. Le»mr, W| : « :w«Hn4 by tfca AuhMn «Β | »«ut Rnt ί·ιumIWI at mm·/ ·- ba r# tiM la J<|u, «MA ; ·. 6 hum 'layaaktaa, haa* «f «a! ' τ» *t kyata, Japaa. ant •til U M NMMM ι s Jk L * trrr :aomtk* • . 4r>Min«4 -Aa t ' .■>, ^tJtotioa. Da yea ci ι, % ^λ «. teia mi kanlMt W«W Mia 5»«a, Fiji.—Crty <4 jcctin* ta Ua Uth 1b Mm 1 ' ' * lawma alaa* tha •Mit. lha apçaaraaca at Ua bramaf * bain If" All·», J. α AH·» aed otk P» y* < ■ It m IJ by Metaa and bouada ai feDow» : Beplni at a black Γ- ·»*· «m of Haaaafc'a Creek, Q-.tlw* cerner; and rui ai kir Jf ·"& H· pel·· to a Kik·; !*«« Wwt M polaa ta a ruke, L J. Satitk'· Un· ; thence hl« Una North tST polos la his Un·; the ι e Eut y »nm hi^kai thenc· North to Hajaah'a Crack ran and down taxi raa of Mid Creek to tk· beginning. i*»re or kai Containing IM ——, —... .. Tker» la excepted froe thia eoerey»] anee U acna allattad to Anaathaa and L—la Ailoa. aad 30 acréa da«dad to JaaM· Ryala. I Beeeod Tracts TMa tract of land, togotiwr «hk the three tmU that f«(Ww, making four tract» la ail. ara aa*k adjaeeot ta and connected, Bik ini w· tract of M acna, aad ta lo cated ta Harnett County, Awubm TowsahtB, on tk« Southwest aid· of tk· road loading tfm Dana to th· aaaia road connecting the towns of Coat· aad Boaaoa. aad being about two aad a kali miles wait of Bonaan ! . . follow·! Beginning • ttaka In Pann!· Sawa.xh it Wat 10.18 chain* te a loti is * ft«U. la Nathan He Lamb'» lino, ft. W. MeLaaib'· eor »r; thence a* ft W. McLamb'i lise North M Caat «1.T8 chain· to a rtaka la Fanny Btovaifi llna; •hence as her tin· Booth It Caat 10.26 chain· to tha bagiaainf, ooa iilniag SI acraa. Fourth Tract: Baeianlnc at a itaka ia Nathan HcLaarf Um. ft W. Mi Lamb'* α rifle al con«i; «ad run* a· h:» lin· Ν. βΟ Ε. 11.76 cfaain* to a1 ;uke Id Fanny Stewart"· 11m; tfcaoc· w.th her 1ln« South II Eut 4.·5 'Halm to a daV« In har lin·; them· South 60 Watt Ï1.76 cbaina to a aha In · manti la Nathan Mo '--.-.-.Va lin·; thence a· hi· lin· North Welt 4 SI chania to the begin .raughon and being that lot of land conveyed by Laura Tnitove by derd to J. H. Trulove doling th· year 191· and recordrd in the oAee of th· Register of Deed· of Harnatt County to which' deed referrr ce la hereby mad· for a more de-Unite description. ThU October 18. 1*11. INTERNATIONAL AORICOLTOAL CORIO RATION ASSIGNEE OP MORTGAGEE Oct 21 28 Nov 4 II. «AU or v. <1 IMM • Hajsatt C«ntr to M 111, • s i«·. tU «01 W|W> (t Ik· • ' wj*· ι*· wmW ky «M . it TtmLamé at tit· r«n>wt -Λ jf .aJJ MU, I WÎB Mil to tka a-t Mm. m Uitov far aaaft *·. tna Cavrt Row, Do«r to IMtfc· uM, M Koatay, »!»■>■ 14. 1M1 ■t twatra a'atoak bqh, tfca foUaw a* tnrti tt Mitili rf toad: rtn» Τ met: Lytic ■! Mil to SUA County (· JoàaitM, to Banner Tows*klp, aa4 on bath ëdaa at tfea :m4 knows a· Dm MtUak nal. ihat Mi ft» tfaa Baiaigk ami WU tkraa aQat »mI of tka tows of ; οILJ. FINE FRUITS fail 1 a Γ*.. · VEGETABLES AND CANDY W..CLE3ALE AND RETAIL Jmm In Orne Um TW b anihL· Will B· d H. S. MBS PHONE M·. M broad Street D«%IiC COOWtfc AND JUUtlOAM Atto.avjr· mm Ί WORTH CAyjMA πταηττ mum col LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE or SALS H avise u a il rln·! ι npl errtaia aatomobila. OMaaofcile i^fiac to A. IL rmr of îim Coenty tai kaviac «hajjWfor malin* aaid repair the Ma M f «08. U rack amount tt· aaid A. M. Var> ΒΜΓ kaa failed to 9*7 «ad kavtaf TO talaed >m—ai«a of «aid aotemokCe in onlar to prtMrrf my Liaa «poa H: Now thtrafor·, ia accordance wltk SeeCoa Mil «f dw Coatolldatod X'at^M «f Horth Car» Ma a. I w« •a tke ttk day af Miiîifa 1M1 a* 1ΙΛ0 a'cloek K, «0 «t pabUt a action at tk« front door of ay fer ae· aa Booth WUaoa Amoala tke mil of Daaa, N. C. the aaid oui mobile to âw fclgtm Udder. Tkia ink day af October 1MI. S. T. Ο t SI M. AMUMimÂTori »-dera?fred haete* . ·. rtralor of tka Mtato of 0.1 l. '■ drraoaad. lata et β« 'V> it ta BitJy an » i i » a · >~i rtaly ■.. > b.iO · .< ..i J ■ i of HSt urttJ.o co w 11 ko ρ toi of theto recovery; all aaïaaaa to-| daktad te aaid aatata wUTaaka ka>| 1M «f October îni. v. o. ino, . _ -W.C _ ι /. OttIM. I Paving frssments ii eby given that all paving assessments due the Dunn are due and that unless they are paid this I..t.. town will be obliged to force collection. Payments should be made at the clerks office at once. H. A. Parker, Clerk Brilliant Display Fall and Winter Goods real stores are again filled with the season's beet ^ . desirable wearing apparel for men, women and ivals from the wholesale markets include . ul— ES, COATS, COAT SUITS, CLOAKS -—AND WRAPS and the iLTTIEST MILLINERY CREATIONS EVER SHOWN HERE We are proud of our stock this year. No «tore in East* cm Carolina can boast of a better, more stylish or more serviceable one. We invite you to see it. / Johnson Brothers • · _ ... . i , , WEST BROAD STREET. κ-1 . DUNN, Ν. C. I f •«IMkJHHHHBHBHMIHHMtaMii················ à Wilson Tobacco Board of Trade REPORT OF SALES REPORT FOR WEEK ENDING OCTOBER ZOtb, 1921 Tobacco told ...2.364,113 U>·. Amount told for ..1784,468.07 Average NlUf Sale* last week..2,320,870 lb·. Amount (old {or $748,108.14 Average ..(32.81 lucre use .. .... 46,2 <2 llu. Increaec .. ...... $36,268.83 Increase ._ ....... II Total »T« to d'e 16,250,2^0 lb·. Amount told for $4.682,998.23 Average .. 928.18 Η. Β. JOHNSON, Secretary-Treasurer YOU never turned m finer hot cake than the light, tender kind that 0«co-nee-cHee Flour make·. It make· jour griddle perform aa it never did before. Crisp, fluffy bitcuiti and waffle· are ao eaay to bake with Occo-nee-chee Self-Riaing Flour. You juat mix it with water or milk, add shortening and your batter ia ready for the griddle or oven. no worry about measuring baking powdar, aalt or aoda; they are already mixed with the flour In exactly the right proportions and> coat lea» thia way. Oood baking ia almply a matter of a go chce Plour. food fire with Occo-ae· Get Your STOVES, - GRATES, HEATERS and PIPE From— Butler Brothers Hardware : : F umiture : : Musical Instruments