* • I m Mi fC' -i' ■} JL^V. Volume V11J. ^ LARGE REDUCTION RATES PROMTS! Carolina Company'Would R« due* Coat Of Current Matarially Consumer. of electricity for dj mo»Uc purposes in Duun would iav approximately uno-third of tltair on *tnt expenditures for cutreni in th event the people of the tuwn shoul decide in the election to be held in December IS tb sell tm miiii>,pa URht and power plant to the C-. oli.n Tower and tight Company, aocoiii Ing to John C. Clifford, of C! if f on and Townsend, attorney! far lh. town. Recognising that those who un fighting the sale ere taking advan tajfe of the lack of information jk> a •feed by the rank and fill of volt • Mr. Clifford next week will irate t statement setting forth the proiKun contract in nil it« detail.. Hr thinV tliat this statement will show tint .'.« town Is offered a saving nppto.vmaV ly nearly (10,000 a year ui «,.rec.: lighting, tliat home light! will he .e dneed by one third and that laigr users of rurrent will be saved ap proalmaUly half of the sums the; now pay. In some iioarters It Is understood that tho company’. minimum into wi’l be approximately the same r •In charged by tho town. Tr •>. w\r ,M Clifford, is a mistaken view.’ Tin company's minimum rate, hr po'nr out, providra fm last cU'.vrrt. bui tha rato is (i.50 against ibe rcvn’i (2.25. If one should use a. r uch cut rent as the town provide, for ll. mimmum charge, (he company, through Its sliding scale of discounts, would charge much less than ilore the town. THE SIREN SONC •7 D. R. LEE The Song of the Siren lias ur thin? •n the lilting lay of the gentlemen •bo. during lh«*« Indian Snmmi-r •aye, take* the homy hand of bn ■ear friend* the farmer?, between ■i* own soft palm* and eoulfally Rours hi* lixtsming ear tbs old, oid •tory of wonderful opportunities for mater1 al advancement, improvement and growth along agricultural. phy meal, mental, moral, eilscMitonnI, ma trimonial and all »t!i»r .inn;. said a ** , b*'’* •'**'« 1 nay rrnch and only re | li 1 - he 1 ay. ment of the pale.-/ turn of a few do’ th« nUreiti of the downtrodden far «r* m tmoch at heart, Tha m •die in* v«&4or who tai a ramady for ail tho Ota to iBil of aH the point ypn oror "hod ^■awstsf ofSefhreriaifcKj ywo tar fanny by the hour in the ■aoat feeling wav aboV, all of the trials, troubles, disaster* and epide mics that have befallen misguided mankind from the year one up to now and even raise* a little way the veil that shrouds tho future and (hen tails of how you may remove all symptom* of present troubles, al' stars and unpleasant memo-ir* or past engagements with discivc. or wounds of whatever nature vli-jib - real or merely psychological 1.'It paint the future until it glow w"h the roseate hue of u fre.b aunnked baby’s cheeks simply by buying * one dollar bottle of hi* medicine end following the directions on the bot tle. The subscription agent comet w.l'i a glowing account of the educatio m! advantages that are to lx- derived from tho noon hour perusal of the publication to which he now respect fully Invites your attention. F.-.r be it from him to leave the slighter, impression that It Is yuur money he •anu. Nay, nay, Pauline, nut he! He want* to give you absolutelv free a whole years subscription to t P*Per that you probably neve.- heard of before nor over would again - and, think of It! You only have t< pay a dollar and four cent* for th: privilege of having Uncle Sain’* ccr rler deliver It at your addr,-** foi fifty-two coniecutlvo weeksII Ni they don't want your money. Non# o ’em. They want to give yon tom* thing. Why won’t you be reasonnhl, and tak* vt? And aa the plowman, weary, rloJ bis homeward way, the ronomu volcu of the bill collector i>. ■’••urd calling on thou to whom wonderfd opportunities hare boon ops-n#d am ■Plendid gift# made, remind Hi? ai that In accepting the aforcenid uit offered by an enterprising nirn there had been a little matter of »‘gn • receipt inn v»i m cwnncctic: Arrwith was s prom its to pay •> ta>a amounts at stated Interval*, wi1 **' co®* aero**? , t lowrnsn had not undo~stood (hi 0™*: As matter and I* not pro P“J?” t# meet thin eonllnjrrriry. 1! u???*'' A* fift in S«od fait and no,) tinned the receipt msrrly n •, •< courtesy without an ablisation*. BUI Collroto how»»«r. Is certain that the oliliy; t’*n _]***,. there all the whil< If •J? , / Jolwman had taken th tr*®^1* Aoronshly examine th instrument call,* „ rcc«|pt Wo> aH*11^ A ssn, thereto ho cool have known that it was an lrom-1* pots *n“ and not Ae sin p|# barmUe* Ain* th,t hr wa» l« to belies* .t was It to • aaeVer If b«r #vory **in®w;/Jj® Acre sorm- lo 1 •v#ry ana ••A*™ A bits. 8om-o is always »••** wo 4*'i*»e the worl caryirlna sny»]*'T , ®j*«lth hr ms hav# accnm'totsd- ^posrd ral faad rants to J^s rh? 1mm thTi2k stork cert If Icatss T>»n '*®*«iS4c tonned a**nt com*# “”* ■ U atoek In oaa hw»dr*d *• whi5”' sand dollar hlooks to ***£."*2 » "into rafted In the promo1*" »* ti Mott of us know butter but few of it do butter. SEES WORLD BARE OF COTTON NEXT SUMMER Seoeter Smith. MCmMm, Ah lyeas Cnee Report—Waata Farmers' Beak* Washington, Nov. lf a world shortage of cotton next >umm. r was made in the aeaate to J»y by Senator Smith, Democrat, tooth Carolina, in a speech analyzing :oc situation on cotton consumption or October, made public by the aae iub bureau. Should tho rata of eea • umptioi) fur tho ensuiag meaths tqual or exceed that of October, he {a^dataaee ^t-tt #r», asserting that it seemed the only hope for the agricultural interacts lay In the formation of their own co operative selling agencies aad the es tablishment of their own banks. He added that relief legislation thus far bad been converted aacb time lute •breast works behind which the in terexts opposed to the farmers in trenched Usemsctves to destroy the farmers’ profits.” Evporta and domestic consumption of cotton for October aggregated 1, MKI,0(10 bales, which, according to the senator, consulates a record for monthly disposition of the product. “At that rate.” he continued, "tho erporlr and consumption between last August 1 and next August 1, will be mom than 16,090,000 bales, and the best estimnto of the visa bio supply thnt can be obtained shows only about 12,600,000 and 12,000, OllO bales.” A carry over of about 6,000,000 bales was estimatad by Mr. Wealth, while this year's crop he belltvod would not excetd 7,009,000 bales, lie mads hia figures liberal, he added, but found ne way to bring the two totals anyway near together. Mr. Smith reviewed the many "cries" which, he said, had forced the cotton prices down and told the sen ate that all of the "menacing things fnrseen by tile trade, including the rail strike.” bad been put out of tha way. yot the price remained lew. Be declared, however, that the country never woeld see cotton sell as low again, expressing the belief that Am erican crops hereafter wouldfall be low the 10 year average, which he said was slightly above 12 Bullion bales. I } 1 • r > i( I- ■ • ,i 1 '' :.! • • ,| -nte:*, * F<*».r •*i i • .•'•'vej I, *• . • \ . . *%' t i '' x ; • ». > ^ liX .1 ?'«■>■ ••••. :• - ! 4 i ’ M Ii i * ' . j ,|i. ■ I"'4 < <•; .1 »• I - . . i . «« ■ j !«• i it iai i , i >, i • ; , r*1'.*'.'' i- • |S. ; -v: • • tt i . •* • ■. to o.u-1 jot •.*' i. ■ - I : • . . f ‘4" I .... r»i'y c«:« ■ '■ ‘. y>c mi.f love- v i.lu '•♦(•.in war's !*' ■ ■ *.'•!* ei.t. vrhi. I [, ... . aty.:u-f .ay. ail •••!•. '<*»..>&:.raiat Uiew * ‘ 0: I till.* Il'ttfioKlt'.l] lilt I • > 'ii ll r" i>:hr' X'oVki.'a w'an '• ' i lu join Hie ’tr'kers. iii ii i.n!e:r.4Rt| rlie l.e.il rail .Oil4 ofjlill'j t'lliii U' Hi’ envs* o! it.a n iliio .wen-.K’:-. I xt '..v> jnlnyrr rt*li. v;u» -.1 »’":'teo ll.'lh r.'-. | ilO' i !)•• •' •i.i', . , .k.| ...J,!, [ >» " I't.- i •• • .V.l.’iii r i -t ;i.. e ’• * " ;,r : .■■■' . • I l.. I' , Hi l». , '' -• 1 x. ".li«ly I * ■ ' vi'.*;.' *iie ••on «f I -o I 'i • : L ' ' : r. H.-ot {.-il j ’ : ,!l - ’""i .. the veil i ?oi in-iij-’v aivisia.i. '**■> . Vi. • Hi O riCliLETS COfVLK^ION SOON 1 '••I * hOlln • ic* »• \ir*»’ <-v^np |)j • * tr,u* *ri .• »* «o»;iir." -i-.-j off tr.«* Aeu i..' 4*ivvc* ■ s Lm; f»tsz piaro I*,u' ’be Ir. *! t» *•» ihtv ni • pivrmrinr ' 0jZf fur r t'-m r • Vi. lime at • to.ivp.i!.« • ir, h: .c'.d in !»,. i. .. . d-^'l nuitauilt: ».. Nov c nL-r 2'. S.u: .i i. w* hi robit. j Hey chaw r v.» *c h .» t.*. Mi-., laat • • * i1 .** .1* ;»'. • 'le w*-r hr •:**.}■. i i -1 of tjo exrcllcnt mi; 1 mi1 ©?• .'.*e t.Ci > ..on. »r • 'h..* : i. i'tr.nffi a » 1" • ’ »• ■* :•» * r.i j. in liar-- 1. rl.i-on „f node rpr.-iiiid Ifirt ye- . *.; v.al un c*,*wim-:.t* lui I i< y< .r jt b » rjal r.cf A nimd.rn.il:> -ju. c cl $0 wll be sf.von |o ii.* i*.niii j* n the violin wad cl; < > :*iicc co'i.cat- und $4 each 10 the i.j.uir a*iu banjo co/iniitanta. The rotiton h op- . 'n 111 who are nci piofcMional* at Uie biulncm and thera enn be no doubt but that it i* meant to bavw eonteeta open and •“V4- wlli the view to girt ere will he a mall adtntolon ilu-o' ui the door fn- thi.* enter U>ir*mei;t. Thcr; will be $25 g veo in ifriw-i i.i Ui* cnntocla' ta «"d then • hoy mhv«* choi^n a wotlhy rwu/r in v*h!ch to **>*»id th* uurpiu* eerninw* of tA* cvcninpr. lh« Hchscl ii aorciy n nrou of r> >din: *r.1 the man ,M-rr/.i t h. • *.1 * ».*v . ihr: nl the * .1 •'*. .1 • • 1 . .i% i'ii.r*nt I . #J| 4 * • • •, ..... . * \ • c c •* ’**» . » »n : ii. *»»i1 ! * . 1 ! •• •• •• : ’ 'it >o«r • v •* i . . . t have In • V iiia./ iv. .ifn;r N'vembor i *...| 1 <■ *: * :> tHc j.t.-i. ■ 2k **'n • .v 1.. r#o* «• r^'ir r*l*jir. I ui . %. u\. c;.-l «>r*e iK* o*'l btfijn n.iJ i* 1 .1 jr f*i ,oi. limb* ■••• for th# 7*ui* t*l*> . G'.rv! p'.mplc fjii a. »;»*• ^ I V ‘I*!*.? «l»rr. **x: "I v *e h?v- -ricc.-^ C mIot. N.v.-* ib/pjtch. 0!CCOV*.R4 a VaIF. Or PERFECT FEET Nvw nrk. »%. ir.— A pai« of Mrtv'l !oti. .• • rh« I n*U:-f fc.rvl In 4 ?-'• ii -» . !)»»-r» 1.'./vV'*i«Kl ’ll Nrw v*»ilt :#■'*! i* : • nl n-/*' 1 ^hr»^T. Tb-.» • -s« * •!*'.* r^da?>* aro ovned by II!. E“.«.‘lai«ih l.'nyb, m niiiMf. They v«*: e iW-r^Vt*. r«! by »• whfl darr-i! ‘ or to ,hr»rc i ic-m lu Jifiib«n H. Civ r of *.*•«' r.Wt jK-rl atrk '•ii‘l!t.iU', .O' nf feet tb< u>l Ir. ric/:«k-d MU? IViylcS ci».’*Jfd rn the prluc tc > ! <» n-4-r.i'J' 1 r.> J-. .nnicy ar th« foui I clUTr bjiiih .• t line tf.hbliou. ML»> I r«»y i- Kni o’i tiori ^ jh,'- itiii loot l.r.: . th’.n ><>.•»* vlicit Itr. nv/.ii«l wr«J T '*" * *_ t A vial |Wi.atb*vo ur.it » rial llri • r s •'•>’•1 Ii:** •..off;- i'l.nhi‘.aiioe. ■ maMTisri. m '•>«• L I'tr-mJ*" Jutl t'tr 1 hi’le rr.1 'n . •*1* #u*r rtt-t of tin ii in o'.' aoad fa'tl < .“.ill! ;h<- h/.lr " • 1 dll».” )!«■ rol krl i h> i ft in-r ,»i«l c»ir n' i lor. an. • govo Id* «!)• tvjeicinj. J.*N-V, ther l fo.rn lli,« fell, i-lor «'••* : eoi'kinar i' r. l!'f lit:eir»; i r> ■ )>■■ nt; Dl l'. .lie 7 n■!. r Ia~i'. "Ml of lh» c !lv <'• ncr ci. ! or. iho.o liulvf 1o th r «• •.iw«..rrr» aiv.1 mail hi' r I!.1: mone '. ’ nr t'i v *rh'i .'lliot alia ilnloly wot.V l* Iff/ .U'. 'i '<"r • ~ d f'l !fa.l tiUUa T)o '1 h.v to •••« v.'h» mt;* would thin m’v'lt hi.'" tti{'• •.* nlrtkw wil than t n reoacHbo In ilu’c p o unritlom hii 0 be c- J Hi'd above ifl I'le .! dirt f i.1 < nt •- |y th. J.i'ti eblioH "f « If> « c ni* l> linert;filin'). ' li-n w'm v Jr l- Ifi’i'i'rh rt ll^io-ji lie-*'iifM..OTI. Ji f perdiiii} no •>. PuuHeUy and tlenoa 1 iiinlif-nfl r-ToJ,,f o ovirein mi I* fo W ty lo vMtupi.. in r,|,iv«; an • fi:lfl'li t.iiifc the feoilei c .r*; tn prt t e . '. v .1 dV.'.afl I kflj: aro.nit) end .ov a Li eh.». 'Hint ' ’O*lire that the malm t* -f n ?• •• n*‘ ‘Tor.* li*n ..a. w c »i th.1 rH' tt'/"fta*u and wort mre if .ip' i;r < ft *"« iirrrvcl work at a ■li all wi e f- jd. nod f. el lr„; nc ^ ►i t» ds’Iv ll-r'k 'Hi for thin provide i- «r ! d’ et'fjlut..' rnrlalntv of "• fon

Paid—Other Mellon ! , •'*, t!,c monthly mertln I County Board of Cnmmiisionej Jii Monday, every member being prw ordered that Auditor E j*' Oeiutld place hU 0. K. on put i! •'*iu • l t-r Ibi county. In other word] ■" eouhly hjditor i» the purebasinj I! i of ibr county, and any per . " ’ ao-'i'K a voucher in pay for ma . ' " fnnurhed mart But be eertali . Ii ’til .1 |j mode “recnimble and pay t- for" through the county audi Maltese of complaint in regard ti iux *J*if,’ln«i»t» will hereaftar be ro | Icrml in the lax assessors of th< liu'.Mti township*. '•sl'nigtn.r. “baby” lawyer, Cavl’ I d H. Ill own, was appointed vle< I is-eernrr. Hr w.ll act whenever H sc i ■t.:o*viis that Judge Levinson is on I xii.-- to sit in judgment. Ui»‘ni!l Agent Hudson of the De I |.ii.riat--l of Agriculture appeared • -».■ Use board and appealed foi -it- s npoimmi-nt of n furm demon inti v.i ngent In Harnett. Mr. Hud '••i i ndrn, orod to show the great • • -I rt an agent’s services here, but board was not in mood to cen err -the matter seriously at this ■■ !n< the whole matter was de ' - i'td till the December mooting, T.ir board paxsed an order allow • nif nnv person whose land was sold toi taaes to rcderit the same -.o. to n.ember, with the proviso l* i’er rent penalty would at Inrli and bn collectible together with • principal. Xclll Hiilmon, special tax collector, Al -'l'Vu virncOung over 9500 taken 61 di-linnucnt texts, for which he .an,led m check. Oiiiei minoi routine matters were >3owl upon by thr board_Harnett •.ounty News. 'ffVESTIGATE DEATH OF MRS. PAUUNE G. LINK B'±* A»J Specimen T*h.e T» Chapel Hill —May Bo Criaii wl Abortion Cuo M»r. hrud Cily, Nov. 16_Solicitor <■?>■•* H. Dnvia and Dr. C. 8. Barker, • i Mew lictn. left here thl* afternoon fir Chapel Hill, to which place Urey me taxing a specimen from the dead body of Mia. Pauline Glover Unit, txhnmcd today, following burial Monday afternoon. The post mortem examination waa made by Dr. R. g. Prigwroac, Dr. R. N. Daffy and Dr. C. of C i - Beot'’tCOr^SS Tr-tne iead woman being present at the autopay. Pending the mlcroaeop cal examination to be made by Dr. Bullet, pathologist at tha Univcraity of North Carolina, the report of the finding, here will be withheld. It was upon Information which rhewed > the possibility of criminal iihor: «n that Solicitor Davis ordsred ;he body exhumed and the examina tion made that more minute detailed eintimation might be had to disclose ?"<'•» the character of the finding*. Mia. Link was the widow of J. W. Closer, who w.u a victim in a double tr..g< dy horu when he, about five vear< ago w.ia shot and killed by fJorlic Salter, who was simultane ously killed by hit victim, Glover. Aniu! two years ago the was married to William H. lank, a naval officer -l'itioiK'd at Camp Glenn. Following 1 short illoeM, Mia. Link waa on 8at i S'day taken to Now Bern for an op IciaVon, Dr. iRaymond Pollock, of K. vs Bo. n. being called in at the re ipest i; f the drecaued. nc diagnoeod tr.e ease of peritonitie. Mr*. Link died n t ie _N«w Bern houpltal Sunday morning, following Da operation Sat urday. Mr. Link waa 60 mile* at tea. iipnml for n South American port, when notified by radio of hit wife's denv-c. A pawing ship bound for Nor folk was stopped and Mr. Link waa taken on board. He arrived here Tuesday morning. The dead woman leaves three chil dren. awl eight, raven and frv*, all i'er firut huriiand. The children will inherit a fortune variously esti mated at half a million dollars. Must businesses are big because i,I« men aru behind them. CAROLINA COMPANY ’ . STRIKES COAL VEIN k . rtnr. rent, Nov. 18.—'The Carolina Coi.1 Company struck a rjch vain of i coal In Ha mine in Chatham county ■ f-vt i»e<■<>•» »hr IVop R|v8r from i Cumnock, and about one mil* from • -1,0 Cumnecn Coal Minim; Company’s I mine In l.oe county. The vein was i round at n depth nf approximately i 700 fe*t. "'<* «a about 4 f««t thick ■ with, «» 18 * l»nh parting be r irvroi* II »nn another vein 2 feet In • '.btoknesa. , This company haa been digging for • coal for about flvw years. Th# coal ► it th««,in u'Vr,1- nuauutic* tn .lucctsluile the bulMing 0f a rail - road three Mis and interllneatiorfs jg^Btng wlreh they rdl read with oma^But and greatest interest. It was ths invUaflh to the nations to the arms conjKeo. After soma eo^Hktcc among the party, it was dag^Bta forward the text to SoeratarvBbghn*. a.id . the yacht MayfloweifBlo up for the night In the atHl |B>> of n seclud ed cave in tho r«Bp* of the river, bunted off from M I wiroleu that aight to tho &t*^Bpepartmcnt the words which lata^Brc to bring around the vorldiB Of course, Ovw^Btainanr diplo matic feeler • waa>^BjM>1Ued to the nations cogaem^^Va* >t ia said that th* text of dB and formal invitation a**it tJBwent out wav substantially tht'IM •* Pres’deat TlardLr.fr had couasBd It that night while rvstln^on dSBfaht Mayflower down the river. TH The evolution fflb concrete. Am erican r~r» limitation —alas heard aromtttM world at the first session, la jfijJyiottiLr story. dome admirer a Qmf* ascribed them I to Secretary Qujgf alone, while some other iHrseEa’fcgvc declared they were the ghMoatc escort of the four ..ilf Bst~‘~i of whom Mr. Hughs* ia ocaBrarybody seems agreed that they SB n®t drafted by naval officers aadB*"* everybody hat left out PrasiSt Harding until today’s "inside etd^gfgon to doeu That atutl#lijpr .be four Am erican delegates Vtd Preaid eel Hand ing. The others wurked on various phases of th* proposal It ia known, of course, that it eras baaed on mem oranda culled from the blavy Depart ment, and It was carried late execu tion by the American ‘‘Big Four" which Secretary Hughes hearts, but :thc “big idea” on which the plan is belli, the "malde »tory” soya came from President Hording. | Final Settlement Of Lucknow Case Coming J Superior Court To Decide Between , 'Claim* Of Tuwn A.d R.ll mad TMa Week Final disposition of the caw in | which the town of Dunn and the At lantic Coort Line Railway company < ire contending f°T potato,inn of Lucknow Square, “ valuable piece of 1 nroperty iltoatodI In the heart of ■ Dunn'* builneaa district, la expected Ihia week when attorneys for the contender* will SjUr the matter in I Harrctt C-ounty Superior Court. F.mcst F. Yomox and Godwin and William* arc reprr'entlrg the town, - and Cook pnd Coo*. of rayrttcville. ore attorneys for the raih-otid. The town's attorneys *r», they say. con fidant that they *111 win a verdict. The case ia on the calendar to begin Tuesday. I.ucknow Hquaro, used a cotton market for more than fifteen year., covers two block* “'tween Broad and Divine Street* aad Railroad Avenue and Lucknow 8<|oare West. A con servative eetimate places it* value at about $100,WO. The town contend* Hurt it wa* dedl**ted to public urn by railway ofBeinls when the. town was platted. They “«ve wltncMe* who will testify that they wen present when this wa* done. Acting upon the assumption that R war public property, the booed of town eautmls c.onan taut year turned tha property i over to tlio Woonan’s Club whose - member* dcairod to convert it into * public park. When the wo***n started to carry out their progi** uf beautification i they were stopped by a restraining order isooed at Irrtanev of the ■ railway company- That order I* still I In force and wfll remain *o until tha - matter ia i-ettlod this week.' i SIX PERSONS KILLED i IN MOTOR ACCIDENT I Johnstown. Fa- Nov 17.—SI* per • sons went killed hero early thla ■ morning iwhen tku automobile In whieh they wore riding crashed r through the guard rail* of the Wood i vale bridge spanning the Pennayhr* . Me railroad cut and fell to the > tnkki fifty foot below according t to report* received at the office uf . Deputy Coroner JL R. Yost. The car I overtimed aa it fell, planing the pas , irngeru beneath it. killing some of Uiem Instantly, it Wna reported. According la Deputy Coroner Toat'* reports, member* of the party had been visiting nt the home of s Mr*. Bolen Costiew. near the place of the accident, end were returning h;to their home when the automobile - got beyond, control on a curve near ^ the approach When aid arrived all r the passengers wore dead, tho report stated. I | Gold Holding*Reach ; New Record In America f Thro* Ami Half MIHaa DalWs Ward Of Gald Cota Now la Gold holdings of the 1United Slate*, thi- world'* solo creditor notion, . mouuwd to a n*w high record last r month, approximating the stupendous I *un of *g.hop,000,000. Statistician* > Miami* this to be 36 to 40 per cent of the world'* viiible lupply. Of thie amount the twelve P*der> i al Rc.rrvu hanki hold a total of a hoU* *030,000.000, tha botk of which • cpow* fn the vaoh* of the local ia uiiuUoB. Some of the gold bear* the stamp of nationi born after the European cataclysm and tome of tha minted metal u aim oil a* rare and strange ip tho average observer as an eld t.mc Spanish doubloon. Part of the gold teat her* by Car Many to meet reparation, payment* to the allies am* laid to be Preach ctm i Uui. lYor) extracted by Gcr many Iron franei m indemnity *f. tor the Kraaeo-Prussian war In 1870. The amount of geld bar* sew held by the local amay oflet Is not dia .?.***!' b"‘ 1,10 morbine™ of that In dilution ha* been taxed to capacity f-cniittj, reducing foreign bullion to requisite Ancncs* for the domestic market. Bar* valued at many millions of dollar* bav* been shipped from -hi* dty to Philadelphia mint in tha a'i,frw wonlk* to be mad* Into coin, Thr many national and stats banks of this city, together with ■ filiated ’•ms*, roapaaies, tho Naw York Clear House and almost countless pri vate money changers sad dealers in rain and bullion probably will hold ot this time a total of between *1, 000,000 and lt.460,000,000. ■ LONDON MEAT MAJUCET IS GLUTTED! TRICES DECLINE The London ment market I* glutted according te a cable te the United Stele* Department of Agriculture from tbe American Agricultural Com miaaloner at London, dated October 31. Price* haea damped and e«ld utorage* arc filled. Approximately I .ooii.ooO eareaarea ef lamb and mut ton are being held lu refrigerated -hip* in the Thame*. The widvapruad drop in prleea 1* said te be daa to poverty. Tho Brlliab Government la holding approximately 3,240,000 pound* of mutton. The aapplie* of home-lcilltai mutton are plentiful, da# te the high price* ef feedatuffa. The wholMUle price of Scotch beef ha* deervaaed 4 * rente per pound, and of chilled beef t eanta, liner September tl. New Zealand lamb «■ rriling at 14.4 eetn* per pound whole sale. a drep of 4.S eente in cue month. The price of mutton kai decraaaed by 1.4 eenta elnce September tl and la now ecIKng at )t.i cent* par pound arholemle; rwc* at 1.8 eanta. Heavy supplies of meat are reported te hr afloat. Churah Lealurer Very Olaauiy Detroit, Mich , Nev.1T—The ebrta Itlan church mutt awaken the peepla ef tbe world te tbe fact that a great peril (confront* mankind, that ’the downfall of elvlltiattan la met un thinkable. Q. Stitt Wilton, of Berko lev. CaU church lecturer, told delo gate* to tbe Methodfct Bptacopal eon ferunco here today. , JUDGE M’ELROY IS . DOBHjJflS DOTY Sonde All Ceorkled Vielitai Of Liquor Law* To Rondo Iu IrodoD j Statesville, Nov. 18.—If -*n|ngon| i prove effective in -*—»■— : ? lKt. violator* ot the Uqooe laws! . *tr>de forward in the matter of tho '* *Ho liquor trafle lo Irwlell county. There were a large number ot men convicted of the U H<-:t bojInvM, tome of whom flood guilty. When tho erioiinal docket wu« completed, all wore filed into the coon room to rcc*fv# tfeoir senten ce*. Some ot the defended* had lorn famine* that wore entirely depend ont open them for the acceuKUe of life; others were shown to be mt fllrted with variaw dSpatoeY and afl me»te that rendered than an this to perform hard nhnieal labor. Attor ney* for the defendant* made car* '**?’ .el<*l“ent »“<* often vary tender S3, *ove them, with only one snMioo. sentences on the wWsg—». These who were proven to bare been dis eased were gfvon sentences oa Urn road* at “wefc labor at they mo physically able to perdeem.* The judge stated that reasonable week te the open air would not likely bo te joriou* to the health of tho aRIctod one*. Two boy*, however, who had loot passed the age of 16 and were there fore beyond the age at which they could be admitted to ihoJeckEi Twining school at Concord wore oa trndbed marry at the hand* of Judge Yf^r-Jhe bo,U>U“£*4, 6U«W*n forcible trespass. They had a* tones of a criminal look in their facet and the coort announced that he would thorn a ckaace to make heaor sMe, upright and useful citiMna. Hit judgment eat that they appear in court for two ytan* and shew good behavior; in oase they were naahia to prove that their conduct had boon good, they wore to begin at once ebamrang aanteoeaa. “You hove toot choice between right living for the next two year* or chaingong eiotss ccs." Mid the judge, gcriag the hoys aosne wholesome advise. In teanen tion with peering sentence npon laopMag AUmtlNwta Grave ■ °" Friday afternoon, NwmkM hi Washington on meTe af our people were not oet to hear him. . B. H. Hodges, of Aickdo City. Tvxns. accompanied by hi* wife, vis ited relative* end hi* eld friend* end comrade* in and around Newton Grove last weak. He loft Newton Grove 37 year* age and this ie hi* firat visit aincs ho left We won aD delighted to tea him. Ha U a brother of Cooper Hodge of near Clinton. Mr*. Jalta Cooper, ef Faison and Mr*. R. A. Ingram, of Newton Grove. Hj home la near the Red river an.l not far from tha Mexican border. He boa boon engaged in (he stock basin*** ■ large port of the tha* since be left here and has mad* good and has now retired from btdtsn. The crops In this section am much better than was expected. Cotton la better than last year and farmer* are wdl up with picking end tha most of it h ginned and a large por tion sold. Oar people ore looking forward for n delightful time at too Hdrn convention, which la to moot in the •chool auditorium on th* evening ef the 26th met. Miaseo Richardson and Cox, two of the faculty ef tha Newton Grove hMi school, arrived last Saturday and win Join the other teachers today, Nov ember Id-—Clinton Now* Dispatch. . THE FORGOTTEN MAN In estimating a civilisation it la th* neglucted and forgotten man more than any other that mm* ho taken into account. When you build a house, you make the .trengaot part af It, *”d the boom, however ornate Mo sfasatr A community in not rich hiianaa It contains n few rich man, it to not healthful because it contain a few strong men, it i* net inUltigoat bo cause it contains a few aton af learn ing. nor is it ef goad morals beasuss ■ it con lain* good woman—if the root I of the population aleo be not woU-to , do, or healthful or Intelligent, or of rood morals. The common people U th* elooo 1 most to he eonsfaonsd in th* Stro* ■ turo of civilisation. • Moreover, is proportion ns any • community in the organisation of Mi • society or Io th* development of ftti • institutions lays emphasis on its few • rich man, or it* few cultivated man. it Is likely to forget and to nogled ■ iu very foundation*. It Is not thus* small clasaos that s really make tha community what II ' ^ do^rmloe th* condition ot ■ IU health, the soundness of Ha eaoia • {tractor*. IU economic value and ft r level of life. The security sad th. J soundness of hbv Whole body or. \ Fa^g^aaErai Bonjosnhi FraakUn rav. this ad vice to a young maa: "Eton aa exa* account for tom* Uar, bn& af you h ry»»r H yw • toko the point ot first to -infill 2 Kt^wowin aL£: ■—.* • I IfX. JVI Will ViNvVlT ifV VORMI k fully am all trifling ixyiuuoi mean r- «p u large turns, sad will dtoour f what might have bora and msy to f the future bo mvsd without oesw ioalng say groat 1-Tsslsass ~ (BOOSE FINE CAST FOR “KATCHA KOO” p^i». - *H»i»«iin of n>«* The aMith mil duo atadrimg •Mm wJ« iGm XmM OM tort taken np, aw eng ether eeeuan nlty^pneblaaei. the gaeafiee ef taw that towel?Awertee*inti tern jhw earfighttag i jitmnt li the i# eer ilna are del”'to*wr an think that aw EfnAe he iidn3!d abaJtJT! T"**y taw, and there iuTwnn s2x’warKE.’’2’c: Sr’s,2 ssi^ssss” jsa wtn ttanildar and eogat tn fallow, 1- Dent leer* watehee lying t round. ^ B. Can’t tear* gacaUaa and an near store. B. Dent etait fire with eU 4. Don’t let children yUy with MfttalMt. I. Dent feO U hare the wiring at year beaee tainted. ✓ fi. Dent leer* a fire in kiwi end go oat. V. Dent leave drawee near fire when wen retire eg might. I. Dent threw dgarrtte etnho ea < °7 *D»n’t hart fire in yard an a • windy day. 10. Dont let on Heraa Ugtate ran I tea high. n Deat aleaa glenea with gaeo* line near n fire. ■ It. Dent tot ehtaaay finan.fe I la need ef repair. owe