateckhelder ta. Th·* har· pat tMr ■mm lata It Mnt of tha ateckkll (J era ha*· thair aotei and aannyof th· aate· hare eat keen paiA Had sa. isu1; .nsrX'sna ta dadattan. woald Un bee* on tu feat and in poaitioa te taâk· hp tta loMai thraapi faaejoning m tta ei*| Mr. hMÎ faah that tha «tory waa aajoat te ktanelf ao4 to hi* ea*oetetea. It mm, ha a·*·, fro· «a attorney for tho atoekheldera aAa ha*· not llrad op to thab eMlga ttana and waa |)tn purely aa propa ganda te lnfla«naa court action Taï· aaelel te tha coapaay'a interest·. Mr. naaatl wai (or aevecal a eltiaen of Dnaa. R· waa of th· Bank of Cap· Vht ntO the* lartltatlaii wai atargvd wMh tha flid Katfaawl Bank. fhai ha __ , Ident of tha rim National, a . Ittati ha raatynad to aaaapt tta Md 'and ranwt Mm 1W» kaew «hat ha 1 taall I tj£ ha «4 ■« taw to ha DUNN DISTRICT HD5WHIHAVE HG CHRISTMAS Ill 11 trmm V»kw Of liilnllwi Τ· *■«*» HELP WILL η GIVEN Ma child la tlM Dtaai Diatrkt wfB re «Wwat · fM ft»l Iwta Ο» «U r»f TW la tbo d«twt»»lloi >f a M|r ·( mi ia4 >'»■«■ il Dim wba bold tint mrjr ehfld W m· titled U»M ftecklac-aad aB «· :tu«T of tbo mm whan Cbnihaoi U4a re»· avant Bo^taaiag ^»ba«rt^D«combar Suniây ahooh, fl alalia! eh ftnluuoiu, clvb·, tlvic onaalailUm nLÎÏL^w^i^te «SfSTu ia «rfott te iwirlah aB «ha «ill load bol*. it to iiiaUi that Ma iaavaa· wîB b· najlm* «but In Ujn Mer· laau Chu to 4m te ΐϊτ+rr Ito iaUzfal wtU ba AM <■ ritb preparation* for Ma vtote. Orlçtaally TV» Dl^atab |1n>ll ta itaM a b% NiauBfty Cb norma* ti·· is Lackaow ftqaar· te arfcMb (0 At tblUfcMj could com far ihiii> With Ai· ptoe a lyiiwMllw of Hit. Μη OUrw Her'

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