THE DUNN DISPATCH , umimp tmr w5ST MID ftOAT. -t*a im. »• Drnn. M. CL. motor *» Ml M wah t, Utl. u xnairron, MM* 'Ura* natha- A* antka.. ttl* <'>* year....——Hm • • _,_ Before this journal of Igb Ml >m or) 11 bar* boa taM to fee polio to cap root year proftToaeo a* regard* 'he mIo of Dunn's electric ryoteo* to th* Carolina Paw«r and Light C*M l«y. During th* laet few week* wo have ^ van our aoodeat way to giro yaa an the Information avaflakb t* w* *a ♦hs subject Wa treat that yaa hero benefittad by tki* effort. If a Mojir Hy at yon vote for th* aria, wa knew 'hat yon hare. / Pale of tk* ayrtaai auaaa so more to aa than it dooa tk* average Dm* -under of tkia pahlleaBuu. It wfll gtv* vu better *ad am ilrywtoM* eer .■ire at lew cost It wfll da th* m*b* t'ar you. Vmrw are rant wka djplik* the idd of wiling to a corporation. They nrc anicted with that HiaMt extinct iliscaea knew u trutiphobla near vfcich until a few jam ago waa so formidable a weapon la tha toads of thoaa who would mount to pawn* through tto rala af legitimate boet net*. They exp ran tha fear that aaea 1*l«» mighty corporation gets tta tan Uelaa upon oar town it will narer tot That is a vary foclidt ftsr. Look .•'boat yon. Remember tto telijhose rtrvico wo tod b of ora tto Bdl Sys tem came to towa with one af its subsidiary campaaim aad placed «a ■" communication with tto outside worfdt Of coaraa pan do. Tratal Young aad a few amoaeates bnOt a Ulaphana ryaUm hare. It woo a srood ayatam aa far aa it want. Bat Mr. Toang waa glad to raliaqaidf hold whan ha found that a bigger and more aBciant waa wtfHag to aaeoa control. Yoa am a bene ficiary of that change. The town of Dana want ate tto electric light aad power *—taam ho caatm It cmdd ast Sad toy mm stea ta giro it aarraal. It has always tost on that hastnoaa. If tha towa of Dean wm ha tedhridaal aad tod tto sight tate**’ **mamawt’***mil ’"'*** ' dweller*. Da yoa apt Shk that yoa votdd to piayteg a rattor maaa trick 90 *ha ether fellow If yoa da mot go o * ?-hla cotton h“ ,old» here on our market thia year, fron to Soc per pound. A considerable number of buyers am mils that have used our cotton tell me that our cotton haa thi inest character they have found in the Carolina*. My seed are improved from the noted Hartaville No 1! itrarn. They are pure, acclimated, double cleaned and abso utely free from weevil. They are put up in new bags, 2 1-1 jushels to the bag and are now ready for delivery. Price Si >er bushel f. o. b. Dunn. N. C. Pull remittance must aecom J? «y,„?r Vld "0 order will be accepted for less than one bat >f 2 1-2 bushels. Send your orders In promptly as my presen inpply is limited. If your order reaches me after seed are al told your money will be promptly returned. You need havi 10 fear about planting all your cotton crop In thia seed. ro ?£ ?HEAI>5rEYO«L^5ju?f! CAN BUY WILL BE THI B. O. Townsend, Dunn, N. C, if SPECIAL SALE! ^ ipve if 10-piece set of ware FREE with each Ma * i®8*10 Range bought this week—December 5 to 10. ’■i .^aVL P ^°PP. Majestic representative, with us and will take pleasure in showing the superior qualities of the Majestic over all others. i The best is cheapest. The Majestic has proven itself best for 40 years. ‘ i* ' / — _ » • ■ m ' > - IF you need a range there is no belter time than | now. The price j is cheaper and a , handsome set of ? v \ 'ware free. « l t L UMiemcjl Get rid of that old troublesome stove ^ and save fuel and time in the kitch en. Get your Majestic Range NOW, * SALE CLOSES SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1921 Butler Brothers, Dunn, North Carolina