CALL ELECTION TO DECIDE ON POWER PLANT SALE HERE CitisMM Gfoaa Final Ward In Carol in* Power Com pany's Contract $45,000 OFFERED FOR MUNICIPAL PROPERTY Issuance Of Bond· Not Neces sary Sine· Company Will Not Re«[uire Loan — Regis tration Books Open Next Weak—Election To Be Held December 13. An election to determine the will of the people of Dunn in the matter of d'*poaing of the municipal dor trie lighting and power plant to the Carolina Light and Power Company for the ansa of 948.00Γι h» been call ed for December IS. RegutTStion books will be opened November 14 st City Hall for the pnrpoae of per mitting all ciiisena who arc not sl rcsdy registered to qualify for parti cipation in th* election. They will close December S. Contrary to trst expectation· it will not be neccmsry for the town to loao the company any part of the *nm neeesssry to ita contraction pro gram hers. Originally it wax planned to loan ths company approximately 1100,000 to defray the coat of bond ing trmIIaviation linei from Bennon and the purchase of the line now own ed by the town ef Benaon connecting it with the company'* line* in Sroith fleld. Should (he ToUr» ratify the con tract diawa op by Clifford and Town· Λ «J J_.J Ik., tk. (am and tUa company the electric liffct and power problems of the town will have been aohred. It I* the belief of all «ho have etodied the contract tha» there will aot be a dlaaenting vote ca»t if the votera are made to understand juit bow helpful the company'· com.DC to Dane will be to induitrial and ioraw tlc ltfa. Oae of the beat features of the abandonment of municipal ownenhlp of the electric plant will ba the large redaction _ of the prie· of ••nui to consumera. It ii }· P< ehabu that a redaction of at ooe thtnd will be made kv price· as Ha na the uiumi h»nm· af TV ' ; that the town1* «lac-1 I (team plant of eaf reconstructing Aa distribution system to M peawtot r» qnlrameata would Involve a hkp «am •f money new, and that other Urge nme would ba needed for replace ment· and lapmr«a>«ti from year to fftf. Tot theae reasons and for the ad ditional reason that the company will ba in poeition to furnieh practically unlimited service within a few month/· th« commissioners feel that the be»t interest· of the community demand that the company'· offer be aceepted. There la now outstanding and doe in IMS approximately $40,000 in bond· isroed by the moaicipallty for the preeent plant. The contract with the company apecifiea that It shall pay 96,000 eaah and live aatiafactory se curity for the additional $40,000 to he paid when the municipal bond· fall due. The company Is to pay ux per cant on the deferred sum. payments te be paid semi-annually. No part af the real estate owned by the town la Included In the Item· to be purchased by the company, nor are the hollers, pompe and engines aaad In the water department and the white way lighting standard* and con duite. The company, however, will bo permitted ane of the power station »W · y«(iwu νλ il»· /»·'» -- — kM> an auxiliary «(«am plant Is re •err» km «util 111 hydro plant· are •bit to tarai«h continuous «errice without danger of interruption. Acceptance of th« contract by tho coopuT ia contingent upon Ka ίWi tty to make ft tatUfactory deal with tfit town of Bcaoon for the traol· mlielon lh»e« botwoaa that towa and ■atthCeld. Theae lin·· w«r« con *mt«4 by Benson révérai yean ago wtth the uadanftoading that they »wM ha keifht at apprmiaal price when the company extended It» «er vke eonth of there. It ia not expected that any hitch will be eneooatorarf The company aarree· to atort eoa Itroctlon hare within iix month· af ter the ratification of the contract, world's. cotton condition s cknirally look promising Economic eondltlen· in Κα rope, outatde of Reaala, are gradually fm Eaa.'gtfca "te & the Bore a* of MarketaMid Crop Ke h—..M United State» Départaient of Agrlcuhore, recent)yr»tur«ed fraai a few month·' trip through Europe "d Egypt Sudying «onaral awrket condition· for cotton, „ hearing on the proapcetiee Hrm»nd far the Atterlean product. The do partageât'· reureamUtW» report that the eaaranptTon of American cotton may he expected to »how a eor^dcr able increaae, periiape 10 to II per coat or*r that of laM year. ι VMto were made to EnglanU. France, 8wftaerUnd. Belgla», Hol land Norway, a»*dea. D«nai»rfc. Oor ■aay, PoUtid, the free city of Da» rig CaM-hetlorakla. Aaatria, Italy, aa· Egypt In addition. Mr. Meadow, al·· »-»tod Paleatin·. At all the oot to· warfceting and manufacturing cealera (eafarence· were held wtth Government eActola, cotton »·*. Wj.ker.ed ether», and much vata ahW Ja£«rmatto« concerning roadl tlea aft eating American cotton wa» aWWj. «· >*ceat advance In the 3Χ2:'^ίώΐΓ5ϊ; STATE SELLS BIG ISSUE ROAD BONDS Five Million Dollar· Worth Τα New York Syndicat· Brioc $8,021 Premium The 8ul« of North Carolina ytt U-Hny sold ftv* million dollars worth of fivr p«r cent. forty year bonds for κ permium of <0,021 to » syndicate of New York Hankers through Β. J. Van Inperi Co., of Nt# York. Sut· TrsMurcr B. R. Lacy who nrjfuWetcd the Kale dsclarcd yNter •lay It was the b«M ι Kind deal by any southern State «me·· Ilia war. Four ai'<l a *<alf million dollan of the amount will 20 toward highway ton ■truction and the remaining half mil lion to «ehoolr and hospital*. Γ ranci? J. Hoffman, agent of Van Iniren & Co.. waj in Raleigh yester 'iuv whin the a»le wa> perfect·!. An •iounci-nj'n'. of it was mnde foil η win* •I.* Tretine· of the Governor and Council of State. The five million dollar sala was the ftr*t of any real propurtlon» sine· 1918. Recently an advertisement for liid· to Treasurer B. R. Lacy appli cations for only f17,800. Bands of this amount were told to North Caro linians in irnitll dénominations at par. Since that time the total sal· of Ule IH21. authorised istuos has reached jnly 140.000. A tentative proposai for SIR,000, 000 worth of bonds it is understood, ha> bem made, but that was not cen tered yeitorday when the $6,000,· 000 ut1p was consummated. Money fmm these bonds will fo Jirect!> into the road work under way, it !► declared. Short term not·· .liver earlier in the year, and running for on·· year, have not yet matured «nd it is believed by the time they are due the bond market will have improved to *ueh an sxtent that No.l'i Carftlini· wilt κ» ·κι« more bond» at a flood premium. ENGLAND MAY REALLY . BE ON THRESHOLD OF , PEACE WITH IRELAND I Ναι Sine· The End Of ttl·, lay·) Sunday Tim··, Has S!)mUm B-ren Se ]nt*r**1b| London, Nov. 6.—Storm clouds, tn the form of a threatened hiatus in Ihc Irish peace negotiation!, are loos ing on-the British politic·] horiaon, and whether Ul«ji break d«p»ad»^»j to _ J» iaa_ le>. hju Mro lengthy conferences with I*r m· Minister Lloyd George yerteiday at the letter's request, but the premier* are unofficially «port ed iu have mad· no advance toward a i accommodation of their respective virus. The conferences are supposed m cnlazite 'he constitution and pow er* ot the council of Ireland, delim itation of the frontiers between the north and «oath, protection of minor ities and ulher possible bases for art tVmcit vrhirh have been tentatively •iprerd upon by ths British and aina lein reprejenistives. "•Not »inre the end of Ιβΐβ," says the Sunday Tim»·. "has the political situation been 30 interesting, so eriti· c»l, so full of hope, and at the same time so uncertain and likely to fly off on unexpected tangents. "We may be on th· point of set tling the Irish problems. On the oth*r hand, disappointment, which Is «till potiRitile, would not only leave Ire land in a worse state than befort, bat would have far reaching efforts β» our own domestic politic»—split th· unionist party and either take Prom ivr George 'nto temporary retirement or put him at the head of a new coal ition." The News of the World, which Is credited with enjoying especial (wor in Downing street, >ays the Irish con ference is at the cross road· and that, ibnuld Mr. Llord r.anm h« unable lo briny «boat a settlement 'om c»rd«^ —-that ix, on the kuli of the terma al ready laid down—he may raalgn. The nt.-w»papcr «aya H unHentandi that the premier ha» canceled hi" arran gements for a week and aojoam at Cheques court, hii country estate, M a> to co«for with cabinet member· "concerning a situation of deepening gravity." LUCAMA WIDOW GETS $6,000 IN COMPROMISE Her Two D»*Vt.r. G.» 11,000 Each HufcuJ Wa. KUWd la RaB· read AicUmI Wilion, Nor. 4 In Superior ««mit here tti'm morning on a coasrawtaa venlict Mr*. I. M. Williamion, ef La cama, who wa· ntnjr the Atlantic Cent Line railroad for 111,MO for the d«ath of her hutband, who wu killed at a coal ehate in Richmond 1* •'une. 1915. wa« allowed I·,000 of the amount. Six thousand dollar· U to ko to the plaintiff and ♦ 1,000 to •acri of h«i two yeung daughters. At the Mmâ time and ta the am· accident Jam*· It Corbett, of thia *jtjr, Mjilained Injury which neeaa J.tated the amputation af his log·, in a corapromlse lereral year· ago h« wa, |9,tOO. """i *J!d Ι»»η·«·τ* of Rurope aa well M »'railar line, of Industry la thia country. According to the beat la for mation obtainable, the cotton masa begin· the new M· ιί^Γ^,1.*?η *·**· *·'· ^ large rvoeka of cotton or cotton goads held by "unufaeturers In any ftuo pean country. la the judgment of (h« 1. J "·£"■··<» follow a ''hand 4o monih . policy In purchasing Its sap Pti" of Λ**[.'"î*0"· and ^mariean holder· ihould adapt a gradaal mar Hating polky to eonf«nn to Βοτορ·* requirement*. ; MICROBE OF LOVE HAS REAL MERIT CRITICS DECLARE Will] PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR TRAINS DUNN PLAYERS Naelroll·, Tua., It S*y· Prodoctioo I· Much AW*· The Uaual And Lack· Ear marks Of Atm«|· Horn· Ta lea t Vehicle. Good Some· And Flme Chorea. With every n«mb«r ef tki lam cart rhoeen to preeent the "Microbe of Love" at the Metropolitan Theatre amirr the autpkee of the American Lr«ion neat Friday night trained te the highest decree promoter· ef the project arc expecting te thow eeme thinc ont of tae usual line ef am»· teur production· to the hie crowd expected fer the occaeion. M1m Idaho Hasgaboek ie directing reheareela aad is more than veil pleased wKh die progreaa of her charm The play it one of real merit aad haa plcarad aodlencee wherever It hae been preeented It was ahown la Nashville. Tenu., in Jaaaary of this year. The Banner, ef that city, had the following to say of H: "Bright and tnerfcllng waa The Microbe ef Love, a maxtca] comedy riven at the Orphcum lut lûcht un der the auplcte of the Y. wTC. A. Sonif ecicntieta maintain that thaïe are friendly genu at well at deadly one», hat the aether ef thia clever production, MolUe Moore Cedhold. went- the acientiats one better aad wove a charming comedy «heel a microbe which waa mem than friend ly—a real love prodacer. MUe Sarah Marie Klmbrough of the Wayne P. Bewail Lyceum and Predoelng Com DB1IV of Afla«fa Λ· - Aï» m m. ted the comedy, mal starred M II* dtm Cupid. Inject* > lev· vira* 1st· the mort chronic bachelors ud ^un iters with rapid imIIbmUI reeuKi that lead straight to th* matrimonial •bar. "The performance tu remarkably lacking in atnatearûhnaa and it mov ed In a marry quick step, one ta» iag ecene following another, later •peraed with catchy m« lndle· and chorue* which war· plaaitng alike to the aar and eye. The eaat M«dad W. C. A. gidi who lm · - c«_ "The loeal hit· addtd gi sally to 'he marriareat ef the evening and Ifca leading characters all wall *n iteiasd their part*. Tb· lead·.- of tie gpu,' •ter·* Club. Mia· AUiae Friday aa PrUcilla Pm«, tho hea<l af the bachelor*· ho*··, B'Dy ΙκΗβι·.', »n J the gifted Mia· Kimbrough. dispen ser of th· Icv6 microbe, war· txesl Icnt. "Tb* coutume* «η fraah aad ar tl*tic. The scenic affect· beautlfol, and tile dash and spirit displayed by the participant* would bar· reflected credit on a profession si performance. A lift el the coed eoogs aad choraaas woc4d includc "ertrj number with which the boek la interspersed. Da Ugfatfal w«re "The Tea Cap and ft· Spoon," "They Always Follow Me," a Japanese eong aad chores, "The Giri in tho Gingham Gown' aad In Oar Boagalow.The Oui]a acme was admirably don· aad especially at tractive was the lantern scan·, where the girl* carried electric torchlights and parodied Diogenes' search for aa honest man la their scsrck fer a hu» band. An angling scene waa quite pretty and the climax, a bridal aceae, was a delightful picture." TO DETERMINE MERIT OF HOGS ■V EXPERIMENTAL BREEDING Although there U a higher percent age of pnrcbred boat la the country than of an* other clam of lhre stack, ther· i* itill mach reel* fer Improve ment And there la much te be known concerning the rtlatir· sssrtta af srrtro*. tmitnd·, >nd pentrtth. Te ' mmk· tome of the point* dcamr Um Animal Husbandry Diralon, of the United Bute· Department of Agri culture, ia starting s breeding and tinting «ipirkMot dut WIU con tract the tarait» of uatag «crab, trees bred and purebred bsara on acrub and enwabrrd w« If appropriation* pro vide avAelont money H may ba bat the effect of nefa» eroe*rod and «crab boars on purebred wwi will bo Uudierf. Ton eroaabrod sow*, of rtilei· brood mixture*, and 10 *erab aowa of tho raaor-baek kind will bo aaid Half of each of thaae groupa will bo brad to a purebred boar; half of tha Π ret group will bo brad to a croao bred, and half of tba other granp will be bred to · *erub. TkU tua· acberae of breodinc win bo carried oh from generation to generation. Some of tha offspring will be fed out and «one of thorn will bo kept for breeding before being fad out. flhoata from tho different lata will bo put ia food lota together and fad alike aa that a fair eompariaon can ba made. Soma of thoaa ecrob* and eroaabrod· will be compared to feeding triala with purebred· raised aa tha depart ment'· experimental fprm at Belta rlllo, Md., Some will be put lato dif ferent experimental loti ou varie aa feed·, Nearly everybody thinks tha pure bred ia euperWr to tha *erab, but there ia dlaagreauMnt among farmer* about the mortta of purobred and croeebred feeders. Tfc* department Kon<·· that ia due time Ma ax perl mente «rill give raeulta that will anawor any doubt*. Μ»ιιι»οι» W. C. Jackson and Baede M. bom». O. A. Warren and Mary L. Jetai Λ}. A Matthew* and M tea le Tripp BY W ·* min their In of tb« Olf Nttinn· •y dun « ^ wia- « •CTM- · on4«r- » TBS ASSflÉAflON HG GAINS! * LittW Hirer Baptist Now Ν· br Μβ 7 Report (By REV J A. CAMPBELl·) This Baptint bod* was ornnta.d »t iaïx IÎÎ24 church hi IM·. wrt Rev. Terrell Brooks, of Jo"c·{»"»■ modamty. η4Λ.Γυ· vett, Lillinnon. «ferk. Tha associe tioo was composed tartar ·' church î»?.iX\?r t*»*?h*L«k«rehae fi oatsHe the cooaty. The ÎL^* *—*» **Çk. -«t * H~ —··— avniv» "MJCfl Bin Μ α*c ton Creek, no* Chalybeate #pd»f» cb*re war· 741 ••(«ban. The aeeo»d iceslon *u held M Lnitnjten and the officers war· JU»· Tamil Brooks, eao daratar, Bi clerk. Mr. Flil· liard served as *Ik until 1M0 <Am at Baptist Grove J- A. Campbell was elected dark, ^'ch poittion ha has held ever nee·- At tha Marion re cently held at Baptist Grove, ho forty sixth, Hon- J. C. Clifford was reelected moderator and J. A. Caap btll clerk. The recent IMrten was is auy Tcapocts the ha* of than all. Tha Eint memhoehip is 4,MT, lh»w marvelous lOwth flnca 1110 ι the laNÎUm sat at Bead* Grove numberta*·»» veaabera. Oar baptised into chtirrhtt of Um ft •ociation 44·. mach the L»T*.rtan«. b«r la tli· hMMT »t th.bodï Only twU„ before ha· the aeou one pear. ι Tv* -P*** wii nirlabl» ώ Ik· Λβ. ferward loolun* apirtt ci ^S* *·** »· eafciad fe«l>nn abown, ket · bannttfol Chrt· &%ïït~s.*srKr*.A; where. On· J·· better Iiihii· on •vary hand. Th* coanwnlty ha* made wonderfal Brofrwa in rJttinc dowa Ilqaor m·**» In the community and the ehueh and Paator W. C. Dowd ilaacrr· β®·* praiaa for brinff ina In tk«M« lay, Dr. W. y. OsUenVwry, rtjninV iff the For·)*· Miaaion Board, da uber*! a naiaSv of addraaeee, whleh were jrrrHlr «i|m|. HI· addKaae· •a "Soul Ood'« Silent BUetfng»," "Ob' tife ta China" «ad "Fore*» Hi-»···" will lira with oar P*e*b far mn · day. Amont aU«* »■«>» eaJorad ad draiWM w«ra tkoM of Mr. ». k ffnsh rick of th· Of·*·»·*· and Dr. J. H. Qerrotl tl We· '«reat ColWfc Our homa p*opU mad· Ana UDn, too— •aeh a· D. «J*JWr ·■ BapUat pa per·; Dr. i. W. Halferd a· Orphan ua; ModartMr Clifford an La Creek Academy. *·». IA.I alaleni; C. C.-_warran on (tata ela tion·; L. L. U*»aen tad J. X. Byrd on aUta and MavteOeiia] mlarfona; ■» fiXfe» ·»>»«■* «w?: and Kim MaMta Bala an woman'· wortt. Ta fact, ware wta aat a poor ■cmioa of the what· aaaoeiatfcm. The nest aMaeiatioa maeta at rrtradahlp In Oftobar, end the next union meettaf M Oak Qiwra In Jana •n WARM WELCOME EXTENDED FIRST BAPTIST PASTOE Rty. Elbert N. Johmn Grot «4 Heartily U*t ALL DENOMINATIONS JOIN IN CEREMONIES Pastor· GUd To Have Hun Her· And Are lavited Tc Ce-Operate With Him la E» tabbahing Miauterial Union For Ralfeioea Uplift — New Baptist mialaUr baa ever rc ceived a warmer welcome to a new partorate than thai accorded to Rrv. Clbert N. Johnton by the atabinhif of the Pint BapUat church of Dana aad Um community generally. A con gregation that packed the church to ;ta utmoat capacity, a crowd that fill ed every available apace «ran late the gallery lu wclcomc to tho now paator Sunday night a· a follow nia nte r and ai a citiaen la the corama iho Sunday aerriee was turned In to a mooting of formal welcome wttfc the paator· of other dcaooiaatioaa taking part and holpia* Mr. Johnaoa feel and know that he la etartlag off hia paatorate here with the undivided <ysapathy aad encouragement of all denominations- A finer program has never been arranged, mingling won ο·γτ·ι maa-.e wnn anigniroi nan ma tnappy ipttthn. Mrs. J β no Ouy wae ■ charge of the musical program and presided over the pip· οτηη. Carey B- Taylor «ai th· general chairman it th# ηπκ( and had charg· ot tb· η acting, presenting the various spook ■n on the program. After the organ prelude the big congregation aaajr "Praise Cod fro· Whom AU Blsesinga Flow" and Βσν. J. J. Langaton pastor of Ok Chris tian charth, delivered th* invocation. After a fnr opening remark» by Mr. Taylor m which he extended the thanka of the Baptist charch te the members of the other church·» for iaining in the service, ha presented . C Clifford, member of tha board ef daacoaa, who in a gracions rfddreaa welcomed Mr. Johnson hrto the church_A)ways a delightful epeaker. Mr. Cttferd aet a high mark for ad '- ΊΒΜ e( ihat kM. chair waa followed ' ·βτ. Angus *. — £· P·* l* yean paster «f tha Pre* ■are Mr. Johnson a ι come ta thia field. Following another hymn. Bat. J. H. Buffalo·, beloved pastor of the Methodist cfaaceh, was nreaentad by Mr. Taytar^Hen behalf of hla peo ple he told He sew Baptist minuter how happy ne waa ta receive hi» into the work in thia community. Af ter another aonr Mr. Langaton wel comed en behalf of hia congregation. Each of thr addrrmss of the pastors waa of a hick order and extended a real welcome that eame direct from the" hearts The offeriOff waa then ta ken during which the choir rendered a beântifnl anthem. Bar. James A. Campbell, principal of B. C. Α.. for many years the clerk ef tha Little Hiver Association, and for two years paator of the Baptist charch here more than 26 yeare age, ia a magnificent addreea, welcomed Rev. Mr. Johnson into the association aad reminded him that the number of Baptists had grown from aroond a hundred to ever 4,000 and aa the paa tor of the biggest church In the as soeiation. Following a hymn aad prayer the new paator responded delivering a short sermon ia which he gave what he termed the keynote of lus paator ate here. He called upon the other pastera for the formation of the stron gest and beat working ministerial aa aociation the town has ever had. oae that will labor and Aght antn "«at aa'a throne shall totter and fall." Ia a joking way he gave Rev. J. A. Campbell the title of "Bishop ef the Amedation." His aermea was a stir ring one in which he called «von the NMffrMBtiM té% màmnA law Α*. Λ14 laafe ·ιι4 lu teaching· and follow Um daster vp to the mm aad go wttk Him to the rvrj «nd. rdlewnif a hymn with the c<S|»· ration Joining in tha pastor pronoun :ed the benrd.ctioa. The Btpttit church km mmtli wr chased on* af the prettiaat iW 1 en res Id town, completed Jan a few «•nth· ago. and turned it avar to the saw pattoT far a home. Believing the paster of this church should Kara a Mat the. equal af any, the HMkm taught for 110.#00 Ik· Arthur Ftp· kerne an Layton avanaa and had it ready for occupancy whan Mr. John ion aad hi· family arrived laat weeff. Tba y moved right In and are m fortohly quartered aa peeaiMe The First Baptist church of is look lac prayerfully to Uta fatura aa tha graataat In Ha Una history as d«r tha leadership of this good jean and cooâdentl* believee tie I.ord will direct bath chard» aad pastor lata greater heights and creator fields af usefolneaa for His Kiagdoss. Mrvsr before baa thli church >een ao hope ful for Ito fatura, this being doe in a large meaaare to Its unanimous be lief that Ood brooght tha aaw paator hare In aaewer to tha prayer· far a shepherd to lead theai In the battle for His ι r. S. Ctiltoas LsesUa la Seafood A newcomer to Saaferd la r. B. Cal lorn, of Puna, who la tha district agent tor the KoultoMe Life laawr aaca Society of New York. Mr. Cal loa» has opened oAcaa ia roems Nos II aad IS, Melver Banding. Tha Kquitable le eae ef the strongest In surance companies In tha | world aad already has a largo number af peHey holder· ta thle eaetlon. Mr. Callaaa M an af able geatleman and will as doubtedly kaild a» a large eBaatoW. MORRISON CALLS SPECIAL SESSION • btek Aa Date Par A»· Οαιβιγη Mtxiifot y#· tcrday formally called the Caaeial Axumbly at Berth CnHM to aoa viac In «perlai mhIob ter· at itim o'clock Den-mbcr · to make auilaiia far a deftctt of ITOO.MO to (te aeteel iaada of tte State U< to MRMt aa error in tte Manictoel riuum Act by injm of «kick it ««a declared UMMMltiiUonal by tte Hortk Caro lina Buprcmc Caan, haadlrapatog virtually aB tte cltiee of tte Mate m their financial peUctea. In Juae Oovarner Minim no anted ttet te Bievld etll th< cial «cialea tofathat. after tte cipalklea had nMli preeeatad _ eau«e aad after Dr. K. C. Brooka, 8a· pcriotcadeat of Bchaate. had laid bate the aituatfea to tte pablic acteol faud by reaaea of tte taidaqaarr at the IS coat property tax far acteol patpoeae In i»*0. HaU ™ Klertieaa will te held la a η «ter of «oaatiej to tte Mate on Mm· her IS to All vacaaeiea to tte Oaaaral Aeaembty te raaaaa of laatgMMaaa dnce tte Ittl iiaalia la >■■■. aa in the eaaa of Wate Ceaaty, it la like ly that the vacaaciea vil] aet be tiled. It appear» to te tte aaaaa of tteea ■oat latoraatad la Wake County that .he coaabr will te aeSeleatiy mil ..anted «η two aaatiri at tte mnt dwa and oae Saaator. Tte call for tte apodal aaariOB apeoa the way for a aire canon! dlereadaa aad praeaatotSaa of Ugla lation that will be arooaeeH far tv. twenty α·Τ twit It II how·***, that «#orU will d. m KoUt the legtalaUea down μ u pouiUt m th* two Mllm mw ι .-*ii to by the Geeeraer in hi* *all| for ■ «peclal ttmiam. DEMENTED YOUTH TH* TOOL IN A CONSPWACY , TO KILL THE MUNIE* I Mr. Man wj" Wiefctc T· Tokio, Ne*. B. — Kyfcki Nafcoka.| th· yoath wka laat night mm Pfpbi Takaakl Harm le M* 1 U hare kepa a tool la a to kin tk· Utii—ι ■ •aarck ia ketef far t · ei un Identifiai ι vad kmrrtodW laa the Prwrttr Bara'wu akavt to &ke al trala at 1Λ9 tat Kioto to attend al aaatJmr of tkc 8etyukal party. With him wore a naaber of tka party laa. "* îBîïdi"€ Η·*1·« Xatoda, for roer minlitor of linn ι ■ ι j m. wj. wiek«t platform Mokaka looped hi*, and, ««laiein,: -Tka roairtr, ••«By"! plangad a énl award lato ki» left brea*t, the Sad* panctartn* *'«β·,11" amaaair «ai «elaeJ. wkib tk* fallen premier wai aariiad ta *tat!on matter'·. Fiiat aid wu ads :'Ur»d and k« waa taken to Ma hoi—. S* yttkfa » tew miaote* after | |hU arrival thare. K*w* of ■.· «ttatL lad koaa nn-i mediately dapatcbed to Btopanr To «fctto. who mat Ma lord chamberlain to the premier** kedaido. Crown Prinea HiroMto wai f^ tkc«Juki· elok »kae word kim.The party di«parmi, tka prtoce mn<S*t Baron iArateKaatoo. ktal lord atawward, to tka Hara n The fortnichtly dance at the , hotel, attended kjr man — Japaneae, and other tkronffhowt the city wai ta*peadad ai tka Ml apread. Charte* B. Warren, Amarleaa am bauador. Uaaed a itotenaent itaiim g Μ», with Japan in the Iom of one of ft* forvmoat Hi* death, Mr. Warren aaid, thing «hart af a calamity, eomfaur at thi* particular time. It waa f* " 1 Κβ λΑΑμΑ fVa* lam.· kaa « - «en whe coeld be dnaaéad apea to iteer * mt· cnna la tb· diflcuH pe eled ronfrontinf the ud**. SALES TAX AS SOURCE ' OF REENUE DEFEATED le.moo. S-U· Te* .1 Ow4UM M Oh Par c«a| la lie·!· ' Λτ Vete ef 44 to U WuUoftos, Not. 4. — TU aie* lax aa a Mare· of federal κναο, kl tU· time «m definitely rejected tedar by Λ» mtli, Wt there «M farther ivMnm that H vu the per ροκ of ImUkli nfî—!>■>! l«ed»r» to Vrtoc it forth later aa a moaiu of raUiaf fonda te bUM the proposed "«»· way" plan far li i luted compeaaatioa «f fonaer aar VÎ<· MAB. Th. aiajarit^ UxUy e«»ln*t tha Smoot amendaent te tha tu re*te> Ion Mil propoataf a bnalaaoi aele· tea «f on* half ·* μη per a«at «m «en larwer than «rat that laat alfM aaalaat the Bneet eeejaer cent aaa» ufertorti*' mim tac. "ft· rote teder «aa 44 te aa iwpm4 te 4· te M laanlcM. Aa waa the mm trtth the — m farturrre* tax, the Γ—mate voted .•elidly acataat tha httrfaaoa tea. TW» were jelaed Wy at leeehHeaaa. The MNato mtlaaal eoeaideratlea of thr t*> Ml at a aeaala· teaM but with the *eIdler toile «M ethai ha perle at ameatfaaante yet te be die ÎÏÏ?AS?ÏÏS.Ïrtrw3i week. T)<ey «ought te etoteia «taat aioa* ceaaent fer a ftaal vote a* I p. ». Ta m da y with debate IteWn after I ». a, Ilea day, bwt the pta· feU threogh after tern dlbato SHELL SHOCKED BOYS ARE OVEN § FINE TREATMENT Num. Do AU M· Tm Hmip Um. SOME CANNOT <»7 BKATK1CS WAS8BUH0 t. u« tdHri «τ* HM*tai a W h· pUftitot iltM nt 1Mb· in af Λ. ^ bfl. „ OA. It bM gartaa «U wU· TlM »f hint, Γ» ■V anrf Uma |H ut« 5S,ts.tcs ϊ£.*ϊϊ.·£ .t Μ wi TS-3Si· iJSTiSi n»r I» Mm „ ■ajp τ·*** *· rrmJ nr. Many of U«b «μ. f* «■* eméto tkum (or 0m

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