—I I 1 • L O C A *L « * ****** * ♦♦♦»»»♦! * 4 * WHITE WAY THEATRE 4 * - PROGRAM - 4 If 4 ###♦ MONDAY "Daughter of the Law"—L'alrnraa Special Attraction. TUESDAY “Behind the Mark"—with Dorothj Dalton. Paramount Feature—l*ath< Hm. WEDNESDAY “Little. Shepherd, of. Klngdon Come"—with Jack Piekford. Gold wyu. ._• Dr. and Mri. Charles Hlghamith have returned from Baltimore. Rev. T. 8loao Guy, of Wendrll, »a« here thl* week to vifit relatives Mia Clyde Snead he, returned home after (pending several week* in Randleman. Mia* Rava Jernigvt w»' a visitor to friend* in FayeUevllc Wednnrday afternoon. Mr*. J. C. Hodge! la spending tho woek in Mount Olive, visiting rela tive* and frionda. Former Sheriff and Mr*. J. McK. Byrd, of Coata, are here today to visit Mra. Foy Pittman. A. B. Naylor left Wednesday for Birmingham, where hi* «on, Eugene Naylor, ia reported to be very licit. , Mr. and Mrs. G. M Tilghmoi. arc visiting relatives In Norfolk and are expected to rstarn home next week. To g«t a medium-priced range without a fault, buy a Cole’* Down Draft Rangt. They are made by ex porta MiuAg ll*Un VstltrKn on J Pnfk Westbrook end Fulton Loc returned Tuesday from a viait to friend* at Wake Forest. Mrs. Raymond Cainsy and her lit tle son. Raymon Gainey. Jr., have returned from a brief viait to friends In Wilson. Morris Fleishman has returned to Baltimore after spending several days with relatives and business as *odates here and In FayctleviUv. The first sacred concert by the X>unn Concert Band is scheduled for Sunday afternoon. The public is in vited to hear it. Only acred music will be included in the program. U H. Woolard has purchased the Wianifred Tort eld place situated on Black River, from £. N. Tart, Nor man May Tart and Winnlfred Tart. The tact contains 62 acres. Machinery for a barge knitting mill at Fsdcon was unloaded here last week. It it understood that the mill will be in operation within a few days and that it will give employment te e large number of operative*. Many of bunn's people were in CHntoa yesterday to attend the Baiap aon County Fair. Ail report that the attendance was much larger than they had expected to aec and that the fssir waa one of the beat they had ev er aeon. Mrs. C. L. Alpkin has requested The Dispatch to thank the Averaxbore tinging class, which participated in the County Bing at Liftington several weeks age, for the donation of $2S they tendered her. The $26 was won by the class in the singing contest. The Kcaly Wesley Bible Class will be guoets of the Divine Street Metho dist Wesley Bible Class next Sunday, according to an announcement being mailed out to all members of the class today. Special orchestral music will be a feature of the morning's program. Every member is earnestly •urged to be preeeut. William U. Morgan, once a tobac co warehouseman her* and now loca ted in Raleigh, passed through Dunn Wednesday on route from Fayette ville t* Raleigh. He aid that the to bacco warehouse businass In Raleigh was very good and that he enacted the market to becoil* on* of tit* lea den in tho eld belt. Colonel Dave Gastev, who ha been here for several days -arranging for the reorganisation of th* Od.l Fel lows lodge, will leave tomorrow fof hla heme at Hope MiU^Cotonel Cas ter is well pleased with the fine show ing made by th* local lodg* and ays that ba believe* it will soon become on* of the strongest In the State. , William P. Buries ha bought the large automobile garage until recent ly operated by B. H. Jemlgan in East Broad Street and trill aoon employ ■ full force of expert mechanic* pre paratory to enlarging the operations of the bu*ineu. Mr. Surle* business activities her* now include merchan dising. cotton buying and automobile repairing and teDlng A fellow cannot alwaya depend on what be hears te be true. This hai ban shown on the local cotton mar kjrt Pfrrnii wn«a IDU Ifl-'on, «ui never more ao than one day tha weak when some tout for a neighbor Inc market spread the report tha' buyer* there wore paying half • above tho Dunn market. On* .goo^ farm or had two bale* of eoiton or hie wagon ready to dump on th< local yard. Ha wanted that half eont So, away ho wont to the other tewo Throe hour* later he waa back will the earn* cotton- He wa* a wiser met than he who drove away. The oth* nteifcet did »PP«" ,*• higker, bo the buyer* f r*'i®d him down unti isrv*,™,r“ been offer “Porhidden Love,” oehedolod t •W?" here laat Tocedey night wa /•vtoidden for* i«d#«d. It did no show up when tho *how down cam to *h*w. All of which was very .a boraoetn* to Manager Bari Barafool who had billed the attracSou in goo faith, eltbeud, at the )a*t momeoi after reading Balelgh pro** "otic*, bo »o»r*h*t anriow about th reception UiM would he given h bet It maybe Jaet a* walk The young fr lew* who had "put out” the necessar , to take thqtr beet geU to tb« eboe bad thole money returned and ai now all eef far th* hem* talent 01 faring* *oou t* he etagod Benag, ■arufcot ha* b*,, D«|J* ta g*t I eommunieetJon with the managemet *f th* d«Ufiqu*nt company. T1 . company wm ImToUtng In motor*. 1 morn* to have b#e« »urlo« r*r«i»l ■omowhor* In th* mad between kei and BaMgn. KAMJIBC CIXu^XtES - M,£ **TH 1ISTIOA Washington. How. 2. _ Praoidoi Balding celebrated bio Mtb blrtbd. tadoff the Whit* H*w no m**t*l program having boon » nag"* for th* ooeamon. Boor** < Amulhd And Robbnd Still dozed from a blow from huavy stick on the back of hit heai ■ ”“"1. negro employed on tl Dunn-C'lntori blfhway, staggered ii ' t“ the otltc «( ("lief of PoDec Png Monday cvcnlhg nnd charged that I had been assaulted by Henry Wi ’ fellow employe, and robbed « ’ Arcoiding U) Hunt be and Wi lianyi veto walking together to towi A short dimmer from the town lln 1 it*, he m.iI. WiL.amj stepped bebin h.m and struck him with a heav nick, knocking him onconacloui Wlu-n he regained conscious nesa hi money und Williams hud disappeared Fine Work on Street* (’nmplmirnt* for the efflelant wod >J' e oy |he et.net cleaning and main lenanco department under the direc Lion of X. B. Bair are many. Neve novo the street* ami aide walk/ ben Ki appo ntrd superintendent of th. depart maul. 1 here is o*.< rtrvteh of strrrl, how *er, that “Hitter JcdT" waotet look •d after. It I* that part of Wll„oi Avenue extending from the northon .•■id of the pavement to the oil mill* r raffle over thin part of tha avcnui nr. II l e heavy until the iced prc‘*in| ee.on is completed. Miat/r J/lf de •Ires that the eoniminsioncr* aid Mr das* in providing the material* Here/ a y for llie repairing Beg Hundred-Pound Oner John IP. Draughon, Neill b. Greer and I Sr. R. U Warren rvlumcd Wed ■e-nlay night from the lower rcaehei >f Black and Cape Kcar Riser*, bring iuc with thorn the left 'hind foot and * _ r _ inn ... ...j i > ... ■y erne of Dm party while on the ex ,'edition. Deer and other game arc plentiful Selow While Lake, according to mem' jer* of Ibe party. Wild turkey* arc numerous. they any, but the *«a*or for them is etill closed. E. F. Young la Coco JEmeft F. Young. of the local bar will hr auociatcd with Godwin and William* a* counsel for the town in the Lucknow- Square cane^whicb u ;o be heacd in Superior Court Tuee Jay week. Mr. Young's service* were .ought by the railway company, bui !,e refused to aid It In its tight a gain*t the town.. At) memtieia of tho town’* counsel r.ic confident that they can convince * Jury that tin- town of Dunn really owns the property now used as s cot^ni yarn and claimed by the At lantic Coast Line Railway Company New Pastor Hero Roy. and Mrs. E. K. Johnaon and their daughter. Mint Mer'.dcth John son, formerly of ReidavlHe, arrived Wednesday afternoon to make theii home In Dunn and are quartered In the new parsonage in Layton Ave. ro cently purchased from Arthur Pope Mr. Johnaon D thdfcmw pastor o| the First Baptist church. He will preach his first sermon here next Sunday morning. His evening serai or -will be heard by all Protestant con itrepation* in town, since all pastors 'inve arnounrrd that there wtli he to Sunday evening cervices in Um Protestant churches and asked theii flocks fo welcome the new pastor. Mr. Johnaon conducted prayei nesting service* in his church Wed netday evening. Those who attendee these services were vary favorably mprr*Md with him. Odd Fellows Orgaaiao Reorganization of Lucknow Lode I No. 115. Independent Order of Odi fellow* under tbs name of Duni r«l*nd 8eho< tor Gifli wa< th# ihfllei»tin* minktci Th# room wat decorated in ft color*, white and yellow. Mia* SalU Naylor, of Dunn, played the »« dlrg march „ The brill* wat unuruajlr praUj dreircd |n a traveling «u<- «» »•» blue broad doth and a blue hat. 8a carried a bridal bouquet of whit ' cbryaanlhcmum* , , tittle Mi«a Loaiao Holland, neu ; of tha bride, wat ring bearer. Sh wat dreatod j„ * drotf of whfto Holland, -brother of the bride, i The bridoamalda warn Miaae• Hi t Strickland, Eleanor Crime* (later ( i .-be groom, and Lola Strickland, i - l>irin. and Agno* Origin, formerly ( , Dunn. I They wor* dreamed of white ai , yellow organdl*. Their flovert wr r chrysanthemum*. Th# bride ia a po » ular young woaaan, who hat been *■ • ployed 1" Dorn at monographer I • Smith and Turnag* for, tevoi 1 month*. Mr. Crime* waa ml ted near C*i • and la now head of the jewelry d ■ partoionl of Butler Brother’* ato r in Dorm. , • Mr. tad Mr* Crime* left for • brief vl.lt to Washington. When th • return tboy ■**« tkMr how# | PqBB. _ • congratulatory loMura gad tetegr* wore received during the day fr< (riendy throughput thl. country, a Y Mary from abroad. i» "ityW ~~ 1 Detroit New*. • ‘‘Clothe* do not proclaim th* mat -Mo. but they ofbaa mvrmi th* , if 4 FOCH TO LAY WREATH . ON TOMB OF GEN. LEI '' _ Lwrington, Va., No*. X.—Martha I. Foca today accepted, io a lalegrai to tfTlcial* of Washington ami La ■ onivvraicy, an invitation to via;; Lex -ngtou and jay a wreath on the tooil . 01 r.Pbeit r. Loo. Presentation to Ur rnaiehai of the degree of doctor o Uw<, confcrn d on him by tha unlvar Tty, wi|J take place at th* sane time . '* was announced. Tho date of thi J ••ult has not been fixed. r. » # GODWIN AND JERNIGAM 4 * Alto may* and CauaaeUor* 4 J . At Lew 4 * DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA 4 ¥ ofltre in 8tata Bank and 4 1 * Trust Company Building 4 ■ ..II, It n n it r ----- i ^♦aaiiaaiH»Hat»«-»♦♦»♦♦♦« 1 ->■ E. C. WEST J. 0. WEST ¥ . V WEST AND WEST * Attoraays and. Counsellor*- 4 * At-Law ¥ * First National Bank Building ¥ , -> Puna, N. C. ¥ i 0 »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ *¥+**+*¥* «•»♦»♦♦<>♦ Tlta Lost Cord [ Seated one d».* by the furnace, 1 viua weaiy and i.l at »n*e, Ar.d my tinge x u io m*h. £ bu.My And 1 thuveh'. titul I would freexe. 1 alo lut ...low wha* I wue doing. Only I v.t i shak'ng then, Arif 1 necc' .'d ti n cord-, or etovr wood ..ik« tfcoasnndu of other men. So i ac ted J eojiiiit.l* leceiver. And Ite ui.cH-r rd ntmbor railed. And t' e o i*v;i r rami' like an ceho Ti c leoodyr.rd man a.iriely stalled. He .teemed p-.- nloxil nt my mooning. And rc .enter lignin and again Tha. unlenr. I aonl tv money ! world u^de*- and ordrr in vain. e.. ■ .... ,l. t... .■._ r.nm mu _ A oil w dried ten COrdi of pint, Ard measured it op very carefully Ai d found I only had nine. 1 ham recgirt bir reel it vainly That olio lo*t Cord of pint Which utayed In tin. yardn of the woodman 3ut never enteivd into mine. It may he ihr.t some lino in buying I may boy that coni again Or it may be I may find it In the yards of other men Jack Dempsey Bullock. SWEET SAMPSON L1MER1C3 (A Cynic) A burly ynung man down ia Samp son, As imooth aa you e'er _ laid your lamp* on Went out and stole corn Am a m *• mm unn m re knrn' \ t Ai d u nice coppor-atill, That cf gallons would hold mure than two ity. For fear tha: the fun will dimmish. .A Y.c <• of advice ami I finish; . You needn't go far * In the Reedy Brunch you can replen ish. FIRST PASSENGER TRAIN IN HISTORY OF HYDE COUNTY Washington, N. C., Nov. 2—For she part two weeks Ute people of Ilydt county have been enjoying the , first pu*»enger train in their liininry. A daily train is now :unniny from Wenona, Beaufmt county to New Holland. Hyde county. The train 1 leaves Wenona each morning at 7 /clock and return* in the afternoon. This train has already proved to b« quite convenient to Ihese good peo ple. Hurrah for old Hyde county. Thl* is something they have long ; needed. vivrAiwn, iWT. 1VI1. M«Ctt«kill N*«fe»««4 l --7 Washington, Nov. a.—Thv long de 1 laycd nomination of Alexander L. MrCaiklll, of P«yr(t«vill», to bo col lector of curtain* for th« Wilmington, N. C., dittricl, was root by President Harding. The > ominuMoa apparently came aa u *urpr-»e to fcitner Sonulor Marion Butler, who has been oppos ing Mr. MeC'askill. nud b« rvfutcd to comment upon the development, Hay ing he might have sometalng to cay a Tittle later. .President Handing also sent In the nominations of postmasters at throo North Carolina offices, including Wln rtcu-Salem. Ike lurgoet city in tot lot. At WintU>n-8ul»m John T. Bonbow la named poalmuutor. Lamm X. Gavla m« nominated poatmaetex at Kanana tilie, and James II. Uoater at Chcrry viUo. Yoslervlu.v the Pmrideat an .minted postmaster* at Gastonia, Dsd ui and WilUaraston, and po-cofflee nomination* for nearly all etaUs arc now coming in at a rapid rale. W.i .c the ratings of the ollgiblet a>e not made public, it le reported here that Mr. Bonbow did not stand hlghm on tile eligible liat. Tile de partment. however, reserve? the right to select any one of throe. Mr. Ben bow is a Republican. Reports that a selection bed been made at Greensboro were nuj to be confirmed today. Instead, the post> oflic department says the civil ser vicr ■ omMitslon had not yet graded the on onshore '• ppiicaht* and no cer tifies. on bad been made. Consequent ly it rm said the Creea/boro appoint nent ;» not even in tentative shape. TV appointment of Mr. Bonbow at Win-tou-Salrm " presents the prin cipnl postoffice appointment Mr. Har di.'.g ha* made in Norkt Carolina . l ire coming into office. North Caro lina nominations to date have bean tor smaller cilia* than Winston-Sa lem. The appointment of Mr. McCesidll . ■ *•ntlnmc roll»r*_iir tko Wilminm. •.on district seime.l (l0t to set so well w'th former Senator Butler. Mr. .inner said be did not know is WU •jo -'ll in today and seemed a bit atart Ted and flabbergasts that it had •mac ia. •'Jim sny that I hart no comment .o msnc at this time," said Sir. But ler “I may say something later." The arrival of long skirt’ may add i.umlii'd* of tiuragrapban to the ranks of lb* unemployeds—Xaehville Vvanesscua. Origin s* Ola gaynfl Tbe srlgludt footattuu. “I fear im ■'.neks hearing gifts" egT"*™ *■ Var elf* ICsrtd. The refarasicv ta is the -lego of Troy. The Oroeka besieged III* Hty of Troy all bool oucreaw. finally ihsr rsaonod to Mmegy. of. frnng s huge woodaa boree to the rr-'Jsns ss a gift. j%» borae was itbn. isto the city god ekth the Tr*. l.m« slept, ihe varrloa wl*b «blrh rh* horse *•« n,lo4. tame fnnb and •■••nod the gates for tbstr Overk rom. ■sites, l bo coo cl us Isa - la that one instill fear an enemy oh so ho moms r'ecdly. A Ret Thai Didn't Small Altov Be leg Deed For These Months "I terror it woe dead hi least 3 I muniiis” »aid Jtuuca Bykot Butcher, Westfield, N. J. “We saw this rat ev ery day. Put a raka of BAT-SNAP behind a berrrl. Months later my wife asked about the rat. Remember < *J the barrel, looked behind it. There the ret—dead, hot the slightest oc, ®Se. BI.2R. Set-1 und guaranteed fay Hood and f. LDthaui, Wilson A Lee and Butler B:M. . Rant Landlords wHl cheer the ruling of a New Vork court, that r*nt» most be based oti the landlord’* investment not on present maiket value of the s -revertes a ruling made a few months ago by another court. It deei : ed that the lan'Iloro. who bought at wp prierg, before the market broke, rr.v ■ • ■»—^ka—— tfaould (wallow his loot In (toad et raaktac tenants pay oa that part of hla investment which had vanished by depreciation. The eaeo will bo appealed. By the lame It reaahee the Supreme Cowrt, _Jndrc Econcrmcis will have applied the law ef supply and da mand. Competition by properties built at lower sorts wlU force all properties to mat oa the baato of re placement value Atlantic, Is and 41, is tbs__ ntm to wad Harris. Hsr Mrs. Ousters Eidahaen. Tears agv Harris began the daughter* sf Yost, mi the* a sailor on ths Croat takas, whan tha •blast breams Xia bride. Ha wane YOU can make better Self-Raising Flour than you can : [■■"■■■■USE • iS-Ib. tack of TOO* ntahr flour tad mil l -wllh h a nackajt of Hartford's. This makes a mure ahaletitfbf, rflkdcnt. oclf.roitintt dour than can la louabl rrutly-prrpored. Pure pbntpfcalca In Hartford's rankr breads and yaotry more nutritious, rtran«fh-bulldln«. tatty and tatlofytnf. For ftrr Print Lift, writ* Rumford Chrmlml Work*, ProoMeaaa. a L ; Hors fords SELF-RAISIN6 BREAD i k i IHE ulS KELIABLE ! THEDFORD’S BUCK-DBMJtHT >. _ ' *Ute Ikini AUkam Lady ?cy* 9w Haa See. IW-ekk Cm* ‘ a^ C* BtoTVa “OU Refiabk" TUikT#. tkcWJra^k 1 -Cam ni StoyW. 4 « Dutton, aw—(a recommending Thed- leafleg alter aafe. Soar etoraach aad » tord’a Black-Draught to fear Mead* aad akfc baadadM can ha -harad by taking J neighbor* here. Mr*T.F. Park* a well- Black-Drang*. 11 »M» dlyafloa. akc u kaownjaekionCoMtylady.Mhli **lam aalds the Kver Hi throwing alt IntpnrV e* d*®-* *P to yean; my bead t* pretty Ik* I an glad to momanad Btoto n •*!** 1 have mm medicine*aad rente- Drang*. aad do, to my Maada aad a dka com Bad go bat the old tellable neighbor*" to came and toayad. I aai talking ol Black- ThodfarA. Rtacfc-DrangM k a dan* _ Draught, a Iyer madktoe we have need ard bouaehotd reandy wttfe a raoord a *t tor yean ouathai cm be depended ap- ornr areeoty yean at airmtoil aaa 2 oa and oaa (hat *■ do toe work. Beaty aaa occakoaMy aaada aomatatot "Btock-Orang* el rfaea tad^MBaa to help cleneaa the ryatem ol (atporiOet and codWlpatloaU taken ilgfet. Mdlkaow Try BUek-Ptaagfet toatat agoa Tha* k" toe I triad «. M k Ota beat Mag I htva lord** ton gaaata* ~ ,aw - am NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS! I now haN the ini Tax Books aad ta arranging to moot *11 tuysy er*. I have listed below the data# and places at which you caa moot 1 me. By promptly settling year taxes you caa taka advantage of the see par coat discount, which is worth saving. Plea so ha on hand aad lot's settle your taxes, so that you may ho saved asasiay aad your sauaty any ha saved time and trouble. . ’ * t V ■ • , * * ! f I will be at tbe following places on tbe dates larnlinnidi Upper Little River No. 2, at Bant McNeill’s..Nov. i—O a. ns. to t. p. m. Upper Little River No. 1, at Du McLeaa’s store Nov. 2—2 pjn. te 4 pas. Buckhorn. at Spence’s store--Nod. 7—2 a. m. te 12 ns. Hectors Creek, at KlpUag-Nee. 7—1. p. m. te 3 p. as. Black River, at Angier..'-Nov. 2—2 a. as. le I p. m. Neills Creek, at Pteaaaat Union-Nov. 2—3 p. as. te 4i*0 p. m. Grove, nt Coats.-Nov. 0—2 a. m. to 3 p. m. NoiUs Creak, at Buies Creek...Nov. 2—3(30 p. m. to 4 p. m. Averasboro, at Dunn, Town Hall-Nov. 10—0 a. m, to Ip. as. Duke, at Duke-,-Nov. 10—4p.rn.te2p.rn. I hove ndwTsrtd to make the moot rnamilwl —Tf ioanli to auift all taxpayer*, ao that you may aettleyour taxeo without delay.___ PLEASE BE PROMPT! . v Your* my truly, J. W. McARTAN • J SHERIFF HARNETT COUNTY ——Big—— —--- • .: AFTER FIGHTING for THREE YEARS % t • * -— —To catch up, our Job Printing De partment is again in position to exe cute all orders promptly and on short notice. v There is not anywhere a plant _ better equipped to handle your or x der. And we know how. PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT I m / * . :;